Hello Everyone!
What’s in the Tarotscopes for March? Scroll down to find your star/zodiac sign and see which four tarot cards were drawn for the coming month and what advice I think they are giving you. Feel free to share with your friends and family 🙂
If you like my tarot deck (used for these Tarotscopes) you can buy yours HERE – it comes with a beautiful brocade bag (six lovely colours to choose from!), a leaflet of meanings and a signed card from me. There is more information on how to interpret the cards on this website under the menu header ‘Tarot Card Meanings’.
We also have an automated tarot ‘Card of the Day’ facility which use can use once a day – visit it HERE
Wishing you a safe and happy March.
Patricia 🙂

Four of Wands, Two of Cups, King of Wands, Ace of Cups:
An active and productive time is mixed with some interesting relationship developments in the weeks ahead.
The Four of Wands shows a steady progression of any projects or interests you are pursuing at the moment, so it is time to give yourself a ‘well done’ for all the success your hard work has produced so far. However, whilst you can afford to take a short rest, it will be important to get back to working at this so that it can bring the results you really want, and for it to reach its full potential. This card also reminds you that you have created strong foundations to this project, which means that whatever you are working on has a good and solid base to build upon – don’t lose momentum now.
The Two of Cups between the two abutting Wands cards suggests that you are benefitting from a fairly new relationship possibly with regard to this project, and it is beginning to develop into something more solid – perhaps it is indicating an actual partnership? Whilst only you will know whether it is a romantic relationship, or someone who is helping you on a more practical front, it would appear that this person could bring a lot more to your table if you will allow them to.
The King of Wands could be indicating that this person is also someone who can help you develop your project/interest through their experience, enthusiasm and drive, and they could help considerably. Just make sure you are able to learn as much from them as you can, before they move on to a new interest, as Wands people tend to get bored with projects quite easily and start looking for new adventures.
Following these three cards, the Ace of Cups makes an appearance which suggests that another relationship is likely to be formed in the coming month. It could be that this relationship is more likely to be on a romantic front if this is something you are looking for, but if you are not, this person will bring something that you need right now. It is possible that these people are being sent to you to help guide you on your path – everything happens for a reason, so take careful note of what exactly they are bringing to your table and how you can use it, because this why they are being sent to you.

The Lovers, Ace of Swords, Page of Cups, Page of Wands:
You might find that you are at a turning point in your life with regard to your relationships and having to decide where you want to be heading.
The Lovers usually represents some sort of a choice or a decision with regard to existing relationships. It is worth thinking very carefully about whether you are just distracted by something, or someone, else at the moment though, that appears to be more interesting to you. All that glitters is not gold, so be very careful about any decisions you make around your relationships, and ensure you take into account the feelings of everyone who is involved – they deserve to be understood.
Having said the above, the Ace of Swords could be indicating a change of attitude with regard to your own life and how you are living it and maybe this is bringing a desire for change in some aspects. There is nothing wrong with this at all, though it is important to take the advice of this card as you move forward, which is to make sure that you research and look into any new belief systems, and don’t just make ‘assumptions’ that what you have heard or seen is ‘right’. Make sure you have covered all angles before you head off with this new approach to life.
This is endorsed by the Page of Cups, who generally advises a period of reflection about your own needs. This card could be suggesting that you are pining for something which you are not quite ready for yet, and you might need to do some soul-searching. This Page represents a certain naivety about how you feel about yourself and he would suggest that you need to look at your emotional state, right now, and more importantly, learn to love yourself first – without knowing your own needs and desires thoroughly how will you know what to look for?
The Page of Wands also indicates that you are, indeed, quite tempted to embark on a new adventure. There is a desire for something new and exciting – and, again, there is nothing wrong with this – but this Page is advising you to not rush into something without being clear about where you are heading, and why.
So, it would seem all of these cards are suggesting you have a real period of reflection about what it is you really want to do (and why) before you make any decisions that cannot be reversed. Once you head on this new path, there will be no turning back, so you need to be absolutely sure this is where you want to go.

