Hello! And welcome to the Simply Tarot Tarotscopes for June!
In the spread used for this month’s tarotscopes, the top two cards will be indicating your current situation, or what events might transpire, and the bottom two will help indicate what needs to be done, by you, to navigate successfully through the month.
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Just scroll down to find your star/zodiac sign to see which cards were drawn and what I have written for the month ahead.
Have a happy June!

With regard to the coming month you could be feeling the impact of some behaviours of other people, or even events, that have been happening to you in recent times. It might seem chaotic around you and you feel pushed and pulled by different people/emotions or forces. This is indicated by The Chariot card. The Chariot represents your life, and you the driver, but the horses are opposite colours and wish to go in different directions. In other words, you could be feeling you are not really in control of your own life. The Six of Swords also indicates that you may have been exposed to a difficult situation but somehow you are managing to deal with it all in a pretty serene and capable manner (kudos to you). However, this is not an ideal situation to be in. So what do the cards advise?
The Eight of Cups suggests that you might have to distance yourself from some people (not necessarily to do with romantic relationships), and maybe even leave them behind because their pull on you is too much. Whilst this could cause some angst to you (and possibly those involved) you need to acknowledge to yourself that it is YOU that needs your commitment and care first and foremost. If people are not bringing something to your table, if they are coming to the table and taking more than giving – metaphorically speaking – then they are not really friends and this is a drain on your precious resources. It might not just be other people who are responsible though, The Four of Cups could be advising that your own attitude/mindset could be part of the problem too. Perhaps, you are not recognising your own worth, perhaps you feel there’s no point in putting any effort in your own well being. Perhaps it is time to gain some control over what is happening to you, by grabbing the reins of the horses and steering the chariot in the direction you wish to go – just remember that you are as important as anyone else!

You might find yourself facing a conflict in June (Five of Swords) perhaps linked with a decision to do with work, or income, which you feel might affect your stability and security (Seven of Pentacles). Whilst both of these need careful consideration of the best way to deal with them, these are just the normal situations we have to deal with from time to time. The way you deal with these issues could work out well for you, but it will be best not to have a knee-jerk reaction because some critical thinking will benefit you much more. So what do you do?
In both of these situations, the Page of Swords suggests that you listen very carefully to what is being said to you – there is a chance you could misinterpret what is being said to you, so don’t feel embarrassed to ask people to repeat themselves, or to ask questions should you not quite understand what the situation is about. You need to have full understanding, and clear information at hand, before you can make the decisions that are best for you. With regard to any conflict you might be faced with, you may not have been given the whole story, so do try to find out details from other sources, if you can, before getting involved. The Three of Wands might be giving you a clue with regard to the decision around your financial decision – look to your current (and past) successes to help you make any decisions around work/income because when you really know your strengths and weaknesses, you are in a better position to know what is right for you. The Three of Wands is telling you that you have some real skills and capabilities that you need to recognise and maybe even bargain with – don’t hide your light, you need to sell yourself. So it is worth sitting down and making a note of all the things you’ve done well, so if you have to make a decision about changing, or taking on new work, you will know you have the best chance of making it succeed.

The Empress represents a situation in which a mother/child dynamic plays a large part. But this card can often indicate a possible pregnancy too. Either way, this card suggests a significant situation which would require nurture on your part. The Ten of Pentacles is suggesting an excellent month in terms of your home life and/or income, indicating that you will not be lacking the comforts of life, which is lovely news.
With regard to what your input should be, the Two of Wands advises you to look carefully at opportunities, or solutions, which are already available to you. So, for example, if a young person in your life needs some help you should easily be able to come up with a plan to support them with what you already have at your disposal. Perhaps in terms of pregnancy the same could apply – there are already solutions at hand for any forthcoming changes, or claims on your resources, that may impact you. The Two of Swords would indicate that the last thing you need to do is bury your head in the sand and hope that tricky situations will just disappear – this card advises the best way to deal with them is ‘head on’ – the outcome will be much quicker and better than if you leave them till later. In other words, you may be tasked with helping someone on a nurturing level but you have all you need at hand, with a bit of thought and application, and it is best to embrace it from the outset.

June should bring you a very bright time. The Sun card is one of the loveliest card in a tarot deck. Whilst The Sun shines on you everything you turn your hand to should be blessed with success, so do make use of it whilst it is fully directed at you. The Eight of Pentacles could be indicating an upturn in your financial standing if you turn your hand to being trained in a new skill, or educate yourself about something. It will certainly add to your abilities to improve either your income or your comfort at home.
The cards which give you some guidance as to how to approach what is ahead, and to maximise the benefits, are the Nine of Swords and The Empress. The Nine of Swords is generally a card which indicates self deprecating thought patterns, so you need to be aware of your own mindset and not allow yourself to get into a pattern of feeling guilt about things that are in the past, or thoughts of not feeling worthy, or anything that you feel ‘shame’ about. The point is that you will only be punishing yourself – everyone else has probably moved on and are certainly are not feeling about you as badly as you might, yourself. The Empress suggests love, happiness, and nurturing the noble and wonderful side of yourself – this will enable you to go about your life with your head held high and your chin up, exuding confidence and happiness. This will bring much greater rewards and responding attitudes from those around you. In other words, walk on the sunny side of the street, where The Sun will continue to shine on you.

