Tarotscopes for July have been written by Patricia using The Tarot House Deck.
We’ve been having lovely summer weather where we are, and it really does lift the spirits!
Things are really quite depressing in the world in some respects, however, and for many, I think, the month of June has been quite hard going. Very soon we’ll be racing into Autumn and perhaps it’s time to stop……………………and take a look round. Not just at our lovely Mother Nature in her finery, but at our lives too. There has just been one message from the Universe about these Tarotscopes, as I have been preparing for them, just one word repeating over and over – balance. As I was thinking about the spread it seemed to make sense that I approach the reading as if the layout (spread) was like a set of scales, to see if there are any areas that need a counterbalance which might help us even things out. So in the following readings, there is a top and bottom card, a card on the left and the right representing the scales. Now let’s see if the readings make sense to you and how we can balance our yin and yang to get the most out of the opportunities we have.
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So, now scroll down to find your star sign and read your Tarotscope from Simply Tarot for the coming month of July…..

Top: Seven of Pentacles Bottom: Queen of Cups Left: Six of Pentacles Right: Six of Swords
‘Stuck in the middle’ are the words that come to mind looking at these cards. We have an equal balance in the Six of Pentacles and Six of Swords, which suggests that things are not easy on the home/financial side of things, and there is no movement one way or the other for you.
You are aware that you need to make some changes regarding your financial situation (Seven of Pentacles) but the worry about future income, as a result of this, seems to have created a stalemate. These cards suggest that there is probably far too much emphasis on money, in terms of what you think you need to make your life better, and this could be causing a blockage. You feel you need to maintain your present income because there is no alternative. You are not very happy about this though.
The Queen of Cups is a high ranking card which suggests that you need to look, at least in equal measures, at what would make you feel more relaxed in your relationships, and way of life. To have time to enjoy the people around you, time to savour the wonderful things that you already have, time to yourself, and to re-discover the real you that got buried under money worries.
You need to focus on your emotional needs, a little more, to help you make the decision – to perhaps be prepared to sacrifice a little money (eg change of job) – in order to break the stalemate, or more importantly, for more time to enjoy yourself.

Top: Ten of Cups Bottom: King of Cups Left: The Lovers Right: Five of Swords
If it is love and relationships that is on your mind, as the cards suggest, then it is might be that you are seeking a fulfilling relationship, or at least hoping that a current one can reach better heights. The Ten of Cups might represent your desire to have a long-lasting relationship, or that you are currently in one. The King of Cups suggests to me that although you feel confident you are ready for this kind of relationship, you might not really be able to fully commit to one because you fear the pain of loss.
The Lovers and the Five of Swords indicate an imbalance in what you are prepared to do about this. Is it that you are a little bored with the options that you already have, or is there a bit of a ‘can’t be bothered with all that conflict’ kind of attitude somewhere deep within? The Lovers is a much more significant card that the Five of Swords, so perhaps the emphasis is more on let’s just see what’s on offer and not be ready to commit, more than being ready to fight for what you really deserve.
Life is very short, in the grand scheme of things, and we shouldn’t underestimate what the power of love can do for us. These cards suggest to me that you might need to let yourself go, take the risk and actively seek the love you really desire. You could miss out on something wonderful by being afraid. An unrealistic view of perfect love might be stopping you from dipping your toe in the water of a relationship, whereas a bit of bravery, and a can-do attitude, might well take you to a beautiful place.

Top: Four of Pentacles Bottom: The Moon Left: The Hanged Man Right: Eight of Wands
The fear of losing money and the fear of not knowing what is going to happen (the Four of Pentacles and The Moon) could well be forming the basis of your outlook for July. At the same time, it might be that you are well aware that an opportunity for greater income is on offer but you feel in the dark about some of the information around it. This could be causing a blockage for you at the moment.
The Hanged Man suggests that you feel you have to sit and wait for results rather than forging ahead with what needs to be done to make this opportunity work well for you; whereas the Eight of Wands, suggests that hard work and effort is what is likely to move things on. So what needs to be done?
Whilst you often can’t force situations that are simply not ready to unfold, there are perhaps some things that you can do whilst the future outcome develops. Firstly, allow yourself to believe in the risk, taking the chance – the Eight of Wands suggests a successful outcome – and keep focused on the success ahead. And though, whilst things are not clear to you, The Moon suggests you learn to trust your instincts and act accordingly. Do the things you feel prompted to do, say the things you feel you should be saying, work at the things in which your efforts will not be wasted. In this way, you are gently easing things forward, and paving the pathway, ready for when things are about to take off.

