Hi there! Read your Tarotscopes for October down the page!
There is an extra tarot card for the birthday month – Libra. Oh, and a happy Halloween to you all 🎃🧛♀️
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So……….what’s happening in spooky October……..

It is interesting that this month’s reading includes one card of each of the four tarot suits. This would suggest a balanced month ahead and things progressing nicely for you.
Starting with the Nine of Cups, this card would represent a lovely time with family, and relationships, in general – it is considered to be a lucky and positive card overall, too – so all should be well and happy this coming month. The Nine of Cups is a validation of all the effort you have put into your relationships over time, and so maybe you can just sit back for a while and enjoy your family and friends, and be proud of what you’ve done. It is a time for enjoyment and celebration of the love you give and the love you receive in return.
The Queen of Swords suggests you should still stay as sharp as a tack in terms of everyday issues – there is always something that needs attending to but, if you are alert enough and ready enough you might find any conflicts can be dealt with swiftly and sensibly before they get too tricky.
The Knight of Wands indicates that you might be itching to do something different, this Knight is always looking for a new adventure – so he could be advising that now is a good idea on having a go at something you feel you will be good at, or you might fancy moving or going on a trip. Wands cards are about ‘movement’ – travel, house moving, or growing a project. So, if something catches your eye or an idea pops into your head this is the time to check it out.
The Six of Pentacles is a card which represents home security and/or income and indicates that things will be going really well in terms of work or business. Often this card suggests you may benefit from someone’s generosity – a bonus or a gift – which could help you significantly in some way. You may have been feeling a little concerned about your finances and this might really help – however, if this gift does come your way, it will be a good time to make that money work well for you – don’t fritter it away because money can make money if you are careful with it. Apart from the obvious relief any loan, gift or bonus might bring, is the added joy is having someone willing to help you, and this might go a long way to restore your faith in human nature – make them proud by using it well.

Life often brings conflicts to us, mostly through other people and events and, more often than not, the tarot advises to deal with them before they escalate into something more tricky to handle, however the Five of Swords is a card which wants us to consider whether a conflict, or issue, which might come your way is really worth the time, effort and energy needed to engage with it. Should you find yourself faced with an issue just remember there are times when it is best to walk away. This doesn’t mean you are not right, or incapable, it just means that now is not the best time for you to get involved with something that will use up your resources – there are better times to use them.
The King of Cups who is knowledgeable about love and can talk the talk, might be suggesting that someone may seek your advice either on their emotional situation or a relationship. Or, this card could represent a new relationship coming into your own life, but, if you are like the King of Cups, he won’t get involved because he’s trying to avoid any pain. Either way, this card’s main message is that emotions/relationships are key parts of our life and worth exploring, and, furthermore, avoiding them could mean missing out on some wonderful experiences – it is also necessary to be heard, and to be loved in some capacity, if we don’t want to feel alone in the world.
The Emperor is also likely to represent you or someone you know. The Emperor epitomises status, influence and power. If this card represents you then it has appeared to validate the success you’ve attained, and to remind you of your responsibilities to those who look to you for support. Your experience could be extremely helpful and your influential capacity could make a huge difference to them – and you may have the power to make or break their aspirations. Or perhaps someone around you has the ability to help you out in the same way – if this is the case it will be important to utilise their help whilst they are around.
The final card is the Five of Pentacles which might be suggesting possible strains in terms of your finances – you may even find you have to make a decision as to how to move forward. It is possible that The Emperor could represent some support, for you, in this situation – since they may have the necessary assets that you don’t have access to. The King of Cups is masterful at advising and talking about his experience, so these cards seem to be indicating there are people around you who could help you a fair amount if you need it. Don’t be shy to ask for help, or advice, because we often don’t have people to turn to, and if you can get some help, this might just be what you need to make big changes for the future.