Queen of Cups, The Emperor, King of Wands, Knight of Swords:
There are a lot of people cards in this reading for Gemini, which suggests that the coming month might be spent, grappling the different personas within you, or dealing with a variety of other people.
The key card, I feel, is the Queen of Cups which is probably representing you. This card is advising that, perhaps, you need to look at pampering yourself with a bit of self love – this Queen does not find it hard to attract love and devotion and she accepts it as normal; this is because she is hugely confident in her appeal. She is likely to be advising you to find and embrace the Queen within yourself. Treat yourself well, try and take in some extra water, and acknowledge to yourself all the good things about you. Believe that people love you for yourself, and allow your beauty to radiate outwards.
The Emperor could be a dominant and authoritative person around you – a father-figure perhaps – who has a great influence on you, and in your life. Sometimes The Emperor can represent a hard, bullying kind of person and this card can appear to advise that they are best avoided, but, as an ally, The Emperor is a strong and reliable person you can turn to, who will protect you, and someone who can help you considerably; it is more likely that this will be the case – if so, allow them to do what they can for you. Only you will know which side of The Emperor represents this person is in your life.
The King of Wands is someone who has mastery over making projects work and helping them come to life. He is also very passionate, enthusiastic and motivated. Perhaps this card has appeared to reassure you that everything you turn your hand will bring great results, regardless of your own self-confidence, so he is likely to be advising you to believe in yourself and work to build your independence and success. Keep up the good work.
Finally, the Knight of Swords could be advising that in the coming month, you will need to make sure that you are fully informed about any tasks, or situations you undertake before heading into them full tilt. It is fantastic to be a strong character, but if you are fighting a battle that doesn’t need to be fought because you aren’t armed with the right facts, then you could end up like the Knight of Swords often does – a bit foolish!

The Wheel of Fortune, The World, Queen of Swords, Knight of Cups:
There are two very interesting cards in this reading for Cancerians. The Wheel of Fortune and The World. These are both significant cards which are indicating big changes coming in the month ahead. If things have been a bit rubbish for you in the last few months then, when The Wheel of Fortune spins, it is likely to bring some good luck and good ‘fortune’ – with The World card sitting next to it then it looks like some very significant happiness is heading your way. No doubt you are ready for things to be fantastic for a change and now is the time, so just remember one thing – make the most of this wonderful time, it is a time of great opportunity and could set you up for life – don’t miss out.
The Queen of Swords might have appeared to represent you (or perhaps to suggest you adopt her characteristics yourself). This Queen hides her pain and presents an aloof and ‘don’t care’ attitude to the people around her. She uses her acute intellect, is hugely capable, but she won’t allow emotion to have any part of her decision making, or approach to life. She could be advising you to curtail some of your emotions in certain circumstances, but if this is something you already do then she might be advising you to not dismiss your emotions or feelings this coming month – only you will know which of these bits of advice you might need to take.
The Knight of Cups is a dreamy fellow who is in love with love itself rather than a person. This card may have appeared because this is your own attitude, and to prompt you to consider what it really is that you want from a relationship. However, this card might be someone already in your life who has this attitude, and for you, this person is a bit immature or naïve in terms of real love. If it is either of these things, then have a long think about whether any of your relationships are really bringing anything to your table right now – and even if they are you should perhaps consider whether it is enough to outweigh the additional angst they bring with them. Perhaps it would make sense to wait and see what lovely new aspects of life The Wheel of Fortune and The World are going to bring to you as this may bring some real perspective to your actual needs.

