Scroll down to find your Tarotscopes for October 2020.
Happy Spooky Season to you all! I know many of you luuurrvvee Halloween and will be excited for the end of October! You might not be with as many people as you would like, this year, but there’s no reason to ignore the season.
Later in the month I hope to give you all a little tarot treat with a card for Halloween – it might help you decide how you want to dress up – don’t forget you can have virtual parties – or what you need to focus on nearer Halloween, so keep your eyes peeled!
Me……I’m going to hide. I scare easily…….
Here are the Tarotscopes for October and it would be so helpful for you to share them with your friends and families. Please do come and join us on Facebook and keep in touch.
Be safe, be spooky, be smiley.

Here’s a pleasant set of cards for Aries this October. Plans and projects will go well, as will relationships.
The Four of Wands indicates a level of success in terms of an endeavour you are working on right now. This project, it could be a job, a hobby, a business or even a house move, has developed and grown, and there is a solid foundation to build on. There is still a way to go, but you have managed to get it to a great place, so keep working at it.
The Three of Cups suggests there could be a lovely celebration coming up around you this month – maybe a conception, birth, an engagement or some other lovely news – whether for you or someone you care about, it will warm your heart and cheer your soul. Enjoy.
The Ace of Wands indicates you will have the relevant energy around you to work on things that are sparking your interest this month Take a look at what is calling to you and give it some time for consideration – it could have lots of potential. It is not often we have this kind of supporting energy around us so you should make the most of it in October. When you find yourself enthusiastic and highly motivated about something this is the sign the Ace of Wands is directing you towards, so stay alert and grab the chance to have a go at whatever comes your way.
The Ten of Cups is not just a card which indicates secure and enduring relationships, it also can represent good results in many aspects of your life – in other words this card can be saying ‘happy times’ are in store for you in October, so this is an ideal month to be adventurous, let yourself go and have some enjoyment into the bargain – the chances are it will all go very well.

In terms of relationships, the Seven of Cups is about making choices around a key one, but it does not have to be a romantic one. There are likely to be several options for you, if you are experiencing issues with this person, and the message from this card is whichever option you choose, whichever decision you make, you should be prepared to stick with it; and so it makes sense to think very carefully about how you want to manage this issue.
With regard to any projects or endeavours you are working on – from hobbies to business or general projects – the Four of Wands has appeared to pat you on the back and let you know that the first key stages have been successfully established. You have created something solid to work on. Don’t sit back now, though, tell yourself ‘well done’ and keep working at it, because you can grow this further. All the signs are good for the future if you continue to put in the effort you have to date.
Financially, it looks as though October will be a good month too. The Ten of Pentacles is a card which indicates you having all the comforts and security, with regard to your income and home life, you would need. You might not have buckets of money but this card would suggest that you have enough to cover everything and a little more to afford those little luxuries you like. This card has probably appeared to remind you of how far you have come and how well you have managed.
There may have been some sort of a situation (perhaps even a legal one) which has been waiting for a decision. The card Justice appears when a decision is likely to come out regarding a situation which has caused you some concern. Often it is a favourable card, so hopefully this decision will make you (and other people) see you were ‘justified’ in your attitude or behaviour. This will remove a weight from your shoulders.

