Welcome to the Tarotscopes for January 2024! Scroll down to find your star sign and read yours. But first…..
………..Happy New Year to all you lovelies!
Recently I’ve discovered that when I pray (or ask the Universe) to help someone I care about, if I ask for what I think they need specifically it doesn’t seem to work. I’ve changed my prayers/requests to asking for happiness to be sent to them in the best possible way. I realised that ‘I’ was deciding what they needed. I was obviously wrong. Asking for them to be sent what helps them to be happy seemed to get much better results, I am very pleased to say!
With this in mind I have asked the question ‘How can I make myself happier?’ for these Taroscopes.
Maybe it will work for some of you – I hope for all of you – whatever happens may you be blessed with whatever makes you happy throughout the coming year. That is my request for you.
Patricia x
How can I make myself happier?

The Star suggests that perhaps you are feeling quite low at the moment anyway. The message with this card is to try and understand that nothing stays the same – that things can and will change and that it is important to keep hope and faith in your heart for better things to come. It is focusing on the beauty of The Star that helps to keep the hope and faith burning brightly in your heart and soul regardless of how demanding life can be. This also diverts the focus from all the depressing day to day issues that keep you feeling down. Try to keep the belief and hope focused on the time when things will become much better. You’ll understand, also, when it happens, that the timing HAD to be right for you to get the maximum benefit from the good things that will come. You will see this soon.
In addition, whilst talking of focus, the Page of Cups indicates that it might be a good thing for you to have some quiet reflection about the relationships in your life and how you feel about them – it is possible that they might not be flourishing just now because you could be harbouring some past pain, deep down, that could be stopping you from loving utterly and freely. Until you appreciate and love your own being fully (with all its flaws) you won’t shine as wonderfully as you should and attract the love you desire. Believe in your own beauty and fill your heart with love – you will soon feel an amazing difference.
Perhaps, if you listen to the advice of the Knight of Pentacles, you’ll also start to reap the rewards from all of the tasks you are asked to turn your hand to (whether at home or at work). The Knight of Pentacles is the most dependable and trustworthy of all the Knights in a tarot deck. His success comes from his dedicated approach to his duties. He pays attention to the smallest of details to make sure he’s got it right – he ensures every duty is completed fully, and as perfectly as he can. With this approach he attracts the maximum success and is considered the most reliable person to turn to – that is his secret of success, and it could be yours.
How can I make myself happier?

The Magician has appeared as if to answer this question with the message ‘You might not believe it but you have your own magic – a magic you can use.’. This card is one which appears when you are not sure which way to go – which direction to choose. The point is that you do have all the skills you need to make any choices result in astounding success. The magic comes from the belief that you ‘can do this’ and making sure you know as much about your task as you possibly can. If there is something that you feel you can’t manage, there are often many ways to learn. You just have to believe in yourself and apply yourself fully. If this becomes the way you approach life then there is a lot of magic ahead for you.
The Three of Swords is a card of ‘pain’ and probably the one card that demonstrates the ultimate pain of loss. It is also a card of the suit which represents logic and mental alacrity (and intelligence and knowledge). It is likely that this card is suggesting that your focus could currently be on a lot of the pain, and loss, in your life. Therefore, the hurt could be holding you back, because the focus of the mind is set squarely on injustice and, possibly, the rejection you experienced at some stage in your life. If you can recognise this, then the answer would be to let past hurts go – accept that it has happened, it is now in the past – you can leave it there, you may have learned lessons from it, and now it is time to enjoy new experiences armed with knowledge and wisdom.
The third card, the Ten of Cups, endorses this, as this is one of the most positive cards in a tarot deck. This card is about lovely emotions (and happiness in particular), loving others around you, and being loved in return. It is about feeling confident in yourself and shining your beautiful light upon anyone around you. It is about feeling secure and happy in your life, in your heart, and in your circle of family and friends. It is time to bask in love and happiness after all your hard work. This should be your new focus – enjoying love, enjoying life and enjoying the people around you. You won’t know just how much you are appreciated until you start focusing on this love. Enjoy.
How can I make myself happier?