King of Pentacles, The Emperor, Eight of Swords, Ace of Cups:
We have two pretty dominant and authoritative figures starting the reading for the coming month in the guise of the King of Pentacles and The Emperor. These two cards might be indicating a certain attitude you might be displaying at the moment – that you have everything that you need and you are pretty pleased about it (King of Pentacles), and very possibly a measure of arrogance (The Emperor).
The King of Pentacles is a card which would endorse that you are in a good position in terms of your work and home life in many respects, and you are certainly good at keeping things in control to be able to afford all the things you desire on a material level. The Emperor is the master of his domain; he is strong, protective and reliable as an ally, however he is also a person who is pretty fearsome when threatened or riled, and is considered to be a formidable foe. Only you will know which of these two aspects of The Emperor describe the current you.
The third card is the Eight of Swords which is a card representing a difficult and painful conflict which could end in separation in terms of relationships, and this is something that perhaps you should look at. Is it your own approach to things which is causing the conflict? Or is the conflict causing you to behave in a way which is not benefiting you or the people around you? The problem with the Eight of Swords is that things may be getting to the point of no return, so you might need to get to grips with this sooner rather than later.
The Ace of Cups, is suggesting one of these two – either a new relationship is developing in your life, or a lot of emotion is going to come to the fore. Taking in the previous cards of the reading, it might be that the Ace is advising that a new approach to your relationships might be the way to go. It is the first card in the suit of Cups (the suit of emotion and relationships) and could be suggesting that a loving and attentive approach is required in terms of your attitude. It would seem that logic (Eight of Swords) is currently dominating the scene, and perhaps not helping, whereas the Ace of Cups brings a lot of strong energy and emphasis around love.

The Tower, King of Pentacles, Eight of Swords, Six of Wands:
The Tower is likely to be indicating big changes coming to your life quite by accident and in a way which could never have been foreseen. Sometimes this can come as a shock, but generally it comes about because things need to move in a certain direction for you as an individual.
The King of Pentacles, however, seems to have appeared to reassure you that, in terms of your material situation, nothing much will be affected which is good news, this is due to the considerable handle you have on your finances and an already established way of life/lifestyle.
However, the Eight of Swords indicates that you might still struggle with what The Tower will bring as a whole. With a Wands card sitting next to the Eight of Swords, it might be conjectured that it could be related to a move of some sort – possibly your home, though it could also be your workplace – and this might disconcert you if such a thing wasn’t even on your radar. But then it could be some other change like losing a particular project you are working on or something of this nature.
The Six of Wands is a card which brings a very positive note, you will be glad to hear – that maybe all of this is happening because of the success of your current projects and initiatives. To put it another way, sometimes life can upend your current aspirations (which can often cause distress) only because it has something better planned for you down the line. The Six of Wands is certainly a card which denotes a good level of success in terms of current projects or endeavours.
The Tower at the beginning of the reading is likely to be advising that any upheaval will bring the chance to build a bigger, better and more enduring Tower (your life/situation) that will withstand any future onslaughts, which means that you will be subjected to less upheaval in the future. In other words, any situations that arise are helping you to achieve your needs in a rather compelling way – try to roll with it and believe it will turn out perfectly well, because more often than not that is exactly what it does.

King of Swords, Nine of Pentacles, Justice, Ten of Cups:
We’re having a common theme cropping up in the Tarotscopes this month, and that is ‘people cards’ appearing. Generally these are the Court Cards which indicate that people are acting in a certain way that affect you, or that you might need to adopt the card’s character in terms of your approach to certain situations.
In this reading, the King of Swords has appeared. It is likely, then, that this King is prompting you to consider whether your approach to life might be leaning more toward logic, and less to emotion than is needed. This King, don’t get me wrong, is highly successful and capable on so many levels, but his attitude can be harsh at times as he dismisses emotion as an unnecessary element of life. All that is needed is for you to monitor your responses to people in your life and ensure there is a fair balance in your approach which embraces both facts and feelings. This will keep things on an even keel
The Nine of Pentacles appears to say that, in terms of home and income, all seems to be well and your lifestyle has reached a very comfortable standard – especially when compared to those who manage on far less. Be that as it may, you have achieved those standards through hard work, and at the expense of other challenges in your life, so well done.
Justice is quite a significant card which heralds some sort of settlement in terms of a particular conflict (this could be on a legal level) and one which should bring some satisfaction to you. When things are left up in the air, for other people to decide, it does bring some anxiety until you are vindicated for doing what you did. Whatever the outcome of this ‘verdict’, even if it is in your favour, now means you can move on and leave all that angst in the past.
In terms of relationships, the Ten of Cups is the most positive card in a tarot deck, and this means that relationships around you are set to be loving and rewarding. You should feel very happy and contented with your lot, especially with regard to the people around you, in March, so enjoy it whilst you can – you deserve a rest, some TLC and to know that the people around you love you very deeply.

