For these Tarotscopes I am going to introduce a Birthday Feature, which I hope to continue each month!
The idea came to me whilst I was thinking about October and what it would be bringing – for me – two daughters’ birthdays and my eldest is 40 years old! It doesn’t seem very long ago that I was counting her age in weeks, and counting how many lbs and ounces she’d put on! I am very proud of her, she’s now a very senior Nurse Practitioner, she can diagnose and prescribe for patients, so she has done amazingly well, and she has three young daughters of her own. I can say this right now – the time passes SO quickly; if you are still young, and life is throwing hurdles, tasks and all sorts at you, try to understand that you are CREATING memories, the only ones you will have. How will you remember this time? With joy and happiness? Regret? Frustration? I can recall how hard it could be, the struggles with money, the sickness scares, the school runs, the shopping, ironing, cleaning, cooking and working. But I can also look back with fondness, my memories are full of love and fun and laughter too, but the thing I miss the most is having them close in our care, under our roof – I knew they were safe with us. Then I had to let them go. Sometimes they sail along at speed, sometimes they still go beneath the water, my heart beats again when I see them bob up. Life is so precious.
SO, this will be the first month I will make a feature of the Birthday Zodiac Sign, and I will do it with a Birthday ‘Card’ – an extra tarot card – for all those Librans celebrating a birthday.
Because I want you to know that YOU are all very precious!!
Did you know we have a tarot ‘Card of the Day’ automated function on our site! It’s very popular. Do have a go…
And now scroll down to find your Zodiac/Star sign to read October’s Tarotscope! Please do share with your friends and family.

It looks as though there could be some major movement forward, this month. The Empress, who generally represents, either a pregnancy, or a mother/child dynamic relationship, is one of two Major Arcana cards which would indicate a significant impact. Whether the dynamic is with a child, your own mother, or in a romantic situation, only you will know. The message The Empress brings is that nurture of some kind is likely to be needed, and the strengths of The Empress would be to understand and embrace what the issues are. The advice she might also give is to watch your temper, because sometimes a Matriarch feels she has the right to demand that things are done ‘her’ way, but it is very unlikely to work, in this case.
The Wheel of Fortune is likely to bring you a change of luck from the way things have been for you just recently. Hopefully The Wheel will bring some new opportunities for you, so be on the alert to grab them, and make the most of them before The Wheel turns again.
The King of Pentacles suggests that you are pretty good at keeping your money in order, and that you are not likely to be struggling for your creature comforts right now. If this is the case then keep up the good work. If not, then this King is likely to be indicating that this month will be a good month to get a hold over your income, finances and order within the home.
On top of that, the Queen of Wands is suggesting that you have the ability, and the enthusiasm, to turn your hand to any tasks, and make a success of them, so if you have any outstanding work, at home or abroad, October will be a great time to tackle them since this card implies you can bring about the best result.

There could be a battle of wills, this month, as depicted by the King of Swords and The Empress. The King of Swords, whilst often right about situations, can deliver his opinion in a rather harsh way, which can upset some people and yet it is worth listening to his advice because he has the clarity of mind to sort any problems out right now. In terms of The Empress, who is generally all-embracing and nurturing, this could create an issue, since, as the Matriarch, she does have the capacity to demand things are done ‘her’ way, and this might not be the right approach to take either. The message with these two cards is, should any issues arise from people in your life, try to find a middle ground to accept the help from both of them and to try to not take things too personally – the advice they both have to offer is worth hearing.
The Sun would indicate that should this happen and you take the advice proffered, and work with it, then everything should work out amazingly well. The Sun is one of the most positive cards in the deck and indicates that everything you turn your hand to will be blessed with success. Couple this card with the Eight of Wands and you should find that you are incredibly creative, hugely energetic and full of enthusiasm to bring any projects to life and get them motoring. This will be such a relief, since it is likely you feel you have not got anywhere just recently. Make the most of it.

