Welcome to the Tarotscopes from Simply Tarot.
I am very sorry I could not write the Tarotscopes for February last month – there was a good reason, believe me. However, I’m back and here they are for March.
Scroll down to find your star sign and read what the tarot cards have to say to you – I hope they help in some way!
I just want to say my heart goes out to all who are suffering in the Ukraine conflict. May peace and love be with everyone soon. 💙💛🤍

It seems you will reach a crossroads in your life where you will have to choose which direction to take. The Magician is an exciting card to receive because it indicates that you have reached a new phase in your journey and you should start to make real headway now. Whilst The Magician does not advise you which road to take, his message to you is that you have all the necessary skills you need to make this next stage one of success and good progress. He asks you to believe in yourself, to be confident and embrace the path ahead. The Magician wants you to believe in your own ‘magic’ – the ability to face new challenges, to use your previous experiences to overcome issues and to use every skill that you possess – communication, hard work, emotional intelligence and good money management – he has appeared to endorse that you have them all. You can now make this next phase much more magical.
The Eight of Pentacles is a card which represents your current material position (your work and standard of living) – the Eight would suggest that you are in a relatively good place and have learned that careful money management will get you far. But the Eight also suggests that you could do even better if you undertake some sort of learning – a short practical course, an extra qualification, or even some training in your field of work, to help you get noticed and improve your situation (if you don’t work perhaps there is something you are good at that could earn you money – think about attending a course on it). Whatever it is, this month would be a good time to undertake some skill building exercise – it will really help your progress on a financial front.
The Four of Pentacles could be suggesting that you tend to err on the very cautious side of things with regard to money – you might be afraid of taking risks in any shape or form, and that you are, perhaps, clinging to ‘what you know’ rather than taking new opportunities. Whilst being careful with money is, obviously, sensible there are occasions when a great opportunity comes around – and if this is it, perhaps March would be a good time to consider giving it a go, because, if you never, ever take a chance, good fortune could well pass you by.
Along the same lines, the Three of Wands could be suggesting that this month might see you experiencing a real achievement – this project/venture is likely to still be in its early days, but this will prove that it has great potential – well done! This is a very positive card which suggests that whilst you should give yourself a big pat on the back, don’t take a step back now! Keep at it, be a little more adventurous, and this project could bring even more interesting developments for you in time.

The first card, The Hermit, suggests that you take some time out, somewhere peaceful and quiet, where you can delve into your own psyche to find out whether you are on the right road. Are you really achieving what you set out to achieve? Sometimes we get ‘lost’ and diverted from our true path – we can be distracted by other peoples’ needs and problems, and sometimes we can be left stranded a long way from our own path. The Hermit finds his light and shines it in the dark for lost wanderers – he wants you to find yours. Just some reflective thought about what you want to achieve could help, or you can really delve deeply with enough time and quiet. Perhaps a meditation of some sort might help sort your thoughts and feelings and maybe even provide a message from the Universe. At the very least, just sit quiet and ask yourself if you are doing the right things, for you, right now.
This month, at some point, you should get some indication that your work, or endeavours, are beginning to show signs of real growth and success – the Four of Wands is a card which represents the foundations of a project are sturdy enough to start building on in earnest. Well done, you should be proud of yourself – it is still early days, though, and you will need to keep putting in the effort if you want this project to reach its full potential.
At times you might feel there is little point in putting in any effort – and The Star card appears when this happens. Since it looks as though your project will show signs of success after all the hard work you’ve been putting in, then The Star card’s message might be slightly different. The Star could be telling you not to lose faith in yourself or whatever you are applying yourself to. It could be a work thing, it could be a relationship or it could just be that you are in need of some reassurance or recognition. This card is doing exactly that – no matter how you feel, every little effort you put in, every duty you undertake, every miniscule act of yours plays a very important part in the bigger picture. Never think that your input is useless – but remember to keep your eyes on the beauty of The Star because everyone and everything is interlinked, and every single thing you do will be relevant and important – at some point you will be allowed to understand that. Have faith in yourself and what you do – your efforts are important.
The King of Pentacles is a practical card which indicates that in reality you are doing very well in terms of your income/work or your home/material standing. You are likely to undertake a task this month that will require your expertise, and this card indicates that, should you do it well, there could be monetary gain for you. Hopefully, you’ll remember this card when someone tasks you with a particular job – don’t skimp on your time and energy – apply yourself fully to it, and hopefully you should see some reward coming through as a result.