Three of Pentacles, Queen of Wands, Death, King of Swords:
The Three of Pentacles is a positive card which is indicating some real success in terms of work or income. This card advises that, although it is early days in this area, you are developing a job or project that has the potential to make a lot more money. Further work is needed, but you should be able to see, very soon, clear signs that it is worth more effort. This card is followed by the Queen of Wands who seems to have appeared to tell you that this is exactly what you are capable of doing!! This Queen has the passion, enthusiasm and drive to work at the tasks she is given, and what’s more, she can do them very well indeed – she is saying that you have all these attributes too, so keep at it – it will be worth it.
Death is a card which, when it appears, indicates that something has been outgrown and needs to go. Whether it is a job, a relationship, or a way of life (or even a difficult/painful situation) this card advises that it will have to go – there’s not much you can do about it, except to understand that whatever is about to go will clear a space for the thing you need the most, right now, to grow and flourish. It is a growing pain that everyone has to endure at some point, otherwise we stay in the same place and become stagnant. Embrace the change, dust yourself off and be ready for a new adventure – you will see it was worth it.
The King of Swords might be offering some advice to you. He is a logical character who will look at a situation solely from the perspective of facts. On this occasion, you might have to tuck away your emotions for a short while just so that you can truly understand what is happening and why. And sometimes the way we handle a situation, he says, can really affect the outcome – in this case it is mental alacrity and clarity which will be needed much more than emotion.

Eight of Swords, The Devil, Three of Cups, Four of Swords:
Starting off with the Eight of Swords, it would seem that a painful situation has come to an end – and though there may be some relief, there is likely to be some sadness, regret and possibly a feeling of loss with this ending. However, when this happens there is only one thing really to be done and that is to get up, dust your self off and set off down a new path.
The Devil card next to this card could be indicating that you are holding yourself accountable for some, if not all, of this ending, or you could just be held hostage to your own thought pattern that nothing is really ever going to be better. The Devil card represents us being held back by our own thoughts or actions – whether it is an addiction to something, or certain behaviours or shame or disapprobation of ourselves, or our motives – and punishing ourselves with the ‘what ifs?’ regarding our own behaviour. However, this is our own ego putting us on trial, finding us guilty and giving us a sentence that we should find ourselves unworthy for eternity. No. Nope. Don’t allow yourself to do this. Like the Eight of Swords suggests – put an end to this thought pattern and make some changes. You can deal with addictions if you are ready, you can leave the past behind where it belongs and you can tell yourself that you did the best you could at the time with the information you had. Now it is time to move on and make the most of your life with what you have learned from past experience and this is what life is all about.
According to the Three of Cups there is a possibility of a celebration coming up and you should find this a very happy event – this card is saying that current relationships are working well and will presently show you how, and why, so hang in there. It will bring balm to your soul.
The Four of Swords is advising that you give yourself some much needed rest, recuperation and pampering; so save some pennies and treat yourself, find some time for gentle meditation, get plenty of rest and allow that warrior to build up strength again. You’ll be back up fighting fit in no time.

Four of Wands, Judgement, The Moon, The Hermit:
Whilst some of these cards indicate a bit of mystery and lack of clarity , the Four of Wands is clearly standing out and declaring that you are on the right track! Keep that in mind as you head into the coming month. The Four is an early card in the Wands suit which shows that there is some way to go on the path that you have chosen, but it is also saying there are signs of success so keep treading it.
Judgement is a card which indicates some self-analysis (which is a great thing), or being under scrutiny by others, for some reason – this card is all about behaviours and what those behaviours can or will bring to you. When this card comes out, your behaviours and actions will be under the spotlight and what you do, and how you do it, will bring reactions or judgements from others. It is really a time when it is worth keeping an eye on our actions and words and being able to justify why we did what we did. Sometimes this card comes out when we need to do some self analysis of our behaviours just to check we are still on the path we wanted to take. This card coupled with the Four of Wands could be giving you a heads up to not get distracted from the path you are currently on, especially by other people who really don’t know what is best for you.
The Moon card represents a lack of clarity for you in some respects, in March, and this is because the time is not right for you to have certain pieces of information. Try not to make important decisions at this point, and be aware that your intuition is likely to be heightened, so keep note of how you are feeling through the first couple of weeks in March, because when all is revealed you can piece everything together and make some sense of it all.
At some point you are likely to feel the need to hide, or to find a fair amount of quiet time to reflect on what is happening to you and why. Sometimes it is necessary to deep dive into our psyche to try and hear what it is telling us. We need to do this simply to find our light and strength again so we can be a beacon for lonely wanderers. March is certainly a time for soul searching, but remember – you are definitely on the right path!

