The Tarotscopes for March are written by Patricia using The Tarot House Deck, available to buy in our Shop
Hi there!
My favourite season is just around the corner – I am feeling perkier by the day. I love the light creeping in earlier each morning, and at night. I feel like my life expands with it! I’m so excited lol 🙂
It’s my little Leapling’s substitute birthday today – my granddaughter, Grace, is seven today in normal years, but still only 1 in terms of leap years. Happy Birthday, my Lovely, you grow more beautiful each day! And a Happy Birthday to everyone who is about to celebrate the great day they came to earth – the world is a lot better for having you in it 🙂
Just scroll down the page to find your star sign and read your tarotscope for March – I do hope you find it helpful and please do feel free to share.
If you would like a personal tarot reading for yourself then please order HERE – readings start at just £5.00 for a short 3 card reading – they are still very insightful 🙂
With much love, as always
Patricia x

Ace of Swords,
Ten of Cups,
Nine of Wands,
King of Swords
In March there will be high energy around a new way of thinking or taking a new approach to dealing with people or events (Ace of Swords). Often this change can bring an element of conflict, as your understanding or behaviour can appear significantly different to those people who have known you for some time.
However, the relationships around you do seem to be long-standing and stable, so the chances are there will be a lot of support around the ‘new you’ which is emerging (Ten of Cups). Perhaps the Ten of Cups is actually indicating that it is with regards to your emotional relationships that your attitude is changing. The Ten of Cups is one of the most positive card in a tarot deck, so the chances are that any change in your attitude, approach or way of thinking is going to bring amazing benefits to your relationships.
The Nine of Wands could indicate that there are still issues that are sapping the energy from you, but take heart that whatever it is, that is such hard work, is about to reach completion – so don’t give in, this last spurt of energy and determination will see you through, and hopefully an easier time will lie ahead.
The King of Swords would indicate that there is a very logical person around you who you could learn from, in terms of dealing with issues. This King is very clever at approaching knotty problems and finding the solutions and maybe this is how any current issues are likely to get resolved. If this is not the case, then perhaps this card is suggesting that approaching situations with a clear and logical approach, rather than an emotional one, is the best way to handle them. Just take care that you don’t come across as insensitive to those you are dealing with.

King of Swords
Five of Pentacles
The Moon
Eight of Pentacles
A clear and logical approach to current issues is likely to be needed during the month of March, as indicated by the King of Swords. This card represents keeping emotions at bay whilst trying to find the solutions.
The card next to the King is the Five of Pentacles, which could indicate that it could be your finances that are causing some concern. If this is the case, the King of Swords advises to approach the situation logically, and to think clearly. The Moon’s appearance, could indicate that you do not have all the facts at your fingertips, anyway, at the moment. Rather than reacting with an emotional knee-jerk to any problems, it might be wise to wait for a while. The Moon suggests that things will become clearer in a while, when the time is right. Perhaps it would be wise to not make any major decisions before you give yourself time to work out what is to be done.
The Eight of Pentacles suggests that all is not lost anyway, since this card indicates a fairly good situation in terms of home and money. What this card does advise, is to perhaps undertake learning of a relevant new skill, or training, which will certainly enable you to enhance your earning capacity. So, keep your mind open to opportunities to broaden your skill set, as this is the way to foster your ability to earn more money.

Nine of Pentacles
Ace of Pentacles
Eight of Swords
Five of Pentacles
March could see you in an extremely comfortable position in terms of home and finances this March (Nine of Pentacles). The financial aspect of your life, according to this card, is established and enduring, which is good news – especially as it will have taken a lot of effort to achieve it. And yet there appears to be a new opportunity heading your way to further something which has the potential to grow, which could bring further income or increase your ability to create a comfortable environment for you and your loved ones. These opportunities do not come along regularly and so it is important to make the most of it whilst you can. The Eight of Swords, however, could be indicating that your own attitude could stand in your way. This card suggests that you will be required to make a decision about this opportunity, and yet you may try to avoid doing so for fear of the consequences. The Five of Pentacles suggests that you perhaps are stunting your own growth by fear of losing your income. Since the Nine and the Ace of Pentacles feel like totally separate income streams, it seems unlikely that growing this new opportunity is likely to affect your current income. Perhaps there is a separate fear of growing this opportunity because you have convinced yourself it is too risky, financially. Why would that be? Perhaps you are more afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone rather than it being any real risk to your current income. Perhaps it is time to examine whether you are a go-getter or not.

