Welcome to the Tarotscopes for July 2023! Scroll down to read your tarotscope from Simply Tarot.
A tarotscope is a tarot reading focusing on the coming month for each of the twelve star/zodiac signs. It reads a little like a horoscope but is focused on the cards and not the stars. They are written by me, Patricia, using our own lovely Tarot House Deck which you can buy HERE.
Don’t forget to check out your DAILY Tarot card HERE – everyday if you want!
Have an amazing July everyone! Sending you love and best wishes,
Patricia ❤️

In the first part of July there is likely to be a lot energy around your emotions, or a potential new relationship could emerge. Aces, in a tarot deck, represent an embryonic idea, or opportunity, which could develop further with a some input from yourself. You may find yourself very emotional either in a happy or, sometimes, sad way – if you explore your feelings at this time this could result in understanding yourself a little more. In terms of a relationship, which could be either platonic or romantic, you are likely to meet someone new. This is, more often than not, a joyous tarot card which represents all the excitement and fun around a potential relationship which, with your encouragement, may be the start of something very special. Either way be alert to what makes your heart beat faster and what makes you feel elated and engaged with life – this is likely to be the focus of the Ace of Cups.
The Six of Pentacles, which, here, representing the middle part of the month, suggests you might be the recipient of a financial gift or bonus. This card suggests that someone could help you out with regard to your income (or finances), which would be extremely welcome to you at this time. Not only could this gift/bonus help you in the obvious way but the generosity of this person is likely to restore your faith in humankind. If this does happen for you, do make the most of this gift since this rarely happens – and it could be the start of a trajectory to being more financially independent, so don’t fritter it away.
In terms of love, the King of Cups suggests that you could, indeed, find the love you have wanted in your life. This is the highest card in terms of ‘people’ cards and could represent a person around you who fills that need. If you are not currently interested in a relationship it is possible that this card has appeared to remind you that love is the supreme power in life and avoiding relationships, to avoid pain, might mean you miss out on amazing joy and happiness. It’s up to you of course, but it really is worth considering the upsides of a new relationship before ruling one out by force of habit. True love is not around every corner and there may not be many more opportunities.

Wow! These are very lovely cards for a reading.
Starting with Temperance, for the start of the month ahead, it would seem that it is time to bring some balance to your life. This card is about stopping to think about how far you have come, to see whether you are happy with what you have achieved and what you need to focus on going forward – to realign, or reset, your goals. This card could be about balancing out the way you are approaching a particular situation – or indeed life in general – it is about using your emotions far more, pouring love into the mix rather than just using your head (intellect and logic). Whilst you may have done well with your approach so far, now is the time to allow your heart to have a say, and to show the love you feel for those around you. You’ll be surprised how well this will work for you.
The Two of Cups endorses this, since this card represents the development of a new relationship and it moving up to a more serious level where there is a commitment of some kind. In reality this doesn’t necessarily have to be a romantic relationship, it could be any person coming in to your life and bringing something really worthwhile to your table. This is a really happy card full of fun and excitement, and one which suggests this person could bring you a lot of joy.
The Sun is probably one of the most positive cards in a tarot deck – the meaning of it being that the nurturing energies of the sun will be shining on you at the end of the month. Often this suggests that things are likely to go really well for you; whatever task you undertake is completed with ease and success, and it is a time of happiness and joy. You should feel an incredible sense of gratitude for all the wonderful things in your life. Make the most of this amazing energy shining on you – ensure you get any outstanding issues, or tasks (that you may have been avoiding), sorted since this is the best time to do it with The Sun’s energy around you.

Initially, in July, it seems that, having faced hurdles and difficulties in respect of your project, you will find they have now been removed. This leaves you free to forge ahead and get on with the very things you needed, and wanted, to do. This does also mean that you are likely to be very busy indeed, and whilst you might be tired, and to some extent overwhelmed, you’ll find that it will be a hugely productive time which will please you immensely. You will move significantly forward in terms of your work as a result.
In the middle of the month, the Ace of Swords suggests you may have to pick up some sort of a challenge – this could be something with regards to your existing beliefs (perhaps spiritually or in terms of religion). You may find that the tenets you followed and believed in no longer really serve you as well as they did. This could bring about a little conflict with the people around you who might be surprised at the change of attitude. It will help if you could be very clear in your communication with these people (and know your subject well), so that they can really begin to understand where you stand, and why. This will prevent things blowing up out of proportion.
The Nine of Wands indicates that towards the end of the month you (understandably) might feel exhausted with everything that’s been going on. This nine numbered card suggests that you are very close to reaching your goal, and even though you might feel like just giving up, if you just summon up the last dregs of your energy, for the remaining sprint, you will surely reach your goal and feel amazing for doing so. Keep going, you are very nearly there!

