Welcome to the Tarotscopes for October 2022. Scroll down to find your reading.
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Sending happy vibes to you all – everyone needs some right now ❤️❤️❤️
Have a fabulous October!

There is likely to be a significant impact on your current state of mind or situation come October.
It is unusual to get The Emperor and The Empress appear together in a small reading like this (never mind them sitting next to each other!).
These cards suggest that there could be influential people around you who could really help you in some way and start to get things happening for you. If The Emperor and The Empress do not represent people around you who could help, then they are likely to represent you (and/or partner) and may be suggesting that you will be able to make interesting headway by joining forces and working through any issues with the same approach and dedication.
The next two cards, being Swords cards, suggest that this ‘help’ or commitment to sorting things out, may be with regard to a current conflict and/or a difference in the way you handle difficult situations. This is likely to bring an end to a particularly difficult cycle that could have been bothering you for some time (Ten of Swords). Whilst the outcome of this situation may bring some residual pain (usually brought about by change), it could well come as a big relief to you that this situation is now finished and done with.
The Ace of Swords is a card which can often be interpreted as one denoting a different attitude or approach to life – this suggests that either your behaviour/attitude could be making the difference (taking on the attributes of The Emperor and The Empress – competence, drive, excellent use of assets, kindness and approachability) or allowing someone with these qualities to help you sort any problems, is key. The way things are finally being sorted could leave you inspired to go forward, and start anew, wanting to approach life with these same skills and attitudes to achieve even more and, hopefully, the sooner the better.

According to The Magician you are about to come to a new crossroads in your life which could bring a much needed change to the path you have been treading for a while now. This is an exciting time that means things could be different for you in many ways, including the chance for you to change your goals. Whilst The Magician cannot advise you which direction to choose, he has appeared to reassure you that you have all the skills you need to traverse this new path in the most productive,and magical, way. It is like a new start and the chance to do things better, because you have learned so much along the way. Believe in yourself and your ability to make this next phase of your journey a huge success!
The Two of Pentacles also heralds a step onwards on the next ‘phase’ of your financial journey, in that a partnership of some kind is likely to be on offer to you. This could be some sort of financial assistance, or help in a practical way, which could kickstart the changes you need to start getting your income working in the best way. Whatever kind of help comes your way in October make the best use of it, because these opportunities are rare indeed.
Relationships might come under a bit of a strain (if they are not already) and the Seven of Cups would advise you to look carefully at the different options available to you. Whether you decide to stay or go needs to be a decision which you should fully commit to, and see it through, since you will find yourself going round in circles otherwise. Once your mind is made up (and this card hopes you choose wisely) things will only work for you if you apply yourself to your decision one hundred percent.
The last card, the Page of Swords, is one which relates to communications and the misunderstandings or misinterpretation of poorly presented statements. If you have a new ‘belief’, or attitude to something, which is very different to what people already expect of you, then this is where conflicts could arise. Really, this card is asking you to be very sure of your new stance, to be knowledgeable about your subject because you may well come out with a statement which could end up with people misinterpreting you and blowing your words out of all proportion. So, be sure and clear in your communications in October if you don’t want things to get out of hand with people around you.

This is a nice set of cards for October for you Geminians!
Starting with the Nine of Pentacles, it would seem that your financial situation is likely to be more established and secure than it probably ever has been. This card is an indication that your hard work has really paid off and that your home life and income have reached a place which is very comfortable indeed. This card would also suggest that it is likely to stay this way for the long term which is really great news!
The Empress along with these other cards indicate that as a Matriarch you are likely to feel confident, and viewed as reliable, approachable and dependable by those who love you. Whilst The Empress has all of the wealth, position and power someone of her stature is entitled to, she is still in touch with nature and real life, and she will put down her sceptre to enjoy, and engage, with the people around her. She is much loved especially for her nurturing attitude to others. She is very capable and skillful and her message to you is that you have the same qualities. You are absolutely able to make things work very well for yourself and everyone around you.
You cannot get a more positive card than The World! This is the ultimate success card in a tarot deck, and it suggests that in October you will see success around you in every aspect of your life. This card represents the knowledge and skills you have acquired throughout your journey to date – and that those skills will certainly help you going forward. All good things should come to you easily and you should feel happy, contented, inspired and grateful for the many things that are likely to go very well for you in October! Enjoy! It is well deserved!
It seems fitting then, that the last card is the Ten of Wands which could well represent a cycle, perhaps a long period of time which has been difficult and very hard work, coming to an end. You are likely to feel exhausted with all the effort this cycle has needed. But it looks like all the hard work is done and you are ready to put this last phase well and truly where it belongs – in the Past! As a new cycle starts you will be able to take the lessons you have learned with you and the future might well be a little less rocky than recent times.

