Welcome 2019! And welcome to the January Tarotscopes!
It would be fantastic to enter a New Year with a clean slate, a blank page, and to start from scratch, but life isn’t like that.
I end the year something like this (including the wine, and I wish I looked like her) ………
and start the New Year like this (for about an hour) …………
We don’t get a clean slate, necessarily, but we do get a boost of ‘energy’ from the start of the New Year. There is always high energy around the Ace cards in tarot, and it helps to get things moving. In numerology 2019 is reduced to a ‘3’ number (2+0+1+9=12, then 12 is added together 1+2=3). This number is associated with early signs of success, which the number 3 tarot cards mostly represent, too. So what am I getting at? Whatever we carry over into 2019 we can approach with a new perception, attitude and vigour – especially if we let the tarot cards guide us. We can use the high ‘energy’ of the New Year to get up some speed and strength, and perhaps get better control of our life. If this ‘3’ year is going to give us some achievements, lets harness the energy around us and make that success grow!
There are some powerful cards coming up in a lot of these tarotscopes, and many of us are set for a good start already, but success only really comes with application and effort – it won’t fall in our laps. So, perhaps our New Year Resolution should be to just pace ourselves and keep up a sustained approach to achieving our desires.
Please scroll down to find your star/zodiac sign to read your January Tarotscope, and please do feel free to share with your friends and family, as these are genuine tarot readings.
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Wishing you an amazing 2019!! May we all enjoy it to the full!
Love and Light and Excitement
Patricia x

King of Cups, The Star, The Hermit, Five of Cups
On the whole, there are some strong developments in January, these will be on quite a personal level, and it looks as though it is important that you deep dive into your own needs this month.
Relationships, it seems, are something you feel you are knowledgeable about, and that is all very well, but the King of Cups suggests that the issue could be that you are still afraid of committing to a partnership because of the fear that they can cause pain.
You do however have a lot of faith, in other aspects of life, that things will come right in time and providing you still put the effort into day to day details, you know that everything you do will have an effect, even if it seems trivial and unimportant at the time (The Star). This is a quality worth utilising to help you through the month. Patience and diligence will bring their own reward. Keep your eyes on The Star.
From time to time you appear to recognise the need to disappear into your cave to rediscover your needs and to find your pathway, when it doesn’t seem clear to you what you should do. This is absolutely the right thing to do. The Hermit indicates it is time to find your ‘light’ again, and to shine it brightly for all to see. It is so easy to fall into the trap of working and existing in line with other people, and their expectations, and this is not our task on earth – our task is to find out who we really are, and to do what we feel is right for us. You would probably be surprised to find that you would be an inspiration to others, if you adopted this attitude.
Whilst close inspection of your own needs is necessary, it might be at the risk of neglecting a relationship (not necessarily a romantic one). The ability to change your mindset to a more positive one will certainly help in this case. A relationship is always a two-way street, and just remembering what this person brings into your life on a positive level will bring a greater appreciation of their involvement in your life.
All these cards together suggest that you need to find a positive focus for your thoughts and ambitions and start to work towards a truly defined path. If you do, you’ll find out just how many qualities you really do have.

Seven of Swords, Three of Cups, Eight of Cups, Eight of Pentacles
Everybody can twist the truth or manipulate situations at times, especially to bring about an easier solution to a problem. However, there are times that this is not justifiable, especially if it is you that is considering doing this. The Seven of Swords indicates this is a time when hiding the truth or twisting it is not ok, and to do so would only create deeper and more complex issues; so stay on the straight and narrow and you will save yourself a lot of angst in the long run.
Relationships might be a key theme in January. On the one hand the Three of Cups suggests something is likely to occur to prompt a celebration – maybe a baby, an engagement or a marriage, perhaps. On the other hand the Eight of Cups suggests a despair about a relationship that you feel has lost its magic, and you feel it is impossible to recover it. If this is truly the case, and not just your own mindset, then sometimes it is best to move on and start the healing process. It will not do any good to hang on to something for the sake of it. That way lies more pain. Recovery would probably come much sooner than you think.
The Eight of Pentacles augurs well on a financial front, in that there is real substance to what income you have, or the material situation you are in. To enhance an already good situation, in terms of your work and home, this card suggests some skill training or upgrading would really work to your advantage.
All the cards together suggests that some parts of your life need balancing. On the home/income front all seems well, but relationships and your interaction with them might need some attention.