The Four of Pentacles, in answer to the above question, suggests that you should be looking for, and considering acting upon, new opportunities with regard to anything that will help you achieve a stable and enduring future. So, those opportunities might be things such as a change in income, a change of residence which might be more secure, or to invest wisely in something or someone (or anything else that you feel could make a difference) that could well help you improve your financial security, or home life. Sometimes it is better to step a little out of your comfort zone if you are looking to make things better as a whole, and it is unlikely that fortune will blithely fall into your lap from out of the blue.
Now, should you decide to take up a new opportunity, the only way to make a success of it is to follow the advice of the Knight of Pentacles. This Knight is the most successful and trustworthy Knight in a tarot deck. He achieves great things by dedicating himself fully to the task at hand. He makes sure he knows his subject, he learns what he needs to learn, he pays attention to the smallest of details to ensure everything is correct and working properly. In other words he gives his ‘all’ to what he is working on and makes sure it is as perfect as it can be. This is the secret of his success and, of course, it could be yours.
The third card, the Seven of Swords, is about honesty and intellect. The message being that happiness will come when you are always honest with yourself and others. It makes life so much easier when the truth is your goal, with the truth you cannot be tricked, or outsmarted, by other people. In terms of being honest with yourself, it is important to understand how your own behaviours can impact other people, and to understand how easy it is to offend someone, or neglect someone, and how this can cause conflicts to arise (conflict is one of the areas of Swords cards). So, remember to analyse your own words and actions sometimes, and acknowledge, when you’ve got something wrong and to be honest about it – this way life can be so much easier and so much happier.
How can I make myself happier?

In answer to the question above the Page of Pentacles would suggest looking for more ways to increase your income and, more importantly, learning to improve your own skills and experience. The more effort you put into this the greater your success will be. Nothing comes without effort and dedication – whether in respect of your work or your approach to learning something new. This Page suggests that there is so much more for you to achieve if you are ready to take on a challenge and put your all into it. The increase in income is more than likely to follow.
The Strength card acknowledges that there is more to life than ‘just working hard’. This card advises you to manage your approach to different situations – it is about whether to use your ‘power’ and aggression to get something you want, or whether to channel those strong urges into a better way of getting what you want…..which is likely to be firm, but gentle, persuasion. Assertiveness rather than aggression, persuasion rather than demanding, asking rather than bullying – these are the ways to achieve your desires and there is great strength in doing so, bringing more respect and admiration for you into the bargain. You’ll be surprised at what rewards you are likely to attract for taking the gentle approach.
In terms of relationships, The Empress could be asking you to re-evaluate those you are involved in. Whilst you may feel like the dominant Empress in some, there are others in which you are not. The Empress may have a message for you in terms of how you view your close relationships, and she may be demonstrating that there is no ‘battle’ between you, but a give and take dynamic that you can all benefit from. Sometimes you may have to take the lead role, sometimes you might need some help from them. But the strongest message of all, from The Empress, is to nurture your relationships with every fibre of your being if you want them to flourish – and as the relationships flourish, so will your happiness.
How can I make myself happier?