Whilst October looks set to be a really good month, according to these cards, the overall message is to take things slow and steady, since there may be changes which you might want to ensure work out in the best way possible.
Throughout the month The Sun will be shining its positive, and empowering, light on you making most things extremely easy for you – in other words, whatever tasks you undertake you will complete them with the ultimately success because of The Sun’s powerful nurturing energy. Make the most of this time, especially to sort out any niggling issues that you might have been avoiding or have found difficult to sort out. This is because this energy will help you find solutions incredibly easily. Enjoy this time – it is not often we get such help.
The Page of Wands is a card which represents new opportunities beginning to really take off. This Page is eager to push forward, though, without taking any sensible advice and can rush into things too soon. So, if you have a job, business or a project which is showing promising signs make sure you know what you need to know by taking advice, or doing some research into taking it forward in the best way. If you really know your stuff this is what will bring the maximum amount of success.
The Tower, of course, might bring an unexpected change to your circumstances – with the other cards surrounding it this is most likely to be a positive change and, if you act on the advice of these cards (such as increasing your awareness and knowledge) any unexpected changes could really work for you, so be ready. Often, The Tower represents a change which can turn your life upside down, it usually is a change which is needed but not often embraced easily, but in this case it would seem The Tower could bring changes that are just right for right now.
We finish with the King of Pentacles, which should reassure you that you are on the right path with regard to your financial standing. What you are working to is likely to set you up in a secure and enduring financial position, so keep your wits in place, make the most of opportunities and use your money well. This way you are likely to set yourself up for life. The King of Pentacles is an excellent card to get in a tarot reading but it’s important to recognise that his attributes are hard work, intelligent use of money and the ability to use his assets in the best possible way – this is how he makes his money grow – he’s letting you know that you can do the same.

We have a card for each of the tarot suits in this reading: Swords for intellect/conflict, Pentacles for work/income, Wands for ventures/projects and Cups for emotions/relationships. So this is quite unusual and suggests that there is a need to look at each aspect of your life in the coming month.
The Six of Swords could represent quite a difficult issue in your life which could be causing you some pain or upset. It may be a family situation or a relationship issue. Whichever it is, you might find yourself ‘putting up’ with a situation which is not ideal for you, and yet one which you can tolerate in a calm and serene way. Whilst this is commendable on your part, it is not something which you can tolerate for a long period of time, and it might be time to consider how to detach yourself from this situation when the opportunity arises.
Perhaps the issue is not helped in that your personal home/financial situation is probably pretty comfortable since the Queen of Pentacles is a card which would indicate this is the case. There is a phrase ‘living in a fur lined rut’ which might describe the position you are in – this is not somewhere you really want to be, but it is comfortable and this removes any desire to get out of the rut. The Queen of Pentacles should reassure you, though, that regardless of your personal situation you are more than capable of managing your life (especially financially) no matter where you are, or who you are with – so consider this when you are planning your future.
The Knight of Wands seems to endorse that you might have itchy feet and are ready to get out and into a new and exciting adventure. His message is likely to be that, without you making the ‘moves’ to bring the changes you need, nothing will change. This Knight would be the first to tell you to not sit around in a situation you are unhappy with – he would be saying there is much more to be had in life, so much to do and see.
We finish with the Six of Cups which is a card which references feeling regret that a relationship, even a previous relationship was much better in the past than this one is now. This could be true but, sometimes, looking back can remove the pain and enhance the pleasure, as if you are looking at those times wearing ‘rose coloured spectacles’. It is never really a good idea to try and recreate the past, it is much better to work to creating the future that you want. So, perhaps you need to start thinking about some ‘action’ points for finding solutions for the issues that you have.

