Well here we are again!
What is it that you are hoping to get from these Tarotscopes for October? I hope I’ve got it right this month. I felt, whilst I was pondering on how to approach them, a need for specific guidance rather than a general reading, so we have four cards with four specific points:
The top card (1) is where you are at, right now; the card to the left (2) is what you need; the card to the right (3) is what you should consider doing; and the bottom card (4) is the Outcome. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy reading them as well as finding them helpful throughout the coming month.
Please do share with your circle of friends as these tarotscopes are genuinely written by me and are free to read for everyone. I use The Tarot House Deck, which I designed and painted, for all my tarotscopes and, if you like the deck, you can buy it here before the Christmas rush – it does take around 15 days to reach places like the USA and Australia from the UK, so it’s worth getting ahead of the mad postal palaver. You can also join our Tarot Study Group on Facebook if you’d like to learn with our deck, and get some help with tarot meanings and readings and have bit of chit chat 🙂
To find your tarotscope just scroll down till you find your star sign.
Wishing you a very happy October.
Patricia x

1 Where you are: The Moon
2 What you need: Two of Swords
3 Perhaps you should: Page of Pentacles
4 Outcome: The Magician
Something is being kept in the dark; perhaps with regard to your own behaviour, or it could be someone around you that is not being upfront with you about something. The Moon usually appears when we cannot see something clearly, and there is secrecy around a situation. This is not a good place to be, really, however, it is only a matter of time before things become clearer to you, or those around you. It is inevitable that these things will come to light. You might be being asked to keep alert for signs or to trust your instincts a bit more at this time. Sometimes The Moon appears when the time is not right for your desires to manifest and there is a period of waiting for things to fall into place.
What you need, right now, is represented by the Two of Swords, and this clearly indicates a need for a better understanding of any situation you find yourself in. There is, perhaps, some conflict or issue which should be dealt with but you might be avoiding it. Try to find out why this situation has arisen and what you feel would be the best outcome to work towards. You need to know more about it to effectively deal with it.
Again, in the ‘Perhaps you should’ position, the Page of Pentacles suggests that you need to do more research and learning about something to help you move onwards from this situation – there may be ways you can handle things to make them better, but without some guidance or information you feel there is nothing you can do. Take some time out to get informed about why you feel you can’t handle this particular problem. You’ll feel stronger, more capable, and definitely more confident about your own needs and hopefully find the solutions you need.
Assuming you are able to understand your situation better and maybe even confront it, The Magician suggests you could well be heading towards a brand new path. This card doesn’t advise you where you are heading but it does assure you that you have all the skills necessary to be successful and you are ready to take it. There may well be a bright new journey ahead of you should you get to grips with your current issues.

1 Where you are: Eight of Cups
2 What you need: The Devil
3 Perhaps you should: Two of Swords
4 Outcome: Ten of Wands
The Eight of Cups suggests that right now you are struggling with a particular relationship and possibly even be separated from them. This would clearly mean distress and upset for you. This card can be pretty harsh in that it would seem, certainly at the moment, that there is little you can do about it other than pick yourself up off the floor and start looking round to see how you can make things better for yourself.
The Devil indicates that you need to confront your own guilt and fears which are part of the current problem. You should try to free yourself from self-destructive thoughts that are rendering you helpless and making you feel you are trapped. You are not. You are able to change your thought pattern, you are able to change the way life is at the moment, you are the architect of your own desires. You are temporarily hampered by your own mindset which is keeping you imprisoned in lack of self worth. It is likely that if you confront your demons, come out with the truth, to yourself and others, it might not be as bad as you think – and there might be opportunities to fix this situation.
You cannot continue to live in a world of uncertainties. The Two of Swords is indicating that you are avoiding dealing with a situation and the chances are by doing so, the situation could get worse. This card suggests you should look more into what the issues are, what the solutions or outcomes might be, and even perhaps to get some advice. When you do, you should be able to handle the situation better.
The Ten of Wands suggests an ongoing situation of being overwhelmed and overburdened by all that you have to do. Again, the solution is in your own hands by deciding what is priority and to deal with it immediately. Also, allow people to help you by offloading some of the tasks, or difficulties, to others. It is time to get your life in order – and you can only do this by knowing where you are heading, and who you wish to be with you, on this journey. Anything else is too complicated, you should, perhaps, simplify your life.

