Welcome to the Tarotscopes written by Patricia at Simply Tarot. Scroll down to find yours.
Hello! Well September whizzed by! October looks set to be an interesting month for many – find your star sign below and see which tarot cards turned up for your reading and what I think the message might be for you.
Most of you will be used to the images on these tarot cards, and know that I designed and painted all of them for the Tarot House Deck. You may be interested to know that in our SHOP you can buy this deck (at a very reasonable price for these days) but you can also buy digital downloads of my other artwork which you might find useful, or comforting – especially as a focus for meditation or other deep reflection – click HERE to take a look.
As Halloween approaches I wish you a very pleasurably spooky October! Keep well and happy.
Best wishes
Patricia x

The Eight of Cups is a card which indicates that a particular relationship (and it might not be a romantic one) has reached the stage where it feels that it just cannot be repaired. Perhaps you feel that you have done all that you can to make things right. This could make you feel sad, obviously, but at the same time it means you can start looking and moving towards a better place for you. Once you can accept that this relationship has nowhere to go, and you let go, you will be able to take the first steps to recovery and a brighter future where this relationship can no longer hinder your progress. So, take a deep breath, allow yourself to break free from it and focus on the people that really can bring joy into your life.
The Hanged Man represents a particular situation, towards the middle of the month, in which pushing for the solution to it is not the answer. Submitting to being patient, and allowing the situation to unfold in its own way, is. So, you might find yourself having to repress the itch to ‘do something about it’ and allow things to flow the way they will. No amount of pushing, or demanding, will make this work the way you want it to and might only cause further problems for you. Just relax into the situation for the time being and you’ll see that there comes a time when things will fall into place.
Try to not hark back to previous relationships which might ‘seem’ to have been better than they were, at the tail end of October. Looking/thinking back on things can take a lot of the real pain and difficulty out of the picture giving us a slightly ‘rose tinted’ view of things. Whilst it is always possible to repair an old relationship, both parties will need to have grown to understand the reason why it didn’t work out and both be prepared, now, to put the effort in to try to make it work – the Six of Cups just wants to remind you that your memories of what it was ‘like’ might not be quite realistic, so think carefully about whether this relationship is something you really want to reignite.

The coming month might be quite significant for Taureans as represented by three Major Arcana cards.
To start with we have the lovely World card which indicates a very successful period could be coming your way in October. This is probably the most positive card in a tarot deck and suggests that you are likely to have signs that things are going incredibly well. You have worked hard and succeeded in pretty much every aspect of life to date, and perhaps it is time to just really relax and enjoy yourself. Things are likely to really go your way at the beginning of the coming month and this card would suggest you tackle any outstanding issues at this time – they’ll probably turn out very well.
Towards the middle of the month you may find that you just need to stop and think about your life for a time. Temperance is an important card which represents the need to find some balance, often in a particular situation and one which suggests that you need to listen to, and act upon, what your heart is telling you rather than what your common sense head is saying. Pouring love into the situation is what will work best. You have come a long way, and now it’s time to stop – look back at what you have achieved, be proud and reset your aims around the knowledge you have gained so far.
The Lovers is another card which has some importance, in that it is a card of ‘choice’, and you might find that it is relevant for you. The Lovers often represents the choice regarding a key romantic relationship, however since all relationships are important, it could also be referring to a family member, a friend, or even a work colleague. The message with The Lovers is that though you may have to choose whether you want in, or out, of the relationship, it is important that you consider the feelings of everyone involved and deal with it kindly and carefully. It is ok to end relationships which do not serve their purpose anymore, but it is not ok to do it in a hurtful, or nasty, way. You may decide, to continue with this relationship but in a more distanced way. Whatever you decide, be kind.

