The Tarotscopes for October 2017 are written by Patricia at Simply Tarot.
Hello to you all!
Sorry I wasn’t about for last month’s tarotscopes, I was otherwise engaged! I sincerely hope you are all doing well as we head into the last quarter of the year and that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
It’s been a life changing year for me so far and I am excited to see how the rest of it plays out. I am hoping to see a move into our new house in these horoscopes! I wonder what you are looking for? You can always comment on these scopes if you feel you would like to. I would enjoy hearing from you.
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Perhaps if you enjoy these tarotscopes each month, you might feel ready to treat yourself to a personal tarot reading from me, Patricia, and you can order one, along with finding other goodies, in our Shop.
Whilst thinking about the tarotscopes this month, I got some clear indications that I should just give general guidance this month rather than follow any particular spread, so just apply what you read in the ‘scopes to any particular situations you find yourself in.

The Tower, Ten of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, Page of Swords
Now’s the time the Universe is helping to clear the way for brilliant new things to enter your life (The Tower). By clearing away the old establishment, which is holding up your progress, space is being made for you to build a bright shiny, new tower built on strong foundations! Be ready to expect, and receive, the wonderful things that will soon be on offer to you, in order to maximise this opportunity. Past experiences with their successes and mistakes arm you with the knowledge of how to do things better this time, and you are the architect of your own dreams and aspirations – you will have the power to create the reality which you truly desire. Money and finances are ready and waiting, in abundance, if you get your mindset and attitude right (Ten of Pentacles). The Queen of Swords also suggests you are more than capable of dealing with what lies ahead, you will see things with clarity and understanding, if you will only trust yourself. The Page of Swords suggests that you might tell yourself you can’t, or other people might say you can’t, do this, but don’t listen ~ of course you can. Clear your head of old ways of thinking, and forge ahead with absolute clarity and understanding of how to approach any tasks you undertake from now on. It would seem that October will give you the chance to be in charge of your own life for a change! Make the most of it.

Ten of Wands, Nine of Swords, Nine of Cups, The Lovers
It would seem that your life is choc-a-bloc with tasks to do and responsibilities (Ten of Wands) which could well be holding you back from enjoying wonderful relationships. And you may even be beating yourself up and feeling guilty because you know this is really having an effect on them (Nine of Swords). Just comparing the first two cards, which are fairly hard on the eyes and devoid of colour and very staccato, compared with the second two, which are much more pleasant to look at and full of colour and rounder shapes, would indicate the state in which your life might be at the moment. The focus is on functionality rather than enjoyment. It may be time to make some decisions, which deep down you have been avoiding, which might change the order of things. Focus on what is a real priority for you and delegate the tasks that someone else can do; you cannot be all things to all people without sacrificing an essential part of your own life and that, it would seem, could be your relationships. In order to allow more love, and happiness, into your life you should perhaps acknowledge that you need people, and you need love (Nine of Cups). Try to offload some of the things you have to do to those that can help, and allow yourself some freedom. This does not mean you are weak – the opposite, in fact – it’s a sign of strength to admit you need to make these changes – it is a statement of your needs as an individual. Those that love you will want to help but may not feel they can…….you need to ask, you need to make that choice (The Lovers).

Page of Wands, Five of Cups, Page of Swords, Eight of Swords
You may be in an early stage of a new project in your life, which, hopefully is about to move forward soon (Page of Wands), but at the moment could be causing some issues in terms of relationships (Five of Cups). This needs to be handled carefully, and try not to hurry the process, nothing will be gained by doing so. Tread carefully, watch what you say and listen carefully to others, so that things won’t be made worse by misinterpretation (Page of Swords). The Pages are required to work, but are learning in the process….this is part of your progression – patience and paying attention. It will pay off in the long term. The pressures that are on right now, might be the cause of some negative thinking which could be depressing you slightly, but it will benefit you to deliberately focus on the wonderful things in your life to bring some balance. Any tasks or decisions you need to tackle are best dealt with immediately, as avoiding them is likely to make them much more difficult in the long run (Eight of Swords). You may be feeling this is really a difficult time, but remember, you are likely to hear something exciting soon, so keep your eyes on the prize.