Initially, it looks as though relationships will bring some interest and excitement this coming month (Knight of Cups) along with some sort of celebration as indicated by the Three of Cups. You could be starting an interesting journey within this new relationship, but it will be important to nurture it. The Knight of Cups can often be very attentive, but also a bit dreamy about love, and a little immature. However, the Three of Cups represents something very concrete happening like the conception or birth of a child, a marriage, engagement which might not be in terms of this new relationship, but someone else around you.
The Six of Pentacles also brings some good news with regard to your finances, since this card often represents a useful gift or loan that restores your faith in humankind and gives you the opportunity to sort out your financial difficulties. Of course, the best thing to do with this influx of financial help, would be to use it to ensure you create some security and stability for the future – use it wisely.
The Tower, usually represents a complete change in terms of your circumstances, sometimes on a relationship level, sometimes in terms of your security or maybe even a job. Whilst this can sometimes be quite shocking, more often than not it gives you the opportunity to go forward with knowledge of what you want in life, what you know you should avoid and what to push for. In other words you can do things in a better way which will bring much more enduring and strong results in the future.

Life always brings some challenges to our door, this is to try and help us get stronger through different experiences, and to acquire the knowledge they bring to help with future problems. The Five of Wands, indicates that should a hurdle be set in your way, all you need to do is to think and/or approach it from a different angle and you should find the answers.
However, The Moon indicates that you might not have all the facts at your your fingertips at the moment, and so things will not be clear enough for you to make any major decisions right now. Patience, and waiting for a while before doing anything drastic will probably pay off in the long run. Do pay attention to your gut instinct/intuition at the moment, though, since The Moon can also represent a time where ‘feeling’ or ‘knowing’ is inherently strong.
The Three of Pentacles indicates early signs of success in a venture you are involved with, indeed it looks set to do very well, provided the same amount of effort goes into building its prospects. If you do continue to work with it now then there is an excellent chance it could help you increase your financial security, and is an ideal chance to ensure stability for yourself in the future. Don’t let this chance pass you by – they don’t come along too often.
The Ace of Swords indicates that a fundamental change in your attitude or approach to life is on the cards – perhaps the need for a different belief system, or a change in your opinion of something that you once strongly clung to. This might be challenging for some of the people around you, who are used to your old way of doing things, and it might create some conflict, so again, patience might be needed whilst they adjust to the new you.

A partnership in terms of work, or finance, could be on offer in October (Two of Pentacles), which you might find very tempting. However, this card sits directly next to The Moon, which could indicate that perhaps you will not be given the full information you need in order to make an informed decision as to whether to take it up. Usually The Moon advises that it is best not to make any major decisions just yet, since it is likely that other information could come to light, in a while, which might mean you could look at it differently.
The Nine of Pentacles, does indicate, though, that your finances are already in a pretty good state and perhaps this card is saying that there is no rush to involve yourself in a partnership, or opportunity, which might not be totally clear to you right now. Sometimes it is necessary to take a risk, at other times it makes sense to stick with what you know and not take any chances.
The Sun is an extremely positive card which suggests that things will generally be excellent in October for you, and that everything you do touch will be very successful – perhaps it makes sense to focus on the things you are absolutely sure of, and work solely on these with the happy influence of The Sun, rather by being distracted by a new and interesting offer. You can afford to wait, if the offer is still around when all the information is clear, and you think it can work for you, then so be it. That would be the win/win situation.

The Nine of Swords tends to appear when someone is suffering through guilt, fear or grief. Sometimes, looking back on things that have happened, it easy to fall into the trap of feeling we should have, could have, done better – that the choices we made were bad, or the ‘wrong’ ones. This can be the Ego playing tricks. Once in this mindset it can be difficult to get out of it, but if this is you at the moment it is something you must try to tackle. What you did in the past was reacting to the situation at hand, with the knowledge you had at the time. You did your best and that is all that was needed. It is unlikely anyone else blames you for your choices – leave the past behind and adopt a more positive mindset – you did the best you could, and punishing yourself does not achieve anything for anyone. This will help you move on.
The rest of the cards in your reading are Pentacles which relate to your home life or your work/income. Perhaps if you focus on this it will help pull you through this ‘down’ time. The Knight of Pentacles is a card which advises care in all the tasks you are required to undertake right now. Dot all the ‘i’s and cross all the ‘t’s – it suggests paying attention to detail is what will bring success – don’t cut corners. The Eight of Pentacles suggests that there could be a new skill that has caught your interest and by working on it you could find that, not only could it improve your finances, but it might be something you will fully enjoy too. The Page of Pentacles endorses this – there is something new which has caught your interest – this Page would even sneak away from his duties to study it. Perhaps you should do the same.

