Happy New Year!!
Perhaps reading your Tarotscopes for January 2021 will set you off on a good footing for the coming year. Remember that the Universe does not work to timescales as we know them, and that it might take some weeks before you start to feel any change for the better is arriving. Some astro signs completed cycles in the last couple of months and things are beginning to blossom for them now, but others may be completing earlier in the coming year. Have faith that the coming year is likely to bring some much better events than the last. Not least because we have entered a new Age of Aquarius. I’m no Astrologer, but this is about Saturn and Jupiter being the closest since 1623 and (I read) that we may be entering a phase which is more about ‘we’ than ‘me’, with a focus on humanity caring for each other and the world we live in.
I hope so.
Scroll down to read your Tarotscope for January and please do share with your friends and family – it will be much appreciated.
Stay safe and well.

Life is always going to bring challenges and conflicts to our door simply because we are asked to learn about and understand the differences of other people. The Five of Swords, however, is a card which advises us to choose our battles instead of hurtling into each and every conflict as a knee jerk reaction – this also helps to develop our wisdom. Should you be faced with a challenge this month it might be wise to consider whether it is something you should spend your effort and time on, and whether, in the long run, it is one you can let go. Even if you think you can win it you should consider weighing up whether the damage done will be worth it.
Whilst this seems a bit of a dour start to the January Tarotscope, we get a much better insight with the second card, The Sun. This card is a lovely card which indicates a very happy time when you will feel loved, cared for and full of gratitude for all that you have. It is also a time when everything you touch is blessed with the nurturing energies of The Sun and should prosper in every way – so if you have any ideas or projects you want to get to grips with then January is the month. Things should come easily to you, so make the most of it.
The Page of Wands could be advising that you already have a project of some sort that you are working on but it is still in its infancy – this card suggests that some advice or honest critique (whether you like it or not) will help you avoid obvious pitfalls and obstacles, so it is worth talking to someone with experience of the kind of project you are working on. And more importantly, this card advises to not rush into any decisions – take your time to educate yourself on what you need to know, this way you are likely to make the very best decisions helping you to proceed towards success.
You should be alert to the possibility of you getting yourself into a negative mindset in January – the Nine of Swords suggests that you could find yourself dwelling on mistakes you’ve made in the past and maybe punishing yourself for them. It is important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and can choose the wrong options – and, obviously regret it. But ask yourself whether you have learned anything from these mistakes/decisions and if you have then that’s what it’s all about – you won’t make the same mistakes, in which case there is no point in punishing yourself about it. It will feel worse for you in this mindset, though other people have probably already let it go – don’t allow this mindset stop you from moving forward the way you should. Forgive yourself, and allow yourself to live for the future and don’t keep yourself stuck in the past.

The coming month appears to be quite significant for you according to these cards.
Starting with the King of Swords, it looks as though you will either have access to someone with plenty of mental alacrity who could help you in your life, or you will have reached an admirable place where you now have the ability to sort issues with your own abilities, knowledge and approach. Either way, this should mean that the coming month could give you a head start approaching the next phase of your life and embrace it with clarity and understanding.
In fact, this seems to endorse The Fool card’s message which is that you are about to start a new and exciting journey. Whichever facet of your life The Fool is referring to, only you will know – it could be a new job, project, area you live in or possibly even a relationship – but the message from this card is to keep alert – don’t let the excitement of this new journey distract you from trying to avoid the mistakes you made in the past – look out for the pitfalls and you are likely, then, to make this a much more successful venture than you have to date.
The Hermit is also a significant card in that it asks you to take some time – somewhere quiet – when you can really focus on what it is you are looking for. If you go deep within to find your true needs and desires, then you can start to define some goals to work towards. But more importantly, The Hermit wants you to find that light which burns within you – which is uniquely yours – so that you forge ahead with confidence and, to boot, to act as a beacon to other people around you who would be inspired by your clarity and determination. You might not realise how easy it is to get lost in this world. If you find your light, you can and will lead the way for others.
Whatever this new journey is, these cards want you to make it a successful one by keeping focused and alert and using any opportunities that come your way. The Six of Pentacles is another card which urges you to make the most of a gift or bonus which is likely to come your way this coming month. It looks as though January could be something special for you and if you do listen to the advice of these cards, then you could be looking at a whole new, and successful, phase of life – so keep your head and keep informed as you make the first few steps on this new path.

