Simply Tarot’s extremely popular Tarotscopes are written by the Artist of our Tarot Deck, and Tarot Reader, Patricia House.
Happy Halloween to you all! I know many people love this season and the 31 October in particular with all its connotations.
However, for me, the scary faces, outfits and pictures I see all over the place at Halloween frighten the life out of me and that’s just the politicians! I think I find this world more scary than the unseen one!
Anyhow, I have not themed the following tarotscopes around Halloween, because it will have passed, and we’ll be head-first into November riding the roller coaster again! So, these genuine tarot readings, based on your Star/Zodiac sign, are written to try and give you a little guidance for the month ahead. Just scroll down to find yours – hopefully, they will be spookily accurate and give you a chance of navigating through the coming month.
Do have the best fun at your Halloween Celebrations with your friends and family…..………… the ones you can see and the ones you can’t………….


There is a lot of energy around a new job, income or project this coming month, as per the Ace of Pentacles and the Two of Wands. The Ace of Pentacles indicates that something could come about, for you, which might improve your financial situation, or quality of life – the Two of Wands might even be suggesting that moving home, or a journey somewhere, could well be part of that opportunity. These are very early numbers in a suit, though, which would suggest that things are still embryonic and growing, but if this is something that you want, then you should try to harness the excellent energy around you: stay alert for tasks you need to keep on top of, fill in those forms you need to, make the phone calls, and such like, so that you keep these opportunities very much alive.
The Ten of Swords suggests that you may have been through a very difficult time of late, but the good news is that the Ten is the completion card of the suit as it is the highest number. That should mean that this period of hurt should finish and leave you free of all the difficulties it brought. There may be an element of pain, of course, because it is hard to let go of some things, but there is some relief in being able to turn your back on a period of time that stretched you to your limits. With new opportunities ahead, as revealed in the cards above, the best advice is to not focus on what has passed, but look to the future.
The Tower, in terms of this reading, I feel, is acknowledging how hard the recent past has been, it may have left you devastated and you may feel that you have lost so much. The message in The Tower card is that you now have a chance to build a bigger and better Tower (your life), one that you can design for better endurance, that is more protective and secure – for you. In other words, the experience you have had will help you to withstand onslaughts in the future because you will be so much more prepared and stronger.

The Four and Five of Cups, being the emotion/relationships cards in a tarot deck, and The Lovers card suggest that there might be some issues around relationships right now. This might not be with regard to a romantic relationship actually, though this is quite possible. The Four of Cups indicates apathy and boredom with regard to a partner, but sometimes this is partially caused by one’s own mindset – that is, being in the habit of just focusing on the negatives of a relationship. This can easily be turned round to a more positive attitude which might help the situation. The Five of Cups can refer to a pretty difficult situation – maybe even a separation of some sort – again, this might be a ‘break up’, or just a situation which means you can’t be together and this might be causing some of the pressure.
In the meantime, the Three of Wands is a more positive card suggesting that in another area there are signs of real success – could it be that you are involved in something which is really engaging your interest and making all else seem boring?
The Lovers card adds a bit more of a dimension to the situation in that it could be suggesting there is some temptation around which might also be part of the difficulties. But The Lovers card also suggests that you feel you have to make a decision about your relationships. Temptation, often, is gilded with possibilities/the what ifs/a rosy picture – but not the reality, and The Lovers card asks you to remember that there are other people involved in your life who deserve to be treated with respect and care, regardless of how you currently feel about them. Whatever decision you go with, do it with gentleness and understanding, because the people involved will have their own ‘take’ on the situation and their own feelings to deal with. So try to be considerate to all involved.

In terms of your work or home life, the Knight of Pentacles, is advising paying attention to detail and getting things truly ‘right’, rather than doing a slap dash job. This Knight is truly loyal, dependable and trustworthy and he undertakes all of his duties seriously, taking care with every task and executing each by covering every last detail with diligence. It would seem it would pay off to emulate his approach to things.
Strength indicates that there could be a time, this month, when you could get a bit ‘full’ of yourself and feel like you are the only person that matters! This means that you could find yourself angry, or frustrated, about being overlooked in some way. However, the advice from this card is to channel those fiery feelings into something which will work much better – being firm but fair, trying not to demand but to reason, to be persistent but not a bully about things. I presume you have heard of the saying ‘Pride comes before a fall’? This is a heads up that you could look pretty foolish in the long run if you strut your stuff too much this coming month.
Should you manage to control your frustrations, the Nine of Pentacles indicates an excellent month in terms of your work, income, or ability to command the good things in life – so much so that other people could find themselves a tad jealous at your apparent success.
In addition, The World card suggests that you are about to reap the rewards for all your hard work, which is fantastic news. The World card is a lovely card which indicates that you have acquired all the skills you need with regard to any eventuality, and can handle most things life throws at you with aplomb. So hang in there, and as per the advice above – keep working at those emotion skills and The World will be at your feet offering plentiful delight.

