Hello! Welcome to the Tarotscopes for May! Scroll down to find your star sign and read what the cards want to tell you.
I was delighted to read my own tarotscope this time – I’m a Gemini – I have been working hard on a project just recently and I have been learning new skills. In fact my brain has been on a roller coaster this past month or two.
If the Queen of Pentacles and The World are right (and I hope they are!) it might just pay off – in fact you might hear about it in the next couple of weeks but I’m keeping quiet for now……….keep your eyes peeled – it is tarot related!
I hope these tarotscopes can help you navigate your way through the merry month of May and help you grab those opportunities and skirt the traps on the way – life is too short to keep falling into the same old pitfalls.
Stay safe and good and I hope the Spring brings you happiness and success in all things.
Best wishes,

The Ace of Wands represents the start of a new project or undertaking – this could be a hobby, a new idea for a business, travel or moving to a new home. At the moment, whatever this might be, the project is in its infancy – possibly just a thought or vague idea. The message of this card is to let you know that there is a lot of energy from the Universe, around, to help with this new project. So, if an idea or a concept has grabbed your attention then now is a good time to put some real application into it if you want it to succeed.
The Seven of Swords and the Ten of Swords do imply that there is a situation which you are finding quite difficult at the moment. The Seven of Swords would indicate an amount of manipulation going on with regards to this issue – either by you or the other/s involved. If it is you, then you should consider where this is appropriate for the situation, because it could make it worse. The Ten of Swords indicates the end of a cycle, so this issue might well be coming to a conclusion soon, regardless – however, if you wish to come out of this looking reasonable, and with your integrity intact, then don’t fall into the trap of misrepresenting the facts, or yourself – honesty is the best policy.
The Hanged Man indicates that you might want a particular situation sorted out sooner rather than later, but the truth is you can’t make things happen the way you want them to – in fact the more you push and pull to get the solution you want could make it worse for you. The best way to handle this is to just submit to patience and wait for things to develop as they should. Once you relax off the whole issue you will find some relief on a personal level at least. Be patient – perhaps it would serve you better to direct your energies toward this new project that is emerging than to hang onto old issues – it is possible that this is going to be more relevant to your future than this overhanging problem has ever been. Perhaps it is time to just let it go and head in to your next adventure.

Get your brain in gear this coming month, take a deep breath, and focus on what needs your attention and brain power right now. You need to work on any projects or ventures you are involved in if you want to get things moving.
The Ace of Swords indicates a shift in your perceptions of the way things ‘have always been’ and you might feel there is something better. You could find yourself searching for an alternative way to approach your life. You could be seeking clarity about a particular situation, but not be sure how to go about it. All the while this could be a distraction from what really needs to be done.
However, the Four of Wands is indicating that, in fact, something you are working on, which is still in its early stages, is beginning to show signs of real progress. Unfortunately, the Seven of Wands suggests that, actually, you have lost your motivation for this project and feel pretty bored about the whole thing. Perhaps this is why your mind is wandering – you are looking for some excitement or an easy solution to a sticking point. The Truth is this project could be just the thing that will bring exactly what you need into your life, and right now you have two choices – one is to let your boredom overcome you and the project fade into nothing, or to get yourself together and work at it. The Four of Wands would have no hesitation in advising you to work at it – and soon you’ll see signs of its success – so keep working at it.
Perhaps, just for this coming month, let all the other things that are frustrating, or niggling you, roll over you so that you can concentrate on the most realistic solution to your boredom – your current project. If you can remember how excited you were about this project at the beginning it might kickstart your passion into action. Once you are back on it you’ll be surprised at how excited and engaged you are again – not to mention the progress you’ll achieve in your project.
But read on because Taurus is the birthday month and you get an extra card!
Here it is:
The Eight of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles is a lovely card to get because it indicates that financially things are on the up. It is a card which represents getting to a stage in life where your income and security is becoming more and more established and comfortable. But you could have more – if you are willing to work at it – and the way to do this is to add to your skill set. It doesn’t have to be anything big like a college course, or a degree (though if this suits you, go for it!), it can simply be learning about a new aspect of your employment, if you have a job, or learning something that would give you an edge over other people like public speaking, or managing finances. In fact, if you take this card’s message into account with your tarotscope, above, it might be suggesting that there is something you need to learn to get your project going again – and if you learn it then this card could be indicating great success in terms of money. Regardless of what happens we hope your Birthday was/is a happy one!

