Welcome to the Tarotscopes for November! Scroll down to find your star/zodiac sign to read yours.
Two months left of 2023! Wow!
Check out, via your tarotscope below, what could be coming your way this month. I found most of these tarotscopes quite inspiring I am happy to say.
Just in case some of you might not know, sometimes if your birthday is close to the 21st of any month – that is from 19th, you might be on the ‘cusp’ of your star sign and it might be worth reading the tarotscope following yours. So, for example an Aquarius Reader born on the 19th of February might find the Pisces tarotscope to be as, or perhaps more, relevant to them. Anyway, it’s worth having a look once the month is ending, so don’t forget to come back and check it out.
I hope that Halloween was all you desired and I wish you the happiest of Novembers!
Patricia x

There is a chance that you may find a new love coming into your life early in November. The Lovers card is one which represents decisions around a relationship, and this would also include the choice to pursue a relationship, or not. It may be that you do not feel ready for a relationship yet, or perhaps you are feeling wary because of past relationships not succeeding as well as they should. Whatever the reason for your having doubts, or questions, it is worth understanding your own feelings and, perhaps, to not reject this chance outright. It is fine to not embark on a relationship if you really don’t want to but the other cards in the reading might help your judgement in the matter.
The Page of Wands represents a feeling of eagerness to pursue an idea or a project – if this card is with regard to a relationship it would be advising to not rush into things; it would also suggest that it would be worth taking some advice from someone you trust on the matter. It does not mean a potential relationship is likely to be bad or wrong for you, but this is more about not rushing into anything at full steam – take your time.
The Queen of Cups may have appeared to remind you of your innate beauty and ability to love. Perhaps your inner Queen has been buried under the cares and worries of life around you, the drudgery of everyday chores, or work. Sometimes we need to remember, and embrace, the Queen of Cups within us and bring her to the surface again – there is so much to be gained by giving and receiving love (no matter how wary we might be) and it’s possible she is letting you know that you deserve something special especially in matters of love.

The Three of Cups is a celebratory card with regard to emotions or relationships. This could herald news for you personally or someone around you who you love. Often this card can represent an engagement or a marriage – some sort of commitment to an existing relationship. Sometimes this card can be referencing the conception or birth of a child. Whatever the news is it should make you very happy and bring a lot of joy to the beginning of November. Enjoy.
Towards the middle of the month you may be reminded of an issue or conflict that you are likely to have been avoiding in the hopes it will disappear, according to the Two of Swords. Perhaps you have been avoiding sorting this out because you don’t fully understand what’s happened or why this issue has come about. Perhaps asking some questions around the problem will help your understanding and allow you to see a clear way to how this can be resolved relatively easily – you will feel better for getting this problem out of your way.
At the end of the month you may feel ready to surge ahead with regard to a job or project you are involved in – it could be a work project, a business or even some plans for travel or moving home. The Page of Wands represents being too eager to seek or listen to advice from someone who knows about this kind of project and subsequently misses out on success. This card is about asking for help or advice around your project, to not rush things and to make yourself knowledgeable around the subject. This way your chances of success will be much higher.

To start November the Knight of Pentacles wishes you to understand that for any task or undertaking – work wise or otherwise – the key to success is paying attention to detail. This Knight is the most dependable and reliable (loyal) Knight in a tarot deck. He completes every task with precise attention to detail, he works hard to gain the knowledge he needs to do the task to the best of his ability. He is the most successful knight in the tarot deck too. It is likely that if you approach your work like he would then financial gain won’t be far behind.
The Ace of Pentacles endorses this, since this card represents a possible new opportunity arising through which you could improve your finances – perhaps a new job, a promotion or even getting yourself noticed in your work which will eventually help you improve your income. Both cards suggest that if you apply yourself fully to your tasks then you are likely to see financial gains pretty soon. Half hearted approach to work or projects won’t be enough.
The Eight of Wands is a card which suggests barriers/hurdles that have impeded your progress will be removed toward the end of November. This should mean that you’ll be free to surge ahead with what you were hoping to – getting on with your work, project or business. Being free of obstacles will allow your creativity to flourish and you could find yourself extremely busy – however, your energies will help you make this a very productive time and, although you may find yourself tired out, you will also be very happy with your results. Enjoy.