The Ten of Swords is indicating that a painful time should be coming to a conclusion; whilst that means there could be some aspects which will hurt, in other ways it does mean that you can leave it all behind. Every difficult thing we encounter will always bring its lessons that we can use for a brighter future – and the rest of the cards in this reading do indicate better times ahead.
The Queen of Pentacles suggests that in terms of your income and home life you are an a pretty secure situation which means that you do command all your own resources. It is an enviable position to be in, and I suspect (in view of the Ten of Swords) that the Queen is suggesting staying in control in the future. In other words, you should call the shots – nobody else.
The Ten of Cups indicates a happy time in terms of relationships, whether this is romantically related, or not, you should be feeling content with those around you and this is validation of your efforts to keep these relationships going. In addition, the Eight of Pentacles suggests there is a lot going for you this month with regard to your income/work – it might make sense to work at acquiring a different, but relevant, skill-set to help you advance and make more money in the future. There is no doubt that the Eight of Pentacles is saying you are already well on your way to security with regard to your job. All in all, things look pretty rosy for November.

In terms of your income and lifestyle the Ten of Pentacles would indicate that you are in a very good place, being able to command all that you need to feel comfortable, content and secure. This card would also suggest that the situation is likely to be firmly established which should make you feel more secure in terms of your finances.
The High Priestess appears when there is something unfolding in the background in terms of a change in your ‘beliefs’ or outlook on life, and/or when you may be on the verge of a new destiny, or calling. The signs are very subtle at the moment, and you will not be able to see anything concrete with regard to what this new destiny might be. This is a very enigmatic card and you will need to be patient so that things can develop properly, but if you are alert, you might be able to pick up some signs of this change. Synchronicities and coincidences might be happening, or constant highlighting toward particular subjects or interests could be clues. Eventually, it will become clear.
The King of Cups and the Five of Cups could be indicating some issues on the relationship front. This could be a romantic, or a familial/platonic, one but the King of Cups is likely to be advising that, although you may feel ‘wise’ in the ways of love, and can talk about it quite knowledgeably, you might be avoiding real experiences. It is difficult to avoid any pain in a relationship – so it is probably best to get dealing with the issues and not just talking about them. The Five of Cups is a card which denotes a real problem within a relationship – possibly even a ‘fall out’ or separation – but this card also advises that it is likely, to some extent, that your own attitude has added to the problem. It’s not too late for you help repair the situation, if that’s what you want, but the sooner you do it the better.

It would seem that you are approaching the end of a very difficult situation. Whilst this can sometimes bring some regret, or even pain, it is much better to view it with relief now that it is over (Ten of Swords). No matter how hard it has been it is important to remember that you won’t come out of it without learning a whole lot about yourself and other people. This is important to understand, going forward, as you are about to do. So, try and work out what you have learnt from it rather than what you have lost. The Magician card endorses this as he indicates you are about to embark on a unknown and exciting new path – The Magician does not tell you what you will encounter on the way, but he does want to tell you that you have all the necessary skills to make it a successful journey (see how he manipulates each of the symbols of the tarot suits – Sword: knowledge/critical thinking, Pentacle: work/income, Wand: passion/enthusiasm, Cup: emotions/relationships). He says you are beginning to understand the way ‘life’ works.
You might find yourself feeling rueful or regretful over a past relationship and it may seem to you, looking back on it, that it was wonderful, as indicated by the Six of Cups. However, the fact that the previous relationship didn’t work out should prompt you to consider why it didn’t, and, when looking back over its history, you will need to take off the rose-tinted spectacles so that you can see the reality. If both of you have grown in understanding of what went wrong and can both work to fix it, then there may be a chance of reconciliation.
In terms of money/income/work or just your lifestyle at home, the Nine of Pentacles suggests that you are going to be in a very enviable position of feeling pretty secure, and being able to command all the comforts you need in life. This is a very positive tarot card and suggests your income is pretty well established, so enjoy this time when money is not likely to be a worry for you.