The Seven of Wands is a card which represents lack of motivation, or interest, in your current work/projects or endeavours. This is a common happening – the novelty of new ventures dwindles, and lack of any progress immediately can generate a disbelief that it is going to work. However, the Seven is quite a high numbered card, and suggests that your work is becoming pretty well established now and though there is still much to do, believe in yourself. To rekindle your interest and motivation it might be worth revisiting your initial excitement, about why you wanted to take on this project, to kickstart your motivation. Remember what you hoped to gain from it and why you were excited to take it on – soon you’ll find your mojo again!
You might have to have a little think about you closest relationship in the coming month. The King of Cups could be indicating that some effort and real action around your partnership could go a long way if it has been neglected just recently. The King of Cups could be suggesting that you do less talking and engage much more proactively in the coming month if you would like to see some love coming back your way. Sometimes it is easy to take things, or people, for granted – but it is important to recognise that something needs to be done pretty soon – and this might be what needs your attention just now.
It would seem that a situation around you is not ideal for you in some way, but you are able – and may have to continue – to be able to cope with it. Staying calm and serene in a difficult situation is not easy, but it is something which you seem eminently able to manage and is probably the correct stance at the moment. At the same time, although you can’t change the situation right now, it might be worth working out ways to remove yourself from it – it will, at least, save time in the long run if you can get some possible solutions in the pipeline now. In the meantime it might help to know that your attitude is the right one for the current time.
It is possible that, in March, a brand new opportunity could arise which will help you on the money front. Whether it is a promotion, success at work, or just managing your money well, this opportunity is the one which could set you up for the future – so make sure you embrace it, and nurture it well, to ensure it bears the fruit you hope to get from it. Things don’t tend to fall at our feet – the harder we work the bigger the rewards tend to be.

“Make hay while the sun shines” is a well known saying – it means do something now because the time is right. If you delay it the conditions might not be as good at another time. The Sun card is letting you know that if there is anything that needs your attention then do it now – it is the very best time to do it. This card is one of the most positive cards in a deck, and it should represent things going very well for you in the coming month – it also represents a powerful and nurturing energy shining on you right now! Get anything of importance sorted now whilst this energy is around you – it would be such a shame to waste it!
The Seven of Swords is a card which suggests that there could be some manipulation or dishonesty at play with regard to someone around you. This might not be someone deliberately trying to hurt you, but possibly because of a need to justify, or to protect, themselves. Often this card represents ‘a little white lie’ – and it could be you that is considering using one – however, even though we all use white lies at times, just now is not a good time – honesty is the best policy. If it is someone around you, who is not being fully truthful, then analyse their motives to try and see whether it is really meant to hurt you or whether it is to protect themselves for some reason (that can be a little more forgivable).
The Four of Swords is a straightforward message – you may need to take some time to patch up some wounds, or to allow yourself to heal from some sort of trauma. If things have not been so severe for you then you should consider just treating yourself in some way to recognise your own needs and give yourself a boost. Take a break and give yourself the attention, and the reflection you need to get yourself back on track. If you do this you can rejuvenate yourself enough to be ready for anything.
A new destiny is unfolding for you in the vastness of the Universe – you are not meant to know, just yet, what this destiny is because everything needs to be aligned for it to work at the level for your highest good. The High Priestess wants you to understand, though, that new things/ways are afoot – hopefully for the better – and that you should, perhaps, be more alert to your intuition and gut feelings – there will come a time when you will need to rely on your instincts. Research into things that grab your interest – this may be a clue to the future and your new destiny – you may feel a ‘pull’ towards something more spiritual (for example). Be open to new knowledge, and believe in yourself – it could take you to exciting new places.

The Emperor is a strong character who represents someone as an excellent ally or a formidable foe! If this card has come out to represent you perhaps you need to consider which of the two you would rather be. However, this card could represent someone around you who has considerable influence in your life. Clearly if you have The Emperor as an ally then now is the time to ask for their help. Should there be someone around you who dominates or overwhelms you then you should try to avoid them as much as you can. This card starts the reading and therefore would indicate that this character could be highly influential especially at the beginning of the month – so try and keep this in mind.
The Two of Wands suggests that a new project or venture could provide solutions to the problems you have at the moment. Whatever this new project might be it could turn out to be the driver to others that you are currently struggling with. It is still very early days, though, and careful attention should be given to it if you wish it to grow and prosper – and certainly don’t just let it dwindle into nothing.
There may well be a feminine influence around you who could contribute to your work, or your home life. The Queen of Pentacles represent an independent person who is able to look after and provide for those she cares about – and therein lies the rub – she will not extend her hand, or her wealth, to anyone who does not embrace or return her empathy or love – she is too careful with her resources to waste them on someone she considers unworthy of her help. However, this person could contribute hugely to your needs should she feel you deserve it.
Having said this, on a personal level, the Ten of Pentacles suggests that, in terms of money, or your current standard of living, you are already doing pretty well. You are likely to be in a very good materialistic position which looks established and secure, so well done! This would then suggest that the Queen of Pentacles above might have influence only in the work side of your life – perhaps you will encounter someone at work, or in your business, who could bring much to the table.

