Welcome to the Simply Tarot Tarotscopes!
Thanks for coming to read your free monthly tarotscope from Simply Tarot – it’s a real pleasure to me that you enjoy reading them!
I don’t know how your October went, but mine was full-on with all sorts of events – some of them challenging but one was delightful! Our latest grandchild was born last month. He was induced early because his mum developed Gestational Diabetes; it was a bit nerve wracking but both mother and baby are doing really well. Little Alastair is a beautiful, good natured little boy with the cutest little face and a headful of silky dark hair! So, we are very happy he was delivered safely and they are both well. Grandchild number 8 – the number of abundance!
It is interesting that most of these tarotscopes are really pleasant readings, which is unusual as there are often three or four that can be a little hard – I’m wondering whether most people had a challenging October and the Universe is giving us a little break this coming month. I hope so!
Please do feel free to share these tarotscopes with your friends, as I think they will enjoy them and shares will give my little business a bit of a boost too which would be very welcome. Thank you in advance ❤️
May your November be full of love and kindness. and a month of enjoyment.
Take care,

These cards all together indicate movement, progression, and making choices to bring new starts.
Firstly, the Six of Wands validates your efforts on a project or venture you are working on, as you are likely to see real signs of success emerging from it this coming month. This is likely to give you the boost you need to really take it further and gain even better achievements. But not only that, it could make you feel that your hard work really was all worthwhile; you are also likely to see that the people around you, who doubted you, can see just how capable you are! Keep at it!
On the other hand, in terms of a relationship, you might find that it’s time to make some choices around what you want from it – Seven of Cups. Whether it is a newish relationship that you doubt is getting anywhere, or a stagnant phase in a longer-term relationship, only you will know. It seems that now is the time, however, to either commit to it or to head on to other pastures. Whatever the situation is, it is important to think things through carefully, and to stick with your decisions if you want them to become a reality.
There is progression, also, in the Knight of Wands. This Knight is forever eager for his next adventure – he never stays in the same place for very long – he gets bored very easily. This card endorses that you are ready for some changes in your life, and sometimes it is only by being proactive that you can get things moving. Perhaps now is the time to consider taking on a new venture yourself, or at least making some real headway in something you are particularly interested in.
The Fool appears to let you know that, indeed, a new journey is about to start for you – that could be a new relationship, a new job, a move of some sort or just something new to you. The message from this card is that it will be a great chance to get things right on this new journey, do keep alert to the pitfalls along the way – remember previous experiences, and the learned lessons from past mistakes and ensure that you don’t fall into the same traps – your experiences in life will really help you avoid problems and to make use of the opportunities that come your way. This could be the start of a truly successful phase in life for you – it is up to you to make the most of it.

The Eight of Pentacles is a card which often suggests that some sort of training or learning, right now, could really enhance your future opportunities in terms of money or income. It doesn’t need to be a grand college course, but perhaps just getting some expertise in your field, or hands on experience, as this could make the difference in obtaining a new job or a promotion.
In doing so, you might find (according to the Seven of Pentacles) that an opportunity arises that might make you wonder about the impact of it on your current financial situation. The best way to handle this situation, should it arise, is to consider this opportunity from all angles. Look to your past experiences to understand what changes, or impacts, you know you can work with, and you might need to reset your goals and priorities to make it work for you. Whatever the situation, both these Pentacles cards would indicate that you are achieving good things in terms of your income, so careful handling, and well thought out solutions could absolutely take you to a much better place.
The Moon might be indicating a time when you are not really sure what you should be doing, at some point, this coming month. Sometimes we feel that it should be obvious what we want and what we need to do to achieve it, but at times we just do not have all the information we need, and sometimes it is because the Universal energy is aligning everything up for the right time and the right place. This card’s message is likely to be alerting to you to the fact that, in November, you might not have all the facts at hand if you are faced with a decision, and to be patient for a while, because it is likely that something will come out which puts a whole new complexion on the matter and make it much easier for you to make your choices.
In addition, the Ace of Swords suggests that you might start looking at life in a whole new way. This card indicates a change in certain ‘beliefs’ and perhaps a change in what you have always believed was the ‘right’ thing. Your logic and intelligence could question a lot of things as you realise that things are not really quite the way you believed them to be. As ever, knowledge is power. Research and learning is the way to go. It is the only way to ensure that you can articulate clearly your change of attitude to those around you who might be surprised at the change in you.