We learn, traversing through our life, from the challenges we are faced with. Sometimes we will make a mistake, choose the wrong option, or not try quite as hard as we should and knowing this should change our attitude, and approach, when faced with our next dilemma. Another thing we should learn is which battles to fight and which to walk away from. The Five of Swords is asking you to consider this if faced with a challenge this coming month. You may have no doubt that you can fight your case and win, but you should consider what resources you will be using/losing in the effort and whether it will be worth that cost. Despite knowing you can win, you might want to conserve your energy by walking away from any potential battle you are confronted with in October.
The Hanged Man is an unusual card, in that, The Hanged Man has not been actually forced into his situation – it is a voluntary submission he wants to learn from, and he is learning that in struggling against his situation he will only hurt himself more. This card is about submitting/surrendering to a difficult situation and staying serene, not struggling against it, in order to understand that patience and serenity is needed at times until the time is right for the difficult situation to be resolved. Pushing for a result will only make matters worse. So, some patience may be required in October and don’t be tempted to push for a resolution to whatever comes along.
Yet again, The Star is a card which endorses patience. This card represents frustration, and almost despair at the lack of movement toward your goal despite all the hard work you are putting in – it is about feeling that whatever you do is ‘pointless’ and not getting you anywhere. However, this card advises that, at this point, you can’t see the bigger picture nor how your efforts really do have a massive input. This card is about keeping going, understanding that the work you do is important and having faith that success is not far off.
The Knight of Wands is likely to represent a (possibly desperate) desire to be off on your next adventure and the sooner the better! It is likely that he is reassuring you that, come October, the first three weeks are likely to be slow and unlikely to bring any resolutions to your situation, and that your patience and common sense will need to be strong. Try and not push for things to get moving but to wait patiently until the end of the month when, it seems, that the Knight of Wands suggests the movement you desire should start. Hang on in there until then.

You might find that the beginning of October brings you a measure of frustration. You may feel there are obstacles ahead that are insurmountable. However, the message from the Five of Wands is that there is always a way over, under or through a hurdle and you might just need to look at the situation from different angles to find out which is the best way to overcome it.
The Two of Wands following straight on from the Five suggests that pretty quickly you will find a way to overcome the obstacles and, what is more, be surprised to find an opportunity arises which could help you find solutions to current issues. This is a positive card which shows progression of ideas and the chance to grow an idea into a feasible project. Take a good look at this project it might bring more to your table than you suspect.
You could find yourself going round in circles or, at least, not getting very far on your journey, because of the distractions that push and pull you in different directions. These could be people, or events, which demand your time and effort and leave you out of control of your own goals. The Chariot is a card which advises you to make a decision about what you would like to do going forward – and to do this you will need to be firm with all the demands on your time. You must keep a clear vision in your head of what you want to achieve – it will require you to be firm enough to say no to people, at times, in order to make progress on your own journey. If you don’t, you will not reach any of your goals which would be a shame.
The month should end with a profound feeling of happiness, especially in terms of your family and the network of people that you love, and who love you. Your endurance and faith in the people around you, and the effort you have put in to making your relationships work, will bring amazing rewards. The Ten of Cups is a truly positive card full of love and happiness and, in some ways, luck. The end of the month should come with an amazing happy and contented feeling! Enjoy.
Libra is the Birthday sign this month! Happy Birthday whenever it falls. You have an extra ‘birthday’ card, so read on…..

The Queen of Swords has appeared for your birthday message. This Queen is intellectually amazing. She is clever, she is alert, she is clear in her dealings, and she is decisive and strong. She is much to be admired. This card has clearly come out to represent you and that you have these particular attributes yourself. However, she does try to protect herself from pain by hiding a lot of her emotions, and in doing so, she can seem aloof and even uncaring at times. Because she distances herself from being outwardly emotional, she can sometimes feel a little isolated…….the last thing she would do is ask for help, or even a cuddle if she needed one. Whilst her intellectual ability is admirable, her message is likely to be ‘don’t isolate yourself from love and emotion’, it’s a lonely place. She wants you to embrace having the same attributes as listed above, but would want you to open up a little bit emotionally – don’t feel weak for wanting a hug, or needing a sympathetic ear, or even a shoulder to cry on – she knows how it feels to not have these things. So, ask for that hug, tell someone how you feel and accept that offer of help from someone. Use your heart, as well as your head, this coming month and you’ll find your Birthday is likely to be even more enjoyable!