After a lot of time and commitment to a particular relationship it would seems that all your dreams are now coming true. You may have encountered hurdles and issues along the way, but the Nine of Cups suggests that now things are established, and secure, between you and your partner – perhaps you have wondered at times that it would never work? This card indicates that it has, and it will continue to work – well done! Your nurturing and your efforts will have been immensely important in the growth of this relationship and should be recognised. It is now time to sit back and enjoy all the lovely things this partnership brings!
The Page of Swords is a card which represents some sort of misunderstanding or miscommunication with regard to someone around you. Since this card is a Page (a young person/youth) it might be something that is said in naivety, or in haste because of immaturity. However, it is possible that it could cause a little conflict along the way somehow – just try to make sure you clearly understand the motives and knowledge behind what any youth is saying to you and try (patiently) to explain why, and how, their misguided words can have far-reaching impact – they need to know for the future.
The Hierophant has appeared, perhaps, to highlight a need in you for some sort of spiritual guidance – perhaps even a desire for a new approach to life. You might be finding that the tenets you have always lived with and adhered to (like your religion for example) might not suit the way you feel about life, and people, anymore. You might need to look for someone who can advise you on a different way forward – but don’t just accept what this person advises – do your own research too, because it is all too easy to follow something blindly that has fundamental flaws, and this could lead you down a different but also unsuitable path.
In terms of your work/projects or endeavours the Eight of Wands suggests that hurdles and obstacles, that have hindered your progress, are now likely to be removed. This means you’ll be free to progress them at speed and with a new drive and creativity that could astound even you! This also means that you will be forging ahead at such speed that you’ll find yourself exhausted and exhilarated at the same time and, more importantly, it means this coming month is likely to be hugely productive!! Hopefully this will not only take your projects to the next level but also help to start bringing the money in which you hoped it would from the start.

You may searching for resources to fund a project in some way – or it could be that you feel ready to go for a promotion, or a job, with more money. Whichever of these it may be, the message of this card is, that although money can make a difference (obviously), you must also seek to increase your knowledge base, or learn a new skill, to give you the ability to really achieve what you want. Your work/material standing is certainly increasing (the Page card being higher than the numbered Pentacles) but there is really still quite a way you can go – it is worth adding new abilities/skills to what you already offer.
The Fool card suggests a new journey is about to start for you – this is an exciting time, regardless of what kind of new journey it is – but The Fool card also advises you to remember the pitfalls of the past, and to remember the mistakes you made along the way. He wants you to be alert for the things that can trip you up rather than being carried along with the excitement, it will serve you better. You can do things a million times better, this time, if you apply your learning experiences from the past.
The Lovers card is often about choices in terms of a relationship – in a romantic relationship it could be a choice of whether to stay or leave. In a platonic relationship it could be about how to approach an issue or a problem. In either case, this card’s message is about considering everybody’s perspective in the situation and about taking care not to cause too much damage to those involved through any decision you make and how you go about it. It is about being loving and considerate to everyone regardless of the people involved or the choices you make.
However, it might be that The Lovers card is directed at platonic relationships since the Nine of Cups indicates a happy time in terms of your family life. Despite the difficulties and the battles, this card indicates you have reached a time of contentment and security within your family. No doubt this has taken a lot of patience and effort to get you here, but now you can sit back and enjoy your family in peace and love, so enjoy it. Well done.