If you are thinking of making some New Year resolutions for 2021, then these cards might well help you succeed with them.
The Four of Pentacles is a card which suggests that you may fear taking risks – especially in terms of money – and that you hold onto what you know rather than taking a chance of trying something new or bold. This card acknowledges the need to be careful but also advises that by clinging to the norm could mean that you are letting good fortune pass you by. Perhaps this card is saying to you ‘do it!’, don’t be afraid to try.
The Pages are often seen as messengers in tarot, and so the Page of Wands could be suggesting that you will only have a real adventure if you step out of your comfort zone and try something new. This Page would also ask you to find some advice or information before you go ahead with anything you have decided to work on – you might not like what you hear initially but eventually you will understand why you needed this information. It will definitely help you.
The Chariot is also a card which seems to endorse the need for you to ‘grab the reins’ of your life and head towards the things you want to do and achieve. Really, this card is about not being pushed and pulled in different directions by other people or events – this could be why you aren’t getting anywhere fast. It’s time to decide where you want to head and once you start this new journey stick to the plan and don’t get diverted by anyone or anything.
The World is probably the best card in a tarot deck and it would seem that this card is shouting to you that you can do anything! Everything is in your favour to achieve success in any aspect of your life – but you have to be determined and focused and stick to your aims and goals because things won’t fall into your lap easily – however, the more you put in the more you should get out. The World is your oyster and it is eminently achievable for you – don’t let your own fear or worries hold you back – this could be YOUR year!

The High Priestess is a card which indicates that a new destiny is forming for you in the background. The High Priestess is very mysterious and will not indicate in any way what this destiny is. What you can take from this card is that, in some way, your intuitive abilities are increasing and developing and eventually this will transpose into a particular way of thinking and approach to your life. This is likely to be referring to what you ‘believe’ life is, or isn’t, about. The main thing to remember, whilst this card is around you for January, is look for signs and trust your own intuition. But don’t make any serious decisions about anything just yet – there is much more to know and this will come out at the right time.
The Seven of Swords could be relevant to you yourself or someone around you. This card is about dishonesty (whether you feel it is justified at this time) and possible manipulation. You might be tempted to tell a little fib for some reason but before you do think out the consequences of you doing so – who could get hurt? Is it fair? What damage could it do? If this card is not about you considering manipulating a situation then maybe someone is doing so to you. In this case keep alert to signs and things that are said and done so that you are not pulled into a difficult situation.
You may have to make a decision in terms of your job or your home life which you feel could affect your feelings of stability and security. Perhaps if it is a decision about a new job, or a promotion, or where you are living, for instance, it will help to have a good think around the consequences of accepting it or rejecting it. Past experiences will have a part to play, as well as weighing up your priorities for the future, in helping you come to a decision which will work best for you. In other words, if you have a decision to make think out the ramifications of the pros and cons before deciding.
The Four of Wands is a celebratory card which congratulates you on the successful achievements you have gained so far. There is still a long way to go, but the work and effort you have put in has forged a firm and stable foundation on which you can build. Most of the important groundwork is done and whilst it is important to continue to work at things, it is more a matter of refining and defining from now on. Things will be a bit more interesting now in terms of your projects and ventures. Keep up the good work.

