Hi there and welcome! You can read your Tarotscopes by scrolling down and finding your star sign. These are genuine tarot readings, using four tarot cards and focusing on your star/zodiac sign, for insights into March.
Spring is in the air, and I hope these Tarotscopes help put an additional spring in your step – it looks like many of you will have some significant movement forward this coming month which is always good news.
As always, I really appreciate you coming to read them and it’s quite interesting to look back at the last Tarotscope to see how it panned out – mine resonated pretty well, did yours?
Of course I’d be delighted if you share them with your friends and family. They are written for all of you. And don’t forget you can join us on our Facebook page.
Here’s wishing you a wonderful month of March and a pleasant start to Spring,
Take care,
Patricia (Tarot Reader and Artist of The Tarot House Deck)

We start with The Hanged Man, for March, which suggests that you could find that a situation, which you would like to get sorted, is one that no pushing-or-pulling-at is going to help……in fact it could make things worse. Whether it is trying to find a solution to a problem, or waiting on an important decision, the best thing to do is to submit to patience. You may feel frustrated about this, however, if you understand that interfering with it will not only be fruitless but also that it could rebound on you, then you will makes things easier on yourself. The situation, which will be resolved when the time is right to yield the best outcome for you, needs to develop away from you.
At the same time a new road beckons. It might not be clear where this road might take you. However, it is an exciting time when The Magician appears because he heralds change, movement and progress. Be aware that your journey will take a different direction, and that you could encounter new aspects of life that you’ve not handled before but the main message of this card is to be confident. The Magician is letting you know that wherever you are heading and whatever you encounter, you have all the skills you need to get through this new journey successfully.
The Page of Cups could be suggesting you take some time for reflection with regards to your feelings around love and relationships. You may feel there is nothing new for you to learn. But whether you are in a relationship already, or looking for a new one, this card might be indicating there is an issue which causes you enough pain to stop you from fully engaging with love. If there is any lingering pain from previous or current relationships then perhaps it is time to face it, embrace it, so you can let it go. From there you will feel more confident in yourself and your romances can blossom as they should.
The Nine of Pentacles indicates that in March, at least, you should be in a very good position in terms of your finances, and/or the standard of comfort and security in your material situation (your home life) is certainly good enough to make you very happy. This should be a time, if things have not been very stable recently, to consolidate and to use this excellent position to get established for the future so you won’t find yourself struggling again.

Financially you might find yourself the happy recipient of a gift, or a loan, which will go a long way to help sorting you out for the future. Not only will this restore your faith in humankind but give you a rare opportunity to sort out your financial situation for the future. The onus will be on you to lay some good foundations with this opportunity, because it is always possible to fritter it away – though hopefully you will be wise enough not to do so.
In addition, or possibly the result of, this gift, it is likely that some hurdles or obstacles are now removed from your path with regard to your work, business or any projects you are currently engaged in (Eight of Wands). This is really good news too, and as you are free to get going again, you could find that there is plenty of work to do now that you are on the move. No matter how busy you get, the productivity of this period will motivate you to keep at it. This creative energy won’t be around for ever – so it is up to you to maximise its potential.
In terms of relationships, it is possible that you could find yourself feeling some regret that a past relationship is over (Six of Cups). You may even be considering whether it could ever be revived. It is worth remembering that the pain which caused you to split is likely to feel less than it did at the time. The only way this relationship could ever work is if both of you have grown, and learned from the mistakes that were made, and be willing to fix them – if not, then it is unlikely you could make a go of it. Allow yourself to remember the reality of what went wrong by taking off the rose-tinted spectacles which can disguise the truth. Nostalgia can be misleading.
The Ten of Swords could be endorsing this. This is a card which indicates that when something is over it really is over. But instead of reflecting on the what ifs and whys, this card’s message is for you to keep moving forward to a new way of life, a new phase which could be oh so much better for you! So, perhaps it is time to say the past is done, bring on the future and some new adventures – you’re ready for the good times to roll!

