The thing I want to say this month is #BlackLivesMatter
I’ve signed this open letter to plead for justice and humane treatment going forward https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/george_floyd_loc/ I hope you will too, all those who care need to speak up loud and clear.
Please scroll past the adverts to check out your Tarotscope for June.
Stay safe
Patricia x

The Hanged Man often appears to represent a period of waiting or inactivity which can create frustrations or even anger. The advice of this card is that no amount of struggling or trying to push things will make any difference. The more you struggle the more you damage your own self. The key to dealing with this period of inactivity is to submit to it wholly – and the way to do that is to try to use the time to do something more productive for yourself. Even if that is just taking some time to think or rest – you will find that this approach will serve you best in June.
In terms of money and security, the Eight of Pentacles suggests that whilst your capacity to earn sufficient money is really good, this could be a time when adding to your skills (such as an online study course, or even just upping your knowledge through research) will set the scene for you to earn much more. So perhaps this time of inaction in one field could be replaced with some proactive work that will enhance your finances in the long term.
The Fool is alerting you to take the next phase of your life with the knowledge you’ve gained from the past. Whatever kind of journey you are about to take, remember the mistakes you made in the past so as to avoid making them again. As you start something new, try not to be distracted with excitement, stay alert to the opportunities and take them, and to spot the pitfalls and skirt round them. This way you will ensure your own success.
The Four of Swords represent a measure of trauma that you have been through recently, and advises you to nurture yourself. You need to heal properly from this, so acknowledge the hurt but take measures to rest and work through any issues it has left lingering. Love yourself, look after yourself and take some time for recuperation and rest.

I find the positioning of these cards interesting for this reading, in that the Ace of Wands sits above the Knight of Wands, and the Page of Cups sits above the Queen of Pentacles card. In the case of the Wands cards it looks as though a new opportunity is arriving (Ace) and it is worth giving it serious thought as it has a lot of potential – plus there is a lot of energy around to get this project moving. It could be a hobby that can make money, the decision to move house, or a business/work venture. The Knight of Wands sitting below suggests that it would be good to get working on it right now. The Knight of Wands represents action and movement in a venture, but the additional advice from this Knight is to get moving before he gets bored and heads off to something new. It seems imperative that, should an opportunity arise for you, that it would maximise your success if you work on it straight away whilst the energies are there for you, so don’t leave it on ‘the things to do’ list.
With regard to the other two cards, there are two different suits to look at. One is the Page of Cups and the other is the Queen of Pentacles. This suggests that in terms of money and your home/life style you’ve got everything under control (this is what the Queen of Pentacles represents). And this is good. However, the Page of Cups, which is lower in the hierarchy of the cards could be suggesting that your attention to yourself (the Page) is not achieving the same success in terms of your relationships (Cups suit). This could mean that you should turn more of your attention to, not only your relationships in general, but more specifically to your SELF. The Page suggests that there is a longing for a relationship, but you might not be quite ready. He suggests that you take a good look at your own needs, your own thoughts and your own readiness to love, and especially to accept yourself as you are before being able to shine your light and attract the love you seek. But at the very least, if you are not looking for a partnership, the Page suggests you need to care more about yourself, on an emotional level, than perhaps you currently are, then all of your relationships will flourish.

So, it looks as though a new phase of life is about to open for you in June. This could be a new opportunity, a new job or a new approach to life, in which case, The Fool is advising you to keep alert for pitfalls. New opportunities can be distracting with excitement and dreaming of the wonderful things this new path can bring, but by not paying attention it can be very easy to miss things that can trip you and cause a fall. By all means, be excited and embrace this new journey with all your energy but keep alert so that you don’t fall into the traps you have before. This time you can make it to the end of the journey.
The Queen of Wands suggests that there is no end to your talent for adapting to different tasks and projects. She might be appearing to boost your confidence and remind you that you are so very capable. Remember that her enthusiasm, dedication and drive is what makes her so successful, so all you will need to do is embrace any tasks, or opportunities, and direct your full attention to them and you will succeed. Go for it!
In terms of your financial security, it would seem that all is well. The Nine of Pentacles heralds a period when all of your hard work will start to finally pay off. This is great news and well deserved, you should be proud of yourself. Sometimes this card can appear to suggest that there are good times ahead, perhaps you will have a lot of luck coming your way too, so enjoy this during June.
Another congratulatory card is the Four of Wands which again suggests that your hard work is finally paying off. This card suggests that all the work you have put in over the years has resulted in a steady and stable structure (or foundation) that is certainly ready to build further on. The advice of this card is to give yourself a pat on the back, reflect on this success for only a short time because there is still a lot to be done. But the really hard and complicated grafting is done. Great news.
Gemini is the birthday star sign this month so read on……..
This is your special ‘Birthday Card’ from Simply Tarot:

