Welcome to the Tarotscopes for March – scroll down the page to read yours!
Well Hello! Thank you for coming to read your Tarotscopes for March. Hopefully they’ll help you get the best out of the month ahead.
Please feel free to share them with your friends and family.
Best wishes

Early in March the Ace of Pentacles suggests a new opportunity could arise around your work, income or finances. The Ace card represents the energy around a new idea in its earliest form and needs attention from you if it is to grow into something worth having. This new opportunity will be hardly visible at this stage, so be alert to anything that grabs your interest. Perhaps this energy is around a hobby you already have that could make money, talk of a promotion/new job at work, or the chance to earn a bit more money in some other way. Whatever grabs your attention/interest could be the Universe directing you to this new opportunity. Needless to say you’ll need to nurture it and research/learn about it if you want to work to help it develop. Otherwise this energy could simply just fade away.
The Ace of Swords also indicates that you might find yourself needing a different approach/attitude to life. It is always good to consider different ways to understand our purpose and to research into them to find out about whether they’ll suit or not. To stick to the same old way of doing things does not allow us to explore new challenges, or to grow in our beliefs and attitudes – therefore not developing in the way we should. If something challenges your own belief, which you feel is outdated, then check out what the alternatives are – but always be sure you are educating yourself from trusted/verified sources since you don’t need to be led down the garden path right now.
In addition – The Moon sheds its light around you this month. The Moon’s light is not as strong as sunlight and therefore certain situations in your life might not be as clear as you think they are. In time further information is likely to come to the fore and you’ll be able to make decisions which will be better informed. Therefore it is probably wise to not make any significant decisions this coming month – a little patience is likely to give you the time for more relevant information to come out and then you can make the best decision.

Initially in March, according to the Ten of Wands, you might feel overwhelmed by the various tasks you’ll need to tackle around a project you are working on. You are very close to completing your project and so it will be important to offload some of the work to other people to allow you to finish what you started. There is no shame in asking for help and it is a sign of strength to be able to delegate certain tasks – the end result will be so much better than you expected if you can just finish this without all the pressure you are currently experiencing. You are nearly there – don’t give up now.
The Ace of Cups is a lovely happy card to come out in a reading. This card mostly represents the beginning of a new relationship – which could be romantic or not. Whoever enters your orbit this coming month is likely to bring a lot to your table in terms of fun, help and companionship. This first stage of a relationship is always exciting and enjoyable, so make the most of it and if you nurture this new relationship it could grow into something more permanent. Enjoy.
The end of the month looks set to be a comfortable time for you in terms of your finances or home life style. The King of Pentacles represents the ability to make money, look after money and the ability to increase income with some wise application. The King is the highest card in the suit cards of tarot, which indicates mastery over a particular aspect of life – in this case it is around your own finances and material standing. Hopefully, you should see an improvement in your financial situation in some way; the message from this card would be to make the most of this good standing so that your financial security can continue into the future in as good a shape as it is now. Use your money wisely.

The Ten of Pentacles is a very positive card around your home life/financial situation, and suggests that this coming month should see you in a very comfortable position with regard to that. This Ten suggests that the financial position you have achieved should now be secure and established, which is very promising and will be a relief to you. Obviously, looking after money is important and it might be best to ensure that you use this time to make your money work for you in the best possible way – perhaps put some away if you can, or prioritise your needs so that your income is not frittered away on unnecessary items.
The Strength card appears when we sometimes need some kind of recognition for our work. When we need this recognition we have the option to demand and push for it, using our situation or power to insist on some sort of reward. The Strength card is about swallowing our pride and opting for a gentler more persuasive approach to getting what we want. This is about using assertion rather than aggression, channeling pride and anger in order to articulate our needs in a way that is more likely to be appreciated than being demanding or pushy will.
You might find a new challenge appears for you at the end of the month or it might be a change of attitude to a problem you’ve been dealing with. The Ace of Swords represents a difference in approach from the way you might have always considered to be the ‘right’ way so far. This change in attitude could cause some confusion for those around you who might not understand why you are acting differently with regard to a particular issue – clear communication will be key with them, they just need to understand why you are acting the way you are. It will be important to be able to justify your new approach, so it will be important for you to ‘know your stuff’ when you are trying to explain your new point of view.

