Welcome to the Tarotscopes for September! Scroll down the page to find your own zodiac sign and read what guidance the tarot cards reveal for you.
I hope you will enjoy reading them and share them with your friends.
The cards used are from THE TAROT HOUSE DECK
May September bring you all love and healing for the highest good for all concerned.
Stay safe,

Bearing in mind that the zodiac sign dates used here start from 21/22nd of the month, it is likely that what ever had ended as represented by the Death card could already have happened. What was once familiar is now gone – that could be a job, a situation, a relationship or a belief system. Sometimes this can bring pain or fear of the future. The Death card symbolises an ending, but also the beginning of a new phase. There has to be change as nothing ever stays the same. Sometimes it can be losing something loved, but it can also mean the ending of something that caused you pain. Whilst Death reaps all in its path, you can see from the card image that it can never catch the sun……..it continues to rise day after day bringing new things and helping us to grow. This card is advising you to look forward, not back; to embrace the new day and what it will bring; to keep going and have faith that good things lie ahead.
The Three of Pentacles is a celebratory card, representing some signs of success in a material way. Things are building nicely in terms of home/income/security for you…….but you will need to keep working as hard as you are if it is going to reach the full potential it has. Pat yourself on the back for your efforts to succeed this far, but don’t rest on your laurels just yet, there is still some way to go.
The World is an amazing card to get in a tarot reading since it represents success in every aspect of life. This card indicates a wonderful time of happiness, and achievement, through income, relationships, enthusiasm and mental alacrity – this would be a perfect time to really apply yourself to your goals as this card indicates there is nothing you can’t achieve. Make the most of this rewarding time.
The Six of Wands is also a positive card to receive in a reading. This card indicates that whatever your current work/hobby/project is, things are building successfully and, what is more, the foundations you have already set are strong, and enduring, enough to build substantially upon.
Despite having had something taken away from you in terms of the Death card, all the other cards indicate amazing times ahead. That is possibly why one door needed to close before others could open for you.

The ten card of any suit will represent the completion of a cycle. In terms of the Wands suit it means that any project, or undertaking, is pretty much established and working well. Whilst this is good news, this card represents being overburdened with managing everything this (successful) project brings. The Ten of Wands represents being exhausted and being overwhelmed by all the tasks that need to be done. It is key that, going forward from here, something has to ‘give’. It is time to offload some of the tasks, and to learn to only take on what can realistically be dealt with in the coming weeks. It is far better to be honest about what you can and can’t manage, than having to deal with the upset of being unable to keep the promises you made.
Judgement indicates a time of reflection on recent behaviours. This can either be yourself, or other people, looking at your actions to see what impact they’ve had on circumstances you’ve been involved with. Clearly anything you’ve done with the best intention at heart, with honesty and kindness, will shine through, so now is a time to be careful how you go about your business and how you treat your fellow humans. Judgement will ensure that you will see and feel the effects of your behaviour on others or other people will be making their own judgement of you.
According to the Six of Swords there could be an issue in some aspect of your life which is not ideal, and which, in fact, could be causing you some pain or upset. However, your attitude to this is to be commended. This card indicates that whilst something is difficult for you right now, you are able to cope with quiet strength and serenity which is very admirable. This current situation isn’t ready to be resolved just yet, but the calm and measured way you are dealing with it is just what is needed to stop it from escalating – keep it like this, eventually it will get resolved in the right way at the right time.
The Justice card often appears when some sort of decision is finalised (quite often it can be a legal case), and as this decision is being decided your actions, and attitudes, could have an impact on the ultimate outcome. So, over the next few weeks think carefully about what you say and do, with regard to this situation, since you would want the outcome to be in your favour. If your approach is honest and fair then Justice will prevail.

