Tarotscopes for May 2018 are written by Patricia at Simply Tarot.
In this month’s tarotscope spreads I have placed a blue butterfly. It’s the first anniversary of my Mum’s death on 26th, and this is just a little tribute to her, to acknowledge her. She has become a blue butterfly who flutters round us, in this form, at certain times. There were so many just after she died and whenever we talked about Mum one would appear. Weeks afterwards when we picked up her ashes, and were driving away, one flew slowly, and right across the car windscreen, as if to say “You might have my old body but look at me now! I can fly! I am free!” And I’m sure she is. But if it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t be sitting here writing these tarotscopes. I do miss her, of course, but I am so glad she is no longer struggling.
I love the month of May. It is probably the most beautiful in terms of nature, for me, and I find it an inspiring month too. We are at the beginning of our outdoor season and have more light and warmth to do the things we need to. It was in this frame of mind I approached the tarotscopes.
As we are all different, with different tasks to deal with, I decided to use four tarot cards. The first two are asking ‘What is happening for you now.’ The third is ‘Action Needed’ and the fourth is the ‘Outcome’ card, if the advised action is taken. As you know, the cards are based on the Star/Zodiac Sign relevant to your birth month. Hopefully, these ‘Scopes will give you a heads up on what might transpire and what to do about it.
I hope you find them useful. Please do comment if you wish to, and please do share them with your friends.
Don’t forget to have a nosey round our sister-site Magickal Quest – ’tis the season to make the magick work for you – lots of extra hours to work with candles and crystals and magickal kits, with friends and a cool glass of something nice.
With love and best wishes for a lovely month of May.
Patricia x

The Two of Pentacles and The Fool seem to be indicating an interesting new opportunity for you which might bring extra income in, or will improve your material standing in some way. These cards indicate that you should see it clearly manifesting before you, but you will need to make sure you stay alert to make the most of this opportunity. Keep a close eye on this new idea/job/promotion, so you can put your all into making it pay for you. Avoid the pitfalls you fell into in the past so you get the chance to benefit fully from it.
The Ace of Swords indicates you should get your head ino gear with regards to this opportunity – if there is something you don’t know then learn about it, research it thoroughly and keep a clear head about its feasibility for you. Make sure you understand it enough to be able to make the right decisions, at the right times, and not leave things to chance.
The Major Arcana card, The Hermit, suggests that if you can do this well, you will find that something within you will come to light which will have a significant effect in the future. Perhaps this is something which has been buried or repressed for a long time. This means that, at long last, you will be empowering yourself, and bringing out of isolation what you have always had to offer!

Paying attention to detail is what will matter this coming month, you may be tasked with something which could be somewhat tedious (Knight of Pentacles), but nevertheless important because it will have an effect on you personally (Queen of Cups). This could actually be a meeting between you and a prospective partner – not necessarily to do with romance – and it might be necessary to look closely at this relationship and in what way it can benefit you.
The Knight of Wands suggests that this partnership could offer you some sort of adventure, new home, journey or a project which you should consider carefully in taking up. Just try and make sure this is a viable opportunity that won’t leave you short of money or lacking the necessities of life. Treat it as an adventure not a massive life changer.
If you take this opportunity you may well find that you’ve freed yourselves from some self-destructive tendencies (The Devil), or even just allowed your thoughts to take a different turn from where they’ve been. You may well have felt stuck in the mire for a while and this might just set you free.

You could find yourself wondering what you should do on hearing something from somebody. The Magician at the crossroads represents having to choose a new path, but not indicating which one is best for you, this is a decision you need to make yourself (trust your intuition on this one). It is the Page of Swords which indicates that you will hear something that puts you in this position. However, make sure you have heard it right, because this card could indicate a misinterpretation, or misunderstanding of what was said.
The Knight of Cups might suggest that the way to approach this situation is by focusing on what is best for you, rather than anyone else involved. Consider the effects your decision will have on your own life, because ultimately this is what you will have to deal with. It might be time to be a little more selfish about your needs at the moment.
Justice appearing in the Outcome position would indicate that by making the decision in this way was the right thing to do. It would seem that the time will arrive when you will be vindicated for all you have done recently. It should make you feel good that your actions were held to account, but you will be seen to have been fair and just. A great outcome after difficult situation.