You might find yourself looking for resources to bring on a particular project which is relevant to your income, or to improve your home life, this coming June, as indicated by the Page of Pentacles. This card could be suggesting that it is not just financial investment you need but some sort of training or education to upgrade your current skills.
In terms of relationships, the King of Cups could be indicating that a close relationship needs some input from you – and not just talking about it (that’s fairly easy) – this King is pretty reluctant to get involved in relationships to save himself from further pain, so he’s talking the talk, not walking the walk. This means there might be an issue with regard to the love in your life. So what to do about it?
The Three of Cups would indicate that getting involved and celebrating the relationships you have, and showing some real commitment is the way to go. The Three of Cups is about cementing your relationships in a clear, and obvious way for all to see.
The other card is Judgement. This card would indicate that you need to be aware of how your attitude and behaviours will be judged by others. Judgement gives us a heads up that we are going to be in the spotlight and scrutinised by other people, and so, it makes sense to do some soul-searching here. The spotlight of Judgement will highlight how you treat people. If you are unkind, it will be clear to see. If you are doing what you can to nurture those around you, that too will be clear to see. It does look as though the people around you might be looking for some sort of validation that you really do care, and it is going to take more than just saying that you do. An outward display of your love and affection is probably needed right now.

The Three and Six of Pentacles are nice cards to get in terms of the month ahead. The Three indicates that a job/project/business idea is showing real signs of success – keep plugging away at it to make sure it continues to grow. In addition, the Six indicates some sort of bonus or gift in terms of money, or practical help, with regard to your income will restore your faith in the people around you. Keep up the hard work and dedication, though, and build up your project with any help you are given.
The Nine of Cups is a card that suggests the key to success will be the appreciation of all the people, and relationships, around you, as it is these people who are providing the nurturing and support that keeps you going. You, of course, have contributed to the success of these relationships, too, but don’t forget that working together makes anything possible and you probably couldn’t do it quite as well on your own.
The Strength card could be suggesting that before you swell with too much pride from your success, you should be aware that it doesn’t take much for changes in attitudes, or behaviours, to have an adverse effect. Pride comes before a fall, as the saying goes. Strength advises that any strong feelings, such as arrogance, should be channelled into a more productive behaviour, for example, use assertiveness rather than aggression. Being pushy or demanding will not achieve the desired result. In other words, avoid any arrogance, or pride, and work to use your strong position with consideration of others, being firm but fair, and hopefully you won’t fall off your pedestal.

The Star, for the month of June, could suggest that you are feeling a bit useless, that no matter hard you try you don’t seem to be getting anywhere. The truth is, providing you don’t give up and give in, everything you are doing is worthwhile, and there is a reason why things are not happening for you just yet – the time isn’t right. Keep doing the things you are doing, and look to The Star for its brightness to remind you that all will be well soon. This time of despondency might well lead to a new approach to life (Ace of Swords), a new way of thinking, or even a new ‘belief’ around the reason of why you are here, and what your purpose is. This is a good thing because it means you are almost ready to embrace new ideas, and will be eager to take a brand new path altogether – but it is early days yet.
The King of Pentacles is an authority on success. His attitude and attention to detail is what’s got him where he is. Dedication, even through tedious times, and determination has helped him achieve his goals. And this is what you should do – this card echoes what The Star card advises – just for little more time keep working, putting effort in, no matter how relentless and thankless the tasks are, this is the hard, laborious work that is setting the foundations of your future. Know that it is all worthwhile. The Ace of Pentacles advises that already there could be an new opportunity about to emerge for you. It will be clearer in time, so, keep busy, look for opportunities developing, and have faith and patience too. Your new destiny is unfolding day by day.

So, whilst there may be a hurdle to overcome in June (Five of Wands), this is absolutely surmountable by you. Hurdles are just challenges to your mind and attitude, which allow you to expand your thinking and aid your ability to overcome them – sometimes it is called wisdom. You just need to think differently about how to handle these obstacles – you are more than capable, just don’t confine yourself to the obvious, and the solutions will become clear. The Six of Pentacles indicates good news in terms of finances, or even perhaps practical help, through a bonus or gift that will really help you and restore your faith in humankind. Make the most of this help – it doesn’t happen too often – and anything you are offered, whether it’s money, or support in another form, can really contribute to your success. Use it wisely.
The Ten of Cups advises you to turn to the people around you who truly care for you, there is a wealth of love and support to be had. Cherish and nurture these people because it is likely that this is how your future happiness, on all levels, will be secured.
You have probably already worked very hard, and dealt with many obstacles to date. The Eight of Wands might be advising you look over what you have achieved, how you have managed to overcome the difficulties, so far, in order to fire up the creativity and enthusiasm needed to get you going right now. Just start with one success you’ve had and you will soon find that your enthusiasm will increase, and your creativity and passion will grow. Of course, once this happens you will be very busy, but it will be a tremendously productive time too.