You may be feeling overwhelmed or overburdened in some aspect of your life. Whilst the Ten of Wands tends to refer to projects or endeavours and the practical tasks that are daunting you, it can also represent feelings too. The message of this card is to learn to understand that you cannot take everything on and hope to fix everything just by yourself. This means that it is time to recognise you can only do certain things at certain times, either physically or emotionally, and it is better to admit to not being able to do something than to have to suffer the consequences of letting someone down by being unable to complete something you have promised to do. Only take on what you can realistically handle. You need to allow others to do what they can to help carry the burden.
Should you be able to do this, The Sun card indicates a wonderful time of success, gratitude, happiness and contentment. This is one of the most positive cards in a tarot deck and indicates that whatever you turn your hand to will work out perfectly. Use this time wisely to try to get the most important tasks done because, whilst The Sun is shining on you, your actions will be blessed with success.
Whilst things will be sunny and happy in most aspects, the Two of Swords suggests that there could be an issue which is being avoided. This card represents, also, the anxiety and worry which makes you suffer whilst the issue is outstanding, as much as anything else. The advice of this card would be to accept that something needs to be done about it and the earlier it is handled the better. If it is avoided for much longer it could be harder to deal with. If you do decide to tackle it, then make sure you are well informed about the issue and try not to rush into an all out conflict – this can be successfully managed by being informed and using wisdom.
The Page of Wands could indicate some sort of message about an issue you are waiting on. This card also represents not rushing into a situation without taking some constructive advice – even if you think you don’t need any – even if you think the advice is harsh – you will benefit from it in the long run.
It would seem, from these cards, that there is some sorting to be done in terms of what you take on in your life and your emotional attitude to the matters at hand – just remember that however hard it might seem The Sun is ultimately shining on you, so this month could be the optimum time for clearing the decks on a practical level and approaching matters differently on an emotional level. In other words, learn to make matters that affect you more simple and more easily managed.

There is quite a lot of ‘movement’ in these cards, from the Eight and Queen of Wands (Wands represent movement in projects or even physical movement), to the active horses in the two other cards. This could suggest that either things are moving too fast or that, at long last, you are starting to progress forwards.
The Eight of Wands is a card which indicates that, after a period of hurdles and obstacles, you are now free of them and entering into a time of great creativity/activity in whatever you are currently involved in. You are likely to be eager to do all the things you have wanted to and you will certainly be busy – however, you will also find that this time is hugely productive and successful, and very well worth applying yourself to it.
The Knight of Swords would be advising you to keep your head, though, instead of charging in ‘willy nilly’ to tackle all the things you want to. This Knight will often forge ahead into a fight without knowing why and can often look foolish as a result having expended so much energy on an irrelevant mission. You might feel ready to charge in yourself, but you should know what you intend to do, and why you are doing it – make sure you are well informed before you rush headlong into any situation.
The Chariot would endorse this advice. This card indicates being pushed and pulled in different directions by circumstances, or even people. The two horses want to go in different directions and could pull The Chariot right, left and any which way. It is up to the Charioteer to steer the chariot by grasping the reins tightly and ensuring the horses go the way he wants to. It is the same with you. You need to decide on a clear path, have a vision of the place you want to get to and not allow circumstances, or people, to distract you from it. If you do you will not get anywhere at all.
Remember to trust in your own abilities. This is what the Queen of Wands wants you to know. You have the ability to take on any task and do it really well, but it is having the confidence to try that is the message in this card. Whatever life brings to you, this coming month, know that you can handle it and have the confidence to embrace it. Things are moving forward for you, and maybe at speed, just remember that you should be in command of your life and how you want to live it, and you undoubtedly have the ability to do this successfully. Be measured, be creative, be active but be informed and ready to make the most of this interesting time.

The majority of these cards are relationship/love related and seem to contradict each other. Perhaps the Knight of Cups would be representing you in terms of several relationships and the Eight and Ten of Cups refer to different relationships or emotional situations.
The Knight of Cups is a dreamy fellow who is in love with love. He is perhaps somewhat idealistic and he can often wander off from a perfectly good relationship in search of something which he feels could be better. This card could indicate a time when you are reflecting on your own relationships and whether there is something ‘better’ out in the big wide world (Knights are always looking for the next adventure). However, Knights have not really mastered what love is all about since they are still learning. Perhaps this card is asking you to think carefully about what is real and what is a pipe-dream.
The Eight of Pentacles is a card which should assure you that your current material set-up in terms of home and income are more than adequate, in fact they are really good. It has probably taken time and effort to get this stability and security in place and perhaps this card is asking you to look more at the positives of your situation than the negatives. Why would you look for something else when what you already have is more than enough?
The Eight of Cups indicates some issue with regards to a relationship. This card often can represent some sort of separation from someone that you love (this may not be a romantic relationship) and which is causing quite a high level of upset. And yet this card sits next to the Ten of Cups which is the most positive card in terms of relationships. This can only suggest that their is emotional upset somewhere in your life, but not necessarily in your own home. Only you can know which it is.
The Eight of Cups is a card which indicates there is little or no hope of a reconciliation in this particular situation. The Ten of Cups indicates enduring relationships and a very happy time. Perhaps all the cards combined, in this reading, are suggesting that you are the central figure in making these relationships work. There is plenty of positivity and success in your life (according to these cards) and, unlike the Knight in his immaturity who seeks to go elsewhere to find perfection, you could be being asked to manage this situation, because whilst heartbreak seems to be ‘on the cards’ in one area, the Ten of Cups indicates the ending of a cycle which results in great happiness and love for all concerned. The Ten of Cups is the card which ends the reading and achieving this result might be assigned to you and you alone.

