Tarotscopes for November 2016.
Hello! and happy Halloween/Samhain greetings to you all on this last day of October! It was fittingly spooky and misty here, this morning, setting the scene for Halloween and I couldn’t wait to get the Tarotscopes out to you for the coming month.
We had a busy weekend with a Halloween party for the grandchildren which I had to work around to get the Tarotscopes done in time.
This pumpkin was carved by my 3 year old granddaughter – it has an uncanny resemblance to me, ha ha!
The spookiness is not over yet, though. Many people find that reading the Tarotscopes towards the end of the month show how spot on they can be, so, if you want to check out how October’s was for you CLICK HERE. Just scroll down to find your zodiac sign and see what the tarot cards say November is likely to hold for you. Please do share them with your friends and family, and have a fabulous month ahead!
Patricia x
Seven of Pentacles~The Hierophant~Ace of Pentacles~The Devil

November will bring the need to look closely at your personal income and home life to make sure you are getting the most out of your money and your time and effort. It could be time to look at your financial situation and see how, and where, you can improve your income or lessen your expenditure. If you feel you are not sure where to begin, or what you should do to improve your situation, the tarot cards indicate that you might benefit from speaking to someone who can help you in this field. The Hierophant would represent someone who knows their subject well, or an advisor in financial aid to help you through a situation that you feel you need guidance in. It really doesn’t hurt to talk to someone who can give you valuable information that you might not be aware of, or who might be able to help you find the funds you need, a new job or great ways of budgeting. If you do this, it looks like there will be an upturn in your finances and the beginning of a better financial situation (Ace of Pentacles). The Devil, I feel, implies that you might feel ashamed to seek help in this area, indeed this card might represent the pride which has prevented you from seeking help in the past. Don’t let this happen to you right now, you really are in a position to get things moving with a little outside help, knowledge, and advice from someone ‘in the know’. Don’t let your own limiting beliefs discourage you from making big changes in your life – reach for the stars and if you need help, go get it.
Queen of Cups~Eight of Pentacles~The High Priestess~King of Swords

You must look to your physical needs this coming November month, as the Queen of Cups indicates a need to pamper yourself a little, to give yourself a pat on the back for all your hard work, and to find the time to embrace the beautiful and loving soul that you are, because this is a big aspect of how you achieve what you do. Successful though you already are, in terms of home/financial aspects (8 of Pentacles), there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to achieve even more. The High Priestess indicates that there may even be a hidden talent rising to the fore which you are not meant to be aware of just yet, as things are unfolding in the background for when you are ready. This is a time to believe in yourself, trust your intuition and open your heart to what the Universe might be offering you. Nurturing your personal needs will enhance your energy levels, and help develop that facet of yourself that you have not encountered yet.
This new ability/talent could be something that could prove productive for you in the future, providing you recognise the opportunity, and, more importantly, use your intellect and communication skills, to maximise what you can use it for (King of Swords), so be alert to the possibilities. In the mean time, it seems that nurturing yourself with a little tenderness, and self care, is likely to open up a whole new and exciting part of yourself – don’t miss out on what you are capable of.
Eight of Cups~King of Swords~Eight of Pentacles~Strength

It would seem that you are fast losing hope that a key relationship can be saved, it may be with someone who has played a big part in your life so far, but not necessarily on a romantic level (Eight of Cups). This is an upsetting thing for you right now, naturally, and you may be struggling to know how to deal with this. The King of Swords suggests that it will help to approach the situation with clarity of mind, intellect and good communication skills; to deal with truths rather than emotions; to be ready with factual information as, and when, the need arises. Cups and Swords suit cards together tend to highlight situations where there is a need to deal with issues with an emotional over intellectual approach, or vice versa. In your case, make sure you think things over carefully, and thoroughly, and only use facts rather than how you were made to ‘feel’ about this issue.
This matter does not impact your home life, however, because your current situation appears to provide most of the things that you need to make you happy (Eight of Pentacles), and this seems set to continue. The issue with the relationship, I feel, is sent to you to examine the way you handle emotive situations. The Strength card indicates that you must not steep yourself in too much pride about how you deal with things, just because you are a skilled communicator doesn’t mean everyone else is. So, you may have to channel your anger/frustration in a more positive way. Use assertion instead of aggression, for example, to achieve a much more successful outcome.
The Hanged Man~ Queen of Cups~ Eight of Cups~ Knight of Cups

Sometimes, when asked to be patient in a situation, which you feel should be dealt with right now (The Hanged Man), can often result in feeling uncomfortable, frustrated, and possibly angry, and this might be the case for you right now. Whatever the issues, it is important to submit totally to this period of reflection, because the more you push and struggle with it, the more difficult the situation could become. By allowing yourself time to accept and absorb what is happening you are likely to be given insights you might not get otherwise. Sometimes we are asked to wait because there is more information to be unearthed, or for things to become clear over time. The Queen of Cups suggests looking deep inside yourself to search for the best way to handle this situation, instructed by the heart, so the outcome will not reflect badly on you. You are asked to come from a point of love, not just for yourself, but the others concerned, because this is likely to be the best approach. The Eight of Cups indicates that the issue is regarding a key relationship in your life, not necessarily a romantic one, but one of significant importance. Bad though it seems right now, all is not necessarily lost however, and you are not necessarily at the end of the road with this issue. The Knight of Cups might indicate a desire to go careering in on your charger to sort everything out, and you may feel that you are equipped to do so, but this Knight also represents how not to deal with the problem at hand, he is too focused on the idealistic aspects of relationships – he needs to be much more realistic about relationships, how people (and situations) differ, and he is likely to be indicating that the best way to handle this situation is with facts rather than just how you feel about it.
King of Pentacles~Six of Pentacles~Ace of Wands~The Moon