You have a certain magic about you. This magic is likely to manifest in your own unique skills. As you can see The Magician is able to manipulate each symbol of the suit cards – a Sword, a Pentacle, a Wand and a Cup – this means that you have all the skills needed to move forward in life. He could also be indicating that you are likely to be presented with a new path to walk in the coming month. The Magician assures you that you can make this an amazing journey by using the magic within you. Swords represents intellect (you utilise your mental abilities well), Pentacles represent financial status (you can easily manage what you are given), Wands represents determination and drive (you are able to maximise your input into anything) and Cups represent emotions/relationships (you can relate to most people and situations). All these skills are there for you to use and The Magician encourages you to make the most of your own magic as you travel this new path. ( And may your birthday be magical too!!)

The Page of Swords would normally represent a misunderstanding or misinterpretation on your part, or of someone around you. This is not meant to hurt but is a result of a change of approach to life or the tenets you wish to live by. This change of attitude could cause unnecessary conflict, so this card suggests being careful, and clear, with regard to all communications this coming month.
The Hermit might be suggesting a period of inner and deep reflection to try to remember what you were hoping to get out of life and why. This is probably a good time to reassess goals and to find the light that used to burn so brightly. Sometimes the events of life can be a distraction from our original or true path and we can lose ourselves or fail to act on our own dreams. The Hermit advises that you take time out to rediscover what you were all about and to get your light shining once more.
You might have some worries on the financial front according to the Four of Pentacles. And this card represents a fixation (almost) on keeping money in hand and not taking any chances. Whilst this is a good notion in many respects, a total aversion to taking a risk or trying something new could mean you miss out on something which could really make a difference in terms of your income and lifestyle. This card is likely to be saying that just because things are working as they are, excellent opportunities could pass you by, and that would be a shame.
The Seven of Swords following on from this could be giving you a heads up that there might be some sort of manipulation going on that you are not aware of. Perhaps there is something that is holding you back through no fault of your own. Perhaps being alert to all the details of your financial dealings, maybe delving more deeply at work, or even perhaps looking at the costs of your housing might all have something that can be fixed. Just don’t accept that all is as it should be right now. Keep an eye on the detail to make sure that you are not being ‘short changed’ in some respect.

You are likely to feel overwhelmed this coming month as represented by the Ten of Wands. Perhaps it has been a long hard slog getting to this stage that has made you feel weary and overburdened. There is only so much that you can physically do, so you will have to prioritise what needs to be done. You will have to decide what is really important to keep working at and what you can let go, because there is a limit to your energies. On the upside, the Ten of a suit indicates the completion of a cycle, so it is possible that very soon now, one of your tasks might be coming to a natural end. If this is the case, try not to take on further duties that are not your true responsibility. Give yourself a break and don’t feel guilty about it.
You may also feel somewhat pushed and pulled in different directions, this may refer to different people around you, and their demands, or it could be some sort of dilemma which needs to have a decision made on it. Whatever the situation, you need to decide on a clear direction and stick to it because the current situation is getting you neither here, nor there. You won’t move forward until you decide which way you are heading and get a firm hold on the reins and steer yourself there.
In real terms there is not really much you are lacking, since The World card suggests that you have pretty much everything you need around you to make you happy and comfortable. This card usually indicates a great deal of satisfaction and happiness – perhaps you have been too distracted to see just how much you do have, and how much is available to you right now. So take a good look at what you’ve got and imagine what life would be without it and your perspective of the World might change to a much more positive one.
The Four of Swords would indicate a need for rest and recuperation. Normally this card would indicate that you’ve been through a traumatic time and that you need to heal. Even if you have been lucky enough to not experience trauma, this Four is advising that you need to nurture yourself in some aspect whether you know why or not. Just take time to rest and ‘be’. Treat yourself and take the pressure off from time to time. Do something you really enjoy so that you can recharge and regain the energies you’ve been lacking lately.