We all go through phases, after certain events, when we wish we had done something differently. We can’t always be right about everything. The Nine of Swords indicates that there will be something making you feel like you should have done something better. It is important to remember that, providing your intentions were good, you could only do what you thought was right at the time, with the information you had at the time. Things can look very different with hindsight. There is no point in punishing yourself about it. You can’t change the past, but you can learn from mistakes for the future. It is also worth remembering that what goes on in your mind, and the grief you give yourself about it, is probably of little relevance to anyone else now, but you. So go easy on yourself.
The Nine of Pentacles, however, is a card which should reassure you that there is a lot to be grateful for. Take time to realise how far you have come, and what you have achieved in terms of your home life, and your financial situation. This card indicates that in terms of money and physical comfort you are likely to have all you need, and a little bit more, so perhaps you could focus on all the wonderful things you have instead of beating yourself up about the past.
The Magician is an interesting card to get in a reading. This often indicates that you have arrived at a crossroads, in life, and you will have to decide which road to take. The Magician cannot advise you which one to take, nor does he give you any information as to where they lead, but he does tell you that you have everything you need to traverse this path successfully. He is saying you have your own magick, which you should learn to use (these are skills you have built up over time) and can be used for any eventuality you are faced with – in other words be confident and adventurous, you can do this.
You may also need to take a look at your emotional self again. The Page of Cups is a card about reflection and learning to understand how your own thoughts and behaviours can affect what is happening to you. Sometimes you have to look within yourself and at your own expectations – especially with regard to love and relationships. This Page would also suggest the first thing to do is to learn to really love yourself more than you do – because if you believe in (and love) yourself, others will surely do so too.

These cards suggest an interesting and not unpleasant month ahead.
The Three of Cups suggests a lovely celebration in terms of a relationship – it could be the conception or birth of a child, an engagement or wedding to be celebrated and enjoyed. Whether it is in terms of you personally or someone around you who you really care about, it will make you very happy and cheer your soul. Enjoy.
The Hierophant, as a Major Arcana card, suggests quite a significant yearning towards a new way of living – which is very likely to be a desire to have a different set of spiritual/religious beliefs. If not in terms of spiritual or religious tenets, then it could just mean wanting to take on a new attitude with regard to your behaviours and approach to life in general. This card suggests that when you are looking for what suits this new need, make sure you don’t follow something, or someone’s belief, blindly – do your research and check things out thoroughly. There is a lot of misleading information in the world today – don’t believe everything you see or hear – you will need to look beyond what comes into vision the easiest.
Another Major Arcana card, Justice, has appeared to suggest that a situation will be resolved in some way. Whenever Justice appears it generally suggests that you will be seen to have been vindicated in terms of the actions you took about a particular issue. This will take a weight off your shoulders since the people around you will also see you were ‘justified’ to do what you did.
The Page of Wands indicates that you may be involved in a project or endeavour which is still developing. This card might be heralding that some interesting information is coming about it soon, or that you could use some advice before proceeding. This card would definitely suggest that you don’t rush into things regardless, there is something you may need to know if you wish for it to succeed – be alert and be ready to take advice on it even though it might not be what you want to hear.

In terms of home life, or income, the Ace of Pentacles suggests a lot of energy around a new opportunity. You might not see clearly what this may be, just yet, but stay alert to things that ‘catch your interest’ or coincidences around certain things, these will be the signs of what this opportunity might be. Use the energy to start building on it before it fades.
The Star could be suggesting that, at some point, during the month you might feel that nothing you do has any worth, or any effect, at all. This can be dispiriting and hard to deal with. The Star’s message is that just because you can’t see any results just now does not mean that your efforts are worthless. It will be important to keep plodding on and trust that, in time, you will see some fruit from your efforts. Have faith and keep your eyes on the beauty of The Star because hope will keep you going till the good things come.
You might find yourself faced with a conflict this month, and you may instinctively feel you should engage with it and resolve it head on. The Five of Swords is a card which would advise careful consideration about whether it is worth the battle or not. Sometimes engaging in conflict does not mean you will win the war – you may use up your resources for little gain. Weigh up whether this is something you need to spend your energy on or whether it is better for you to let it go at this point, it might be the wiser decision.
The Hanged Man often appears when a situation arises that you would really like to be ‘done with’. Pushing and struggling to get it sorted will not help. There are times when it is important to submit yourself to waiting and being patient – often, believe it or not, a lot can be learned in this kind of hiatus if you can allow yourself to let go, and later you will see how it ultimately benefited you. Be calm, this will be a time allowing things to develop just as they should, in the right way for you.