At the beginning of July there may be a focus on love interests in your life. It might be that you need some advice about yours, or you may be asked for advice from someone you know. The King of Cups however, generally represents someone who has experienced love and can speak knowledgeably about relationships and what they involve – however, this King can do the talking but is reluctant to engage in a relationship personally in order to avoid pain. He is reluctant to give love a go. If this is you then the message might be to not avoid new relationships through fear of failure, but to at least consider the wonderful time you might have by engaging with a new love – don’t let fear stop you missing out on what could be the most wonderful thing that ever happened to you.
In the middle of the month the Nine of Wands suggests you could be feeling exhausted from recent efforts and the issues that you’ve had to deal with………but don’t give up. This nine numbered card represents being very, very close to achieving your goal. You are very nearly at the finish line though you might not see that yet. It is important to keep doing what you are doing no matter how hard it is, or how tired you are, because when you reach that finish line you will feel amazing!! Keep going – find that last ounce of grit and determination to see this through! It will be worth it.
Towards the end of the month you may have to consider a change being presented to you with regard to your work or income, and you may be asked to make a definitive decision as to whether to accept this change or not. If you focus on what you now need in your life, and take some lessons from your past experiences you should be able to justify any decision you come to. You know what you can manage with (or without) and you are more than able to adapt to different circumstances so don’t let this possible ‘change’ rattle you. Consider your situation carefully so that you make the right decision for you.
Hey! Cancer is the July Birthday star sign and that means you get an extra card in honour of your birthday (wherever it falls) – Happy Birthday. Your extra card is………..

the Knight of Cups!
What does he want to tell you? Well, that you are loving and loveable. The ideal person in terms of romance. This Knight is always in search of the perfect love and, as he as appeared as your birthday card, his message is more about how people see you and that you are attractive and alluring. He is likely to also be saying that love could well be coming your way soon – perhaps your next relationship is already on its path to you – someone could be seeking you out especially. How will this new love find you? By YOU extending your love into the Universe and saying you are ready to accept them in your life – and, whilst you are doing this, have a very clear list in your mind of the qualities you would like this person to have.
If you are not interested in a new relationship then this card wants you know that you are very much loved – whether you hear and see that, or not, from the people around you is irrelevant – this is his message to you. Perhaps it’s time to hold your head up and set off for a wonderful new adventure like this Knight would do – there’s no doubt you are ready for some fun and laughter and exciting times, so go for it!

It looks as though a tricky and possibly painful episode in your life is heading towards its end. Whilst this might not feel like great news looking at these cards, the reality is that this particular situation is not ideal for you and, with it ending, there will come some real relief.
The Eight of Swords tends to highlight something you might feel you ‘want’ – whether that is a person, a job or anything that you particularly feel a desire for – is not going to happen for you. You may feel disappointed about that, of course, but in truth there are better things heading your way which will suit you more. These new opportunities will only be noticed by you if you accept the ending of this situation and move forward. It is better for you if don’t wallow in the questions ‘if only’ and ‘what if’ about the past – they will only hold you in the painful past.
The Ten of Swords brings the finality of this difficult situation – the realisation, and understanding, of what has happened and why it was not right for you. To some extent this will help you, because once you reach that understanding you can learn to accept the truth and work to leaving it behind. If you keep focused on the future, you will find new opportunities to explore and enjoy. Being stuck in a situation which is not right for you will never do you any good, and often the desire to keep ‘working’ at something only serves to prolong the difficulty. Now you will be able to make the right decisions for you and set new goals. Leave it all behind now and start again – this time things can be so much better.
Towards the end of the month the Queen of Swords could represent a rather cold and logical attitude to life. This is not surprising considering the conflict represented by the previous Swords cards. If you are feeling some pain you might be trying to avoid experiencing it again, or hide it beneath a practical exterior. However, taking this approach might isolate you – the Queen of Swords is ever alert, she can communicate and function but can also appear unapproachable and aloof and she can find herself very much alone at times – and this is because she hides her emotions to protect herself. This kind of barrier brings its own problems, so remember to use your heart/emotions as well as your head as you forge into your bright new future.

