Welcome to the Tarotscopes for June 2022.
I don’t know about you, but the activity in my life has become hyper just lately! This is why these Tarotscopes are slightly late. It must be something in the Stars!
However, here they are.
If you like the cards I use for the tarotscopes (I designed them) then you can buy them HERE – you can choose the colour of bag they come in to suit your own taste, too.
Head on down to find your star sign and see what the cards think might be happening for you in June, and please feel free to share with your friends.
Wishing you a Jolly June!

These cards, overall, seem to be saying ‘Despite the difficulties, this month could work out very well for you.’
The Seven of Wands would represent a loss of motivation and being bored with any projects you are undertaking at the moment. The Five of Wands represents hurdles that you perceive are in your way that you might feel are insurmountable. The Sun in the middle of those cards is suggesting that you can overcome all this and very soon you’ll see some amazing outcomes and receive amazing energies that should come your way.
However, this will only happen if you start to tackle the hurdles or issues in your way. With regard to the lack of motivation/drive, you might benefit from revisiting your vision and original goals when you first started on this/these projects – try and remember what inspired you to undertake them and why you felt they were worth doing. This should kick-start your enthusiasm again because the success won’t come unless you apply yourself to this project once again. The Sun is shining on you so it won’t be as difficult as you thought.
The Five of Wands would indeed suggest that there are obstacles to overcome but the inherent message of the card is that it can be managed if you start looking at the issues in different ways – you’ll soon find the solutions; and, once again, if you bend your brain to finding ways to tackle these obstacles the energy of The Sun should help you out and perhaps you’ll be surprised that everything is much easier than you thought it would be – make use of this fantastic energy throughout June.
The Sun is one of the most positive cards in a deck. While The Sun energy is around you should be successful in every effort you make, or any task you undertake. So, if things need sorting out, June is the month to manage them – everything should work out well.
Providing you do start to tackle this stagnant phase, the Two of Pentacles suggests that a partnership of some sort – whether that is a financial partner or someone who is willing to help you on a practical level – will be on offer. These are rare occurrences and, so, if you find someone offering their help take it with both hands and make the most of it.
In short, you’ve got amazing energies and opportunities to get things going again – but only if you apply yourself to the task.

The Ace of Cups represents either of two things – the start of a new relationship, or high energy around your emotions. Either way, you might be feeling incredibly emotional – perhaps elated, or feeling very sensitive. The Ace of Cups, is generally considered to be a positive card and, with regard to a relationship, it could represent excitement and promise. The reading also ends with a Cups card – the Six which suggest a certain ‘hankering’ for a past relationship. The cards in between these two cast an interesting perspective, however.
The Eight of Swords represents having to decide on something, but fearing the consequences and avoiding the action you need to take. This card could suggest, therefore, a feeling of being trapped and not knowing what to do (perhaps it is the relationship the Ace of Cups is referring to). This could mean that, even though you have an opportunity for a relationship, you might be harking back to a past relationship that didn’t work out – you may feel reluctant to believe that this new one has any future. Perhaps you feel you don’t want to engage in it (Eight of Swords) for fear of it failing and making you unhappy (Six of Cups) and you might not want to be there again. Perhaps you still feel a little fragile about your heart and emotions.
However, the Three of Wands is a positive card which indicates signs of success despite it being early days, and it could have appeared to give you some confidence and to, perhaps, to suggest you consider giving this new relationship a chance. The Six of Cups (the card of regret) may have appeared last in the reading to ensure that you don’t hark back to the past – things are not quite the same, looking back, as they felt at the time – time can make things seem easier than they were. In other words perhaps it is best to not use past relationships as a bench mark for how you go forward. This new relationship is just that – new – and it has possibilities. The Wands card is a card of ‘movement’ and so the cards seem to be saying ‘Don’t go backwards, move forward – this is where true happiness could be achieved.’