In terms of your work/projects or endeavours you may reach a point where you lose some enthusiasm. The Seven of Wands is a card which recognises the time between the excitement at the start of a project and the completion – the in between bit. It is not surprising that this happens but the question is how to overcome the ennui and get going again. This card suggests you revisit your original goals and to try and remember why you were excited about it at the start – this could kickstart your interest and motivation again.
The Page of Wands could be adding to this message by indicating there is some information or advice which could help. Whilst you might want to career ahead without any help this could be to your disadvantage. Seek out someone who can help with their own knowledge and experience, whether you like what you hear, or not, you are bound to get something out of it and that could be something key to your project.
Also, the Knight of Pentacles has appeared to tell you to not be flippant or lackadaisical in your approach to work (or life itself). This Knight could be considered pedantic and even boring because of his acute attention to getting the detail right. He might be boring but he always accomplishes his tasks extremely well and is, ultimately, viewed as hard working and loyal – and to be commended for his efforts. No matter how tedious paying attention to detail is, be like the Knight of Pentacles.
Following on from all of this advice to work hard and pay attention to detail, the Eight of Pentacles adds that, whilst your efforts are and will continue to ‘pay out’ (things are going well), you will benefit from an extra bit of learning in some way. Whether that is a skills course or some sort of studying, only you can decide, but this card is saying there is a little more you need to know to help you succeed to the extent you want – it is not necessarily going to be a huge learning task, but something which could just give you the edge.

The Seven of Pentacles indicates you might be faced with a choice in terms of work or income which you feel could adversely affect your financial situation – and this might cause you some worry. This card advises you to look back over previous experiences to work out your personal priorities to help you decide what can work and what can’t, as this is what will justify any decision you make – this is why experiences over time are brought to us, they do help future decisions.
The second card in the reading, The Empress, highlights a mother/child dynamic in terms of someone around you. You might be the Empress or the child aspect in terms of this card. The Empress is a nurturing approachable figure who can be depended upon to support the child. You may find yourself being approached for advice or help from a child, or you might feel you need some advice from an older mother figure (whether at home or at work). The important thing to remember here is that, sometimes, The Empress (as experienced as she is) can lose her temper if things are not done the way she would do it herself, and this doesn’t help, just be aware of this from either angle, but understand that The Empress has wisdom and experience and will be the right person in this particular circumstance.
Key relationships may bring another decision to your door. You might find you’ll need to decide on how to go forward with a particular relationship (this might not necessarily be a romantic one) and there could be several options. The key message with this card is, whichever way you decide to go, you should fully commit to it since changing direction will just create more confusion. But any decisions/commitments should be carefully considered for their effect on everyone involved before committing to them.
The last card, The Chariot, is a card which suggests you might be being pulled in different directions by people, different outside influences, or even by events around you. This can be confusing and cause a feeling of not being in control of your own destiny. The solution to this is to come to your own decisions about things (by researching credible sources) and this will help you to be clear in your own mind and to feel more confident in yourself. If you don’t, you may continue to be swayed one way and another and ultimately not get anywhere at all. You need to be in control of your own Chariot (your life) so that you can get where you want to be.
Birthday Card!

Happy Birthday! The Ace of Wands has appeared to tell you that you have a lot of enthusiasm, energy, motivation, determination and perseverance in all aspects. This is a Fire element card whereas Libra is an Air element sign. Fire cannot exist without air, so you are able to fuel the fire within you, and not only that……… can get other people motivated and enthusiastic about themselves and their own endeavours. You are likely to be much admired in terms of work and projects. People will probably consider you as, not only extremely capable, but full of energy and ideas, as well as being fun to have around. No matter how tired you might feel, you would be massively surprised at how people view you as tireless and passionate. You are likely to be inspirational to others – make sure you remember that when you feel you are getting nowhere.