You may be faced with a decision around your work or income streams at the beginning of July according to the Seven of Pentacles. You might worry a little about the changes brought about by any decisions you make, especially if you fear making the wrong decision, but it will really help if you can consider things carefully before deciding on what you should do. Using your past experiences you are likely to be able to know what you can manage with, or without, should your finances change. In addition you should look at what your priorities are now and in the immediate future – if your main priorities can still be achieved within any change, then your decision will be easier to make. Trust in your own abilities and adaptability to make any changes work for you. It will be better for you if any decisions you make are done so with careful consideration from every angle, because, then you’ll be able justify this decision in the future.
The Queen of Swords has appeared to bring the message that critical thinking and logic will help you make the transition through any changes you may be faced with. Her communication skills are superb, she is always alert and ready and she understands what she is faced with because she learns as much about the situation as she can; she uses her skills and knowledge to approach the tasks she is presented with in order to succeed, and she does succeed- she knows that you can do the same.
If, towards the end of the month, you are faced with a challenge, or confrontation, about something the same skills of the Queen of Swords will come in useful once again. The Five of Swords represents a possible challenge, and this card’s message is to consider a couple of things before engaging with it. One is that you don’t have to engage with every challenge you are faced with – sometimes it is best to just walk away and conserve your energy. The second is that even if you think you can overcome this challenge, sometimes it not worth the waste of your time and, more crucially, your energy. If you don’t succumb to this challenge you are likely to end up much better off in so many ways. Taking up the challenge could just deplete your armoury and your energy which could be better used in other ways. So, think first before taking any action.

The Page of Swords, for the first part of the month ahead, is really about misunderstandings or miscommunication, so the message from this card is to be careful how you present your thoughts or feelings to others. If people don’t really understand what your viewpoint is, or why you feel that way, then they are likely to misinterpret what you are trying to say and this could result in things being passed on to others and blown out of all proportion. Be very clear in what you say and why you feel this way, and this will prevent unnecessary conflict.
The Empress could represent a pregnancy, or actual birth of a baby, during the middle of the month – this may not necessarily be with respect to you, but it could be someone around you who is close. If this is not the case for you then this card could represent a mother/child relationship that needs some attention. There is no doubt that your input will be truly appreciated – however, when dealing with this situation it will be important to remember that being ‘maternal’ (ie nurturing) is very different from ‘matriarchal’ (ie dominant influence). It won’t help to have the attitude ‘it’s my way or the highway’. Take the more nurturing, gentle approach for a successful navigation through this situation.
In terms of work, or income, come the end of the month, you may be faced with having to make a decision as to what direction to take, according to the Seven of Pentacles. In order to make this decision, you should carefully focus on your current (and near future) needs as priorities, as well as what you have learned from past experiences to avoid making the same mistakes; by doing so, you should be able to make this decision with ease. Making decisions with regard to income is often a huge responsibility – thinking things through as suggested above will, at least, help you to confidently justify your decision should you need to in the future and there is nothing worse than looking back with hindsight and thinking ‘I should have known’ this/that.

Judgement, at the beginning of the month, suggests that you could be given the ‘results’ of some sort of assessment over recent times. This may be an official assessment at work, or someone possibly making some comment on the way you have behaved in a particular situation. If you generally approach tasks, and people, with integrity and respect, any outcome will surely be favourable to you and, in fact, be a pleasant experience for you. It may be something that you were aware of, or come as a complete surprise, but Judgement is always a good reminder to us that we are under observation, one way or another, a lot of the time and it is important to be aware of this.
The Seven of Pentacles is a card which suggests that your work, or income, may be subject to change in some way, as you head to the middle of the month. Whilst this might make you worry about the outcome of any decision you have make, with regard to this, it is worth taking the advice of this card which is to consider carefully what you have learned from past experiences (to not make the same mistakes) and to be sure of what your current priorities are, so that any decision you make can, at least, be justified should it need to in the future. Making a decision without consideration to your needs might not be the best idea right now. There is nothing worse than looking back on something and thinking you should have known better.
Interestingly, The High Priestess has appeared to represent the end of July for you. The message from this card is that, although you can’t feel it or see it, a new destiny is unfolding for you in the Universe. You aren’t meant to know what this destiny is because the time is not right, and not everything is aligned properly, just yet. However, The High Priestess wishes you to know that these things will come about soon, and until then, be patient and open to new suggestions. If something grabs your attention do some research into it, this may be a clue or sign of things to come – and trust your intuition at this time too, since your spiritual side is likely to heightened.

