Tarotscopes for October 2016
Dear Friends and New Readers
I have thoroughly enjoyed writing the Tarotscopes for October 2016 – they all seem very optimistic and suggest wonderful new opportunities, and changes for the better for us all, so please do read yours and let me know how you feel about them.
I have now been producing these tarotscopes for just over a year (oh how the time does fly!) and it really does take some effort to produce them, so we have installed a ‘donate’ button onto each website page. We hope you will be kind enough to contribute towards these continuing monthly Tarotscopes, and towards all the free information that is provided on our website, about reading/learning the Tarot. The donate button is on the right hand of each page towards the bottom. Your generosity will be accepted with much gratitude.
I wish you a stunning and happy October.
Sharing these Tarotscopes with your friends and family will also much appreciated. 🙂
Much love
Patricia x

What will October bring me? The Emperor
How will this benefit me? Six of Pentacles
What must I do? King of Wands
What will be the result of the action I take? Nine of Cups
October will bring to you the recognition that your drive, determination, and pride, has succeeded in building domain for yourself, and those you love. Regardless of whether it is large or small, what you have achieved is something to be very proud of, and something you are not going to let slip away, or allow anyone else take it from you (The Emperor). You will realise just how strong you are and more than that, just how capable you are.
This is now the time to understand that you are capable of achieving so much more, and there is certainly more that you can aim for, in terms of income and your material situation. In fact it might be that you are due to receive some sort of bonus, or financial gift, as a result of your recent efforts (Six of Pentacles). It might even manifest in something like a new job offer. Believe that you are worthy of this financial opportunity and be sure to grab it with both hands.
You need to master the art of making the most of any opportunities that will now come your way. The King of Wands is always ready and waiting for new adventures, and he will take them on with passion, enthusiasm and hard work, as you should. He recognises what needs to be done, and calls on his experiences in life to ensure he doesn’t make the same mistakes as in the past. This is how he achieves what he does, and therefore so can you.
The Nine of Cups in the outcome position, suggests that by putting huge effort and enthusiasm into the tasks you are faced with, you will create wonderful bonds and relationships which will stand the test of time and bring you great happiness, contentment and rich, loving rewards for all that you have worked for.

What will October bring me? Page of Swords
How will this benefit me? Three of Cups
What must I do? Seven of Cups
What will be the result of the action I take? Nine of Pentacles
It might be that in October there is some confusion over what you have said to someone, or something they have said to you. There is a possibility that the words said have been misinterpreted or misunderstood, so make sure that, if you are faced with this situation, you ensure that you are certain of your information before you take anyone to task (Page of Swords).
By recognising that you need to seek, or give, true and solid information in this situation, you are likely to elicit admiration from those you are dealing with, and this could mean the formation of a close-knit relationship which could grow into something much bigger, and better, than you thought (Three of Cups) could ever be possible. It could also mean that the success in your relationships could bring about something very much worth celebrating.
You may need to look carefully at the way you approach relationships, if you feel you have many different options open to you, you might need to take seriously the old saying that ‘you can’t please all of the people, all of the time’ (Seven of Cups) and this will help to narrow it down when it come to making decisions, because it may be time to choose one particular option and focus simply on this one way forward, it might be a tough but necessary choice.
If you do, and you follow this path with dignity and determination, you are likely to have an outcome which will not only make you happy but will bring financial benefits and security too! The Nine of Pentacles is a card which indicates a really healthy standard of living and financial security…………so choose wisely!

What will October bring me? Ace of Swords
How will this benefit me? The Magician
What must I do? The Chariot
What will be the result of the action I take? The Wheel of Fortune
A new way of thinking, or a new approach to the way you do things is what October will bring your way (Ace of Swords), and this heralds significant opportunities ahead for you throughout the month. The Swords suit is about mental agility and clear thinking. As it is the Ace, it is likely to be much more about intellectual approaches to situations, rather than brewing conflict.
This clarity of thought, or new approach, is likely to bring you to a crossroads in your life where you will be tasked with choosing a new path to tread (The Magician). This is not a journey you should be afraid to take, because The Magician, although he does not show you the way, is showing you that you have all the skills and abilities needed, to take you successfully along this new road, and you can reach an exciting new destination.
It is going to be important to make sure you grasp the reins tightly, once you know where you are heading, and commit to the journey for good or bad (The Chariot). Allowing yourself to be pulled left and right will cause confusion and doubt, and you need to be focused, and clear headed, to ensure you make the most of this opportunity. Making the choice of which direction (of attitude, or approach), and focusing solely on this, is a way to ensure that all your efforts have maximum input and maximum effect.
It would seem that by adopting this new approach to way you deal with things, as indicated by The Wheel of Fortune, is likely to bring forth a change for the better at last. Something you have been struggling with is likely to take an upward and much more successful turn. Congratulations!