It looks like a powerful and successful month of May for the Geminians of the world.
The Queen of Pentacles represents being in a wonderful position in terms of your income and home comforts. This card indicates being able to address all the needs of you and your loved ones – your ability to control your finances, and, more importantly, how to increase your income is made clear by this card. This Queen does not take money for granted and will certainly not spend on people who don’t deserve it. She’ll protect her own and is generous, but she won’t throw money at any old thing. Perhaps she is reminding you to keep aware of how to use your money, and to maximise its potential rather than taking your eye off the ball – there may well be something that is ready for your attention which has possibilities.
You might find that a young person around you needs your help and can bring something of their own to your table. The Page of Wands could also indicate that a project, though still in its infancy, is starting to take off. His message would be to listen to people who have good advice to offer about their own experience – and it would be useful for you to know. He would also advise you to take things slowly – don’t rush, or be rash.
The King of Wands has appeared to show you that you have, and will continue, to master new skills with regard to any ventures or undertakings. He would also remind you that your drive, effort and passion will take you far. He also is likely to be indicating the above mentioned project is worth working on and he has no doubt you can grow this into something amazing – that is what he would do.
This is endorsed by the card The World, which indicates that all your hard work looks set to pay off in every respect. You have learned and mastered the skills you need to be a success in life and you might be about to learn what that means. With continued effort and application to your work/projects you should start to reap the rewards for all your effort you have put in and bring your project to a successful completion.

It looks as though there will be some major changes for you in the coming month. Three Major Arcana cards indicates happenings that will have a significant impact on your life going forward.
In conjunction with the other cards the Death card could represent the end of a recent way/phase of life, with the prospect of new developments and openings as a result. The Ten of Swords also indicates a phase or cycle coming to an end – it might have been painful and, in some respects, it could well be a relief now that it is over – whatever it might be.
The important thing now is to look at the new opportunities that will appear now that the way is cleared.
Firstly, Temperance calls for balance. It is important to stop, from time to time, especially at the end of a phase, to closely examine the path that you followed – you will see where it took you, what you achieved and what you have learned along the way. You will see how far you have come and perhaps understand that going forward you might need to do things a little differently. This would also be a good time to pat yourself on the back and tell yourself how well you have done to have come this far a little wiser and a little more experienced. You are here, you are still thriving and striving -and perhaps it is time to get serious about you want out of life now.
However, you might make plans and have specific intentions on where you want to go right now, but The Wheel of Fortune card represents an unexpected change coming from ‘out of the blue’ – this could be a total surprise to you – hopefully pleasant – and you should be ready to take on this whole new adventure with passion and drive. Whatever it might be The Wheel is about to give you the chance to do something very new and very exciting – but it will be up to you to take this opportunity and give it your all, or you can let it pass you by without a thought, but that would be a shame.

You may have had a hard time of it, personally, over the recent past and now it is ‘over’ perhaps you should take some time to recuperate and rest and get yourself together again. The Four of Swords advises that the importance of looking after yourself should not be understated and that in doing so you will be able and ready to move forward in a strongly positive way.
The Death card indicates that, in one aspect of your life, a phase might well come to an end. Whilst this can sometimes bring an element of pain – because of the loss of something familiar, or something you desired, like a job or a close relationship, always must cause a pang in some way – it does mean that the way is clear for new starts, and different opportunities. It will be up to you to be ready and willing to try these new paths and what’s more, you can make this new journey much better than the last one. Life is not a rehearsal, this is real, we need to get the most out of it each day and experience it in the best way we can.
The Knight of Swords, however, advises care in how you approach challenges this month; try not to rush into a situation without knowing your stuff! This Knight acts first and thinks later – often causing him embarrassment. Don’t be in a hurry to engage with, or succumb to a knee jerk reaction to, a challenge this month – take time to approach it logically and sensibly to achieve the best outcome for you.
The Eight of Swords could be indicating a separation of some sort from someone you care for – not necessarily in terms of romance – but it could be related to the way you react in a given situation – perhaps the one the Knight of Swords might represent. It could be that this card represents the possible outcome of your reaction to a challenge or conflict – and the Eight of Swords appearing could be giving you a heads-up on how you approach it. So, unlike the Knight of Swords, think of the ramifications of your actions and reactions first – know what the real issue is about – before jumping on your charger and careering into a conflict that could well be avoided.

