Tarotscopes for September are written by Patricia using Simply Tarot’s own tarot cards ~ The Tarot House Deck .
A happy September to you all!
Another month has rolled by. Autumn is calling and the nights are closing in, and it’s time again to look at the coming month and what it might hold for us.
For those people who don’t know, Tarotscopes are genuine tarot readings based on each star/zodiac sign, written by me, Patricia. I have used four cards for each reading focusing on:
1 ~ What’s happening for you
2 ~ What you want
3 ~ Guidance card and
4 ~ Outcome card.
Hopefully, they will give you a heads up on what might come up for you, and how to approach the situation for the best. Sometimes the tarotscopes will only begin to make sense as the month progresses.
The Simply Tarot ‘Tarotscopes’ are becoming extremely popular and these monthly readings, along with our automated Card of the Day facility on our website, are provided at no cost to our customers. We feel it is important to provide something for those that cannot afford to buy tarot readings, as well as giving a little back to our own tarot community. It would be so helpful to us, though, if you would donate even a small amount to help keep our services running – websites can get expensive. Huge thanks in advance, and in anticipation, of your support.
Please do visit our Shop if you are considering buying a tarot deck or a tarot reading, to see what we have to offer.
Just scroll down, now, to find your star sign and read what the tarot has to say for you in September.
Love and Best wishes
Patricia x

What’s happening: Knight of Swords
What you want: The Empress
Guidance Card: Justice
Outcome: The Fool
September may have some major happenings in store for you. Three of the cards pulled are from the Major Arcana which indicate significant impact on your situation in the coming month.
The Knight of Swords indicates that there may be a situation which is testing your nerves and spirit, and which makes you feel that you need to ride in on your white charger and sort things out. You might be feeling frustrated that you haven’t any effect on the current situation you find yourself in. But you would be right to stop and think before charging in. The Knight represents a hastiness which results in overlooking important information, and you really could end up with egg on your face, if you did.
The Empress suggests that you see yourself, or want yourself to be, in charge of this situation – you may feel that you are the one who can sort it out in the best possible way. No doubt you are knowledgeable and confident in your own right, but the chances are that you don’t know enough about the other people involved or why they have done what they have done. You may be feeling angry at their immaturity and behaviour, but it really won’t help if you lose your temper over this.
The Justice card indicates that sometime soon there will be either a key decision, or some information coming out, which will highlight the truth of the situation, and shed light on what has happened. Be patient, for when this happens you will be seen to have been right – without you taking the risk of interfering before it was clear for all to see. Your reputation will still be in tact and people will admire the way you handled yourself throughout.
By avoiding getting involved and being patient, you will realise that the control you exerted has served you well. The resolution of this matter will set you off on a whole new journey full of exciting promise and a huge feeling of relief that you can, at last, make a new start. Just remember what you have learned along the way so that you don’t find yourself in a similar situation in the future. Otherwise, enjoy your new adventure!

What’s happening: Ace of Swords
What you want: Page of Pentacles
Guidance Card: Two of Wands
Outcome: Seven of Pentacles
You may see things from a new perspective in September, as the Ace of Swords heralds a new way of thinking, or a new attitude, to the way you currently approach life and the issues it brings. This is really a good thing. You may be ready to shrug off the old beliefs and embrace new ones that suit the new emerging You much more.
The Page of Pentacles suggests that you may be ready or might even be thinking of doing some learning/studying to further you on your path, though you might not see quite yet what you really want to do in this respect. Don’t rush into anything just yet, but have a good think and give yourself time to review what it is you want right now. The Two of Wands suggests that there is already something around you which is developing for you – maybe a move, a new business or project, or maybe even a desire to travel, to develop your knowledge of the world. Only you will know what secret desires are tugging at your heart. What is it that you are yearning for? The cards are saying it is time to consider making a move.
This may provoke a decision on a financial, or home life, level and you may feel it poses a risk (Seven of Pentacles). If this is the case then look back at what you have done in your life so far. Reflect on your Past to identify what it is you want in the Future. Have faith in the skills you have achieved so far, and you will know whether this is the time to make the change, and make sure that, whatever you decide to do, you are armed with thorough research and good information. This will mitigate the risks and you’ll feel more secure in your decisions.