At times we all find ourselves telling a little white lie for one reason or another – sometimes it is justifiable, of course – but at the beginning of March it is probably better to be completely honest about something, even if it makes you cringe. The Seven of Swords is a card which represents the truth being withheld or twisted and it is a card which advises us to be careful to not go down that road. This applies to anyone that might not being honest with you, too, since it is when people find out they have been manipulated that anger takes hold and conflicts begin, or get further inflamed, and it is better to not let that happen.
If you stick to the truth and act accordingly, then the Justice card suggests that you will have been looked upon as behaving with honour; your actions are likely to be validated as being the ‘right’ thing to have done. The Justice card indicates that there will be a decision, of some sort, around an issue that has been bothering you. It could be a decision around a legal problem, or perhaps a assessment of some kind. Hopefully the outcome will show that your actions have served you well and you will be fully vindicated in the way you behaved.
The King of Cups appearing towards the end of the month suggests that relationships might become the focus for you. This might be a new love coming your way, or it could be that your current relationship needs some nurturing. Because this card is the King of Cups it is possible that whilst your communication around emotions are excellent, you might not truly be demonstrating the love you feel. Whichever of the above is relevant to you, it is worth remembering that it is really important to truly engage with a partner and show your love and commitment. Having all the right words will not necessarily bring the results you want.

The Magician at the beginning of March suggests that you are likely to come to a crossroads in your life. The Magician does not tell you which road to take, or indeed, where they could take you – you have to make that decision yourself. However, The Magician wants you to believe in your own magic – the skills you have, the experience you have acquired, your ability to manage relationships and your ability to make your money work for you. These skills will work well for you on this new road so have confidence in yourself and your abilities – whichever road you choose you have the skills to make a truly successful journey of it. Believe in yourself.
Your financial situation is likely to improve in some way as you traverse through March. The Two of Pentacles suggests that someone is likely to offer some sort of help, either through a loan or a gift, or even an offer of practical help that could assist in you getting to where you want to be in terms of your income/finance. The message from this card is to be clever with what you are offered – money can make money, and this offer of help can take you further than you could have imagined.
Death appears as the last card for the month ahead, and is one which always strikes a little fear no matter who the reading is for. Death is a card which represents the end of something, something that is no longer serving its purpose for you. Whatever it is that no longer serves you, the message with this card is that a new day always dawns and there are always new opportunities and new paths to take. We cannot develop the way we should if we never let some things go, and especially not if we cling onto things that bring absolutely nothing to our table anymore. It is important to realise that as one thing ends there is room for something much more exciting and productive to start. Keep moving forward towards the next great opportunity.

To start the coming month the Knight of Pentacles has appeared to remind you that you are invaluable in terms of your work. This Knight is the most reliable, the most dependable and the most loyal – he always completes his tasks to the best of his abilities and pays incredible attention to the smallest of details. This is the secret of his success. He is never short of money, or of people who need his capabilities. This Knight has appeared to suggest that you need to use this approach as you head into March. It is likely that whatever you are tasked with is going to be very relevant in your future – in which case your special skills should be spot on if you want to reap excellent rewards.
Don’t let your mindset hold you back in the middle of the coming month. The Devil represent thoughts or habits that make you feel like you are not worthy of success and reward. This is because you might be feel upset with yourself for mistakes or things you have done wrong in the past and these thoughts could be keeping you stagnant and unable to move forward. Everyone makes mistakes, or does something wrong. It is important to forgive yourself and allow yourself to believe you are still worthy of wonderful things in this life. Set yourself free from this debilitating attitude about yourself – you deserve so much more, so go for it!
As if to endorse this, the King of Wands appears at the end of the month to demonstrate that you have all the skills you need to complete any task or venture successfully. You have the drive, the ability to learn and the motivation you need to make of a success of anything you turn your hand to. This King would never refuse or pass over a challenge – he relishes new ventures and new adventures and he want you to believe same applies to you. There is nothing you can’t handle.