Overall, each of these cards seem to be indicate the message that the influence of quite a domineering person, over a period of time, could be coming to an end.
The Emperor can be looked on as an excellent and powerful ally in some readings, but the cards alongside in this one indicate, perhaps, he represents someone who has brought problems and chaos (the Ten of Wands), and charged into situations around you, without the proper knowledge or information, causing conflict (the Knight of Swords). The Emperor does not necessarily have to be a male but can represent an older person, or a person who has some authority, perhaps a manager, or just someone who feels they are ‘in charge’ in some way, or somehow has great influence with you. This person, in other words, is not likely to be truly acting as an ally – the opposite in fact.
The Ten of Wands and the Knight of Swords could represent the kind of chaos and irrelevant tasks this person brings to your life and which appear to be exhausting and overwhelming. It might be that this person’s impact is accepted as a given because there is no other way?
However, it would seem that this coming month this situation is likely to end – it is not possible to know how from these cards, but the Death card represents all the above coming to a close. The Death card brings situations and sometimes relationships – good and bad – to an end. This does not mean that someone is going to die, it means that the current situation relating to this person will end. Judging from these cards, it may come as quite a relief that this person will no longer have the same impact on you, which would seem to be pretty good news. If you take a look at the image of the Death card you will see that Death is very destructive and leaves nothing in its wake – this means that there will always be an element of shock and pain (because it is so final) to such endings, regardless of what that relationship entailed. However, though Death can reap everything in its path at will it can not destroy the Sun, which rises day after day and bringing new life and hopeful signs for the future – and this is now where you should be heading – towards the sun and the freedom to grow in the way that you have always wanted.
Virgo is the zodiac sign for the extra tarot Birthday card so read on……..
A very Happy Birthday to you all!! Here is your special card:

Love, Love, Love…………..The Knight of Cups can only have appeared for your birthday to tell you that you are totally loving and lovable! He might also advise that you should pay a bit more attention to your own needs right now and to remember what you ‘love’ doing. Perhaps it’s time for a little adventure to bring some excitement and enjoyment to lighten your life – so perhaps you could try and do something a little different from the usual, for this birthday, if you can. Have fun.

We are always on a learning curve, it doesn’t really stop the older you get, and the Page of Pentacles has appeared to remind you of this. Whatever situation you are currently faced with – work, relationships or life in general – this card is saying that there may be a need to develop your skills. The Pages can indicate a shortage of maturity (as can Knights) so it might be that a situation you are dealing with could be improved with advancing a little in terms of your current approach/attitude. It is likely that some knowledge needs to be gained for better understanding of a particular situation. The Page of Pentacles is known for avoiding some of his duties in order to escape and read, or learn something new – that is another dimension to his message, perhaps. Maybe you are prevaricating about dealing with an important issue instead of getting to grips with it. Whichever of these it is, it is important to remember that anything you have to deal with in the coming month, the more informed and focused you are the better the results will be.
Meanwhile, the Strength card indicates that there could be some pride or self assurance that could knock you off your feet. You may feel that you deserve some recognition, or should be treated as a priority because, well……because you think so. This card appears to ground us before we are toppled off our pedestal. Try to channel your feelings into a less ‘deserving’ attitude by adapting your approach to different situations. You will see in the image on the card that the figure does not slay the lion with his sword – which he could easily use – but uses other, more kind, ways to overcome the lion. In other words you can use arrogance to get what you want – it is in your power to do so – but the Strength card advises the gentle approach would bring better conclusions.
For yourself, the Queen of Cups is advising that you look to revive a part of you that might have been pushed deep within. This Queen does not have to work hard to be loved or to be attractive or even alluring. It comes naturally. Life pushes and pulls different aspects of ourselves in and out via different experiences, and the Queen asks you to remember you are made of, and for, love and affection. Embrace the Queen of Cups in you by remembering who and what you were before life drove the carefree you into abeyance.
Perhaps the Queen’s message has come about because of the next card in the reading which is the Six of Cups. This card is about thinking fondly and somewhat unrealistically about the way a relationship was in the past. This could refer to a past relationship, of course, but it could also be referring to the past days of a current long-standing relationship. Things do change very much over a period of time and the feelings around a relationship will go through different phases. Sometimes they can get lost completely. In either case, whether a past or present relationship, nothing will ever stay the same. If the past relationship is something you wish for again then it will only work if both parties have grown in love and are willing to work to a full commitment. If it is a current relationship, then remember those early days with fondness but understand that the relationship has and probably will continue to develop into something deeply different but possibly much more amazing.