What’s happening: The World
What you want: Eight of Pentacles
Guidance Card: Queen of Cups
Outcome: Seven of Wands
Everything will seem rosy in the garden in September. The World suggests that everything you need is at hand, and what is more, you appreciate it. This is what we should do when things are going right – having/showing gratitude for the great things we have and the people we love.
Perhaps there is still a desire for a little more money in your life (Eight of Pentacles) – because there is always more we want, or think we can do, if only we had the capacity – and there is nothing wrong with that. The chances are, though, if you really want this to happen, you might have to acquire some new skills to make it work.
The Queen of Cups, however, suggests that you need to look at your own emotional needs and capabilities. Either you have the magnetic qualities of this Queen already (lucky you) or you might need to embrace the way this Queen achieves her desires through her emotional skills. This card would indicate that you need to focus a lot more on your power of attraction – to recognise your beauty and your capacity to love. It would seem you need to exude confidence in yourself and allow the love to shine right out of your eyes this month – there must be someone who is ready to be charmed by you. You may even find this brings unexpected results in terms of your home life.
You may need to also revisit your original goals and aims to regain some lost enthusiasm for a project you are engaged in (Seven of Wands). Just remember what you felt like at the beginning of your project and see if it reignites the passion you had for it and this should relight your fire. Perhaps your mantra for September should be ‘I’m hot!’ – in every aspect – and you’d better believe it!

What’s happening: Four of Cups
What you want: Seven of Swords
Guidance Card: Three of Cups
Outcome: Ten of Wands
The situation seems to be regarding a loss of interest, indeed boredom, within your relationship(s) this coming month (Four of Cups). Perhaps you are stuck in a rut and everything has become the ‘same ol’, same ol” for you. Once we are in a rut in can be very difficult to get out – but not impossible. It is not necessarily for other people to sort this out for you, but perhaps a need for you to change your mindset. This is something you can control. Perhaps there is a need to consider how you can make the difference and get the fun and joy flowing again.
It would seem that what you ‘want’ is the Truth. Perhaps you feel you are being deceived or manipulated, or at least being humoured and this is not making you feel good (Seven of Swords). Remember that in terms of a relationship it is the actions rather than the words that speak the truth. Are the people around you making you feel validated even if they don’t speak out those words. Do you feel cherished and loved, because if you do, it doesn’t really matter what is said or not said.
The Three of Cups advises that you celebrate your relationships. Remember how the relationships came about and why. Truly seek whether they mean the same to you as they did and understand that the first heady rush of passion does tend to disappear from most relationships over time and transform to one of companionship and trust, which is probably more important in the long run. But don’t forget your own input is needed too. We can expect a lot from others and feel neglected very easily, but a relationship is not one-sided, our partners need recognition just as much and maybe that is how you can get the joy flowing once more. Celebrate the love you do have – there are many lonely people in the world without even a companion.
The Ten of Wands indicates that a journey you’ve been on is coming to completion. It’s been exhausting for you and it has taken a lot of effort and strength to carry on. Perhaps now that a new cycle is beginning it is time to leave the difficult bits in the past and look to the future with new and excited vision. Remember to look more for the positives, than to wallow in the negatives – life will bring much more fun to your door.

What’s happening: Ten of Swords
What you want: Two of Pentacles
Guidance Card: Ten of Cups
Outcome: The Devil
You may find that, in September, a difficult situation comes to an abrupt end which might cause you some pain (Ten of Swords). In some respects, if it has been a difficult time, then this should come as a relief. At the same time it is likely to bring some changes which can be upsetting. All things, good and bad, will come and go and it gives us a chance to head off in a new direction.
What you seem to have been hoping for was some sort of home/financial/family security to build on (Two of Pentacles) and maybe this is what has come under threat. However, the Ten of Cups represents a happy family life and good relationships around you. So whatever it is, that has ended, it will benefit you to focus on the people around you because they will bring you happiness and joy. Money is not the route to happiness – love is.
You may also find that you have thoughts going round in your head of shame and guilt, for reasons only you will know about. The Devil card represents being caught in a spiral of self destruction through our own inability to forgive ourselves for past mistakes and bad decisions. The way to throw off the shackles of The Devil, that keep us in a dark place, is to recognise our mistakes and to learn from them – to make sure we do not find ourselves in the same position in the future. But what is done is done – it’s time to move forward with a new and positive attitude and a desire to do better in the future. It is your job to free yourself from guilt and self destruction, so start with changing your mindset, and your actions, going forward, and the good results will then follow.

