We hope you find the Tarotscopes for July helpful and insightful. Each of them is a genuine four card tarot reading by Patricia for the twelve star/zodiac signs – just scroll down to read yours.
For this coming month’s Tarotscopes I asked the cards to give some guidance/advice on what is the best approach to get the most out of what lies ahead and they have quite a lot to say – so don’t miss out!
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Have a joyful July!

In July, with regards to your home-life, or work, the Knight of Pentacles is a card which advises that particular care and attention should be given to even the smallest of tasks. Tedious as this might be, this will ensure that you will not be wasting more of your time mopping up any mistakes, or overlooked tasks, afterwards. In other words, do the best job possible in the first place, whatever you are undertaking, to get it right, so that you are making the best use of your physical effort and valuable time.
Having utilised your time and energy wisely, you may find you are able to take advantage of some high energy around a new adventure/project, or endeavour, which shows promise. The Ace of Wands is telling you there is a new opportunity to do something exciting – a house move, or travel or perhaps some other new project, but unless you use your time wisely, it could well be missed. So many opportunities are missed because we are too busy or too tired.
The Ten of Cups is suggesting that your relationships are in a pretty good place, right now, which is lovely, but you might find that someone you care about might have to go away somewhere for a while (Eight of Cups) and you’ll miss them, understandably, but the pain of that will be mitigated if you keep yourself occupied, and if the new opportunity is seized upon, as mentioned above, then it will be a worthwhile time for all. Make sure your time is well used and that your hard work is productive.

The Three of Wands could be indicating that you are reaching a good stage in terms of a project or endeavour this coming July, indeed you should be getting some signs of real success, which should spur you on to continue to grow this project – whether it is a business idea, or a project (such as a holiday or a house move). Give yourself a pat on the back, but make sure you don’t take your foot off the gas just yet, because there is still plenty more to do.
The Death card, in terms of advice this month, could be indicating that you should look to different areas in your life to cut out anything that doesn’t serve its purpose anymore. You may have to be a bit ruthless, whether it’s stopping doing something you’ve always done, or leaving a job of some sort, or even removing a person out of your life – if it/they are not helping you progress then you should think about coming away from it/them.
This is because the Ace of Wands indicates there is a lot of energy around a new opportunity which is available to you, but it is only viable if you make room for it. In other words you need to clear out the old to make way for the new, or you will find you are stuck in a ‘fur lined rut’ – comfortable but unable to move out of it. The Five of Pentacles endorses this, as this card suggests you are afraid (in terms of money) to lose what you’ve already got. Again, you’ll be surprised what resources you can free up if you have a clear-out of all that doesn’t serve you. Don’t allow yourself to hold on to old or ‘material’ things because, by doing this, you are weighing yourself down – and how can you reach the stars if you can’t fly?

Since you will have plenty of energy around a new project or endeavour this coming month (Ace of Wands), it would make sense to really consider what these tarot cards are advising in order for you to make the most of it.
This opportunity is in its very early stages, but it does have potential, and with some careful consideration of its feasibility, coupled with hard work and research, you could really make it grow. But then you might get a little bit lucky too. The Wheel of Fortune is a card which represents sudden change, not as a result of our own behaviour but by chance (or fate perhaps). When the Wheel turns it could take you to new heights, but you have to be ready to hold on tight to reach the top. In other words, there are changes ahead. You can either fall off the Wheel and make no progress, or you can be ready to ride it and be prepared to take this chance by embracing and working with what you are given. It is time for you to be alert and get ready to grab your chances.
Temperance indicates that you will need some balance whilst all this whirling about is happening. So make sure, even if things are truly exciting, to take time to stop and contemplate what your own needs are. Don’t get carried away by your head and make sure your heart has a say in all that you do, this way you will achieve the balance that is needed.
The Two of Pentacles suggests that you will be given an offer of help in terms of your work, or your finances, that could really give you a boost. Again, these opportunities don’t arise too often, and a little help, whether in terms of practical help or in terms of money, could really be the platform you need to spring from. Make the most of it.

Clearly, in July, emotions or relationships are going to be key factors in your life.
The Seven of Cups sits on one side of the Queen of Swords, and the Four of Cups on the other. Since the Queen of Swords does not wear her heart on her sleeve, indeed she is often considered quite cool and aloof, it is possible these cards are saying, perhaps, that the issues could lie with you to fix.
You might just be getting tired of the whole love situation, according to the Four of Cups, to the point where you have lost enthusiasm and motivation completely. The Four of Cups, however, would advise that it is not just ‘everyone’ else who is getting it wrong, but perhaps your own mindset is causing some of the issue at hand. This card would suggest you are looking at the ‘negatives’ far more than the ‘positives’ of what is on offer through your relationships.
Then we have the Page of Cups. You might just need to do some self reflection work. Perhaps this Page is advising that instead of expecting everyone to be perfect, you might have to analyse the way you come across to others. Like the Queen of Swords, could you seem unapproachable, too cold, uncaring? This may be a façade you use to avoid emotional pain, but it could be the barrier which keeps true love out. The Page would look at the following questions too, are you happy with yourself? With what you are and who you are? Do you accept and love yourself completely as you are? If that is something you can learn to do and to bask, relaxed, in your ‘self’, this loving energy will radiate and attract the same energy from others.
Love thrives on fun, confidence, and happiness – these are loveable qualities and sometimes we forget to practice them in the trials of life. Make the love-light shine from your eyes and you will probably find that people are tripping over themselves to be with you.

