Welcome to the Tarotscopes for July 2021!
Hello to you all! Thank you for coming to read your Tarotscopes at Simply Tarot. I hope they bring you some insight and help you make the most of what might be coming your way – just scroll down to find your star sign.
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Wishing you a fabulous July!

Love and relationships seem to be the focus or highlight throughout July as represented by the Queen and King of Cups (the reading also finishes with a Cups card).
If you are not already in a ‘couple’ at the moment then it would seem that becoming part of one is a real possibility. It is also possible that it could be with someone that you already know and feel close to – and the Ace of Swords indicates that this might come about through a change in your ‘perception’ of this person. In other words, perhaps someone that you perceive to be just a friend, could appear in a completely different light to you at some point. It is worth you bearing this in mind as you head through July since it is likely to happen only if you starting looking at your acquaintances from a different and more open-minded viewpoint.
If you are already in a partnership, these cards indicate a closeness that perhaps has been lacking in the recent past – you must both play your part in acknowledging each other and talking/interacting like you did at the start of your relationship. Again, the Ace of Swords represent a ‘new’ approach or attitude helping this along, but it will be up to you to really re-ignite those interests and passions that pulled you both into this partnership.
The Two of Cups as the last card indicates that with this new approach and attitude it is likely that your relationship could move to an entirely new level of bonding and/or commitment. Partnerships are always a two way street and in order to get what you need out of one it is important that you contribute to it and nurture it rather than just expecting your needs to be met by your partner.

Whilst you might feel that your relationship is struggling and that you worry you are not going to work things out, the truth is that there is still the chance for reparation. The Five of Cups is a card which represents a mindset/attitude which could be part of the problem. It is so easy to get into the habit of being hyper critical about partners, especially if you feel tired and ‘put upon’, and often this adds to the difficulties. The Five of Cups advises that if you can adjust your thoughts to focus on the positives that your Partner brings to your table , try imagining what you would miss if they weren’t around, and you’ll find this approach can really help heal any rifts. Sometimes we can be totally unaware that we are part of the problem, our actions/energies have their own ripple effect, but you can help fix that.
We then have The Sun card which suggests that, despite this issue, there are lovely times to be had – you may even find that ‘luck in on your side’ because when The Sun shines its amazing energy on you then everything you turn your hand to is likely to flourish and bloom – so make the most of this boon in July. Always try to think of the things you have that you are grateful for – the energy with this attitude will attract the same energy and you’ll find you have even more things to be grateful for.
Again, it seems as though your own mindset could be causing you to feel unworthy – and maybe this is something you could learn to overcome. The Nine of Swords is a card which indicates feelings of guilt and the need to ‘punished’ for the mistakes you have made in the past. It is important that you learn to forgive yourself for the choices you made back then – you did what you did because everything in life encouraged you to make those decisions. You may do things differently now, and that is how it should be, but there is no need to punish yourself forever for something which is now over and done with. You must understand that everyone makes mistakes, it was a learning experience, and once you forgive yourself and you acknowledge that you’ve learned your lessons, you’ll find your confident and happy self returns!
A complete change with regard to some aspect of your life is possible in July – this could be something such as a new job, a new home but something that you find familiar, and maybe even comforting could well disappear through an unexpected event. These things happen when it is time for growth and we can only start to work on our true destiny when The Tower (something in your life you are ‘used’ to) falls. It can come as a shock at times, but it is important to remember you can now do things differently and in a much better and more durable way – this is when we start to rebuild our world with the knowledge of what we need to get right. Make sure your new Tower is really something to behold!! It’s a new chance and a new start.