The coming month may bring you some new information which will clarify what you have been wanting to know for a while (The Hierophant). Someone in authority might be able to help you free your mind from rather dark thoughts about yourself (The Devil). You might find that this clarity now dictates how you can move forward from here.
The Star would recommend you to keep doing what you are doing, even though you perhaps feel you are not getting anywhere. It is important that you keep your eye on your goal and keep working at it. The Star is a card of hope, and represents keeping faith in the future when all seems stagnant and slow moving in the now. So keep your eyes on the Star and believe that everything you are doing is really having an effect, even though you might think it is not.
The Two of Swords in the Outcome position might suggest that at some point you should be ready to question what you are told, and possibly that your attitude to your situation has changed. Whereas, previously, you might have avoided certain issues, the time to challenge has come. The previous cards indicate that there is a shift in your mindset which will enable you to fight for what you want and what you believe in. You will feel ready and able to do so.

The Five of Pentacles paired with the Page of Pentacles indicates a fair amount of worry and lack of confidence in terms of your financial situation at the moment. This could be causing a lack of confidence in yourself, and creating a deadlock in terms of your being able to move forward and change the situation. The worry and lack of confidence could stop you from tackling issues that need to be sorted and you might find it hard to get out of the financial rut. The Page of Pentacles, however, also indicates their might be a need to do some learning, or researching which might help.
Death, in the Action Needed position, might be suggesting you get rid of old ways of thinking, or old ways of doing things, in a bid to move out of this stalemate position. It needs to be a drastic change, though, for it to work. You will need to change your attitude to your situation in a massive way in order for you to break this cycle you are in.
If you can take the advice from the Death card, then the Ace of Pentacles suggests a strong new energy around the financial or material aspects of your life. The Ace indicates new opportunities will be available. But bearing in mind the situation you have currently found yourself in, make better use of this new chance.

The two cards The Hermit and Judgement suggest that you might be feeling isolated and under some sort of attack, or at least that people are watching you and making, perhaps unfair, decisions about your actions. This is likely to be making you feel besieged and ‘got at’. What’s more you feel that you can’t move out, or away, from this spotlight. Both cards are Major Arcana cards which suggests that this situation is having a heavy impact on you right now.
The Action Needed card has revealed as the Queen of Cups. This Queen has supreme confidence in herself – in her looks and her actions, she can’t help that she is appealing to all who lay eyes on her. This card might be suggesting to not passively sit and let people gawp at you and decide your fate. This card is probably saying ‘You are beautiful. Look at yourself. Believe it. Have the confidence to say I am happy with myself, and the way I do things.’ Embrace the Queen of Cups within you, and walk tall out of this situation with confidence.
If you do you will find that your personal situation, at home and at work, will improve straight away (Three of Pentacles). By living your life that way you want to, and being what you want to be, opens up a chance of new security and stability for you. And this is just the beginning.

The Seven and Six of Pentacles representing your current situation would indicate that your personal financial situation is playing a key part of your life right now.
You might be thinking of making some changes to your situation/income or having to make a decision about your work in the hopes that it will make a significant difference to the way it is now, not only to your pocket but your lifestyle as well. The Six of Pentacles is a positive card, though, that indicates some sort of a bonus or gift that could be just what your looking for. Your decision will be what makes things happen.
The Ten of Swords in the Action Needed position, indicates that your approach to this situation could bring about the end of a long financial cycle for you. This card normally represents the end of something and it might be suggesting you need to bring your current situation to an end if you wish to change your fortunes – and you might find it difficult, since you are already in a fairly good financial position. Do some research and make sure that you are making this decision with clear, and informed, reasoning.
The Magician in the Outcome position suggests that, if you follow the above advice, you will be tasked with taking a new direction. The Magician also reassures you that you have all the necessary skills to make this a success, even if you are not sure where this road will take you.

The coming month will be test of your mental alacrity, but it’s ok, you can handle it.
The Queen of Swords is always alert and ready to take on the challenge. She will play it cool and not give anything away to her foe; that way she doesn’t get hurt. The Ten of Swords suggests that a difficult situation might be coming to an end, but it is not without its anxieties and upset. Keep your head together so that you can pass this test with ease. It seems that there may have been an ongoing conflict, that could be work related, or something you have undertaken to do, which has to conclude before you can take the next steps forward.
The Emperor card is revealed in the Action Needed position. As this conflict around you approaches completion, you might do well to emulate The Emperor. He is a kindly man who is approachable when unchallenged but when his domain is threatened he becomes fearless and has lots of power behind him. Perhaps you will be required to stand up for yourself. But just remember this, the power you hold should be used wisely and carefully to reach a successful conclusion, not to dominate and overpower the situation. If you can deal with this issue wisely then the Two of Wands indicates that there could well be a very interesting and exciting proposition, arising out of the situation, which show lots of promise.

