Hi! Welcome to the Tarotscopes for June! Please scroll down to read yours.
Gemini is the star sign to get an extra card this month – a little something extra for the birthday crew!
Don’t forget you can choose your own Card of the Day here on the Simply Tarot website just CLICK HERE to try it out now and come back every day if you want!
Have a joyous June, everyone.
Patricia ❤️

Early in the month of June, the Three of Pentacles suggests that, financially, things could be on the up. This could be some kind of endorsement in a job, or project, which shows your efforts may be paying off – and whilst this job/project might be in its infancy, if you continue to apply yourself as you have been doing, then it could easily become a viable way to increase your income. So keep working at it. This card is a very positive card in terms of finances but there is still a lot of effort needed – use your passion, drive and determination to grow it further.
Relationships seem to be the focus in the middle of June as represented by the Six of Cups. Generally this card would indicate a desire to rekindle a past relationship, but in this tarotscope, as a more generalised card covering a week or so, it might be more relevant to your current relationships. Instead of wishing you were in the relationship of the past, perhaps you would benefit appreciating the relationships you have right now. We can all wish things were ‘like they used to be’ (even in a happy relationship) and life, in general, can make us tired and only have energy for the ‘practical’ rather than the romance, so this card might be reminding us to nurture what we have now and perhaps we won’t have to look back on what was lost because that might be the alternative.
The Nine of Pentacles is a very positive card for the end of June. This card indicates that, in terms of your financial situation, you might finally be in a really good place. You might not be at the pinnacle of financial stability and security but compared to other people you are in an enviable position – all brought about by your own efforts and careful management of your income. Well done. There is still room for improvement but the Nine of Pentacles suggests that what you have can’t be taken away, which should be very comforting.

To start the month of June the King of Wands may have appeared to give you some enthusiastic support. This King will always successfully complete any project he undertakes and he knows you can do the same. Whatever you may be tasked with it will be your drive, motivation, passion and effort that will bring the rewards you seek. This approach to tasks is the one which this King has used to achieve his position of wealth, stability and admiration – you can do the same with anything you turn your hand to (if that’s what you choose to do).
Temperance has appeared to represent the middle of the month ahead. This card calls for some balance. Temperance could be referring to the way you live your life at the moment, your approach to work and/or relationships, or even your own frame of mind. This card’s message is to stop and take stock of your progress so far. You may have done very well, and it’s possible to turn to logic and facts as a habit, more than using the heart at times. Sometimes we get stuck in the reality of having to work, run the home and look after family on a very practical level. Temperance demonstrates the need to stop, take a look at ourselves and to use our heart and emotions as well as our head – this card’s message is that it’s time to pour a lot of love into any situation you might find yourself in.
This might lead to some soul searching, and feelings of guilt, for some past behaviours, the Nine of Swords suggests. This card is about punishing yourself for some of the decisions, or actions, you’ve taken along the way. Making the wrong decisions, or choosing the wrong path, is something we all do at times and sometimes it is necessary to do so in order for us to learn and grow. Punishing one’s self for this is not the solution, as the past can’t be changed; also the reality is probably not as bad as you think it is. Accept the lessons learned from mistakes, and forgive yourself; doing this will allow you to move forward, trying to not make the same mistakes to help you to enjoy life to the full. It is all a learning experience – anyone will tell you that – and it happens to us all.

It is time for some rest and recuperation at the beginning of June. You may feel exhausted from some recent trauma or trying situation(s). The Four of Swords indicates that this time has passed, which is good news, and you will now need to take some time for your own self-care. If you can take a real break from work/home that would be ideal. If you can’t, then allow yourself small pockets of time to treat yourself in some way- whether it be an hour’s meditation, time to read, to allow yourself a treat if you can afford it, or even to simply rest more by having early nights, or an occasional lie-in. It is important that you find a way to relax and recharge your energy levels. And don’t feel guilty about doing so – this is important.
You need to recharge your energy because The Magician suggests that a new direction is open to you. He doesn’t tell you which direction to take, or where that road will take you, it is your decision to make. This new road will be a mystery, however The Magician is here to tell you that you have all the abilities, and the skills, you need to make this new journey a magical one. All he asks is that you believe in yourself as much as he does. This could be an exciting new phase for you, one which could take you far.
The Emperor card has appeared to let you know that someone around you could be of enormous help to you towards the end of the month. This person has lots of power and influence and could help you with anything you are struggling with right now. They may seem unapproachable, to you, because of their authority and status, but you really should pluck up the courage to ask them for their help whilst they are around – they may not be available for help if you leave it too long. The worst case scenario is that they say they can’t help, but that would be better than missing out on the chance of getting some excellent help from them, so don’t be shy.
Read on Geminians, as you have the birthday sign this month! You get an extra card with your tarotscope, and, by the way, wonderful birthday wishes from us all! Your extra card is…..