Perhaps these cards, overall, are referring to the development of relationships through children, or youngsters, that you may be involved with.
The Empress card represents a mother/child dynamic which could refer to you being a mother/parent or could be related to your own relationship with your mother. The Page and Knight of Wands seem to indicate the developing maturity (which still has a way to go) of youngsters around you, or your attitude to your own mother.
The last card is an interesting one – The Hanged Man – which represents ‘submitting’ or ‘sacrificing’ your feelings to a particular situation in terms of the mother/child dynamic.
So…….if this is about youngsters growing up around you (this may include carers such as social workers or teachers) then these cards could be advising that you would benefit by recognising they have a way to go before they get things truly right. Your task will be to guide them – The Hanged Man suggests ‘submitting’ your own feelings/opinions to irrelevance rather than projecting them onto the youngsters.
If they are your own children then they need your support to develop their own pathway now – The Empress card sometimes can demonstrate a mother’s attitude of ‘it’s my way or the highway’ or an intolerance of things being done in a different way to which the mother thinks it should be done. If this is about your own relationship with your mother then the cards, especially The Hanged Man would indicate that it could be time to recognise that your relationship is what it is – good, bad or not there at all any more, and now is the time to try to not analyse it but to accept it as it is. The ties between mother and child are so very strong, but we each have our own duty to live our own life to the beat of our own drum, not necessarily to our mother’s.

There could be a situation which is not ideal for you and would, normally, be pretty upsetting for anyone. However, the Six of Swords indicates that you are able to manage/handle it very well in a calm and measured way. This is quite a talent and happens to be the right way to approach it, for now, because this card also indicates the time is not right, just yet, for it all to be sorted. Keeping your head and heart firmly in a calm place, making sure you manage to get through this situation in one piece is all you need to do till the time is right for it to get sorted. Have faith that things will work out for the best.
The Ace of Pentacles heralds a new opportunity to get your finances sorted and follow the trajectory you want to. It is early days yet, but utilise the energy which surrounds this opportunity, right now, to get your material security firmly set up in order to build on its potential and create a new reality for yourself on a financial front. This looks to be the start of a new era for you, but only if you make the most it – opportunities can often be squandered without realising it.
In terms of relationships, just now, the Ten of Cups suggests that all is well with you and your relationships with the people around you. This month will be good month to enjoy some well earned happiness, warmth, gratitude and love from the relationships you have worked so hard on. Your relationships are strong and will endure now since a lot of the hard work has already been done.
The Tower might bring some much needed change. This tends to happen when it is time to move on from something. Sometimes it can be a challenge when it happens, but The Tower falling gives you the chance to build something much better for yourself – something much more enduring and much more to your own needs and security for the future. You will now know in which areas there should be strong fortifications which were weak in the old one. This is a rare chance to do something from scratch with hard earned experience, and the special skills you have acquired. You will build your new ‘Tower of life’ well because you have learned so very much along the way.