The Nine of Swords is a card which represents feelings of fear, guilt or even grief. You might find yourself thinking that the issues causing you anxiety were because of your actions and decisions – and that you have ‘messed’ everything up, that it’s all your fault. Everyone can take the wrong option occasionally, or say/do the wrong things, but hanging on to this anxiety is only stopping your own progress – not anyone else’s. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to accept that things have happened the way they have – you can’t change anything and nothing was done with bad intention – and forgive yourself (like most other people seem to be able to). In fact, whilst you are tearing yourself apart about your actions, the reality is probably that nobody else is even thinking about it and, least of all, blaming you. In other words, you might be worrying yourself unnecessarily and you can change that by letting it go and adopting a more positive mindset for the future – if your past actions have made you feel this way then it is probably good to recognise that you won’t make the same mistakes again – and that is what life is about, it’s a learning experience, so clock it up to experience and move on.
And, as if to endorse the ‘learning’ aspect of life, the Page of Pentacles appears – so, this Page would rather learn about all sorts of things than do what he should be doing, and this the suit of Pentacles which relates to work and income, which suggests that he would advocate you do some further training, or equip yourself with relevant knowledge which could increase your ability to earn more. However, this Page also dodges his duties in order to read or educate himself, and whilst he is to be admired for his desire to learn he can get criticised for avoiding the work he actually needs to do. This card might be suggesting, then, to not take things to the extreme – try to take measured steps in both learning and getting through your everyday duties so that you can succeed on all levels.
Sometimes in life we feel the need to be recognised for our abilities or our efforts – and pride can be very off putting to others. The Strength card is about needing something (even just some recognition) from somewhere else, but we do have a choice of being able to push for it (because we can be loud and demanding if we want), or to get what we need by a more gentle approach. This is the time to bite your tongue and to quietly, yet firmly, make your needs known. If you look at the image on the card, the figure is subduing the lion with his bare hands – he is trying to overcome it gently. He could have attacked the lion with his sword, but he has buried the blade in the ground. He knows unnecessary force is not needed – so if there is something you feel you need to ‘fight’ for then this card advises finding a way to do so without being demanding or forceful.
The Knight of Wands could indicate that soon you’ll be ready to move forward with whatever you feel is your next interesting project. This could be traveling, moving, growing a business or any other project you feel ready for. The Knight represents the appetite for something new, but you may need to decide whether this is practical for you – this Knight can get bored easily and move on quite quickly – you have to decide whether is it something you can commit to. Again, as with the Page of Pentacles, earlier in the reading, measured steps are advised so that you don’t burn out and lose the momentum, or lose interest. Only bite off what you can chew as the saying goes.

The three Four numbered cards in this reading indicate that in most areas things are progressing well. Yes, there might be a way to go, but these cards pretty much indicate that ‘so far so good’ and that should give you a boost.
The Four of Swords is really a bit of ‘stop gap’ card in that it represents a short time available to you to rest and recuperate since you might be feeling a bit weary from all the effort you have put in so far, and, maybe, having to deal with some conflict along the way – and that is why this card has probably appeared to make sure you do rest, and do what is necessary to make sure your energy levels are restored, and you feel rejuvenated.
The Four of Cups is also, really, a bit of a hiatus in terms of relationships and you might find yourself less than enthused about any current ones – this is likely, again, because you are tired with all the effort given for little return, however it is worth considering whether you are focusing just on what is not happening or is not positive, rather than what is. Sometimes your own attitude and approach can be part of the issue and looking at things differently can have an amazing effect – if you were being seen to be enthusiastic and excited about your exchanges would it have a positive effect? Probably, yes.
The Page of Cups next to this card has appeared to let you know you need a period of ‘reflection’ about yourself, and where you are right now in terms of love, and what you really want for yourself. Do you really need a relationship now? Are you ready for this commitment right now? Maybe there is more to learn about yourself before you are ready for an emotional journey with someone else, just yet. To attract the right kind of person, you need to be on the same energy wavelength as them – so if you want someone to love you, you need to love yourself, first, so that you exude confidence and you attract that same energy to you. Chuck out all the deadwood past romantic/emotional issues from the past and start again from scratch believing in what YOU are worth, what YOU deserve and what you would expect from a partner………………. and affirm that you are ready for it to happen.
The Four of Wands is a card which indicates you will see signs of success this coming month – about any of your current projects/interests – you should see tangible evidence that your efforts are paying off. And so, pat yourself on the back, take a wee rest and then get yourself on the treadmill again to keep adding to your achievements.

