To read your Simply Tarot Tarotscope for May 2020 scroll past the adverts and look down the page!
Hello! Here’s a quote from Confucius:
“It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you don’t stop.”
This fits in with my own thinking about the past month, and the emergence of the coming one. I had a mental image this morning of a crowd of people running a marathon – some surge ahead at first then fall back, those that started slowly can find themselves in front, and throughout the race the ebb and flow of energy, and effort, is seen to move from one person to another. Whether they are in it to win, or to just complete a personal goal, the key thing is to keep going at whatever pace they can. It is the same on a global scale today, under the present circumstance with this loathsome virus, and some people have started with passion and enthusiasm who might be waning right now, and those who were tremulous at first are being to get into their stride, of course it will change again, and who knows what will be achieved. If I were to describe the current times in tarot cards I would choose the suit of Wands. This suit is about undertaking ventures, having drive and capability, passion and enthusiasm, then lacking in motivation, losing the aim of it all, getting overwhelmed and tired. The Wands cards then encourage us to keep moving, keep working, to try and not give in to exhaustion. So, however you are feeling right now – don’t stop! Keep ‘doing’ no matter how slowly, or however weakly, because we might, just might, be near to reaching our goal, and everyone is part of this team.
If you are new to these Tarotscopes, these are genuine tarot readings, written by me, based on the twelve star/zodiac signs. Scroll down the page to find yours and feel free to share them with your friends. They are free to read and are available each month at Also for FREE you can choose your own tarot card each day through our automated tarot ‘Card of the Day’ system HERE – only once a day though! Each punchy message will help you to keep going. And don’t forget to like our page on FACEBOOK and join our community there!
Keep healthy, keep sane and keep safe.
Patricia x

Temperance, Four of Wands, The Star, The Magician
Balance is what you should look to in the coming month, according to Temperance. Generally, this card would indicate the need of more emotional input, as opposed to logic, in order to deal with a specific situation – in other words, try not to solve all problems using just the head without the help of the heart. However, in the current situation, this card could be indicating that there needs to be a balance of a different kind – if you are working hard then focus more on proper rest when you can; if you are at home, you might be feeling the pressure of having to do ‘everything’, in which case you might need to decide what tasks are truly important right now and/or try to get help with them when you can. Whatever is top-heavy, at the moment, needs to be balanced with the opposite.
Having said that, the work you have been doing has been having a very positive effect, so well done! The Four of Wands is a celebratory card which represents your efforts now beginning to show positive results, and this indicates a good, solid, foundation which is strong enough to build on. So now the groundwork is done, pat yourself on the back and ease into cruise mode – don’t stop – but you might not need to put so much effort in, throughout May, in which case you should find a way to recharge your energy levels.
The Star might be indicating that you are feeling some despair at your current situation and that you could be in quite a ‘dark’ place. You may feel that what you are doing is worthless and achieving nothing, but that is not true. It is important for you to continue just now, even though you can’t see what impact your efforts are having, just believe that they are. Have faith in yourself and what you do, keep your eyes on the bright Star of hope and soon you’ll be out of this darkness.
The Magician has appeared to let you know that changes are afoot. You might have to choose a new path to follow, but there is no clue of where this path will take you. However, the Magician lets you know that you have all the skills you need, within you, to tread this new path successfully and find your way. All these cards are asking you to do is to believe in yourself, be confident and keep doing what you are doing – a bright new future is likely to be ahead, though it might not seem so at the moment, and you won’t want to miss out on your next exciting adventure.

Queen of Pentacles, Queen of Cups, Ten of Swords, Page of Pentacles
The cards are wanting to let you know that you are doing really well right now. The Queens have appeared to let you know that your mastery over your situation is prevailing, and the capabilities you have are your key to success. The Queen of Pentacles is letting you know that whatever service you are providing, whether to family or to other people, is having the desired impact. You are more than capable of providing the care and sustenance they need to survive, and what you bring to them is invaluable. This is a huge achievement and even if you are finding it hard, or a thankless task, this card is giving you the boost you might need to keep going.
The Queen of Cups has appeared to let you know that you are very much loved and appreciated. You don’t need to work hard to be attractive or approachable to other people, they are drawn to you naturally. Every now and then we have to embrace the Queen within and treat her with the respect she deserves, so pamper yourself occasionally (especially related to water – baths for example) to restore your confidence and calm. Remember this on any dark days you have. You are a key person in peoples’ lives. Your love is needed.
We are all in a difficult situation at the moment, but in terms of your life the Ten of Swords indicates that a particularly painful situation is about to come to an end. This is likely to bring a lot of relief in some ways, but there could be an element of sadness that this ending might bring. Try to look to the future now – as the void that is left from this ending will be filled with something bright and new. Don’t look back, and keep yourself together till it arrives.
The last card, the Page of Pentacles, is likely to be letting you know that throughout all of this you are learning. You are beginning to make sense of some things that eluded you in the past, and you could be searching for solutions to help you grow further – especially in understanding. This card advises learning, through any means, and at every opportunity you can, is a key requirement for you at the moment. Whether it is research online, through books, or some other way, be alert to the things that are grabbing your interest just now because it is important to learn what you can about it. This will bring its own rewards in time.
Taurus is the current birthday zodiac sign so here is your extra ‘Birthday Card’:

