Tarotscopes for May 2017
Dear Friends
Apologies for the delay with this month’s Tarotscopes. There are a few reasons for this, not least my mother going into care and trying to get her settled, amongst other things. However, I don’t intend to bore you with the details.
I have at last managed to pull the tarot cards to glean what information I can for the coming month, and I hope they can shed light on the best way forward for you.
Please do share with your friends and family as your help is truly valued by me, and hopefully they will enjoy them too.
Just two more things: scroll down to find your Tarotscope, and perhaps like us on Facebook if you haven’t already – it would be lovely to meet you!
Bright blessings for a happy Month of May.
Patricia x

The Magician, The World, Knight of Cups, Knight of Wands
Two Major Arcana cards and two Knight cards in this month’s tarotscope suggests a very interesting and exciting month of May ahead for you.
It looks like you could be finally heading towards your desired outcome.
The Magician card indicates that, providing you trust your own skills and abilities, and make the most of given opportunities that come your way, you will reap the rewards that you have been working so hard to achieve (The World) which will fill your heart with happiness, contentment and gratitude.
Added to this, there may be an encounter with two people who may bring not only love, but passion and excitement too. Of course this could well be on a romantic level, but not necessarily, as you may be in a happy relationship at the moment. The Knight of Cups and the Knight of Wands could represent people you might strike up a good relationship with, and they may well bring fun, possibly travel or a new project, to you. It would certainly seem that this month could offer some major opportunities, achievements and enjoyment for you and exciting new opportunities. These tarot cards feel strong and optimistic to me, so make sure you make the most of what lies ahead!

Page of Wands, Five of Swords, Six of Wands, Seven of Pentacles
These cards are asking you to be aware of the different choices of approach in any given situation which might arise this month. The Page of Wands could represent an opportunity open to you, but he also advises not to rush into any decision immediately, your options might be to either jump in with both feet or take some time to consider it carefully. You might encounter some opposition to this idea/opportunity and it might cause some conflict (Five of Swords), but if you opt for thinking about what’s being said seriously, you’ll at least give yourself both time, and the ability, to really consider the pros and cons of the issue fully, resulting in a better chance for you to succeed in taking the opportunity/project further. So, the cards are asking you to tread carefully when given options this month.
You may eventually find that this new opportunity really has got legs (Six of Wands), and whilst it is exciting, you could well be faced with making a decision which might put your finances at risk to pursue it (Seven of Pentacles). If you really do your research, listen to sound advice, look back on your own experience and history, you should be able to make the decision, one way or the other, in relative confidence, and make a success of it should you decide to pursue it.

Page of Wands, Ten of Cups, Nine of Wands, The World
This month you may be tasked with something new which will need careful consideration, and you may need to take some advice before making any decisions in full. The Page of Wands advises not to rush into any new opportunities and to listen to what other people can offer you from their own experiences. Relationships are flourishing, however, and it may be the people in these relationships that you need to speak to; these are the people who have your best interests at heart, even though you might find part of their advice not very palatable. Do not dismiss it though, because they have been through something similar, and might save you some pain.
At the same time, you are probably feeling tired and overrun with duties, work, and things that ‘must be done’, and perhaps overwhelmed to the extent that you might just be ready to give up and give in. The Nine of Wands represents the nearing of completion in a cycle, though, so it is important you just keep pushing for that last sprint to the finishing line – don’t give up – you’re very nearly there. The World indicates that all will fall into place, once you are over the line and you will have everything you need if you just keep going – it will be worth it.

Seven of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, Six of Cups, The Fool
The Seven of Pentacles suggests there may well be a decision on the horizon which is causing you some concern on a financial level, or putting your material comfort at risk. Of course, it doesn’t always pay to take chances in life, but sometimes by not taking a risk we miss out on opportunities which can offer much more than we already have. Using the lessons learned from past experiences, and going through the pros and cons of the situation, will give you the best chance of succeeding. And if you have a back-up plan, should it not work out, then there is no reason why you shouldn’t go for it. The Knight of Swords would suggest that you are ready for a new adventure – his advice, too, would be to make sure you are armed with all the necessary information.
The Six of Cups might represent a somewhat rueful feeling you have about the way things are progressing in your relationships, whether familial or romantic, and perhaps you wish that things were simpler, like they used to be. Don’t forget it is very easy to look back nostalgically at something which was probably not all that easy, or straightforward, so understand that getting through those things in the past does indicate that you can do it again. It does look, however, like there is the possibility of a new direction heading your way soon, which is great. The Fool would just advise to keep alert and don’t make the same mistakes you did in the past – in other words, enjoy this new opportunity but keep your eyes open for pitfalls.