Eight of Swords, Eight of Pentacles, Ten of Wands, The Hanged Man
Whilst a lot of what is going on in your life can be overwhelming and even tricky to handle, or even push you to having to make difficult decisions (Eight of Swords), these cards indicate that you are in a very well established place in your life (Eight of Pentacles). You have all the resources you need to keep on trucking. The issues that you are perhaps dealing with right now have only come about through your own actions, and it is partly your responsibility to make it right, so if there is something, or someone, that needs facing to get a problem sorted, it is best to do that now, rather than to avoid it which could make it worse. You are likely to be feeling overburdened at the moment (Ten of Wands) and you might feel desperately pushed and pulled, but there is only so much one person can do. Perhaps you can take one or other of the two suggestions represented by The Hanged Man…….one is to submit to all the calls on your time, to go with the flow and make the most of it (like not concentrating on what other things you could, or would, be doing by choice), the other is to let people know you need some time out to recover. Either way is likely to benefit you.

Nine of Swords, King of Cups, King of Pentacles, Five of Swords
The pain you are inflicting on yourself for things you have done in the past, the mistakes you have made, is probably far too harsh (Nine of Swords). If it is with regard to a relationship, then, whilst it is good to reflect on what went wrong and why, it is not a good thing to flagellate yourself for ever. It would be a wiser move to understand more about yourself and to forgive yourself so that you are able to move forward. Try to make sure that you don’t close yourself down to further relationships because you fear more pain (King of Cups). There would be a different pain in a life without love, and you should not be denied a chance to be loved. Workwise, you may well think that all is going well and that everything is under control (King of Pentacles), but you might be tasked with some tricky issues to deal with. Take care with how you deal with these. Some battles are really not worth the casualties. Choose the battles that will win you the war, don’t just fight for the sake of it, you will not prosper from it (Five of Swords). It is certainly a month in which you must carefully balance how you use your head and heart, because it would seem that you think you know what should be done but this is likely to result in conflict if you don’t allow your heart to soften the blow.

Two of Swords, The Hanged Man, Three of Wands, Death
Any conflicts which arise this month are best submitted to gracefully, than fighting against them (Two of Swords alongside The Hanged Man). Regardless of what, or who, the conflict is linked to, the only one who will really get hurt, if you fight and struggle against it, is you. By submitting to a situation, you will be able to dwell on how you can learn lessons from it, and find insight, patience and a deep understanding of how you can control whether something will affect you or not. This is called the begetting of wisdom. It is understanding that some situations can be embraced without conflict. This gives you more time and ability to focus on the things you really desire (Three of Wands) instead of being distracted by issues that really are just wasting your time. It might also be time to let something go, something that has been part of your life for a long time – it could be work, a person or a belief that no longer suits a purpose in your life (Death card). An ending of something can never stop the sun from rising, and the path we must take should always be towards the life-giving sun. Just as the fruit and leaves fall from a tree to allow growth for the new season, it is a natural process.

Five of Cups, The Emperor, Six of Cups, Seven of Pentacles
Relationships, of any kind – romantic or not – can be tricky at times. Sometimes we tend to focus on all the negatives of that relationship, ignoring all the wonderful aspects it brings to our life (Five of Cups). If something has gone awry in recent times with a relationship, don’t worry, because without pain there is no benchmark for happiness, it is part of understanding and working to be the best we can be. The Emperor is strong and steadfast in his commitment to his domain, he can be gentle and kind, but formidable if he or his subjects are threatened. In other words he is firm but fair. This card seems to be saying that we need to be at times, too, however, he is steadfast, he won’t turn away from his people and neither should you. The Six of Cups indicates that a true loving relationship is one where each person is willing to learn from past mistakes, and is able to smooth the way, simply to save the relationship, so any hiccups can easily be remedied. You may be faced with a decision to do with work or finances this month, but you have enough past experience to fall back on to make the right choices in this field.

Two of Wands, The Hanged Man, King of Cups, Four of Wands
You may well see an opportunity emerging, such as a new business, job or project, which is well worth pursuing this October (Two of Wands), but it might pay to just wait a while (The Hanged Man) and see whether it grows into something really tangible. It could be a new job, business or possibly a relationship (King of Cups) and there is a very good chance it will be worth taking on. The key to handling this situation is to hang back, at least for a while and study what is happening – don’t push or try to manipulate this, because you are meant to let it unfold at its own pace. The King of Cups also suggests that you may have deep down fears of being hurt in some way, and your immediate reaction is to avoid it, but if you don’t open yourself up to new opportunities you could be missing out on something really wonderful. Don’t be afraid, just let things unfold, and don’t create too many restrictions on its success either. Go with the flow and believe that you are ready for something new, exciting and fuelled with real possibility of success (Four of Wands).