The Page of Wands might be indicating that there is some advice or critique needed for a project you are working on. It is likely this project is still in its early stages and before you proceed with it there is something you need to learn about it or to have someone with knowledge and experience in this field check out its feasibility. You might not want to hear this advice as you are keen to get going, but it is important that you get this advice since, in the long run, it will benefit your project and ultimately your success.
The Moon is a card which suggests that all is not clear just now for you in a particular area of your life. When this occurs it makes sense to not make any major decisions because something might come out and make all the difference to the situation. In time things will become clearer and you will understand why it was wise to hold back on making decisions. Just be patient for the next few weeks and pay attention to signs and coincidences as they may give you clues as to which area of your life The Moon is referring.
This next card could well be a clue to the mystery, since the Seven of Pentacles is a card which indicates that a decision should be made with respect to either your work, income or home life. This decision may make you feel that you are about to lose some security or stability, however, as per the advice of The Moon try not to jump to a decision too quickly since there is some other information which could have a significant impact on your choices and decisions. In the meantime, take a close look at your past experiences and weigh up your current priorities so that when this information comes up it will endorse your inclinations or give you an alternative route.
The Devil card indicates that you could, at some point, find yourself in a mindset which is holding you back from the things you want to achieve. This card is about addictions or beliefs that make you feel you are unworthy to receive the thing you want out of life. If there is something in your life that has made, or is making, you feel shameful then you need to consider letting it go. Either forgive yourself for mistakes in the past or work hard to eliminate anything that is stopping you from going forward – these are the shackles in the mind, not The Devil himself, that have a hold on you and it is up to you to free yourself from them.

Temperance generally appears when some balance between love and logic is needed. It is easy to let head rule over heart, but this coming month Temperance is asking you to let your emotions and your heart have some part to play. Since Temperance sits next to two Pentacles card it is likely that this advice is regarding either issues at your job/work or at home (Pentacles is the suit for income, material standing and home life). In other words a little love/emotion will go a long way in January in areas that you would normally assign logic to.
The Two of Pentacles indicates that there could be a partnership or some sort of help offered to you in the coming month. Whether that will mean some extra income or some kind of practical help which will help speed up your journey remains to be seen. However, whatever help is offered this will be a great opportunity so make the most of it.
At the same time, the Seven of Pentacles suggests that a particular decision might be required about something surrounding your work or finances which could make you feel somewhat vulnerable about your security. If you find yourself worrying about how to make this decision then look to past experiences to see what worked and what didn’t. Also, weigh up current priorities to ensure your greatest needs will be met. This way, any decision you come to will be easily justified in the future and you will have comfort in knowing you tried your best.
Judgement, a Major Arcana card, suggests that in some way you will be judged by your recent behaviours. Sometimes it can be ourselves examining our actions and sometimes it is people on the outside. Either way you would, hopefully, want to be seen as someone who is good and able, so perhaps this month is a good month to examine your words and actions so that you will not be judged in a negative way.
It would seem that Temperance and Judgement are asking you to stop for a while and look how far you’ve come, what you’ve achieved and whether you feel happy with how you have done this. Hopefully, this exercise will make you feel good about yourself, especially if someone else validates you, and/or your work, and this will give you a lovely boost of confidence.

The Page of Cups could be asking you to do a little self reflection to remember what you want from relationships, including the one with yourself. This card is often referring to some lingering pain which can stifle the progression of another relationship. More importantly though, this card is about acknowledging yourself as a worthy person ready to be loved for what you are but this comes from loving yourself first. This card may simply have appeared to remind you to give yourself a little love and understanding as it is easy to get lost in the relationships around us.
The Two of Swords suggests you are avoiding an issue or potential conflict. Because the Two is an early number in the suit this card suggests that the sooner the issues is tackled the better. The longer you avoid it could add to it getting more complicated and harder to sort. You may even find that the solution is easier than you expected.
The Eight of Swords is a card which indicates a conflict in which you were partly responsible, and therefore it is likely that only your input can really start to heal the situation – hard as you feel that might be. However, the Eight is high number in the suits and suggests that this situation might soon be finished. If this is not a situation you recognise then this card refers to a decision that needs to be made but you feel you can’t make that decision – this could be making you feel that you are trapped. In reality that’s not the case – it is just avoidance that is causing stagnation. Perhaps it is time to clear the air and get some movement going.
The Magician, however, is an exciting card which suggests there is a new path you are about to tread. The Magician does not tell you where this path will take you or what you will find along the way. What he can tell you is that you have everything you need within you to follow this path successfully. He wants you to believe in yourself, the skills you have acquired and the determination and stamina to see it through – he knows you can do it……..you just need to believe it too.