We start this reading with two Swords cards, which indicate that you might be struggling with a situation which is causing you pain, and yet you are managing to stay calm and collected about it. This is indicated by the Six (staying serene) and the Three of Swords (the Three is a painful card – especially with regard to relationships). The situation is not ideal and you are not happy about it, however, you are likely to be managing to deal with it in a patient manner, regardless of how upset you might be. Whilst you may find it painful, you are likely to understand why it is so, and this might be helping you to manage. The Three of Swords, however, is a card which indicates there is little you can do about it yourself, and perhaps all you can do is allow time to pass for the healing to come, which it surely will, regardless of the outcome. We humans are incredibly resilient.
The Five of Wands could represent the ‘hurdles’ you feel that can’t, or won’t, be overcome to sort this situation out, but this card does come with a message that looking at this situation from different angles and perspectives might just bring solutions that you never imagined. So, keep looking at this situation with different eyes and approaches, and it is possible you will find a way through.
The Queen of Cups may well represent you in this situation. This Queen does not have to work hard to be loved – she is approachable, attractive and endearing. Perhaps she has appeared to reassure you that you don’t have to ‘act’ differently or be different in any way – that just to be you is enough. With that in mind, it seems that the way forward is to look after yourself for a while, trust you are doing the right things, and allow your love to flow in whichever way you think fit – perhaps your example will change the dynamic in what seems an impossible situation.
Despite these cards it is your Birthday month! And you have an extra card – so read on – and Happy Birthday to all Geminians!

Your extra card is the Six of Wands.
This is a very positive card. And if you need endorsing and to be told that you are doing the right things this is the card to do it! But there is more – this card brings the message that there will be distinct signs of your success. These will be for all to see – even those people who doubted you and your approach. This is almost a card of vindication for your actions and efforts – this is a card of success and recognition! Perhaps the coming year will bring some of the things you were hoping for and working towards. Regardless of how you feel at the moment, this card card definitely represents how you are seen by others – someone successful, resourceful and passionate. It indicates that you are regarded as someone who is able to undertake any task and do it successfully. You are always learning new skills and are always willing to learn – and this card would also suggest that you are viewed (by others) as a very competent person indeed – and that is very well deserved. Happy Birthday!

Well! Three Major Arcana in this reading! So no-one will be surprised to see you moving forward in leaps and bounds this coming month! Major Arcana cards represent the ‘significant’ impact in areas of your life – and, therefore, it looks as though some important stuff could be happening.
The Star could indicate that at the beginning of the month you may feel you are just ‘treading water’ and that you are getting nowhere. However, The Star also suggests you keep your eyes on the prize and continue to keep doing what you do – despite feeling that you are not getting anywhere – because it really is important, you are just in a small part of the bigger picture just now and you can’t see the whole thing. The Star asks you to have faith that, soon, you will be reaping the benefits of your actions and that better times will come, so just start out the month with a little patience and continue to do what you are doing.
Then, The Magician appears to bring you a change of direction. You will need to choose which way to go (The Magician can’t help you choose which direction to take) but he is here to tell you that there is nothing you can’t handle – that this new path is your chance to make things better and to do things better. This is likely to be an exciting time of change for you – The Magician knows you’ve got what it takes to make this next stage of your life ‘magical’. You just need to apply the lessons you have learned from the past, and the skills you have acquired to date, to make this a fabulous new adventure! Trust yourself and your intuition – believe in yourself!
As if that isn’t exciting enough The Sun will be shining its nurturing light on you! The Sun is one of the most positive cards in a tarot deck, and this card represents things going incredibly well for you – this is a time when every task you undertake should be blessed by this amazing energy, and, so, if you have any outstanding, or difficult, issues to deal with this is the best time to sort them with The Sun’s amazing energy around you. Make the most of it!
And to finish off a very positive reading we have the Two of Pentacles which is a card which suggests some much needed help could be coming your way. This could be some sort of financial partnership, or some kind of help in a practical way, that gives you the chance to make your income improve – it may even represent a promotion or a new job. Whatever it is, ensure that you use this help to the max – it could really set you off on a happier financial path into the future.