Happy Birthday! The Five of Wands has appeared to represent your qualities. So this card suggests that you are likely to be excellent at overcoming hurdles and obstacles. Many people probably turn to you for help with their own problems too – which suggests that you are approachable, dependable and trustworthy, which are amazing qualities to have. Whilst solving problems can be overwhelming and very tiring, there is nothing better than finding the solution and resolving them, whether they are other peoples’ problems, or your own. Believe it or not, many would not know where to begin when faced with a problem or an overwhelming obstacle in their path – but not you. Because you are good at overcoming hurdles, you are likely to be a critical thinker (a real plus point), be willing to listen to different advice and be open to suggestions – this means you are a ‘people’ person with a big heart and a willing brain, who can work out what needs to be done. We need many more people like you! This card has appeared to congratulate you on making the best use of your abilities and qualities, and to also highlight how kind you must be to give your time and efforts for other people who are struggling. Well done! We hope June will be a wonderful month for you, it’s the least you deserve.

It might be wise to tackle an issue that you may have been avoiding at the start of the coming month. The Two of Swords is a card which suggests that this issue will hang around as long as you avoid it. This card’s message indicates that the issue at hand might seem knotty to you and that is why you might not have tackled it yet, but if you try and get more information as to why this problem has arisen you might be in a better position to sort it out. Once you have, you will be able to move on with your life – tackling it early is going to be easier than leaving it to fester and, potentially, get more difficult.
The Six of Cups represents the time period of the middle of the month. Generally this card would suggest you might be hankering after a previous relationship which didn’t work out – and it’s possible that this is how you might be feeling. However, in this tarotscope, it is more likely to indicate that you are residing more in the past than focusing on your future – this could include relationships (romantic, as well as platonic) – as well as other factors in your life such as work and/or home. It would seem that the Six of Cups is asking you to not be always looking backward but to be more focused on your current and future needs and, more importantly, what you are going to do about it to bring it into reality.
Judgement suggests that you should be on your best behaviour throughout June since, by the end of it, you are likely to find out what other people think of you. Judgement represents being in the spotlight and being assessed in some way. Whether it is at work and some kind of official assessment, or whether it is just how you are with other people at home and in your leisure times, you are likely to find out at the end of the month how people see, or feel about, you – hopefully it will be a good result and a pleasing time for you, assuming that your actions, and words, around other people are generally kind and thoughtful.

The Page of Cups suggests that a period of reflection on your own love life will be needed in the early part of June. Perhaps your own feelings are too pessimistic, at present, for what is realistically available to you in terms of romance. If you are carrying pain from a previous relationship even now, then it is unlikely you are ready for a new relationship. This card is about understanding and coming to terms with what you feel for yourself never mind from someone else. This Page asks you to come to terms with the past hurt and liberate yourself to enable a relationship with someone else. He asks you to not only accept the hurt, but to leave it in the past, and begin to learn to love yourself fully with all your lovely qualities and your flaws – this allows you to shine your light and exude the right energy to attract the one for you.
Financially, the middle of June should be a period of financial success and comfort to you, according to the Ten of Pentacles. Perhaps you have worked hard to make it this far, and this card suggests that your income and material status is established, and enduring, which is great news. This is one of the most positive cards in a tarot deck, and so it could be indicating a pretty happy, and possibly even lucky time, could be yours this coming month.
Towards the end of the month the Nine of Swords suggests your thoughts may turn to past mistakes, or some behaviours that you are not proud of. Everyone makes the odd bad decision, or behaves in a way that, looking back, was foolish or unfair – but it is best to forgive yourself for these actions and learn the lessons they have given you to take into the future. There is no point in punishing yourself for something that can’t be changed now – it is best to leave it in the past and allow yourself to move on with a more positive attitude – it is very likely you will not make the same mistakes again – and that is something you can be proud of in the future.