You may find yourself in an action-packed October according to all these Wands cards.
This suit is all about effort, drive, projects, travels or moves of some sort, and the Knight of Wands indicates that you are ready to set off on a new adventure! Perhaps you have been feeling a little bored with recent events and are thinking that there should be more to life! Of course it is fine to get on your charger and look for something more interesting to do. Sometimes, though, the Knight of Wands misses out on completing a task and never enjoys the sense of success in doing so – because he heads off to find something else when he’s had enough. It is likely the next two cards can give some insight into whether you should set off somewhere else, or stay and complete the task at hand.
The next Wands card is the Nine of Wands, which indicates exhaustion and feeling unable to finish the course – possibly wanting to give up on everything you’ve been working on. The message with this card is to ‘keep going’, to not give up because you are so close to the finishing line (the ten number cards are completion cards and this is the nine). This would suggest that seeing through your commitments (unlike the Knight of Wands) are close at hand and it will be much more pleasurable and rewarding if you can just summon up the last vestiges of energy to finish the task.
The Four of Wands is a card which represents effort and hard work finally paying off. This card encourages you to see that this project is worthwhile and you’ll see results starting to come through by the end of October. So, all in all these cards are saying use your energies to complete the work/tasks you have undertaken because you are about to see some brilliant results – and that this is not the time to take off on a new adventure; stick to what you are doing and achieve what the Knight of Wands can’t – finding out how rewarding seeing something through to the end can be.

Initially, in October, the Four of Pentacles might be asking you to consider a chance to improve your future financially. Whilst it is important to be careful with money, it is sometimes the case that, rather than taking a risk, we miss out on a golden opportunity to improve our situation. So, if you get some kind of option, or offer, with regard to your income – don’t dismiss it outright because of fear of what might happen to your finances – at least consider it and try to work out whether you could manage financially should things not work out. This might be an amazing opportunity.
The middle of October could bring you a feeling that you have come to a full stop because of a particular obstacle, or hurdle, in your path (Five of Wands). You might feel you can’t get over or through it, but with some careful thought, and looking at the issue from every angle, you are likely to be able to find the solution and the way to overcome it. These hurdles are a key experience to help you develop strategies to overcome difficulties and will stay with you throughout life, so be proactive and don’t let it block your way for long.
If you do follow the advice above, and the obstacle is overcome, you’ll find you will go from strength to strength. The King of Wands is an excellent card to represent your passion, drive and ability to undertake any task and do it well. This King is very successful because he never lets any task overwhelm him; he works hard to understand the issues he faces, and he has the motivation, passionate belief in his own abilities, and has the focused energy to make everything he tackles a successful enterprise – with hard work and effort you can be as successful as he, regardless of what those tasks might be. This King wants you to know that you can do anything!

There may be someone around you who you feel is slightly aloof and perhaps unapproachable (Queen of Swords) who may be able to help you in some way. Emotionally, this person does not show their feelings because they wish to protect themselves from hurt and can be distant and uncommunicative in many ways. However, this person might be the very one whose intellectual ability, and knowledge, could really help you. Do not be afraid to ask for their help – they are, in fact, more than likely to be very willing to assist you overcome whatever issue is troubling you at the moment.
The High Priestess in the middle of the month represents that there are the beginnings of a change of destiny for you unfolding in the background. The High Priestess does not tell you what this new destiny will be but she encourages you to be patient and aware of your own intuition – it would be worth noting any ideas or suggestions that grab your attention at this time, and anything you feel interested in could be well worth researching – this might help in the long term when things start to manifest for you – as you could be ready to hit the ground running.
A financial situation towards the end of the month might sap some of your self confidence according to the Five of Pentacles. This can be a complicated tarot card to understand, but the message is about self worth and, to some extent, pride – if finances are tight you may need to offload some of the things that cost you money and things you might consider ‘important’. Really, this card is asking you to prioritise what you actually need to get by, and not to hang on to things that make a statement about your ‘status’ -especially those that make you struggle financially because you might be afraid of ‘what other people might think’ if you have to let something go or give it up. It doesn’t matter what other people think – your ability to manage is more important.

The Seven of Pentacles is a ‘choice’ card, so it would appear that you might have to make a decision in some way around your finances. This may be a change of job, some adaptation of your income stream or even perhaps an added increase in your spending that you can’t avoid. The message with this card is to carefully consider your current priorities – what you can live without and what you ‘absolutely’ do need to get through this current period. Think back to previous experiences to remember what you have managed with/without in the past – this will help you make the right decision once you know what your new priorities are.
The Page of Swords is a card which demonstrates how misunderstandings and misinterpretation of words, or actions, can get blown out of all proportion. To be safe, be very clear with people about how you are feeling and/or what you need, and why. The same applies the other way round – try to make sure you fully understand what people are trying to convey to you and don’t be afraid to ask for clarification or confirmation around your understanding of what they are trying to say/do – this way potential conflicts will be kept at bay and this is likely to be worth doing in the middle of this coming month.
Toward the end of the month you will be wise to give yourself some much needed pampering and nurturing. When the Queen of Cups appears she almost always wants you to find the lovely you which might have got buried beneath the layers of chores and distractions of day to day issues. Don’t forget that you, too, are loved and loveable and that it might be time to give yourself and those around you a glimpse of the Queen of Cups that is always within you. Treat yourself to a long, luxurious soak in the bath, allow yourself some fun and laughter, show love and accept the love around you and you’ll feel refreshed and beautiful again.