The Six of Cups might indicate that you are focused on a past relationship at the moment and that you might feel some regret that you ‘let it go’. You might even be hoping for a reconciliation because it meant a lot to you. Whilst there is always a chance of reconciliation it is important to find out, before trying, whether the two people involved have learned or ‘grown’ since then – without both parties understanding how things went wrong there isn’t likely to be a successful reconciliation – since both parties must be able to recognise and work on the issues which caused the break up in the first place.
The Empress could represent any relationship with a ‘mother/child dynamic’ – this applies to full grown adults too. This dynamic is one of the most important to most people. This card could represent someone in your life who gives you nurturing, or someone to whom you give nurture. Either way this relationship is extremely important, and may need some attention at the moment – it will be up to you to organise time together and begin to understand each other’s needs.
The Page of Swords is a card which alerts you to be careful with regards to communications – it is possible that a lack of ‘real knowledge’, or maturity, about a certain situation might mean something is said (or done) that could be misinterpreted or misunderstood. This can sometimes lead to conflict despite there not being any real intent to mislead. So be careful with regard to how you ‘put’ things and/or make sure you are clear about some things that are said to you – don’t be afraid to check out the truth – otherwise it could develop into something unmanageable unnecessarily.
To end the reading we have the Queen of Cups. She could represent someone in your life, too. She could represent you at the moment, or it could be that she has appeared because all you need to know is that ‘love’ is the answer. This Queen does not have to work hard to give or attract love – she embodies it – it happens naturally and she is very confident in her ability to not only give love, but to be loved. So, many issues could be resolved if you come to them from a point of love.

If you are feeling lost about a relationship, then this is why the Eight of Cups has appeared. It is not an easy card and it suggests that there is little you can do to make things right again. Sadly, these things happen for a reason – perhaps this relationship was not meant to be – but it is important for you to keep moving forward, don’t get stuck in the pain and the past. It is true that time heals, it is true that there are better times ahead, and it is true that in time you will be able to see that you are in a much better place. The sooner you start to think this way the better. Don’t live in the past and don’t keep looking back – keep moving because you will heal faster.
On the financial front, things are likely to be pretty good according to the Ten of Pentacles – this is a very positive card which suggest that, in terms of your income or your home life, you are likely to be in an established financial position, and enjoy a secure home/lifestyle. Whilst this might not help you feel better on an emotional level, it does at least give you less to worry about. Enjoy.
The Knight of Cups could be representing a new love in your life, or he could have appeared to suggest you start to have some fun and excitement. This Knight tends to be in love with love and is always on the search for the perfect relationship – that’s why he never settles. So, maybe you should be getting out and about and meeting new people. If this is a new relationship in your life then perhaps view it as a bit of fun until you can be certain that things are getting serious.
The Ten of Wands is really a card about being overwhelmed and exhausted with all you ‘need’ to do. When there is too much demand on your time and energy it is important to take stock of what needs your attention most and what can be passed over for someone else to deal with. The Ten of any suit is a card of ‘completion’ and suggests that whatever it is that is demanding your attention, will be achieved if you can just offload some other tasks and concentrate on the important ones – it will be worthwhile because you are so very nearly there!

The Fool starts the reading with news of a new journey in some way – this could mean a new job, a new environment or just something different from the way things currently are. So, change is afoot and it makes sense to learn from the past and ensure that you don’t make the same mistakes this time around. This card is about getting carried away with the excitement of a new opportunity – any kind of new undertaking – and missing the signs that could bring about a pitfall. So, keep alert as you move forward to make sure that this opportunity is the one which will bring the greatest achievements to date – with the minimum of mistakes along the way.
The Ace of Pentacles is also a card which heralds some sort of new opportunity – one likely to be linked to your job, or income. There will be a lot of energy around for you to utilise in June, to help you take a good look into all the possibilities that this opportunity could bring. Do plenty of research so you will know this project inside and out, and you can hit the ground running.
You may feel, at the moment, that no matter how much you do, or how hard you work, your efforts are neither recognised or appreciated. The Star can represent a feeling of almost despair about the state of things in one’s life – that nothing seems to be moving forward, nor can you see any progress at all despite making every effort. The message from this card is that, although you can’t see anything changing just now, your efforts are necessary to the bigger picture – and that it is important to keep your eye on the beauty of The Star (the promise of better times/things) and to have faith in what is required from you until the time is right for everything to fall into place. Then you will understand the necessity of having to wait. All things will come good – in time – just believe that.
Meanwhile with regard to your to work or income, the Seven of Pentacles suggests that you might have to make a decision which could cause you to worry about the financial effect of it on your current situation. However, it is important for you to remember that you do have experience and knowledge, and you will know best what you want for the future (often based on what’s happened in the past). So, reconsider your priorities to ensure that any change in your financial situation can cover your greatest needs first and foremost – the rest will come in time.