At the beginning of June, the Four of Swords suggests you will need some rest and recuperation. This card generally indicates that a difficult time has now passed but that you could be feeling exhausted and perhaps even sad. It is good that the difficulties have passed, but it is crucial that you now turn your attention to your own self-care. Your energies will be depleted and your thoughts might be depressive. Even the smallest attention to yourself could recharge your energies and help you get to feeling much better. Perhaps a quiet time to do some deep thinking, or meditation, focusing on your own well being and healing, a treat of some kind, if you can afford it – even perhaps getting some good nurturing sleep might do the trick. Whatever you can manage to do – even in short bursts – is necessary to get your super energy levels back to where they should be – you have a life to lead!
Don’t fixate on the ‘what ifs’ and ‘why things went wrong’ thoughts, since these can keep you stagnant and locked in the past. The Six of Cups reminds you that, once an event is over, it is often the case that some of the real pain is removed (this is our survival instinct) when looking back, and things might not seem as bad as they were, this is not helpful. It is important to be realistic, to accept it and leave things in the past where they belong. It is now time to focus on your future which is far more critical (and exciting) for you right now. Always move forward – don’t dwell in the darkness – there are many wonderful things to come for you.
And this is endorsed by The High Priestess. She is letting you know that, unseen and unfelt by you, a new destiny is forming in the background for you. This may be a new career, a new love, a new interest or even a new direction which is being aligned for the right time, and the right place, for you. The High Priestess does not tell you what this new destiny will be but she asks you to be alert and open minded for new ideas, feelings or interests that come your way. There is much more for you to do in the future – so get your body, your energy levels and your mindset ready for it.

The start of June, according to the Six of Wands, should bring signs of success on any project, or work, you are undertaking at the moment. This is great news since the effort you have put in is likely to have had a significant contribution to this success. Whilst you should give yourself a well deserved pat on the back, do keep up the good work as there is sill quite a way to go. What you can take from these signs is that this project has the potential to deliver so much more, and bring excellent rewards, should you continue to work hard on it. Well done and keep up the hard work!
You may be faced with a decision with regard to your work/income, however, which might worry you slightly as to what the impact might be in terms of your finances. The Four of Pentacles represents a fear of losing your financial security with regard to any change in your current circumstance (generally in terms of your income stream). Whilst it is good to be careful with money, and assess future risks, it is also important to not let fear make you resist taking a chance sometimes – you might miss out on something amazing. It would be sensible to not dismiss new opportunities outright simply through fear of what you might lose, and, if you weigh up your priorities and work out whether it is possible to survive regardless of what happens, you should at least consider taking a chance if you are offered something new.
The Ten of Cups representing the end of the month is a truly positive card which indicates all will be well with your relationships. You will have worked hard to keep your network of love together and now is the time to bask in your success – let it flow over you. This card is also considered to be a lucky card in general, so the end of June might be a good time to tackle outstanding tasks as they might turn out much better than you expected. Enjoy!

At the start of June you may find yourself wanting to make a decision about what to do regarding a particular relationship – one that has key issues at the moment. This could apply to a platonic relationship as well as a romantic one. The Seven of Cups represents having different options – should you stay, or should you go, for example. The message from this card is really about the commitment to that decision once it has been made. This card suggests that you should stick to that decision – otherwise you are likely to just keep going round in circles and getting nowhere. For instance, if you really want a relationship to work out then you must also work hard to enable this and not just expect it to work out without any real effort from you. Whatever you decide to do, commitment to it will make it a reality.
Perhaps the Queen of Swords adds her message to the above. The Queen of Swords is a very talented, clever and knowledgeable Queen who is always on the alert and ready to do what is necessary. However, she approaches everything with logic and precision, and does not use her heart/emotions to make decisions. She can be seen as aloof and unapproachable because she never shows her feelings, she is afraid of opening herself up to hurt and becomes isolated. Perhaps the message from these cards are suggesting you do not lean too heavily towards only facts and logic with decisions, but to allow your heart and emotions to have a say too. This Queen is also an excellent communicator, so perhaps she feels making your own needs clear (particularly with regard to your feelings) will be key to helping you move forward.
On a lovely note to finish the month the Three of Cups is a celebratory card with regards to relationships. This card can represent the conception, or birth, of a child, it can represent an engagement or marriage – it is certainly a step to the next level/commitment in a relationship and one which will be a delight to everyone. This may be with regard to you, in which case congratulations, however it may apply to someone you know but almost as pleasing nevertheless! Whichever it is, this is a happy and joyous card with which to end the month of June!

The King of Cups is a King who is very experienced, and very knowledgeable, about love and relationships. He advises others with ease. However, this King is also reluctant to embark on a relationship himself because he does not want to subject himself to pain. His message for you, at the beginning of June, could perhaps be to ask you to not exclude yourself from the possibility of a romantic relationship. Whilst relationships can bring pain at times, they can also bring incredible joy and happiness, and, it would be a shame to miss out on a wonderful thing because of the fear of pain. Perhaps you will get the chance for a new relationship and perhaps you should consider giving it a go.
The middle of the month is represented by the Page of Pentacles. This could mean a young adult around you might need your help or support – possibly on a financial level. If this is not the case then this Page might bring the message that, if you want to achieve the same level of wealth and success as he, then you will need to apply yourself wholeheartedly to your work (or to what ever brings in your income). He completes each of his tasks thoroughly – paying attention to even the minute details – making sure everything is perfect. He is reliable and trustworthy and does not let himself down in any aspect – this is the secret of his success. Perhaps adopting this approach could make a huge difference to your income.
The Eight of Swords at the end of the month suggests you might have to make a decision about a situation but you are afraid to make it for fear of the consequences – this could result in you feeling trapped in a situation from which you can’t escape. This situation is unlikely to improve as time goes on and the decision could be more difficult to make the longer you leave it. Of course it is up to you whether you tackle this right now but perhaps it is time to consider how you can make the decision which will benefit you the most.