Five of Swords
Seven of Cups
Nine of Wands
The Empress
You honestly do not need to deal with every little conflict that you come across. There are always going to be people or situations that needle you, and there comes a time when, like in March, the Five of Swords says ‘Do you really need to fight this battle?’.
This really should be your mantra this coming month. These conflicts may have something to do with personal relationships, since it is sitting next to the Seven of Cups. The Seven of Cups could be indicating that you might find yourself involved in emotional conflict – maybe even to the extent of having to make a choice as to whom, or what relationship, you are being asked to commit to (or even just taking sides in an argument). Being pushed into this conflict, by other people is likely to make you feel tired and overburdened (Nine of Wands), but when we come back to the first card – the Five of Swords – the truth is, if you do not wish to go to battle over this, then you have the right to make that decision. What does The Empress tell us at the end of this reading? She is saying ‘You’ve got this’ – you are in a great position – you know what you want – you are the ruler of your own domain. Don’t allow other people to come into your life and create drama and conflict. You are the Matriarch – in terms of ‘your’ needs, you get the final say. Have some confidence in yourself and perhaps don’t allow yourself to be pushed and pulled by outside forces so much.

Eight of Cups
Queen of Swords
Five of Swords
Nine of Pentacles
If you feel your relationship with someone is suffering (Eight of Cups), it might be time to take some time away from them. In the thick of emotional difficulties it is hard to see the truth of situations, or indeed, to make the most sensible decisions. Of course, it depends on the seriousness of the situation, with regard to the relationship in question. The Queen of Swords next to this card suggests that some clarity of thought will help, or perhaps turning to someone you know that has a more logical approach, and who is able to put emotion to one side, could help you see things a little more clearly. The Five of Swords could indicate that there might be situations that could still bring conflict to your door with regard to this relationship, but this card would advise you to choose your battles carefully – you do not need to win every fight or get involved in every argument brought to you. The answer is ‘time out’ – look the demon in the eye, and say you are not going to fight this time. Maybe by holding back you will be in a better position to handle things your way, next time, with better results.
The Nine of Pentacles seems to indicate that in terms of your home life, and your income, you have everything going for you – and maybe that is what you need to focus on right now. Home is your haven, your place to rest and recuperate, and, let’s not forget, to have some fun. It is a place to retreat to when you have had enough in a day. This is the most important thing, and the Nine of Pentacles does indicate that you have a very nice home life indeed.

The Star
The High Priestess
The World
It looks like March is going to be quite a significant month, because all the cards are from the Major Arcana in this reading.
You may feel, at the beginning of the month, that you are not progressing at the pace you want to, but it will be important to stop and consider what needs your attention, something or someone needs a little more emotion and love (Temperance). It is a time for balance, and to take stock of just how far you have come, and what you have achieved. But then you need to bring more love and emotion to the table if you are going to succeed in the areas you desire to.
The Star suggests that you may feel that nothing you do is worthwhile, or even noticed, but believe me it is. The High Priestess asks for your trust because things are developing, for you, in the right way, in the background. The Star asks you to keep going and to have faith that it will all work out for you.
Then out comes the The World tarot card – the best card in a tarot deck – which indicates that everything comes together in the best possible way. All that you have been striving for comes to you, and everything you need to be happy and content is yours. So be patient and diligent. Keep doing what you do so well, because it is all contributing to the culmination of all your efforts to achieve the success you deserve – enjoy!!

Ace of Pentacles
Three of Pentacles
Eight of Swords
Nine of Wands
In terms of your home life and income there is lots of energy and signs of success around income and home. Normally, the Ace of Pentacles would suggest a new opportunity to earn more, or to improve your homelife (and this may still be the case) but perhaps it is indicating a new ‘way’ of life. The Three of Pentacles would indicate that there is already some evidence that things are on the ‘up’ and there is great potential to build further on this. These two cards suggest that whatever you are doing at the moment is the right thing to be doing, so keep your eyes on the prize because you are heading in the right direction.
The Eight of Swords does indicate that there still may be issues that need sorting out, and that you are not, perhaps, really tackling an issue that needs some attention – in fact you may be avoiding it completely – but what ever the issue is, you were party to its making and it is now necessary for you to work at making it right. The sooner the better, because the longer it takes for you to get moving, on this issue, the harder the task will be in the long run.
You are likely to be feeling exhausted with all the effort it takes to keep your show on the road, and you might well feel you have nothing left to give, but you have. The Nine of Wands acknowledges your weariness, and all your efforts, but it is a card which says you have nearly completed the cycle, so don’t give in now – summon up your enthusiasm, and determination, and keep at it because the results will come soon and be well worth all the effort.

Six of Cups
Seven of Swords
The High Priestess
Ace of Swords
The Six of Cups is a tarot card which suggests you might be yearning for, or at least a bit rueful about, a past relationship. Clearly that relationship did not work out because you would not be in a situation where you long to be back in it. So what went wrong? It is easy to look back through rose-tinted spectacles that don’t let you see the real pain it caused at the time. Something must have been wrong about it, otherwise it would have worked out. Also, the Seven of Swords next to the Six of Cups suggests that there is some manipulation at play. Are you kidding yourself that everything was just fine? Or are you being told something that isn’t quite true about that relationship?
The High Priestess is a card which suggests that there is a new destiny forming for you in the background which you know little of, right now – probably because the time is not right. But this destiny is likely to have a significant affect on your life and, so, The High Priestess is asking you to hang fire, just now, and not commit to anything. The Ace of Swords also indicates that, coming soon will be a major shift in the way you think or approach matters, so it might be that you just need some time to reach the place you need to be. When that happens, all of a sudden everything will become clear to you – so hang in there, don’t look back, keep your eyes firmly on the road ahead.