The Page of Swords tends to represent some sort of miscommunication or misunderstanding – generally as a result of a new attitude or approach to life. People may not be able to understand where you are coming from, or why you are acting in the way you now are. Your words could be taken out of context and create an unnecessary conflict. You are just trying out new approaches, and by knowing your subject thoroughly, and being aware of how you are vocalising it, you will minimise the risk of conflict and help people have a better understanding of your current aims, goals and needs.
The Nine of Cups indicates that, in terms of relationships, things are going well. You may have endured a lot to get to this stage but your constant loving efforts and attitudes to those around you have brought about stability, security and contentment in all your important relationships. This is quite an achievement and so now is the time to totally enjoy your family and bask in their love for you.
Every now and then Destiny needs to bring something to you out of the blue – because it is time. This is when the Wheel of Fortune turns and takes you with it. As it turns it can bring fantastic opportunities but it is up to you to be aware of them and grasp them. Sometimes if you just allow The Wheel to take you where it will, it could stop at a place you don’t want to be, so be alert to what grabs your interest or crosses your path – this will be your chance.
You may also find yourself searching for something to help you make sense of the world. Often The Hierophant represents a need for some sort of religious or spiritual belief, or even some moral standards or tenets, to live your life by. When The Hierophant appears his message is that there may be someone around you who can help with their advice, or you might need to go and find someone. However, this card also advises you to not just believe the first thing you see, or hear, and follow it blindly. You should educate yourself in the truth of what you seek, and whether it is truly what it seems and whether it is right for you.

The first two cards in this reading are the Knight of Cups and the Queen of Cups which are likely to be referring to a particular relationship in your life. The Knight of Cups is an idealist who tends to be ‘in love’ with love itself. Often he finds the reality a bit boring and might ride off into the sunset looking for the elusive but perfect love. The Queen of Cups is someone who is confident and attracts love and admirers with ease, she is approachable attractive and loveable – and yet she can use these attributes in quite a ruthless way when she wants something badly. So what are these cards saying? Perhaps any love interests may be more superficial than they appear. Perhaps it is time to be honest with yourself as to whether this relationship has the depth it needs to endure, or whether it will blow away in the slightest breeze. Life is too short to cling to something which does not have the strength to endure through the storms. This would be like using tissue paper to keep from getting wet in a downpour. Perhaps these cards are asking you to decide whether this person really is the right one for you.
And then we get to the King of Swords. This King is the total opposite of the Cups cards, as this man keeps all of his emotions under wraps and away from his day to day existence. In fact sometimes he can be so blunt and straightforward with his advice he can hurt peoples’ feelings. However, the advice from this card is to find a balance between head and heart – to be realistic about life, and love, and to work out what your true priorities are for you. However, this card could also represent someone in your life who is the total opposite of your current love interest, but who may be worth considering for the future.
On the other hand all these cards together could, in fact, be indicating that you feel stuck in the middle of a lot of people with differing attitudes towards you, or needing different things from you. In which case, you might need to try and find a middle ground as to how you deal with them all. Again, we come back to balance – you can’t be all things, to all people, all of the time. You can only show that you do care, but at the same time be aware that you need to protect yourself, and your own feelings too. So in March, keep some of your emotions close to your heart and your head in reality. Use your common sense to see, as clearly as you can, exactly which people bring value to your table and which don’t. Give your love and attention to those you trust, and do not get taken for granted.
The Devil card indicates that to some extent you feel trapped. The message of this card is that you are only trapped by what you feel you should or shouldn’t do. Your mindset could be making feel that you are not worthy of anything better – but actually you are – and it’s up to you to free yourself and find something/someone worthy of you.

The Eight of Swords represents a decision that needs to be made, or a situation that needs resolving, but one that you might well be ignoring or avoiding. The message from this card is that the issue will not go away and furthermore, the difficult situation has come about partly because of your own actions – therefore it is likely that you are the only one who can make it right. Sometimes addressing difficult situations can be much easier than you expect them to be, so be brave because you will feel so much better when it is sorted out. This situation is likely to be to referring to someone you might be physically separated from at the moment.
The Six of Wands indicates that a particular project or job at hand is going well – thanks to your hard work. This could be referring to something which a lot of people may have expressed doubts about it being achievable, but now it is doing so well that even your critics have to agree it really is a goer, so congratulations.
The Wheel of Fortune is about to turn. This means a big change or difference to some aspect of your life. So, if things have not been going well for you then you could find yourself on a very different and wonderful trajectory. Often the changes come from a very unexpected source, and at a very unexpected time. As always, the Universe know when the time is right for you despite the upheaval it might bring, but the important message from this card is that new opportunities will be up for grabs so be ready and willing to take them.
The Lovers card is quite a significant card in that it can represents a choice/decision in terms of a relationship. It can be relevant for a possible new relationship and whether you want to pursue it or not – or it could represent a decision with regard to any current one you are in. It is important to remember that the dynamics of emotion and love are powerful enough to cause a lot of damage if not handled correctly. So what ever decision you have to make, ensure that you have considered the feelings of everyone concerned and are gentle in your approach.