Perhaps you need some ‘alone’ time, right now. The Hermit finds a place where he can truly delve deep into himself to try and seek the answers to his questions, or to find his own dimmed light within. We all get tired at times, and this can sometimes make us doubt what we are doing, and why – we might also feel there must be ‘something’ else to life, but what? Our core self can get lost and dulled in situations which don’t feel right or good to us – situations that might be making us feel unhappy or uncomfortable, but we feel we don’t know why we are there or how to get out. You might want to find a solution, or you might just recognise that over time things will change and that all that is needed is patience. Take some time to think, perhaps meditate, and try to clarify why you feel the way you do, because that might help you with the solution – even just a rest for you might energise you and make you feel better.
The Hermit recognises the importance of understanding your emotions. The Queen of Swords, the card which has come out next to it, demonstrates how there are different ways to deal with situations. This Queen keeps her emotions to herself, she does not express them, or show them, and she does it to protect herself from the pain of relationships or from anything that could hurt her. She allows her intellect and logic to guide her decisions, and so can appear distant and aloof and this is why she can find herself alone, and lonely. This card may have appeared to prompt you to question how you deal with your own emotions, and, along with The Hermit, she might be advising you to take time to reflect on how much your own outward appearance affects your relationships, romantic or otherwise.
Temperance is also a card which indicates that emotion and love are important in life – this is a card of ‘balance’ and represents the need to balance out a purely intellectual/logical approach to life with a softer, more engaging attitude. This balance is what helps people believe they can communicate with you – it opens the channel to engagement. A purely logical and pragmatic approach to life is perhaps too little for what is needed by those around you just now.
The Wheel of Fortune is a card which represents things happening ‘out of the blue’ and bringing a change to what we have been experiencing. None can predict when the Wheel will turn but it helps to be ready and alert. Generally speaking, when the Wheel turns it will take us out of our current rut and take us to where ‘it’ wills and that would seem out of our control. The Wheel brings changes and new opportunities BUT if we are alert and ready, we may be more able to grab the many opportunities The Wheel will take us near rather than us just whizzing past – in other words keep your eyes peeled for the possibilities disguised by any surprise changes this coming month. This really could be the chance you’ve been waiting for.

You may feel that you are in no way reaping the rewards of all the time or the energy you give out – that you feel you are getting nowhere and could be asking yourself the question ‘what is the point of doing any of this?’. This is when The Star appears in a reading, and advises you that, despite you not seeing any results of your labours (as yet), they will come. In the meantime this card wants you to keep your eyes on the beauty of The Star, keep faith in your heart, and to keep up your efforts………….because everything you are doing IS worthwhile. Don’t give up, or give in, because at some point soon you will see that things are starting to take shape and are moving. Hang in there and focus on anything beautiful that will inspire you.
In the meantime The Hierophant could be suggesting that you are searching for a new belief, spiritual or otherwise, that can help you understand the meaning of your existence. It might just be that you need someone to talk to, to get some advice from, or someone to just listen to the way you feel about things. There may be somebody already around you who could help – someone you trust. Should you need to look for some professional help or guidance, ensure you find a reputable service that comes with excellent recommendations. The last thing you need is to be led down the garden path by someone who is not trustworthy, or worse still, not competent.
Sometime later in the month Justice suggests that there will be decision on an outstanding question or issue – maybe even a lawsuit – and you will receive the outcome of it. Generally, this card is a positive one and, if the decision is in your favour, this will give you a much needed boost and help you to feel optimistic and stronger in facing the future.
It could be that the month of October brings an ending to a particular phase or journey that you have found quite difficult. The Ten of a suit is the ‘completion’ of something, and the Swords tend to be ‘conflict’ cards and, so it seems, an era which has caused you some pain, and anxiety, looks set to end………and it is highly likely this will bring a lot of relief.

