Welcome to the Tarotscopes for September! Scroll down to find your star sign and some guidance for the coming month.
There are lots of completion and new beginning cards in these tarotscopes, so, many of you might well be starting on new adventures! Make the most of them and enjoy!
Remember that you can use the Simply Tarot Card of the Day everyday for more guidance throughout the month and if you would like to join us over at the Simply Tarot Marketplace to get a personal reading (even a free one!) you will be most welcome and you can now create an account to join in on our chats and ask questions about the tarot on the Community Page – we’d love to see you there!
I hope you enjoy reading these tarotscopes and am happy for you to share them with your friends and family!
With very best wishes
Patricia x

Sometimes we are put under the spotlight; our behaviours and actions will be examined by other people and the results presented to us. The Judgement card appears when this could be the time we are faced with feedback about what we have done well and/or the mistakes we have made. This can be eye opening to us in both positive, and not so positive, ways, however, we are asked to consider the consequences of our actions and analyse the reasons why we acted the way we did. When faced with this Judgement, we would be wise to take the information we have received about ourselves and learn from it for the future – if we don’t learn the lessons and make the necessary amendments to the way we behave, we will only have to face the same thing in the future. So, if you learn from somebody, in September, about how you made them feel, it is either validation for your efforts or a lesson to take forward when dealing with people in the future.
The Five of Cups indicates an hiatus might occur in terms of any key relationships in your life. This means that you could feel there is no chance to mend a rift that may have occurred, and you may feel disheartened by the situation. The inherent message in this card is that all is not lost – there is time to make things right and your relationship still has the potential to work out well – all relationships go through rocky times, it’s what helps strengthen the bonds between you when you both actively work to right the wrongs and move forward together.
An opportunity to perhaps increase, or find a new, income is represented by the Ace of Pentacles in a reading, so it is possible that a promotion might be available to you, or you might see a job that would suit – you may even find that a hobby you do has the means to make you some money. When this card comes up it is important to be extra alert to what this opportunity might be – they don’t always fall in your lap from nowhere. So, in September, take a look around, let people know what you are seeking in terms of work, check out job ads and consider whether a hobby of yours could be a money spinner. You won’t find anything if you are not actively looking.
The last card is the Three of Pentacles which represents ‘signs’ of success around a particular venture you are currently involved in – at work, in business or even at home – so the Ace of Pentacles above might be indicating that new opportunities might well come from the income source you already have. The Three of Pentacles suggests that what you are already achieving, albeit in a small way, shows how well you have managed so far – so just imagine what a little more time, and a lot more effort, can do to build on this. Keep at it, and manage your money well in the meantime, because your success is building.

The Page of Wands represents you being eager to run fast with any project, venture or business you are currently involved with. This is likely to be a fairly new idea/project which you might want to get off the ground quickly. The naivety associated with the Page cards suggests that you might just want to get on with it and that you already know what you need to know – however, a little bit of advice from someone with experience could help you avoid some pitfalls in the future – you might feel you don’t need any more advice but you really would benefit from hearing some tips about what could go wrong (and how to avoid it) and shortcuts to success. See it as bonus rather than a bore.
The King of Cups represents an experienced person too, and could be endorsing the need to get some mentorship around the work you are doing right now. The Kings are known for their mastery over their particular suit and have lots of knowledge and experience that can help you. Because this is a Cups card it is possible that a relative of yours might just be the person to help you – probably someone older or with authority in some way – perhaps a father figure.
We now have two Pentacles cards which represent the success of your ventures building bit by bit. The Three indicates signs of success, coming soon, with regard to your work/projects. It is still early days and there is a fair way to go, therefore it will be necessary for you to continue to work as hard as you have been for further success to follow. You’ve done well so far but don’t take your foot off the pedal just yet. The Two of Pentacles indicates that some offer of help might also be available. This may present itself in the form of physical help to get the work done, or a loan or partnership, bringing some financial benefit, might be on offer – if this is the case then make sure you get the maximum value from it because money can make money (or be frittered away just as easily).
Overall, things are looking good in terms of your work, but don’t let things slip – get out there, continue to work hard, ask for help, look for and listen to advice from people with similar experience. And most importantly, don’t try to run before you can walk – having patience and knowledge is much better for excellent results in the long term.