Knight of Wands, Judgement, Knight of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles
The Knight of Wands might be asking you to push yourself out of your comfort zone and try taking on some tasks that you might normally avoid. In order to achieve great things one needs to go beyond the norm and tackle the issues that hold you back. You might need to be more demanding of your own needs to make headway in your quest. At the same time, Judgement comes to shine its light on your behaviours and you might find that for good, or bad, depending on how you act toward others, you could be subjected to the same treatment. Hopefully being under the spotlight of Judgement your inner beauty will shine like a jewel for all to see.
There should be a considerable difference in your material situation this coming month, that is providing you continue to work diligently and carefully (the Knight of Pentacles). Paying attention to the detail of all you undertake should pay off on a financial level. So much so, that the Queen of Pentacles suggests that you could well be in a financial situation to care for and provide for the people you consider deserve your help. This Queen is self sufficient, powerful and more than capable of providing for herself and those around her.
All in all, these cards suggest a very successful month both in terms of respect for your actions, and in your material standard of living, but this will come only if you sustain the effort and care you put into everything you undertake.

Ten of Wands, Nine of Swords, The Empress, Five of Cups
Whatever has taken so much of your time and energy looks very close to reaching the end of this difficult cycle. Although you probably feel exhausted and that you do not feel you have the energy to continue, you are really close to reaching your goal, so don’t give in now. The Ten of Wands indicates the physical strain and the Nine of Swords represents the mental strain. Whilst you might just feel that you’ve had enough, it is worth pushing on because you are almost there and the success of this difficult time is just around the corner.
The Empress is striking standing in the centre of the other cards and indicates just what a powerful influence you really are – especially in terms of the relationships around around you. Sometimes perhaps your temper might flare, and you might be a little frustrated about certain relationships you are involved in (Five of Cups), you might even despair at times that certain relationships just aren’t going to work. All the cards around The Empress suggest that it is the circumstances around you that have created the issues not the relationships themselves. She suggests that as the current difficulties come to an end, it is time for nurture, and for nature, to make things bloom again – and that suggests that, in all aspects not just in terms of the people around you, things should get better at your hands. It looks like it is time for you to reappear as yourself and not the person who has been tied to these difficulties to date.
The Empress alongside the other cards, really indicates to me that you are now ready to return to who you are. You’ve been taken out of your own world, and plonked into a complicated otherworld for a time, but you’ll be back soon, in all your power and glory!

Death, The Fool, The Wheel of Fortune, Knight of Cups
Whilst the Death card suggests the end of something for you – maybe a job or a relationship, or even just the end of the way things have been just recently – there is often a new opportunity ready to present itself. Sometimes it takes time, but The Fool card suggests this new way of life comes hotfoot on Death’s tail. These two cards alone suggest big changes, but alongside these The Wheel of Fortune (another Major Arcana card) also brings along change.
The new opportunities being offered give you the chance to either grab with both hands or to miss out on something that could make a vast change to your lifestyle, as it is. It is up to you to be ready to take the chances at hand, it is up to you to hang on to the Wheel of Fortune and to allow it to take you to places you never even dreamed of reaching. The Wheel’s spin is unpredictable, so you are going to have to be ready to take the leap, if you want to get places.
The Knight of Cups could well be warning that a dreamy, lackadaisical attitude might prevent you from making the most of what is on offer this coming month. So whilst an awful lot could happen for you in January, it is clear that you could easily miss out on exciting happenings. You should keep alert this month to make the most of what is coming your way.
Overall, these cards indicate big changes are on the way, but don’t leave things to happenstance and make sure you get to have a say in what is happening in your life.

Five of Swords, Three of Pentacles, Justice, The Moon
Everyone is faced with conflict from time to time, and if this happens in January the Five of Swords would advise you to weigh up whether this conflict is worth engaging in, or not. Sometimes it is worth conceding the battle in order to win the war. Should you avoid this conflict, as advised, the subsequent cards indicate that success will come your way anyway. Partly in terms of monetary rewards (Three of Pentacles), and partly in terms of justification (Justice) which will clearly show that you were in the right in the first place. It can be hard to step away from something which is aggravating and hurtful, and something which might seem highly unfair – but hold fast because it will be worth it in the long run – you might have ceded the battle but it looks like you’ll win the war.
The Moon indicates that there is something which does not make sense to you at the moment, there is information you might not be aware of yet, which could change your perception of the matter at hand, so don’t make any decisions around this subject without giving it some time. Eventually, as more information comes out you will understand why. Frustrating as it is, there is always a reason why we must wait for the right time to come about, if things are going to work in our favour.
Overall, these cards indicate that there are very positive outcomes ahead and yet it is possible that there will not be an obvious conclusion to a particular issue by the end of the month. Still, there is a lot of achievement to be enjoyed in the meantime.