Knight of Swords, The Emperor, Ten of Swords, Five of Pentacles
The Knight of Swords and The Emperor card are both strong cards representing action and leadership which, as the other cards in the spread indicate, instead of inspiring confidence and motivation, might actually cause conflict (Ten of Swords) if used in the wrong way.
This Knight is always ready to do battle, but does not always know what he is fighting for, or whether the fight at hand is worth the casualties. So this would suggest that to be fully informed about the issues beforehand, will prevent you from charging in, ready for battle, unnecessarily, and avoid the conflict. The Emperor is concerned with looking after his own people and his realm, and whilst he has the authority and the strength to do what he likes, and can be dictatorial if he wishes, he will also protect his subjects with all his might. Therefore, this card would indicate that that you are in a very influential position and can make or break a situation.
These cards could be suggesting that using your position of strength in an authoritative/gung-ho manner might well cause the conflict, and thus threaten the financial stability of your current situation (Five of Pentacles) which might be relevant this month. Therefore, it would make sense to ensure those around you not only feel protected, but are motivated to do their best for you, and to use your leadership skills, and position of power, in the kindest and most productive way possible.

Ten of Pentacles, Five of Wands, Queen of Cups, Page of Pentacles
The cards, this May, might be indicating that to achieve financial and material success you should consider how you can help yourself to overcome any hurdles that you think are in your way right now.
By rights, the Ten of Pentacles suggests, that you are very capable of providing everything you actually want or need, but you, yourself, may be blocking the way for it to happen (Five of Wands). The Queen of Cups is a character who is very attractive, so people are very drawn to her, and she has all the qualities required to get what she wants, including a certain ruthlessness about her to get it. This suggests that maybe you need to start embracing the attributes of this Queen………..that you are worthy, and deserving, of love and all the wonderful things that life can provide. If you start to believe this, and start expecting happiness, wealth and love you might find this blockage dissolves, naturally. In addition, the Page of Pentacles might represent the need to kick-start this process by doing something in the way of learning – it doesn’t have to be a major qualification, or long term education, but simply something that will add to your abilities – a short course in a relevant subject, or a self taught skill, might suit. These two things might just give yourself some confidence and clear the way for good things that are ready and waiting to come to you.

Page of Cups, Four of Cups, Four of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles
You may have found that you are struggling within yourself somewhat, or that your close relationships are suffering slightly, and this could well be causing you to lack confidence. You may even be in a reflective frame of mind and are wondering whether it is all really worth it, or whether something else would be better.
The truth is, that life and relationships do put a strain on one’s patience and stamina, to the extent that we can’t really work out what’s wrong. The Page of Cups and the Four of Cups would indicate a bit of a plateau in terms of self love and those close to you, and whilst you think this could be a problem, the chances are it is likely to be a very transient situation.
The Four of Pentacles and the Queen of Pentacles are indicative of success however, this month, and suggests that, in reality, you are doing very well indeed in terms of your finances and home, which is half the battle. Life can be like a see-saw – one half stuck down and the other up – which can be very frustrating – and all that’s needed is some balance. If you are working hard to bring the money in, that’s all well and good, but perhaps that is part of the problem. Maybe it is too top-heavy on the work-front and perhaps spending some quality time in the home with family is all that is needed to balance the energies and get the see-saw moving again.

Page of Pentacles, Two of Wands, Five of Pentacles, The Tower
These cards could be suggesting you take a good look at your current situation to consider changing tack completely to get things moving forward. The Page of Pentacles sometimes shirks his duty to study (meaning it might be time to take some time to think about your own options) because the drag of day to day duties is not what he really wants, he wants more. The Two of Wands suggests an embryonic idea that might be taking shape which could be an interesting possibility for you, alongside a situation which might be worrying in terms of your financial situation (Five of Pentacles); these, together with The Tower, could represent a chance for whole new way of life, scary though it might be, in which you are able to build up a structure which will endure well into the future.
So this coming month could be a time where you should really look at your options and perhaps start making some changes. Taking a risk can be scary, of course, but providing you do your homework (Page of Pentacles) and research the pros and cons thoroughly, you should know in your heart of hearts whether you can make this work and head for better pastures.