1 Where you are: Nine of Cups
2 What you need: The World
3 Perhaps you should: Knight of Swords
4 Outcome: Page of Wands
At the moment, despite some difficulties, your relationships seem to be in a good place. The Nine of Cups represents relationships which are established, and enduring, despite any difficulties which arise – and this is good, but not always easy. However, many people are lonely and without love, so even though this journey has been tough at times it is a relationship worth having. And this is something you should be proud of.
In terms of what you need right now, it would seem that you need to feel secure and happy in every aspect of your life. You probably do enjoy much of what The World has to offer already, but you might want some indication that it is indeed, yours for ever. There’s nothing wrong with this – nobody likes uncertainty in their life – but sometimes we have to wait for a while before we feel something is truly secure. So perhaps a little patience is all that is needed.
The Knight of Swords tends to rush hot-headedly into war zones and often finds he is mistaken, so whatever the situation is for you right now is to make sure you know, for sure what is going on and avoid blundering into situations or arguments when you don’t know the realities of a situation – second guessing will not work.
Maybe, though your relationship is sound, your insecurities are tarnishing the gilt on your love life, and maybe the Page of Wands is saying that, if you keep your head, you will find very soon that new information could help you understand your journey to date, and why you were taken on this path. This might well address the uncertainties that bother you right now. So don’t rush into anything, try not to pick arguments and you’ll see why your journey has not always run smoothly, you may well find out why being where, and who, you are is really important right now. There is likely to be a higher reason for what you have been going through.

1 Where you are: The Hierophant
2 What you need: King of Cups
3 Perhaps you should: Six of Pentacles
4 Outcome: Five of Wands
You may currently have had some information which helps you to understand where you are in life at the moment. The Hierophant can represent information coming to light which you may have been waiting for, and you might now know what it is you want to do going forward. This card might indicate, however, that you could do with some guidance on a particular belief you thought you were ok with, or one that you might be interested in going forward with – for example a different belief or religious standpoint. Either way you feel ready to move on and make some changes with this new information.
With regard to what you ‘need’, the King of Cups suggests that you might want some love in your life. Perhaps things have been a bit quiet on this front and you have a need to be held dear by someone. This is fine. We all feel this sometimes, but perhaps it is necessary for you to make it clear to those around you that this is what you need. Ask for some love – even if it is just cuddles from someone around you – it really will help.
The Six of Pentacles in the ‘Perhaps you should’ position, might be indicating that you need a bit of excitement. A gift might do the trick or something to cheer you up. Clearly you are feeling a bit alone and neglected. Perhaps you should tell someone around you that you are feeling a little ‘blue’ and you need a little love and attention – hopefully they’ll come up with something nice for you. If you don’t have someone round you to do this for you, treat yourself! You deserve it! Pat yourself on the back and remind yourself how wonderful you are.
Looking forward, should any obstacles bar your way, remember that your intellect, humour and collected life-skills can help you easily overcome them. It is just a matter of being objective and not dismissing ideas of how to overcome them as being silly. There is often a solution in the very place we think there won’t be, so don’t limit your thinking when a problem pops up. There’s nothing you can’t sort out.