Things are looking good in terms of your income source or work. The Ten of Pentacles indicates a material standing that is established and enduring. It will have taken a lot of effort and hard work to get here but now there’s not a lot that can happen to take this income stream away. It is time to enjoy your comforts and reap the rewards of your hard work. It is also, now, a good time to appreciate all that you have in terms of your life, lifestyle and family. Well done.
The Judgement card appears when your actions and behaviours are put under the spotlight and someone, somehow, is likely to let you know whether you are having a positive, or even not so positive, affect on others. Whether you will be validated and vindicated for how you have acted, or get a bit of a surprise from less than positive feedback, remains to be seen but the inherent message of this card is how you should take this information about yourself into the future – you should know what approach succeeds, and what doesn’t, when it comes to dealing with others. Generally, if you don’t accept this feedback you will find you will have those lessons coming repeatedly into your life until you do take notice. So, be ready to take this information on board and you’ll find yourself moving onwards and upwards.
The King of Cups has appeared as a good example of this, in that he can talk knowledgeably about love and relationships and appears to be an expert in it. However, no matter how much he talks of love he tends to avoid being involved in relationships in order to protect himself from the kind of pain he experienced in the past. By shielding yourself from certain experiences you might miss out on some of the most heady and euphoric feelings of a lifetime. In other words, perhaps it is time to get more involved in all sorts of experiences – because what you can learn from them, and the people involved, might take you to a whole different level of living.
The Seven of Pentacles brings us back to income and lifestyle. Whilst you are fairly established in terms of your income and security at the moment, you are likely to be faced with some sort of decision about how to make your money work around a particular issue. You might be thinking about moving home, or changing jobs, or something similar, and the inherent message of this card is to use your past experiences/knowledge of what is important to you and work out new priorities around your needs for the future. Your decision shouldn’t be a knee jerk reaction but a well considered and informed one based on what you have learned through life so far – and, if you do, then your future is not something to be feared but to be embraced as an exciting adventure.

The Lovers tends to represent choices regarding a relationship, in which you are currently involved, but it can also represent having the choice to embrace a new relationship that might be on offer. This card is mainly about choices and decisions. However, the bottom line of The Lovers cards is about how important it is to consider the feelings of everyone involved and how easily people can be hurt with regards to relationships. Of course it is not right to have to stay, or get involved, in a relationship that you feel doesn’t or won’t work, however it is important for your Karma that you handle it in the most considerate way. If you have to say no to someone try and do it in the gentlest way possible – unrequited love (or rejection) can hurt horribly. This is also a card which highlights the need to think ahead and try to work out what the consequences might be for everyone – including yourself – is this really the right decision (regardless of what you decide on)? If you are too flippant with someone’s heart you might well lose the love of your life.
The King of Sword’s message brings some balance, however, since making decisions based solely on emotions is not always the best way. Being highly emotional about certain things can cloud our judgement and overshadow the truth about what we need to know. This card might be indicating that matters of the heart should be dealt with like any other issue we deal with – a gentle heart and a clear head. It is about being realistic with regard to how relationships are going to affect you and the life you want to lead going forward. If you want to travel and roam free, for instance, a relationship could hold you down. If love is all you want right now then fine, but be honest about yourself and what you truly want from a relationship – equality and someone in your life who will help you to reach your true potential is the ideal partner. Yes, they may be good looking, or funny, or anything you like but will they empower YOU? Keep a clear head.
It seems apt that the Page of Swords appears at this point. You can hear all the right words coming from a partner however, you may have to ask yourself is it the truth? Words are easy to use – actions tell the real story. Whether this card represents you stringing someone along or whether it is someone not quite being truthful with you, you should remember that the truth will always out at some point. Whether you are the perpetrator of the little white lies or the victim of them, it is best to come away from it altogether if you feel something is not quite honest, because this life is not a rehearsal – we either get it right or get ourselves stuck in a problem. Be wise.
The Ace of Pentacles heralds a possible new opportunity for you, and this is also something you need to keep in mind whilst making decisions about relationships. As new things come your way are you free enough to grab these opportunities? Will you look back and think ‘I tied myself down’ or ‘I wish I had ………when I had the chance.’. A person who truly loves you will not hold you back, and so, going forward, with new chances and options ahead will this partner join in with your adventures, or will they stop you from going at all? Remember, life is not a rehearsal – this is your only chance to live it the way you want to. And coming back to honesty, there is nothing wrong with embarking on a relationship as long as your partner understands the kinds of things you might want to do in the future and that if they are not going to embrace it with you then, at that point, you will have to move on.