The Moon indicates that in July there may be a period of time when things are not clear to you and yet there is something you know you should be sorting out – this is because you are not meant to have certain information until the ‘time is right’. Whilst this can be frustrating, it is best to be patient and to not push for the answers. It is also best that you refrain from making serious decisions at the beginning of the month since there is more to come to light for you soon. Your intuition is likely to be heightened so listen more to your heart, or your gut, and allow things to unfold.
You may find yourself stuck in a train of thought, or patterns of behaviour, that are not doing you any good. If anything is making you feel ‘useless’ or ‘unworthy’ then you should remember that it is always in your power to remove it from your life. You are the only one who controls your mind and your attitude – not The Devil – and it is you who can change any destructive habits for the better, so if you are ‘waiting’ to be free from any addictions, you will have a long wait – this needs to come from you.
The Ace of Cups is a delightful card which promises a new relationship – whether romantic or platonic – one which can bring a lot of enjoyment which will be fun. This card can also indicate a heightening of emotions during July, and, if this is the case, any energy is always useful in some way – so no matter how you feel – even if you are ’emotional’ – channel that energy into creating something amazing (food, art, crafts, writing) and surprise yourself.
The Seven of Swords might be hinting that you should be alert to some sort of manipulation, and it could be coming from you – whilst we are all guilty of the occasional white lie there are times when repressing the truth is not justifiable. If you feel that you are being manipulated by someone else, then perhaps it is time to find out why they can’t be honest with you. Either way, this card indicates that truth and honesty is the best way forward for you, and you need to acknowledge this to yourself and those around you.

Visually there is a lot of ‘movement’ in these cards – including growth, and it seems as though July is the time that things could be starting to head the way you want to them to go. But that will need a kickstart from you first.
The Knight of Cups is on an adventure, he rides his horse to search for his ideal love. This card could either indicate you are ready for a new relationship, and you start looking for one, or that someone could appear in your life you would certainly consider engaging with in terms of a relationship. In either case, make sure that you are ready for a relationship right now, since a relationship will tie you down. Are you really searching for love? Or are you just feeling adventurous?
The Two of Pentacles shows ‘growth’ in terms of your material standing and help may be on offer to in some way. So, you could be offered some work, or you may get some help with regard to any projects you’re working on which could bring benefit to you somewhere down the line. Remember that offers of help (in whichever way it is offered) will only come occasionally and, so, it would make sense to use it sensibly whilst you can. This could be a fantastic stepping stone to success in terms of financial stability.
The Chariot is a card which encourages you to ‘grab the reins’ of your life and steer it in the direction you want it to go. The alternative is you subject yourself to being pushed and pulled in different directions by other people and end up getting nowhere in particular. In other words – be clear about what you want to do, and don’t be diverted by other peoples’ needs and wants – they will just use your vital energy time and effort, which should be used for your own journey.
Whilst things might feel static to you – and perhaps you feel you have no choices of your own – this is not strictly true. Maybe there are influences in your life that do hold you down at the moment; you may have habits or addictions that make you feel unworthy; you may feel you don’t have the money or the time to turn things around for yourself – the truth is that you can change things at any time. You can be passive and allow yourself to be held to these restrictions, or you can use your time to make some changes to how you’ve always done things. If you are prepared to make the changes, every minute of the day can be used to prepare for your big adventure.
The important message in these cards is that you can be the mover and the shaker – you can be the Director of your own life story, but you will need to change your mindset to one that is more proactive and less reactive.
Read on, now, because Cancer is the Birthday star sign and you have an extra card!
Happy Birthday to you whenever it is/was. Your birthday card special is:

The Ace of Cups! This card indicates how much much love, joy and emotion you inspire in other people. This is the ultimate cup of love. It is possible that you might be asked to consider a new relationship too and even though this could be romantic or platonic, it is likely this person could bring a lot of fun into your life – this Ace of Cups is a high energy card, there’s excitement ahead.
Your emotional energy vibration is likely to be very high during this Birthday month of yours and it would be a shame to waste it, so bask in its healing waves and shine it out to everyone else! This could lead to important opportunities, and the chance to turn things around for yourself – you have so much to offer (see how the tree is blooming and the water is calm) your loving energy is just what is needed right now – to so many people, in so many different ways. Whatever joy you pour out to others will surely come back to you some way, at some point, soon. Enjoy!