The Hanged Man, The Tower, Judgement, The Moon
The Hanged Man suggests a period of time where you feel you are not able to make any headway, and you’ll be required to have patience and submit yourself to a situation you feel have no control over. Whilst that may be frustrating, allow yourself to go with the flow because there is likely to be a reason for this, not least that it is buying some time to study what is going on around you. What you learn in this period of time is likely to be valuable.
The Tower normally represents a total and sometimes scary change in your life, but it also means that you are building a new life on stronger, and more enduring, foundations, which is a really good thing. Change is not easy, and although you may feel you have lost something in the process, in fact you haven’t. Where you were heading was not going to serve you as well as the path ahead.
The Judgement card indicates that you are likely to be under scrutiny by someone for some reason, but you will have nothing to fear, if you have always behaved with respect and honesty, because Judgement will reveal you to have done so; we are all exposed to Judgement from time to time and that is why it is important to live the kind of life we can be proud of.
The Moon suggests that there is some information which is not being revealed to you just yet, so your perception of a situation is not going to be clear. Both The Hanged Man and The Moon suggest that January will not bring forth clarity into where you are heading, so do not make any major decisions just yet – things are in the melting pot and will only be revealed when the time is right, and you are ready.
Whilst some of these cards might look or feel a bit disconcerting, they do in fact suggest that things are taking a turn which will forge a better future for you in the long run. So be patient, and diligent, because the new Tower of your Life will be stronger than ever.

Four of Pentacles, The Sun, Queen of Cups, Four of Swords
The cards are very positive for January in the main.
The Four of Pentacles does indicate a step up is possible in terms of your work or income, but you might find yourself worrying about taking a risk with this opportunity. Things are relatively good for you in terms of home and money, which is great, but if you are considering sticking to what you know, you should understand that by not occasionally taking a risk, you might miss out on something which brings you so much more in terms of your material situation. The Sun indicates that January is an optimum time when everything you undertake will be successful, and it is certainly worth bearing that in mind if you are offered an interesting opportunity to increase your income.
This month is also the optimum time to concentrate on yourself. The Queen of Cups suggests that maybe it is time to give yourself some much needed attention. Pamper yourself. This Queen attracts love incredibly easily because she is very aware of her own beauty and allure – and this Queen will not hesitate to use these qualities to her own advantage. It is likely that you need to give yourself some kudos for your own skills and qualities, and to have some self confidence about what you are capable of, and for you to recognise just what you could achieve, and set your sights at, if only you believed in yourself the way the Queen of Cups does.
This may be the last thing on your mind at the moment since the Four of Swords indicates that you have been through a tough time lately. But, like the Queen of Cups, the Four of Swords is advocating a time of recuperation and rest – an ideal time to discover and embrace the beautiful Queen of Cups within you.
According to these cards you may have a wonderful opportunity ahead of you, and you are due to have some serious help from The Sun. These cards are saying that if you would only recognise your own abilities, inner strength and beauty, and believe you are worthy and ready, then the time is right to achieve great things, so don’t miss out.

Two of Wands, Death, Ace of Swords, Queen of Cups
According to these cards, January is likely to see a new you emerging.
Whatever you are working on at the moment is showing real signs of being the solution to the ongoing problems you were previously encountering, so it is worth engaging fully with what you are involved with, right now (Two of Wands) and this is likely to be something that you are working on in a practical way.
Death would indicate the end to an ongoing situation, and with the Ace of Swords and the Queen of Cups appearing next to it, these cards would indicate a completely different attitude about your ‘self’ is emerging and what you consider to be important, and right, for you might be the catalyst prompting you to leave the ‘old’ ways behind. It seems that you might not be contented to carry on as you have been previously.
The Ace of Swords indicates that there is a new energy around your perception of what you should be doing, and this in itself can inspire change, as you are likely to be questioning why you have been the way you have in the past.
Death, of course, represents the shedding of the old ways. The Queen of Cups represents the person you could become, and are likely to become, if you embrace and accept that you have the attributes to achieve whatever it is you wish for. You will attract what you need, whatever you do.
These cards indicate that you are at the start of a new and very interesting transformation and it is worth remembering the possibilities are endless.