Top: Nine of Swords Bottom: King of Pentacles Left: Knight of Wands Right: Judgement
You might be at war with yourself in terms of whether you think you are a complete mess or a massive success! The Nine of Swords represent self-destructive thoughts, where you might be focused much more on thoughts of fear, grief or guilt. The King of Pentacles, on the other hand, is a very competent and successful authoritative figure, that can be trusted, and who has the ability to overcome obstacles and hurdles with ease. So, which is it to be?
The Knight of Wands versus Judgement suggests that you really want to get on your charger and ‘get in and at ’em’ to achieve your desires, but the imbalance here, according to the cards, is that you could be more worried about what people might say, or think about you, if you did.
You may well be in the position where you’ve been advised to listen to those in the know. However, nobody ‘knows’ you better than you. So, perhaps you could allow yourself to boost your own self-confidence by asserting what it is you really want to do and regain the control in your life. A little less conversation and little more action, perhaps. Maybe this will give you some evidence that you really are the King of Pentacles rather than the worrier depicted in the Nine of Swords. Perhaps July is the month you regain your authority in your own life and you can start embarking on the adventures you seek.

Top: Three of Swords Bottom: Eight of Cups Left: Queen of Swords Right: Two of Pentacles
You may be held in the fear of heartbreak, and/or separation from loved ones, according to the Three of Swords and the Eight of Cups, in July, or indeed this might already be the reality. Perhaps, it is the former of these two at the moment – the fear – as these cards are indicators of how you are feeling more than actually experiencing, in this spread. These cards represent what might be running through your mind (top card) and the feeling in your gut as it were (bottom card). In either case, you are likely to be feeling distressed.
The Queen of Swords and its counterbalance, the Two of Pentacles are pretty wide apart in equality. The imbalance in the situation lies heavily in relying (it would seem) on either a woman in your life, or your own attitude. The Queen hides her pain and acts aloof to protect herself – this could be creating a barrier which is hard to penetrate for those that care. The Two of Pentacles is a card which suggests partnerships are on offer that could work well, but the Queen card overwhelms the power of the Two.
The cards would suggest that you might need to let down your barriers and be ready to accept any pain that may (or may not!) come your way. There is a definite need to learn to work with other people and allow them in to balance out the isolation, and fear, you feel. Other people may well be able to soothe your fears if you allow them in, and help you to manage your own thoughts and feelings, and very likely avoid the heartbreak you fear.

Top: Two of Wands Bottom: The Emperor Left: Four of Wands Right: Five of Pentacles
The top and bottom cards might be suggesting a slight frustration that you are not as far on, in your journey, as you would like to be, and a desire to have everything under control and complete. The Two of Wands represents how far you have got with regards to a particular project or endeavour you have undertaken (this could be a business, a project, even a house move). The Emperor represents your drive and ambition to achieve your goal and to reap the rewards. So, it could be that your focus is much more on the end point (nothing wrong with that) more than on the tasks that still need to be addressed to get you there.
The imbalance between the left and right card positions, shows an ever so slight leaning towards the financial aspect of this through the Five of Pentacles. This card would suggest that you might have lost a bit of faith in your own abilities to see this through, whereas the Four of Wands could be suggesting that what you have achieved so far is showing real signs of success. In other words, the end result of your desires will come if you continue to attend to the practical tasks to complete your project rather than focusing on the ‘what ifs’ and trying to leap from point A to point Z without facing the important bits in between.

Top: The Sun Bottom: The Emperor Left: Three of Cups Right: Three of Wands
In terms of these tarotscopes, the cards are showing great balance for the month of July. The Sun indicates that you are aware, and are full of gratitude for what you have, and The Emperor represents the drive and determination you know is required to reach your goals. As Major Arcana cards they show significant belief in yourself and that you know where you are heading and why.
The left and right cards also show that you already have the balance right to achieve what you want. You put equal effort into the relationships around you as you do attending the day to day tasks that are required to keep your domain safe, happy and secure.
There may well be a lot more you wish to achieve, as depicted in the Three cards. The suit cards number up to Ten, so you are still on a journey which is relatively new.
Sometimes life allows us periods of time, halcyon days, where everything is running smoothly and happily. It looks like July is one of those times. You might even find that a celebration of some kind is in order. Enjoy.

Top: Two of Swords Bottom: The Star Left: Ten of Pentacles Right: Page of Cups
The top and bottom cards indicate that there is a problem or situation that you are avoiding dealing with (Two of Swords) and that there is a feeling of despair which which has you in quite a dark place at the moment as depicted by The Star. Perhaps you feel trapped by this situation and you feel that it can’t be progressed by anything you do. In fact you can. The despair is far overshadowing the reality of the problem, if you look at the significance of the cards. The Two of Swords is way less significant than The Star. By tackling the issue, it is likely that you will not only find it is not as difficult as you feared, but also that if it had been left longer it would have been a lot harder to address.
The cards on the left and right indicate that you are more concerned about how you might be looked upon by others (Page of Cups) than your ability to sort it out in a practical manner (Ten of Pentacles). In fact these two cards suggest to me that not only have you the capabilities to communicate on an emotional level, but an above average ability to deal with any issues that arise. Be confident in yourself. You deserve to move on from this issue which is holding you back.

