Welcome to the Tarotscopes for May! Scroll down to find your Star sign and your reading!
Hello! Some of these tarotscopes have been difficult to write since the cards appear to show difficulties for a few star signs this coming month. However, for anyone who is struggling the tarot often has sound advice that might just help a little. Things won’t stay the same forever.
If you would like a personal reading, we have lots of talented Readers at our Simply Tarot Marketplace and you might be lucky enough to find one that won’t cost you any money!
Perhaps if we have some lovely spring warmth we will all feel a little happier! I do hope you have a wonderful month ahead regardless of the weather.

It would seem that, in some aspect, you might be feeling ready to give up. Taking all of the cards into account it would not be surprising if it referred to either relationships, or people-based conflict, in some way. The Nine of Wands is a card which represents the feeling of exhaustion and readiness to give up after constant work and effort. It is not really relevant as to ‘what’ situation is causing this drain on your mind, body and soul, but more a message to tell you that you are very close to this situation ending and to please keep going. Summon up any last vestiges of energy to continue to address this particular situation because you are nearly there! And you’ll be so glad that you didn’t give up and give in once it all gets resolved.
The Six of Cups could indicate that, in some way, you are turning your mind back to either a past relationship or the way a current relationship ‘used to be’. This card reflects a feeling of ruefulness or regret that things have changed. The inherent message in this card is to understand that any relationship must grow and develop, and the two people in it must be able to overcome the difficulties and to learn that growth happens at different speeds for different people. If things are a bit tough at the moment, it is no use longing for the ‘old days’ – they’ve gone – and the way forward for any relationship, is to be absolutely sure that both partners are moving forward and growing too (even if at different paces) but this is the key to it surviving.
The next two Swords cards suggests that a ‘personal’ conflict is not only still hanging over you but that you are having to ‘manage’ it by keeping calm, serene and patient. The Five of Swords represents a looming conflict with someone – however, it is important to remember that you do not need to engage in every argument – sometimes it is best to walk away. We have to decide whether a particular conflict is going to be worth the energy, heartache and physical toll that it can bring – even if you think you could win this you should consider whether the fall out from engaging with it is really worth the fall out. It is ok to walk away without any significant ‘loss’.
The Six of Swords indicates that you are eminently able to be patient in this situation – in that you know it is not ideal for you, but somehow you know that, in time – perhaps only at the right time – this will pass. Until then you are strong enough to carry on and wait for the best outcome for you. It is an admirable trait.

All these cards together indicate some difficulty at hand – very possibly with younger people or someone who is ‘not quite’ mature enough to deal with a particular situation.
The Page of Cups could represent this person in your life – someone who might be unhappy with their romantic situation, and desperately wanting to be loved. This is a card of reflection about their ‘self’ and a past relationship, and possibly the pain that came with it. They are likely to have lost confidence – however, the message in this card is about the naivety of this Page and how important it is to embrace, acknowledge and accept that this hurt happened – this will allow the healing to start, they must learn to love their ‘self’ first – and that by doing so they will find they are attracting new love interests.
The Five of Swords and the Two of Swords could indicate that it could be tricky managing this situation – it could create a little conflict. The Five of Swords would suggest that you don’t need to engage with every issue or argument (it’s ok to walk away from certain ones), however the Two of Swords suggests that avoiding this tricky situation might mean it might get harder to handle in the long run. In other words, this situation does need your attention although it is in your power to make things easier or harder for this person by your own attitude. Stay patient and understanding, show them your love and listen instead of trying to fix things – be ready to advise and help when they seem to be receptive to your guidance.
The Page of Swords indicates that this young person does not really understand about relationships yet – they may consider themselves an expert though (that’s typical immaturity)! They might come out with words, or actions, that could be misinterpreted or misunderstood causing upset to those around them. It is naivety again and lack of experience. Perhaps some gentle advice/guidance will help them understand what maturing is about – how it takes nurture and care on both sides to help relationships prosper. Patience and clarity is important – if you (or they) don’t really understand what someone is trying to say then this is how a situation could escalate.
If this scenario does not resonate with you then you may need to consider whether this is a reflection of your own feelings or thoughts about your relationships, or yourself. If so, there are many amazing self-help books that are inspiring, as well as empowering, if you feel you need some guidance yourself.
Read on, though, because you have an extra ‘Birthday’ card!! This is the Birthday Star sign.
Happy Birthday for whenever it falls and best wishes for the year ahead! Here is your extra card……

