Happy New Year!! And welcome to the first of the Tarotscopes for 2022!!!
Well, here we are heading into the unknown once again! These Tarotscopes are sent with love and best wishes for a great year ahead, and with a heads up for navigating January in the best way we can!
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I hope you all have a wonderful January and that you find these Tarotscopes helpful and insightful – please share them if you do 🙏
Best wishes,
Patricia x

New starts and good things appear to be coming in the New Year according to these cards.
The World is the most positive card in a tarot deck and represents success in every aspect of one’s current situation – and that positivity is set to endure through January. This card indicates that you have mastered how to navigate through all the difficult challenges that life can throw at you – from handling your finances well, nurturing happy relationships, managing conflicts and having a wonderful attitude to your work and ventures. If you can remember to exercise these skills as you head into the future then this card suggests things will go very well. Be happy and have gratitude for all the good things in your life.
The Death card indicates that something will come to an end – there has to be an ending for a new beginning at times – nothing can stay the same, otherwise we would never have new experiences and learn what they bring to our lives. The Death card seems a scary card, in that it is seen to take something away from us (a job, a favourite house, a person, a relationship), but Death can never destroy the dawn of a new day, it cannot destroy the nurturing sun which rises every day, and that is where you need to look – towards the new day, and the new future. Remember that there is still lots of joy ahead – because there will be.
The Ace of Pentacles also endorses a new beginning – this card indicates there will be a lot of energy around new opportunities with regard to work/income and or your physical standard of living – where you live and what comforts of life you can afford. This card represents the chance to improve your situation providing you give it the necessary attention and apply plenty of effort to it. So, if there is the chance of a new job or promotion, any increase in your income, the chance of a new place to live it will be down to you to ensure you make the most of this opportunity and work to make it work for you!
The Three of Cups suggests a celebration of some sort is likely to come in January – perhaps an engagement, marriage or even the conception/birth of a child is likely to bring some much needed joy and happiness – love and relationships are really the most important aspects of making life being bearable – money can’t always do that. Enjoy what looks to be a very interesting and enjoyable month ahead!

If you are ready for an adventure the Knight of Wands advises you to go for it! The three Major Arcana cards following the Knight indicate that significant things can happen if you do.
The Knight of Wands represents the need to try out new things and he is always looking for the next adventure. Often we expect exciting opportunities to land at our feet without any effort but the Universe tends to reward those who actively seek what they desire. Even just announcing to the Universe that you are ‘ready’ for better chances, and better times, can kickstart the positive energies to head your way. Just indicate that you are ready and watch what happens closely.
Justice suggests that in some way you will be validated for past actions or behaviours and you should be vindicated – it might be that a legal situation which has been outstanding could finally be settled, probably in your favour. Other people involved will be able to see that you acted in their best interests and it was the right thing to do. This should take a weight of your shoulders and allow you to start moving forward with your life.
The Wheel of Fortune is a card which gives us a heads up that something might come right out of the blue and take you somewhere new (not in a physical sense). When the Wheel turns it lifts you out of your current situation and can give you new opportunities which you need to be alert to (or they will just pass you by) – so take note of new ideas or things that grab your interest, it could make a big difference to your life. Usually, when the Wheel turns and things have not been good for a while, it can bring a much happier and prosperous cycle, which you must surely be ready for, so take any changes in your life and make the best of them.
The Hermit is a card which suggests now would be a really good time to dig deep within yourself to find your own light (your hopes, goals, understanding of life, beliefs) and remember what you wanted to achieve when you first set off on this journey. We can very easily be distracted, by others, from our own path and we can often find ourselves immersed in doing work for family and friends rather than what we want to do. Eventually, we should take some time to reflect on our own needs and recognise we should be working towards them. January is likely to be a good time to do this. Just find a couple of hours, somewhere quiet, to think carefully about what would be good for your mind, body, and soul, and you will find your starting point.