We wouldn’t learn about anything or grow into our full potential without the issues and challenges that life throws at us. But a key life skill is knowing when to fight and when to let something go. The Five of Swords is the card that represents this situation. If a conflict arises in January think long and hard about the damage that might be done by clashing with it head on – it is highly likely you would win, but the outfall might not be worth the Win. Choose your battles wisely – you don’t have to fight each one – save your energy for the time it is needed the most.
The Lovers is a card which suggests you have a decision to make about love. It might be whether you want to embark on a new relationship, to stay in an existing one or whether to leave one – or any other variant in a relationship which might be difficult. The important message in this card is to remember to love. Love is the most important thing – in other words you should take other peoples’ feelings and considerations into account, rather than just doing what you want. And if your decision means someone is about to be hurt then please be as kind as you can. Actions can have a devastating ‘ripple’ effect and it would make sense to try and keep those ripples gentle and not make huge destructive waves.
The Five of Wands is a card which is about overcoming hurdles and obstacles in your way. If you feel you are stuck in some way then this card is advising you to look at things from different angles since this could easily help things become clear to you and bring the solutions you need. Don’t automatically rule things out – by looking at every different aspect of this hurdle you will work out what is the best way to overcome it.
The Two of Pentacles suggests that some sort of partnership could be on offer (or maybe an offer of practical help) which could help sort out your financial situation. Obviously, these kind of offers don’t appear every day and if you get this help then it makes sense for you to utilise it to the max, since this small step could really help you on your way. Keep alert for people willing to help – either financially or in person.

The King of Pentacles is indicating that you are in a pretty good situation in terms of your material standing – in other words your income is sufficient for your needs and your home situation is pretty secure. This is likely because you keep a close eye on your finances and use your skills to keep things going smoothly. This card has probably appeared to nudge you to stay on alert during January. However, if this is not the case for you, then this card is suggesting that you can learn to control your financial situation and that you can develop the same skills as the King of Pentacles so that you can build on what you’ve got. Once you start you’ll see how quickly you can get to a good place.
In terms of relationships, the Ten of Cups suggests that after a lot of trials and tribulations you feel like you have built a really lovely network of relationships around you. This month you should feel happy to have those people around you and you’ll feel pretty contented. This is also a lucky card, a very positive card all round which will form the basis of the month ahead.
The Six of Swords indicates that regardless of how difficult a situation is, you manage it with grace and serenity – which is truly admirable – and this is very much needed to keep things from blowing all out of proportion. It is this skill you might need to keep at hand for a little while since this is what keeps your world turning. It is an interesting card to precede the last card in this reading which is the Two of Swords. The Two of Swords indicates a problem or a conflict which you have been avoiding tackling (the Six of Swords could be indicating that you are ‘putting up’ with something to keep the peace). The Two of Swords might indicate you are avoiding this conflict because you might not have a full understanding of the issue at hand. However, if you make some inroads into finding out about what the issues are then you will find it easier to resolve and it could be settled very soon and in the best possible way.

The Ten of Swords is a card which suggests the completion of a cycle – one that has, perhaps, caused you some pain. Generally this card means the abrupt ending of something – a job or a relationship – however this could have some other meaning, especially in terms of the current restrictions in place because of the Covid-19 pandemic. This may have some affect in terms of something you were hoping or expecting to do and which has dealt you a huge disappointment. Unfortunately there will be little you can do and the best way to tackle this is to look to future plans and not get lost in the disappointment – there will be better times ahead.
The Queen of Swords could have appeared to let you know that your emotional side might want to run and hide, and in some respects this might feel that it will protect you from hurt in the future. Whilst in some ways it is good to keep emotions under check it will be important to not disassociate yourself from them completely – otherwise you might find that people could find you aloof and unapproachable. So keep a fair balance between head and heart.
Perhaps after a year like 2020 or even just because the holiday period is over you could find yourself in a bit of a slump – in an anti-climax phase. The Seven of Wands suggest that you might feel you’ve lost your enthusiasm and pizazz for things in some area. This could make you lose your focus and find it hard to motivate yourself, especially in terms of work or projects you have undertaken. This card advises you go back to your original excitement to the start of what brought you to this point – to remember what your goals and aims were – as this might kickstart your enthusiasm and motivation once again. At least have a go at something – use some energy as it will attract like energy and get you motoring again.
The Death card is often feared by people in a tarot reading. In this reading it seems clear that this card could represent the end of 2020 which has brought all sorts of issues that have been hard to deal with. Whenever something ends it always opens the way for something new and Death can never stop the sun from dawning this day, tomorrow or any other day. Follow the sun and look to the future since the dark days are now over and Death has taken away what was holding you back. This is a new beginning.
But read on because Capricorn is the Birthday card sign and you get an extra card in your reading. Happy Birthday! You extra card is……..