It is pretty likely that you are wondering how The Devil card can be a good one for your birthday!! Well, let’s see……..
Perhaps this card has come out for you this month because you need some reassurance about yourself. You might be holding yourself prisoner through your own thoughts and feelings. Perhaps you don’t feel ‘worthy’ of good things or that you are not good enough to achieve something you really want to do. This card has appeared to remind you that your own thoughts (or ego) can actually be a negative influence on YOU, at times. This image shows a woman on her knees being ‘controlled’ by The Devil. The flames around her represent her feeling trapped with no escape. But there are no chains binding her – her perceptions of the truth are not correct – she is free to escape as soon as she likes. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy – feelings of shame and guilt about our behaviours, or attitudes, can stagnate our progress. We lose motivation and drive, we stand still because we don’t have any confidence ourselves – we tell ourselves we are not ‘worthy’. Everyone in the world makes mistakes, everyone will make bad decisions at times or do something wrong. A lot of people just move on – they take the lessons learned and go forward. These people forgive themselves for the mistakes they made and don’t let their guilt and shame hold them back.
This card is to help you believe that you are worthy, that you can make changes to anything that makes you feel ashamed. You can forgive yourself for the mistakes you made. You ARE good enough – you just have to change your mindset and starting moving forward with your head held high. You are free to go wherever you want, whenever you want!! Enjoy YOUR next exciting year!

Firstly the Seven of Wands represents a boredom or lack of motivation in your work/business or project. You are likely to feel unable to tackle the issues it brings, and maybe even feel there is little or no point in you persevering with it. This can happen with most people half way through a project – the novelty and excitement wear off and, if there isn’t any progress to be seen, this is when ennui sets in. You need to get going again – and, in order to this, this card suggests that you look back and try to remember what it was that first excited you about this project – you probably had high expectations and envisaged huge success. This reminder of how you felt may well kickstart your energies into motivation again – further into the reading you will see that if you take this advice it might well happen.
It might be that, for a short time this month, things will not be very clear to you. The light of The Moon is not as bright as the sun and things that are normally easy to see are not as obvious. There is more information to come out soon that will make things much clearer, and you will be in a much better position to make decisions and move forward in the way you need to. Be patient for a little longer, perhaps it will be best to not make any major decisions just yet. Pay heed to your intuition right now, and follow your instincts, it might assist you in being ready to act when the dimmer light of The Moon passes through.
The Eight of Wands is a card which represents any hurdles or obstacles in your path being removed. Whatever has been keeping you ‘just treading water’ will no longer hinder you and you will be free to surge ahead once again. This card indicates you’ll be in an amazingly creative phase in which you will get so many things done; you’ll be motoring through your work with fantastic success – although this creativity could wear you out, you will be so productive you’ll not care one jot for how tired you feel!
In terms of your relationships, the Nine of Cups represents a truly happy time ahead – for the long term hopefully too! This card recognises the hardships and efforts you have had to deal with to get this far, but it also tells you that your relationships are successful, established and more importantly very rewarding! This is the time for you to sit back and enjoy all the love and happiness these relationships bring, so enjoy the love around you – you deserve it! Well done! In addition, the Nine of Cups tends to be a generally lucky and positive card all round – so hopefully this will bring all sorts of successes. Enjoy!