What will October bring me? Ace of Swords
How will this benefit me? Two of Cups
What must I do? Six of Pentacles
What will be the result of the action I take? Page of Cups
As with your close neighbour, Gemini, this month will bring you a new approach, or a new way of thinking, about the tasks that come to hand (Ace of Swords). With two Cup cards in this tarotscope, the emphasis is on relationships, and possibly your quality of home life, but whichever of these it is, you are required to take a different view of the situation. It seems that not only is some clarity needed in the situation but a different way of handling things is what is being called for.
This should shed some light on a particular one-to-one relationship which needs focusing on right now (Two of Cups) and only you will know which one that is. But the Two of Cups indicates a binding and growing together within this relationship which is good news for you, and the other person involved, if it is dealt with in the right way.
As with anything else in life, nurturing and putting effort, and love, into any task you are dealing with is going to bring forth a fruitful harvest (Six of Pentacles). The Six of Pentacles is a very rewarding card which pays you back (metaphorically speaking) for all your hard work. This card would suggest that sitting back and doing nothing is not going to bring anything to your door, whereas tending to the needs of yourself, and those around you, is going to bring something much more substantial than you can imagine.
If you rise to the challenge and nurture this particular relationship, as suggested, you are likely to see a change in yourelf……….a recognition of the lovely, and very real, YOU that you might not have believed existed before (Page of Cups) and that maybe you will receive acknowledgement of how truly loveable you are. The Page, to some extent, also represents finding the love of self to start with, and then growing in belief and confidence in yourself will generate acknowledgement, from those around you, that you are very much loved for who, and what you are.

What will October bring me? Three of Wands
How will this benefit me? Seven of Pentacles
What must I do? Ten of Cups
What will be the result of the action I take? The Emperor
Success is due to come your way, or at least the signs of some success, in October in terms of how you are approaching dealing your home life and possibly relationships. It is early days but it would seem that by endeavouring to understand, and working hard at the situation at hand, is beginning to form a solid base on which to build (Three of Wands).
However, the approach you are currently taking may throw up some difficult decisions to do with your financial situation (Seven of Pentacles), and whilst this might make you worry initially, it is important to remember that relationships are much more important than money (Ten of Cups). It is worth remembering this in any decision-making situation you find yourself in. Relationships are likely to last longer, and mean more to you, in the long run than having the right amount of money in the bank.
Because the Ten of Cups answers the ‘What must I do?’ question, you are asked to consider that it is important to spend much more effort, and give more commitment, to the people in your life, if you wish any relationships to be long standing and rewarding. The Ten of the suit, furthermore, would indicate heading towards a ‘completion’ of any issue you might be handling at the moment, however it is clearly down to you to put as much effort in as you can if you wish to reap the reward of being truly loved.
If this action is taken, it would seem that you would find the drive, determination and pride needed to make things work to your satisfaction, and to build the world around you that you desire (The Emperor). This card indicates having everything you need around you, and you are ready to protect it with all of your might.

What will October bring me? Nine of Cups
How will this benefit me? Knight of Cups
What must I do? Eight of Swords
What will be the result of the action I take? The Tower
A turn for the better, in terms of a relationship, is on the cards for October for you, Virgo. This could either be a relationship developing to the next level of commitment, or perhaps the opportunity of a once in a lifetime relationship coming into your life. Whichever it is, the Nine of Cups is a very happy and rewarding card in terms of emotions and the relationship(s) in your life.
The way you will benefit from it is indicated in the card the Knight of Cups. This card represents possible new beginnings in terms of love – of either meeting ‘The One’ meant for you, or recognising that ‘The One’ is already in your life………… and you are just beginning to realise it. But the Knight card might also indicate a certain lack of maturity in terms of love. This card would, then, indicate a need to look deeply into this relationship to ensure that you are not bamboozled into a relationship that is not suited to you (you don’t need that again!).
The Eight of Swords in the ‘What must I do?’ position, would suggest that it is perhaps time to decide just what you want out of life. Have you been afraid of commitment before and lost out on a relationship because of it? Are you afraid of losing your ‘freedom’? The truth is you can’t remain simply ‘you’ in a relationship, it is a two way street and you will be needed, and expected, to meet ‘The One’ half way. These are the things you should now face head on, and decide whether you want to commit, or not.
Whichever you choose, The Tower indicates that you will be faced with emotions which reach deep down into your core. If you choose a relationship, your life will never be the same – it will expose the deepest, most sensitive parts of you that you have kept hidden and locked away, and you might find it hurts to love deeply. But then if you decide you are better off on your own, then you will have to face the same issues in a different way. You may have lost ‘The One’, the one who could make life ‘make sense’ to you, and where will you be then?