The Fool starts us off indicating a new journey is about to begin for you, but, he brings some advice, make sure you don’t get distracted by the excitement of this new adventure, keep alert for the pitfalls that you fell into last time, and use previous lessons in life to make sure this new journey will take you to the place you really want to be! It is a chance to do things better, and to do them differently, so make the most of it.
The Knight of Pentacles also brings some advice. Whatever you are tasked with in the coming month do it well. This Knight’s success comes to him because he pays attention to detail, and executes all of his duties with care and application. He is also dependable and trustworthy. If you can put these attributes into everything you are tasked with he indicates the same success will come to you.
The Two of Pentacles suggests that there may be some help on offer too! Whether this is a partnership of some kind, a loan, or even someone who can offer you practical help, the key message of this card is that, used wisely, this could really help you financially in the future so keep alert and ready for this offer (it could be easy to miss, or disregard) and ensure you make use of it – this won’t happen every day.
You may be seeking some sort of tenet or belief that would help you make sense of the world right now. Religions or spiritual beliefs can sometimes be helpful if you can find the one which you feel comfortable with and fills the need. However, you might just need someone to talk to who can help you see clearly what you need to do. It may be that no particular belief or religion fits with your gut feelings, however, and that is ok. There is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to make your own decision about how to approach life, and mix and match principles (taken from wherever) that fit your purpose to live honourably and honestly. Just ensure any advice you do get is truthful and honest in itself.

The Emperor is a strong character who makes an excellent ally or a truly formidable foe. He can use all his power and assets to back you up….or bring you down. This card could be representing you and demonstrating the impact you have on others, or there may be someone around you who will bring this dynamic into your life in July. Whilst this person is around you can make use of their special influence, and if they are willing to help you, get them to do so before they move onto their next project because what they could contribute to you is significant. If this is someone you consider a foe then make sure you know how to handle any situation you could find yourself in with them, and know how to back away with dignity. If the card represents you, then just be aware of the power you hold and embrace the kinder side of The Emperor, since loyalty to you, rather than fear of you, will be more beneficial to everyone concerned.
The Ace of Pentacles is a card which indicates high energy around an opportunity relating to work or income. So it may be that you are offered some work, or you spot an idea which could be turned into a potential ‘earner’. It is also possible that The Emperor is linked to this new ‘job’/opportunity and it is worth doing some research as to whether he is likely to be a friend or foe in this matter and this could help any decisions you might need to make.
The King of Cups has appeared to bring you some advice in terms of love – which is all very well …….however, this King has experience of love and can talk the talk, but he doesn’t actually want to engage in a relationship for fear of being hurt. If you are in a relationship then this card will be advising you to not take your partner for granted – it is possible they need some love attention right now, but are having difficulty showing it. If you are not, then this card might be advising that you stop hiding away from love yourself – there is a lot of happiness you could be missing out on.
In terms of income and work the Six of Pentacles indicates you could be in line for some sort of gift or bonus which is lovely news. This might come just at a time when you had lost faith in some people around you, and it should restore your confidence about people in general. Use it wisely, though, since these things happen rarely – and it could sort you out for the long term if you are careful with it.

The High Priestess appears when events are unfolding in the background (via the Universe) preparing a new destiny for you. What that destiny is, or will be, is not meant to be known or seen just yet, but The High Priestess assures you that you are not forgotten and that your journey will take a different turn. You are asked to trust, and you could find your intuitive skills are heightened though it is a good idea not to make any major decisions until you’ve had some indication of how things might be developing. Keep counsel until then.
It is imminent though that at some point you are going to need to be stronger and clearer in what you want from your life. The Chariot indicates a propensity for being pushed and pulled in different directions to the extent that you feel out of control of your own direction. It is ok to have needs and desires of your own, and until you make them clear to others no-one will truly understand what they are and continue to pull on your time. You need to have some control over your own journey.
The Queen of Wands is reassuring you that, no matter what, you are more than capable of dealing with anything that comes to your door, there is no task that you can’t undertake, and do it well. She wants you to have confidence in yourself and your abilities – she might even be suggesting that it is time to shine your light and show people what you are really capable of, and perhaps she is right, perhaps you aren’t being recognised to the extent you should be.
The Five of Pentacles is a card which represents a fear of loss in terms of money or ‘standing’ in a material way and this might prevent you from making a monetary decision. If you fear that any ‘loss’ will have a damaging impact then perhaps you need to change your perspective a little. This card advises you to consider what is truly of ‘value’ to you, and if that is based on the ‘value’ of material goods, then perhaps this needs to be changed. In other words the loss of an income, or position in society, only hurts you when it matters to you how it looks to other people. If you can cover your needs on a physical level, and your relationships are good and prospering, then in reality all is not lost – and so making a decision which could mean a loss in terms of your current standing could create new and much more exciting opportunities for you – so, if you know what you want out of life this might be the time to enable that.

