Tarotscopes for June are written by Patricia House, artist of The Tarot House Deck.
I am heading for the 60th June of being on the earth this month! And a big birthday bash, I believe, is underway. As my birthday is mid-month, my recovery from the party should be complete by the time the next tarotscopes are due – with any luck!
For this month’s tarotscope, I have taken three cards to read about your current situation, and one card as an advice/key card to work on what needs to be done. I hope you enjoy them and that you’ll share with your family and friends.
Don’t forget to visit our Card of the Day page for some practical advice on daily issues, and if you are in the mood to treat yourself, why don’t you head over to our sister-site, Magickal Quest to see what lovely Reiki-imbibed crystals we have in the shop, amongst other things.
Just scroll down to find your star/zodiac sign and read what the tarot has said about the coming month.
Love and best wishes for a beautiful June,
Patricia x

The Situation: Knight of Cups, Page of Pentacles, Five of Swords
Key card: Queen of Cups
Perhaps there are youngsters around you that might be causing some issues for you this coming month. The Knight of Cups and the Page of Pentacles could be referring to someone, or a couple of people, who might be acting in an immature way. One of them might be a member of the family and the other a work or college colleague. Whoever it is, there could be times when you feel angry at them, and want to address the issue (Five of Swords). Sometimes, the time is right to face issues head on, but this might not be it. The fact is, if these people are as immature as it appears, there is probably little hope of getting through to them at this stage, because they are simply not able to understand why you are angry or hurt. This is a time to choose your battles. Only engage in ones that you feel you can justly back up your argument, otherwise you are wasting your precious time and energy.
The Queen of Cups might have some advice for you. Just be who you are. Lead by example, and present to them the calm, loving, strong side of you, rather than arguing. You’ll find pretty soon they’ll opt to come to you for your advice of their own accord and save you a great deal of angst.

The Situation: Ace of Pentacles, The World, The Hierophant
Key card: Three of Swords
Things look to be moving towards your goal of reaching happiness, in terms of your homelife and financial situation. The Ace of Pentacles suggests energy surging around your material stability which might bring about some change in terms of money. The World suggests that you are getting to a place that you would like to be, full happiness and gratitude for what you have. The Hierophant suggests that you might have got to a stage of understanding and knowledge, though he might represent the need for some sage advice from someone you trust……… just to make sure that any new financial opportunities can be optimised, and you can make your money work for you.
I feel that the Three of Swords is indicating that you have been through a very difficult time just lately, perhaps even with some sort of loss, but this card might als be telling you that the pain you experienced, is the pain that gave birth to this new opportunity. You have all the skills you need, just make sure you use them.

The Situation: The Lovers, Three of Wands, Six of Wands
Key card: Justice
Perhaps you will be challenged with having to make a choice, or decision, about someone you have a relationship with. Whilst there is undoubtedly love in your life, you might feel torn in some way, between people, which will affect you to the extent of having to make a choice between one person and another (The Lovers). This may not be with regard to a romantic relationship because there are no other Cup cards in the reading, but possibly with the people you are working with, or having to deal with, in some way (Three of Wands). The Six of Wands suggests that whatever you have been working on will soon be showing signs of real success, and that’s great news, but it is down to your effort and industrious nature so keep it up.
The Justice card could be indicating that you have handled yourself in exactly the right way – even if people doubted you along the way, and it is time to be vindicated. Your time has come to be recognised for your worth, and everyone will see how much ability you have, so well done!

The Situation: Four of Cups, Two of Swords, Nine of Cups
Key card: The Hierophant
The Four of Cups and Nine of Cups are head to head in your tarotscope this month. The Four, indicating boredom and lack of enthusiasm for relationships, seems to directly oppose one of the best relationship cards in a tarot deck, the Nine, which is a conundrum. The Two of Swords in the middle, I feel, represents a situation which causing you concern, and might suggest that something is stopping you from fully enjoying the relationships and commitment to family that you really wish to engage with, but can’t for some reason. Whether that is a physical, or a psychological reason, only you will know.
The Hierophant might have two bits of advice for you. The first could be that in June you will find out something which will finally allow you to move forward from this stalemate, the second could be that you need to seek advice from someone who could help you out. The Hierophant seems to indicate the need to get some information, or some sort of a decision, for you to get going again. So make sure you talk to the people that can help.