These are really interesting cards for the coming month for Geminians.
We have the Ace of Wands, to start with, which indicates an exciting new project or venture on offer to you – of course for it to be worth anything, to you, it will be important to consider how to make it work. The venture could be anything from a new business idea, hobbies that have potential to earn money, movement as in getting a new home or perhaps something to do with travel. So, take note of anything that grabs your interest (and do some research) and ensure you give it some nurturing if you think it is something which appeals to you. If you don’t, then the opportunity is likely to just disappear and that would be a shame.
The Queen of Pentacles is a very comforting card to get in a reading, because it is one which would suggest that your income/standard of living is likely to be in a good state. This Queen represents being comfortable financially without having to rely on anyone else, and so she represents financial independence which is something worth having. She is careful with her money, though, and will only spend it on those who treat her with love, respect and kindness, so perhaps she is saying to be careful at the moment about how you manage your money. Money can make money, so use it sensibly as this Queen would.
We now have an exciting card which is The Wheel of Fortune. If you’ve been stuck in a rut, whether in terms of life, or finances, then, when the Wheel turns, it can take you out of it and whirl you to new places with lots of opportunities. It is important to be willing to go where the Wheel may take you – and it is important to be alert to interesting opportunities that crop up out of nowhere, so when you spot something interesting it might be time to jump off the wheel and grab that opportunity. If you just hang on to the Wheel then it will drop you where it will, and even though it might still be a better alternative, it is possible that you might miss out on something even more amazing. Stay alert this coming month.
The Nine of Pentacles is a lovely card which indicates that, financially, you should be in a really good place in November. Of course, it has taken a long time and a lot of effort to get you where you are right now, but the important message in this card is that this current position is one which should be enduring, established and secure for the foreseeable future which should really come as a relief to you.

There are some jolly cards in this reading for Cancerians, too, this November!
Validation that your work/projects are successful should appear in some way for you, this month, according to the Six of Wands! This will give you a much-needed boost and some fuel for your motivation going forward. You will also be happy that the people around you, who doubted you, will now see exactly what you are capable of – well done! Enjoy.
And to add to your joy in November the Three of Cups suggests there will be a lovely celebration of some kind which will please you no end. This card represents a really happy occasion, with relevance to relationships in some way, so it could be an engagement, or a wedding, or news of a new baby or something of this nature which should make you very happy. If it is not directly with regard to you personally, then it is likely to come from someone who is really dear to you. Certainly, it will be very happy news!
You may also find that you will be under the spotlight of the Judgement card. This card often means that, in some way, you are likely to be validated and found to be ‘right’ with regard to a particular situation – and that your behaviours/actions were seen to be the correct ones. This will take a weight of your shoulders and help you to move on, regardless of what that situation was. It might even be referring to a legal decision which has been outstanding for some time – usually Judgement appears when the decision comes out and it is usually a favourable one. This will also make you happy and give you a feeling of confidence.
The Six of Pentacles suggests you might receive a monetary boost in November too! This card represents an unexpected gift or loan (or some other financially helpful boon) coming your way. This is likely to come from a particular person’s own generosity and could come as a real surprise. Because it shows you that someone really cares for you this little act will go a long way in restoring your faith in human nature – this really will be balm to your soul and you are probably really ready for it – use it wisely!