Things seem set to get better and better in March, according to these cards.
In terms of your material situation, the Two of Pentacles indicates a partnership will be on offer to you with regard to your work/business or endeavours. This offer could be with respect to actual financial backing or support, or it could be some physical assistance which could really give you the ability and time to boost your project the way you want to. Either way this could make a real difference to your income in the near future, so maximise this help to get onwards and upwards.
The King of Pentacles has appeared to let you know that you are already in an excellent position in terms of your material standing, this is because you look after your money and use it wisely. It is likely he is reminding you to keep a firm grip on your finances and only spend your money when you are sure it will work for you – the King of Pentacles represents mastery over finances and making the right decisions – it seems he knows you are the same but don’t let your efforts slip in March.
We also have some good news in the Four of Wands since this card indicates that, very soon, you will see that your hard work and effort is starting to pay off. This could be with regard to a hobby, a business idea, projects or any endeavours you have been working on recently. When this card comes up it is time to pat yourself on the back and tell yourself well done – you can take a short time to enjoy your achievement and even take a break for a little while – the foundations you have laid are sturdy and ready to build on – have a rest and then get back to work on it – there is plenty of potential in this.
The final lovely card in this reading is the Ten of Cups. This is the ultimate card in terms of relationships and indicates a real happiness and achievement in bringing together and holding together the family around you. Your relationships are established and secure and now is the best time to enjoy every aspect of the people that you love, and that love you – enjoy! In addition, the Ten of Cups can be considered a lucky card since it is considered to be so positive in every way, so hopefully the coming month should bring a month of happiness, achievement and, as March looks an ideal time to tackle any outstanding issues with resounding success, go for it!

There’s a lot of movement in the cards for Sagittarians! Starting with The Chariot, this card represents feeling like you’re making progress when you are not. The horses in this image are trying to pull the chariot in different directions and the charioteer needs to have a strong hold on the reins to get where he wants to go but the horses are stronger. The message with this card is about YOU getting control of your own journey – it is so easy to be distracted by other people and events, but the truth is that, because of this, you are barely making any progress in your own journey. This card wants you to make the choice of getting a firm hold on the reins of YOUR chariot. The alternative is that you will just be pushed and pulled in any old direction by other people rather than achieving your own goals and desires.
The Eight of Wands, whilst a seemingly static card, is about obstacles – previously in your path – being removed/resolved and this allows you to move ahead at speed and make great progress. You are likely to be hugely creative and busy which will result in significant productivity – even though it may tire you out. This is an excellent card in terms of any project or venture you are engaged in and it represents the go-ahead to get things sorted – go for it!!
Occasionally, out of the blue, and without any influence from us The Wheel of Fortune will turn. The Wheel can bring new opportunities and chances, or it can carry you out of a miserable rut to a wonderful place. Wherever the Wheel takes you in March, or whatever the Wheel brings to you, stay alert to the new opportunities that will be open to you – if you don’t grab them they’ll spin away as fast as they came. This will be a chance for new starts and a change of direction, so grab this whilst you can.
The message of movement and progression is continued in the Knight of Pentacles. It is a simple message really – the way to success is to pay attention to detail, work diligently and thoroughly on every task. Be dependable and be pedantic if necessary (like the Knight of Pentacles) to get things right because this is how this Knight has become so successful. Nor is it a secret that the more effort you put into something the greater the results can be – be like the Knight of Pentacles.

The Ace of Pentacles brings a high energy around a business idea or proposition to do with work and income. It is easy to let opportunities wither away by not acting on them when the energy is around. This card is giving you a heads up that a chance to make more money, in some way, will be on offer – it will be down to you to keep alert and research into any ideas, chances – even hobbies – that grab your interest. But you’ll need to act on it and nurture it. It may grow into something really substantial – or, at least, it has the potential to. Don’t let it good opportunities pass you by.
There may also be a choice around relationships – romantic or otherwise – in the coming month. Regardless of the relationship this card refers to, the message is the same: Every individual has their own perspective of life, and believes what they believe whether it does, or doesn’t, fit in with your own understanding. Whatever you decide to do with regard to this relationship, The Lovers card asks you to be considerate to all involved, and to be especially careful in how you handle this situation and be aware of the possible impact on others as a result of the decision you make.
The Queen of Pentacles appears between The Lovers and the Queen of Cups – so clearly, relationships are key this month. The Queen of Pentacles, however, is likely to be asking you to be as objective as you can be with regard to the issues involved. You might need to take a little emotion out of the situation in order to deal with it – and because this card is the Queen of Pentacles, the issue might be related to money. Money is important in life – it can make or break people of course – this Queen is asking you to be understanding about someone’s personal and possibly material situation – it may be you have some influence on their physical home and/or comforts, and you are being asked to be merciful.
The Queen of Cups is the Queen of emotion and love. She doesn’t have to work hard to attract love, she is approachable and caring. She is aware of her attraction to others and can sometimes use that allure to get her own way. Perhaps this Queen has appeared to ask you to consider which side of her do other people see in you? – the approachable or the ruthless? It might be that she has appeared, however, to remind you that you are very much loved and admired and to ask you to believe in yourself more – to pay attention to your own needs a bit more often. Perhaps the two Queens appearing together are highlighting that you are in demand on different fronts and perhaps you need to protect yourself a little going forward, you also deserve some peace and attention – and is it possible that this is the root of the issues in the relationship? Only you will know.