Page of Swords, Seven of Pentacles, Judgement, Three of Cups:
Some miscommunication or misunderstanding might ‘fog’ up your clarity in the early stages of March, and so just double down on arrangements or date bookings, as well as joint ‘outcome’ decisions, to ensure that mistakes are avoided. Don’t make assumptions that everyone else has ‘got it right’ and have to spend extra time sorting issues that could have been avoided. Similarly, try to be very clear about what you are trying to achieve and, if necessary, write it down to be absolutely sure you have covered things properly.
The Seven of Pentacles indicates that you may have to make a decision with regard to your income – this could be difficult for you at this time since it is hard to know what that decision will ultimately bring. The card Judgement seems to be giving you some advice with regard to this decision. Use your own judgement. You should look at everything you have done in the past – whether work wise or otherwise – to see why it is you are here, and why you now have to make this decision. Is it do with trusting other people (what is your experience with this?); is it with regard to what lengths you are prepared to go (what do you know about yourself?); what, based on your past experiences, can you base this decision on and what do you stand to lose or gain? This is Judgements way of guiding you with any decisions you need to make.
The last card, the Three of Cups, is a lovely and positive card which indicates there is to be a celebration, or commitment, with loved ones which will make you very happy. It might be that this Cups card (the suit of emotion) could be advising that you need to apply yourself to this decision with your feelings and not just mental alacrity and logic. Perhaps this card is advising you to follow your heart, and to trust the people you know rather than those you don’t.

Wheel of Fortune, Page of Cups, Four of Swords, Three of Pentacles:
Things may be on the turn for you this month according to The Wheel of Fortune, and this could mean that there could be real changes for the better. The Wheel of Fortune also brings new opportunities for you to grab but you need to be ready and waiting, so keep alert. This is really good news if you have been in the doldrums and the Wheel only turns when destiny wishes it to, so you will need to make the most of any good opportunities the Wheel will bring.
As this is happening, the Page of Cups asks you to deep dive into you own psyche – take a look at what you are, decide whether you like what you see. This card is often about whether you are really ready for the relationship you might crave, but at other times it is about learning to love yourself for what you are, first and foremost. This is important just by itself, but for those wanting a relationship with someone else, this card is suggesting you learn to love yourself first then other people will respond to the light you start to shine outward. Be kind to yourself whist taking this close look – accept your flaws (everyone has them) and learn to appreciate all that you have to offer (which will be a lot). Once you have done this you will gain confidence and your inner light will shine out – attracting others to you.
This might take some time to do – because the Four of Swords is indicating that you also need time to recover from a recent trauma. Rest, recuperation, meditation and appreciation of yourself is all part of this next phase, so pamper yourself and give yourself the time you need without distractions from other people and their needs. This will steady you and help you get strong for your next journey.
If you are able to do this, the Three of Pentacles indicates that you are heading towards stability and security with regard to a job or project/business that has great potential. Being rested and learning to have confidence in yourself, and being in the right mindset, will help you maximise this chance to create a wonderful future for yourself. March will be a month to focus on you, your needs and what you are prepared to work on to attract a brighter future – make it work for you.
Here is an extra card for those born under the birthday sign of Pisces – read on:

Your ‘Birthday’ card is the Knight of Wands, and it is telling you that you have a lot yet to discover in the world, new adventures are possible and you need to get on your horse and explore what’s out there for you! This Knight is bold, brave, passionate, enthusiastic and motivated. He is asking you to prepare for your next journey. If you use this card alongside your Tarotscope above, it is suggesting that there is the real ‘you’ that needs to be discovered – perhaps that is your next quest – to be the hero of your own amazing epic adventure!
End of Tarotscopes.
Thank you.
That made good reading.
Thank you for letting me know Margaret, I really appreciate the feedback. Kind regards, Patricia.