You may find yourself totally bored, or demotivated, around a particular situation at the start of this coming month according to the Four of Cups – this might, perhaps, be relevant to a particular relationship, of course, since this is a card of the relationships/emotions suit. The important message from this card is that a change in your own mindset could very well make a difference to this situation/relationship and take it to a better level. Instead of focusing on all the negatives of the situation, try focusing on all the positives – it could really turn things around and make you feel much happier.
The King of Swords suggests that trusting your head might be better than using your heart, or gut feelings, in a particular matter in the middle of the month, as it is likely to bring about a better conclusion for you. However, the King of Swords can also sound like he is being harsh with his attitude, and can hurt peoples’ feelings with his words (though his advice is very sound) so try to flower things up with a little love and affection whilst dealing with people – it will get you much further.
The Four of Wands then suggests that you will see some very welcome signs of success around your projects and endeavours; this cards indicates all your efforts are starting to pay off which will be really good news. Give yourself a pat on the back for the hard work you’ve done but don’t relax your efforts just yet as it is still early days. This card suggests you’ll be feeling pretty proud of yourself by the end of the month, so well done and keep up the good work!
But read on………because Libra is the birthday star sign this month and you get an extra tarot card just for you!
Here we have:

The Two of Pentacles suggests that you really are a ‘people’ person – that you are popular and approachable. This card is about successful forging of relationships and the ability to take them further. As this is a Pentacles card it could also suggest a financial partnership of some sort which could be of a lot of use to you in terms of your income. It is possible, you could meet or start to get to know someone who values your ability and contribution in some way, so ensure you use your amazing personality to build a profitable relationship with this person as it could be useful on a financial front. This is a very positive card full of possibilities for your future – don’t let it go to waste by hiding your talents, make the most of them and show people what you are made of.

At the beginning of the coming month the Knight of Pentacles is likely to be letting you know that paying attention to detail, and completing tasks fully, is the way to go. This Knight leaves nothing to chance – if he is faced with a task, or a challenge, he makes sure he knows as much as he can about it before engaging with it. He will put his ‘all’ into completing the task, then check and double check that everything he has done is absolutely correct. If you want the same success as he in anything you are working on then perhaps this is the approach you need to take.
In terms of relationships (whether romantic or otherwise) one may well have come to an impasse – where there is little or no chance you will be able to make it work according to the Eight of Cups. Sometimes there are people we have known a long time who no longer serve their purpose in our life and it is time to let go. Once you can accept this and understand that this does happen, you can begin to forge new relationships that will bring more joy to your life. It might not be the fault of anyone in particular – it really can just be the end of the cycle with this person.
The Hermit suggests that the end of the month might be a good time to get some quiet to reset your own goals and aims. Life can confuse us with problems or just bury us under the burden of all the tasks and chores we are expected to complete; then we can forget what our initial goals were and find ourselves lost, and our light dimmed. Perhaps a meditation, or any type of quiet reflection, on how things are going for you – and what needs adjusting or changing – might help. Ask yourself whether this is how you want things to be and, if not, how can you make things better? At the very least find your own heart and soul again, allow peace to salve your hurts and rest enough to charge up your energies again – then you’ll be ready to forge ahead.