Four of Pentacles
The World
Five of Pentacles
Eight of Pentacles
You might feel that taking risks on a financial level is just not tenable and, whilst being sensible with money is not a bad thing, the Four of Pentacles advises that not taking any risks at all might mean that you could lose out on an amazing opportunity. Of course it is your call, but The World sitting beside the Four of Pentacles could well be indicating that you have it all to play for right now.
The World usually represents everything you desire coming your way, that all your hard work has paid off and now you are in the position you wanted to be. And yet, The Five of Pentacles would indicate financial troubles. In terms of this reading, it would be necessary to understand that the Pentacles suit can refer to not just your physical income, but your comfort at home and the security around your family life too. Since we end the reading with the Eight of Pentacles, it would seem, to me, that in terms of physical income there may be some training required to boost your skill set, but also that you seem to be on a trajectory to success. It could be that on your home life front, you feel there may be some changes which could affect your comfort in some respect. On the other hand The World indicates all should be well, so perhaps it is just some deep-seated fears you have within you. Perhaps it is time to live a bit more freely than you have done so far…………… to see what heights you can really reach.

Five of Cups
Five of Swords
Queen of Wands
Page of Swords
Perhaps you will be faced with some upset or difficulty in a relationship (not necessarily a romantic one), in March, as indicated by the Five of Cups. But it might simply be that your mind is just wallowing in a negative run at the moment. Staying in that negative run could create more unnecessary conflict though (Five of Swords). The Five of Swords is a card which advises you to choose your battles, and not to rise to each one just for the sake of it. Both the Five of Cups and the Five of Swords are cards that highlight the issues, but can also show that your handling of the situation can make a difference for the better, for all concerned – but especially you.
The Queen of Wands next to these card indicate that, indeed, you can make it better. This Queen is the one who can turn her hand to anything and make it work. She has the talent to assess the situation and has the passion, determination and the drive to make a success out of whatever she is given. So these cards are saying that you can turn this situation around. The Page of Swords indicates that there is some immaturity involved in this situation – it could mean that it is a younger person, in this relationship, or that someone is behaving in an immature way. This card would advise you to not only listen very carefully to what is being said (and to clarify things if you are not sure about) but to also ensure that you are communicating clearly and honestly too – sometimes a white lie or two are necessary, but at other times it is not justifiable. Only you will know who is doing what in this particular situation.

Seven of Pentacles
King of Swords
King of Pentacles
March will bring forth some justification for you. Whether it is a decision on some sort of litigation you have been going through, or the outcome of some particular effort on a project, the Justice card has appeared to say that you will soon know the result. Generally, this would mean that if you are on the right track this will be recognised officially.
If this is with regard to any projects you are working on it would seem, according to the Seven of Pentacles, that the outcome will result in you having to make a decision about your income – just remember what you have learned from past experiences, and be clear about what your priorities are. Justice, the King of Swords, and the King of Pentacles, surrounding this card suggest that this decision is not likely to be one that you find too difficult. It might require you to keep a clear head (King of Swords) on some level, but you will know exactly what is the right thing to do, in this respect (King of Pentacles), both Kings represent mastery and ability, so be confident and clear in your approach to this matter.
It is possible that the two Kings in this reading might represent influential people around you who will have some affect on your income. Again, it might be that the input of these people could put you in a position where you have to decide which path to take for the best outcome. With Justice at the Helm we can assume that you will know, now, which is the right way to go – in the confidence, that, so far, you have made the right decisions.

Three of Swords
Knight of Wands
The Hanged Man
Queen of Pentacles
If you have lost something, or someone that was important to you there is inevitably going to be pain (Three of Swords). Sometimes in life it is necessary to have some losses in order for us to reassess, and readjust, our aims because we all, without doubt, have to keep striving and learning and growing. This means that things cannot stay the same.
The Knight of Wands next to the Three of Swords suggests that the time is right to look for a new adventure, and, moreover, that you are ready to take this adventure on. This is a card of action and yet we also have the tarot card The Hanged Man. The Hanged Man advises that you ‘submit’ to a particular situation rather than fight it. Whilst the Knight is suggesting action………….. The Hanged Man is suggesting patience. I feel these cards are asking you to be ready for new opportunities, but at the same time to acknowledge your hurt and loss. The acceptance of the pain will be an important part of the process of true and full healing and will bring you back to the strength you need to get on your Charger to ride to your next adventure. Without fully accepting the healing process you will not be able to fully embrace and utilise new opportunities to the maximum. Take your time, but do consider, in the meantime, what you hope to aim for when you feel better.
The Queen of Pentacles, reassures you that your next quest will take you to a place where you will command everything you need to make your life very comfortable. This Queen has everything at her disposal to provide for herself and her loved ones. All will be well.
End of Tarotscopes.
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