Perhaps at the moment there is a lot in your life which is causing you some conflict, or aggravation, maybe even disappointment, or feelings of betrayal. The Six of Swords indicates that you are able to cope with this really well, although it is not an ideal situation for you. The Three of Swords is advising that it really matters, and you could be struggling, deep down, with it.
Temperance appears to give you some advice – stop. Stop for a while and look back on all the amazing things you have done, look at the distance you have travelled with such success. This card, certainly sitting between the two Swords cards, and The Devil Card, is telling you that you need to redirect your thoughts right now.
Temperance says that some balance is needed, and that you should acknowledge the feelings in your heart and soul, too. Mental alacrity needs to be offset with fun, hard work with play, serious talk with laughter. Currently, it would seem from these cards that your thoughts are not necessarily your best friend, sometimes Ego does not work for our well-being. Not everything has to be sorted out with logic. The Devil also endorses that your mindset is holding you hostage to thoughts which make you feel inadequate or undeserving, or you might be wishing that you’d done things differently. If so, you should understand that decisions you’ve made, and behaviours, in the past, are not mistakes that should hold you back – they happened to serve a purpose, which is to teach you that you are strong, and that you will endure. You should also know this is probably just a phase, so give yourself a break and a little love and affection.

Happy Birthday to you! The Queen of Wands has appeared to tell you that you are incredibly capable, enthusiastic, and good at multi-tasking. You are successful at everything you turn your hand to – whether it is being good with people, sorting difficult problems, bringing joy to situations, working hard, even down to making a delicious meal, or crafting something you’ve never done before. Some times you amaze yourself. You certainly amaze other people. You are very much admired!! Remember that! There is nothing that you can’t handle. Be proud.

A little bit of wistfulness about a past relationship is not a bad thing (Six of Cups). However, it is important to remember that looking back at past experiences can dilute the pain and frustrations that dominated at the time – the mind can even play tricks and make things seem different now to the way things were then. All past relationships can bring us relevant experience, and knowledge of how to appreciate our current situations, but don’t get tricked into thinking is was the best thing ever – if it were, why did it not work?
At home, or in terms of your income, you are in a really good place according to the Nine of Pentacles. This card represents the hard work you’ve put in to achieve all that you have, and hopefully you are reaping the benefits. If that’s not happening just yet, then keep up the effort because it will happen soon and you will be delighted.
Be alert for some dishonesty around you (Seven of Swords) – whether it is you that might be telling a ‘white lie’ or two, or someone else not being honest with you, you need to be aware that this is not good right now. Keep your eyes and ears open and check that you are not creating problems for yourself that you really do not need, and if it is someone else doing the manipulating then you need to look out for that for obvious reasons.
When you are not wistfully looking back at bygone relationships, and can focus on your current ones, you will find that you have established something very special indeed. The Nine of Cups is telling you that the relationships you have, now, are the ones that can make all your wishes come true. It has taken hard work and endurance to get you here, but the good times are about to begin and, in terms of love, are here to stay. Enjoy!

You might find, in October, that with regard to a particular relationship, yourself feeling bored and somewhat demotivated. It could be that your own mindset and attitude could be part of the problem, in which case you might need to try and understand why you feel this way so that you can start to address the problem if you wish.
The Lovers, interestingly, suggests that you might be feeling tempted by something, or someone else ‘out there’, which could be adding to the problem. It can be very easy to justify why you might be better off somewhere else, or with someone else, but some serious thought needs to go in to potential options for you, along with regard for the other people involved. Try to keep focused on reality and not the ‘what might be’ to make the best decision on how you want to proceed, for the highest good of all concerned. However, it would not be right, either, for you to forsake your needs altogether.
The temptation may be coming from the formation of a new relationship which is building just now. You need to remember that in the early days of a relationship everything is always exciting. It is important to not rush into any other relationships too soon, it’s much harder to get out of unsuitable ones, than it is to take things stage by stage.
The Emperor is a really strong character – either as a friend or a foe. As this card has come up with relationship cards, it would be wise to stay alert for dominant characters trying to browbeat you into something they want rather than what you want. If this is not the case, then there may be a strong person, possibly a father-figure, who can give you the sensible advice you might need right now.