The Page of Pentacles. This card has appeared to let you know that there is so much ahead for you in the future. This Page is eager to educate himself and loves to study new things. As the Page in the suit of Pentacles he represents the ability to manage finances and not only that but how to grow them and make the most of them. But he also knows he has to learn different things at different times to climb the ladder of success – but this is not a chore for him – it is what he loves to do best. So this card is likely to be letting you know that there is nothing you can’t do or learn to do. He knows you are capable of great achievements and that you can be hugely successful. It just needs you to have a yearning to learn and a willingness to apply yourself to this. And at the start of a brand new year this would seem to be a great idea to work with.

The King of Pentacles is a hugely successful man. He is capable of overcoming obstacles to achieve the things he wants. He is astute and works with his integrity in tact. This card has probably appeared to let you know that you could be on the road to success. He might also be letting you know that the last effort on this current stretch is what will help you succeed – that and any learning/skills that you need to undertake – might be what is needed. He knows you can do it – he knows it’s possible and he wants you to try.
The Seven of Wands could be a heads up to not lose motivation or focus in this last stretch as well over half of the journey is completed. Try and remember what you set out to achieve – look at what you have achieved and it may help reignite the fire to put in this last block of effort. Remember what you set out to do – it is natural to get tired and dispirited but by inspiring yourself to continue is just what is needed to finish the journey.
The Moon may be indicating that something is not clear to you just yet – just by the fact this card has appeared you could assume that you are being asked to keep the faith and hold on for a little longer. Just because you can’t see something clearly now doesn’t mean it is not there. The time will come when everything falls into place and you will know what to do – until then it might be best to not make any serious decisions. There is something yet to come into the full light of day.
Temperance might have appeared to help you understand that keeping a balance between all things is what is needed right now – regardless of how top heavy things seem. She asks you to stop and look at how far you’ve come and what you have achieved. She asks you to pour your love into your own soul to nurture you – this is what will keep you going. Keep steady. These cards seem to say that things are about to happen but you need to wait, keep working and learning but remember to keep that balance just for the coming month.

We have the Knight of Wands and the Four of Wands, the Knight of Cups and the Ten of Cups. Interesting.
Initially these cards could seem to be indicating that two young people in your life could have some positive influence which would be helpful to any work or projects you are working on, as well as any relationships you are involved in.
However, my intuition suggests that you are being tasked to be proactive yourself in order to achieve your desires.
The Knight of Wands could be advising you to get moving on a particular project (or job) you are interested in – the Knights are movement cards, they get on their horses and seek their fortunes – and in doing so, the Four of Wands indicates that very quickly you will start to see signs of success. So, if you have had an idea for a business, you have a hobby or you want to do something in particular (or any other interest you have) then with some effort and input you will see it really has got the potential to work well.
The Knight of Cups could be saying the same thing – if you are looking for love you might need to be more proactive and engage in something that will help you meet someone. However, the Knight of Cups could be indicating that someone is about to come into your life on a romantic level. Either way, the Ten of Cups is probably the best card in a tarot deck that would indicate that this will work out wonderfully.
In all of these scenarios it appears that any outcome is going to be really good and enduring and this is great news as you head into the New Year. Perhaps these cards are saying you are about to embark on the greatest adventure to date! How exciting! Enjoy!
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