It would seem that mother/child dynamics will play a big part of your life this June (The Empress). You might be required to provide support and nurture to a young person, or someone with, perhaps, a less mature attitude than they should have. Whilst this won’t be a problem for you, this card also advises that Matriarchs can sometimes lose their tempers if they feel that things are not being done in the way they would do them. Try to avoid the ‘its my way or the highway’ stance, this will not achieve anything and may even alienate those looking for your support. Be firm but fair, and allow this young people to try out their skills, on their own, in the safety of your protection.
In fact, it might be time to delegate some tasks to this young person because the Ten of Wands suggests that you are already overburdened. You might not like the way things are done when they help, but you do need to allow them to help on some level, because you really need it! Perhaps you could loosen up, and encourage them to do some tasks for you – eventually everybody will benefit.
The Eight of Wands advises that perhaps the real hard work is already done, and the most difficult hurdles have been overcome. Once you recognise that the hardest bit is done, you might be able to forge ahead with ideas of your own, because this card signifies release after a difficult period – and enthusiasm and creativity will flow in abundance. The Queen of Pentacles could be indicating that you need to look closely at how far you have already come and how you have accumulated all that you need to enjoy life and provide comfort for those around you. This Queen says – you’ve actually made it, you’re there – perhaps you just need to recognise this yourself.

The Two of Cups suggests the cementing of a good relationship which is likely to be fairly new to you. There is a lot of promise with this person and they are likely to be able to bring something worthwhile to your table, so make sure you nurture this relationship well. The Six of Pentacles is the harbinger of good news in terms of your work or your financial situation, as this cards indicates some valuable help in terms of a gift/bonus of money, or some help in a practical way, that can help similarly. In terms of your home life and security this will restore your faith in humankind, which might have been lost in recent times. Obviously, these offers don’t come along very often, so it does make sense to ensure you get everything you possibly can from this help – money can make money if you use it wisely.
The advice of the two following cards, the Knight of Swords and the Three of Swords perhaps, this coming month, is to be proactive rather than passive in terms of any issues that may arise. Normally the advice with this Knight would be to think carefully before rushing into a situation, but in the context of this reading he would seem to be suggesting that you need to get on your charger and head directly to the source of any conflict. The Three of Swords is likely to be endorsing the old adage that you might ‘have to be cruel to be kind’ to avoid being snagged up in long-term painful issues. Nip it in the bud rather than trying to avoid causing hurt by taking the long route round, it will probably be better for everyone concerned and less painful in the long run.

The Page of Pentacles for this coming month would suggest that you might be able to make use of some resources in order to help a venture, that you are involved with, grow. Whilst money and resources are important, the Page also endorses that some training or upskilling might well be needed to ensure further progress. The Three of Pentacles is a clear indication, however, that a project/venture will start to show real signs of success and that further endeavour, and attention to detail will only add to its promise. So there could be some real movement for your project in June.
In terms of advice, the Eight of Wands might be suggesting that you look back at the hurdles you’ve have already overcome, and the hard times that have passed to unlock your creativity and enthusiasm. This release of the blockage will allow your productivity to flow massively. Through understanding what created the successes and caused the difficulties, your passion could easily fire up, once again, with renewed determination to succeed. In addition, the Two of Pentacles is suggesting that there may well be help at hand already, should you need it, and to recognise that you don’t need to do this alone. Maybe a particular partnership is key with regard to this endeavour, and should be looked at carefully if this is the case.

The Moon, for you, in June indicates that there may be a period where there is not a lot of clarity around a particular situation. This could cause you some confusion and frustration. However, this is because you are not meant to have all the information you might want just now – the time is not right. All will become clear in time but, just for now, allow yourself some time for cleansing and self care. This is not the best time to make major decisions, so just stay calm and patient and you’ll be rewarded in the long run. Part of the frustration might be linked to a financial difficulty which is causing you some instability (Five of Pentacles), sometimes shifting your thought patterns can help you through these times. Instead of seeing everything through the eyes of ‘lack’ of money, you could shift the way you look at what you do already have of value in your life. Often doing this can bring not only relief but some clarity in prioritising your finances in a better, and much more productive way.
The advice cards are the Two of Wands and Judgement. The Two of Wands suggests that if you look carefully at an opportunity, or an idea, which is already in existence, it may well provide you with solutions to your present difficulties. Perhaps your focus has previously been on the wrong approach and there is a better way to grow your project. Judgement indicates being put in the spotlight where your attitudes and behaviours are on show for all to see. Sometimes, though, Judgement is asking you to do some soul-searching to see if you are truly maximising your capabilities, and whether you are really behaving in a way that will bring what you need. Maybe Judgement is suggesting that whilst you feel you are doing all that you can, in the best way that you can, you might actually not be doing as well as you thought. You might find that you’ve been hiding in your comfort zone, and not allowing your best qualities to be seen. Only you will know, but it looks like it is time to bring out a different YOU – one that can really make the difference.
End of Tarotscopes.
Cards used are from The Tarot House Deck which you can BUY HERE
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