So, it might be that some things need changing in July. Here we have an unusual mix of cards which suggest that you might need to start making some waves in your life.
The Magician advises that you are about to come to a crossroad. The magic he possesses (see how he can manipulate each of the items in the image?) is the same as yours – you just need to know in which way. He is telling you that you must now think about choosing your new direction – he does not advise you which to take but he does want you to know that you can take either of the options with confidence. What you have learned along the way to get to this point has given you the skills you need to manage the next part of the journey. So, any decisions you now have to make should be done so by taking into account what you have learned through past mistakes, or misguided decisions. Each of the items he is manipulating represent money, motivation, clarity of thought and emotions – all of which you have learned something about on your journey so far. This is your magic – he advises you to use it wisely, on the next stage of your journey – and it will take you to a better place.
The Six of Swords indicates that you might currently be in very difficult situation and yet you are dealing with it in a serene and calm manner – and whilst this is an admirable trait to have this is not an ideal situation for you at all. You must start to understand, within yourself, that you shouldn’t need to carry on ‘coping’ with it, especially if it comes at the expense of your own health and sanity. Perhaps it is time to start thinking how resolve this issue, and the importance of your own needs and desires.
The Ace of Wands represents high energy around new projects and adventures – perhaps it is time to move on? If you feel ready to make this happen, then all the motivation, passion and enthusiasm to get things going will be at hand for you. You may not get another time quite so suitable for shaking things up, so consider carefully how to make best use of this energy to start getting some solutions for you.
On the relationship front the Five of Cups indicates a lack, or loss, of motivation and enthusiasm – you may have reached a point of total boredom. You might even feel that things have gone so far that there can be no repairing the situation. However, this Five advises that there is still hope, and one way to start the reparation is to look for all the positive things your partner can bring to you as opposed to the negative ones that you could well be focused on right now. If you want to give it another go then a change of mindset, and attitude, towards your partner might be the catalyst to get things working again.

Personal relationships are very much on the cards for July, with three Cups cards appearing.
The Five of Swords represents a situation which you feel you need to get involved in, or respond to, a direct challenge. However, this card asks you to weigh up whether your engagement in it is going to be worth the fall out on a personal level. Sometimes it is better to walk away from a conflict, because whether you win, or lose, it costs you too much in terms of your emotions and your energy. So, before you get involved in any issues in July think carefully about whether to engage, or to back away for your own sake.
It might not be a surprise to learn that the conflict could be concerning your relationships. The King of Cups is likely to represent an older person and the Page a younger person around you – in the middle of these two cards is the Seven of Cups, a decision card. This suggests you might be caught in a conflict between two people in your life. You may care deeply for both of them and the issue could be that you are asked to take one side against the other. The Seven of Cups represents this dilemma and is a card which represents ‘options’ for you to choose from – the main message of the card is to think carefully and choose wisely (which is easier said than done). If we now bring in the Five of Swords conflict card which gives you the advice to ‘walk away’ from situations, it might be appropriate to say that the cards suggest you have the ‘choice’ to not engage in this conflict at all – to not take sides but to say this is their issue not yours, that you care for all involved and it is not fair to ask you to take a stand between one or another. It can be difficult to do, but you do not have to shoulder the responsibility for everyone – this could be a classic case of you choosing one side over another and then the two of them holding you responsible for the overall outcome. Think carefully, and choose wisely – your choices and decisions are as important as theirs.