We start this reading with two Wands cards which suggests the focus in June is likely to be on your current projects – whether at work or at home. Any endeavour you are currently working on will have a high energy available around it in June – this means that if you actively engage and learn more about this project then your efforts are likely to be very effective. The Ace of Wands represents this energy and could even represent a new project emerging from your current one.
The Eight of Wands is a card which represents the removal of any obstacles that have been impeding your progess and, as a result, your passion and creativity are now released. You are likely to surge forward with your ideas and be able to put things into motion that you have desperately wanted to for quite a while. Whilst this creativity and passion will bring busy times, you will also find your efforts incredibly productive! Make the most of it to get your work really underway – the Eight of Wands is a very positive card.
Still on the subject of work or projects (most likely related to your income) the Knight of Pentacles has appeared to advise you that the route to success is through paying attention to getting the smallest of details exactly right. This is also about your attitude and approach to your work – give it everything you have and ensure everything is correct to the last dot – because this is how this Knight ensures his wealth and position. He knows that hard work and loyalty get him very far indeed, but more importantly he knows that doing a task superbly is what brings him the recognition and rewards.
The Three of Pentacles indicates that if you follow the Knight’s example then you will soon get signs that your work/endeavours are really beginning to pay off! This is also a positive card which indicates that further effort and hard work is likely to bring very significant improvements in your income, so don’t leave things to chance – really put some effort in to your endeavours and watch your finances improve.

The Knight of Wands and the Knight of Cups indicate movement on from (or around) a current situation which has held you fast till now. Whilst this means that big changes could happen for you in June (The Tower) it looks as though ultimately you should end up in a better place, or a better situation.
The Knight of Wands tends to represent new ventures or projects, so possibly a new home, or some travel or a change in your attitude to the ‘norm’, this card seems to want you to know that June might be the right time to seek those new adventures.
The Knight of Cups might represent a moving away from, or moving towards, a relationship that is significant in your life (The Tower, because it is a Major Arcana card could represent the significance of this relationship). Whilst the two Knight cards suggest that this change is actually, deep down, what you might really want, the change might come as a shock as it is likely to come from somewhere else (or someone else). This is because the cause of The Tower falling is usually totally unforeseen – and certainly something over which you have no control and therefore out of your hands (this is where the shock factor comes from).
The Eight of Pentacles would definitely represent a positive outcome – the number Eight is quite high in the number structure of the suits and it represents you nearing your overall goal. The important message of this card is, though, that whilst you might feel you have landed on your feet, there is still the prospect of being able to improve your material security even further – by learning something new. So, bear this in mind if you find yourself wondering what steps to take next…….a little bit of ‘learning’ – or extra experience/training – could really take you a long way up the road to success!

The Two of Swords usually represents the avoidance of a conflict or problem in your life. If you can get to understand the issue at hand you will be better equipped to tackle it, and get it resolved. It is important to understand what caused this issue and why. This card would also advise that the sooner you get to grips with it the easier it will be to deal with, whereas to continue to avoid it might exacerbate the situation.
The Death card tends to be unnerving to a lot of people, but, generally, this card represents the ending of something which really is not serving its purpose in your life any more. Yes, it could be a relationship or it could be referencing a job, or even the end of a painful situation which would certainly bring some relief. This ending, whatever it is, could well bring an element of pain – even if it is just because it is something familiar that disappears and could leave you wondering about the future. But nothing is meant to stay the same forever – everything evolves, or changes, simply because it has to. The message of this card is to just keep moving forward, because Death can never destroy the dawning of a new day – this means that what is ahead is likely to be more relevant to the growing ‘you’ than what must really be left in the past. By moving forward we get to our ‘new’ opportunities much sooner. However, if we don’t move forward it is very easy to get stuck in the the stagnant pond of the ‘what ifs’ and ‘if onlys’ of looking backwards.
The Six of Cups is a card representing an amount of ‘regret’ regarding a past relationship, or feeling rueful because, perhaps, a current relationship might not feel ‘the same’ as it used to be. As with the message in the Death card, everything must evolve and move forward and grow – it is easy to look back and think everything was easy ‘ back then’, however, you will not reach new heights without being faced with greater challenges and it is overcoming these new challenges that brings strength and commitment to a solid relationship. In other words no relationship can stay the same; and any past one can only be reconciled if both parties have grown enough to really be ready to work out how to overcome the original issues; and a current relationship will continually make demands on your dedication and commitment by constant development.
On a different note, the Ace of Wands suggests a lot of energy around a possible new project, venture or undertaking. This means you might have an ‘idea’ for a project, or your interest in something new has been awakened. There could be interesting possibilities coming from this new project, but only if the necessary research and effort are put into it, otherwise it will just fizzle out and disappear. So be alert to whatever grabs your interest in June because it would be a shame to miss out on new opportunities.