The Queen of Swords can be seen as quite an aloof person. This is because she will not wear her heart on her sleeve. She does not wish to be hurt and keeps her emotions in check. Often this means people think she is not interested in love and affection and needs little or no attention. At the same time her ability to think clearly, and react logically, to situations are very much admired. Perhaps she has appeared this month to make you think about what is similar about you. Do you keep your emotions in check a little too much? Do you favour your head over your heart mostly?
By taking the other cards into account, it would seem a picture could be coming together. Next to the Queen we have The Star. This card could indicate a certain lack of worth – that you keep working hard and yet not getting any validation for your efforts. But perhaps this could indicate that keeping your emotions in check, and appearing ‘aloof’ might be part of the problem. Maybe other people feel they shouldn’t, or can’t, openly give you that validation – they may even think you don’t need, or want, this kind of attention. Perhaps opening up a little to others might just be what is needed for you to hear just how valued you really are.
The Lovers card indicates the opportunity for a relationship, or perhaps a decision around a current relationship you have. It is possible that The Lovers has come up to endorse the need for love in your life and perhaps the need to open yourself more to affection despite your fears of being hurt. You could be missing out on so much love and maybe this month, the tarot is advising that this is the right time to try it.
The next card, the Ace of Pentacles is an interesting card, in that, it could indicate a new opportunity arising for you in terms of your home life or financial income. Could it be that there is an opportunity for you, with someone who cares for you, but you are not sure whether to embrace it or not? If this is the case, these cards would indicate that perhaps you should. You could miss out on a lot of life, love and fun if you don’t allow yourself to experience it.

The first two cards in this reading are quite interesting for the coming month. The first – the Four of Pentacles suggests you have a worry about losing your financial security in some way. Whilst is sensible to be careful about taking risks, with regard to money, you should consider taking a chance sometimes, as you could miss out on amazing opportunities. The second card – the Three of Pentacles – indicates there could, indeed, be an interesting opportunity, financially, which could make a huge difference to your circumstances in the future. It might seem a little insignificant right now but this card is saying that, with further effort on your part, it could really grow into something worthwhile. So it might be worth considering something that you would normally reject because these two cards indicate an income-related opportunity has great potential for you.
The Justice card often appears with regard to a situation where any decisions are out of your hands and reliant on others. Perhaps you have had to wait for some sort of validation of your attitude or behaviours in a given situation, you may even be waiting for a decision on a legal issue. Whatever it is, the verdict will soon be out and it is likely you will be vindicated for your actions or awarded an agreement, and, just as importantly, it will be clear to anyone else who doubted you.
The final card The Sun, is one of the most positive cards in a tarot deck and suggests that your October is going to be happy and productive in a lot of ways. If there is anything you feel you should tackle in the next four weeks, this is the month to do it since The Sun will bless everything that you do. Enjoy and utilise this very special energy whilst it is around you.

The Seven of Swords is a card which represents either manipulation or dishonesty in some capacity. It could be you that considers playing with the truth, and whilst most of us will admit to telling a little lie or misleading someone occasionally, there are times when this is not justifiable. And this is the message of this card. Think carefully, this month, about what you are doing and saying, and if you can be as honest as the day, this will serve you well.
The Empress has appeared to highlight a mother/child dynamic relationship relevant to you. The Empress – the mother figure – could represent you or you might be the child aspect. You could be in a romantic relationship which has more of a mother/child dynamic than equal partnership and perhaps you should consider whether this is working well for you. You may need to give some nurturing to someone younger than you or you may feel you need some maternal advice from someone older. Whichever it is, the message of this card is whilst The Empress is nurturing and approachable, she can also lose her temper if things aren’t done in the way she would do them, so advice is the key word – it shouldn’t be the rule.
The Four of Wands suggests that a project you are working on is showing real signs of growth and success. You should give yourself a pat on the back for all your efforts and enjoy this achievement. However, there is still a long way to go in terms of this endeavour, so now is not the time to sit on your laurels but to keep putting in the effort so that it continues to build. Don’t waste all that work, keeping going…… will be worth it.
The last card is The Hermit. This card indicates that you might have to have some alone time. Whether that is voluntary or whether it is because of the current Covid restrictions, only you will know. That this card has come up is the key factor. This is exactly the right time to do some deep diving into your own feelings and needs. Too often we are asked to respond to what others ask of us, but now you can take some time for yourself. Many would suggest meditation, perhaps all you need to do is ask yourself whether where you are in life is what you expected, or wanted. This is the time to examine whether you have found your inner light and can act as a beacon to those lost souls around you or is it dimmed or lost deep within. Are you happy with what you are doing and what you are? Now is the time to ask yourself this important question.

