These Tarotscopes are genuine four tarot card readings based on your Star/Zodiac sign. Scroll down the page to find yours . There’s an extra ‘Birthday’ card for Gemini!
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Have a wonderful June!
Best wishes to you all, Patricia.

Get your thinking cap on for June! There will be a need to use your more than capable brain to get some solutions to current issues.
The King of Swords indicates that it is time for you to take control of a situation and apply your critical thinking skills, and power of communication, to sort things out. Be logical, be clear and be careful of the words you use because, whilst this King is wise and clever, his tongue can be as sharp as the edge of the sword he carries – if you want to keep people on your side, through this, then allow your heart to speak too.
In terms of your own feelings (including pride) you might be reaching boiling point. Of course you deserve to be listened to, and recognised, but to come out of any situation with dignity and integrity you will need to understand that this fiery energy needs to be channelled in a much more productive way. The Strength card appears when you feel ready to tackle a tricky situation………BUT this card suggests you harness the energy, and adrenalin, to tackle things in a firm but loving way. Notice in the image of the card that the figure is calming the lion with his hands and not his sword (with which he would easily win) which he has stuck into the ground. His choice is not to be destructive, but to overcome the situation in the most harmless and fair way he can.
The Ten of Swords indicates that a painful situation is likely to end soon – the ten numbers of tarot cards are always about completion. This means that any current phase or cycle will finish and a new one will begin. This could be related to the situation mentioned above and this card might just be nudging you to understand that how you come out of this is more important than the cycle ending.
It would seem, then, that a brand new phase of life is about to begin for you (Ace of Swords) and it might be that, as a result of the recent events, you will be looking for a new approach/attitude to life. The challenges we face – if we are willing to analyse ourselves and learn from them – should bring closure and then we are offered new ones. If we don’t truly understand and deal with a particular issue, it is likely to be repeated in different ways until we understand we need to make some changes to our way of thinking and our approach to people and life in general. June looks set to be the month where you will either reach this understanding, or start all over again, but that will be down to the choices you make.

The stark difference, visually, of the first three cards and the last in this reading make it clear that emotion has – or is – not being embraced at the moment. The Swords cards are clear in indicating that there might be a heavy top load of thinking and logic being applied to situations which might benefit from a little show of feelings coming straight from the heart and from a point of love.
The Four of Swords indicates that you might well have just come out of a very traumatic time. You may well be feeling there is no place in your life for ‘caring’ since it is possible you feel you have just been used yourself. The time has come for healing. You need to pour salve on your hurt now, and find balm for your soul, by using the most powerful of all forces – love.
Your natural reaction might well be to hide away and protect yourself from any and all possibility of hurt, and this is understandable. The Eight of Swords represents separation and the prospect that there is nothing you can do to make anything right now. In terms of people you cannot ‘make’ anybody do what you think is the right thing to do, and so you’ll need to understand that the only thing you can work on is yourself and this is the approach you need to take.
The Seven of Swords could have appeared to remind you that despite your hurt from being manipulated, and used, this is not something you should use in response or retaliation – this is not the way to go. The fight will just go on and on without resolution, because manipulation and untruths just make situations worse. You can be honest, truthful and an advocate for your own needs – the more honest and clear you are with yourself, and those around you, every day and in every way, the simpler life will be and that’s a good thing.
The Queen of Cups beckons to you and tells you that no matter how you feel right now you were made for love and to love. She advises you to utilise the same Queenly attributes which are within you, believe in your natural self and that if you turn to love (of yourself as well as others) then the energies you attract will be soft and nurturing as opposed to the hard and sharp, combative energies that the Swords cards represent.