It might be wise to consider your own words, or how you are interpreting what other people are saying to you, in October. The Page of Swords represents a naivety – often born through a new attitude or belief – that can result in something being said in exuberance, or lack of knowledge. In other words, you, or someone else, might have discovered a new and exciting tenet to live from, but there might not be a full understanding of it, as yet. This Page just advises to be aware that what is being said needs to be scrutinised because it could have been delivered in an immature way. It is likely it was not meant to cause offence, of course, but might well just do so.
The Ace of Pentacles usually heralds a new opportunity which could improve your income, either from a new business idea, or a job, maybe even a promotion. Whichever it is, there is a lot of energy which can be harnessed to make this embryonic situation into a reality, so it is down to you to make the most of this opportunity.
The Nine of Pentacles indicates that you are already in control of your finances/income, and that you are likely to be able to enjoy many of the comforts of life you seek. If that is not the situation just now, then it is on its way, so keep up the hard work because you could be about to reap the rewards.
Perhaps all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy (as the saying goes). The Four of Cups indicates a certain boredom within a relationship, but this could be, in part, exacerbated by your own attitude. Have a good think about what you are feeling, and why, because this might help you find out why this slump has developed. Relationships need input from both sides, and it could be that your ennui is just being mirrored back to you, and maybe, if you kickstart some fun back into it, you could revive it.

So, come October, the King of Pentacles is tasking you to really get to grips with your finances if you aren’t already in control. However, this King might be telling you that you are already getting there. There is certainly mastery over finances in this card, so, if you are not quite at this stage The King of Pentacles could be indicating that it is not far off for you – perhaps he advises being better focused on your income, how you can improve it, or make it work better for you – this is how he has succeeded.
The Two of Swords is likely to be highlighting a conflict in your life which you are avoiding. Perhaps there is a need to get a better understanding of the issue at hand and why this has happened. Avoiding the conflict will not make it go away. Perhaps if you dealt with it you could feel a bit more relaxed with it out of the way? Certainly, the longer this goes on the harder it will become to sort it out.
A new relationship seems set to develop into something a bit more concrete in October. The excitement of a new relationship, whether romantic or not, always brings warm feelings and a sense of worth. Of course all relationships that bring happiness to you are worth nurturing, and you have to put as much into it as you want to take from it, to make it work. But there should be a lot of lovely energy around this relationship – so enjoy!
Well, The World suggests that the coming month could catapult you into the exact place you wanted to be, with a cherry on top. This card indicates that all the hard work, the trials and tribulations you have gone through, the acceptance of knowledge gained, and the lessons you have learned are about to pay off big time. Well done! It is time to celebrate and accept the rewards you are offered. You really deserve them!

You might have a tricky start to the month of October. The Five of Wands depicts hurdles, or obstacles, it is important to get over for things to get moving again for you. But, all you need to do is to take a look at any obstacles objectively. Approach the problem from a different angle and it is highly likely you will find away round, over or through it. It’s time to tackle this and get it over and done with. You can do it!
The Four of Swords indicates you might be exhausted from recent trials. You need some time to pamper yourself. No – don’t tell yourself you have to work, or do this, or that – it is important for your healing that you acknowledge the fatigue, the hurt, the exhaustion and the trauma itself. It doesn’t take money to teach yourself you are deserving of good things, that you are worthy, that you care about yourself. If you do have a little money buy yourself a treat – any treat that will make you feel good, do something to kickstart your healing. It is time to leave the pain behind, but you need rest, recuperation and to regenerate your energy, if you are to be strong enough to do this.
There could be a decision to make in terms of your finances, or income. You will need to take stock of what’s happened in the past, what has succeeded and what hasn’t to make the best decision. What are your priorities? What do you know, now, that you didn’t in the past? Only make a decision about work, or your income, that you know you can manage.
So whilst there are some issues that might need sorting, things should start to look up for you, because the Ten of Pentacles indicates good things coming your way! You might feel exhausted and battered, but this cycle is about to complete with rewards you totally deserve. The Ten of Pentacles suggests that all your hard work is about to pay off and you are going to feel happier than you have done for a considerable time. Excellent! Enjoy!
End of Tarotscopes.
Tarotscopes are written by Patricia at Simply Tarot and are genuine tarot readings based on your star sign.
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Never knew about these things. You have made me learn some new concepts entirely fresh.
Excellent and helpful information!
Thank you so much Laura Rose!! This is lovely to hear. Best wishes, Patricia