There comes a time when something we really want is just not ours to have. Whether this is a person, a job or a dream house we must accept we can’t have it, pick ourselves up and carry on. You might not believe it, yet, but more often than not something much more delightful is waiting for you to claim it – but you have to move onwards to get to where it is waiting for you. This is what the Eight of Swords wants you to know. Walk away from that which is not available to you and head towards what is truly the best thing for you.
The Knight of Cups could be indicating that a new romantic adventure is about to beckon and maybe this is what you need right now. It could just be a bit of fun but, hey, it could be the ‘One’ you’ve been looking for – you won’t know till you try.
You might find yourself a bit bored with the way you have approached life so far and find yourself looking for a new set of tenets to follow – at some point in our lives we start to question what we have been told is right and wrong, we start to have confidence in ourselves and want to get the most our of life. This can sometimes be unnerving for the people around us who are used to the way we are. But there aren’t any rules to stop us from searching for new ideas and concepts that might fit us better. The Ace of Swords represents a change of attitude and advises us to be careful about how we present ourselves with this new attitude – it can sometimes cause conflict with our loved ones. Be open and gentle with your communications, so that those around you can understand what’s happening and ‘get’ where you are coming from.
Overall, though, The World card stands above all this in a reading and suggests that May could well bring some amazing happiness and success. This is the most positive card in a tarot deck, and indicates that you have achieved a huge amount in recent times and that you should start reaping the rewards of all your hard work very soon. Look how far you’ve come – what you have already achieved – and, with The World card’s energy around you, believe in how much more you can have.

Regardless of how you feel right now, The High Priestess indicates that a new destiny is unfolding in the background which will take you to new heights. You won’t be able to see, or understand, what this destiny is, as yet , because you aren’t meant to – the time is not right. Be patient, things are moving in the Universe to align everything to happen at the right time and in the right place for you. This is probably a time when you should allow your intuition to guide you since The High Priestess’s energy is around you and you can make use of it. Pay attention, particularly, to anything that grabs your attention, and research into it because this might be part of the pathway to your new destiny.
If you have thoughts that you are not ‘worthy’ of good things (The Devil card) and feel that you have too many things that are ‘wrong’ about you then you need to make some change your mindset. This card advises you that the thoughts, as well as habits, that hold you back are the only things holding you ‘prisoner’ – not The Devil. To set yourself free from doubts and lack of confidence about yourself, accept that you’ve made mistakes in the past – everyone makes mistakes, and everyone feels silly about something they’ve done, or are doing – forgive yourself, and recognise this doesn’t define you – you are still evolving. You can control how you approach life and life will respond ‘in kind’. Clear the decks, hold your head up and head off into your new life of adventure.
The Two of Cups suggests that a new relationship is likely to develop into something more tangible. Whether this is a romantic or platonic relationship, only you will know. In either case this card is a positive one which indicates that this new relationship, in whatever form, could well bring a lot to your table.
As your ability to provide everything you need to live comfortably increases, the Eight of Pentacles appears to, not only pat you on the back for the great things you have achieved, but to give you a hint that things could be even better! There is a skill, or some knowledge which could really help you move into higher circles in terms of your earning capacity. It does not mean you have to undertake a huge college course, or attend University, but something to simply add to your skill-set that is currently relevant, learn about it and you will get noticed. Be alert to clues you are given or things that grab your interest – then brush up your knowledge on it and see where it takes you.