In this reading we have a card for each aspect of your life……….Swords – mental alacrity/logic, Cups – emotions/relationships, Wands- projects and endeavours and Pentacles – income/home.
The Page of Swords could represent an aspect of your life in which you need to be more informed and knowledgeable – this comes from the inherent meaning of the card which is that, because of being new to a subject, you might be saying, or doing, something which might show you are not clear in your understanding of it. This could cause some conflict even though none is intended. Be careful with your communications and make sure you are fully knowledgeable about what you are saying, otherwise you are likely to be misunderstood or misrepresented and this could cause confusion. Make sure you know your subject well.
You might find that a close acquaintance with someone turns into a real relationship this month. It is early days yet, but the Two of Cups represents a relationship developing from something ‘casual’ into something with real commitment. This is a lovely card and indicates a happy and exciting time in terms of romance – enjoy – and remember that, if you want this relationship to succeed, it will need to be nurtured by both of you. Relationships are a two way street, so you will both need to work with each other for the bond to grow further.
You might be feeling bored or lacking in motivation with regard to any projects, or tasks, you have undertaken. This is a natural dip that most people experience at some point with regard to their work. What was exciting at first becomes dull and uninspiring – especially when you can’t really see any signs of success or progress just yet. The Seven of Wands suggests that, to get yourself motivated again, you revisit the way you felt at the beginning of this project – the excitement, the confidence you had in yourself, the goals/aims you had and the success you envisioned at the start. Remembering how you felt might well kickstart your energies and drive once again – if you just let this pass it could fade into nothing and that would be a shame – you had everything going for you – don’t forget that.
You might find that, in terms of your income, things might feel somewhat uncomfortable – you may even be struggling to some extent. The Five of Pentacles is a card which prompts you to make some changes around what is really necessary to you and what isn’t. This card’s message is about adjusting your attitude towards what makes your life comfortable again and to take the pressure off yourself by not conforming to what ‘other’ people think you should have or do with your money. It is more important that you concentrate on it working in the best way for you – at this moment in time – eventually you will get to a better place.

The Two of Swords could indicate that there is an issue or conflict which you might have been avoiding. We often hope that if we ignore an issue it will just disappear – this card indicates that that is unlikely to happen. The message in this card, in fact, is that if you keep avoiding this problem it will only get worse – so take a deep breath and see if you can resolve it. It is likely that you have been avoiding it because you are not sure of all the facts/information regarding this issue. Find out what it is all about and the solution will come much more easily than you thought.
The next card, The Hanged Man, could indicate that if you do not tackle the issue above you could well find yourself in a situation that has little hope of moving on and there will be very little you can do to influence it. This card is a Major Arcana card and suggests that the issue at hand could have a significant impact for the future if not dealt with sooner rather than later. Even though you might feel afraid of confronting the issue it is much better to have some control over things – whereas if it is taken out of your hands you are likely to feel incredibly frustrated at being stuck in a situation over which you have no control at all.
In terms of income, the Five of Pentacles could represent some financial worry for you. However, the message from this card is that, should you adapt your expectations to your ‘needs’ rather than what other people think you should ‘have’ should help. This card is all about removing ourselves from the ‘status’ game and not worrying about the status symbols that are considered by other people as ‘success’. Focus only on what you need to make you happy and comfortable and your money will go much further.
However, the King of Pentacles suggests that it is very likely you are able to make your income work better. By managing your finances differently, applying for a better job, or proving that you are worth that promotion are just some possible ways of bringing in more money to help you to be truly independent. This card is reminding you that you have many skills and attributes that you could use to get a bit further ahead in terms of your work or income. This King indicates that there could be significant improvement in your financial situation with a bit of application – because it is likely he represents you in this reading.