To start, the Queen of Pentacles has appeared to represent your ‘standing’ in life which, in terms of this card, is pretty good. This Queen not only has the means to look after and provide for those she loves, but has the knowledge and capability to make her money work for her – she knows how to use it and increase its flow. So, this card indicates that you should make the most of any money that comes your way this month.
The Moon is a card which appears when there may be things unfolding/evolving around you but it is not clear for you to see. It would make sense to not make any definitive decisions just now because there is some information waiting to present itself (when the time is right) which could well change your current belief or approach. Allow yourself to be patient and allow your intuition to guide you – just be aware that you don’t know all that you need to know just yet.
You may feel you need guidance in some way too. The Hierophant card suggests that you might find yourself looking for a new way to approach life that better suits your own needs and way of thinking. This could be a spiritual adviser, a professional of some sort or even a Mentor, who you can talk to. You will need to be flexible enough to take what you need from their advice without following or believing every single thing they say or do – it is ok to take bits of advice that apply to you, without accepting everything without question, and following it blindly. You might just need someone to talk to who will make you feel better about your own concerns, emotions or behaviour – or you might just need someone to tell you ‘Well done!’.
The King of Cups could be advising that instead of just talking about your own experience and knowledge of love and relationships – like being an agony aunt – you should, perhaps, get on the emotional rollercoaster of love and see where it takes you. Perhaps, without realising it, you have detached yourself from the real and intense aspects of relationships – probably from fear of being hurt – but the King of Cups might be advising you to not miss out on the joy relationships can bring, because that is what happened to him.
But read on because Gemini is the Birthday Star Sign of the month and you have an extra card devoted to you:

This may not look like an exciting card but in fact its message to you is cheering. The seeds you have sown and the effort you have put in, with regard to your income source, is now beginning to show a healthy growth with the potential to really become something very worthwhile. The Three of Pentacles indicates that there is interest in what you are working on and those people are impressed enough to want to be ‘in’ on it – to be part of it. In fact, you should soon hear, or find out something, that will give you cause to celebrate an initial success – with promise of more to come. Don’t neglect this work now, since it has so much potential for the future (financially) and you will need to continue to work hard at it, but be very pleased that, at last, you have created a real and possibly lucrative project which has taken root and is growing rapidly – well done! And have a very Happy Birthday! May the sun continue to shine on your work and help it flourish and bloom!

The Page of Wands could be the bearer of a message for you with regard to a project or venture you might be interested in. The message may well inspire you to rush ahead to progress this venture because it excites you. However, the key to success – if you want this to work – is to get some advice and have someone sense-check what you have done so far. You might hear some advice you think you don’t need, but don’t dismiss it because this card suggests there is a good chance it will be significant in the future – and you want to succeed, right?
You may have to make some real decisions about where you are heading. The Chariot advises that if you allow people, and events, to push and pull on your time you will not get anywhere on your own path/journey. This card suggests you decide what you want to do with yourself/life (this is not a rehearsal) and to not allow anyone to divert you from your goal – they won’t suffer the consequences…..you will. Letting other people and events distract you from what you want to do will inevitably stop you from achieving your goals and there is a fine line between being nice and just being a mug.
People and life are always going to bring issues, and possible conflict, to your door whether you ask for them or not. The Five of Swords asks you to consider whether a particular challenge is really worth the effort and loss of resources through engaging with it. You do not have to fight every battle to win the war – just ask yourself whether it is better to walk away from this one…..it could just be another distraction which takes you off your own path.
The Queen of Pentacles indicates that you have all the capability you need to be a real success – she is indicating that you have the skills and attitude necessary to establish your own little domain and to have the money to maintain it. If you are currently learning – keep at it – those qualifications and certificates will be part of the foundation. If you are working, show off your skills and get noticed. If you currently have access to any funds – maximise its use – spend or invest it wisely. The Queen of Pentacles is assured and confident, but she also knows that money isn’t easily come by and is easily lost, so she uses her skills and her assets well – that is the secret of her success.