It is likely that the Five of Cups represents an upset with regard to a relationship – this may be a romantic relationship but it could apply to any close relationship that would have a big impact on your life, or current state of mind. This card advises that, although things may seem bad to you, there is, in fact, still a good chance of reconciliation – however you must be prepared to do your part in bringing that reconciliation about. Instead of concentrating on all the bad things that have happened, you can shift to looking at all the good and the positives that this relationship brings – in doing so, you will shift the energies to a much more positive vibe and hopefully things can start to improve. For every action there is a reaction – don’t let this sadness stagnate till it can no longer be healed. You can make the change.
It is time to get a grip on your life and your own journey. It is likely that, until now, you have been pushed and pulled by too many events and other people which has probably resulted in you not achieving what you wanted to and which has just had you going round in circles and getting nowhere in particular. It is now time to grab the reins of your own ‘life’ (chariot) and steer it the way you want it to go – if you don’t then things are likely to stay the same. Perhaps it is time to learn how to say ‘no’ (gently) to other peoples’ demands, and start to live your life the way you want to and head exactly in the direction you want to go – don’t let others hold you back.
It would seem that if you do this you will soon come upon a new crossroads – where you will have to choose which direction to take. This is represented by The Magician card – The Magician does not tell you where these roads will take you, nor can he help you make your choice. What he can do is tell you that you have all the necessary skills to make this new journey one full of successes and great achievements – all you have to do (regardless of which road you choose) is believe in your own skills – believe in your own magic – The Magician is endorsing that you do have what it takes.
Another Major Arcana card – The Wheel of Fortune – suggests that big changes are on the way for you. Sometimes things happen ‘out of the blue’ to airlift you into a new cycle of life (this is The Wheel of Fortune) – and if you have been struggling, then this new cycle could bring much joy and happiness into your life. Keep alert for clues and signs, pay attention to new ideas, put effort into your tasks, and take note of what grabs your attention because these will be the new opportunities that The Wheel is bringing. It is just as easy to let things ‘go’ – and this would be a shame since you could be making great headway into an exciting time of your life – don’t miss out.

The Hermit suggests that you should take some much needed time to tend to your ‘self’. If you can find the time, he suggests you search deep within you to find your ‘light’ and to resolve your needs, set your new goals and get ready for the next part of your journey. The Hermit is a beacon to help lost souls find their way too, so maybe you are being called to shine as an example to others of how to live your best life, and be the best person you can be. Don’t look at taking time out as a chore but as a chance to realign your energy vibes with the highest energies you can attract.
Doing this may bring you to a desire to approach life in a new way – the Ace of Swords represents a change in attitude or way of thinking. Previous beliefs are not, perhaps, going to help you and you could be looking for something which helps you make ‘sense’ of what the world, and life, bring to your door. Because the suit of Swords is the ‘conflict’ suit (as well as mental alacrity) it could mean that any new attitudes or approaches could be misunderstood by those around you and create a bit of conflict – this often happens if you take a particular stance on something when you don’t appear to ‘know’ your subject. In other words, if you take on a new belief or tenet, make sure you know about it thoroughly because otherwise you will not seem to be making any sense, and you could be misunderstood.
Your work, or source of income, is growing at a steady pace and yet is still in an early phase. The Two of Pentacles suggests that some sort of partnership, or offer of help (either financially or physically), could help you overcome current difficulties and enable you to start making proper headway in terms of your income. Ensure you utilise any help to the max because help is not often available in this way. This partnership could help you firm the platform for greater progress.
The Two of Wands endorses the previous card – whilst your work and endeavours are still in an early stage, there is plenty of energy available around them. There are new opportunities and ideas which could make a huge difference to your performance if you pay attention to the signs and clues around you – don’t ignore anything that grabs your interest – look into these clues because this is what could really get you moving on your upward trajectory. This work could provide the solutions to the issues you are currently dealing with.