In terms of relationships you might find yourself in a rather negative mindset. You might feel that you are bored and even not motivated to make any effort at all and this could cause you some concern. This can happen, at times, in any relationship. However, the advice from the Four of Cups tarot card is that if you start looking at the good aspects of the relationship, rather than focusing on the negatives, you will probably find the trend changing to a positive one pretty soon.
The Four of Swords is a card which refers to the quiet time after some sort of trauma. This is when you should be taking some time to look after yourself and to start the healing process. You need to recuperate and the way you can do this is by acknowledging the difficult time you’ve had and making positive changes for your own well-being in whichever way you can. Allow yourself rest and nurture, relax and release energies through meditation, or even give yourself just a few little treats, which you know you need, to help kickstart your recovery. Recognise the hurt, embrace it (learn what you can from it) and let it go. Get yourself ready for the new phase of your life which is about to come.
You may also find there are some feelings of anger or hurt – or even the need to be recognised, or acknowledged, for what you have gone through. These energies are likely to need an outlet. The Strength card asks you to channel that energy in ways that will not hurt anyone – or rebound on you – so the message of this card is to work with your anger, hurt or pride and convert those feelings to positive actions to dispel their destructive power. For instance, for the emotions anger and hurt, you can use that energy/adrenaline by helping someone else, or you could visualise it healing your body, mind and soul – this changes the dynamic of the energy and creates something positive from it.
Temperance suggests that the one thing that will bring harmony to your life is love – you can rationalise things to the moon and back, and yet the thing you need most (from yourself) right now is love. You may have had to use all your intellectual capacity to cope with what life has thrown at you to get you through. This card now advises you to stop – take a look back and see how far you have come, acknowledge what you have been through and how strong you are to have survived it and, also, to recognise what an achievement that is! Now it is time for you to pour some balm into your soul because that is what it needs.

The Two of Pentacles is a card which indicates there could be an offer of help – either financially, or in terms of a partnership, which could be the foundation on which to build yourself a much more stable, and secure, future. Offers of help are rare and should be utilised every time. So whether this is someone who is prepared to help you deal with some physical chores, shares their intellectual expertise, or even puts their hands in their pockets then make the most of it. This could really help you in the long term.
In terms of relationships the Ten of Cups is the best card in a tarot deck and suggests that the coming month will bring a lovely celebratory time with friends and family that you love. In addition, this card is often looked at as a ‘lucky’, or positive, card in terms of any situation, so it would seem that this coming month might be a good time to tackle anything that you really want a successful outcome for.
The Fool card is one which represents new starts, or new journeys, in life. You are heading somewhere new and the prospect is exciting. With some experience behind you this card advises you to use that knowledge to recognise the pitfalls you might come across and avoid them – in other words to try to not make the same mistakes. He also advises to not get carried away with the excitement but to stay alert and make some good judgements along the way. So, whilst you can enjoy this new opportunity remember to keep your feet steady on your path and your eyes wide open – so that you can benefit from all the wonderful things it can bring.
The Devil card indicates that, whilst everything is set to go your way, your mindset is one thing that could hold you back if you let it. Life is strewn with challenges that force us to make choices and decisions – sometimes we make the wrong ones, sometimes we get stuck in a rut of our own making – and this affects our mindset. We can feel trapped by worry, and sometimes shame, at our choices and behaviours, and then feel that we are unworthy of good things because we don’t ‘deserve’ them. The Devil says you can free yourself from this mindset and these self-imposed punishments. You did what you did in the past because you thought was the right thing to do at the time and you can come away from anything that has any sort of hold on you. Forgive yourself for the choices you made or make – you don’t need to punish yourself for the rest of your life – you don’t actually deserve that! If you have learned from it all then that’s the point, but now it is time to move forward with your head held high and get the wonderful things you are more than entitled to.