Ace of Wands
Happy Birthday to you all! Your birthday card is the Ace of Wands! This means that you have passion, motivation, determination and drive available to you at the moment. You might find that an opportunity arises for you to take on a new venture – maybe one which has the capacity to make money in the future – or you might start planning for a move, or start organising a holiday, but this is the month that will give you the chance to take on something exciting. You are certainly ready for your next adventure and the energy is strong around whatever is tugging at your interest – look into it and start working at it because the energy is available to get working on it right now!

Nine of Wands, Knight of Pentacles, Page of Wands, Page of Swords
It is most understandable that at this stage of the current situation you are tired and exhausted. Whether at home, or on the front line (as it were), you might have a time where you feel you have nothing left to give and, perhaps, that the easiest thing to do would be to give up, but as I stated in the opening paragraph of this page, don’t stop – keep going no matter how wearily you move – you are nearly there. You will have to try to dig deep for this last, and very necessary, surge to reach the finishing line. You can do it.
The Knight of Pentacles has appeared to let you know that you are very good at paying attention to detail, even to the point of being pernickety, but this is what is required right now. Being pedantic, and even boring, in getting the detail spot on is what will achieve the best outcomes for you. The key message here is to not be slapdash about the tasks you are given – even if you don’t understand what the outcome is supposed to achieve – the important thing is that you do it well. Trust that this will become clear at some future date, but understand that everything you do this month is done for an unseen but probably higher purpose than you can imagine.
The last two cards are both Pages. Often the Pages are associated with some news or a message of some sort. Sometimes they appear to represent younger people in your life. The two Pages we have in this reading are the Page of Wands and the Page of Swords. The Page of Wands could represent a task at hand which you are not fully conversant with and you could make a mistake, and so, if this is the case, it is best not to rush into anything without some careful consideration and possibly some advice. The Page of Swords could be representing a mis-communication, or a misunderstanding of some sort either by you, or someone else. Generally, Pages can indicate a less than mature understanding of the issues at hand and some care might be needed in interpreting deeds, or words, in the coming month, so that you don’t appear to be reckless, or naïve in certain circumstances. These cards seem to be endorsing what the Knight of Pentacles said – be very careful in what you do, and how you do it. This could help you navigate any tricky passages.

Ace of Swords, Ten of Cups, Six of Pentacles, Knight of Swords
The month of May could see you either searching for a new approach/attitude to life, or you might develop one anyway. The Ace is a card which has a high energy around what you believe in, and/or the need to find the answers to life in a way that suits you better as you develop. Often this can bring challenges in the sense that your change in attitude could affect the people round you who might not fully understand the change in you or ‘where you are coming from’. Sometimes this can cause conflict. All this means is that you should be aware of the impact you have on other people around you, and to be careful about how you approach them in current situations – they will not be expecting this ‘new’ you and may not understand your change in attitude to things.
The Ten of Cups, however, seems to indicate that your relationships are pretty rock solid at the moment, and that those that love you will meet you half way, even with any changes in your beliefs. The Ten of Cups in general is a very positive and optimistic card which should give some comfort that all will be well in these particularly trying times, so hang onto this and know that you are loved.
Another delightful card is the Six of Pentacles, which usually represents some sort of gift or bonus for you. Not only will this bring the relief and help you currently need, but the generosity of the giver will restore your faith in life, and people, in general. Make good use of it though, as these opportunities rarely arise and so it would be a shame to waste the chance to improve your situation financially.
There may be something which sparks enough passion to make you want to get on your charger and go into battle to sort it out! The Knight of Swords represents a person, who could very easily fling themselves into conflict without actually knowing what they are fighting for. Unfortunately, this Knight does not always inform himself of all the details of a given situation, and charges in, willy nilly, only to end up looking foolish. This card advises that you look carefully into any issue that fires up your passion, and to inform yourself of the truth, not just to accept what you’ve been told. This way, you could save yourself a lot of trouble, and a lot of unnecessary conflict, so do listen to this Knight’s advice and go carefully, especially if this issue has caused you some anger – there are plenty of battles you really don’t need to fight, so save your energy and armoury for the ones you might need to take part in.