Perhaps there is a situation in your life which has not been tackled that could now be making you feel trapped in some way. Sometimes this card can refer to some sort of separation in a relationship. In both cases, whatever this conflict or problem is about, the message from this card is that you paid a part in the creation of this situation and that you should be ready to help mend it so that you can move on again. Until this happens nothing is likely to change and your feelings of being trapped will continue.
The King of Swords represents mastery in the art of communication, intelligence and the correct use of logic. In other words you are really clever enough to pull off any deal, or successfully manage any situation that might be causing issues for you – so whilst the King of Swords is around it might be the best time to get outstanding, or tricky, issues sorted out. Success is the likely outcome for your efforts should you approach them with the same attitude, and ability, as the King of Swords.
The Sun appearing directly after these cards endorses your success should you heed the above advice. In fact should you turn your hand to any task in the coming month then you are likely to be blessed with success. This card is about the nurturing energy of the sun and how it helps the growth and development of so many things. Therefore it looks as though June, with The Sun shining on you, will be the best time to tackle outstanding tasks, and to embrace new ones, because you are likely to find they can all be handled with ease and with success as the outcome. This is very positive card for June – ensure you make the most of it.
Finishing with another Swords card is not surprising. The element for Aquarius is Air and it is also the element for the suit of Swords, So whilst the Swords cards do often represent conflicts, or problems, the cards in this reading seem to indicate that your ability to communicate, and your native intelligence, will serve you well. So the last Swords card, the Five, is likely to be asking you to undertake the most important tasks this month – and to consider walking away from (or delegate) tasks that might drain your valuable resources. Otherwise you should really be on a roll in June.

The Tower is likely to be indicating a big change in some way for the month of June. This card represents things crossing your path from an unseen source and is likely to be completely out of the blue. Whilst this change could initially feel challenging, and maybe even scary, to a point, the inherent message of this card is that you will have the chance to start again. Furthermore, having learned lessons from the past, your future can be embraced with wisdom and knowledge gained over the last few years. In other words, you can make a new start and make the necessary changes that you know will make things better this time around. It’s a great opportunity to gain control over your situation, and create a new future the way you want it to be.
The Seven of Swords could be highlighting some sort of manipulation. Usually this card refers to the ‘truth’ of a situation and how perhaps the use of white lies can put a different slant on things. We have probably all adapted the ‘truth’ to fit a situation – sometimes justifiably. This time, though, whether it is you or someone around you who is manipulating the truth you need to be aware that this time it is not justifiable – if you find that the truth is ‘somehow’ being distorted you will need to look into the reason why.
With regards to relationships, is it possible you are avoiding giving a new relationship a chance? The King of Cups is very knowledgeable about love and can give amazing advice to others about managing relationships. However, he tends to avoid engaging in relationships because he is afraid to get hurt again. Perhaps you need to consider whether you are missing out on something lovely, in avoiding a good relationship, just because you are afraid of it not working out……but maybe this card is suggesting you take a chance. Could this be the love of your life? Take care not to dismiss the opportunity to love and be loved – it may not happen again soon or maybe at all.
It might be that you need to open up yourself to new experiences or even new knowledge/interests. The Page of Pentacles is always ready to learn – he will actually desert his duties in order to go and study – and knowledge is power. It is possible that a new interest might emerge in your life and this card would undoubtedly advise you to engage with it and learn more – it might be the chance to bring more income into your life, as well as meet new people – but without equipping yourself with the knowledge you need you might not reap the benefits fully either.

Hi, I like your tarodec so much that I want to buy it, but when I click on the purchase link, I keep getting an error message. I live in Korea and I wonder if I can buy your tarodec in my country
Hello Sujin. Thanks for your comment – I was on vacation for a week and took the deck off the website as I wouldn’t be available and maybe that is what caused the issue. Perhaps you would like to try again using this link https://www.simplytarot.com/shop/tarot-cards-for-sale/ Thank you.