Your ventures and projects will need extra attention in the earlier part of January, things are progressing with them to some extent (Two of Wands), however, you might need to go back to your original plan/schedule (Ace of Wands) just to put right any missing pieces which could be affecting the growth of your work. Whilst any projects, according to the Two of Wands, are showing signs that they could bring the solutions you need, there is still much attention needed to the basic platform from which it all stems. The Ace of Wands would indicate that at the start of the project there may have been a level of boredom which meant crucial aspects of the project could have been overlooked. However, it does look as though – if you make the right amendments – that this work does have the potential to develop and grow into something worthwhile for you. It might be a case of taking one step back to enable you to make two steps forward.
Whilst in work you look to be at the initial stages with a lot of possibility, the Nine and Ten of Swords indicate an area of conflict in your life is close to its completion. The Nine and Ten numbers are the final steps in terms of an issue which may have caused you a fair amount of conflict or upset recently. The Nine represents a feeling of guilt, perhaps, for choosing this particular path – it could be that you are now seeing that things were never going to work out (whatever that conflict is about) – and are mentally punishing yourself for the choices you have made. However, this card also advises that although you may feel truly awful for pursuing this path it probably feels worse to you than it does to other people. In other words, forgive yourself for making a mistake – it happens to everyone – and there is really no need to punish yourself in this way. Try and put it down to a learning experience – one that will help you to make better decisions in the future.
The Ten of Swords is a card which brings finality to your reasoning – that you cannot affect the outcome regardless of whether you think you can sort it all out. Once you accept that this situation really will not work, you will be able to let it go fully. The important thing to remember is to move forward as a new cycle begins for you – don’t get stuck in the past and the decisions you feel were wrong – you will just stagnate. You have a new era to look forward to now – armed with experience and understanding – this time things can be so much better, if you have learned from your recent experiences. Life is not a rehearsal so, perhaps it is time to move forward with a different attitude and a clearer head and believe that life is likely to bring some better times along the way.

We start the month off with (not surprisingly) Temperance which is a card of balance and sometimes ‘moderation’. Perhaps, if you have overdone things during the recent festivities, this card is advising you to just take stock and give your mind and body some love and attention. It may be that Temperance is suggesting that this first month of a new year it might be a good time to stop and seriously consider whether you are heading in the right direction in terms of your life – you might be able to look back and see how far you have already come and get yourself ready for the next phase (after a little self love) – or you may feel you have strayed from the path you really wanted to follow. Whichever it is, January is a good month to reset your trajectory and get it bang on line again.
The King of Pentacles following Temperance suggests that, if you do get your act together, then you have all the necessary skills and abilities to make a roaring success of anything you turn your hand to. This card represents your ability to make anything work well, and also that you have the capability to ensure what you already have into something much more valuable. So, set your crown straight and start getting your work and finances in order – the time is now.
In addition, and it might help you a little to know, that The High Priestess represents a new destiny unfolding for you in the background – there is nothing to see, or know, as yet, because all the energies are not fully aligned – you should trust that your future holds some interesting surprises. You might also find your intuition is heightened in the coming month, so be aware of your gut instincts and try to see how the Universal energies work alongside you as an individual. Things are starting to change for the better, so perhaps it would be interesting to note down your current situation so you can see how these changes manifest throughout the year. Pay attention to things that grab your attention – it is possible that these might be clues to your new destiny – do a little research on them as it will help to get you ahead of the game.
All these cards might help with any decisions you might have to make with regard to your current work or income. It would seem that if you do have to make a choice, the cards prior to the Seven of Pentacles indicate that you can trust your ability to make things work, and that you haven’t, in fact, reached your true potential just yet. Don’t be afraid to consider options that might take you out of your comfort zone – it could make a huge difference to your life.