The Hierophant seems to be asking you to reconsider your current beliefs around how to live your life. Perhaps what you have always believed as the ‘right’ way to do things no longer serves its purpose. Perhaps, if you currently do not believe in any religion, or spiritual practice, it might be worth considering whether this is something which might help you feel happier. It might have nothing to do with religion, or spiritual beliefs, but simply needing some advice from someone who could help out with a particular situation which might be troubling you. Someone, something, could help if you take a look around. You might have to delve into your own heart first to try and find out what this ‘thing’ is that you need before you can start searching for the solution.
The Nine of Swords is a card which deals with conflict as well as the mindset/approach in life – the Swords cards are all about logic and knowledge rather than emotions, love and relationships. This card is one which suggests you may be punishing yourself for some of the choices you have made in life. Mistakes we make are an essential way to help us learn to do things, in the future, better or differently. There is no need to make yourself feel miserable about not getting something ‘right’ – this just keeps you in a stagnant place. It is time to forgive yourself and accept things weren’t done correctly, but you can now see why and you are unlikely to do the same thing again – that’s the point. It is time to file these feelings in the past where they belong, and you can do things differently going forward – that’s where the happiness awaits you.
The final card, the Six of Pentacles, suggests that a bonus, gift or loan is possibly on its way to you. However, in terms of happiness, if you should be lucky enough to receive one of these, it not just about how the money will help on a financial level. The message with this card would be for you to recognise what a wonderful thing it is to have someone who cares enough about you to help you out in this way. It should restore your faith in humankind and encourage you to treat other people in the same way – paying it onwards will keep the generous energies returning to all who will have benefited from this kind gesture again and again. This can only make you happier.
How can I make myself happier?

In answer to the question above, the Five of Cups suggests that a change of mindset is part of the solution. This card generally refers to a difficult situation in a key relationship, but the message is one which fits all bills – try not to focus on all the negatives in your life. Sometimes, it can be truly difficult to start looking for the positives but one you start picking them out one by one you can become full of gratitude, and this can bring a much happier feel to your heart and soul. Even if you find one lovely happening in a day, or you achieve one small thing in a day and cheer yourself for it, that is the beginning of the change in your energies – you’ll soon see there are many small miracles in your life each day bringing much happiness.
The Chariot is a more significant card with a stronger message for you. This card is about recognising who or what is pulling you away form your own path and stopping you achieving what you want. The two horses in the image are complete opposites and wish to go in different directions – it needs a strong hand on the rein for the Charioteer to steer the horses in the direction he wants to go. In other words if people, or events, keep pulling you away from your goals then you won’t get where you want to go. Perhaps it is time for you to decide what you want to do, and, once you have decided, to not allow others to divert you from your path. There are things YOU need to do in life and you should have the chance to do them.
It would seem that once you have decided to go with this approach then all sorts of fantastic things could happen. The Eight of Wands is a card of ‘release’ after being kept stagnant by problems and hurdles, and once you are on the ‘road’ you’ll be full of creativity and passion for your new adventure! You might be extremely busy but very productive, and that should make you incredibly happy!!
How can I make myself happier?

The first card, the Ten of Swords, suggests that in your mind you should accept something that you may not really want to – to look at the reality and acknowledge the truth about it. Whilst sometimes it is difficult to stare the truth in the face, it is better to do so and to work at ending the issue in order to move fully on. Some situations can be incredibly sad but the only way to move forward from it is to recognise what it is and to either leave it in the past or work with it in the best way you can. This way you can live life with the truth and make it less overwhelming for you. It really can make you happier to have the weight of uncertainty taken from your shoulders once you have accepted things as they are.
The Nine of Wands has appeared to let you know that a lot of what you have been dealing with, and working towards, is almost achieved – you may feel exhausted, and possibly dispirited, but summon up the last vestiges of energy for the last phase and you WILL reach the finish line! This will fill you with joy and a wonderful sense of achievement, so keep with it and continue to work the way you do – you are nearly there!!
In terms of emotions and/or relationships take a little time to reflect on how you feel. Sometimes it is important to recognise that we are carrying pain from past hurts and this adds to the burden. It is time to recognise the love within you and the beauty of your own heart and soul, to be proud of yourself and what you’ve achieved. The Page of Cups needs you to understand that if you allow yourself to love your ‘self’ then the energies will be returned in full. Look to what you expect for yourself and shed what no longer serves its purpose – this will open up other wonderful opportunities that you will enjoy.
How can I make myself happier?