The Ten of Wands at the beginning of the month suggests that you could be feeling pushed and overwhelmed by all the tasks you are expected to see through. You are very close to the end of this particular cycle and, instead of giving up completely, try to work out what tasks you can ask other people to help with and spread the load in whichever way you can. You’ll find very soon, if you can do this, that your projects will be completed, and successfully, which will make you feel happy and proud. Just shed a little bit of your load to reach the final line (and don’t forget to be grateful to those you ask to help out).
In terms of love and relationships the Queen of Cups has appeared to remind you that love is really about giving and receiving – the more you give out the more you will receive. She would also suggest that you have more confidence in yourself and to believe that you are truly deserving of the love you receive. However, the Queen of Cups spreads love around her without effort and her beauty shines through her self belief and confidence to the extent that those around her crave her attention and that is her essential quality and her allure. Perhaps in the middle of November this is something to focus on.
You may have some sort of outstanding decision you are waiting for – this could be an outcome of a tribunal, an assessment, or an application for something like a job – it could even be a legal matter – the Justice card suggests that the decision will come toward the end of November. If your actions with regard to this situation have always been honest, and applied with integrity, then the result should come out in your favour.

You might need some time for a period of reflection at the beginning of November, according to the Page of Cups. This card tends to reference your feelings or attitude around romantic relationships. It could be suggesting that there is an element of emotion within you which is making it hard for you to move forward with a particular relationship – you might feel that things are ok but there is something within you holding you back (perhaps allowing some pain from a relationship to linger to stop you from committing fully to another). Try to work through how you might be stifling your own emotions from past pain, try to accept what has happened and leave it in the past where it belongs. This will help you to love more freely in the future.
In the middle of the month you might find yourself under the spotlight in some way – perhaps there will be an assessment at work, or you might be scrutinised in some way about how you handle situations, or the people, around you for some reason. The Judgement card suggests that the outcome will be made known to you by the middle of the month. This outcome may come as a surprise to you – hopefully a welcome one if you generally approach everything with honesty and integrity. It is always nice to be recognised for good work or efforts.
There may be heightened emotions towards the end of the month according to the Ace of Cups. This card suggests there will be a lot of energy around an emotional situation – it would be wise to approach things carefully and calmly at this time. However, this card could, instead, represent a new relationship coming your way. This might be a romantic alliance but it could mean that you really hit it off with someone who comes into your life in another way. Either way this card is generally a very positive energy card and the more you put into the situation the more you will get out of it.

Be like the Knight of Pentacles to start the month of November. This Knight approaches his tasks and duties with great care and attention – he makes sure he knows what he is doing, ensures each individual detail is correct, he is dependable and works hard to complete everything to the best of his abilities – this is the secret of his success. Should you put as much effort and application to your tasks then it is likely you will find yourself rewarded by some sort of improvement in your financial situation.
If you should come across a problem, a hurdle or an obstacle in the middle of the month, the Five of Wands advises you to take the time to look at this obstacle from all angles to find the solution as to how to overcome it. Do not allow yourself to be fazed by its appearance – you will be able to find your way round/over it if you look carefully into how this is blocking your way – there is always a solution if you take the time to observe it closely.
The positive Nine of Pentacles suggests that, come the end of the month, you are likely to feel very good about your financial situation. Hopefully you will have reached the point where you feel your income is established and secure – this is no mean feat since you have probably worked really hard and managed your money well to get in this excellent position. You should be able to relax a little now knowing that there is little that could throw you off this trajectory. Enjoy.