With the Pentacles cards dominating this reading for November it seems safe to say that your finances/home life look to be in good order, with more opportunities ahead too!
The Six of Pentacles usually heralds a gift, bonus or loan from someone which will really boost your financial position. You might have previously been feeling disgruntled with life, but this is likely to restore your belief that good things can happen. Of course, when you do get good financial input, it is always wise to make the best use of it so that you don’t get caught short again. This extra bit of income will add to the security that you already have, in terms of your financial situation, since the Ten of Pentacles suggests you have already established enough income to provide for those extra comforts that you like at home. These two cards certainly make it look like you are likely to be stress-free in terms of your wallet.
The Hanged Man, however, could be indicating that in some area you will be in a bit of a limbo. There is likely to be a situation in which you would like to be making progress but unfortunately you can’t – the time is not right yet, so there is no point in chafing at the bit or trying to force things through that aren’t available at this time. The best policy is to relax off it and make better use of your time by concentrating on something that you can put to right. This way you will have come out of this period of time having achieved something, at least.
The Ace of Pentacles indicates that a new opportunity – financially or in your home life – is coming your way. There is always high energy around the Ace cards which means that if you keep your eyes and ears open, you might spot the chance to improve your situation even further. It always makes sense to grab these opportunities when they arise since there are no guarantees that they will appear as when you need them. So make sure you utilise them when they do.

Any Scorpios celebrating their birthdays this month will get an extra card with this tarotscope, so read on!
Firstly the Tarotscope. The Ace of Wands suggests a new project/venture/journey (maybe even a house move) is on the way. But it is down to you to be proactive about it. Sometimes opportunities (as depicted by Aces in a tarot deck) can come our way but we can decide to not take them up, or not even notice them. This and subsequent cards seem to be giving you a massive ‘heads up’ about something interesting coming up for you this month. It could be to do with work or a business idea, but whatever it is you should take note and give it a go. Apart from the Ace of Wands, a Knight – another indication of adventure – has emerged, and this one is the Knight of Cups. This suggests that the idea or opportunity might come from someone, possibly younger than you, that is around you; or this card could be advising it’s time for you to undertake a new endeavour which you are sure to enjoy.
The next card, the Four of Wands, is a card which indicates early signs of success in a project, and that there is real substance to this project – and you could really benefit from it. It won’t come without passion, hard work and effort, but it will bear fruit if you fully engage with it.
The Fool is also confirming that a new and exciting opportunity lies ahead. This is a Major Arcana card depicting the start of something new, and Major Arcana cards also indicate that it is likely to be pretty significant. Of course, this card also gives the advice to stay alert enough to spot pitfalls, and difficulties, so you can avoid them. It would seem you should keep your eyes peeled this coming month – and if you put real effort and passion into this opportunity it is likely to pay off.
Then we have your ‘birthday card’ which was pulled separately from the tarotscope reading…..

It’s the Four of Wands AGAIN – how spooky is that? So the tarot is saying quite clearly and repeatedly that any idea/project/adventure/endeavour that comes your way this month is definitely worth backing! The Four of Wands is a very positive card which suggests success is coming your way in a particular field. The suit of Wands is about the passion, effort, enthusiasm and work needed to gain success, so make sure you respond to, and work hard, with regard to any opportunity that is presented to you this coming month. Life is giving you a gift, and the signs are it will bring success if you put your all into it, so make the most of it. Happy Birthday!

The Knight of Pentacles generally appears when meticulous attention to detail is needed. It will be important to tackle each task with extra special care even to the point of being you being considered pedantic or obsessive. The Knights generally appear when a new adventure beckons, so it is likely to be something you have not really undertaken before. The Six of Wands, however, is a success card which means that, should you take the advice of the Knight, you will see validation of your effort and input pretty soon – and even those who doubted you will have to admit you can do it well!
It would seem that this project, or task, could be related to income, as the Six of Pentacles is a card which generally represents a gift or bonus coming your way. So it looks like this card is endorsing that whatever task crops up for you – providing you work hard at it – will produce a reward of some sort.
With a new project to work on, and with some reward or financial support on its way, you are set to have an interesting month in November. At some point, though, you might experience a lack of enthusiasm, as indicated by the Seven of Wands. This Wands card represents boredom or loss of motivation which could hamper your success. Should this happen, the Seven of Wands suggests re-visiting your initial aims, or goals, to help you remember where you were originally heading, and why, and this should reignite the enthusiasm you need to keep you heading towards success.