If, at the beginning of the month you feel you are getting nowhere (The Star), you should just keep your eyes focused on the bright Star’s beauty and ‘promise’ of something better. This card has appeared to ask you to keep hope in your heart that things will improve, and that your impact on life, or the world, is greater than you think. The rest of the cards indicate some movement in terms of your life shortly, so any worries or sadness that make you feel you are not getting anywhere early September will disappear relatively quickly. Keep hope alive and look to the future.
It could also be important to keep thoughts on a much more pragmatic/logical level rather than running with your emotions earlier in the month, according to the King of Swords. Whilst it might be necessary to use your head rather than your heart this month, remember to not be too harsh in your communications as this is a key flaw of the King of Swords – whilst he can offer a lot of sensible solutions and good advice he can inadvertently wound with his words.
The Chariot asks you to make a decision on your future direction even though you might not be sure whether it is the right or wrong one – whichever direction you choose to commit to, apply yourself fully to it if you wish to reach the place you want to be. If you don’t fully focus on getting there you will find that circumstances, or people, will be able to divert your progress by demanding your attention and you may get nowhere at all.
Assuming you can take the advice of the previous cards, the final card – Ace of Pentacles – suggests that a new and exciting opportunity will appear for you. Pentacles are the suit of home life and income, so this means you may have the chance of a new stream of income, or lifestyle, that should be better than the current situation. It will take time to build on it and to reach its full potential, so it is up to you to work hard to make it work for you. It could be a hobby that can earn money, a new job or business, or just a sudden income of money you might not have expected – even a small boost of money can make money but it will be in your hands to make that happen.

The Knight of Wands could represent a young person who may be able to help you out with something you are working on. Their help could be very useful indeed and probably very welcome. It might be relevant to a project you are involved in, a business or something to do with ‘moving’ something forward that, until now, has been quite static. It will be important to make use of this help since the Knight of Wands tends to get bored quickly and head off for a new adventure. Ensure you utilise everything they can offer whilst they are around.
The Nine of Cups is a very positive card around relationships. This card highlights the difficulties that have been overcome over time, but now there are clear signs that these relationships have survived and, what’s more, they will continue to endure. This card also nudges you to acknowledge this as an achievement, in particularly trying times, and to appreciate the love and affection between each other.
A new way of thinking about something, or a change of attitude/approach to life, could bring some changes in the coming month. Generally this means that what might have always been taken for granted as ‘the way things should be’ will not work for you anymore. You may find yourself looking for other ‘beliefs’ or tenets to live by. Sometimes this change can bring a little conflict if you are not clear in your communications as to why you view things differently – and knowing exactly what this new attitude is, and why you are embracing it, will be key to help you smooth out any misunderstandings by those around you who might not quite ‘get’ where you are coming from.
However, the Ten of Cups as a hugely positive card in terms of relationships and emotions, indicating that things will be fine. This is the ultimate card for positive, established relationships and bodes very well for the future. In addition, the Ten of Cups is often used as a card of good luck and good fortune. It is a card which tells you ‘yes, things will work out very well’ with regard to any aspect of life – not just relationships – as this is one of the definitive ‘success’ cards in a tarot deck. Enjoy.

Take up any offers of help either on a financial front (Two of Pentacles) or a practical front (Knight of Wands).
These two cards seem to indicate that a valuable partnership could be on hand which will serve you well. Offers of help, of any kind, can be rare so grab them with both hands. The Two of Pentacles may indicate an offer of a partnership, or some other kind of aid, to help overcome financial difficulties. This should be maximised immediately to ensure a new level of security for you going forward (it is easy to squander these opportunities so stay alert).
The Knight of Wands could represent someone who can help you on a practical level, but make the most of it whilst they are available – the Knight of Wands can get bored very quickly and go off in search of another adventure quite suddenly. It will be important to be ready to let them know how they can help when they appear, so stay alert to make the most of their help.
The Wheel of Fortune will only turn when it wishes to – not when we want things to change. This card may have appeared to give you a heads up that The Wheel of Fortune is about to turn. When it turns it can take you to new places, throw out new opportunities and bring much needed change – especially if you have been stuck in a rut. However, when the Wheel does turn it is up to you to grab the chances it gives you. If you hang on until it stops you might end up somewhere you don’t necessarily want to be, so stay alert and make your own choices of where you want to get off – the place that suits you best – in other words look out specifically for the signs and opportunities that are probably coming your way.
The Six of Cups could indicate you hankering after a past relationship or you might be wishing your current relationship was like it was when it began. This card suggests that, when looking back on relationships, be careful you are not looking through ‘rose coloured spectacles’ that make everything seem much better than it actually was. There is always a chance to restore an old relationship but only if both parties have matured and developed in ways which will overcome the difficulties that caused it to fail in the first place. If not – then it is unlikely to work this time. Looking backward in a current relationship can also be misleading in that, over time, through the difficulties and hard work, the initial lustre and excitement seems lost. There is more to love than this. A relationship will always change and develop – perhaps it is not so much losing its lustre, but being forged into something much more valuable and you will only see this in time. Nothing ever really stays the same – but relationships, if the love is true, can become something different for sure but often very much better.
End of Tarotscopes.
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