What’s happening: Three of Cups
What you want: Ten of Pentacles
Guidance Card: The Empress
Outcome: Eight of Cups
There will be some sort of a celebration in September – perhaps a engagement, wedding or a birth/conception of a child, which will bring delight and happiness for you (Three of Cups). This is wonderful news and should make you very happy.
What you would really like, though, is a validation of security on a home/material level (Ten of Pentacles) that helps you feel that you are in a stable and secure place for the foreseeable future. Maybe your aim is to reach a financial goal of being able to make some drastic changes to the daily grind of earning a living and to give you some real choices.
The Empress card in the Guidance position suggests that focussing on the maternal aspects of your life – your role as matriarch and ruler of your domain, whether you are female or male – is what you should be working on for the time being, because it is important that you recognise your relationships are far more important that earning money. Money can solve many problems but it cannot bring you love.
You may find, however, that in certain relationships you feel there is little hope of rekindling what you thought was a good relationship (not necessarily a romantic one) and this has left you feeling somewhat sad (Eight of Cups) – at least, for the moment, allow some time to pass so that you can heal, and focus on the love you do have in your life, rather than that which you feel you might have lost. Who knows what the future will hold? But day will follow night unremittingly, and, in time, it will not feel as bad as it does right now and, given time, this relationship might be repaired.

What’s happening: The Fool
What you want: Queen of Wands
Guidance Card: Two of Wands
Outcome: Ace of Pentacles
September should bring you a new opportunity, or a chance to do things differently (The Fool). A new start is always good, especially if we take into account the lessons we have learned from previous experiences, so that we can avoid the pitfalls we encounter on our way.
The Queen of Wands indicates that you want to be seen as someone who can turn their hand to any task and do it well – or maybe you feel that you are the only one who approaches the tasks at hand and do them the way they should be done. Perhaps, secretly, you like it to be this way, but you do feel that you rule the roost, and maybe you get tired of the responsibility from time to time.
There is every chance that there is an opportunity developing which has real potential (Two of Wands) which has already manifested, but you need to recognise it and develop it to your advantage. What have you seen recently that has caught your interest? What is it that your heart desires? What is it nagging at the back of your mind? Whatever that nugget of interest is, may hold the key to this new journey and could be the start of something that sparks your passion and enthusiasm – don’t ignore it, explore the possibilities.
The Ace of Pentacles suggests that this new opportunity could give you a chance to improve your financial situation and shouldn’t be overlooked. The skills you have learned and your passion, drive and enthusiasm are likely to be able to make this work. Take some time to scrutinise your life, your work, your home life to see what is waiting in the wings for you, and take the chance to bring something new and exciting into your life.

What’s happening: Knight of Cups
What you want: Ace of Cups
Guidance Card: Temperance
Outcome: Ten of Swords
September looks to be bringing you the desire for an adventure in love. Perhaps you are looking for the ‘the One’ or perhaps you simply want a flirtation or a fling (Knight of Cups). Certainly love and emotions will be playing a large part in your life.
The Ace of Cups suggests that you really would like to start a real relationship, in terms of romantic love. But the question is ‘How do you manifest this?’ If you stay at home all the time, you are not likely to meet the love of your life. If you do not indicate that you are interested in a relationship it is unlikely you will attract a partner. The card in the Guidance position is Temperance. This card usually represents the need to pour more love/emotion into a situation. Are you generally too analytical and logical about relationships? Do you follow your head more than your heart? Temperance suggests some balance is needed in this case. You might need to open up your heart a bit more and take a chance on love.
The Ten of Swords indicates that, if you do what Temperance suggests, the end of a long and painful cycle will come to and end. The suffering you have endured will finish, and a new cycle will begin. But these cards indicate that it is possible you have been locked in a more unemotional, and logical, frame of mind which does not suit your needs, as they are right now. Love can bring its risks, and it is good to be wary of unsuitable relationships, but it also brings healing and happiness too – when the right person comes along.

What’s happening: Ace of Wands
What you want: Knight of Wands
Guidance Card: Page of Pentacles
Outcome: The Empress
A new journey is about to begin for you. The Ace of Wands represents new and strong energy around a new endeavour. You may be feeling ‘fired up’ about this new project and ready to pour your own energy into it.
The Knight of Wands in the ‘What you want’ position, indicates that you are indeed ready for this new adventure, and you are absolutely raring to go, but at the same time you may not feel completely confident about yourself. You have the drive, the enthusiasm and the passion to make this work, and all it will take is a little time to find your feet and feel more comfortable.
The Page of Pentacles also indicates that you may not feel totally confident in starting this new venture, but this Page also keeps up with acquiring the necessary knowledge, and skills that are needed to succeed. Indeed this card suggests that you already know that you’ll need to keep learning and acquiring the skills necessary to make this opportunity work for you.
Additionally, this new venture might bring you to a place you might not have experienced so far……the opportunity to rule your own domain. To live your life in the way you want to, under your own terms and standards, as well as fully reaping the rewards of your own abilities. Maybe this will heighten any Mother/Child dynamics in your relationships, and it may be necessary to watch your temper if things don’t suit your ‘way of thinking’. This is your time now. Embrace what life has to offer and accept that you are ready to succeed beyond even your own expectations.