To start October you will find that obstacles, which have hampered your progress, will be removed and you’ll be free to forge ahead with your business, work or projects. This release will bring a period of creativity and hard work which will be tiring but hugely productive for you. After being stuck in one place, for what seems an age, this surge forward could have you reeling but keep at it, because what this energy brings could result in amazing achievements.
You may then find yourself in a bit of a slump (probably because you’ll be tired) where you could lose some of your motivation for your work. It would be a shame to let this profoundly affect your achievements, so, the Seven of Wands suggests (if this happens) that you revisit your goals and aims to remember what exactly you wanted to achieve. Look carefully at what ignited your initial passion and this could well get you motivated again. Don’t allow yourself to cruise along aimlessly, that would be such a shame, since you will have made significant progress.
In addition, you might find yourself admonishing yourself for past mistakes and choices according to the Nine of Swords – possbily even to the point where you feel you are not ‘worthy’ of good things coming into your life. This really is just a debilitating mindset which you can change. Instead of remonstrating with yourself about all the mistakes you’ve made, focus on all the positive things you have achieved and you’ll find your life enjoyable again. It is so easy to slide down the spiral of misery – it takes effort to climb back up it, but once you start you’ll feel so much better.
These first three cards are really down to the nitty gritty of the daily grind in October, they indicate how our tasks can take their toll on our mind and body, and even push us into a train of thought that is destructive. Our last card, Temperance, brings colour and inspiration to the reading. Temperance recognises how hard life can be but the message from this card is wonderful. Temperance is about bringing some balance back to your life – it represents just stopping for a minute and seeing how far you really have come, how many fantastic things you really have achieved and how to stop and just remember your ‘self’ – how majestic, magical and wonderful you are. Temperance wants you to acknowledge just how hard you have worked, and to surprise yourself at the truly long and rocky path you have trodden to get to this point. She wants you to tell yourself ‘well done’ and, more importantly, to bring the most powerful energy of all, love, back into your world. It is not surprising that we don’t feel ‘love’ when we are tackling all the chores we have to undertake, love doesn’t feel like a priority whilst washing dishes, or commuting to work after doing the school run, or doing the shopping and this is how it can be forced out of our lives. Remembering why we’re doing these chores – for our own comfort or for our families – is allowing the love back in and balances out our emotions. This really does make a difference.

We start with the Three of Wands for this reading, which touches on your everyday projects, work or business. This Three card suggests that any ventures you are undertaking will show signs of improvement and/or success this month – there should be definitive signs that things are beginning to take shape and now have a real chance of growing into what you hope it will be. This is inspiring news, and, of course, it will be important to continue to put all your efforts into it so that it doesn’t dwindle into nothingness again.
It may be your Star sign (a winter month sign), or it might just be the time of year, which could be making you want to go into Hermit mode. If you don’t actually feel this way at the moment, then you should consider taking some time and quiet in which you can have a really good think about where you are in life right now. Are you where you thought you would be? If not, what do you think you should do about it? You may just need to take some time to find the ‘real’ you again who is buried deep beneath the cares you carry on your shoulders. When you find the real you, you will be surprised how bright your light will shine as a beacon for other people. The coming month should be one in which you indulge yourself enough to find out exactly what you are, and where you are and, more importantly, where you want to go in life.
On the relationship front, the Five of Cups could indicate a level of unhappiness or dissatisfaction. If you are in a relationship it is worth knowing that it happens from time to time – often the solution is to stop focusing on the negatives and make the effort to look for the positives this relationship brings. If you are not, then it is worth considering what your heart really needs. Do you need some affection/tenderness/compassion? Again, it could just be a temporary need which could be addressed by giving yourself some quality attention. Can you afford to treat yourself? Perhaps you could just spend a few hours doing what you love – listening to music, drawing, reading, dancing, painting – anything that just acknowledges your existence and brings you joy. You’ll soon feel tons better.
On a financial level, the King of Pentacles suggests that you’ve got everything under control, and, more importantly, your income/security is likely to stay secure for the foreseeable future, which is great news. Obviously, the King of Pentacles would always suggest you keep your eye on the finances and make them work for you in the best way possible, just so that you can maintain the standard of lifestyle you have come to expect and enjoy. But he knows you will do this anyway. But do keep your eyes open for great opportunities to increase your income – the King of Pentacles would not let good chances pass him by.

Three Major Arcana cards in this reading suggest some big changes could be afoot.
Starting with Justice, it would seem a decision, or some kind of outcome (which you have been waiting for) is likely to arrive in October. It may even be a long awaited decision on a legal matter that will come through (probably to your advantage). Whatever this decision relates to it will certainly mean that you will have been ‘justified’ in your approach to it, and this validates the way you have been managing it. This will be pleasing for you since you may have had some doubts about yourself whilst waiting for this outcome. You may feel as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
Whilst Justice is likely to bring good news, which is great, The Hanged Man suggests that part of October could feel stagnant for you. You might want certain things to really get up to speed and forge ahead but that may not happen this month. The message from The Hanged Man is to not push and struggle to make things happen – this will not help. Be patient and submit to a ‘waiting’ period for things to align just where they should be for the best outcome. Divert yourself away from this by focusing on something else so you don’t tamper with something that isn’t ready for you yet.
The Three of Cups is a lovely card which suggests there is likely to be a celebration of some sort in October – a marriage, engagement, perhaps the conception or birth of a baby. Whichever it is it will bring a lot of happiness and joy with it this month. Enjoy!
The Lovers card is a card which suggests that choices and decisions around relationships might come to your focus. Often this card represents the decision about whether to stay in a relationship or to leave. However, this card could represent the same kind of issues with a platonic/family relationship instead of a romantic one. The message of the card is really about trying to understand how your decisions or actions will reverberate around all the people concerned – also to consider, carefully, the feelings of everyone involved before making any decisions. Love and friendships mean such a lot to people – even if they don’t act the way you do – and if someone is to be let down or let go, it would really help to do it as gently as you can.

