Hello again! It’s hard to believe I am writing the Tarotscopes for September 2016 already!
I have had a very interesting August in which there was only sparodic times for working with the tarot. But as you may have seen me mention on the Simply Tarot Facebook Page, I have been working very closely with the Collective Unconscious, our intertwined Energy Connection, and the Universe, using tarot cards. I am not able to give any details of what I have been working on yet, but as a result of this work I have been asked to do these tarotscopes as a message from the Universe to you (through the tarot cards, naturally), and who am I to argue?
I hope these messages resonate with you, and I hope you will share these Tarotscopes with your family and friends. Last month’s Tarotscopes certainly seemed to hit the spot with many people! We had 89 Facebook shares on them which was amazing! So thank you all – perhaps that number will be even higher this month….I certainly hope so!
Happy September and incoming Autumn………….Here are your messages from the Universe:
The Chariot – Knight of Cups – The Moon – Seven of Pentacles
Whatever you are tasked with in the coming month of September make sure you choose one thing to do really, really well giving it your full attention and effort, for good or bad. See the task through from beginning to end, and see what you can achieve when you set your mind to something, and how you do it well.

You will find, at the completion of the task, that someone, possibly on a romantic level, is really impressed with your ability, and although it might not be very clear initially what that might bring for you, this person is likely to have an impact on you at some point. Trust your gut instinct, and use your intuition to navigate forward, it will not let you down. Learn to recognise what your mind, body and soul are telling you. Some things will not have come to light just yet but allow yourself to trust your feelings, as major influences are at work for you, right now. Keep your mind and heart open to embrace new possibilities, even though they might pose a worry to you on a financial level, because all you need to do is to think back to past experiences and how they turned out, to guide you with any decisions you have to make, because hopefully you will know by now, what has worked for you in the past and what hasn’t.
Knight of Cups – The Star – Nine of Cups – Eight of Wands
Someone may appear on the scene in terms of a romantic interest, or at least someone who might be able to help you move on from your past way of life. Whilst you might be hopeful it will be a romantic relationship, it would be wise to take time before committing too soon, as it is vital that you are completely sure this relationship is going to be worth the effort.

You may be feeling a little despairing about relationships in general, based on past experiences, and this is why you are not completely sure whether you are ready for one just yet, however, a truly lovely relationship is always worth having. You are possibly feeling that you are doing so well on your own behalf that there is a reluctance to get involved with anyone right now, you may even feel that you don’t have time. But all the things you are working on, and succeeding in, will be all the sweeter if you have someone to share them with. There will be a lot of renewed energy, enthusiasm and creativity in the coming month so make sure you make the most of this time.
Queen of Pentacles – Six of Cups – The Magician – Eight of Swords
You are more than capable of dealing with issues which come up on a family/home/work level, and are often the person that people turn to when in trouble. This is something you should be proud of since it is the glue that holds good families and good homes together.

There are times when you feel sad that things are not going as well as you hoped, but as you face each new difficulty you are treading a new road which is essential for your enlightenment. The Magician shows you that you have all the necessary skills you need and you should not fear moving onward, despite not knowing what the future holds, or whether you are offering the right support. Often you are tasked with decisions, or asked for advice, which you are not sure you hold the answers to, but this is part of your growth challenge, and you are more than capable of being able to justify what you offer by way of help, and why. By avoiding challenges and decisions you avoid developing as a human being, as well as spiritually, because these challenges are meant to stretch you. Trust that you are on the right path and trust that what you do is done well, it is known that you do things with the best of intentions, and you can’t do better than that.
Knight of Pentacles – The World – Ace of Cups – The Star
Paying attention to the detail of any tasks, which come to hand, will always pay off. At times this can be tedious, but tying up all the loose ends are a sure-fire way to ensure you complete each task well and this earns you dividends in the long term.