These cards seem to indicate that things are very successful on the work and home front. This aspect of your life is going to be the focal point for you over the coming month and, though successful so far, the cards indicate there is still a way to go before you will really achieve what you truly desire (King and Six of Pentacles). These two cards are very positive and indicate that all is going well, but this not the time to sit on your heels expectantly if you really have your eyes on the prize – you have to go get it. There is so much more to be had.
I feel, from these cards, that you may be beginning a new chapter in your life…..almost the start of a new journey unlike anything you have encountered before. There is little information on how different things will be for you, but it would seem it is going to be an exciting adventure (Ace of Wands). This could possibly be on a romantic level (The Moon) but there are still things that are unseen and unclear. The Moon also indicates, to me, that this would be a good time to go with your intuition and gut feelings, and yet, it would be wise to not make any major decisions just yet because there is still a lot to unfold which will bring clarity to the situation. This is likely to be a month of preparation and effort to reap the harvest you desire, but hopefully your hard work will bring the rich rewards you are hoping for.
Seven of Swords~Seven of Pentacles~The Hermit~Six of Pentacles

November may bring a knotty issue to your door which you will need to think carefully and clearly about, it might even be that someone is being underhand or untruthful (Seven of Swords) and it could be related to your income or finances (Seven of Pentacles). Just keep alert and keep your eyes on your money incoming, and outgoing, to make sure that all is as it should be. It might possibly be an opportunity that you are offered, but perhaps things are not as clear cut as will be indicated to you. It will be important to take time out to think about it (The Hermit), not only in terms of where this decision will physically take you, but whether you are really ready, or in a position, to trust someone with your livelihood right now. You may be tempted to jump at a chance to change your material situation, if you are struggling, but you need to consider what is best for you in the long term – and the only person you can trust right now is you. This is a time for you to consider your physical and emotional needs, this is the time for you to find your true path in life and a permanent fix, not a short-term solution. If you honestly face what it takes for you to be in charge of your own future, and work towards that, rather than follow the easy money, then you are likely to be blessed with a success you weren’t necessarily expecting, or even feel that you deserve (Six of Pentacles).
Queen of Swords~The Chariot~Three of Pentacles~Queen of Wands

This coming month will see you reach new levels of competence. Intellectually you have reached a stage where you are clear in your own head about what it is you want and what you are capable of (Queen of Swords) and you are ready and alert for any possibility of advancement. The Chariot indicates that now you might have to decide which way you want to proceed from the point you are currently at. You may feel pushed and pulled in different directions, and this makes you feel uneasy and lacking in confidence. The Chariot advises you to make a decision regarding which path you want to take, but having made that decision, it is up to you to keep the chariot on that road through the good and bad times – keeping focused on your goal. The Three of Pentacles suggest that, should you do this, you are likely to achieve even better things than you have previously done, and that is only the start.
Furthermore, this grasping of the ‘reins of your life’ and aiming directly and firmly towards your desires is likely to bring new qualities to your character (Queen of Wands) which will enhance your own excellent intellectual ability. The Queen of Wands is incredibly creative and imaginative so she can turn her hand to anything and do it well. She represents all-round achievement, and adaptability of character, which can only bring more success and achievement to your door.
Queen of Cups~Two of Wands~Six of Swords~King of Cups

The tarot cards suggest that this November is a month in which you should try to achieve balance with regard to your emotional and intellectual approach in your key relationships (Queen and King of Cups surrounding Two of Wands (duality) and Six of Swords cards). This is to give you a new aspect of dealing with other people which will, hopefully, bring a fullness and understanding to your key relationships. If you tend towards being very emotional, try to bring some logic into the way you interpret or discuss issues – stand to one side, listen carefully, to give yourself the time and information to make sense of why things come to a head. Try to not react immediately so that you can assimilate all the information you need to be able to articulate exactly how you feel, and why. Currently you may be feeling that this is just the way it is, that there is nothing you can do about it, and that can be draining if it happens time after time (Six of Swords).
You may also need to be truly honest with yourself in terms of how you deal with the issues which arise in your relationships – whilst you have the ability to stay calm and serene, and that is commendable, it is likely that you are not really tackling the issues and so never get solutions to them, and so the cycle continues. Try to take an objective view of what the issues are and decide on which things you are prepared to compromise and those things you are really not happy with; try to find a way of explaining just how these things affect your well-being in a factual way rather than emotive terms such as ‘sad’, ‘unhappy’ and it is likely that the channels of communication can well and truly open up and things can move on.
The Sun~Strength~The Lovers~King of Pentacles