In answer to the question above, the Ten of Wands’ advice is to ask for help with all the things you need to do. You are at the completion of this phase (the Ten number being the end of a cycle) and you are very close to achieving what you set out to do. However, you are likely to be feeling overwhelmed with all the tasks you need to get done. There is no shame in delegating some of your work to other people, nor is there anything wrong with asking for physical help if that is what you need right now. The important thing is to manage to reach the finishing line and feeling the happiness and pride of successfully completing your project (whatever that might be). So don’t give up just yet – you can do it.
If there is something you feel you can’t do, or don’t understand, then the advice from the Page of Pentacles might help. Instead of deciding you can’t do it, try and find out more about the task at hand. There will be various ways to do this – from reading a manual/book, researching on the internet, to asking someone for their help who has experience in this field. Once again, once you have taken the step to make yourself knowledgeable about this subject, and complete what you have been asked to do, you will feel amazingly proud and happy with yourself.
In terms of relationships or emotions, try not to dwell on/in the past. Really, it doesn’t achieve anything other than you floating around thinking about the ‘What ifs?’ and ‘If only I had done…’. You can’t change the past and it is much more important to look to the future. If you have learned from the mistakes of the past, then the Six of Cups suggests that things can be done much better in the future – and it is this that is the most important message for you. It is so easy to look back on things without the real pain/emotions felt at the time and feel that it was so much better than it was, and that is why it is not real. What you can change is how you ‘feel’ today, and how you’ll feel in the future faced with a similar situation. Focus on what is to come and not what has happened in the past. This will free your mind and your heart for future fun and happiness.
How can I make myself happier?

In answer to the question above, The Devil card’s message is to free your mind from everything that is holding you stagnant. This may be anything from an addiction of some sort, to a lack of worthiness or self confidence, to being held hostage by other peoples’ needs. As long as you allow these situations to control your way of life you will feel trapped. The reality is you can free yourself by being strong enough to say ‘no more’ – this will not rule your life. The feeling of freedom should boost your energies to go from strength to strength and help you start flying to your destiny in the way that you should. Don’t let these things hold you prisoner for no real reason.
In terms of your emotional situation, the Five of Cups suggests that you may feel pretty down or upset. Perhaps this has been engendered by a tendency to focus on the negatives in your life. If this is the case then the answer is to shift your focus to all the positives instead. Each day, if you can recognise one small achievement, or happy event, or even one little miracle that we often barely notice, you’ll soon find your energies shifting to the realms of feeling gratitude and happiness. You’ll be surprised at the change this will bring.
Again, staying on the emotional front, the Two of Cups asks you to have a little more understanding of yourself and your relationships – perhaps it is time to acknowledge they need more than just ‘you’ to make everything work well. Perhaps it is time to ask other people to help YOU to be the best person you can be. Maybe other people need to spend time doing things that are good for you, and to help you achieve your hopes and desires There is no shame in expecting others to contribute to your wellbeing. Allowing people to share the load with you is not a bad thing and should be something you feel able to ask of them – a good relationship is, after all, a two way street.
How can I make myself happier?

Perhaps the answer to the question above, from the Six of Wands, is to spread the word about your achievements to date. It can be hard to sell one’s achievements because of a fear of looking pushy or arrogant. However, if we don’t show people what we are capable of they will never know. Perhaps it is time to make a list of all the successes around your projects and put them somewhere that people can easily see – this may bring a lot more to your table and increase the chances of you being in a much happier place.
In addition, the Ace of Swords might be suggesting that you may have to change your approach to the way you handle something of importance. The Swords cards tend to focus on logic and an intellectual approach to everything – often leaving out emotions and/or tenderness which is sometimes useful and very much needed. This card is likely to be asking you to look at your behavioural approach to tasks, and to the people around you, and whether you need to soften your edges a little bit. This could go a long way to making things work more smoothly and pleasantly and with many more far reaching results.
If you should receive some sort of gift, loan or bonus, as you start the New Year, you should put it to the best possible use. The Six of Pentacles is not just a card which indicates this little bonus might arrive but it is also about the additional wonder around the kindness/generosity of someone who genuinely wants to help you out – this should not only restore your faith in humankind but inspire you to work in a similar manner and do the same for other people – this is how you keep the same energies alive and flowing and hopefully bringing a lot of happiness in different ways (and not just about the money keeping you afloat). Enjoy.
But read on, because Capricorn is the birthday Star sign and you get an extra card!
Your card is:

No matter how old you are, or how experienced you are, there is still so much which can be learnt! The Page of Pentacles is a card which, apart from learning for success on a financial level, is about loving to learn about everything and anything. You can never have too much knowledge, and the message from this Page may be to widen your outlook about what you now need to know. If you wish to be happy in life then you need to know how to increase your knowledge of your work, your awareness of what is going on in the world, how important love is and how powerful it can be, it’s about being a role model to the people you know and maybe to people you are not even aware of – you probably are not aware, yourself, of the huge role you play in peoples’ lives. This Page will spend all his time expanding his knowledge and understanding of anything his inquisitive mind is interested in – for him it is the essence of life. The point being, however, that the more knowledgeable you are the more successful you are likely to be across all fronts. It is important to question what you read or hear – don’t take information as the truth without verifying it. This life is not a rehearsal, it is real – it is now, and it makes sense to understand as much about it as you possibly can.
How can I make myself happier?

Temperance seems to want to have the first say in how you can make yourself happier. A healthy balance between head and heart. This card suggests that the head is often in control and that perhaps it is now time to allow your heart to have as much say, with regard to what is needed in your life, as your head. Temperance would also advise that you take a short break to stop and look at how far you have come, and what you have already achieved, to give you the impetus to keep working for your aims and goals. You should then see that you can have faith in yourself and what you can do – and look at all the positive things you have already achieved to help you feel happier and inspired to go on to do greater things.
The Ten of Wands suggests that you are very close to your goal, though you may be overwhelmed with all that is needed to be done before you reach the finish line. Prioritise your time and your efforts, and try to delegate, what tasks you can, to those that can help. Find the energy to complete your task to the best of your ability because it will be so worthwhile. Once you are finished you are likely to feel amazing! This is not far off now, so keep up the effort!
Use the small wins to keep motivated at your work. It is really amazing what you have achieved so far, according to the Six of Wands. However, there is still a little way to go in certain areas of your life (or perhaps in another project you are working on) but this card indicates that very soon you’ll have some wonderful signs that things are going incredibly well and the foundations of your work are strong and ready to be built on! You should feel happy and proud of yourself – don’t ignore the small wins they are valuable parts of the bigger picture and therefore pretty important. Give yourself the credit you deserve!
How can I make myself happier?

In answer to the question above, The Tower has this message – make some big, probably radical, changes to some aspects of your life. This card is about blowing away all (or most) of the ‘normality’ of your life as it is. Perhaps you need to make some changes in areas like your job, your choice of career, or where you are living, or who you are living with. Change can be uncomfortable but, if you are living in a ‘fur-lined rut’ (for want of a better phrase) you may not be living your best life and might not recognise it because you are ‘comfortable’ the way you are. However, that does not necessarily mean you are happy. Have a think about discarding habits or behaviours that are now routine for you, and about setting off on a metaphorical ‘exciting adventure’ by doing something totally different. This should change the stultifying energies that you could be stuck in.
The Two of Cups indicates that a relationship might be the thing to make the difference. Of course, that will mean trying to meet/find someone who can join you on your journey – again this might mean getting out of your comfort zone in order to see what is out there for you. If you want to be happy it looks as though it is not going to fall in your lap out of the blue but will come with some effort on your part – more than likely in an area which will encourage you to meet new, or different, people.
The Empress, as the final card, endorses this, since, as she is carrying a child, she embodies the ultimate relationship and bond between two people. She would add to her message that it is so important to nurture new, as well as existing relationships, if you want them to flourish – the child cannot grow unless it gets the nutrients from the mother. The Empress would also want you to know that you do, in fact, have the resources you need to take control of your own situation, and make the right choices for you – and she knows it is easier than you think it is going to be – you just need to emulate her self-confident attitude, and have the belief that you deserve all the happiness in the world. If you hold to that mantra the energies should work with you to bring the happiness you seek. Enjoy!
Happy New Year!!!
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