You could be off on a new adventure! The Knight of Wands gets bored easily and is always looking for something new to experience, so he is likely to be indicating that you have itchy feet, and a desire to do something else. If this is the case then speak out to the Universe and let it know you are ready, this might well kickstart the positive energies to get into action. But be ready to work because when it does, you are likely to be very busy.
If you are tending to look back on relationships with a rosy glow, remember that time can make things seem a lot easier than they actually were (Six of Cups). If it is an ex relationship, unless both parties have grown significantly, it is unlikely to work……there would have to be real changes in attitudes for this relationship to succeed a second time. If it is a current relationship, where you long for it to be ‘the way it was’ then, again, you will need to be realistic – relationships are constantly changing and developing, they get more complex and intertwined and, though it feels unnecessarily complicated at times, these are the times and the struggles which bind strong relationships together for the long term (like vines). Nothing can stay the same, so rather than hankering after the past, look forward to the proof that your relationship does, and will continue to work, despite the hardships; there will come a time in the future when you will experience just how comfortable and happy your relationship really is.
You might have to face a decision about work, according to the Seven of Pentacles. You might also feel that any decisions with regard to this could adversely affect your income, and this might create some worry for you. However, the important factors to look at, if you have a decision to make, is to remember your past experiences and abilities (how you coped with work and money in differing circumstances) and then change your current priorities to suit you better (the focus of work/money, alongside the effect on you and your family). This will help you to identify what is important in your life and what should be your number one priority when making this decision.
The Star is a card which represents some frustrations, and possibly stagnation. It may suggest that you could be ‘feeling’ that no matter what you do nothing ever makes a difference, and, perhaps, that nobody cares. Sometimes this can make us feel useless. The Star card asks you to hang in there – to keep your eyes on the beauty of the Star, to keep the faith – because it won’t be long till things will take a better turn and you will feel much brighter and happier. Don’t ever think your daily drudge doesn’t matter, it does, each act is a precise part of a much bigger picture that contains you as the main character. Every little thing you do (as written in the song by Sting) is Magic!

The Four of Wands indicates that, at last, all your hard work and effort should start showing great results! This is a card which pats you on the back and says ‘Take a short break. You’ve done incredibly well and your work has strong foundations to build on.’. However, don’t take too long a break since, if you want to really reap the benefits of this work, you still need to keep putting effort into it. Take comfort in knowing, though, that what you have already done is most of the really hard work. Just continue to work at it to ensure you get the pay out from it that you deserve.
However, in another matter, you may feel that not only are your efforts ignored, but that they are not of any worth at all. The Star is a card which indicates (almost) desperation at the continued effort you put into something without any recognition at all. The Star advises you to believe that, regardless of how you feel, every single action on your part is an integral and important part of a much bigger picture – in which you are the centre. The Star asks you to not fall into despair regarding this, but to have faith, keep working, and keep doing – because there is something building out of your efforts, and you will, soon, get to see just how important you are. Keep your eyes on the beauty of The Star and believe in yourself until this day dawns.
It would seem that the drudgery of everyday tasks could also take a toll on you in another way. The Queen of Cups is a card which represents the ideal ‘lover’. This Queen attracts love and attention without any effort at all – because she truly believes in herself, she knows her love shines out to others like a beacon – she trusts herself and she trusts love. She is relaxed in it. She may be advising that you need to bring your inner Queen of Cups to the surface – she may have been buried under the drudgery of life, but she is there! Take some time to pamper yourself, treat yourself if you can, or just take the time to remember the exciting, ‘excited about life’ person that you were not so long ago. This is a part of you that needs to be seen!
It may be time to embrace a new way of approaching life. The Ace of Swords represents the energy around a desire to find a new attitude, or belief system, to help you make sense of the world. This might be the search for a spiritual belief, or a set of tenets to live by, or to even abandon all the ‘rules’ you have lived by so far. A change of attitude and approach to life can be a very good thing – just make sure that any new ‘belief’ you follow is responsible and honest – and also remember there is nothing wrong in taking small portions of every ‘belief’ in the world if it works for you and helps you (and others) navigate happily through life. Just ‘know’ your stuff so you can talk with confidence about the choices you make – this will help you avoid unnecessary conflict.