The Ten of Cups is a lovely card to appear representing harmonious relationships and family ties. It represents an established and enduring network of loving people around you and happiness in general with regards to relationships. It is also a very lucky card – it tends to represent positive results in any undertakings too. Enjoy this time with your family and remember to show your gratitude for all the good things that comes with having such a strong network round you.
However, there are still likely to be conflicts that need looking at.
The Page of Swords could indicate that either you, or someone around you, is not being quite truthful – or you/they might just have been misunderstood in terms of your words or actions. It might be that a young person around you is not quite being clear or honest about their needs, or situation. When this card comes out it is important to be very clear in communications – in how you say something, or double check with others that what you heard them say was what they actually meant – don’t be afraid to clarify what has been said. Many times words can be misinterpreted or misused (especially with young people or when someone doesn’t quite have a handle on a subject they are discussing) but with no intention to hurt or offend. This is just something to bear in mind in September so situations don’t get overblown and unnecessarily complicated.
Another Swords card (Five) appears straight after the Page which suggests that there could well be an issue that is not being confronted. Often there are different options available with regard to tackling a given issue. The obvious one is handling it in combat mode. It is worth remembering that, yes, you may well have the right, and ability, to engage with this conflict, and you may even have the means to win it but you should ask yourself ‘at what cost?’. This card just asks you to consider whether the fall out/casualties will be worth it. Sometimes it is best to just walk away and conserve your energy and resources for a more deserving challenge. You don’t have to win every battle to win the war.
Whilst work/business is going very well, the Eight of Pentacles suggests that there really is another level of achievement you could reach with a bit of extra learning or training. You may think there’s not much point, but there is often more on offer when you show you are willing to learn. And even if you think you are happy in your current work you could be flying higher still if you can learn a little more. It does not have to be a full blown qualification – just embracing, or perfecting, a skill might be all that is needed to go a lot further than you currently believe – you can never learn too much!!

We have three Pentacles cards in this reading which suggests that your work/business/income could well be the focus of attention this September. In addition there are two King cards which indicates reaching a level of mastery or achievement other people may not reach, but, as always, there are decisions to make and options to choose on how to move onwards and upwards.
The Seven of Pentacles is the first card to highlight this. You might have to make a decision around work that you feel could threaten, or pose a problem, with regard to your current standard of living – and you may feel this is a huge risk. This card advises you to use past experiences to help you understand how you have already managed to adapt to change, and how resetting your priorities for the future, is the best way to approach any decisions. This is just a reminder that using the skills/experience you have gained over time will help you make wiser choices for the future, rather than acting on a whim.
The King of Wands and the King of Pentacles loudly endorse this. The King of Wands appears to validate that you can adapt your skills and attitude to suit any occasion and succeed. The King of Pentacles represents the absolute mastery over money management – and, what is more, how to increase its flow. Both these cards seem to want to let you know that you can do it – whatever it is you will be required to do.
Again, the Five of Pentacles is a card of choices and decisions – in this case it is likely to be with regard to your ‘attitude’ to money and its importance. This is about how you feel about the ‘worth’ of money and status if you like – if it is important to you how big your house is, or that you have the best car on the market, then the thought of losing some income will bring fear and upset. However, if this is not your attitude and you see money as a means to an end, then you should be able to adapt to necessary changes to enable new levels of success – you don’t fear change because you are not tied to the assets that make a statement about you. This attitude can make or break people when faced with choices or decisions around income.
All of these cards seem to suggest that regardless of any changes or decisions around your finances it is clear that you will make it work – and, what is more, sometimes embracing a risk can bring more success than you ever dreamed of.
Now read on because Virgo is the birthday month and you have an extra card! Here it is:

Happy Birthday!! This card is a fabulous card to get for your birthday! It is filled with magic and wonder and brings the promise of new chances and possibilities! And this is the ultimate ‘YOU CAN DO IT!’ card.
You are likely to have reached a crossroads – this is a new stage in your journey and it could take you anywhere!! The Magician does not advise which road to take – nor does he tell you where it will take you. He has appeared to tell you of the magic you have at your disposal. Your experience in life, your attitude to relationships, your ability to adapt to different circumstances, and your skill of making the best use of any resources is the ‘magic’ he represents………..and yet you might not recognise any of this as either magical or powerful. The skills you have acquired through your life, to date, is the power you possess to successfully navigate this next phase of your life. The Magician wants you to have confidence in yourself, he wants you to use your skills and push for what you deserve. All you need to do is feel worthy of rewards and work to achieve that – he knows you can do it – he KNOWS you have the power! Stand strong and use it on this next phase of your journey.

September is likely to bring a situation in which you feel helpless to change or resolve anything. This can create feelings of frustration and sometimes anger. However, The Hanged Man brings the advice to just submit to the situation for the time being – no amount of struggling or pushing to get out of this is going to help and doing so could, ultimately, create more issues for you. Allow the Universe to align everything for the time it will work out the best for you and those you care for. Pushing for a result in this situation could put you in a place which is not right for you – be patient, and rested, for when things do start to happen – things will get resolved eventually.
The King of Swords has appeared to advise you that you need to be alert and clear headed during the coming month. Regardless of what you encounter it would seem that the less emotions you use and the more common sense/logic you use will serve you better. Just remember to not come across to people as too harsh (and devoid of emotion) which this King sometimes does, as it can upset others. However the King of Swords is someone who can absolutely navigate their way in the most productive manner and he believes you can do the same.
The lovely Nine of Cups indicates that in terms of relationships and home all is well. Your relationships are strong, established and enduring and this is no mean feat after some difficult times. Well done. Whilst you are hanging around waiting for things to get going once The Hanged Man moves on, use this time to enjoy your family in any way you can. Feeling grateful for all the love around you is an important energy which you should embrace, and indulge in, to attract more of the same.
The Hierophant is a card which might indicate that people look to you as a mentor or guide. If this is so, then it is a responsibility which you should handle with care. It will be important to know your subject thoroughly and to be wise in your communications with others – you may need to understand that everyone is different and may not do things the way you would and yet your sensible advice might just be what they need. You could feel that you, yourself, need some advice. If this is the case then there are plenty of ways to get help. Whether it is a teacher, a counsellor or even someone you just know will understand, if you feel you need advice then find someone you can trust. All the same, whoever it is, make sure you do your own research too and do not accept everything you are told as ‘the absolute truth’. Ultimately, only you can know what is right for you, and how you want to approach life, but having alternative viewpoints and solutions may help you find a way to do it using the best of all the options available to you.