The Four of Pentacles is about a fear of taking risks. In terms of your finances you might be faced with a decision or an opportunity which you feel could jeopardise your financial situation if all does not go well. It is good to be cautious with money, however it is also good to be open to new opportunities since a chance to really gain financially could be on offer. Try not to be tied down by fear to the extent that it stops you having something amazing.
You might also find that you are being pushed and pulled around by people, or events, around you and you might feel somewhat out of control of your own destiny. The Chariot card appears when it is time to make some decisions with regard to your life and what direction you want to go in. This card is about being determined to take your own path and to stop allowing other people, or other things, to divert you from where you want to go. Once you have decided what you want to do, you must stick to your decision doggedly – otherwise you will find yourself not getting anywhere at all – and you are entitled to have a goal and the chance to reach it.
Interestingly, The High Priestess has also appeared to indicate that your destiny is unfolding in the background. There is probably no indication of what this destiny might be just yet, but she appears to let you know that all will come about when the time is right. In the meantime your intuitive skills might be heightened and so look out for signs to see if anything grabs your interest and, if so, perhaps do some research into it – it is always good to be ahead of the game.
The Page of Swords could be indicating with some new aspects emerging from you as shown above, you could find that some people around you might not understand where this change is coming from or what, indeed, you are trying to achieve. This could cause some conflict since the old ‘reliable’ you might not be there anymore. Try to be patient with them and be clear about your intentions since your words could be taken out of context and create unnecessary tensions. In other words be aware of how you are vocalising your needs, and new ideas, since those around you might not understand where you are coming from.

Both of the Pentacles cards in this reading could suggest that you are feeling a bit insecure regarding your financial situation or indeed your current home life. They could be indicating that you either feel they are under threat from some source, or that you feel you might have to make a decision about something which could throw your security into doubt.
The first Pentacle card is the Five which represents the fear of losing your financial ‘standing’, and the inherent message of the card is about feeling connected to the ‘value’ of your current position and what you stand to lose. The card next to it, which is Judgement, is about other peoples’ thoughts about your behaviours and actions, so this might be about ‘what would people think?’ if you had to change your job, or your lifestyle, or even the house you live in. The reality is, you can make yourself happy anywhere you live, and probably on less money than you have now. However, it could be possible that you feel ‘someone’ has the ability to take it all away from you before you are ready, but this is likely to just be the fear of it rather than the reality. The message of these card is to not to hold yourself to the standards of other people, but to be ready to work with whatever you have, whatever the situation. Once you know that you will be ok anywhere, this fear will no longer haunt you.
The second Pentacles card is the Seven which is about decisions around work and income which again might cause you concern. This time the card next to it is Justice. This suggests that your actions and behaviours in the past will contribute to any success (or failures) in terms of work and income and that, in fact, justice will be served. So, providing you have worked hard and continue to do so, any decisions you have to make with regard to work should turn out well for you, since your hard work and effort are likely to be rewarded.
Trust yourself to be able to survive financially given any circumstance – because it would seem, from these cards, that your attitude and innate skills are more than adequate to enable you to do so.

It looks as though, in March, you may need to take some time to look after yourself. It may be that you have had a time which has stretched your endurance to the limit. This card is about healing after a traumatic time. So, it is important to look at the damage that this difficult time has caused, understand that it has now passed and to proactively start the process of recovery. There are different ways you can do this – from resting, indulging in a few little treats for yourself, relevant therapy or meditation, to simply giving yourself much much needed peace and quiet, attention and love.
The Star indicates that you could be feeling a little dispirited too and that you feel that your day to day activities are not getting you anywhere at all at the moment. It may feel this way, but in fact everything you do is part of a bigger machine doing an amazing job; and if you get a bit bored with the trivialities then you need to need to look at the bigger picture and how you fit into it. Everything is for a purpose, even the little things you do. So keep going, because what you contribute is important and soon you’ll see the fruits of your labour.
In terms of your finances, you may have to make a decision which you feel could have an affect on your security or stability. It would help to look back on your experiences to understand what things you really need and what you don’t – what you can live without, and what you really do need. Also, your current priorities might need revisiting to know what is important to you, and your dear ones, right now and how these might be affected by any decisions you make. At least this way you will know your decision was based on the best information you had rather than as a result of a knee jerk reaction.
The Knight of Pentacles has appeared to let you know that success in any task, or job, you undertake, will come through absolute attention to detail and full-on effort and application. In other words approaching any tasks in an haphazard way will not get you anywhere. This Knight goes to great lengths to attend to every last detail when he has a job to do – even to the point of being boring – however this is the key to his success and what he is admired for.