We have three out of four of the suits in a tarot deck in this reading, with two of the cards being Cups, the suit of relationships and emotion.
The Ten of Cups suggests a very happy month ahead in terms of relationships. This card indicates that harder times are over with regards to specific relationships around you and now is the time to enjoy and celebrate happy times and feeling secure with those around you. This card is also a very positive card in terms of anything you are hoping to achieve. You might even call it a good luck card – so, if there is anything you feel you need to tackle do it in October.
The Four of Pentacles might indicate the reluctance to make a decision with regard to finance or income, and that an opportunity that has come your way is too risky. The message from this card is that, whilst it is good to be sensible with your money most times, there are other times when passing up an opportunity might mean you miss out on something big. Be careful with your decisions but perhaps be ready to take a chance. Providing you know you will somehow manage if it doesn’t work out, it could be worth the risk.
The King of Cups may have shown up to ask you to look at your own attitude to love and romantic relationships. Whilst this King is knowledgeable and has experienced love, he also now avoids it as he does not wish to get hurt again. He can talk about it, be wise about it but avoids it. This card coming up could be a possible suitor interested in you this coming month, or it could be asking you if you really do wish to avoid relationships out of fear. Only you will know – but with the Ten of Cups as the first card it would seem that you are likely to be lucky in love if you want to be.
The Page of Wands could be suggesting that some information is coming your way with regard to a project or endeavour. You might have to consider taking some advice – whether you want it or not – before you go any further with it. This Page is likely to advise you that there is a little bit more you need to know before progressing with your work – so don’t rush into making big moves just yet.

Judgement is a card which indicates actions and behaviours will be under the spotlight, and being judged as a result of those behaviours. Judgement can appear when someone needs to carefully analyse their own actions/attitude and, perhaps, having to face their own successes and failures – which can be a turning point in life for many people. This card could also indicate other people making judgements about you, based on your behaviours. Either way, this card asks us to be aware of our attitude and approach and how we are affecting our own, and other peoples’, lives too. So, it would be wise to watch how you manage people this coming month.
The King of Wands would certainly endorse that you are a talented person who can handle pretty much any project you are tasked with. In fact this King is master of determination, passion, motivation and effort – perhaps he has appeared to reassure you that you are doing very well. Alternatively, he could be advising you to seek some help from an experienced person around you – you will need to get this help as quickly as you can from this person before they head off to their next adventure.
In terms of relationships, and in general, the Ten of Cups is a very positive card to have in a reading. After hardships and hurts, this card indicates very happy times with the people around you – relationships are secure and enduring and it is now time to enjoy this love and happiness. This is also a very positive card in other respects, too, so if you have any issues to tackle, this is probably a very good time to sort them.
The Eight of Cups however could be indicating some sadness with regard to being separated from someone you care deeply for. There could be many reasons for separation (especially in the current Covid restrictions) and for some this separation may seem permanent. The message in this card, though, is that with regard to the separation, there is little you can do about it. This card would advise you to keep moving and keep your eyes on the future – before you know it the pain will be eased or gone completely. It is the way of life and our need to survive and thrive, that helps us put one foot in front of the other in the dark times, and the sooner we do this the sooner we heal and can be happy once again.
End of Tarotscopes.
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