Justice suggests that, this coming month, you may get a decision on a legal affair, or outstanding matter, which has been in other peoples’ hands. This card represents being vindicated, or validated regarding your own actions and the bearing they had on the issue – regardless of what that issue was – however, this decision/outcome will be clear for all to see; there is likely to be relief, and some reduction of anxiety, when it is over.
The Hermit card suggests that you might need to take some time out for yourself. A hermit finds an isolated place to concentrate on his own beliefs and the questions he wants to find answers to. Perhaps he is asking you to do the same and to deep delve into your core to ask yourself whether you are on the right path, whether you are happy with things as they are, or to just find the real you again – your own divine light. If you can do this, you could find that you have a renewed motivation to live life to the full, and to understand what it is that is of the utmost importance to you.
A fairly new relationship is likely to develop into something more solid and – whether romantic or otherwise – could move to the stage of some sort of commitment (Two of Cups). It could be love, it could be a partnership in business, or it could be someone who can just bring some additional joy to your life in any way. It is still early days and only time will tell whether the relationship will flourish and endure – but if it is a relationship which you value then you will need to nurture it for it to do so.
On the work/business front the Five of Pentacles suggests that you could be faced with a situation which, you feel, threatens your financial stability. Often this fear results from the ties to material assets and goods that you feel you can’t live without. Adjusting to new ways of managing income is always difficult, but sometimes being asked to review what you consider to be important in your life, and to prioritise the most important things, can be truly liberating and can often make way for better things. There are likely to be a few options for you to free yourself up financially – if you are really honest with yourself – and it might only be a temporary restriction which could leave room for new opportunities which might work better for you. Embracing change can often shift the type of energies you are working with and often this is a good thing.

There are two Swords cards flanking two Cups cards in this reading which suggests some sort of balance is needed come June. In addition there is a Queen, a Page and a Knight which suggests there are people around who are exerting quite a bit of influence.
One of these youngsters could be ready for a relationship (Page of Cups) – there could still be pain from a past relationship, or a fear of not being worthy, which prevents them from believing in their own value – this pain needs to be understood, accepted but left behind. It is also important for them to learn to love and accept who they are (regardless of what they think of their own flaws and weaknesses) because having confidence in the ‘self’ is the positive energy needed to start attracting others – the rest will follow.
There could be another youngster who feels they need to charge into action with every slight challenge or conflict they hear of (Knight of Swords). It is important for them to know what they are fighting for, rather than fighting for the sake of it. This Knight often wastes useful resources and can look foolish for charging into battle without knowing what it is about, or even whether he can handle it. Knowledge is power, knowing what the conflict/challenge is about before deciding whether to engage in it or not is what this card advises.
The Queen of Swords, at the start of the reading, is clever, resourceful and alert – so she can easily handle most things – however, she can sometimes be considered too aloof and unapproachable because she always protects herself by hiding her emotions. It could be that a little love is needed at this time – regardless of the fear of being hurt. Perhaps this card represents you or perhaps she is saying things around you should not be ignored (hidden away) right now – there are some emotional situations which need looking at.
The Nine of Cups is a card which represents excellent relationships and how those relationships have endured through hard times. But it is also a card which endorses that love and nurture is what makes the home a happy place – it is something to be celebrated and protected. This reading seems to be about balance between head and heart – about logic and emotion and the need for both, especially when it comes to family. However, these cards look as though they are asking you to not be afraid of being truthful and honest about the emotions, and feelings, that you (and everyone else involved) are having right now – especially those that look to you for guidance.

Whilst there might be some tensions in terms of relationships right now, the Five of Cups is a card which indicates that these minor issues can be fixed quite easily. In fact this card suggests that it could just be your current mindset which might be focused more on all the the things that are ‘wrong’ at the moment and this, in turn, could be adding to the situation. This won’t be the first time, or the last, in any relationship, because life can drain much of our positivity just from having to get through each and every rollercoaster day. Shift your focus onto more positive things and you’ll find you are back on track in no time.
The Knight of Wands has appeared to either herald that a new adventure is in store for you, or he could represent a young person around you having some kind of influence on you, this coming month. Whichever it is, the Wands cards are about projects, endeavours and, often, the excitement around new ventures. This card’s message will really be about being engaged in a project but (since the Knight is not considered to be as fully experienced as say a Queen or King) it is likely to be advising you to get knowledgeable about this particular project. Knowledge is power.
In terms of finance and income the King of Pentacles suggests that you are more than capable of making the most of all your resources. Whatever you have, you are eminently capable of using it wisely and to grow it into something more substantial. Be confident in your own ability to secure the means to have stability and security in terms of your finances, and to be able to provide for those you love in the way that you want. You can’t get higher than the King in a tarot suit, so this card indicates that you can master anything in terms of home and income – and that’s his message to you.
The Sun heralds a happy month of June full of success stories, joy and gratitude for all the wonderful things in your life. When The Sun card is bestowing its life-giving energies on you, then all that you touch should flourish and grow. This is an excellent time to try things out and to take the odd risk or two, since The Sun’s energies are strong and nurturing and luck tends to be with you. There will be a happy glow around family, work and life itself but this is also the time to be grateful for all that you do have and to appreciate all the things that you hold dear. Enjoy!