The Empress card represents a mother/child relationship or dynamic. So in June there may need to be some nurturing in respect of yourself and any child(ren) close to you. The same applies with respect to yourself and your own mother. It is a time to be careful to not be angry, or lose your temper, because things have not gone the way you wanted it to go. Different people have different purposes in life (you included) and people will tackle things in ways that won’t necessarily appeal to you, but that doesn’t mean they are wrong. Whatever pressures these relationships bring, try and steer yourself from anger to love because you’ll only damage yourself if anger and frustration rule the day.
Interestingly this cards sits atop the Strength card and this makes me feel the two cards relate to each other in this reading. If there is a latent anger with regard to a mother/child relationship then this card is endorsing the need to channel that anger in a way that is more productive for all concerned. In the Strength card the figure does not use his sword to defeat the raging lion, but he approaches it to calm it in a less harmful way. In other words, any strong feelings you have whether it is pride, anger, or hurt should be channelled and used in a way that won’t make the situation worse. This can be very hard to do but there are various ways of to morph destructive energies, such as exercise to let out the frustration, talking calmly instead of shouting, or finding some other way to communicate your needs maybe through a letter, or a gift, to show you don’t wish to make the situation worse. If there is no way of releasing pent up energies, try meditation, or breathing, to calm the soul.
Try to focus on a new opportunity that may make itself known to you. It could be a hobby that’s grabbed your attention (is it one that could make some money in the future?), a new type of work or maybe an idea to move home, or plans to travel. The Ace of Wands is heralding a new adventure to be had and there is a lot of energy around to get it started. Things could be on the move should you make the most of this chance. Planning for the future is a great way to take our minds of current issues sometimes.
The Five of Pentacles could be suggesting that there is some question over your source of financial security, and your thoughts might start to worry about how you would manage. Often we strive to keep things the same and to not lose the standards we set for ourselves so far, but this can lead to lack of self confidence. If we focus on what we stand to lose rather than what we can gain it puts a different perception on the problem. In other words, focus on what benefits any change would bring and how you could re-work your life for the better to avoid losing confidence, and ultimately avoid self-sabotage. Look to see how change can be good and don’t just focus on holding on to what you’ve got – there’s a whole world to explore.

You might have to change your approach to ‘problem solving’ in June since the Five of Wands often represents hurdles or obstacles that you think are hindering your progress. Sometimes issues seem impossible to overcome and it can be extremely dispiriting. However, this card suggests that a change in your approach, or looking at issues from a different angle can often produce solutions. So, instead of looking at a problem as insurmountable take some time to reduce the issues to the basics and take a fresh look at them. In time the answers should come to you and help you over the obstacles.
This might be achieved in a way that The Hermit suggests – by taking some time, and finding some quiet to really be able to think clearly about things. A hermit seeks isolation to find the answers to his questions, as well as to find his inner ‘light’. A period of reflection might be just what is needed to sort through any issues that are bothering you right now.
The Three of Cups indicates some sort of good news, or a celebration, heading your way in June. This could be something in the nature of a conception/birth of a child or a ceremony such as an engagement or wedding. Whichever it is, it will make you feel very happy and help you look forward to the future. This is definitely a feel good card for you regardless of who the news relates to.
However, the Two of Swords could indicate that there is a conflict around you which is being avoided. This is possibly because you don’t feel you don’t know enough about it and therefore you can’t tackle it. The longer this is left the worse it will get, so it might be worth getting more information on the matter so that you can start to tackle the issue sooner rather than later. The more you understand the issues, the easier it will be to handle it. Most of the fear is the lack of knowledge around it.

There are three Major Arcana cards in this reading for June which suggests some significant events or feelings occurring.
Starting with The Star, you might find that you start the month with a feeling of hopelessness about a situation. You might feel that what you do is not worth anything, and that you have a pointless existence. This does happen sometimes and as you look at the image on this card you will see that the figure is pouring water slowly into the stream – you might wonder why she is doing this. What is the point? The water she pours individually doesn’t seem relevant but when added to the mass of the stream it becomes part of a powerful and ever moving force which may have an effect somewhere, somehow, further down the line. The message of this card is to look at the Star; to not focus on the mundane and pointless tasks you are expected to undertake, but to keep hope in your heart and have faith that your input really does matter – we all have a part to play and we just need to wait till we find out how it mattered. What you are doing is not pointless, who you are does matter, and you are an important part of the big picture. Follow The Star, because a brighter future will surely come.
The Ace of Wands heralds the arrival of a new opportunity, or project, making itself available to you. Keep alert for this and use the high energy around it to get it going. It might be a new hobby that could earn you money in the future, it could be making plans to travel, or move house, or it could even be a new business venture. Whatever emerges from the energies of this opportunity, grab it and make the most of it.
The Wheel of Fortune could also bring changes which might be significant. So what ever your current situation is, be ready for the Wheel to turn. You can’t control the Wheel – it turns at will and stops at will. But The Wheel can take you to new heights and can provide new opportunities if you are alert and quick enough to grab them. If you’ve had a hard time of things lately, then things could be about to change for the better. A new cycle will begin.