To start October you are likely to be given signs that a particular project is starting to pay off (Four of Wands). This will be welcome after all the hard work and effort you have put in – and, even though it is still early days, your motivation to carry on will be renewed by seeing this success. Give yourself a pat on the back because you deserve it, but keep working at it because, with more effort, this could grow into something amazing! Well done, you!
In terms of relationships (romantic or otherwise) you might find one puts you in the position of having to choose an option (or make a decision) about how to deal with it, according to the Seven of Cups. The message with this card is not necessarily about which decision is the right one, but about committing to whichever option you choose in order to make it a reality. So, whatever you decide to do it would be better for you to commit to that decision unless you want to keep on going round in the same old circles.
The Ten of Wands indicates that at some point you might feel somewhat overwhelmed, or tired, with regard to a situation or project you are involved in. A ten numbered card is a ‘completion’ card and suggests you are really, really close to achieving your goal and if you can just summon up the last energy you have, with regard to this situation, you will see it through and it will be worth the effort. You are very nearly there so don’t give up now – the hardest part is likely to be done, you just need to get over the finish line.

The Eight of Pentacles suggests that, as you head into October, your current projects/enterprises have been doing very well. However, there is still more potential to be achieved from them. The Eight of Pentacles indicates that there is, perhaps, a little more you can learn or understand about your work and that some sort of research, practical experience or even an educational course could really help you make the most of that potential. Just take a look to see if there is anything around that can give you an extra insight into your work – it could make a massive difference to your success.
The Three of Swords does indicate that in the middle of October you may find that something in your life is just not working out – and this card indicates that there is little else that can be done to make it work. This, of course, is not ideal……..however it is your approach, your attitude in dealing with this that will make a difference to how quickly you can move on from it. Being able to accept that something is just not ‘meant to be’ is the first step. It might not be the fault of anyone in particular – there are some things we are not meant to have or do – but that means there is likely to be something better ahead for you – even though you feel, at the moment, that there can’t be. Keep focused on the future and try not to get stuck in ‘what might have been’.
This will require a certain strength as endorsed by The Chariot, which is a card which represents being pushed and pulled in different directions by people or circumstances. This card demonstrates the need to grab hold of the reins of your life/circumstances, and needing the strength to steer your own chariot in the direction you need to go. Make a decision on what you want to do and where you want to go and stick to that decision regardless of the influences around you. This is the only way to make the progress you need right now.

The Knight of Cups could indicate you have, or might have, a new suitor in your life at the beginning of the coming month. It isn’t possible to judge whether this relationship will be a serious commitment at this stage, so it will be best to just treat it it as a bit of much-needed fun at the moment, and you can see how things will develop as time passes. Be patient but enjoy.
Having said that, the Two of Pentacles does suggest that a partnership is likely to develop into something with considerable potential – especially with regard to your finances, or personal lifestyle, and this partnership looks to be worth pursuing. It may be relevant to the suitor represented by the Knight of Cups, but it could equally be referring to someone else. It should be clearer towards the middle of October which of these it is. Either way it should be a positive experience.
The Four of Pentacles could be offering some sound advice with regard to this partnership too – in that this card asks you not to rule out an offer, or opportunity, to do something different with regard to your income stream/financial position. This card is about considering an option – even though you may be afraid of risking your current financial situation – with the message of this card being that, whilst it is good to be careful with money, to not dismiss an amazing opportunity through fear, so be aware of this potential offer towards the end of October.

The message from the Queen of Pentacles, at the beginning of the coming month, is to be particularly vigilant around your finances. This Queen will only use her wealth to help those she loves (or deserve it) and has no truck with anyone who is not pulling their weight, or who is not loyal to her. She can be very hard in this way. However, this card also indicates that in terms of finances you are likely to be in a pretty enviable place – just make sure that, at least for now, you don’t spend your money unnecessarily to ensure that your financial position stays this healthy.
With regard to a particular situation, or a particular relationship, you might find yourself very bored and even demotivated. This does not mean that things won’t, or can’t, improve – a lot of it could depend on your own mindset. The message with the Four of Cups is to make sure you start focusing on all the positives around this situation/relationship rather than the negatives. This change in mindset from you could turn the situation around – and it is likely to make you feel much happier in general too.
The Ten of Wands is a card which represents the completion of a project or a cycle – this is really good news because the message for you is that you are nearly there – you have nearly finished your project! However, you are likely to feel tired and maybe overwhelmed at this stage, and because you might not be able to ‘see’ the finishing line as such, there is a danger you might feel like giving up on it just now. This card encourages you to summon up the last of your energies to complete the course – you are so nearly there…..keep going even though that feels so hard to do right now. You can do it!

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