If finances are somewhat difficult at the moment, it will be no surprise that this could make you feel worried, or frustrated, at the beginning of March. The Five of Pentacles is a card which represents this worry, but its message is about recognising that you are more likely to be feeling the ‘loss’ of what you think you should have, or what you did have in the past and this won’t help your mindset. This could create a lack of belief in yourself and feeling a bit lost yourself. However, if you don’t allow yourself to think this way, you are likely to feel more comfortable about working towards where you want to get to. Have confidence that you are making a difference to the current situation, and all your efforts are very worthwhile.
Temperance would suggest that you need to allow yourself a little bit of love and affection in the midst of all the hard work and challenges. Allow yourself time to balance out your hard work with some time to nurture your own emotional needs. Take some time to take stock of how far you have come, what you have achieved and how good you feel about that. Have a little fun and this energy will attract a much nicer energy than you might have been experiencing recently. As the old adage goes ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’
The Emperor might be suggesting you could do with some help, or advice, from someone in authority around you, who does have the ability to help you out in some way. This could be a manager or someone older that you admire and who you feel has influence and the power to help you make the changes you need. It would be important to talk to this person whilst they are available (this card suggests they will be available around the end of March) as it is possible they may move on to something else and you could miss out on your chance to ask for their input.

The Five of Cups is about relationships and some issues that you may have that are worrying you – you may even feel that things are going to fall apart. It is very likely that you will be able to turn things around. The way to start is to recognise that your own mindset might be one that is focusing on all the negatives of this relationship, and that to start looking for all the positives is likely to bring the changes you need. All relationships need constant nurturing and simply by making your partner feel acknowledged, and appreciated, will kickstart the reparation that is needed. It is in no way as bad as you feel it is.
The Four of Wands, in terms of your work or projects, is a very positive card which suggests that all your hard work and effort is starting to pay off. This should be very pleasing for you. It is a card which also indicates that your work/project has very solid foundations which are strong enough to build on and bring the success you are hoping for. Take a moment to relax and give yourself a pat on the back before forging ahead knowing you have all the tools and support you need to continue building on this very promising project.
As if to endorse the last card, the Six of Pentacles indicates that in some way you are likely to get some financial help. This may be in the form of a loan or a gift, or some other practical help. This is likely to really please you, not only for the practical impact it could have on your finances but because it could also restore your faith in humankind and give you the boost in confidence you probably need. Make the most of this help as it could really contribute to a level of financial security you might not have even been able to imagine just yet. Enjoy.

The Chariot, for the beginning of March, suggests that you need to consider grabbing the reins of your life and steering yourself to the place you want to be. This card represents being pushed and pulled in different directions by the people and events around you – stopping you from reaching your own goals. Perhaps it is time to start saying ‘no’ to some demands and to focus on what you need to do. If you allow yourself to be diverted from your path you will not reach your destination. Get a strong grip on the reins and let people know that you have things you need to do – your aims, and your desires, are just as important as everyone else’s.
The Knight of Cups could either signify a new love interest in your life or a youth who might have an influence on you in some way. If this is a new love interest then enjoy some time without getting too involved to start with and see how things go – it’s about time you had some fun. If this is someone you know who might have some impact on you and your time, remember the advice of The Chariot and keep your input to this person as brief as you can but as loving as you can, however you really have a lot you need to focus on too.
In terms of finances or income, the Ten of Pentacles suggests you should be in a very good position. This is a very positive card which usually represents being, not only in a very good financial situation, but one that is secure and established – this should bring you a lot of relief. It is still important to make the best use of your money; but to have the choice of what you want to spend it on is a gift indeed. Enjoy.

Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation where we have the power and the influence to really push for what want. The Strength card appears at these times to highlight that, whilst we can be strong and powerful enough to demand what we want, being pushy will not achieve the results we want. The Strength card is about recognising, on occasions, that we need to be gentle and persuasive (not aggressive) in what we are trying to achieve. This card wants us to channel our own strong emotions/feelings to tackle a situation with patience and love rather than the strength and power we know we have.
The King of Pentacles suggests that during March you should be feeling very good about your financial position. This is a very positive card around income and work. Obviously, it is important to not squander good money on unnecessary items – because money can make money, and the more you have the more you can make. This is what the King of Pentacles is good at – not only good at attracting/earning money but making that money grow in the best possible way. This King knows you can do the same if you are careful.
If you are waiting for a decision, or ruling, on an outstanding issue then the end of March is likely to bring the outcome of it. Justice is the card which represents decisions on issues. Sometimes they can be legal issues, they could be assessments or applications of various types. The Justice card, then, indicates that you could be notified of the outcome pretty soon. Generally, if you have been honest and careful throughout this outstanding issue, then the decision should be one that pleases you and takes a weight of your shoulders. That would be great news.

To start March it looks as though, according to the Four of Wands, you should start reaping the rewards of all your hard work. This card suggests that your work/projects have now got very strong foundations that are stable enough to build on, which is very reassuring. You should see signs that your projects are really starting to yield enough fruit to indicate there is much more to be had. This is really good news – take the time to relax for a while, give yourself a pat on the back, and get back to working. Every effort you make should help this project/work develop into something very worthwhile indeed. Well done!
In terms of relationships, the Two of Cups seems to indicate that you could be moving to the next phase which could include some sort of ‘commitment’. This should be a lovely time, when you can really enjoy companionship with a very special person in your life. Like any relationship, the more you nurture it the healthier and happier it will be. There is nothing better than giving love and getting it back in spades. Enjoy.
The King of Pentacles appears to want to endorse your own attitude and approach to work and the subsequent income which should follow on – this King is hugely successful and wealthy – he works hard to not only attract money but also knows how to make that money multiply. He knows you can do the same. He wants you to have confidence in yourself and in what you are doing – but he asks you to keep a close eye on your finances so that you don’t miss out on amazing opportunities to grow it further. If you are attentive to your finances, as he is, you are likely to find yourself in an excellent position very soon.

At the beginning of March the Two of Pentacles suggests that you might be offered some sort of partnership which could help you financially in your work/projects. It would make sense to accept the help on offer since things like this don’t happen very often. It is not necessary to insist on managing alone, and you could find yourself in a much better position if you accept this help; there is absolutely no shame in doing so. Money can make money so be clever with what you are given.
The Queen of Cups appears mid month perhaps in the form of someone you know who cares deeply for you. This person is easy to love and presents a perfect example of how to be at ease with your inner beauty and allure, you can be the same. If this is not someone in your life, this Queen might be advising you to take some time to rediscover your own inner Queen and allow her to show herself once again. It is all too easy to let the loving, loveable, parts of you to be buried under the layers of everyday chores and duties. Let people see her once again.
Toward the end of March you might find that a project you’ve been working on seems to have come to an impasse. The Five of Wands represents hurdles and obstacles that prevent you moving forward with your work. You might not feel these hurdles can be overcome, but if you look at the issue from all angles, and think out of the box, you are sure to find your way round or over them. Don’t let them keep you stagnant – you can get things moving again.
But read on Pisces because your star sign gets the extra birthday card this month! Happy Birthday for whenever it falls! Your card is:

This lovely little card represents some sort of achievement for you happening this month. The Three of Pentacles is a card which represents signs of success coming to you around a project/investment/venture you are involved in. These signs will motivate you to keep working at this project, as it should now be increasing clear that it is building into something productive and very promising indeed. If you continue to put the attention and effort into this project that you have been, you will almost certainly see more significant and permanent rewards coming from it. So well done you, this should be a wonderful birthday treat for you. Enjoy.

Thank you for all of your tarotscopes. it’s very kind of you to post them. I was just wondering if the April tarotscopes are coming out soon.
Hi there. Thank you for your kind comments. For a lot of different reasons I have decided I can no longer continue the tarotscopes on a monthly basis. But I would like to thank you for all your kind support over the years. Life has decided to take over a lot of my spare time and as I am approaching 66 years of age I am finding it more of a pressure than a pleasure. I don’t want the quality to slip, so I think it is time to call it a day on them. I hope you will understand and continue to use the many free tarot resources on Simply Tarot – such as the Card of the Day. Kind regards, Patricia.