The Ace of Pentacles represents plenty of energy around a new opportunity to do with work, or home, this coming July. This could be in terms of money or improvements to your home-life. This is a good thing, and hopefully it will continue to grow and bring more comfort and security.
However, the value of this opportunity could be missed or overlooked by other things happening around you. The Chariot could be indicating that you are being pushed and pulled around by something, or someone, and this is preventing you from truly following the path you wish to tread. It could be feeling quite chaotic around you and it is important that you gain some control over this situation. The Ace of Swords suggests you might need to take a new approach to issues, and perhaps to look closely at who, or what, is having such an impact on your life that you don’t feel you are in control.
The Devil might be able to help you in this matter because this card indicates you are holding yourself hostage by your own thoughts. These self-destructive thoughts such as shame, guilt, anger or anything like this, could be making you feel you are not ‘worthy’ of the things you want. Whether this is to do with an addiction of some sort, or shame at past behaviours, the source is irrelevant. What is important to know is that you can free yourself – you can make choices to stop the addiction, you can choose to leave the past behind, you can forgive yourself for the mistakes you made. It is likely your mindset has turned you into your own worst critic, and it is probably worse in your head than in reality. You can change this by making some changes to your thought patterns and move on. Start a new day, with a new beginning, and set yourself free. Don’t allow yourself, never mind anyone else, to impede your progress. There’s plenty of life and excitement out there to be had if you stop shackling yourself to self destructive thoughts.

In July, the tarot cards indicate that instead of going through the month feeling exhausted and over tired, you could just take a few tips from them to help you avoid the burn out. The Nine of Wands suggests exhaustion and a temptation to just give up, and yet you are so close to completion.
We all have choices in our approach to all the things we are tasked with, and to start, the Five of Cups is advising that your own attitude to relationships could be part of the emotional strain being added to the general chaos you feel you are in. Being tired might mean you have greater expectations of those around you which, if they do not reach them, are likely to make you feel angry and hurt. Perhaps by focussing on the positives of your relationships, and not all the negatives, you might bring your love life back on course.
The Page of Swords could be advising you to not to be blasé about what you, or other people, are saying – words can be misinterpreted, be unclear or just plain wrong. Make sure you are very clear in your communications – make sure people have heard what you have said and that they understand. If you are not sure about something that has been said to you don’t be embarrassed to ask for clarification. Don’t leave things to chance, interpretation and/or gossip, rather than true facts, because this card indicates there could be some sort of issue in terms of communications.
Lastly, the Knight of Pentacles advises that, instead of careering round frantically rushing everything, it will help to pay attention to detail when dealing with all your tasks, because you will only have to expend more time and effort mopping up the mistakes later. So, approach everything this coming month with clarity and care – it will certainly make your life much easier in the long run.

The Two of Cups could be indicating that there is someone you could meet in July who may be able to help you in whatever project/work/endeavour you are trying to grow at the moment. It is worth finding out just how much this person can help you, because the Nine of Wands is indicating that you are exhausted with all the work and effort you are having to expend at the moment, and you might just feel ready to give up.
Interestingly, the King of Wands might be depicting this person. This King represents someone who is ambitious and who can inspire and make things happen. He can help turn ideas into reality. There would be a lot to be gained by enlisting the help of this person, but it might be that they lose interest after a while, so make sure you get what you need from them by then.
In addition, the Four of Wands is a card which suggests that your project is going to show signs of success very shortly, which will give you an opportunity to just take a wee rest to congratulate yourself for what you have achieved, before you forge ahead again.
So, whilst the Nine of Wands indicates you are almost ready to give up – don’t – because you are almost there and a little extra push will make all the difference!