The Queen of Cups may have appeared to demonstrate that, in terms of relationships – romantic or otherwise – you know how to make them work. The Queen of Cups does not have to work hard to win love because she is naturally alluring and loving, attractive and approachable – so she may be reminding you to just ‘be yourself’. If you don’t feel this way at the moment, she would advise you to take some time to find your Queen of Cups within – bathing and drinking water will undoubtedly help since water is the element of the suit of Cups – and will be incredibly nurturing and healing at this particular time. Life can dull the sensual, fun loving side of anyone at times, we are only human, but sometimes we just don’t see how buried our vivacity is – this Queen nudges us to take a look.
The next two cards are Pentacles cards and related to income and home security/stability. The Two of Pentacles represents a partnership in some way with regard to work or income and the chance to increase it with this offer of help (it could be an offer of help in terms of money or physical assistance) – so make the most of any help that comes your way this coming month. Money can make money, and with a sensible approach to utilising this offer you might find this could make a big difference for your future success.
The second Queen in the reading is the Queen of Pentacles. This Queen is absolutely able to provide for the people she loves, which suggests that you are likely to be in a good place in terms of finances and your home life. This card suggests you should be able to afford the comforts, if not some of the luxuries, of life and for this you should take some credit – well done. But again, this Queen could be reminding you of your capabilities and how hard you have worked to get to this point – therefore perhaps she is asking you ‘what else are you capable of achieving?’ – probably more than you ever dreamt possible.
The Knight of Pentacles carries on the theme of finances, work, security and stability – everyone knows you don’t get ‘something’ for nothing. The secret of this Knight’s success is the effort and attention to detail he brings to every task he undertakes. It could be that this Knight has appeared as reminder of what you are good at – the excellent attention to every task and the effort you put in – and, should you continue to do this, it can only bring about resounding success. There are still plenty of stars to reach for – you are not done yet!
But read on – Libra is the Birthday sign for October and you get an extra card!
Happy Birthday! Here is your card…..

Your birthday card is continuing the theme of your income, home security/stability, and the Eight of Pentacles is a card which indicates how far you have come and how well you are doing in terms of your finances and especially work. Well done! It would seem that your efforts have already paid off and it is likely you can attain even higher levels of achievement. The Eight of Pentacles highlights that additional skills and learning can undoubtedly help you to climb the ladder of success and maybe it is time to undertake a small course to hone your skills – because this is all it needs for you to make it to the next level. You have grown and nurtured this vine of success through good times and bad, your patience has paid off and now that the vine is sturdy and strong it is likely you’ll start harvesting its fruit more than focusing on nurturing its growth – enjoy.

Despite an obstacle or hurdle to get over earlier in the month, these cards are more or less indicating a lot of success and ability around you.
The Five of Wands is the card which represents hurdles or obstacles – and that they may seem insurmountable, initially. However, this card advises that this is not the case – try to look at things from the less obvious viewpoints and it is likely you will find a way. It is well within your capacity to leave these hurdles behind.
The Ten of Pentacles is a very positive card in terms of income and work – or indeed your lifestyle in general – meaning that you are likely to be in a very good position to provide all the comforts (if not some little luxuries) in life. Naturally, this has only happened through your dedication and effort and being clever in utilising the money that has already come your way – a task that some people are not able to succeed in, so well done. Hopefully this should endure for some time into the future and you shouldn’t find yourself worrying too much about finances as a result.
The King of Wands might have appeared to remind you that you are more than capable of taking on new projects and ventures and making a success of them. To ensure you continue your successful trajectory remember that your passion, drive and hard work has got you where you are today, and, more importantly, imagine just how much further the same approach can take you in the future. Don’t be put off by taking up more work – you are eminently capable.
You may have some choices/decisions in terms of work you will need to address at sometime during the month, according to the Five of Pentacles, however the other cards in this reading should reassure you that your past experience, your ability to work hard and well, and your approach to overcoming hurdles and obstacles is now part of your skill set – in other words, no matter what decisions you have to make with regard to your work, and subsequent income, you have the assets and drive needed to really make a really good go of it!