The Situation: Two of Swords, Six of Cups, The Moon
Key card: Nine of Pentacles
It would seem there are key issues in relationships that you may be avoiding or keeping in the dark (Two of Swords and The Moon). Or you feel that someone else is keeping something from you. The Six of Cups indicates a level of regret that a particular relationship is no longer available to you. Perhaps there is some confusion about how you make amends with regards to this, and perhaps you lean to avoiding the issue at hand, instead of working it out. If this relationship was not in your capability to fix, I would expect a different card to The Moon (like the Eight of Cups), but The Moon indicates that all of the truth is not out there. Perhaps, therein lies the solution. Perhaps communication and honesty will bring things into full light so that things can get repaired, if you want it so.
The Nine of Pentacles suggests that in terms of your home/material life you have little else to want, since this is a very positive card in terms of your finances. Perhaps this month, the tarot is saying ‘Pay attention to your relationships more, if you wish to make things better, because money can’t buy you love’.

The Situation: Three of Wands, The Lovers, Four of Cups
Key card: Five of Pentacles
The cards coming out for June for you, Virgo, seem to indicate that maybe your relationships are suffering as a result of your focusing more on your work/projects more than the people in your life. Whilst there appears to be a level of success in terms of your endeavours (Three of Wands), there certainly could be some decisions coming up due to a lack of enthusiasm within your partnership(s). The Lovers quite clearly seem to be challenging you to make a choice between your work and your relationship. The Four of Cups represents a level of boredom in terms of your emotions, but neither is it so bad that you feel ready to do anything about it, just yet. However, you will need to consider the future.
The Five of Pentacles in this reading could be telling you that although things are difficult, in terms of money right now, that allowing your relationships to suffer as a result will not help. Whilst money is important, don’t let it define the person you are. Don’t let money troubles strip the most important thing from your life – companionship and love. To enjoy life to its full you need a healthy balance of the two.

The Situation: Three of Pentacles, Page of Wands, King of Cups
Key card: Five of Pentacles
Your material/financial situation would seem to be improving quite steadily (Three of Pentacles) and seems set to continue should you work as well as you have been. However, the Page of Wands might be suggesting that other people might be able to help you see more clearly how to take it to the next level, so listen out for some constructive criticism without taking it personally, even if it makes you feel inadequate. The King of Cups in this reading could be saying that, in terms of love, things may well be in a good place, on the other hand, perhaps this card appears to remind you to take care of the loved ones in your life too. Sometimes the King can represent the ability to appear knowledgeable about love, but not so much engaging in it. It is likely he is saying don’t just say ‘I love you’ – show it.
The Five of Pentacles as the Key card would seem to indicate that hanging everything on the money is not the solution to a happy home life. Money can’t buy happiness in relationships. Relationships also need the same effort, and endeavour, as any job of work.

The Situation: Seven of Pentacles, Three of Swords, Knight of Swords
Key card: Ten of Wands
The Seven of Pentacles and the Three of Swords indicate that you might have a difficult decision to make this month, in terms of work/income. Whilst this can be scary, in reality you just need to understand that you are capable of doing this quite maturely to make the most of the situation. You may feel this is your make or break time – but if this is so, then it is an opportunity to do it well. The Knight of Swords indicates that a knee-jerk reaction to this situation without thinking it through, or researching all the information, is probably not the best way to approach any decisions or difficulties. Face this situation squarely and apply all your mental alacrity to it. Don’t allow yourself to be swamped by fears and overreactions.
The Ten of Wands would suggest that this situation could overwhelm you, but it is also a card which suggests the end of a particular cycle – a difficult one – then a new one will start. Take a deep breath, think clearly and do some research, don’t let anyone force your hand until you are ready and you will have made your decision based in a careful, and informed, way. And no-one could ask more of you than that.