November looks set to be quite a momentous month. The Sun is shining on you, giving you the feeling that all is well in the world, that you have so much to be grateful for and there is happiness within you. However, there will be choices to be made within relationships – maybe romantic, maybe not (The Lovers) – but you should be careful in your attitude with regards to how you deal with them. The Strength card advises to put weapons and warfare aside and to approach difficult situations with respect and understanding. Any difficult issues can be dealt with much more effectively with assertiveness rather than aggression, and be careful to put pride to one side – not everyone can cope with things the same way you can, many people don’t even know how to start! The King of Pentacles knows exactly what he wants and how to get it, he is logical and assertive but kindly too, and he has absolutely everything he needs to provide a happy, established and secure home for his loved ones. So, there could possibly be a shift of power over to you which you are more than ready for, and more than capable of managing, right now; it may be that, finally, you get to be in total control of your home-life in all aspects. It may be that someone with financial acumen may step up to your table, and give you an opportunity, which shouldn’t be overlooked, so make the most of it as they can give you a lot of support financially. Whichever it is, it seems that by keeping tempers and aggression at bay, you could continue to bask in (The Sun)shine……… providing you don’t fly off the handle in the meantime.
The Lovers~The Devil~The World~Six of Swords

There may be a significant situation demanding your attention during the coming month of November. Two Major Arcana cards indicate a knotty issue that may need resolving if you wish to feel like everything is just about perfect for you. The Lovers indicate a problem within a relationship – not necessarily romantic – and the cards suggest that maybe now is the time to address the issue. The Devil, however, might represent a mindset which is holding you back from getting it sorted. Or, perhaps, the original cause of the issue isn’t as relevant now as it was when it happened and this mindset may make you feel a bit shameful. Possibly you wish to hold on to the way you feel about this problem and you are reluctant to let it go. In reality you have a lot to gain by bringing this problem into the daylight and addressing it full-on because this issue is something which is throwing a shadow over your, otherwise, complete happiness (The World), and by getting it sorted you are likely to feel a whole lot better and happier with life. The longer it takes, the worse the situation might become, the barrier might get so high you may not ever feel able to scale it. The Six of Swords is indicating a time where the issue is not being overtly confronted, and good as it is to remain calm and serene and not wanting to cause trouble, this is beginning to be a real stalemate situation that you really don’t need: You know, the issue might not be quite as hard to deal with as you imagine.
Eight of Pentacles~Page of Wands~King of Swords~Two of Swords

The Eight of Pentacles indicates that, as things stand, you are in a very good and secure position in terms of your material existence and what you can afford. And yet, you feel there should be more – you are ready to move on and bring new things into your life. You want more, you are ready for more. The Page of Wands suggests that there may be a new start about to happen in your life right now, but his advice would be to not rush into anything you might regret later. However, things are actually on the move. There is no doubt that you are clear in your mind about what you want and how to get it (King of Swords) – indeed, this is what you are good at, and bending your brain to get this right is the important thing at this time. The Two of Swords, however, might suggest a dilemma is causing you some anxiety, and it is likely that you are worried about how this is going to turn out, there is no point in worrying – do as The King of Swords would do and stick to your mission – the mission that will bring you to the place of happiness and contentment – the place you KNOW you want to be. These cards suggest, to me, that the coming month would be a good one to stay alert and read the signs, to be clear in your communications, to ensure you achieve what it is that you want. Perhaps, there will be no major advancements in the next month, with regard to your goal, but what is important is that you hold fast to your ideals and don’t let anyone divert you from what you truly want.
Eight of Pentacles Four of Pentacles Queen of Cups Seven of Cups

In terms of home-life, income and security, you are doing pretty well at the moment (Eight of Pentacles) and you are probably content for things to stay as they are. From time to time we are tested to see how much more capable we are than we think, and the Four of Pentacles suggests this may be so in the coming month. The Four of Pentacles indicates that you may be reluctant to grab any new opportunities that might come your way because you are not happy to take the risk of losing what you already have. This attitude, however, may cause you to miss out on a fantastic opportunity that can take you to places you feel you can only dream of.
The Queen of Cups might be suggesting that you are lacking in self-confidence………..this Queen knows how to use her abilities, knows her worth, and knows how to really work her skills to get what she wants and she doesn’t hold back. The Seven of Cups beside the Queen suggests, to me, that you tend to look at yourself from other peoples’ viewpoints; that you are judging yourself on other peoples’ standards, and you are not living your life as the person you really are – so, this card might be suggesting that, maybe, now is the time to choose between living a life of what you think other people expect from you, or, plain and simply, the life you should be living for YOU. You need to believe in yourself; that you are not only capable, but deserving, of something great; that you are loved and loveable, not to mention capable just as you are! Trust yourself, allow yourself to be you, allow yourself to dream big and don’t let other peoples’ attitude stop you from getting what you want. Life is to be lived – don’t hold yourself back.
Love Patricia x
End of Tarotscopes
PS If you like the deck I use, you can buy it HERE
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