Eight of Swords, The Emperor, The Tower, Nine of Cups
The Eight of Swords mainly represents the feeling of being trapped in a given situation and avoiding a decision which would open it up and get it resolved. It is no surprise that this card has come out for the month of May. Whether you’re at home, or out working in essential services in the current times, it would be easy to understand why you feel trapped. You may not feel the decision to change anything is in your hands – it is very likely that it is not. So the question is how would you overcome this feeling? The Emperor is a very strong – sometimes domineering – character and perhaps he has the answer. The Emperor has all that he desires, he oversees his own domain and his own people. He is a ruler with unlimited power. He can be protective, understanding and incredibly supportive, but with the power he has at hand he can also be domineering, bullish and arrogant. This card often comes out when a choice of behaviour is the key to solving a difficult problem. You can choose which kind of Emperor to be – protective and kind, or bullish and demanding – and you would be surprised at the different outcomes depending on the attitude you adopt, so choose carefully.
The Tower brings an all change scenario. Sometimes this can be a shock and you could feel like the rug has been pulled out from under your feet. The Tower, however, comes to level everything and to give you an opportunity to build a new Tower (your life and/or attitudes/expectations) to a much higher standard which can endure against future destructive forces. So, should something happen to change the way your current life is, this is the time to rebuild and restructure your life, to improve the areas in which you were exposed as fallible and vulnerable. The Tower brings such changes at the right time for growth, and it is better to accept it as such and work with the opportunity.
However, the Nine of Cups, brings a lot of relief in terms of it being a hugely positive card with regards to family and relationships in particular, which is great news. This card also recognises the hard times and endurance experienced over the years which has honed these relationships into dependable, and loving, ones – this is a blessing indeed. So, try not to get too bullish (The Emperor) and use your strength to make your loved ones feel protected and secure, because this will be the time they need it the most.

Four of Pentacles, Ten of Wands, Page of Swords, Five of Swords
May could bring some options that might need careful consideration. As the current Covid 19 situation starts to bite, you could be asked to make some decisions on the financial front. These could be in terms of your income but possibly as to how to make your money work the best for you. Either way the Four of Pentacles is a card which urges you to not necessarily be too ‘risk averse’ with your finances. Whilst it is a good thing to be careful over any decision affecting your financial capability, you should also consider what you could gain from any new opportunities, or by using your money in a more productive way than you normally would. In other words, whilst it is good to be careful with money, sometimes opportunities to improve your situation could pass you by if you absolutely refuse to take a chance occasionally.
The Ten of Wands suggests that you might have too much on your plate to deal with at the moment. Whether you are still working, or under lockdown at home, you could easily be overwhelmed with what you are being asked to undertake. It might be time for you to prioritise certain tasks, to offload some to other people, or to admit there is something you can’t currently attend to. You are an important contributor to your surroundings and you are needed – perhaps it is necessary to delegate some of your tasks and get some relief so that you don’t feel tempted to just ‘give up’.
The Page of Swords could represent a person around you who has not really reached maturity yet, or it could be that you have recently changed your views/attitude to something and this could lead to you being misinterpreted, and to having your words blown out of proportion. Either way, some careful listening/speaking skills are needed so that any misunderstandings don’t develop into difficult situations.
It is likely that, just now, challenges are not only more frequent but possibly more intense. Should this happen you will need to decide which challenges you should take on and which you should walk away from. The Five of Swords advises you that you don’t have to sort everything out all the time. There are times you can let things go. This doesn’t mean you will have given in, or lost the war – it is simply that there are challenges worth all your effort, when the time is right, and there are some that will just be a waste of your energy and resources. Your task will be to sort which is which.