Big changes could be coming this month for you, Scorpio! Firstly the Wheel of Fortune is going to turn, which could take you out of any lull or dip, in terms of your life, anytime now. When the Wheel turns, hold tight so you can be taken to where you want to be – in other words, when the Wheel turns new opportunities can appear but it is up to you to be alert enough to clock them and, more importantly, to do anything about them.
This means that you will be faced with a new road – a new direction – which won’t give any indication of where it will lead. But The Magician says ‘fear not’ because you do have all the skills and abilities to make this new journey a successful one. The Magician is an exciting card to get, and one that should reassure you. He wants you to believe in your own magic – your personal energies and your own special skills.
In addition, The Lovers coupled with the Two of Cups, suggests that a romance is about to blossom! Obviously, all relationships need nurturing to help them bloom and this one is no exception. Make sure you get to know them well before committing to them, too soon, so you can be sure they are right for you.
There’s lots of new things happening for you in July – these opportunities don’t come very often – so make the most of them!

There could be a person that will have a significant impact on your life this July, as depicted by The Emperor. This is likely to be an authoritative person, maybe a father figure who can have quite a firm and domineering attitude at times. Whilst The Emperor can be a protector and a great ally in some circumstances, The Emperor can also be a formidable foe. So, whoever this is, you might need to take stock of your situation to either make use of this person, or to keep them at arms length.
The Hermit does indicate that you might have to find some quiet time to find out what your true desires are and to find your ‘light’ again – this might help you be clear about what you want to achieve in the near future.
The Queen of Swords could be advising to keep your cool, stay alert and to not let emotions rule the day in any given situation this month. The Queen is very capable of noting whether the facts, and logic, of a situation hang together. She will not let her heart rule her head, so maybe this is what you will need to do.
Whatever transpires this month, The World tarot card does indicate that all will turn out well for you. Indeed this card suggests that you may find yourself in a situation that gives you everything you have ever wanted. But it does look like you might have to be wily to earn it.

July might bring you a short period of stagnation, one where you might feel that you are unable to move anything forward. This is meant to be. The Hanged Man would advise to not push against this because nothing will be achieved by doing so. The more you push and struggle the harder you will find it to bear. Instead, just relax and go with the flow. Turn your mind and ability to something else for a while as this will be more productive. Submit to this period of inactivity, which will bear its own fruits in time.
It seems, however, that before too long there will be a release of energy, as this stagnant phase unblocks (Eight of Wands) and then you will be hugely creative, motivated, and be producing some amazing results. It will be a challenging, but very rewarding time, as many opportunities are likely to emerge.
The Knight of Cups might be appearing just to remind you that all work and no play makes Jack/Jill a bit dull. Remember to keep romance and love in your life to balance the flow of energies. If you become consumed by work, then not only will your love life be neglected, and maybe cause some unnecessary issues – but you will start to lose interest and motivation for your project, according to the Seven of Wands. That would be a real shame.

Great success does not come without effort, conflict and adapting to circumstances according to these tarot cards. But the advice they give will help.
The Queen of Wands suggests that you have the ability to turn your hand to anything you choose and do it well. She also endorses that hard work and effort will bring its results, but she know that it will only come with continued determination and passion.
The Five of Swords represents the battles, or conflicts, one is faced with on the way – they are inevitable – but your choices are to, either use your precious energy and resources by fighting each battle and taking a hit, or decide to choose which battles are worth fighting, and safeguarding your precious assets. It doesn’t matter if you don’t win some battles, as long as you win the war.
The Strength card represents the different attitudes and approaches to individual situations. This card can warn of being too arrogant or abrasive, when a little kind firmness and understanding will go much further. It’s about recognising not only your needs, but those of any people around you, and being able to recognise the issues they are also dealing with. It’s about not being self obsessed or proud, but about being able to work, to give and receive as part of a team.
These pointers will help you to success, because the Eight of Wands is the card which follows. There may have been hindrances and blockages recently, but this month you are likely to reach the stage where all these are removed, and you will move ahead full of creativity and motivation. This card is letting you know the hard work of the past has been forming steadily into a well designed, and strong, enduring structure. Be ready for July to be a very productive time and make the most of it.

Having been through a difficult, indeed traumatic, time, July is likely to bring you some respite for healing and rest (Four of Swords). When coupled with the other cards in this reading, it could prove to be important that you take this time seriously.
You do need a break. Perhaps to just take one day to do what you want, to have time to recognise your own worth is all you’ll need. Open your heart to love of your ‘self’ and tell yourself you deserve success, be ready to accept the rewards that are due from all your efforts and invigorate yourself.
The Eight of Wands is saying the blockages and hindrances will soon be over, and you are about to enter a very productive time with positive energies in abundance! Opportunities will come and your creativity is awakened – a challenging but very rewarding July is promised and you need to be ready.
The Queen of Pentacles suggests a time of affluence and comfort, for you, in your home life, and the ability to afford what you need for you and yours.
And to top it all, The Sun tarot card is telling you that everything you turn your hand to will have the golden touch! The Sun will be shining on you bringing happiness, joy, success and an amazing energy to work with, so make the most of this coming month. Enjoy!
End of Tarotscopes
The tarot cards used in these Tarotscopes are from The Tarot House Deck
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