Sometimes in life, we need to make a new start. Just like a reset button on a machine, we need something to happen to help us redefine our existence and our goals. This is the job of the The Tower – and often it is an occurrence which is totally unexpected and, sometimes (but not always) a shock to the system. Often, when it happens, we have to slip into the next gear and get up to speed – we need to decide what we really want out of life and who we want to take along with us. When our Tower is damaged by some unseen force, we have no other choice than to start building it to a standard that is more durable for the future. Instead of resisting, and railing against this change, we should be ready to work on our new Tower, fortifying it with protective strengths and formidable foundations – so that we can feel less vulnerable to outside forces in the future.
The Knight of Cups could represent someone coming into your life in a romantic way, it could represent a younger male or female in your life who might not be acting very maturely, or it it could represent some naivety in you. This card is about relationships, and an element of immaturity, which might have an impact on your life. This Knight is a bit dreamy and idealistic about love, and he likes to be ‘in love’ with love – rather than an individual. It might be that, as this card follows The Tower, it represents the need to get on your own charger and start seeking the things you ‘desire’ in this new phase of your own life – and that might not include a relationship – maybe it is just time to fall ‘in love’ with life itself and enjoy yourself.
Again, it would seem, that adventure and new experiences could come along, anyway, in January according to the Ace of Wands. There will be a lot of energy around a new idea – it could be a new aspect of work, a new project, a house move, or just travelling in some way. Whatever it might be, it is in its early stages just yet, but if you look into anything that grabs your interest this could be the start of something interesting and exciting (and possibly good financially – who knows?) but it might be fun finding out exactly what that is.
The Six of Pentacles, luckily, is a card which suggests you might well benefit from someone else’s generosity. Apart from the practical help on a financial level, this act will restore your faith in human nature – since this person clearly feels you are worthy and is more than willing to help you. Take it with both hands and ensure you use it well – this could help you build your new (and hopefully indestructible) Tower, and ensure a new way of life for you! Enjoy!

The Hermit represents taking some time to dwell on your current feelings – to question whether you are heading in the right direction, achieving the things you want to achieve, and perhaps, if necessary, to reset your goals and aims. The Hermit finds a place for quiet reflection to seek these answers, and to try to understand his purpose in life – sometimes it is just to try and find his own particular light which may have become buried under the drudgery of day to day tasks. A hermit holds a light up in the darkness to help lost wanderers and get them on the right path – perhaps you are being asked to shine as an example, to others around you, who feel lost or confused.
The Two of Pentacles suggests there could be some sort of partnership on offer in January – perhaps some physical assistance to get work done, or an offer of a loan to help you financially – whichever it is, this is an opportunity you should make the most of since it could set you up for the foreseeable future – these offers/opportunities are pretty rare, so ensure you use this help whilst it is offered.
The Sun is one of the most positive cards in a tarot deck. This card suggests things will go well in January and you will feel happy and contented with all that you have – and showing gratitude for these good times is a sure fire way to attract more of the same energy. The Sun’s light is nurturing and helps provide almost everything we need to not only survive but thrive – that is its power – so, it should also be a good time to grapple with outstanding issues, or tasks you have been putting off, as, when The Sun is shining its light on you, everything you touch should be blessed with success. You may even find that The Sun may bring you lots of good old fashioned luck!
It is likely that the Queen of Swords has appeared to remind you to stay alert and clear headed throughout January. Perhaps, by keeping an eye on situations around you, being aware and alert could help you sort out issues before they turn into real conflicts. However, this card could also represent someone around you who is clever and logical, and who might tend to keep their emotions hidden – they might not feel that they can tell you but they might possibly need your help and/or attention.
Read on for the Capricorn extra ‘birthday’ card! – Happy Birthday! Your extra card is:

The Six of Swords! This card is a balanced and even card which suggests that in January you should work to stay on an even keel. You have the ability to stay serene and calm even when things get tough and this can be a real advantage in life. It shows strength of character and staying power – in that you usually see things through to the very end. Any cards of the suit of Swords represents clear headedness, mental agility and sound logical thinking – this particular card would represent the ability to see beyond pressing issues and to reach an understanding which helps make difficult situations a little more bearable. This would be the card of patience. As the Six of Swords has appeared for your birthday it would seem that balanced and calm celebrations would suit you more this year – take it steady – but enjoy them all the same!