The Emperor, Two of Wands, Two of Cups, Three of Wands
The Emperor is a strong character who can turn out to be a dependable ally or a formidable foe. This might be someone in your sphere (perhaps a father figure) or this card could represent your own attitude just at the moment. Either way, this card represents a person having quite an authoritative position in a particular situation. Watch out for whether this person, or yourself, is the protective and dependable Emperor, or the domineering force that his power unleashes. A person with such authority should use their power to be assertive not aggressive, to be confident and firm, maybe, but not bullish. However, this could be someone, or yourself, who is needed, this coming month, to stand firmly and protectively at the ready, when needed, and the authority needs to be used gently not aggressively.
It is likely that there is a project, or idea, which has shown signs of great potential for you recently and which now, according to the Two of Wands, is gathering some pace. So it is worth pursuing this idea/venture a bit further whilst the opportunity is there, this card says the time is right.
The Two of Cups of has shown up to indicate that relationships are taking on a more intense energy than before. Perhaps this is because of the current situation, but the good news is that there is a special bonding which is gaining traction. Ultimately, it is relationships which bring most pleasure and comfort in life, whether money is an issue or not, so this card is encouraging you to continue in the same vein as you have been, because this bonding is a good thing and should be fostered.
Also this month, the Three of Wands indicates there will be some manifestation of a particular achievement which will be put down to your hard work and all your efforts. It is early days yet and so more work is necessary if you wish to build on this. However, when this accolade comes, pat yourself on the back for a job well done and knuckle down to it again. It is likely that you can take a bit of a rest and you should probably celebrate, because, yes, both are well deserved!

Knight of Wands, Nine of Cups, Eight of Swords, The Hermit
Of course you want to get on your horse and ride off on a new adventure! The current situation is likely to be making a lot of people feel like running away or doing something new or different. However, the Knight of Wands is rarely happy as he never settles down in one particular place. This brings its own issues, because he is always on the move and never gets to appreciate anything for any length of time. So, whilst you might be feeling fidgety at the moment it is probably best to look at the lovely things you already have rather than pining for something ‘new’ or more exciting, there are probably many things that might be taken for granted, right now, and not valued at their true worth.
It would seem, from this card, the Nine of Cups, that your relationships do have much to offer you. This card highlights the hard work and endurance that you, and your loved ones, have experienced over time and there are bonds that cannot be broken because they are so strong. This is a really positive card and it can often come out just as ‘good news’ in general, so the chances are that very soon you will be feeling a whole lot better about everything – hang on in there and try to relax.
The Eight of Swords could be indicating that there is some sort of an issue which needs to be tackled; whatever it is, you should understand that it is this issue that is making you feel ‘trapped’. If you don’t tackle this situation now it is likely that, in time, it will only worsen – if you wish to move forwards in life perhaps you should try to get this sorted out, the freedom afterwards will make you feel like a different person.
The Hermit is a card which comes out when a period of inner reflection is needed, and some quiet, personal, time is healing. Sometimes we forget our original goals, and we can’t see the light that used to shine brightly within us. It’s times like these when we need to remember what we were originally searching for, what we wanted to achieve, and where we were heading. You might be surprised to find that you have achieved all that you wanted to, or you might find your needs have changed over time. The Hermit advises you to find that light deep within you again and let it shine it out so other lost souls can find their way. Perhaps that is your purpose just now – to be a beacon for those who need some help.

Six of Wands, Justice, Four of Wands, The Hermit
You are likely to feel very pleased that your hard work and effort will, at last, be paying off for all to see. People may have doubted that you could work through this, but the Six of Wands indicates that results are manifesting in ways that are clear to everyone. This card is usually the one which portends signs of a significant achievement. Well done!
This is endorsed by the card Justice. This card comes out when you feel you need to be acknowledged, and recognised, for everything you have done and the sacrifice and energy you have expended on your work. It is likely that this card has appeared to advise that, if you can persevere a little longer, with careful consideration and rationality, then Justice will prevail and you will receive the accolade you deserve. Keep steady, and keep moving forward. Soon, hopefully, your behaviours and efforts will be recognised and applauded.
The third card in this reading is another Wands card congratulating you on all your efforts. This time the Four of Wands is letting you know that your hard work has formed a solid, and enduring, foundation to build upon. You might be ready to take a little rest and celebrate your achievement, but use this time well so that you are ready to knuckle down and continue to build on your success.
The Hermit adds his voice to the suggestion to rest and take some time. This rest, should include a soul search through meditation and reflection, to find your own light again before you will be ready to get back into the fray. Sometimes, it is easy to get distracted by all that is happening around you, and it is especially easy to forget who the real you is. The Hermit advises taking some quiet time to go deep within your SELF to find your original light, to find out what your original goals were and why – do you still need to work on these? You might be surprised to find that you have achieved more than you thought, and now could be the time to set some new goals to help you focus on which path you now need to follow.