1 Where you are: Six of Pentacles
2 What you need: Knight of Swords
3 Perhaps you should: Five of Wands
4 Outcome: Queen of Swords
You might find yourself the recipient of an unexpected gift or loan from someone – or perhaps this is what you are hoping for. The Six of Pentacles indicates that there is certainly a need for a boost on financial, or work, level and this would help you enormously at a time when you feel that the people around you are not perhaps supportive enough. Whichever it is, perhaps it is a good time to make sure that whatever money you have at your disposal is handled carefully so that you don’t have to be in this position again.
In terms of what you ‘need’ this month, it looks like you might have to adopt a ‘combative’ approach, but be cautious because the Knight of Swords tends to charge into situations with little knowledge of the situation and can often come out of the fray without any glory. So whilst you might be feeling a bit feisty about something right now, don’t act without arming yourself with the correct information and knowledge about the situation. Take your time and use your brains before attempting to sort out any tricky situation.
Perhaps you need to be aware that there are still hurdles and obstacles ahead of you. To know there may still be issues to overcome is to be forearmed. Be ready to tackle these issues in the best way you can find. You need to think ‘out of the box’ to find a solution to them. You have all the experience of the past to help you deal with any issues ahead, so that you can navigate your path more smoothly going forward.
The Queen of Swords in the Outcome position might indicate there is someone that can help you who is alert, clever and possibly aloof. If this is not someone who will have an impact on your life then you might need to take a leaf from this Queen’s book. Keep your thoughts close to you, remain alert, seek information and knowledge and don’t wear your heart on your sleeve. This way you might find that things work out much better for you.

1 Where you are: Six of Swords
2 What you need: Death
3 Perhaps you should: Knight of Swords
4 Outcome: Three of Swords
It would seem that, at the moment, you are dealing with a situation which is not good for you. You may feel that you can carry on and cope with it and, indeed, you can do so in a calm and serene manner. The Six of Swords represents a situation which is causing you some pain but one which is being handled, and managed, but is not getting sorted out for your sake, at the very least. Whilst you may be coping admirably, it is not a good situation for you to be in. The longer this goes on the chances are it will damage you more.
Death in the ‘What you need’ position clearly indicates that this situation should end, it needs to stop, it is destructive for you and those around you. What doesn’t serve and reflect your own needs shouldn’t be accepted as the norm. Everything, good or bad, in life comes to an end at some point – you can wait till it is forced onto you whether you like it or not, or you can choose to bring this to an end of your own free will. The question is: which is the way that is best for you that will cause you less damage in the long run?
The Knight of Swords in the ‘Perhaps you should’ position could represent you taking action about this situation. If this is something you feel you should do, then this card would advise that you prepare yourself for the battle at hand. This card suggests that you make sure you have all the information at hand, to make sure that you are doing this for the best reasons for all concerned, and that you are prepared to stand your ground regardless.
The Three of Swords in the Outcome position indicates that of course there will be hurt, but there is hurt for you whether you stay with things as they are, or whether you bring this situation to an end. Your choice about which pain is the pain that will bring you to some healing, and the ability to move onwards from this, is perhaps the one you should consider. Your needs are just as important as anyone else’s.

1 Where you are: Page of Wands
2 What you need: Ten of Cups
3 Perhaps you should: Five of Pentacles
4 Outcome: The Empress
The Page of Wands could be indicating that you are embarking on a new journey or project right now. But it might be that some new knowledge has affected the way you are approaching life, or a particular situation you are dealing with. This tarot card is really about you listening to sage advice, or even constructive criticism, that might put your back up but which, nevertheless, could prove useful to you in your endeavours. In other words, whilst you feel you know what you are doing, and are excited about your project, don’t run headlong into something without listening to advice that might help, even though it is not necessarily what you want to hear.
At the moment, all you need is to feel that your home life and relationships are running smoothly, perhaps you feel that you can deal with everything else but not disruption with those you love and live with. The Ten of Cups is the ultimate happy card for love and emotions and, in this position, it would seem that this is your key need/desire.
The Five of Pentacles, in the ‘Perhaps I should’ position could be advising you that love and relationships are far more important that money and its outward appearance of ‘success’ – money and status will not buy the most important thing, ‘true’ love. To equate your worth with the amount of money or possessions you own is not going to serve you well. Concentrate on your relationships more.
The Empress in the Outcome position clearly backs this up. Being the Empress of your own domain, and having wonderful relationships with your own children/family, is what is most important in the long run. If you want your ‘worth’ to be realised it will be through your emotional and family relationships rather than what your job is, or how much money you have. Being The Empress of your own domain, built on love, is a better accolade than the job you work at, or the house you live in, because it demonstrates the heart, mind and soul of you rather than just your intellect.