This is an interesting set of cards to pull together. Overall they bring a sense of progression and growth – perhaps with some careful decision making in between.
The Three of Cups to start with suggests some celebratory news on the relationship front. This card often heralds news of a baby, engagement, marriage or a commitment to a relationship in some way. It is a card of growth and is a very happy loving card full of positive vibes. You should be delighted with some news around you, or someone you are close to, in some way, this March – wonderful news that will make you very happy.
Whilst The Moon represents a situation in which things are not as clear as they should be – the light from The Moon is not as strong as the light from The Sun – and it may be that you need to wait for some clarity before making a decision. This card sits between a relationship card and a work/income card (Knight of Pentacles) so the message could well be to wait for some more information before making a decision around someone you are close to, but are working with. In time things will become clear when the relevant information comes out – until then keep your own counsel.
Coming to the Knight of Pentacles, the message from this card will be to keep up the effort – keep doing what you do and don’t skimp on the effort and attention to the detail. This Knight is considered to be dependable, trustworthy, a hard worker and above all successful. No matter how small the detail, or how boring a task gets, do it well – success is only a matter of time – the Knight of Pentacles is telling you this.
The Lovers could refer to any relationship – not just romantic ones – in which there must be a decision or a choice made. The message of this card is, regardless of who this refers to, that each individual has their own perspective of life and events and if it doesn’t match with yours, it is not necessarily a deliberate hurt but more about their own understanding of events and how they feel about themselves. The Lovers card only asks you to be considerate to anyone involved – in any decision you make about the relationship. It’s about being kind and not ruthless. If this isn’t the case for you then this card could be indicating that there may a new relationship in the offing for you – again if you choose to go with the relationship, or you decide not to, then be considerate with all involved – it will work out better for everyone in the long run.

The Lovers brings a message that, with regard to a relationship (not necessarily a romantic one), a decision needs to be made – you may wish to continue with it or you may wish not to. You may meet a new potential lover and you may have to decide whether you wish to embrace it or not. Whatever the situation, if there is an issue to be dealt with, the message of this card is to be as considerate as possible to everyone involved. Each individual has their own perspective with regards to the relationship and what they see may be totally different from what you see. Whatever decision you make around it try to understand what they feel and try to be gentle in your handling of it – it will make things so much easier to work out.
A positive card appears for you in the Three of Wands – this card suggests a real achievement with regard to a project, business or endeavour. It is still early days in terms of this project but the achievement you will get is a sign of the potential it has, and a sign of the good things to come, if you continue to apply the hard work, and you nurture it fully. Be proud of what you have done, it is well deserved, but this is only the beginning.
The overall meaning of The Tower card is that, sometimes, our lives get a reset when we least expect it. There are some things in life which happen which we can’t plan, or haven’t planned, for and this can be a shock. When The Tower falls we need to build it back. However, this reset gives us the chance to do things differently and to build a new Tower with stronger defences and foundations that can resist the onslaughts in the future – it is the chance to build a Tower that can withstand anything and, what’s more, you can design it to suit you in every way. Rather than rail against change – embrace it and use it to make adjustments that are more better suited to you. This is the message of The Tower.
We have all told a little white lie at some time or other – sometimes these little lies can be justified (so that someone doesn’t feel hurt for example) but at other times it is not. This card appears when you might be considering not being totally honest about something. Or it could be that someone around you is not being honest. The message of this card is to be aware – that this might not be the right time, in your case, to manipulate the truth or if you discover someone around you not being honest, it might be worth asking why they felt they need to lie to you, it might turn out to be something that can be fixed easily.
But read on because Pisces is the Birthday star sign and there is an extra card for you:
Happy Birthday! Your extra card is The Star!

The Star is beautiful just like you! And its inherent meaning is about recognising that, no matter how small your efforts feel, your contribution is truly important. This card has appeared to celebrate you, what you do and to let you know that you are recognised, and loved, even though you might not hear it every day. This card is about having faith that good things will come, it’s about hope which can help you through the darkest times, it’s about commitment and dedication – all the things that you do, putting one foot in front of the other every day. Working hard, communicating, undertaking tasks without being recognised can leave us feeling unnoticed, and unworthy. This card is a shout out to you – because it is your special day, and you need to know how special you are. Keep your eyes on the beauty of The Star and keep the faith that great things are coming………… and believe you are worthy of great things – because you are. Thank you for all you do, we appreciate having you in this world.
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