Whilst you are tackling the everyday humdrum tasks that come your way, the Universe is nurturing a new destiny for you. The High Priestess is the card that represents this destiny unfolding in the background, of which you will be completely unaware. There is no way to find out, right now, what that destiny is and you might wonder why The High Priestess has appeared to let you know? She would advise you to be careful about making big decisions for your future right now, and she wants you to understand that you are not striving alone. It is possible that your intuition might be heightened in September and whilst you might not have any clear indication of what is to come – if you are alert to signs and synchronicities you might start to see the seeds of new interests for you. You may feel drawn to new concepts or ideas – don’t let these fall by the wayside, without looking into them, since they might be part of the plan for you. It can be very easy to let opportunities slip away without even noticing them – it is up to us to be ready to grab them with both hands.
The Knight of Wands also indicates that you are perhaps ready for a new adventure – this Knight never stays long in one place – he is always looking for something exciting to do. When this card appears, it is to let you know to be ready. The Wands represent ‘movement’ – new projects, ventures and travel too. If anything grabs your attention it will be worth looking at with drive,passion and a zest to ‘give it a go’. Once again your approach is key – you can go with an idea or ignore it – these are your choices. This card would advise at least learning something about it rather than ignoring it.
There could be a situation in your life which has been ongoing and quite painful for you to handle – it could be a relationship, or it could be a position you are in which you haven’t been able to change – anything that has been making you feel unhappy. The Ten of Swords is a card of completion – an ending to it. In some respects this should come as some relief, and yet it means the end of an era which might make you feel a bit sad. However, it is likely the situation brought you a fair amount of pain and, really, it is time for you to move into your future leaving all of that behind. It is best not to wallow in the ‘what might have been’ but head into your next phase with your head held high – you will have learned a lot from this experience and that is a power you will find useful in the future.
In terms of any work, or projects, you are involved in, September should bring the possibility of growth after a period of stagnation. The Eight of Wands represents obstacles and hurdles now being removed, which have kept you static. This means that now you are free to get moving with your projects – this will mean hard work, increased creativity and excitement, but with all this effort comes great productivity and, hopefully, success too. Go for it!

It might be that The Tower bring some changes to your life this September. Often this card means that things as you know them, and feel familiar with, can change from something happening out of the blue. It can be disorienting but nothing can ever really stay the same, and sometimes it is helpful to have a reset button – this is The Tower.
It might be something like having to move house unexpectedly, or your personal relationships changing in some way. However, it might just mean some changes to your ‘normal’ way of life at the moment. When these changes come – just like children leaving the nest for example – it can mean having to adapt to new circumstances and feeling the loss as well. It is, in fact, a chance to do things differently going forward. It means, now, you can use past experiences to avoid making the same mistakes, and also to set parameters in place to avoid being vulnerable again. So, whatever changes come your way, try to focus on a positive way forward rather than looking at the past. Life is not a rehearsal and you can make things much better as you head into a new future!
The Lovers card could indicate choices in terms of relationships, or, even, the possibility of a new relationship. Whichever of these it is, the inherent message of the card is to be considerate in your dealings with the others involved. There are likely to be options around how you deal with this relationship – for example coming away from it, or wanting changes if things are to work out, you might want to ignore the issue totally, or even look elsewhere for consolation. All of these options are likely to bring hurt and feelings of rejection and whilst this card recognises you should do what is right for you, it is a gentle reminder to be careful with other peoples’ hearts and feelings in making those choices.
It is very likely that you are going to need some time for you. The Queen of Cups is a card which can represent a variety of options in terms of your life, but in this case it is likely to be saying you need embrace her attributes – such as confidence in yourself and looks, and feeling good about yourself – somewhere deep within you this Queen is pushed down and hidden. The Queen of Cups is well aware of how attractive and alluring she is and she doesn’t even need to try. She will, if necessary, use her assets to get what she wants when she wants something. Perhaps you need to do the same.
Your ability to remain calm and serene in chaos is undoubtedly an achievement. Some things just cannot be rushed and patience, and understanding, is required. This card acknowledges that in some way you will need to continue to use this ability for a bit longer. However, this would also mean the situation you are in is not ideal for you – and whilst it is great you can stay serene, in the midst of it, you should, perhaps, start considering ways to fix it because you have a life to lead as well.