You may have recently gone through a period of time when you felt hindered in terms of your work, business or projects – that there were difficulties and obstacles in your way. The Eight of Wands is a card that indicates that time is now past and you are free to carry on in the way you want to. More specifically, this card indicates a very busy, creative and productive period of time for you. You might even feel a little overworked but this is an optimum time to make the use of your creative ability.
In another area of your life, though, you may find yourself unable to progress something you really wish would get moving. The Hanged Man appears when there is something you would like to be sorted, or to achieve, but unseen forces prevent you. There is little you can do about this, in fact the more you push or struggle against it the more it will rebound on you. So, in this particular area just submit to the situation and trust that things will get going when they should. In the meantime, pigeonhole this issue in the depths of your mind, and eventually you will find you have a greater understanding of it.
The Ten of Pentacles is a card which suggests that this coming month, in terms of money/income, you will be reaping the rewards of all your effort and hard work. The Ten of the suit is always the ‘completion’ of a particular project and this Pentacles card does indicate that success has finally arrived. The Queen of Pentacles endorses this, as it is a card which suggests the ability to provide, and care, for those you love with all the comforts they need. Indeed both these cards indicate that not only will you have the money you need, but also that this source of income is established and will endure – which is really great news!

So, we start with the Death card for November. It is interesting that the sun appears in this card and is reflected in The Sun card below it. I feel that there is a strong message in this. Whichever way I look at the first three card the Sun refuses to let Death dominate. In terms of the Death card I believe its message is that November brings the realisation that you no longer have any need for something which has been significant to you in your recent past. It’s done with – it is over, and you are ready to bury it. You have come to understand that whatever it was, never worked and would never work. The fact that this card sits next to the Two of Cups indicates to me that it is likely to be referring to a specific relationship, or something on a very emotional level involving someone else. What is clear with these cards is that The Sun is all around you, it always rises, and there’s another day – a different way – and you are beginning to appreciate this. The Two of Cups might even be referring to a different, more promising relationship which, again, is flanked by The Sun and so suggests that any future relationship will bring great joy and happiness, as well as gratitude for a wonderful life.
In November The Sun will continue to shine on all that you do. There is nothing that can hide in the light of The Sun, and so Death and darkness are a thing of the past, and it becomes clear that the Death of ‘something’ is not necessarily the ‘End’. In fact, it clears the ground for something else to flourish in The Sun – just like the tree that bears the Two Cups.
The Four of Swords indicates that there is still some healing to be done, and that rest and recuperation are very important. But, all in all, these cards suggest that things are on the move, and in a much better direction than before. Remember to care for yourself on this new journey, and make the most of the healing Sun-Shine whilst it is upon you!

You might find that some sort of proposal is put to you in November that makes you consider whether it is a risk to your current financial situation (or lifestyle) as represented by the Four of Pentacles. Next to this card sits the Two of Cups which suggests it might be with regard to a fairly new relationship which has evolved beyond the first stage into something more tangible.
The Seven of Cups highlights that there are key issues with this relationship which have you considering various options that are open to you. Perhaps what this proposal is, or one of the options are, that you are considering moving in together? Or, maybe, previous experiences have made you a little wary about giving up your independence at this time. Much as it might be something that you would like to do, you are really not absolutely certain that this is right for you, just yet.
The Knight of Pentacles could be appearing to suggest that, as yet, the relationship is still not mature enough to take that step (the Knights in a deck often indicate some immaturity in terms of a relationship or emotional ability). However, this particular Knight is very loyal and dependable and carefully executes each of his tasks paying extreme attention to detail. So whilst this Knight could be indicating that the relationship is dependable and has potential, perhaps it is not the right time to make long term decisions until you know each other better, and the signs and indications that you suit each other become clearer. If you are having doubts it would make sense to wait.
End of Tarotscopes
Thank you very much for the wonderful reading I received today, including the Birthday Card message! I am presently trying to set up a Card Reading business from home and questioning myself about this but the reading has clarified that I need to forge ahead!
Thank you again.
Love from
Well Pamela! That is so lovely to hear – thank you so much. Yes the message was quite clear wasn’t it? A very Happy Birthday whenever it falls and the very best of luck with your Card Reading business – I hope you do extremely well! Best wishes, Patricia. x 🙂