The Situation: Two of Pentacles, Six of Wands, Ten of Swords
Key card: Four of Wands
The cards in this reading suggest a partnership forming with someone with regard to a venture (Two of Pentacles). Also, the Six of Wands shows an excellent measure of success in the endeavours that you have already invested in, so all looks very well in terms of finances and any projects you have undertaken. At the same time it would seem that something in your present situation is about to come to an end (Ten of Swords) – this is likely to be something which has been very upsetting for you, and for some length of time. Whilst this might cause you some pain, it is likely to release aspects of you to create a much better reality for yourself in the future. These cards are absolutely showing you your super-capability to carry it off successfully.
The Four of Wands might well be telling you that whatever is ending for you will not take you back to square one, because you have already created a substantial platform to build upon, it’s not like having to start all over with nothing. So whatever happens in June, believe in yourself and know this is probably an exciting time for you!

The Situation: The Star, Two of Cups, Ace of Swords
Key card: The Moon
In June you might well find yourself despairing a bit about life, or maybe you’ll find it a tad tedious, with things not happening as fast as you would like them to (The Star). However, it does look like someone could enter your orbit who will give you a whole new perspective on things (Two of Cups, Ace of Swords) which could be very exciting. This person could already be someone you know, but the relationship is likely to cement into something stronger, and what they bring to the table is likely to set your brain alight! Maybe, this has to do with something that has been brewing for a while, and something you feel has come to a dead stop and you are unable to kick-start it. Perhaps is will be something which the two of you have found common ground in.
The Moon, as the Key card, indicates there is still a lot to come out, all is not totally clear, so hang fire for a little while so that, when things do start moving, you won’t be caught off guard with unpleasant surprises. You can enjoy the distraction of building this new partnership until things come into the light and then you both can fly with it.

The Situation: King of Swords, Ten of Cups, Ten of Pentacles
Key card: Six of Pentacles
A healthy dose of love and money coming your way this month according to the Ten of Cups and Pentacles! You couldn’t really ask for more! The King of Swords is the conundrum is this reading. Perhaps there is someone you know that can bring this to your table. However, this might not be the case. The King of Swords might be representing you, and trying to tell you that it is your brain power, your ability, your clarity and your fighting spirit that has enabled all this love and money to be laid at your feet. It doesn’t really matter who enables it, or where it comes from, because the important thing is that it is yours in spades, and you can pat yourself on the back because it is payback time! Enjoy!
The Six of Pentacles, as the Key card, might represent some help around you which has restored your faith in humankind, and given you the opportunity to go out and get what you wanted. But at the end of the day it is you who did the hard work, and the rewards are very much deserved!

The Situation: Justice, Four of Pentacles, Ten of Cups
Key card: Two of Wands
At last, Justice prevails for you in June! Whatever has been hanging over you, making you feel that you’ve been unfairly treated, ends and justice will be served! You’ll soon be seen to have acted in truth all along! You’ll be ready to move right along to the next stage of your life. Whilst things looks bright both in terms of money and love (Four of Pentacles and Ten of Cups) the Four of Pentacles also indicates a wariness about taking financial risks. This would seem quite sensible, and it is, although by being too careful, and risk-averse, you could miss out on many super successes – so make sure you don’t get stuck in an unnecessary rut of fear!
The Two of Wands in the Key card position, indicates that there is an opportunity at hand that could well be worth pursuing – but are you adventurous enough? Isn’t it time you were, seeing as Justice has backed up your capabilities? Have faith in yourself and make the most of any opportunities you are given.
End of Tarotscopes.
Wishing you all happiness and joy in June
Patricia x
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