At the beginning of the month of November, according to the Four of Swords, you should take some time to rest and recuperate after a difficult time. You are likely to still feel stressed and worn out – perhaps even upset about something. It will be important to look after yourself and reset your equilibrium and energy levels so that you can start to recover. It may seem unfair that this recovery will mostly be down to you to achieve, but only you will know what should be done, and to what extent; you need to look after your own needs right now and you know them better than anyone. Only take on what you know you can cope with at the moment.
Whilst your situation is probably not ideal (Six of Swords) you do have the capacity to cope with everything with calm and serenity. Perhaps things can’t change drastically for the better just yet but you are more than able to see this period through. Just take one day at a time and think of ways that you can alter the situation for the better when the right time arrives (you’ll know exactly what you will want). It’s admirable that you can keep putting one foot in front of the other just now, however this situation will help you in the future (in ways you can’t possibly understand at the moment), so keep going – you are doing incredibly well.
The lovely Ten of Pentacles to represent the end of the month should cheer you up no end – in that it is a very positive card on the financial front. It would seem that your income and home security is likely to be established and secure which should give you at least one thing you shouldn’t have to worry about. With the positive energy around this card the end of the month, it might be a good time to make solid plans with your money to keep everything tickety-boo, with enough left to allow yourself the comforts you enjoy.

The Queen of Pentacles kicks off the start of November with a nice result – in that she should represent being in an excellent situation in terms of finances. Whilst she is viewed as being in the enviable position of not relying on anyone else for her needs, she also brings a message about being careful with money. She only spends her wealth on those she deems worthy and reliable and, in particular, those who are loyal to her. She will not spend her money recklessly or on anyone/anything that doesn’t bring anything to her table. In other words her advice would be to have gratitude for being in an excellent position in terms of finances, but to also be careful how you use that money.
It would seem that in the middle of the month you could find that a painful or even upsetting situation/problem will come to an end (Eight of Swords). Whilst there is likely to be relief that this situation (whatever it is) is over, you could find yourself feeling upset in some ways. You might find that you can’t have something that you really wanted, or you now understand that something is not right for you and can let it go – whatever this might be it is worth remembering that as one door closes another opens. Ensure that you keep your eyes on the joys of what could come in the future rather than what you’ve given up in the past.
The Devil card seems to endorse this since this card is about what your mindset does to you and how it can impede your progress. It is easy to get into a negative way of thinking, perhaps you will feel you are not ‘worthy’ of good things. Perhaps long standing habits make you think things can never change and you’ll be stuck in this same rut forever. Actually, you should be able to turn your mindset, and attitude, to more positive way of thinking with some work – and this could set you free from the thoughts holding you ‘prisoner’ to your current way of life. You can do this.
Read on Scorpio Readers because your sign is the birthday sign and you have an extra ‘birthday’ card with many best wishes from me for the coming year:
Here it is –

The Chariot is a strong card for you on your birthday. Perhaps you just need some encouragement to take the ‘reins’ of your own life and to steer yourself to the place you want to be. Often we can easily be pushed and pulled in different directions by the people or events around us. This is what this card is about – see how the horses are complete opposites and wish to go in different directions. It takes a strong person to steer the horses onto the desired path, and it takes grit and determination to stay on that path. Perhaps this card has appeared for you because it is time for you to decide what you want to do going forward. If you take some time to set your goals and take the advice of this card to stick to those goals (and not allow people or events to divert you from this) then you will make headway into the journey you want to take. If you allow outside influences to pull you in their direction you will just go round in circles. Be strong, make the commitment to yourself and grab those reins – this card wants you to know you can do it!

The Wheel of Fortune is a very interesting card to start the month of November because it generally suggests that something will unexpectedly change and may whizz you to a completely new place or to a completely different situation to the one you are in. Often this means that if you are unhappy with your current situation you are likely to be lifted out of it and put into a new one – hopefully one that will make you a whole lot happier. So hang onto your hat and let the Wheel take you to somewhere you want to be!
And it might be a place of love if we take the next two cards into consideration. The Page of Cups is a card which suggests that there is some pain that holds you back from really being able to embrace a new relationship. Once that pain is accepted and acknowledged – then pigeon holed in its rightful place in the past – it is likely that you will be ready to try a new relationship. Just try to reflect honestly about how you feel, not just about what you need, or what you are afraid of but also how you can move on and embrace a future with love. You could be missing out on a love that you truly deserve.
As if to confirm this, the Knight of Cups appears as the last card in the reading. This card could absolutely indicate that there is someone out there looking specifically for you – someone who could bring so much fun and adventure, happiness and appreciation to you because you deserve it. You don’t have to dive in with both feet to start with, you could take it slow at first and see how you feel. But these cards do seem to indicate that something really quite different is going to happen in November. Enjoy!