What’s happening: Nine of Wands
What you want: The Chariot
Guidance Card: Five of Swords
Outcome: Two of Pentacles
You may be tiring of all the effort you have to put in to your work and projects in September and you could reach a point where you would gladly be able to give in and get out (Nine of Wands). However, it is because of all your effort that your workload has increased, and in some respects that is quite an accolade to your passion, drive and work ethic.
What you want is to feel more in control of what you can choose, or to choose not, to do. The Chariot indicates a need to ensure you are steering yourself in the direction you want to go, rather than being pushed and pulled around by other people or events. So, although there is much to do and with even more tasks being thrust towards you, you do instinctively know you need to be more proactive about offloading the things you don’t really need to get involved in.
The Guidance card is the Five of Swords which does, indeed, back you up on this. Whilst there are plenty of battles which can be fought, it makes sense to look at each of them carefully to understand which ones are worth the casualties, and which ones will be fought at a great loss – even though you’d probably win them all.
The Two of Pentacles indicates that there may be someone around you that can help you deal with all the work you have, and it might even result in a partnership of some sort which will certainly help ease your burden, and allow you to concentrate on your prioritised work. By accepting help via any means you will see that your financial situation will not be affected by the consequences of being overburdened and overwhelmed with all you have to deal with. This card might also indicate some help on a financial level, and you may get some sort of gift or bonus, which would be lovely. Just remember, money can make money, or it can be frittered away, so use it wisely.

What’s happening: Ace of Cups
What you want: Queen of Cups
Guidance Card: Two of Swords
Outcome: King of Cups
You may find in September that there is the prospect of a new relationship forming in your life (Ace of Cups). With the Queen and King of Cups also appearing in this reading, it seems clear that it is likely to be a romantic one.
The Queen in the ‘What you want’ position indicates that you certainly feel you deserve a relationship, and that you may be ready to consider one. The Queen also suggests that you have all the qualities needed to form a successful one and that you are certainly very attractive to others. But you must start to believe that about yourself if you do want to find love.
The Guidance card, the Two of Swords, suggests that there may be a situation which is keeping you static, when you should be moving forward. If there is something that you need to face head on, then perhaps it is time to do so. Avoiding the issue will only hold you back for longer. You need a better understanding of the situation at hand and you need to act on it to release its hold on you. Clear the decks.
The King of Cups suggests that there is someone who you can love, and be loved by in return, but these opportunities only come to us occasionally, so make sure you are not turning your back on any opportunities to be happy in love. However, this King is also reluctant to pursue a relationship for fear of being hurt again. The question, for you, is whether to open your heart to pastures new, or to remain in a rather static situation through fear. You have to make that decision yourself but just remember, true love is a great healer and bringer of happiness, and it would be a shame to miss out on something wonderful because you are afraid.

What’s happening: The Hermit
What you want: Knight of Wands
Guidance Card: Ten of Pentacles
Outcome: Four of Wands
September might be the right time to take some time out, on your own, to go and find your light through deep, and reflective, thought (The Hermit). Sometimes we need to find out how we can reset our life and be ready to go forwards again. Allow yourself to do this. Meditate, do research and try to find out what it is you really desire.
The Knight of Wands indicates that what you really want to do is run off and find an adventure. Perhaps you are bored of the daily grind. Well, that’s ok – just take some time to work out what that adventure is going to be for you. A new job, a new belief or religion? A new way of approaching life? Try to discover what it is that you really need, then you can start to make it happen.
The Guidance card is the Ten of Pentacles which is a card of huge success in terms of your home life and financial situation. This card seems to validate that, if you can find your direction, decide what it really is that you want in your life, then it can come in spades – you certainly have the ability to manifest it.
The Outcome card which is the Four of Wands, also backs this up. This card represents hard work, and ability, bringing forth great results. It would seem that the tarot believes you can turn your hand to anything and make it work. But the cards are also saying you need to have a clear vision of what you want, and where you want to go, in order for you to be able to utilise those skills. You just need a goal to work towards, so go into your ‘cave’ and search for your true desires – which you will find once you come away from the chaos of life and get enough peace, and quiet, to think.
End of tarotscopes.
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