It looks like you might be trying to find some balance (Temperance) in tricky situation (Ace of Swords) at the moment. These two cards are almost the opposite of each other too. One is suggesting more love/emotion is required whereas the Ace of Swords suggests logic and mental alacrity is needed to sort out any current issues. Perhaps you’re torn between the two, or maybe you have already sussed that a combination of the two might reap the rewards you desire.
The Ten of Cups in the Action Needed position, might reinforce that love, indeed, will save the day. Relationships are the basis of a happy life, not money and material goods. Logical solutions might not be the answer. This card might be saying ‘Look to those around you to help’ since this card epitomises a strong network of family. Whatever the problem might be, it would seem that approaching it with pure love and emotion might provide the solution. Appeal to those around you for help and support, so you don’t have to deal with this alone.
If you do, you might find that there might be a change and development from an immaturity to one of a desire to learn and do well (Page of Pentacles). This might be referring to those creating the issue around you or, in fact, it might apply to you. Whichever it is, this card might indicate an advancement in learning/knowledge about a situation that has been causing the problem.

The month of May could well find you a bit under the cosh in terms of how you are feeling about your relationships (Six of Cups), and/or any projects you are currently dealing with. You might even be hankering after days when things were simpler and (whether true or not) when you felt enthused and happy about life in general.
Perhaps you are just tired and haven’t got the ‘get up and go’ to keep on top of things (Nine of Wands).
Looking fondly at life retrospectively is all very well, but time softens the focus and blurs out a lot of the pain and strife. We strive and work hard at every stage and it hurts a lot, at times. This is another time. But what do you always do? What do the cards say to do?
The Nine of Swords, firstly (like the Nine of Wands) suggests you are close to your goal – this cycle is almost complete. You can always find the strength to sprint that last few hundred yards to finish the race. The Nine of Swords advises to clear your head of negative thoughts that might be bogging you down and leading you down the garden path. Focus on your goal and get there. Dig deep into your resources and you’ll find success waiting for you (Six of Wands) very shortly, so don’t give up, or give in, right now.

There is real focus on money, for you, in May. On the one hand you are concerned for your own security on a material level (Five of Pentacles), on the other hand there may well be a nice financial surprise in store for you, which will restore your faith in the people around you (Six of Pentacles).
Until that bonus arrives, you will find that you’ll stay stuck in a worry mode which will result in a lack of confidence which will not serve you well.
The Lovers, in the Action Needed position, might seem a strange card to reveal itself in this situation, but it is a card of choices, temptations and perhaps a discontent with your current situation. The choice may be to live in the now, warts and all, but be confident within yourself – a ‘take me or leave me’ statement if you like. Or you might decide to go chasing, what might seem to you, better and more interesting places or people. Your choice, basically, is ‘Are you happy with what you’ve got at the moment?’ If so, get up and at ’em with the skills and abilities you know you have, and grab that bonus with both hands. If you are not happy with what you have, then ironically, the choice is the same……..get up and at ’em for what it is you want. The choice is yours. Either way, The High Priestess, in the Outcome position indicates there is a new destiny unfolding behind the scenes, so you’ll want to get out of this financial swamp to find out what that might be, or you might miss it completely.

The Seven of Pentacles and the Three of Cups suggest a worry about money alongside a celebration. So it could be that you may be faced with paying for some sort of celebration like a wedding or an engagement party.
This cost might be causing strain and anxiety financially, and it might be that you have to commit to it because it is something that will bring joy to you or someone close. The Seven of Pentacles means you will have to make a decision about this.
In the Action Needed position, the King of Pentacles is revealed. This King knows how to make his money work for him, so this card might be saying ‘Go ahead with the celebration. You have the skills to make it wonderful without straining your finances.’ In other words, some time and effort spent on finding quality products for less money will not detract from the joy of the celebration. You can make it work using economic skill, and physical effort, rather than just throwing money at it to make it happen easily.
The Two of Cups in the Outcome position indicates that you’ll be loved and cherished for your efforts, and a wonderful time will ensue for you and your loved one(s), so it will be worth every second of the time and effort (and money) that you invest.
End of Tarotscopes.
The cards used in these tarotscopes are from The Tarot House Deck – designed and painted by me, Patricia – and you can buy them HERE
As a Pisces, the cards for May are interesting ! It is not a celebration my partner and I are looking at financing, but a special holiday, that we feel we deserve, as we have not had one for so long. The outcome (Two of Cups) indicates we will have a great time, so the investment might just be worth it ?
It will probably be a cruise, so if we don’t book till late, we will get a big discount. Thank you…
You’re very welcome! I hope you get it and enjoy it – you must let us know 🙂