Top: Five of Pentacles Bottom: Ten of Wands Left: Queen of Wands Right: Five of Cups
The two cards which are representing your thoughts and your gut feelings reveal worries about the security of your home life (Five of Pentacles) and feeling overburdened by what’s happening in your life at the moment (Ten of Wands).
These cards would indicate that you are feeling the responsibility of providing a happy home and yet there is so much to do, to keep it altogether, that it is taking its toll on you. In reality, there is less risk in losing your financial/ home security than there is of you wearing yourself out in the process of keeping things ‘together’. You need to share the burden.
The card on the left, the Queen of Wands, depicts you as more than capable of completing any task you are given and doing it well. The card on the right, shows the imbalance in the Five of Cups, that fear of losing something to do with the relationships around you should not outweigh your ability to solve the issue at hand. You have every right to call ‘time’. To delegate some of the tasks to others. These cards indicate that no-one will think the less of you if you say you need help to get things done. You have proven who and what you are and that maybe those around you need to understand that you go above and beyond what should really be expected of you. So don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself right now.

Top: Knight of Wands Bottom: Six of Wands Left: Ten of Wands Right: King of Pentacles
The Knight of Wands in the top position and the Six of Wands in the bottom position indicate that there is nothing you like better than a challenge, and what’s more you know that you are able to bring those challenges round to a successful outcome. You have plenty of confidence which is well respected, and comes from hard work and a passionate nature. The question is, how many challenges can you undertake before it takes its toll on you and affects your own circumstances?
The card on the left, the Ten of Wands and the card on the right, the King of Pentacles, suggest that you do actually get overburdened and tired with all you have to do. However, the King of Pentacles outweighs this because you know you can do it, whether that is in physical form or on a material level. It would seem that it would be very hard to convince you to only take on manageable quantities of challenges.
However, it might benefit you to make use of some of your resources to pat yourself on the back and tell yourself ‘Well done!’ Perhaps it is time to give yourself a treat, in whichever way, to fuel your energy levels for the next challenge ahead, because, although they are hard work, these challenges are indeed working towards some sort of recognition and reward, for you, in the background too.

Top: Two of Pentacles Bottom: Ace of Pentacles Left: Five of Wands Right: Seven of Swords
The focus in July for you is likely to be on a material level. The Two of Pentacles in the top position, indicate that a partnership of some sort will help you achieve what you want to do in this aspect, and, as depicted by the Ace of Pentacles, your goal is to achieve some financial security through it.
The Ace suggests that there is indeed a fire in your belly to get this underway and, provided you make the most of any opportunities you are offered, there is no reason to suggest that they won’t pay off.
The left and right cards represent any imbalances that might throw you off course.
There is a real difference between the Five of Wands – ie that you know there will be hurdles and obstacles you’ll need to overcome, but the Seven of Swords outweighs this card and, to me, suggests that you have a greater fear of deceit and manipulation which might take you down an unnecessary path. The card that stands out in this reading is the Ace of Pentacles. This is the chance for a new start. The balance needed to succeed is to be less suspicious of those around you and to focus more on overcoming the issues which may (or may not) develop, this is what will achieve results. Indeed, this should be a very exciting time for you.

Top: Ace of Cups Bottom: Page of Wands Left: Queen of Pentacles Right: Nine of Pentacles
The top card, the Ace of Cups, and the bottom card, The Page of Wands suggest that you are feeling pretty emotional about something at the moment and that you are possibly hoping to hear something soon to help alleviate this feeling. Perhaps someone around you is about to have a baby, or there is someone who needs some care that you are waiting to hear about. The emotion is pretty overwhelming at the moment and you may feel that there is little you can do to move things on, though you feel ready to go out and push things to get them going.
The truth is that your forte is being extremely good at the practical aspects of life (the Queen of Pentacles and Nine of Pentacles). If you can’t rush things, or push things, to ease your mind, then do what you are good at. Distract yourself with tasks, or treats that will help you, or those around you, prepare for readiness for when things do happen, or start to move on. Allowing your head to be overrun by emotion is not going to help you get where you need to be, or make anything happen faster. Make sure that you, and those around you, are comfortable and happy, and keep on top of the tasks that need to be done in readiness. This way, time will pass much more quickly, and before you know it the news you have been waiting for will have arrived.
End of Tarotscopes
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