Three of Wands, Seven of Pentacles, Ten of Cups, Five of Pentacles
There could well be some decisions to be made this month in terms of your financial situation or home life (Seven of Pentacles and Five of Pentacles). However, the Three of Wands and the Ten of Cups suggest that, in other aspects of your life, things are turning out well.
Perhaps there will be an opportunity to change your job, or the amount of time you work, which might pose some risks on a financial level, but which might give you the chance to enjoy your life and to pursue the things you want to do on a personal level.
Decisions, obviously, should not be made lightly, and only you know what is more important in your particular circumstance; would it be better if you had to budget more in terms of finance and income, but have more physical time for you? Or is it that you need to change your work to better suit your current commitments, but face the challenge of a different job which will bring in more money?
This May could give you the chance to make that choice; just make sure your past experiences play a part in your decision making – don’t make the same mistakes you did in the past, and learn from them – so that you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses, and that you can easily meet the challenges of new arrangements.

Nine of Wands, Knight of Swords, Eight of Swords, Strength
This month, despite feeling like giving up (Nine of Wands) because of all the effort and hard work, you are in fact on the verge of seeing some tangible signs of real success (Eight of Wands). So, just keep doing what you are doing because very shortly you will see the finish line come into view.
The Knight of Swords and Strength would indicate that some other distractions could be causing conflict and/or upset that make you want to fight back but, really, doing so right now is the last thing you should do, because you have not got the energy to deal with such conflict whilst you are striving for success.
If you can take a deep breath, remove your focus from what is causing you additional heartache, and work simply on the job at hand, you will get the results you desire and work so hard for. This means channelling any anger and diffusing it in any way that suits you best, and parking it. This does take strength and mental fortitude, because it is not easy to embrace that which might make you angry, and place it out of harm’s way, so that you can deal with the really important quest, which is achieving success in your field. Don’t get distracted, or let others distract you, from your goal.

The cards in this month’s tarotscope suggest that the focus should be very much on your own abilities, needs and aims in order to move towards your ultimate goal.
The Queen of Wands is highly creative, passionate and able to achieve whatever she wants, and will always succeed. She is likely to represent you this month, so the first thing you need to do is trust yourself, believe in your aims, and work to achieve them. The Four of Wands indicates success coming to you on some level, and this must be your focus. Your work is not in vain, and every day that passes, everything you do, is contributing to building a very secure structure, for you and yours.
When obstacles appear in your way (Five of Wands) don’t allow them to stop you in your tracks, but immediately try to find ways over, through, or round them. If they seem insurmountable take a look within yourself (Page of Cups), and remember what you are aiming for, to bring you inspiration and the drive to overcome them. These cards indicate that you must learn to trust yourself and your capabilities, and, indeed, to love yourself. These cards are telling you that you are the architect of your life, and the Queen of your own Domain.

King of Cups, Nine of Pentacles, Ace of Swords, Knight of Swords
May might be a month in which you find yourself ready to get a real grip on what it is you want out of life. The King of Cups suggests to me that, whilst you’ve always known what you want, you may have been reluctant to engage with the necessary emotions, and possible fall-out, of undertaking something which might not work out, and possibly cause you pain. It is totally understandable that you fear being hurt, or put in a situation you might not get out of easily, but sometimes fear holds us back from doing great things. Your desire might not necessarily be a romance, it could be enjoyable work, enough money for the little luxuries you would love, or just being able to do something that you love day in and day out.
The Nine of Pentacles suggests it might be well worth fighting for – and look at the two Swords cards that follow! The Ace of Swords says to me to grab hold of opportunities and fight for them. Get on your charger and start your Quest (Knight of Swords). The Swords cards also indicate that mentally you are ready for this, and the energy is high. Perhaps it is time to put your fear of being hurt to one side to embrace the adventure of searching for your destiny. You may be the Damsel in Distress the Knight of Swords is prepared to fight for, so maybe it’s time to climb on the back of his horse and enjoy the ride!!
End of Tarotscopes.
I hope you find them useful. And if you like the cards I used – The Tarot House Deck – you can buy them HERE
Blessings and love
Patricia x
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