Knight of Cups, Nine of Wands, Ten of Pentacles, The World
Despite being overloaded and exhausted with the everyday tasks of life and work (Nine of Wands), you are set to have an interesting and wonderful month ahead. You might find you have a new suitor, or the chance of a little adventure, which will fill you with love and happiness (Knight of Cups). You are also in a good place in terms of money and home life so there is a lot around you in which you find comfort and can command everything you actually need materially (Ten of Pentacles). The work you are overloaded with is, in part, what helps this established comfort at home, as well as the input you have on the relationships around you, and the truth is, this is what you want out of life ~ to be busy but have the ability to live comfortably, and look after those around you. You also like the challenge and are more than ready to try new things that come along (the Knight again). The World card indicates that all is right with you for the month ahead, so the best thing to do is to be grateful for all the things you do have and to make the most of it as long as you can. Enjoy!

Nine of Swords, Knight of Cups, Temperance, Three of Pentacles
If you are punishing yourself for past mistakes or misjudgements, don’t do it (Nine of Swords)! You are probably being much harder on yourself than is necessary……things are not as bad as you think. Take a lesson from the Knight of Cups and embrace the adventure, the challenge and the excitement ahead of you and don’t get stuck or wallow in the past. OR, allow yourself the luxury of love to overcome you now, and remember who you are, and remember what you were fighting for. The intent was from the heart not from malice. Temperance suggests you take some time to stop and take stock of what you have achieved. Allow yourself to stare into the rainbow of all the good you have done so far, and also, to remember what your original aims were and where you were heading before being blown off track. Offset your anxious thoughts with the love that is in your heart, and get back to a state of serenity. Before you know it you will realise there is a lovely new opportunity available (Three of Pentacles) which is very pleasing, and is likely to be very viable.

Eight of Wands, Nine of Wands, Ten of Swords, Knight of Pentacles
An oyster will only produce a pearl when its tender flesh has been irritated by grit. Because life has thrown some grit into your life in the past, it is highly likely there is a beautiful pearl in the making for you. Already things are moving, for you, towards a successful outcome and you feel full of enthusiasm, motivation and creating a wonderful new reality for yourself (Eight of Wands). Whilst this does not take away the pain you have endured, nor allieviates the terror of climbing the overwhelming mountain you might be faced with (Ten of Swords and Nine of Wands), it helps to know that everything that has happened has contributed to what you are, where you are, and why you are doing what you are doing right now. No success comes without hard work and application. The Knight of Pentacles will give you a handy hint ~ do this properly, pay attention to the detail, if it’s wrong go back and do it again. What he represents is forsaking being interesting, popular, or cool ~ he represents the success of doing a job properly. This Knight will partake of his challenge in a steadfast and methodical way. That’s why he always gets it right. It may be dull and feel unproductive at times, but keep your eyes on that gorgeous pearl that is within your grasp – it will be worth it.

Page of Pentacles, The World, Knight of Pentacles, Five of Wands
You’re very close to achieving what you want. You may have to do a little learning, or research to give you that extra edge in achieving your desires (Page of Pentacles), that little bit more expertise in your field will set the seal on success, and is so worth doing. The World tarot card is probably the most positive card in the deck and indicates complete success, but it is surrounded by the two cards which ask you to keep applying knowledge and effort to your project (Page and Knight of Pentacles). Keep your attention on the tasks at hand, performing each one with precision, and with your full attention; this perfectionism will pay off big time. These cards indicate that you can achieve all that you wish for, and with a little continued effort, it is almost in your grasp so don’t give up now. In fact, just as a runner can find the strength to sprint to the finishing line, you could increase the effort in whatever your current project is. Don’t worry about obstacles in your way – you have a horse, a shield and you are a Knight on an adventure – you can get over it or through it. You’ll find a way.
End of Tarotscopes
I hope these tarotscopes are of use to you, and I hope to see you back here next month. If you would like to buy The Tarot House Deck, which is the tarot deck I use, just CLICK HERE
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Have the best October EVER!
Patricia x
Designer and Artist of The Tarot House Deck
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