The Knight of Pentacles could represent a young adult around you who is very good at their work/duties. It may be that they could help you in some way and, more importantly, if they do help they will do it very well since this Knight is hugely successful in everything he does. This card represents working diligently and paying attention to every minute detail of any tasks that are undertaken – and this is the secret of this Knight’s success. So accept this young person’s help if offered. If this is not the case for you then this card is likely to be asking you to emulate the Knight of Pentacles’ approach to tasks if there is something important you need to tackle – to not take shortcuts or overlook the detail, and to ensure this is handled with diligence and care.
The Empress is a card which represents the conception, or birth, of a child. If this is not relevant to you then it could be someone around you that comes with this news. However, The Empress could be highlighting your own mother/child relationships, in which case the main message for you is that the best way to deal with this relationship is with a nurturing (maternal) attitude, rather than a domineering (matriarchal) one. Try to keep your temper in check whilst dealing with others during this time, since The Empress can sometimes decide that ‘her’ way is the only way and this will not help.
Towards the end of July it would seem you could be faced with a new task or new project. As always, the Queen of Wands appears to let you know that whatever you turn your hand to you can do it well! This Queen always rises to the challenge and successfully achieves what she sets out to do. You can do the same! Belief in your own abilities/confidence is key to completing with task with aplomb, although research into what you need to know, to work on this project, will also be of immense help.

The light of the moon is not as bright as the light of the sun and, so, when The Moon card appears it means that you might not be able to see things as clearly right now as you should be able to; it is possible that you may not have the full information you need, around a situation, at this time. This means it would be sensible to avoid making any major decisions, at the beginning of July, in case more information comes out which could be crucial. Patience is needed until this phase passes.
The Eight of Swords is a card which heralds that a particular situation is not really working out the way you hoped it would; and avoiding making a decision, about this situation, is not helping things – you could be feeling trapped by it. Whatever the situation is, it is likely that you have played your part in creating it and, therefore, you can help to sort this out. Avoidance of fixing this issue is likely to make it harder, for you, in the long run – it prolongs the agony and it could be more difficult to fix the longer it goes on. Accepting this situation is not working out is the first step to freeing yourself from this debilitating issue.
In terms of your relationships the Ten of Cups suggests that all is very well indeed. This is one of the most positive cards in a tarot deck and suggests that you are much loved by those around you, and your relationships are established and enduring – you may have worked hard to set up this network of people around you, and now is the time to celebrate and enjoy it to the full. Immerse yourself in the loving environment you have carefully nurtured and worked hard for. Enjoy.

The Knight of Swords will charge into battle and engage without even knowing why at times – this results in his looking foolish, having used his armoury, and energy, unnecessarily. Rather than taking up a new challenge full on, you could be wiser than this Knight and do some research into whether this battle is really worth fighting for. It may be that you decide it is a waste of your energy, and resources, and be better off to just walk away from it, should a conflict arise.
In the middle of the month the Two of Cups suggests that a relationship, which you might have considered as ‘casual’, could develop into more of a commitment. This card is about getting to the next level of a relationship and it is an exciting and positive card. Obviously all relationships are two-way streets and need nurturing from both sides – if this doesn’t happen it can’t develop the way it should. So, if you want to continue with this relationship make sure you put every effort into it – it is still early days. There is still much to work towards as this relationship builds, but a lot of the best bits and the fun/enjoyment are in these early stages, so enjoy this very special phase whilst it’s here.
The Seven of Cups at the end of the month could indicate some key issues in a relationship – this may not be referencing the one mentioned above, but be relevant to any relationship – romantic or not – in your life at the moment. You may have different options to choose from around this relationship and deciding on the right one could prove difficult for you. Whatever you decide to do you will need to commit to that decision or you will just find yourself going round in circles again and again.

At the beginning of the month you might want to take the advice of the Queen of Cups – which is to have confidence and belief in yourself. This Queen does not have to work hard to attract love, she exudes confidence, and trusts her abilities to engage everyone she encounters. She totally believes in her own beauty and allure, and is able to use that to her own advantage. If you give yourself some pampering time, and/or treats, and search deep enough you may find your own Queen of Cups within – embrace her and let her out and let her work for you.
The Two of Swords in the middle of the month could suggest that you might be avoiding a conflict. Perhaps you don’t understand enough about this situation and that could be contributing to the avoidance. If you can find out more about why this conflict has arisen you may feel more able to tackle it. The additional message from this card is that the longer you take to sort this issue, the more difficult it might become. So, take a deep breath and try and work out what has gone wrong and why – maybe you can sort it more easily than you thought possible.
Towards the end of the month the Knight of Wands has appeared to advise you that you could either be setting off on an adventure of your own, or someone could ride into your life as a potential suitor. Whichever of these it is, just remember to treat it all as fun to start with. You could do with some excitement and enjoyment. Often, this Knight quickly wants to move on to something else he feels will be more exciting – however, if he finds himself in the right place with you (and your very alluring Queen of Cups!) things could start to happen. Go easy at first and see how things develop. And, more crucially, enjoy it!

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