What will October bring me? Ten of Cups
How will this benefit me? Page of Cups
What must I do? The Hanged Man
What will be the result of the action I take? The Tower
Happy Birthday to all Librans this month! October is set to bring you commitment in love and happiness and some significant changes in your life beyond what you have ever experienced before. The Ten of Cups indicates happiness in relationships, and true, returned, love for you. This is a wonderful card in terms of relationships and a wonderful gift for your birthday month. As another year starts for you, October will bring some significant developments.
The relationship(s) you are currently in, bring you to a place of self awareness. The fact that you are loved so deeply might make you wonder what it is about yourself that brings this devotion, and you find it hard to truly believe you are worthy of it (Page of Cups). But you are.
As in all relationships, there is a huge amount of sacrifice….. of giving up what you ‘feel’ you should be able to hold onto, but as a relationship grows and deepens, it is more and more necessary to compromise. Subjegating some of your own needs are part and parcel of the gift of love, but you are not, in fact, losing anything – you are making way for new aspects of your character and life skills to emerge (The Hanged Man). You are becoming more adept at understanding others, and growing in patience, dignity and humanity. You are learning to understand yourself and what you can give to others.
By allowing yourself to succumb fully to the relationship (without losing sight of the real you) you will be exposing parts of yourself to the light of day for all to see (The Tower) – you are shedding the old ways, and feelings, regarding relationships, and love, and you will find that you are re-building your Tower (of life) on sturdier and much more longer-lasting foundations than before. And that is good – even though it may be painful at times.

What will October bring me? Two of Pentacles
How will this benefit me? Eight of Pentacles
What must I do? Seven of Pentacles
What will be the result of the action I take? Death
October may bring new a new partnership or some sort of help on the financial front for you, and it will be a great opportunity to move to a higher level of security and income if you use this opportunity wisely (Two of Pentacles). Make sure you are able to seize this chance with both hands when it arises.
By making the most of this chance you are likely to benefit quite substantially, further down the line – the Eight of Pentacles indicates that you will be involved in something that not only brings in a good income, but it will be something which you will really enjoy being part of, and give you great satisfication on every level.
This may put you in a bit of a quandary, in that you might be forced to make a decision with regard to this opportunity, and it may seem too scary a thing to do. However, by taking a measured look at your past history and experiences you might feel better equipped to to make that decision.
It would seem from the Death card, in the outcome position, means that if you decide to go with this new opportunity, it is likely that you will be facing a completely new way of life, in that, whatever you currently employ yourself with daily, will be replaced by something totally different in the future. This is not something to be afraid of, it is something, perhaps, to be embraced. Is it time to do something new? Well that is your decision to make – the opportunity will be there.

What will October bring me? King of Cups
How will this benefit me? Ace of Wands
What must I do? Page of Wands
What will be the result of the action I take? The Wheel of Fortune
October will bring you, in the card of the King of Cups, either mastery over your love life, or someone who can bring something into your love life. Whichever it is, focusing on what love you want in your life is going to be the main stay for you this month. The King is good at advising on love but in fact is reluctant to take the plunge, and get truly involved, for fear of getting hurt. But let us say that October sees some changes in this field.
With regard to the love interest in your life, things are going to develop into a situation which will take you on a different journey to the one you have been on to date. There is a lot of energy around a new adventure, a different route. This should be looked on as positive.
But what must you do? The Page of Wands suggests watching out for messages, and signs, that things are changing but you must take your time to examine what is unfolding around you, and not rush headlong to the wrong conclusion without some serious thought first. The Page in the suits are also indicators of new starts, so be receptive to some opportunities heading your way.
If you keep your eyes, heart and mind open and alert for chances to stake your claim, you are likely to embrace the winds of change. The Wheel of Fortune might indicate that things really could change for the better if you are ready to hold tight as it starts to turn for you again – otherwise you might just miss your opportunity to get what it is that you want.