In terms of ventures, projects or endeavours you might find you have lost your way – you could be finding it hard to be motivated enough to carry on, according to the Seven of Wands. There is often a dip in any undertaking at some point since there comes a point when it’s clear you’re not nearing the end of your journey and your initial enthusiasm has worn off. It is at this time it is really worth revisiting your original aims, and aspirations, for this project and to remember what excited you about it in the beginning. Try to remember what it was that you wanted to achieve – and now realise you are half way there – you might well find it ignites your passion and motivation for this venture once again.
The Emperor card suggests that there could be someone around you – a figure of authority or a father-figure – who might be able to give you some valuable help or advice. The Emperor is a powerful archetype card which represents someone who has a lot of experience and/or the means to help you out in a variety of ways. This person could be a very influential person to have the backing and support of – so make sure you get this help whilst they are around and (presumably) in the mood to consider it.
It would appear that if you take the advice/help from The Emperor, you will soon see just how successful your venture actually is. The Six of Wands is a card which indicates that signs of success will start to come very soon – once they do you will be surprised how far you have come. It will be a time to pat yourself on the back and take pride in what you have done, and, although your project is established and strong, it is still early stages and you will need to continue to put in the work and effort to help it reach its full potential – it would be such a shame to let it fizzle into nothing at this stage – after its initial success.
Another person could be influential in your life this coming month – the King of Cups could be appearing to represent a romantic partner. If you haven’t already got a partner this card could indicate that someone is coming into your life. If you currently do have a partner then this card is likely to be suggesting that they will have a fairly significant input with something you are interested in. The Kings are always masters of their particular suit, so it could be that you are in for a very romantic month of June.

June looks like it could be a month of growth, realisation and movement regarding any projects or ventures you want to undertake. These ventures could be anything from moving house to starting a new business, travel plans or just trying something new to get yourself out of a rut. It looks as though there will be some input from other people which could be very helpful.
The Two of Pentacles suggests there could be some sort of partnership being offered to you. This could be anything from the offer of a loan or financial help, to someone physically taking some tasks off your hands. The message here is that any offer of help should be accepted – as it really could set you off on a new journey – and, since offers like this are rare, take it with gratitude and make the most of it – this could be your big chance.
You might also find yourself in the spotlight somehow. Judgement is a card which indicates your actions and behaviours are being examined in detail in some way and a conclusion will be drawn from this. It could be other people looking at the way you work, or have acted, resulting in some kind of decision. However, it is also possible that this card is asking you to analyse your own behaviour and whether you feel you are doing a good job or whether you need to change your approach. Either way it is to be hoped that this analysis will bring some nice validation that you are getting things right.
The King of Cups suggests that a partner might be influential in the coming month. Their influence is likely to be positive though; this is because the Kings are masters of their suit, and so this person may be able to help either in terms of your own relationship or it may be that their advice is going to be very relevant, and worth heeding, to someone around you .
The Page of Wands suggests that, should a proposition or a venture present itself, you would do well to seek advice or knowledge before moving forward with it. This Page represents wanting to forge ahead, indeed rushing to get things done, without the relevant knowledge or experience. So, it will be important for you to take the time to research, or take advice, because this card indicates that, whether you like it or not, the advice you will be given could be highly relevant and significant in the future – and you will be glad of it in the long run.