It is now, perhaps, the time to start reaping the harvest, which you have sown, but only if the required effort was put in along the way. For those that have worked hard with given challenges, who have grown in spirit and love as a result, will now feel the benefits of a very happy, successful and rewarding September. There is a possibility of new love coming your way, maybe a baby is about to come into your life, or someone who will bring you much joy. It is worth remembering that, especially in the difficult, dark times, when life becomes hard work and often tedious, by applying yourself to the mundanities of day-to-day life, with an optimistic and hopeful attitude towards yourself and others, will always bring about the happiness you deserve. Patience is indeed a virtue, and one that brings much joy. Enjoy your just rewards.
The Hanged Man – Nine of Cups – The Chariot – Judgement
Sometimes we enter periods when we are asked to give something up, and we are then faced with a time when we don’t know what, why and how it has come to this, when all we wanted was a happy and loving relationship.

Struggling against this situation, or railing against it, is not going to help at the moment. By submitting to the situation and focusing either on retrieving the situation, or searching for a new road to take is the best way to deal with this. Whichever you choose, it is important to be completely focused on where you want to head – keep firmly on that road come what may, for good or bad – because in the end you will know that you have put your all into it and done your best. What occurs in life sometimes comes as a result of our behaviours and it is important to know that in whichever direction you are heading, remember from past experience that your attitude to a relationship will dictate the outcome, for good or bad. But the choice is yours, you can try to repair or you can start anew – just follow the road that you think suits you best.
Four of Cups – Seven of Swords – Nine of Cups – Eight of Swords
Head over heart or heart over head? What do you allow most to rule your body, mind and soul? It is likely that you are facing some romantic issues that are causing you the heartache, right now. But then it is likely that you are over-analysing problems, too, and not recognising what your heart is crying out for.

In terms of relationships, we cannot always expect a loving response if we are not showing love ourselves……..then we wonder why it is all going wrong. If you are not happy with your current relationship, or are unhappy that you have no relationship at all, perhaps you should take a different approach. There should ever only be one reason to be in a relationship, and that is that you want to be with ‘that’ person, day in and day out, because they make you feel good. So, firstly, only allow yourself to be committed to someone who makes you feel alive, that you’re wanted, and that you are the best of friends. Do not settle for second best. Open yourself to the possibilies of true love by facing your present situation and allowing yourself to listen to what your heart needs. In love, neither the head only, nor the heart only, should rule. The person you will be happy with is the one who makes you feel better than you do as a single unit. Until that person arrives, love yourself unconditionally, then you’ll be ready to receive your soulmate with your whole mind, heart, body and soul.
King of Cups – Knight of Cups – Queen of Cups – The Fool
The Knight and King and Queen of Cups indicate a full focus on love and family relationships in September. The King and Queen of Cups, also, are very experienced in matters of love and have appeared in this reading to show you that you should have confidence in what you are doing.

You’re relationships, not just a romantic one, are taking you to places you have never been before, metaphorically speaking, and you may be experiencing feelings you have not encountered previously. You are being asked to up the ante – to take your loving abilities to the next level. The Queen of Cups is supremely confident in her own body and the way she looks, she draws all around her into adoration of her, and this is the way you must feel about yourself. By being confident in, and about, yourself you will find an eternal well of love that you can draw on for those around you who will continue to need your attention and love. The more you give the more you will receive back. Therefore, September should be a month in which you focus your attention on yourself and those around you. Giving and receiving love makes up the true bond between people, both on a romantic and platonic level, and are the mainstay for happiness both at home and at work. And you have the gift of endless love.
Four of Swords – Knight of Cups – Ten of Pentacles – The High Priestess
You are learning such a lot about love and it has been really difficult for you. The partnerships you have encountered so far have not reached your expectations, or maturity, and it has disappointed you, it is now time to rest a while and get your strength back.