The Ten of Pentacles is a card which indicates full stability and security in terms of income and your financial situation – and that whatever you have is now fully established and will endure for the foreseeable future. This is excellent news. Your effort and hard work should start paying off and you should reap the rewards of all your labour of the recent past, not just as a one off but as an ongoing situation with the potential to go further. This is a wonderful start to the month of March.
The Eight of Wands confirms this too, in that this card suggests that the obstacles and hurdles, which have been in your way till now, should now be removed – allowing you to surge forward with your work, project or business. This will probably means more hard work since, now that your creative juices are flowing, you could find yourself being very busy but hugely productive! So now you should feel tired but happy and proud, rather than tired and frustrated. Which is also great news.
Now is the time for you to have a clear objective with regard to the direction you want to take. Once you have decided on this you must keep a strong hold on the reins to make sure you get there. The Chariot card is about not allowing yourself to being pushed and pulled in different ways by other people, or events. It is about being in control of your own life, and about you making sure The Chariot of your life gets on the path you want to take. If you allow other things to divert you from this you will find that you don’t get anywhere at all.
The Ace of Wands suggests a lot of energy around a new project too, perhaps another business idea, venture or adventure. Something will emerge that you will find exciting and the message in this card is to make the most of this energy to get it grounded and stable enough to start building on it. This card is certainly a sign that there is more to come – just as a humble acorn can grow into a powerful oak tree, you too can bring ideas to life. You have already proven to yourself that you can do this, no matter how much work it takes, and that drive will stay with you as long as you wish it to do so and as long as the ideas keep coming.

Whilst it might be March and the ‘New Year’ has passed, everybody’s path is different. The cards in this reading appear to show you are nearing completion of a cycle now, rather than at the end of last year, when you probably expected it. And you are probably more than ready for it now.
The King of Wands indicates that your efforts and experiences have brought you to a high level of skill-acquisition and ability. This card is about being master of successfully completing any tasks, or projects, you undertake. In March you are likely to be asked to take on a new project, or to advise someone who is about to undertake their own and who could be looking for some advice. Either way, you are the right person for the job.
The Queen of Cups might be appearing to nudge you a little towards spending some time on your relationships, and possibly with regard to the effort you put in to yourself too. Whichever it is, now is the time to pay a little attention and to focus on letting the love flow. A little bit of love goes a long way, and might be all you need to feel rejuvenated. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, as the saying goes, which does demonstrate the need to embrace other aspects of life as well striving to succeed in work.
The Nine of Wands indicates that you might feel exhausted with all you have to do this coming month but whatever you are working on is about to come to fruition, so don’t give up now. Just make that last bit of effort to see you to the finishing line and you will feel amazing!!
Death is a card which makes most stomachs turn in fear of physical death, but it actually represents the end of an era. Whilst that might bring some element of pain – in that familiar ways or customs might disappear – the truth is that a new beginning is waiting round the corner. Death can never stop the sun from dawning, and a new day beginning, despite any ending it brings, and, often, it can mean that a painful period of time is finally over and that can bring a lot of relief. The message in this card is mostly about looking forward and not focusing on what has gone, at least not just yet. Get firmly on your new path before taking time to examine what has now gone and how you feel about it.
Now read on for the extra ‘Birthday’ card, since Pisces is the birthday sign this month.

Your extra birthday card is Justice. This card has appeared to let you know that, at long last, you will be recognised for your efforts. It could be that a decision you have been waiting for is about to come – hopefully in your favour, and all the effort you have put in and your behaviours throughout will have contributed to the outcome. Justice should help you to, not only feel vindicated in your actions, but validated for the approach you took and the way you have behaved. This is a positive card which should make you feel recognised and valued, and confirm that your efforts are always appreciated and taken into account. You should experience a validation of who and what you are, and for what you stand for. And this will make you feel good.
Happy Birthday!
End of Tarotscopes.
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