A decision, workwise, might something that comes your way in October. The Five of Pentacles suggests that you might be asked to consider a change of some sort with regard to your source of income (generally work although it could refer to any kind of income source). You might fret that it will cause difficulties, however, it is important to remember that your experience to date, and the successes you have had so far should allay your doubts or fears. Be aware that your skills, and your ability to manage any situation, will, once again, steer you through this change with aplomb.
This appears to be endorsed by the Ten of Cups, which is an extremely positive (if not lucky) card to come out in a reading. If this card appeared in the answer to a question about success, the Ten of Cups would always be a resounding yes! This card also indicates that relationships should be very happy this coming month and again, with all your hard work and effort, you have reached a stage when you can sit back and just ‘enjoy’ the love around you. It is well deserved because the journey to this point is likely to have been long, and very hard, at times – so bask in your success and the great results of all your efforts.
It looks as though a recent ‘venture’ is really starting to develop into something tangible. This might be a project, travel plans, or even a house move which you have taken an interest in. The Two card indicates there is still a fair amount to do, but this venture has the potential to grow and be strong enough to build on, so don’t take a back step off it just yet – this could grow into something you really enjoy and have success with, if you continue to work at it.
This next card, the Queen of Cups, could well represent you in this reading. She is the epitome of love and does not have to work, at all, to get people to love her – it all comes naturally to her. She might be advising you to remember there is a Queen within you – buried under the rubble of day to day tasks and earning a living and all the other issues that grind us down, and she is letting you know that with a little bit of help you can retrieve your inner Queen and bring her to the surface once again. Remember that vivacious, fun loving, confident Queen of your youth? Well, she needs an airing. Go get her.

Death is an ‘archetypal’ card which represents the ending or removal of something that you are familiar with – it could mean a particular way of life, or lifestyle, and yes, it could refer to a relationship, or a job. In this reading it is immediately followed by Pentacles cards, which indicate that there could be a change in your finances as a result of this particular ‘ending’ and suggests that a previous way of life has made way for a new one, possibly with better financial prospects. Nothing can ever stay the same because, otherwise, we would never experience new things. The Death card, more often than not, represents the ending of an era, and hopefully this new era will be even better.
The King of Pentacles indicates that in terms of money and lifestyle you should be in an excellent position to provide all that is necessary for you and your loved ones to be comfortable and secure – this card might represent a promotion, or having the opportunity to get a good handle on your finances. In addition, this card represent the ability to establish this lifestyle for the long term – in that your financial security is enduring and more manageable – as this King knows how to utilise his assets and increase their value.
Whereas the King has mastery over his money, the Page of Pentacles is a card which represents the ability to increase income and/or lifestyles through learning, and the message of this card is that the more you educate or train yourself, the better your choices become and your ability to earn increases. Perhaps, as a new era begins, this Page is nudging you to optimise this chance to add to your skills, since this might be the ideal time to do so.
The last card, The Chariot, would be advising you to not allow other people, or events, to prevent you from treading the path you want to take. The image of the card shows a chariot being drawn by two different coloured horses wanting to go in different directions (because they are opposites). With a weak driver these horses will take the chariot in any direction they want to go and that could be anywhere! The message of the card is the importance of being in control of your own destiny – to not allow others to distract you or prevent you from doing what you want to do. You need to grab the reins of your life and steer it strongly to the destination you want to reach.