Unusually we have three early cards, numerically, for the month of June, which suggests early phases in most areas. The first part of the month is represented by the Ace of Wands. The Ace cards are about the energy around a new idea or opportunity – this Wands card suggests there is the possibility of a new venture/adventure – something like travel, a new project, a new home or something of this nature, the Wands cards are about movement in general. A project, or venture, will only grow if it is nurtured and worked at, but if something grabs your attention then doing some research and work on it should show things taking shape fairly soon.
The Three of Swords, for the middle of the month, is likely to represent something that hasn’t gone so well for you. If this is the case then there is little you can do to revive it. It is probably better to let it go and focus on something else than to try to keep things going. The message from the Three of Swords is that it is not possible to make it work. The best thing you can do is keep looking forward and working on the things that will really benefit you.
In doing so, the Ace of Pentacles suggests that there will be energy around a new opportunity, and perhaps this is the very thing you need to focus on. The Ace of Pentacles is a card which represents the embryonic chance to make money in some way – whether it is a new job offer, setting up a new business, or making money from a hobby you already know inside and out, these are the kind of opportunities this Ace refers to – and this opportunity could be on offer for you. This could be the chance you need to really make things work. Once again, take note of what grabs your interest – look seriously into the feasibility of new ideas or offers that are presented to you – and put the effort in. This little opportunity has the potential to turn into something big.

It appears the month of June will start at a crossroads for you. This means you must choose which road to take. This is represented by The Magician card which doesn’t tell you which road to take, or even where it will take you, The Magician just knows that, whichever road you choose, you can traverse it with confidence. He knows you have all the skills you need to deal with any encounter along the way. He believes in you and your abilities. He wants you to believe in yourself and the magic you can bring to this next stage of your journey – this should be an exciting experience which he knows you are very qualified to make the most of. Go for it – this is an exciting time for you.
The King of Wands endorses this, and is with you as you start this next stage of the journey. This King is hugely capable and experienced. He relishes adventures and approaches all his tasks and challenges with drive, ambition and gusto – this is the secret of his success – he says you can do the same. Every effort you make will contribute to more and more success, but it is extremely important that you approach everything with the same confidence and drive as the King of Wands – this is what will make the difference!
According to the Four of Pentacles, in terms of finances, it is the fear of losing the current security of your financial situation when faced with a choice or decision around your work, which is a decision you might have to tackle at the end of the month. Of course it is astute to be careful with money, and to assess risks around changing your circumstances. However, the additional message with the Four of Pentacles is that if you never take a chance, or risk, then you could miss out on a substantial improvement. Since this card has appeared, perhaps it would be wise to not dismiss outright the chance to do something different – don’t let fear stop you in your tracks – this could be an opportunity that seals your success!

The Page of Cups for the start of June suggests that a period of reflection on your current feelings about relationships is required. The message from this card is about carrying pain from previous relationships with you into the future. This can make for difficulties in attracting new love. If you feel you can’t move forward romantically this could be the issue. You’ll need to acknowledge and accept the pain of your last relationship but allow it to remain in the past where it belongs. Forgive it, and forget it, in order to move on. Once you give yourself this freedom and allow yourself to love YOURSELF, for what you are, and shine your light brightly, it is likely to attract the love that you need. Be confident and don’t allow past pain to overshadow a bright future.
Perhaps this is what the Death card is endorsing – the pain is past, the relationship is done. It is the end of an era and time to start living life again with hope and joy. Death can never stop the sun from rising, it can never stop a new day, a new start and a new life. It is your choice whether to hang on to what has gone, or to follow the dawn of a bright new day with hope and the desire to live again, to face new adventures, new loves and living your life as you should.
By doing so, the end of the month might see you feeling renewed, rewarded and excited. The Six of Wands is a celebratory card which represents a significant achievement! This means that your hard work and effort is likely to start paying off and you could be reaping the rewards you truly deserve. Even those who doubted your abilities will see what you have achieved and be delighted. The end of the month should be a very joyous and pleasing time for you so hang in there and make it happen!

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