What will October bring me? King of Wands
How will this benefit me? The Empress
What must I do? Ace of Cups
What will be the result of the action I take? Three of Cups
October is likely to be full of new relationships and celebrations for you. Are you ready to be taken on your next new adventure? The King of Wands is used to trying new things, and exploring new places, new people and new experiences. It is something he lives for and he embraces every new challenge with passion and enthusiasm, and you may be asked to do the same.
If you are ready for a new adventure, and embrace it, you are likely to be entering a wonderful new part of your life which will help you grow, yet again. Are you the experienced matriarch, or the dependant child? It doesn’t really matter which, providing you are ready to learn and grow with this next experience……..one which will take you to a place of comfort and security (The Empress) and maybe into a happy mature, maternal, give-and-take kind of relationship which is likely to really suit you at this time.
In order to make the best of this new adventure, you are asked to open up to accept new people into your life, but, more importantly, to make the best use of this loving energy that is currently flowing around you. It is important to take the cup offered, and drink from it – regardless of who is offering it to you (Ace of Cups).
By taking the cup, and therefore embracing the opportunities it offers, of friendship and love, you will find yourself in a very happy situation with perhaps something really worth celebrating! Enjoy such a loving and exciting month!

What will October bring me? The Chariot
How will this benefit me? Five of Swords
What must I do? Justice
What will be the result of the action I take? The Fool
The month of October will see you challenged to make big decisions as to where you are heading. But the way it goes should be firmly in your own hands and no-one else’s. Now you are expected to take the reins of your own destiny, and ride the road of your choice, regardless of the outcome. It should be an exciting time, however, for the Chariot is a Major Arcana card which indicates an opportunity to get firmly in control of where you are heading and making this a worthwhile ride!
However, this may lead you into some conflict – this is more likely to be a war within yourself about where you should be heading (or not), and why (Five of Swords). This head-on conflict only backs up the Chariot by indicating that you must stick to your choice of direction, come what may, and stay focused on the road of your choice. These two cards are about learning to make the right choices for YOU, and it is time to live life the way YOU want to.
In order to embrace what you are being asked to address within yourself, you must recognise, and utilise, your own expertise – what you have learnt along the way – the sacrifices you have made – the groundwork you have laid – will all come into play once you grab those reins. Justice, the outcome we deserve dictated by the way we have behaved, will served to you on a platter, so be honest with yourself about what you did wrong as well as what you did for the best.
The Fool indicates a new and exciting journey for you, providing you face the issues you are being asked to examine at close quarters. Remember the mistakes you have made in the past, and avoid them in the future, so that this journey will be faster, safer, and much more fun than any journey you have ever undertaken before.

What will October bring me? Nine of Cups
How will this benefit me? Ten of Cups
What must I do? Eight of Cups
What will be the result of the action I take? Four of Swords
A loving commitment from someone you love will be yours for the taking in October. This card indicates a return of love in great quantity, after some real hardship and endurance, which will bring great relief and not a little happiness for you. This is a love you deserve, and have worked hard for, believed in, and fought for, for some time. How wonderful!
It is now time for you to fully enjoy the benefits of this loving relationship, and start feeling much more secure and happy on the relationship front. It has taken its toll on you, of course, but it really has been worth it all. You have been true to yourself, and those you love, and you will benefit from the harvest of that love you have sown.
You will now be asked to NOT focus on the bad things that have happened…………. acknowledge them, of course,……….. but don’t allow them to reach the level you have now achieved, and interfere with your success. The past is the past, hopelessness and despair belong in the past – not the present, this is something you must learn, to acknowledge, and to let go, because, in love, what seems impossible is always possible (Eight of Cups). That is how magic love can be.
If you can do this, you will be able to focus on yourself, give yourself time to heal and grow in forgiveness and understanding. This may take a while but allow yourself this time to wallow in the love, and to allow that love to heal all the hurts. For love not only gives but it happy to receive – that is how it can truly grow into something magnificent.
End of Tarotscopes
With Love
Patricia x
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