With the Page of Swords indicating some sort of miscommunication or misinterpretation, followed by The Lovers (a decision/choice about relationship) and the Five of Wands, it looks as though a comment could spark a string of issues with regard to a certain relationship. Generally, the Page of Swords represents someone with a new approach or attitude speaking out without enough knowledge about their viewpoint and naively saying something that can spark anger or upset. The Lovers, being a card which highlights the having to make a choice regarding a particular relationship, suggests that it could be someone on a romantic level that is involved. The Five of Wands is a card which represents hurdles/obstacles which seem insurmountable, so it is possible that this comment could raise issues which seem hugely difficult. Often difficult situations can evolve from the simplest of mistakes or unintended hurt. But what to do?
Firstly, try to be very clear in your communications with other people and try to observe whether your comments have been taken in the right context, and apply the same in reverse – if a comment from someone else irks you, then try and clarify whether it was meant in the spirit it was taken. This may seem a pedantic thing to do, but it could save a lot of energy later down the line. Secondly, The Hierophant may have appeared to advise you to seek the ‘truth’, to not just accept what you hear, or see, as true but to delve deeper for information and push for answers and facts. He could also be advising you to find someone you truly trust to talk to should you feel confused, or be unsure about anything. It could be that someone else’s viewpoint or experience is all that’s needed to help with perspectives in the matter.

All in all, The World card suggests that the coming month will bring you all that you hope it will. This is a lovely card which is full of happiness, gratitude and rewards for all your hard work. This card is also reassuring you that you have all the skills necessary to handle anything coming your way, you are able to keep your finances in order, your relationships are good, you have the drive and determination to make things work on any tasks you are given and your intellect is balanced with your heart enough to see things clearly but with empathy and compassion. Perhaps you needed to know that you are on the right path and to remember that all you do is very much worth the effort.
The Nine of Wands does indicate that you are probably in need of hearing this, since it looks as though all your hard work can be overwhelming. It probably seems to you that you have been striving for a long time without signs of success, but this card advises you are very near to the finishing line and you should summon up the last vestiges of strength to reach it. Don’t give up now, you are so close!
We have the Knight of Cups making an appearance to possibly represent a young person around you who can either bring some much needed love or who needs some from you. They just need a little affection right now (or perhaps they can give you some) before they are ready to move on. Either way give or take the love whilst you can.
With regard to work/income or a business, the Two of Pentacles suggests that there could be some sort of partnership on offer which you could find really helpful. It might be a loan or gift of some sort, but it could be some practical help which allows you some time to pursue the things you need to. Do take up this offer since these are rare occurences and you don’t know when you’ll be offered help again. This is doubly important since the Nine of Wands indicates just how much you have got on your plate. Ensure you take what can be offered but it will be your responsibility to maximise its usefulness.

Despite being exhausted, the Nine of Wands wants to encourage you to find any last vestiges of energy and strength to just reach the finishing line. You may feel like giving up, but providing you don’t, this card suggests that you can reach your goal, so keep going. This summoning up of energy for the last sprint home is really difficult but is worth doing.
The Two of Swords suggests there could be a conflict which you are avoiding because you are not sure what to do. This card advises that to deal with it is probably the best strategy since it is unlikely to just go away. However, it also advises that it would be helpful to get a bit more information about it and this will help the way you approach the issue, and help you to resolve it.
You might be seeking acknowledgment for something you have achieved or have recently come through. You want to be recognised and treated fairly and with honesty. You need time to think reflectively, and rationally, to make the right decisions and take the right action. If you can, justice will prevail.
The Sun is a wonderful card which indicates a period of success at everything you undertake. This card brings happiness and gratitude to the fore when it appears. This is one of the most positive cards in a tarot deck and represents success and achievement on all levels. So it looks like some much needed rewards are due to be paid. Use this time to make the most of The Sun’s positive energy to boost anything you are working on, or at, during June, to maximise the results you would really like. Enjoy.

So, the Ten of Swords indicates that a certain situation will come to an end. It could be a job, a business or a relationship but it will have been causing some difficulty for you; the ending of it might bring its own pain too but at least it means that you are now free to pursue your own journey now. You might find it a bit hard to pick yourself up, but the Strength card, sitting beneath it, is advising that you can do it. This card would also advise to not use anger or any aggression as you deal with it because it will only make the situation worse. Instead, Strength suggests you channel that destructive energy in a way that benefits you more. So instead of spending time being angry or hurt, divert that energy into doing something constructive for you – use it to energise and prepare yourself for the next exciting phase of your life.
The King of Cups and the Ten of Cups bring a lot of relief to you which is lovely. The King suggests that someone around you will be able to help you on an emotional and personal level, this King is very knowledgeable about emotions and feelings and can advise you on how to manage them. He is likely to bring a lot of comfort and some very valuable advice – take it.
The Ten of Cups is one of the luckiest and happiest cards in a tarot deck. It suggests that all will be well especially in terms of your relationships, which is probably the most important drivers of life itself. Without love, everything else is shallow and cold, without love there is no-one to share happiness and good fortune with. The Ten of Cups also indicates a positive outcome to any tasks you undertake, so focus on the love, not the disappointment and anger, and June will feel as beautiful as the current weather.
End of Tarotscopes.
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