Starting with The High Priestess, it would seem that there is a new destiny unfolding in the background for you. This could be on a spiritual level, in that your current beliefs about life could take a new turn. It could mean that your previous aims and aspirations change and that you might develop an interest in things you previously thought you never would. However, The High Priestess appears to let you know that things are changing – but she will not show you how or why because the time is not right just yet. Trust that the Universe has your interests at heart and is aligning everything to work out at the best time and place for you but something new is on its way.
The Five of Swords indicate that there may be a conflict that you could easily engage with. You don’t have to win every battle to win the war – sometimes it is best to conserve your energy and resources for a more important challenge and this is the message of the card. As always, the choice/decision is yours to make, but it would be wise to at least give it careful consideration – that way you can justify your actions, if needed, in the future.
The Queen of Swords may represent a person you know that seems quite aloof and unapproachable, or she could represent you with regard to a particular situation. This person hides their emotion very well and often does so to protect themselves from hurt. However, this person is also a good communicator and has a sharp intellect, and it would seem their skills are going to be needed in a project you are involved in. If this person isn’t you then approaching the ‘unapproachable’ might result in you doing yourself a massive favour, so don’t be afraid to try!
The King of Pentacles often represents someone with a lot of experience and knowledge, especially in terms of finance or material possessions which bring stability and security. This King knows how to use money and what to use it on, he is able to provide for his loved ones. This card could represent you, and is letting you know you are going to need these skills this coming month. However, if it is referring to someone else, this person always has something to do and might not stick around too long, so make use of them whilst they are available.

In terms of income and work there is a lot of energy around finances, according to the Ace of Pentacles, which could indicate the beginnings of a lucrative opportunity. Keep alert for possibilities and be ready to grab any chances on offer so that you don’t miss out on something really useful, also, follow up with anyone who shows an interest in what you are working on. Some things may seem small and irrelevant just now but in fact it is possible that they could be the making of you.
The Knight of Wands suggests that you could be on the verge of an exciting adventure and, in fact, he wants you to be ready to embrace it. This Knight is passionate and motivated to do all sorts of interesting things and it seems it might be time for you to do something a little bit different and maybe even a little bit daring. Make use of his energy before he gets bored and moves on, this card represents some sort of movement in your life – in whatever form it takes – and it looks like you’re being nudged to go with it.
You may find your own energies broiling around looking for an outlet. You may feel like it really is time to be recognised and rewarded for all that you do. The Strength card represents this energy and recognises the power your hold to either use your abilities for yourself, and only yourself, or you can channel those feelings in a way that benefits others too. In other words, you have the influence and power to shout the loudest and get the most, but that won’t necessarily serve your purpose. If you use your abilities and energies in a way that is helpful and kind to others, this is how you will be valued in the future – not only for your integrity, but your strength and valour too. And who knows where that would lead?
In terms of the relationships around you, the Nine of Cups indicates a loving and happy time for the month ahead. This card represents the trials and tribulations the relationships have endured and the resulting commitment is established and can be relied on. This is a time to recognise that you are an important part of the whole network too, and that you are loved – it is a time to celebrate having a loving set of people around you and your valuable part in it. And remember this, in fact, is a significant achievement in itself.

There may be a period of time this month when no amount of pushing or demanding is going to get the result you want. Regardless of what this particular situation is The Hanged Man advises that the best thing to do is to submit to patience – don’t expect anything from this, because the more you demand a result the more damaging the effect will be on you. Submit to ‘what will be, will be’ and use the time to focus on something that you can have some impact on.
The Moon is also advising that, at this time, there is information or things happening around you that are not clear to you right now – because the time is not right and there is something not aligned for the right outcome for you, just yet. It is only a matter of time before things become clear. Again, patience and understanding, avoiding making big decisions about your future, will allow the Universe to bring everything together, allowing the impact of it to serve you best. Trust that things will work out, and allow yourself to focus on other interests whilst these things get ready to come into the full light of day.
The Eight of Pentacles indicates that in terms of work, or your income, things are going very well and you are reaching a time when financial stability and security is fairly well established. If this card has any advice it is that any extra knowledge you can learn around your work, or any qualifications you can gain can only increase the chances of you doing extremely well – so perhaps this is something to consider whilst you wait for things to align for you. It doesn’t have to be a major college course or a degree but just some sort of training or extra knowledge about your subject as this will increase your chances significantly.
The final card in the reading also indicates that financially you are ready to use your money in the wisest way. The King of Pentacles is hugely experienced and manages his assets, and uses every opportunity, to maximise its value. This card could represent you and the skills you can bring to sorting your finances, or it may be suggesting that someone around you could advise on how to approach your work and finances, and this could help you significantly – so make the most of this King’s energies whilst he is around, he’ll move away soon enough.
End of Tarotscopes.
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