Six of Pentacles, Ace of Cups, Seven of Pentacles, Three of Wands
The Six of Pentacles suggests there could be a gift or bonus coming your way due to the largess of someone around you. This should not only give you a boost financially, and help secure your financial situation, but it will also restore your faith in human nature and people in general. Make the most of it since these things don’t often happen. This could get you off to a good footing, financially, for the foreseeable future, if used wisely.
Your emotions could be pretty intense this coming month, according to the Ace of Cups. This would be totally reasonable given the present circumstances, and if you are ready for it to happen you can be ready to roll with them and optimise that energy. The energy that these emotions produce can be very easily directed to projects or ventures of a loving/caring nature, and this in turn may open doors to new relationships too! So go with the flow and don’t waste those loving vibes.
At the same time the Seven of Pentacles suggests you might be faced with a decision to do with your work or income. This might cause you some conflict as you consider what will be best for you to do. If you look back over previous choices, and experiences, and their outcomes, it may help you determine what might work this time, and what won’t. Doing this should ease the process of making the right choices for you this time round – this is what learning and growth from past experiences is all about.
The Month of May could bring just the signs you need that you are on the right path. The Three of Wands generally indicates that you will receive some sort of acknowledgement, or accolade, for work you have been doing. This should give you the encouragement you need to carry on, since it is still early days in terms of the venture you are currently pursuing. However, it would seem you should congratulate yourself on how far you have already come with regard to this project, so treat yourself, and be proud. Well done!

Four of Swords, Justice, Knight of Swords, Nine of Swords
The Four of Swords in this tarotscope would represent a need for some rest, recuperation and time for healing after a recent trauma. An holistic approach to both body and soul is probably needed and it is necessary to get yourself back on track. Take some time to apply balm to your feelings; perhaps meditate to find some answers, and, most importantly, rest and feed your body with the fuel it needs. Trauma creates adrenaline in the body which sometimes can’t find its way out, and so some gentle exercise or physical effort can provide the outlet it needs. But be gentle on yourself just now.
You seek some acknowledgement, or recognition, for something you have recently undertaken or experienced, this could be either on a personal level or a legal level. The card, Justice, advises that, going forward, you should think reflectively and rationally around any decisions you have to make or any actions you have to take. If you can do this then Justice will prevail.
Perhaps the current situation with the Covid Virus is making you itch to be out and ‘doing’. The Knight of Swords is likely to represent some need to be sorting something out, or having a more proactive approach to a situation you are currently experiencing. This Knight however, can sometimes charge into a conflict without the right knowledge/information and find himself in a battle he doesn’t need to be in. Steady that horse and find the place where you are needed the most.
The Nine of Swords is a card which would try to remind us that things can seem much worse by constantly thinking about them, than they are in reality. Sometimes destructive tendencies can come about through feelings of fear, grief or guilt and we can find ourselves struggling in the dark. Remember that this is not necessary, as things are unlikely to be as bad as you think they are. Refer back to the first card in this reading and take time to give your body, and soul, some peace and love. Once you have done that the rest will follow and your positivity will rise once again.

Ace of Pentacles, Page of Swords, Nine of Swords, Nine of Pentacles
There is likely to be a lot of energy around either your home life or a new opportunity around finances and income. When this energy is around it always make sense to make as much use of it as possible. In other words it is an optimum time to grow ideas, try something new and to be open to new jobs, projects, or even a new business. Only you will know in what respect this energy manifests itself – it might be in trying a new skill which could open up a way to make money, or it could be using physical energy to literally ‘get your house in order’ or to get organised in a way you’ve never been before. Which ever it is you will benefit greatly from utilising this excess energy.
The Page of Swords could indicate that someone around you, or you yourself, could be miscommunicating or misunderstanding things that are being said. This is due to some not ‘fully formed’ thinking in a given situation. Just make sure that all communications are really clear and not open to diverse interpretations. This is because they could well get blown out of all proportion, and this can be avoided with a bit of careful consideration.
Your mindset could find itself in a self-destructive phase which will be of no help to you (Nine of Swords). Sometimes things happen which can leave us with feelings of fear, guilt or grief and our imagination can run away with such feelings. We can often think our way into a dark place, and get stuck there, when in fact things are not that bad in reality. Bite the bullet and speak out. Ask for help – nobody will think the worse of it, in fact they may be more than ready to help. You don’t need to suffer in this way, it is not necessary to blame yourself to this extent.
On a very positive note the Nine of Pentacles suggests that in terms of home and income all will be very well. This is a hugely happy and successful card and often comes out as a ‘good luck’ or ‘good news’ card, so enjoy it. In many ways, it would seem, you should have all that you need to make you happy – whether it is a lot, or a little, and in such difficult times this is a blessing indeed.
End of Tarotscopes.

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