The Queen of Swords appearing in your reading could represent you or someone around you. This Queen would suggest that the person involved is alert, clever and razor sharp in their approach to life, they could easily wipe the floor (metaphorically speaking) with anyone who challenges them. This person is likely to be aloof and can sometimes seem unapproachable, as this Queen tends to hide her feelings and will not allow her emotions to ‘cloud’ her judgement and, in this respect, she can find herself quite lonely and isolated at times. Whether this card represents you, or someone around you, its message is that using the head more than the heart, in November, whilst tackling tricky situations, might make things more severe than they need to be – it will be important to not disassociate from emotions altogether – try to find a happy balance.
The Six of Pentacles would suggest that an unexpected bonus, or financial gift/loan (due to another person’s generosity) could be coming your way. Whether you need it, or not, you are likely to feel delighted that someone cares about you enough to do this, and this will restore your faith in human nature. Remember this as you go forward – perhaps you can do someone else a favour, at some point, too, and keep this lovely kind ‘energy’ flowing.
It is possible that a new relationship could move into a more committed phase in November – this is the message in the Two of Cups. This is a lovely card which shows that there is enough in a relationship to make each partner want to commit to the next phase. It is also a card which represents the fun and excitement at the beginning of a new relationship which can make you feel very happy and full of well being – so enjoy. Remember that relationships are two-way and both people need to nurture it if it is to move to the next level, it is still early days.
The Hierophant card usually appears when you feel ready for a new ‘way’ to approach your life. It is usually with regard to the spiritual, or religious, beliefs you have held onto till now, and you could well be seeking a new one that will suit you better. This card advises you to not follow a random ‘belief’, or view, blindly, but to truly research and question whether it is honest and also right for you – not everything you are told is necessarily the truth, and you will need to know much more before you can settle on this new viewpoint. Seek only trusted advisors, and trusted sources that can be validated, before allowing anyone to help you find the answers you seek, there are many charlatans in this world which you should avoid who will be more than ready to guide you down the wrong path. There are plenty of interesting beliefs and practices that could help you – in fact there would be nothing wrong in taking bits from a variety of them rather than having one set belief. It is totally up to you.

You may start the month ahead with an obstacle, or hurdle, in your way – you may even feel that it is insurmountable. Don’t let this faze you at all, because all you need to do is look at the problem from all angles – be clever enough to consider the problem from different perspectives because this is likely to not only bring the solution of how to overcome it, but to overcome it with ease – and it will be a lesson to take with you as you forge forward once it is all resolved.
Once over the obstacle you will find yourself in a reasonably good place financially – the message from the Eight of Pentacles is that a little bit of extra experience, or learning, with regard to your work/income could really bring good things to you. This does not have to be any grand college course, or a heavy qualification, but simply something to help build your experience, expertise or knowledge base with regard to the work you do – you will be so pleased you made the effort, if it brings the rewards it promises.
In addition, in terms of your work/undertaking, the Six of Wands indicates that, in November, you are likely to see some real validation that your project is heading for success. This not only makes you feel happy that your efforts are rewarded, but also that people who doubted your ability can now see just how capable you are. If you continue to work hard there is no reason why your project shouldn’t be a huge success in the future! Keep at it.
However, as you forge ahead with your work/projects, the Page of Wands has appeared just to remind you that any advice you can get is well worth listening to. This card is about not rushing into things too quickly because you feel you already know everything you need to know, and therefore you might eschew any help. This card advises you to seek and accept any help or advice you can get – it could make a huge difference to the level of success your project could bring.

There is a definite feminine vibe to these cards which might be bringing a message for you to pamper yourself a little this coming month.
The Queen of Cups would undoubtedly suggest that you take some time to let the Queen of Cups within you emerge back out of the depths she might have plummeted to. Perhaps you need to worry less about your actual appearance and learn to believe that your beauty shines out through your love and actions just as the Queen of Cups does – she believes in herself totally and she doesn’t have to make any effort to attract everyone to her. She would advise water as a therapy – bathe or drink to help your emotional side in November.
The Empress, as a Major Arcana card, would stress your importance to all those people around you – that you are nurturing and approachable. You are likely to feel needed this month and you are strong enough to support those who need you, but it will be important to let other people find their own way rather than you expecting them to do it your way. There is a difference between being a loving mother and a Matriarch and it is this that is important. The Empress will put down her sceptre to be gentle and kind to those who need her, but the shadow side of her is that she can sometimes insist that her way is the only way, and that is best avoided if you want to keep people on your side.
The female figure in the card The Star sits beside a running river, dropping water into it from a vessel – this image represents a time when you might feel like all your efforts are a waste of time (what is the point of pouring drops of water into a running river?). This card is about not being able to see just how important you are and what your efforts really means to others, it can be a card of despair at times in that you feel your existence is having no affect on anything, at all. However, the message in this card is to keep your eye on the beauty of the Star – it means ‘have faith’, you can’t see the bigger picture just yet, but what you are doing, and how you do contribute to everything around you, does have a huge impact – and it won’t be long until you will understand this – so just keep going for now and have faith that in time your efforts will be validated and rewarded.
Sometime later in the month you may be surprised with a gift or loan that you didn’t expect. Not only could this help you financially, but because it comes from someone who cares about you, it will restore your faith human nature! Such a small gesture can bring huge joy – make the most of it and perhaps keep the kindness flowing by offering your help to someone who needs it too.