It looks like a triumphant month is in the making for May!
Starting with the Six of Wands, this is a card which suggests signs of success should appear with regard to your current projects and undertakings! These signs will show everyone that your hard work is paying off and you are achieving what you hoped you would. Even those who doubted you will now have to admit that you can do this. Well done! You deserve this success, and you should be proud of all your efforts so far – there is still a way to go but there is little doubt you are onto a much more productive streak now!
The World, the most positive card in a tarot deck, endorses that you have everything you need to succeed. And not just succeeeding in your endeavours, but in every aspect of your life. In the image you see the couple have each of the symbols of each suit in the tarot deck – a Sword, a Pentacle, a Wand and a Cup – this means you have embraced, and know how to utilise, every skill you need to make a success of your life. This card indicates great things are on their way and they are well deserved. Well done! This card indicates that whatever you turn your hand to in May will be blessed with success.
However, the Strength card alerts you to the danger of becoming too proud and demanding in the wake of this great success. Pride comes before a fall – as the old saying goes – whilst things are going well for you remember that the ‘fall’ might only be one action away. This card alerts you to be careful of getting carried away with yourself, and to remember that a gentle approach (to anything) is usually the best approach – that way you are not likely to fall off your pedestal and break your pride!
The Emperor could be endorsing this advice too, because of his power and influence he can either be a amazing ally or a formidable foe. It is likely that this card has appeared to remind you that your success could well put you in a prominent situation (even if it just that way with family and friends) and that you could be viewed as either of the two above aspects of The Emperor. This card would hope that, as such an influential person, you will adopt the personable Emperor to emulate rather than the domineering one. However, this card could represent someone around you – a father figure or someone with authority – who could help you out right now. If this is so, then don’t delay asking for their help as this person could be really useful, but they could well move on before you get the chance to ask.

There are some significant cards in the reading for May for Librans.
The first card, Justice, indicates that you should soon learn the outcome of a recent ‘decision’ about something in your life. It could be a legal situation which concludes in your favour, or it might be that something happens which indicates that your actions in a particular situation are found to be the ‘right’ ones. You will be shown some validation or ‘back up’ of your recent actions, and this should not only please you, but could also take a weight of your shoulders since this is something you might have been worrying about for some time.
The Queen of Swords is not quite as significant as the other Major Arcana cards, but she may have appeared to remind you to be alert, knowledgeable and to use your logical aptitude to sort out anything that you might be tasked with. This Queen is always ready and informed, she is able to take care of herself and can communicate well. Her only slight flaw is she sometimes hides her emotional side too well and people can often find her aloof or will not recognise when she is struggling inside. So, along with all her other attributes, just remember that to show your emotions, sometimes, is ok – in fact it is necessary, otherwise people will assume you are coping ‘just fine’ when you might not be.
Everything in life is cyclical – things cannot stay the same, good or bad – and the Death card is the card which indicates the end of a particular cycle. Often people assume it represents an actual death when mostly it doesn’t – it tends to represent the end of a situation (even bad ones, yes!). Some things are removed from your life simply because you have outgrown them and they no longer serves your purpose – things like a change of job which you enjoy, a relationship, lifestyle, home or even an attitude. You are entering a new phase, one which will bring you new aims and goals and achievements. Whether this new phase is successful, or not, remains to be seen – if you apply yourself to it having learned lessons from past experiences, successes and failures, you are likely to do well in this new phase.
The Chariot card, going forward, indicates it will be important to be in control on this new path. This card represents the push and pull of other forces on your own journey and how they can divert you from your chosen destination. This card advises that you decide on a clear way forward – one that you must stick with – and steer yourself strongly down that path. If you don’t keep a strong hand on the reins you could find yourself going round in circles at the beck and call of other people and events. Remember that your journey is just as important as anyone else’s. Your choices deserve to be recognised and respected too.