Big changes could happen for you in the coming month of May. The two Major Arcana cards in the reading are indicative of this.
Starting with the Two of Pentacles, though, this card suggests that there is a partnership on offer in terms of your work or business which could help in ways that would benefit you financially. Whether it is someone who can offer you financial help, or help out on a practical level to free you to work, or even someone who is ready to give you a promotion, only you will know. Grab this opportunity with both hands so that you can maximise its potential for your financial future.
As always, there may be some sort of issue or conflict which you could easily get involved in. The Five of Swords advises that, yes, you can expend plenty of time and energy on this issue, if you feel you must, but it also says there are times when it is better to walk away. You don’t have to win every battle to win the war; so think about whether it worth engaging with this issue and consider whether your energy and passion could be used for something much more worthy of fighting for.
Sometimes, something completely ‘out of the blue’ can happen which we find astonishing and which will, hopefully, change things for the better. This is what The Wheel of Fortune card represents – when the Wheel turns it is time for change and life will take you somewhere new. When this happens it will be down to you to make the most of any opportunities that come your way, be alert and research ideas or concepts that come to mind, because this is where the Wheel has taken you – if you just hang on to it for dear life, close your eyes and hope for the best, it can drop you wherever it wants to – which might not be where you want to be. So, yes, you can have some control when the Wheel turns – keep your eyes peeled and get ready to act.
The Magician card endorses this – a new path is likely to open up before you. The Magician does not tell you where it will lead, or what you will encounter along the way. But The Magician does tell you this – you have the power and the right energies around you to make this new journey an amazing one. He tells you that you have all the skills you need to do this perfectly, and that you can achieve great things – his special message is this, though, he believes in you more than you believe in yourself.
Trust your own magic – he does.

It looks as though May could very well be a ‘people’ month for you. Whether that is the physical demands of those around you, or the support that is available to you from them, only you will know. Alternatively these cards could represent you on a personal level.
The King of Swords indicates that in terms of your mental alacrity and approach to life you are masterful. However, whilst this is an amazing quality to have it is important to remember to not bury your emotions too deeply – this is one of the flaws of this King. He can be correct and knowledgeable in many things but can be harsh and abrupt in his delivery. He can also miss out on the delights of love and romance too, so perhaps he is advising you to allow some of your emotions to get involved.
The Sun indicates that everything should be happy and joyful this month and the energy of this card, around you, should help you achieve success in every project you undertake. When this happens it is important to be grateful for the wonderful things, and people, in your life and give thanks. It will also be a good time to try anything that you have developed an interest in – The Sun is shining its nurturing energy on you – helping things to blossom and bloom – so make use of it in a practical way.
The Hierophant indicates that you might find a Mentor helpful. You could be looking for some advice, or perhaps looking for a new belief system to help you make sense of life. Whichever it is, and whoever you turn to, make sure you don’t take everything you see or hear as the absolute truth and follow them/it blindly. Do your own research to find what is real and, more importantly, remember you can just take on the bits that suit you at the moment, and discard what you feel doesn’t fit – the King of Swords would know how to sift through this information and only take what would benefit him.
The Queen of Cups wants you know how lovable you are without even trying. However, she would also like you to pay attention to your own needs for a while, and pamper yourself – she may even be telling your to take in, or bathe in, water to help re-energise you. Sometimes we lose sight of the beauty within us and forget to recognise just how worthy of respect we are – she wants you to accept your beauty of heart, and soul, and allow yourself to emerge as the goddess you are – and to be proud of it!