November’s cards are really quite powerful for those born under the Scorpio star sign!
To start we have The Emperor. There is likely to be someone around you – a person in authority (a manager perhaps) or someone you regard as a father-figure – who is more than able, and willing, to assist you in some way in November. Sometimes this person might not seem hugely approachable, in fact they may be quite daunting, but this coming month is likely to be the best time to approach them if you need some help. You could be surprised at just how much this person can influence your future success, so don’t be shy, go and ask for their help.
As if to endorse this last sentence, The World card suggests that you can get pretty much what you want right now since this is the most positive card in a tarot deck. This card would also suggest that the coming month could be filled with amazing success and luck – if you have any outstanding issues or problems then tackle them in November since the positive vibes are all around you – The World is your oyster as the saying goes – make use of this amazing energy whilst you have it. And enjoy!
The Hierophant suggests that maybe your spiritual/religious beliefs are undergoing a change – you may even be searching for a new belief system which would better suit the way you feel about life just now. Seek a trusted advisor (a truly trusted and validated one) to help you find what you want. Be sure to not just take for granted what people say – do some research for yourself because there are too many self-proclaimed prophets and charlatans in the world who would happily lead you down the wrong path.
The King of Wands is an adventurous, multi talented person who makes everything he undertakes into something successful. His message to you would be to get adventurous and try something new – if you don’t have the knowledge about something that grabs your interest then find out about it. It’s possible that fantastic new ventures, and adventures, are there for the taking – and this King is confident that you can complete them as successfully as he.
But read on because Scorpio is this month’s birthday sign – Happy Birthday! You get an extra card in this month’s reading – it is the Ace of Cups.

The Ace of Cups is a card full of love and hope and happiness. It represents the loving energy that will be around you this coming year – it suggests that you will be confident, happy and attractive to those who interact with you. It could be that this card wants you to know that people see you as a particularly important friend or acquaintance, and that you mean a lot to these people. The energy around the Ace of Cups fizzes with excitement, and opportunities for new love, or new people and wonderful platonic relationships too. This Ace could be suggesting that you might shortly be starting a lovely new romantic relationship! Even a new platonic relationship could form, and it is likely to be someone who can bring a lot to your table without expecting a huge amount back. Enjoy this lovely time, and any new people that come into your life – it’s possible that they are here to stay.

The King of Pentacles is a wonderful card to get in a reading because it represents an excellent standard of living and income in general. Of course, this King uses his money well and is very adept at increasing his income using his knowledge and experience. He is likely to be reassuring you that you, too, can be clever with your money and find ways to increase it. He has appeared because he is sure you have the same capabilities as he – be confident, though careful, with your money and hopefully you will see it blossom.
The World card endorses this since this card, being the most positive card in a tarot deck, suggests that whatever task you undertake will be a success – furthermore, you are likely to have this wonderful positive energy around you at every stage this coming month. This is wonderful news. If you have any outstanding issues or problems to sort out, November would be the best time to tackle them since positive outcomes seem assured by this card.
There may be something which causes you some sadness this coming month – perhaps it will be with regard to a person you miss, or can’t talk to anymore. The Three of Swords generally represents the end of a relationship which can cause a lot of pain. However, since all the other cards in the reading have really good vibes it is possible that the Three of Swords could be referring to someone you miss who, for one reason or another cannot be with you. Use all the positive energies surrounding you this month to send out love to this person even though they are not physically around – it will help heal your heart and the pain.
Pouring out love is also the message from the Temperance card. Whereas some tarot cards advise the use of intellect and logic, this card advises dealing with any issue simply by pouring more love into the situation. This card is about balancing your mind with your heart, your intellect with your emotions so that you feel centered and grounded. You have come a long way and this month it might be worth stopping to look back and see how far you have come and what you have achieved on the way – you will be surprised just how strong and resilient you have been – and how it is now particularly important to treat yourself with some of your own amazing love and attention. You are worth it.