The Magician is a magical and exciting card to come out in a reading. This is because you have come to an important crossroads in your life, and this means your journey is progressing nicely. The Magician cannot help you decide which road to take, that is a decision only you can make – however, whichever road you do choose will hold its challenges and adventures. It is your own attitude and approach to this next phase of your journey that will make it enjoyable, or challenging. This is why The Magician appears. He wants to let you know that you have your own magic to make this journey a successful one. He gives you the message that you have all the necessary skills to traverse this road with courage, humour, intellect and love and that all of these will make the journey an amazing adventure – trust yourself, trust your own magic and head off down that new road with confidence!
The Queen of Wands endorses this advice. This Queen can turn her hand to any task or undertaking and puts all her efforts into it – and she always makes a success of it. Try new things, learn new things, try different approaches but just be confident enough to know that, despite mistakes, you can make it come good in the end – this is the Queen of Wand’s special skill, she never gives up and never lets things get the better of her. She always succeeds through her efforts.
On the relationship/family front we have a lovely card in the Nine of Cups. This is a celebratory card which validates your efforts and patience in nurturing your relationships. You have worked hard to establish your loving network of friends and family and now is the time to sit back and enjoy every aspect of it. Your relationships are established and flourishing thanks to all your efforts – now you can take time to bask in the love that surrounds you. Well done.
In terms of finances or income you might have to make a decision going forward. Whilst this might make you worry about the impact of any changes on your lifestyle, you should look to your past experiences to help you make the right decision. Only you know what works for you and what doesn’t, you know what takes priority in your life and you are likely to understand the impact these changes might bring. Look to the past to help you remember your goals and achievements, your successes and failures and these will help you to make the best decision for you at this time.

You might find yourself looking to grow an idea, or a project/venture that you are interested in. It might be that you need some sort of funding to help you on this first stage of development. Should you get the help you seek, then make ensure you make the most of it, since any further opportunities are likely to be few and far between – make this money work well for you. But it is not just money that will help this project grow – the Page of Pentacles knows that upgrading, or learning new, skills will make a huge difference to you and your ability to further this exciting endeavour.
You may find yourself very tired, exhausted in fact, with regard to something you are working on – you may feel like throwing the towel in and giving up – but don’t! The Nine of Wands is a card which indicates you are very close to achieving your goal. Just summon up the last vestiges of your energy to get to the finishing line – you are so close now, and doing that last little sprint will be worth the amazing feeling of achievement you will get, and, of course, the success will easily heal all the exhaustion and hurts you’ve acquired on the way.
It is not surprising that Temperance now appears in the reading after the Nine of Wands. To help you maintain the energy and strength to just get over that finishing line, which is not too far ahead, this card suggests you need some ‘balance’. If you are working too hard you will need the best sleep you can get – find ways to ensure this. If you feel lonely, talk to someone. Make sure you eat when you can and show yourself a little love. There is probably no time to stop and look back on how far you have come and what you have achieved but Temperance represents this. So take her advice, have confidence, believe you are doing really well, look after yourself and you’ll get to your destination very soon.
The Ten of Cups is an incredibly positive card which indicates relationships in your life are really established and going amazingly well. This is all down to you, and your efforts to make everything go smoothly. This card is also a lucky or ‘affirmative’ card that indicates a happy time ahead in a variety of ways which should please you. Enjoy.

The visual aspects of the cards in this reading really struck me. Of all the cards in a tarot deck the pattern that emerges from these cards is intriguing. Two Swords cards between two feminine influences who are dressed in the same colour with similar stances, doesn’t happen very often.
Swords are the suit of the element of Air, and it is also the suit of communication. Blue is the most common colour to represent communication too, and Justice holds up the Sword of Justice and binds both the Swords cards to her. We can’t see Air and The High Priestess represents a new destiny unfolding in the background – you will not see anything around that just yet – the time is not right.
The Two of Swords with the Justice card suggest that there may be an ‘outstanding’ issue which not only needs to be dealt with but is likely to come to a conclusion at some point soon. This situation, whatever it is, is not ideal for you but you appear to be ‘hanging in there’ pretty well according to the Six of Swords. In addition, The High Priestess seems to be indicating that there is something yet to unfold with regard to this situation.
There is a lack of emotion in these cards, which is unusual, and perhaps this is a message for you. Perhaps your approach to the situation (that these cards refer to) is a little top heavy with logic? Of course being clear minded and logical is a good way to approach some things, but perhaps, in this case, it has meant that the issue has not really been dealt with at all. The High Priestess may have appeared to let you know that things are developing in some way in the background, and perhaps you need to take note of your gut feelings and intuition right now, as these will be heightened. Pay attention to clues and signals that grab your attention and look into them as they might be relevant. Things are likely to become clearer as May progresses, but until then be as open as possible in your communications with others as this may be relevant to any decisions being made about you by others (as represented by Justice). That way, hopefully, any outcomes will be in your favour.