In January, according to the Ace of Swords, you may feel a shift towards a new way of thinking about a matter, or a desire to a adopt a new attitude/approach to life itself. Since this card is accompanied by a Wands and Pentacles card, it would suggest this change of approach (or thinking) will be in respect of a work situation. There is a lot of energy around this Ace card and, as Swords represents mental alacrity and logic, it would be fair to assume that a clear headed emotionless approach to any work issues would be the way forward. Clear, straightforward communications will also help to keep situations simple and easily understood by anyone else involved.
In terms of work, or any projects you are working on, it looks as though, in January, you should see some obstacles and hurdles that have been impeding your progress removed from your path. This will clear the way for some incredibly creative work, and enable the subsequent progression you may have been desperate for. Of course, this will mean it is likely to be a very busy month ahead for you, but a hugely productive one too – this is really good news – your projects are growing from strength to strength – well done!
The Empress card could represent you as a Matriarch – either on a home level or a work level. You are definitely in charge and have reached a stage where you can trust in your instincts and your ability to make things work. You have reached a level of understanding which will stand you in good stead for the future and your grip on life, and work, has great strength and a nurturing touch too. The balance between being Matriarchal and maternal will have to change depending on the matter at hand but you will know what to do in each situation. This card suggests you are well on your way to success, in more ways than one.
The Page of Pentacles could represent a young person around you who might need some of your attention in January – possibly with regard to education and learning – as The Empress you should not have any problem with this, again there will be times to be firm and times when a little nurturing is all that is needed. However, this Page could represent the need to brush up on a particular area in your own work/life……..as just a little extra knowledge could take you further than you could imagine. All in all a very productive and progressive month is likely for you in January.

There may be some upset around a particular relationship this coming month – it might not necessarily be a romantic relationship – however, there is still a lot you can do to help to heal the issues within it. It is very easy to get into the habit of focusing on all the negatives in the relationship, and this just heaps on the disappointments and creates an energy cycle that is difficult to break out of. A shift in your mindset to the positives that this relationship brings can bring an end to the downward spiral and kickstart the healing – it is highly likely that your efforts could really repair the issues in this situation, and that would be a lovely start to the New Year.
The Strength card can appear when someone is desperate for some recognition and attention. There is also an element of pride associated with this card – so, the message is this: There are two ways to demand attention and get seen – one through being demanding and aggressive, and the other being persuasive and gently confident. The Strength card suggests that being aggressive is less likely to achieve what you want. Channel that heated energy into a carefully controlled and persistent approach to getting yourself heard – that is what will bring you success.
At some point you will feel that you are ready to adopt a new way of thinking or approach to life/situations anyway, according to the Ace of Swords – perhaps you have come to a point in your life where you are recognising your adherence to old rules and beliefs is not serving your purpose anymore. Take a good look around to see what other ways make more sense to you as to why you are here, and how you can make life work better for you and those around you – perhaps this New Year needs a new approach.
When we start to do things, or think, differently about matters than we previously did, we can sometimes take our friends and family by surprise – a different approach to life can sometimes cause conflict because of these ‘new’ concepts. The important message to remember – according to the Page of Swords – is to be careful and very clear in your communications, since your attitude or even words can be misinterpreted and misunderstood. If people don’t understand why you felt the need to change things, they may not understand what you are trying to do, or trying to say. Make sure you know about your subject before you speak and listen carefully to what is being said by others, this will help you avoid any unnecessary conflict or upset around the ‘new’ you.
I am looking forward to reading the February 2022 tarotscopes. They are not up yet. Thank you.
Hi. I’m very sorry but due to personal circumstances I have been unable to write the February tarotscopes. I hope to be able to do March’s though and depending on my position I might try and write some mid February readings if I am able. I do apologise.