A new opportunity could be on its way for you – The Ace of Pentacles is a card which suggests there is lots of positive energy around a new idea or offer that could come to you in November. As this is the Ace of Pentacles then this idea is likely to be a potential money maker. It will be up to you to research and put effort into this idea since it is doing this that will ensure it grows into its potential – if you don’t then it could simply disappear.
Interestingly, this is followed by the Knight of Pentacles who represents hard work, diligence and an amazing ability to attend to each and every minute detail to make something work successfully – this is how this Knight makes his money – by attending to the small stuff in a big way. He does not slack or shirk, he is loyal and determined and this is how his work achieves great succes. It would seem that this new opportunity will have far to go if you are prepared to work as diligently as the Knight of Pentacles.
In addition we have The Magician! This card would represent a new direction for you soon, you are at a crossroads – he can’t help you to choose which direction you should opt for, but he is here to remind you that there is a magic in your personal attributes and skills that, regardless of which road you take, you will find it takes you to the right place. He wants you to have confidence in your own abilities and to know that you have everything you need, within you, as you head down this new road. Keep alert and use lessons learned from experience to avoid making the same mistakes as you might have done in the past. What’s more The Magician knows you can make the most of this exciting new phase.
The Four of Swords is a card which suggests you have recently been through quite a tough time – perhaps even a traumatic time – and that you need a period of recuperation and rest. Yes, there is still hard work and effort needed ahead, but this card asks you to be gentle on yourself and allow yourself a little pampering, or a treat at times. Make sure you eat regularly and get as much sleep as you can because this is the fuel that keeps you going. This card is a reminder to not neglect your own care because whether you feel it or not, it is important this coming month.

We start with the Six of Swords which is a card that represents being able to stay calm and serene in a situation which is not ideal for you. However, this is the absolutely right approach to take just now, since this attitude is an important means to an end. Sometimes patience is needed whilst the Universal Energies get everything in the right place at the right time to improve the situation in the best way for you. The rest of the cards in this reading suggest better things to come, so stay patient and calm at the beginning of November.
The Empress is a very strong card to come out in a reading – it represents the best of you, your approachability, the command over your particular situation, and your attributes and abilities. This card could represent a new standing in life as the ruler of your own ‘domain’, and moreover, a ruler who is caring, nurturing and thoughtful. She would represent the importance of you in other peoples’ lives, and of having earned the status and assets you deserve. She would want you to believe implicitly in yourself and have the confidence to approach life with maturity and wisdom, then perhaps things will fall easily into place more quickly than you hoped.
You may find yourself having the motivation, and drive, to move things on more this coming month, than you have of late. The Knight of Wands is always seeking his next adventure and may indicate you now have ‘itchy feet’ and want to get moving. Be ready to be bold and adventurous, strong and courageous, if you want to succeed in your quest. If things aren’t moving this Knight’s energy will certainly get things going, so get on your faithful charger and head toward the next interesting phase of your life.
The Ten of Pentacles is a wonderful card to finish the reading with, since this card indicates great success in your financial situation – it would seem this is the result of all your application and hard work over recent times and it is likely to be well deserved. This card would suggest that success is just around the corner, and that success is likely to be long standing and established. This is a wonderful card with wonderful news.

The Queen of Pentacles is a lovely tarot card which suggests that your financial situation is likely to be independent of anyone else. This is great news because going forward you should be in complete control of your finances and, like the Queen of Pentacles, you are likely to manage your money well. Of course good management of money can make your money increase further. Do that.
This is endorsed by the wonderful card the Ten of Pentacles. This is a completion card which suggests your financial situation will be established and secure for the foreseeable future which is amazing news – well done! This has only come about as a result of all your hard work and effort – the rewards are ready for you to reap – enjoy!
The Page of Swords has a minor message, really, and mainly about being careful around communications. It is possible that either naivety on your part, or someone else, could cause a bit of conflict because some words might be taken out of context and blown out of proportion. So, the message in this card is to ensure you are very clear in what you say to other people, and to ensure that you have understood other people correctly. It is ok to question, and qualify, what someone says to you and it is likely to help you avoid any unnecessary conflict.
The Fool, as the final card in the reading, indicates that you are about to embark on a new phase in your life. This should be an exciting and joyful time, full of hope for the future. This is a chance to do things better, and the opportunity to make your next journey the most successful ever! Remember the lessons you learned from past mistakes to avoid doing the same this time round and keep your eyes on the road to avoid the pitfalls that caught you out last time. If you do this, then your new journey should be filled with success and happiness. Enjoy!
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