You are likely to be feeling exhausted at the moment, as a result of hard work and effort, with regard to your project or endeavour (according to the Nine of Wands). Though you may feel ready to throw in the towel, so to speak, this nine numbered card wants to remind you that you are incredibly close to the finishing line, so don’t give in or give up just now. Use every last inch of energy you can summon up to get yourself to the completion of this project – and see just how wonderfully well you have done. It will be so worthwhile – keep at it…….just for a little longer.
The Five of Pentacles suggests that you feel this isn’t going to work out and that the financial impact is too much – you might be losing confidence in your own abilities. However, this is likely to be temporary and if you can adjust your expectations to fit the budget then it is possible you will make it work to get to where you want to be. Your attitude to what you can manage with, or without, is something which might help you at this point. If you let your ‘outward appearance’ to other peoples’ expectations bother you then that will not help. Use your income on the things that you know you should prioritise at the moment to get you through.
There is likely to be an outstanding issue hanging over you which really could have been managed much more easily earlier rather than later. However, this issue could still get worse if you don’t tackle it soon – perhaps you just need to understand the issues around this situation a little better, as it could help you resolve it fairly easily.
The Knight of Pentacles, on the other hand, seems to have appeared to validate your efforts with regard to your work ethic. This Knight tackles each task by paying attention to each minute detail and making sure it is done properly. He does not cut corners or make assumptions, but applies himself fully to each task – and that is the secret of his success. Furthermore, he could represent achieving success at a fairly high rate now – since he is quite high up in terms of status in the Pentacles suit – your income may well start to improve fairly soon providing you keep applying yourself to the work like you have been.

The Page of Cups may have appeared to ask you to reflect on how you ‘feel’ about yourself. The inherent message of this card is about allowing past pain in a relationship to overpower how you feel about yourself. This card would advise you to accept that you’ve been hurt, acknowledge how it makes you feel but allow yourself to move on from it. It is important to understand that, sometimes, there is no justification for the hurt you have experienced and to understand that it shouldn’t define you. This card advises you to love yourself ‘as you are’. In order to attract new love and new relationships, the first step is to learn to love yourself first and foremost. This will allow your lovely confidence to shine through and attract the right people towards you.
It would seem, according to the Queen of Pentacles, that in terms of income you are likely to be in a good position financially – in that you don’t depend on anyone else for the money coming into your hands. Perhaps she has appeared to remind you that this financial stability will remain providing you apply yourself to maintaining your finances carefully. The inherent message of this card is that the Queen of Pentacles is more than happy to help out those she loves and who treat her with the same respect and love that she gives out. However, she is too careful to spend her money on those that she considers don’t deserve it. In other words – her advice is to spend money only on the things you consider ‘worthwhile’.
Are you ready for an adventure? When a Knight appears in a reading it usually suggests some sort of movement – this could be with regard to your home, travel, progression in a project or just trying out something new. Whichever of these things, if any, apply to you then the message from this card is the time is right. The energy is around you to do something new, or do something differently, and by embracing it and using that energy you really could get things going.
The Five of Pentacles, however suggests you might worry about the financial impact of taking on a new project or undertaking a new venture. This card could represent a loss of confidence in yourself and that is why you are wary of taking on anything new………in case it impacts your financial situation. This card asks you to consider this: if your finances are managed to fit your own expectations, and not the outward expectations of what ‘other’ people think you should have attained, or own, or possess right now, then anything might be possible. Your possessions are not the window to the truth of your soul’s desires. Adjust your finances to your own expectations and your own reality, but, without the spirit of adventure, what hope is there that you will find the hidden treasure? Perhaps it is time to make some changes, so that you do, at least, get the chance to look for it.
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