The World represents an amazing start to the month of November! This is the most positive card in a tarot deck, and the energy around this card is one of success and joy and happiness in all aspects of life. With this card’s energy around you it would be sensible to ensure that you tackle any outstanding difficult tasks, or sort out any problems because they are likely to be resolved with stunning success! Everything you turn your hand to should work out incredibly well – make the very best use of this energy at this time.
Towards the middle of the month you might have to commit to what your own tasks/undertaking demand of you. It is easy to be pushed and pulled off your own path by attending to the demands of other people or events. This will prevent you from making the progress you desire. The Chariot card advises you to set your goal/aim and commit to it, that means not letting anyone, or anything, divert you from the direction you have chosen. It takes some strength to do this – but The Chariot knows you can!
In terms of love, the King of Cups suggests that although you are good at talking and can give excellent advice around love issues you might, however, be avoiding engaging fully with a relationship yourself – perhaps it is to avoid pain you experienced in the past by avoiding a relationship, or to just not put yourself in a position that you feel you might struggle with and cause problems. In other words the King of Cups will talk the talk but not walk the walk. This card is asking you to try to commit to a loving relationship with actions as well as words and to allow yourself to experience the full spectrum of a loving relationship. Don’t be afraid to engage with love.

The first two cards appear to represent the work you are currently undertaking. You may be in the early stages of a building a business, or have started a new job.
The Three of Wands is a very positive card which suggests that you will reach a stage in your work that shows real achievement and success. This is great news, and although there might still be further to go on this journey, you can give yourself a pat on the back and be proud. Your work has established something solid now and you can really build on the foundations you have set – well done! You should see something tangible which validates all your hard work at the beginning of November.
Furthermore, you may see an idea emerge from this success/business/work which could provide a solution where it is most needed and which will help your current situation progress. Take a close look at this idea and see how you can utilise it to get you to an even better place. As with any of the Wands cards, it will be necessary to apply effort and hard work to these new opportunities – without it they won’t grow as well as they should. The potential is there if you can nurture these projects/opportunities as well as you have done so far.
In addition, you could well be offered some sort of financial help, or partnership, according to the Two of Pentacles. This means that someone is likely to be impressed with your work and is willing to help you in some way. Sometimes this can be a gift or a loan of money, or it can be a contribution of physical help or expert advice which can also be very valuable. Whatever it might be, this help on offer could get you to where you want to be. Money can make money – be clever with what you are given.

You may be in need of rest and recuperation at the beginning of November according to the Four of Swords. This card tends to come out after a difficult situation has been resolved, or ended, and there might be upset and exhaustion as a result. Whilst it is good news that the difficult part is over, it is necessary to tend to the outfall in terms of physical, emotional and mental well-being. Take time to process the upset, try to understand what you can learn from this, treat yourself well and get as much sleep, good food and downtime as you can. This is an important time to recharge your energy levels and you deserve the rest.
You might find towards the middle of the month that you need some recognition or reward for all your efforts. The Strength card acknowledges the need for validation and/or this recognition. However, the advice that Strength gives is to get what you need by gentle persuasion rather than by demand. This card is about getting the result you want through being assertive not aggressive, eloquent and not loud and pushy. You have the power to make demands but at this time is will not achieve what you want – take the gentle approach.
The Knight of Swords endorses this, in a way, towards the end of the month. This Knight is rash and impulsive – he charges into situations without knowledge of the issue at hand, he fights first and asks questions later and often finds himself embarrassed at engaging in a conflict with no advantage to him. This card is about avoiding challenges that will cause you to lose your energy or resources, it asks you to find out what is worth fighting for, and what to walk away from. Again, conflict is not worth engaging with (even if you think you can win) if it costs too much of your own well-being – ask yourself whether any of this challenge/conflict is worth the cost, and protect your own energies and resources.

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