Whilst relationships might not be steaming ahead for you at the moment, and you may feel they are problematic, this is not the ‘end of the road’. Whatever the issue might be, there is still hope that things can be repaired. All relationships will go through rocky times and the issues might seem insurmountable, however, this is not necessarily so. It is very easy to get into a negative mindset with regard to a situation, or a person, and how they behave – and ultimately each action seems to increase the anger and upset whilst in this mindset. With a change of attitude and approach, and a real desire to change the situation, focusing on the good things of this relationship will make it possible to overcome some, or all, of the hurt. To offer random little acts of kindness and care is likely to promote a similar reaction which could set a trend of healing you might be surprised at.
The High Priestess represents a new destiny unfolding, unseen, in the Universe for you. You are not to know, just yet, what this destiny is. You may find your interest in certain things heightened, and you should trust your intuition more during this month, since this is all you have to go on. You will be given the information when the time is right and everything is aligned as it should be, for it to work out the best for you. You are asked to have faith that all is in hand, and to let the Universe work its magic for you – at some point soon all will be revealed.
The Strength card represents approaching a situation without anger or force and to choose a way of dealing with something in a much more gentle and persuasive way. This is more about your own feelings (or even pride) around your work or application, and that the desire to be recognised for it might have reached a level of burning desire – however this acute emotion needs to be channelled carefully into an approach which will serve you better. You can bully your way to attention but it doesn’t mean the attention you get will be good. By approaching issues gently and persuasively you are more than likely to come across as impressive and articulate – and with that, an excellent response to your needs.
The Ten of Swords is a card of ‘completion’. Sometimes it can represent the end of a relationship or some other loss which could cause real pain and devastation, but it can also represent the ending of an era or phase. Swords is the suit of conflict, in the main, therefore you might find that a difficult period of time is ending for you. This should bring a lot of relief if you have struggled over the recent past – and you may feel exhausted and battered by the experience – but on the upside this could mean a brighter and easier era is about to begin! Enjoy!

You may find that part of October is a period of frustration – in that something of interest to you is just not progressing at all – and you really want it to. The Hanged Man is a card which demonstrates that an attitude of ‘submission’ to the situation will serve you better than fighting and pushing to make things happen. The more you struggle against it the more likely you are to be adversely affected. On the other hand, if you relax and allow things to happen in their own time you will gain at least some peace, and time for reflection. Things will work out when the time is right – be patient.
At some point, during the month, this restriction should disappear and you will be shown validation that all is on track to succeed (Eight of Wands). Now you will find that things happen at speed and you will be surprised at your own creativity and productivity, and, after that quiet time of inactivity, this period could tire you out. However, you can now apply yourself to your projects with gusto and feel that you are achieving something.
You might find yourself needing some counselling or advice on some aspect of your life – you may even be searching for a new ‘belief’ to help you understand how you fit into your existence. The Hierophant represents a person, a mentor or any person who would have knowledge and experience in respect of the issue you are trying to understand or tackle. It will be important to choose a trusted source, so that you are not misled in what you want to learn. If this is not how you feel, then The Hierophant could represent you as being an advisor that other people turn to for help – in which case you will need to recognise that your advice could have significant impact on them and contribute to their success or failure and, therefore, it will be necessary to be sure of your facts before you pass them on.
Towards the end of the month, another project you are involved with will show signs of success too (Three of Wands). This project is still in its early stages and will take a lot more work to really get off the ground, however you will see that it has got really good foundations to build on and that will give you a boost – it will only grow further with continued effort and determination, but it will be worth it if you can do this – it has real potential.
End of Tarotscopes
I have used Simply Tarot’s unique and personal tarot deck for these tarotscopes and you can buy your own deck by clicking on the picture below 🙂
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