The best way to do this is to focus, right now, on simply making your home life comfortable and to get youself in a position of stability and security on a financial level. By doing this you will feel more confident and you will be much clearer about who, if anyone, you now allow into your life – they will have to be worth their weight in gold to be allowed in. Whilst you are focussing on getting yourself in a good material position, things will be unfolding in the background and which will come to the fore when you are ready. This is the time for you to discover who you are and what you really want out of life. Expect to find hidden talents and heightened intuition in the near future.
Queen of Wands – Five of Cups – The Magician – Ten of Cups
Some aspects of your relationships are wonderful and some are not. It is almost like you feel you are caught in the middle and are asked to look at the way things are heading.

The Queen of Wands represents you as someone who can turn their hand to anything and do it well, who will make it work and be successful. However able you are at dealing with the issues at hand, you are likely to be bored in some area on the relationships front, whilst other aspects are going really well. It is clear that you can make it work and that your efforts are very much rewarded at some level, but the question is, for you, are you getting enough from this situation to make you truly happy? The Magician represents a crossroads towards which you may be heading, and it will not be clear which is the best road to take. You have all the skills and capabilities for this new journey, if you are ready. You might not feel this is the right time for you though, or this maybe something you just do not want to do. The good news is that you will be successful whether you take the new road or not. You should trust in your own abilities much more.
Page of Swords – Three of Pentacles – Four of Cups – Six of Pentacles
Things are set to improve for you on a homelife/security level, not only in the matter of a tangible improvement in your homelife, but also in terms of financial help ongoing from this, which is wonderful news.

But underlying all this, however, there may well be a feeling of disappointment in terms of a relationship which is toning down your feeling of complete happiness. Things have been said and done which you have taken to heart, whether they were meant to hurt or not. This could be misinterpretation on either side and should be opened for discussion, as it might be necessary to bring about some clarification, in order for things to heal and for you to feel happier in yourself. If it is something that has been said and done with real aggression and intent to hurt, you may have to consider your own feelings with regard to the situation and come to some acceptance that it has happened, either way this can’t be something which you carry round with you forever. In terms of home and work, things are very much on the up and look set for an exciting time ahead. Enjoy.
Six of Cups – Four of Swords – Five of Cups – King of Wands
Confusion about your love life is not surprising, in that, there were aspects of a relationship which were pretty much what you wanted. The hurt and upset, however, which has come about have made you feel exhausted and worn out.

At times like these it is important not to look at something which was difficult through rose-tinted spectacles, because the truth is you would not be having to heal if it really had been that good. On the other hand, each situation like this challenges you to look at your own input and asks you to be realistic with yourself about what it is you want out of relationships. It is certainly time to rest and to do some clear thinking without giving away the love you have in your heart, forever, it is not time to throw the baby out with the bath water. It is just a time for you to realise you can have anything you want, providing you put your passion and enthusiasm into it. And that is what you need to decide. What is it that you want to put your whole heart and soul into now? Any relationship is reparable though that might not be the answer. But whichever way you decide go down, you are likely to succeed……….because now you have a wealth of experience and know-how to make anything work, and you will.
Four of Swords – The Lovers – Five of Cups – The Sun
Big decisions about love might be a challenge for you in September. You have had difficulties which have left you tired and very upset, and now you have to decide what is right for you.

What is tempting you away? The desire for something better or just something different? Whilst you feel worn out and upset, it is important that you make the right decision, and as it is a major decision which concerns other people, it should be made in consideration, and with love, for everyone involved including yourself. What many people do not understand is that once you have been truly in love, you really can fall back in love with that person again, and rifts can be healed, love is a very powerful energy. It is very possible that you can be truly happy if you are able to forgive and start again. If you cannot face healing this relationship, then you must work to heal your own hurts. Believe in yourself, believe that love for yourself is important, and believe in love itself, so that, once again, you can enjoy what life can offer you in all its joy…………and which is waiting just around the corner.
End of Tarotscopes for September.
Please do share with your friends,
with much love
Patricia xx
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