This is quite an interesting set of cards which do seem to relate specifically to a financial situation. The amount of ‘archetypal figures’ is what is intriguing in this reading.
So, we start with the Nine of Pentacles which is a card representing all your hard work finally paying off and putting you in a very secure position going forward, which is great news. You should be very proud of what you have achieved and how you continued to persevere even when things got tough. You are likely to be able to maintain this standard of living, as long as you continue to apply yourself the way you have been.
The Emperor represents either your own drive, ability and power to get you to this situation and this card could be advising you maintain the same attributes/attitude going forward. However, The Emperor could represent someone who is helping you along the way – a figure of authority, a father figure or some other person who has a great influence on you and your life. If this is the case, then the message from this card would be to recognise how they have been able to help and to maybe emulate their attitude and attributes.
In contrast, the next two cards are very different from The Emperor.
The Page of Pentacles represents a level of naivety in terms of money. A Page, represents a very young person who needs more experience and knowledge, and this could be someone around you who looks to you for help. The Page of Pentacles relates to the desire for learning and how to gain experience. This Page will neglect his duties in order to research, or learn, whatever he is interested in. Perhaps his message is to let you know there is more to come, and more for you to learn. Sitting next to The Emperor it is possible that he represents the need to emulate The Emperor or even to continue to seek his advice/help – The Emperor is certainly a good role model for this youngster.
The Knight of Swords is slightly more advanced than a Page, however this Knight is a bit rash. He is reactive. He charges into a battle without knowing what he is fighting for or why he is fighting. He fights first and asks questions later. Again in comparison with The Emperor this Knight could not be more different. He could be cautioning you to not be rash about something in October, and to look carefully at what is set before you. It is also possible that this Knight still has a lot to learn and could do worse than learn from The Emperor.
It is possible that The Emperor is amongst these cards simply to show that you (or someone around you) is there to set a perfect example for younger people, since life never stops challenging us. With the right resources and attitudes we are certainly able to rule over our own domain with care, commitment and courage just as The Emperor does.

The Empress is likely to be suggesting that a person with a lot of influence and power could come into your life. This could be a person of authority, a mother figure or at least someone you find approachable and nurturing. If this is not the case then The Empress is likely to represent you and that you have the authority, and ability, to help someone out that needs it. You may have to be careful to not insist that they do it ‘your’ way – allow them to figure a way out themselves. Otherwise, this person may be someone you can turn to for help in October. In addition, this person might be relevant to the next two cards in the reading.
It is possible that this person could have some influence with regard to your financial position – the Two of Pentacles represents a partnership of some kind that could help you make the most of your ability to earn your income. This person might offer financial help, like a gift of money or a loan, or some kind of practical assistance that gives you time to focus on your income/work. Take whatever they can offer you since these opportunites only come rarely. This help could aid you considerably.
The Empress could also, in fact, represent a person coming into your life on a romantic level, since the Two of Cups represents the commitment to a romantic relationship from the initial stage of meeting. The Two of Cups is a lovely card representing the first blossoming of love and happiness with another person. It is possible that this relationship will result from the partnership mentioned by the Two of Pentacles – perhaps it will be someone you work with, or who has entered your life to care for you in some way? Only you will know.
It does seem that the two middle cards could be the result of The Empress entering your scenario, and with the final card in the reading being the Five of Swords it does not feel unreasonable to suggest that a conflict of some sort could arise from this situation. It could, perhaps, be as a result of this new person in your life making some waves, and the development of the relationship between you and them might put some noses out of joint, however you should just consider whether this conflict/challenge is worth engaging with. Even if you feel you could win the argument will it be worth the fallout, or the casualties? Life is short and this card’s advice is to simply walk away from any potential arguments or fights. Who needs aggravation when you have lovely new relationships to enjoy.
End of Tarotscopes.

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