The Emperor, Queen of Pentacles, Strength, The Tower
To me, I can’t help but feel that the cards are telling me that you are going from strength to strength, figuratively speaking, (notwithstanding the actual Strength card in the spread).
The Emperor and the Queen of Pentacles side by side suggest there is little you are not capable of doing, and in particular, that you would always be the last person to give up regardless of the task at hand. The male/female balance between the cards indicate exactly that – you are aware of, and use, both the masculine and feminine attributes you have. Both cards indicate clearly the sure hold you have over your own domain, and personal income.
The Strength card might be suggesting that you should be watchful of pride, or how carefully you should channel the very strong energies that come from within, or those you might encounter. This card could also indicate, though, that you have already learned to how to use your abilities when tackled with a challenge. Either way, you are in a strong position and you just need to be careful of how you use that strength.
The Tower could indicate a big change coming for you, which can often be viewed as scary or painful and could be an upset. But for me, The Tower in this spread, following the previous cards could be indicating that you are getting to a place where you are learning to easily withstand the storm.
These cards together suggest you are creating something very strong and powerful, and that you are more than capable of handling any issues that come your way!

The World, The Chariot, King of Cups, The Magician
The World is at your fingertips! You are now heading to achieve all that you hoped to achieve. You have armed yourself along the way with the all the skills and attributes you need to succeed. It is now up to you as to how you use those abilities to make them work for you. The World card suggests that it is all available for you if you wish to make headway in January.
The Chariot would suggest being careful to not be pulled or pushed in different directions from the one you wish to go. This might be a tall order sometimes, but you will need a firm hand on the rein, a clear vision of the road you need to take, and to steer yourself with confidence. With you guiding the Chariot with strength of mind and hand, you will reach your destination.
Don’t allow yourself to neglect your own emotions, however, because the King of Cups suggests an avoidance of getting involved in relationships because of the fear of pain. This King knows about love and emotion, but is not willing to submit himself to the chance of being hurt. This might not necessarily be focused on romantic love, though it could be, but possibly a reminder to be aware of the emotion, and love, around you which does need to be nurtured. However, the need for love is important – especially on a romantic level, so allow yourself a little leeway in this respect.
The Magician is indicating you have it all to play for. Use all of your skills and creativity to head down the most important and exciting road you have travelled yet. The Magician knows your magic is real – you just need to believe it yourself!

Nine of Swords, Knight of Cups, Two of Swords, King of Swords
This coming month appears to be one in which you should be using your mental alacrity to the full. Whilst a difficult situation looks to be nearing completion, there is still a lot which needs to be carefully thought out and handled.
It is the Nine of Swords which indicates a tricky situation is nearing completion, and this card suggests that you might be at a stage where you are consumed with the mistakes you have made, guilt or self destructive thoughts. The message from this card is to not beat yourself up by directing all the blame at yourself. What has happened cannot be changed, it happened, and there is probably a lot you, and the people involved, have learned in the process. Nothing is wasted, so don’t be so hard on yourself. Start by changing your attitude and look to the positives that have come out of the situation. This way everyone can move forward.
The Knight of Cups suggests that there is little commitment to love, or emotions, right now, and this is worth thinking about, too. Try to make an effort to engage your heart with your head to keep some balance in this situation. This Knight tends to be a bit dreamy and ineffectual – make sure you are not.
You might be a little reluctant to face more conflict ahead and the Two of Swords indicates you might want to avoid it, this could be a mistake because the situation might get worse if you don’t tackle it. The King of Swords says you can do this, if you keep your head, use your logical aptitude, be alert and he is sure you will find the solution. You can master this situation, but you need to be informed, and logical, in the way you deal with this – keep your head clear but don’t lose sight of your emotional side in the process – and you’ll manage it perfectly well.
These cards overall are clearly saying that whilst you need to be alert, you must keep in touch with your emotional side too, as you might come across as being too dismissive, and perhaps a little heartless. It does need a strong mind to deal with this, but a little love can go a long way too.
Happy New Year to you all!!
End of Tarotscopes.
I am a Gemini
I hope you enjoyed reading your tarotscope Maria 🙂