1 Where you are: Page of Swords
2 What you need: Knight of Cups
3 Perhaps you should: Three of Pentacles
4 Outcome: The Star
The Page of Swords represents a situation in which something is said with good intent but is taken in the wrong way. Just be alert to the words you use, and the tone in which it is said, to make sure that communications don’t get overblown and cause all sorts of unnecessary conflict. Being honest is a sure fire way to not get caught out at a later date. Being honest allows us to retain information with confidence. So make sure your communications are crystal clear and given in such a way that the intent is palatable to others.
The Knight of Cups in the ‘What you need’ position suggests you could do with a little adventure in love. Even if it is just an ego boost that you need. This doesn’t have to be ‘the one’ though you might be ready for that now, perhaps. The point is that we all need to feel we are appreciated now and then, so even if it is a session with your mates who show that they care, or a cuddle from someone you love, it will help. But you need to show people that you need some love.
The Three of Pentacles indicates that perhaps you should look to something that you are doing well – maybe at work or as a hobby – because it would seem something you are doing right now is showing potential for growing into a viable source of future income. Don’t dismiss what could work well for you as ‘Oh, it just my…….’ because it could grow into something significant for you – keep working at it and believe it has potential.
The Star in the Outcome position suggests that next month might not bring the developments you would like to see happening right now, and that things are not moving fast enough for you. This card asks you to keep doing what you are doing no matter how useless it all seems to you, because things will come right for you only at the optimum time. Until then, keep working and have faith that everything is heading in the right direction for you.

1 Where you are: Ten of Pentacles
2 What you need: Four of Wands
3 Perhaps you should: Page of Swords
4 Outcome: The Hierophant
You appear to be very contented with your lot in terms of your work and home life according to the Ten of Pentacles. This card indicates that you feel you are pretty much where you want to be. Your hard work is paying off and you feel you have reached a place which reflects your own needs and happiness. This card is a strong card and a positive one, so it looks like the coming month should see you happy and contented.
The Four of Wands in the ‘What you need’ position could represent a desire for signs that you are on the right track and that what you are working towards will soon show some signs of success. Sometimes there needs to be a period of real effort before we are granted rewards for our hard work, but maybe you should just look out for signs that things are running smoothly, or that you are making headway in your tasks, to understand you are on the right path. Keep your foot on the accelerator to ensure your journey is well under way – then you will start to get some signs.
The Page of Swords could be suggesting that perhaps you should be careful about the words you use and the tone of your voice whilst communicating – you may find that what you said was with good intention, but might have been taken out of context – other people may not see things from your viewpoint. Don’t make assumptions about anything and try to make sure the truth is out there. This way you won’t get tripped up later down the path.
The Hierophant in the Outcome position indicates there may be some information coming out that makes something much clearer to you, and whilst it brings some relief it may set you on a new way of thinking or belief system which might suit you better going forward. Make sure this new approach is researched well and don’t take everything you read or research as the ‘truth’ – look beyond the obvious and delve deeper.