The Six of Wands indicates that this coming month you will receive some validation about the success of a project you have been working on. This will boost your confidence and re-set your motivation and drive. Keep working at it because things are building nicely in terms of this endeavour.
The King of Swords has appeared to advise you that the best approach to tackling problems, and issues, will be through using knowledge, and logic. However, this card also advises that although this King is clever and knowledgeable (as well as experienced) he can also be somewhat harsh and emotionless in his communications – this can sometimes undo some of the progress he makes. A good balance between logic and emotions could take you much further.
You might find you have something to celebrate in May – this could be regarding some news about family, or close friends, (Three of Cups). Often it is an engagement, marriage, conception or birth of a baby which would bring much joy to many people. Whilst it is likely the news will come from someone else, it is possible that it could refer to you personally. Either way it will be a joyous thing.
Going forward, the Knight of Pentacles has emerged to give you some advice in advance. This Knight is the most successful and trustworthy of all the tarot Knights. He performs his duties with acute attention to detail and is always successful, despite the criticisms of him being ‘boring’ because of his dedication to the tasks he is given. His message would be to give your absolute attention to any projects you are working on at the moment – don’t leave anything to chance, dot all the i(s) and cross all the t(s) if you want to be successful and get noticed.

The Queen of Wands has appeared to let you know that you have the capacity to turn your hand to anything and do it well. Her message is that the more you try, the more you add to skill base and experience; in addition what you learn, and the skills you achieve, won’t ever go away – you will always have them. So, if there is anyone asking you to do something for them, or you are wondering whether you could ever (name your desire) – give it a go because the chances are the answer is YES you can!
This month the Ace of Swords suggests that, yet again, your perception of life, and your approach to it, is changing. You are looking at new territory and new ways to handle everything that comes your way. Every time you are willing to consider new concepts, ideas or ways of doing things, you are enabling new opportunities for yourself. In addition, this card suggests that your communication skills are being honed to a cutting edge and will be part of your excellent armoury.
The Ten of Cups is not only a card which indicates excellent family relationships and happiness, but good fortune and positivity in other ways too. It would seem though, especially, from this card, that your relationships are enduring, and enjoyable, and seem set to be so going forward – which is something to celebrate. In addition, with this card in the reading, it suggests that luck is on your side right now, and you should use it to the max in any way that you can. The Ten of Cups is one of the key positive cards in a tarot deck and that says it all.
Life is always going to bring its issues and conflicts, however. If a problem crops up for you the Two of Swords advises you to tackle it sooner rather than later. Be open, and honest, so that it can be sorted out well before it grows into something you feel you can’t handle. Chances are it will be a storm in teacup. Don’t let it become more than that – this is what is in your control.

The first three cards in this reading would indicate that there are younger people around you that call on your time a lot, or that some people around you have a less than mature attitude, and this might take its toll on you. If this is not the case then these cards might be referring to you personally and could help you find the right approach during the coming month.
Firstly, the Page of Swords represents miscommunication through a lack of knowledge or experience, regarding a particular situation/subject. So, the message here is to be clear in your understanding of what other people are trying to tell you and/or for you to be clear in what you are trying to say to them. This will save a lot of confusion down the line.
Secondly, the Page of Wands tends to want to rush ahead with ideas or projects without really getting to grips with what he needs to know first. The message in this card could be that a young person around you may need your advice (clear and concisely given by you), or you may need to listen to some advice, around a project or undertaking, whether you want to hear it or not. You’ll find, either way, that the advice will be relevant at some point in the future.
The Knight of Swords is also about the downsides of being hasty. This Knight will charge into battle without even knowing what the conflict is about. He is an act-first think-later kind of person and can find himself embarrassed by his own behaviour. The message in this card is clear – make sure you know what any conflict is truly about, and whether it is worth investing your energy, before you engage in it. You don’t have to fight every battle to win the war. Consider whether the fallout is going to be worth it.
However, in other news, the Ace of Pentacles is a card which heralds an opportunity which has the capacity to help you on a financial level. This could be a new job, a hobby which could turn business, a promotion or some sort of connection that will help with your finances in one way or another. It will be down to you to make the most of this and apply yourself to this new chance. We can often let good opportunities pass us by through lethargy – if you want to improve your financial situation you’ll need to be alert to any suggestions/ideas that come your way and put some effort and research into it before it can even begin to get anywhere.
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