The Hierophant represents seeking advice in some way – generally in terms of religious or spiritual beliefs, or wanting some principles/tenets to live your life by. In simpler terms you may feel a change in your attitude to some of the things you have always believed in, or believed were the ‘right’ ways to do things. Do not be afraid to seek alternative viewpoints, but do be careful who you turn to and what you learn from them, because to follow a point of view blindly, without good and through research about the truth of it, might put you in a more difficult position than you find yourself in right now.
The Eight of Swords represents a very difficult situation coming to a head where there is little else you can do to repair it, or turn it around. At this point this card advises you to pick yourself up and head into the future leaving it all behind you – accept that it is done, finished and you can’t do any more. The effort and time you spend on it is likely to be futile, and you have the rest of your life to live – and that is your most important task – to make sure you continue to live your life to the full.
The Knight of Swords repeats the message you can choose to engage in unnecessary conflict, or you can think carefully about the time and effort you are putting into any challenge and consider, honestly and truly, whether it is worth the damage to your mind, body, heart and soul and maybe even your pocket! You can turn away from it, walk away from it and start using your resources to better your own situation, rather than participating in one in which you have no control and little impact.
The Two of Cups, as the last card in the reading, seems to indicate that should you walk towards your new future away from painful situations, there is likely to be some sort of a relationship which could have a lot of potential. Love is soothing and nurturing – conflict hurts – these cards seem to indicate that perhaps you need to avoid more pain and turn to love – it is there waiting for you and perhaps it is what you need the most right now.

Whilst things are building very nicely in terms of your financial situation, the Eight of Pentacles indicates that training in some form will be very beneficial to the situation. The number Eight is high in terms of the suit cards in a tarot deck and indicate a definitive level of establishment in a particular situation, however, with a little bit of skill building things could go further. So, whatever this training refers to, you can be sure that its impact is what’s needed to kickstart future success.
The Two of Cups indicates that a new relationship could develop into something more tangible. It is still early days, and time will tell, but the Two of Cups is a joyful card which indicates someone could bring some much needed love, and probably fun, into your life.
The Queen of Wands is a highly capable, motivated and enthusiastic Queen who can turn her hand to anything and make a success of it. If you are having any doubts about yourself then she has appeared to dispel them. What she will say to you, in addition, is don’t just think about – do it! She is very hands on and practical, and that is where her success lies. She isn’t faint of heart and will take on any challenge – perhaps she is asking you to do the same for your own success. Be confident and trust your own abilities.
We also have The Empress appearing in this reading. This is another strong woman with clear direction. She could represent you, too, and be asking you to step up to the next level – from Queen to Empress. She could represent your status improving, should you continue with your efforts and by taking the advice of the other cards in this reading. She could be asking you to not expect too much of other people (The Empress can tend towards ‘ it’s my way or the highway’ school of thinking) so you don’t get disappointed. She could also have appeared to highlight relationships with your own offspring, or parents (specifically maternal). Whichever of these it might be, this Major Arcana card represents a significant impact in terms of your relationships and your influence on others around you, it is possible that she represents an upgrade in your position in a material way. The overall message is believe in yourself – there is much more to come.

For anyone on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces it is interesting that the powerful card, The Empress, ended one reading and began the next. This would seem to highlight her strength and influence is key over both star signs.
The Empress could represent your current status which is very powerful and influential too, don’t underestimate your impact on others. She represents pregnancy, mother/child dynamics and the importance of enabling growth, and providing nurture. Whilst The Empress is powerful, approachable and loyal she can expect things to be done ‘her’ way and this can, sometimes, cause conflict. So be clear in any communications and interactions if your relationships are to flourish without creating unnecessary challenges.
The King of Pentacles is also a powerful card in that it indicates success in terms of your income/work/money source. You should have a good month ahead in this respect – mainly because this King makes sure his money works for him, and that it can yield more from careful use of it – he knows you can do the same. If you find yourself in a good position money-wise make sure this sets you up for the future rather than being lax and frittering it away. Being careful this month could make a huge difference for you, financially, in the future.
In a different situation, the Eight of Swords indicates another issue that you just won’t be able to sort out no matter how much you try, or how you want it to work; and this card says that perhaps the best thing to do is to pick yourself up and just walk away from it now. You could continue to try repair this situation but really there is no point. Use your energy and ability on something new……….something that will take you to the promising future that awaits you, because it is out there right now. Don’t waste your time on something you can’t fix.
The Ten of Cups is a lovely card to end the reading because, not only does it represent loving family and relationships, but it can represent good things happening to you all round. It is a very positive and lucky card too and it might be worth trying your hand at something new this coming month because the Ten of Cups is the ultimate affirmative card that you will be happy, and successful in it- so don’t let this energy go to waste, use it and enjoy it.
End of Tarotscopes.
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