1 Where you are: King of Wands
2 What you need: Ace of Pentacles
3 Perhaps you should: Six of Wands
4 Outcome: Three of Cups
The King of Wands, representing you in this reading, suggests that you are involved in many a project or endeavour that keep you busy and engaged, and in fact, certainly in the coming month you are more than ready to take on any new adventure that comes your way. You are very equipped for these adventures and they satisfy a need in you to vary your routine. Without them you would suffer with boredom.
What you need right now, according to the Ace of Pentacles, is an endeavour which promises to add to your income. Adventures and projects might engage your interest but you are keenly aware you also need to earn yourself a living. Hopefully, something is emerging for you in this respect, so be alert to ideas or opportunities that pop up around you and make sure you optimise them.
Perhaps you should blow your own trumpet a bit more in terms of your work, maybe advertising your successes will bring more opportunities to you, perhaps you need to make it clear that you are the right person for the job. The Six of Pentacles indicates that there is a lot of success you’ve already bagged and which can be used to indicate how capable you are and you can provide the service they need. Don’t hide your talents – shout them from the rooftops.
The Three of Cups indicates that there could be a celebration of some sort to do with relationships, or emotions, in the coming month. Or maybe, following on from the rest of this reading, this card might represent a development between you and other people building a team that will work well for you. Whichever it is you will be happy about it, so enjoy it to the max!

1 Where you are: The Tower
2 What you need: Judgement
3 Perhaps you should: Page of Pentacles
4 Outcome: Queen of Wands
Because The Tower is in the ‘Where you are’ position, this card indicates that you have been and are dealing with the fallout of the Tower in your life. In other words, you are rebuilding your new Tower as we speak. There’s no doubt this is hard work, but what is good is that the new Tower you are building will not have the weaknesses, and instability, of the last. Keep working on the endurance and sustainability of your new life using the knowledge of what has gone before, so your newly built Tower can, and will, withstand the strongest onslaught.
What you seem to need right now is judgement of your behaviours – you believe that you did the right thing, as and when you could, but you may feel that you need this saying out loud, or to be shown by facts and truths. This is important to you right now. Judgement comes as a result of our behaviours, so make sure you stay close to truth and honesty in your dealings, and your actions aren’t likely to be called out as false. The Tower and Judgement may indicate some major developments in your particular situation, and maybe they are long overdue.
The Page of Pentacles suggests that perhaps you should keep on top of the knowledge you need to steer your way through these developments, or perhaps to look out for some new information that comes to light which might help you. Either way, it is important that you keep yourself informed about anything you are tasked with as part of your effort to rebuild your Tower more securely and assuredly.
The Queen of Wands in the Outcome position is clearly stating that you are more than capable of successfully managing whatever you have to deal with in the coming month. This Queen is the most adaptable and skilful Queen in a tarot deck, so you should not fear handling anything that comes your way. You’ve got this!

1 Where you are: Knight of Swords
2 What you need: The Magician
3 Perhaps you should: Page of Pentacles
4 Outcome: The World
You need to be careful about the way you communicate this month. You might have adopted a new view on life, just recently, which is quite ‘out there’ for people that have known you for a while. The Page of Swords represents a naivety in a critical way of thinking that might make your words come out differently to what you intended – this could lead to a misunderstanding of what you meant.
A shift in attitude can really bring some big changes to what you do, and what you believe. The Magician appearing in the ‘What you need’ position could indicate that it might be the right time to consider making some changes to your life-path too. It is probably a good time to ponder whether you are happy with what you are doing and whether you feel you have realistic goals. If not, then maybe you need to think about what you would like to get out of life. The Magician indicates that you have all the skills you need to make it happen, too.
In the ‘Perhaps you should’ position we have another Page, the Page of Pentacles. This Page suggests you should, perhaps, do some more research or learning on your new beliefs/viewpoints, so that when you are questioned or have to act on something, you will know exactly how, and why, you approach it in the way you do. The two Pages in this reading do indicate a naivety or lack of knowledge about your new viewpoint. The way to overcome this, of course, is to become thoroughly informed on why this is the way forward for you.
Your change in attitude to life, and any change of direction that comes about for you (providing you are fully informed, of course) certainly looks to be a game changer for you, because The World in the Outcome position is probably the best card in a tarot deck. This card coming out in the reading suggests that everything you want and more is ready and waiting for you but perhaps you just have to make the first move!
End of Tarotscopes
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