In terms of relationships the Five of Cups could indicate that you feel relationships issues have become quite difficult. You may feel you cannot fix it, but sometimes it is only a certain attitude of mind that needs to change. It is easy to get into a frame of mind which only focuses on the negatives of a relationship. Making an effort to look for all the positives that this relationship brings to you may be all that is needed to make things better again. If this is not the case in your life this approach may work for any other issues you might be dealing with – including work or platonic relationships.
The Knight of Wands could represent a desire for new and exciting things to happen – to the extent that you wish you could physically go somewhere else perhaps. However, the Knight of Wands has a reputation for not sticking to one thing and seeing it through – he tends to get bored and head off for a new adventure and never really finishes anything he starts. This card might well be advising you that sometimes patience and continued effort can be rewarding and that, no matter how tempting other adventures might seem versus your current tasks, chasing new adventures might not help you achieve anything substantial.
However, nothing ever does stay the same, and as we work to complete each phase a new one appears. The Magician represents a crossroads and a choice of the direction we want to take. The Magician does not tell us where the road leads or what we will encounter on the way. What he does tell us is that we have all the necessary abilities and skills to help us navigate this next part of the journey and finish it successfully. He wants you to have confidence in yourself and recognise how you have already acquired a set of skills that will be useful along the way. So, whatever road you decide to take you can make it a productive journey.
Life will always bring us challenges and conflicts as a way to strengthen and add to our life-skills. At times an issue may arise which we want to avoid – often because we think it will just eventually disappear. However, if you find you have such an issue in your life in September then the Two of Swords would advise that you tackle it rather than avoid it. Sometimes the tarot will advise us to walk away but the Two is a card which would suggest this issue is likely to get worse through avoiding it and will ultimately be harder to sort out. The Two number of this card suggests that dealing with it will not be as difficult as you thought it would be (because it is still early days) and that will bring some relief. All in all, though, September looks set to be an interesting month – you just need to make sure your itchy feet take you down the right road.

The Knight of Cups could represent a new love interest coming into your life – you may want to consider whether this person is really ready for the kind of relationship you want before getting too involved. This Knight is in love with love and never settles because he always thinks there is something better – he is always chasing his ideal. For you, though, it is important to only involve yourself with someone who will bring more to your table than they take. You can call the shots on this one, and not fall for anyone who doesn’t bring you what you need. However, if this isn’t the case for you then this Knight could represent a young person related to you in some way, and it might be they need a little extra attention from you in September. It is possible that this young person might bring something to you that could light up your life a little, though, too.
In terms of money and home the Queen of Pentacles suggests that you should be in a position to cover everything you need for comfort and happiness for you and yours in September. This Queen is more than able to provide adequately for all those she cares for, however, she is also discerning and will not help anyone who is not proving their worth. This Queen could be be suggesting that you use your money especially carefully this coming month and to not allow people to take advantage of you – this is how the Queen of Pentacles manages to create more wealth from her wealth – she does not fritter her money on anyone, or anything, she deems unworthy.
A difficult situation seems set to end in September. This conflict, or issue, is likely to have caused a fair amount of pain for you. The Ten of Swords suggests that it will not really be resolved in the way you think it should be and you could feel frustrated, however once you accept this, and let it go, and turn towards your future, you can leave all this hurt behind. It is always better to look for the new beginnings in these situations rather stagnate in the world of ‘why?’ and ‘what if?’. You are more than ready for something much better.
In terms of relationships in general the Ten of Cups suggests a wonderfully happy time of love and enjoyment. This card could not be any more positive in terms of love, and represents your feelings of belonging and of being loved yourself. This Ten represents success in a lot of things but especially, after a long time of struggle and effort, your established and enduring relationships. You should now be able to sit back and indulge in the happiness surrounding you. Being grateful for the love you have in your life is an energy to embrace and magnify since this will attract more of the same – the happier you feel, and the more grateful you are, the stronger those energies grow.

It is time to pay attention to yourself, especially your sensuality. The Queen of Cups attracts love easily and without effort – only because she is aware of her own special attributes and has confidence in them. She does not have to work hard to be loved – she acts as if she is love itself and that attracts love. Sometimes our confidence gets knocked and buried deep down – hard work and humdrum living can de-sensualise us too. This Queen asks you to find it your sensuality again and to start living to your full potential.
A new adventure beckons to you. The Ace of Wands indicates high energy around a new venture, a project, a business idea, or even just a desire to travel or move elsewhere. Like any new opportunity this will only develop if it is paid attention and nurtured, so if you have the stirrings of a new interest or desire for an adventure, then September is the time to give it your full attention. It is time for something new and exciting.
There is also potential for a new financial opportunity. This could be a new job offer, promotion, or even a new business. Once again this card highlights that there is energy around for you to use – you can just as easily ignore this chance if you wish but that is down to you. Be alert for signs and indications around work/business/ hobbies that have the potential to bring you money – then if you pay attention to them, learn, research and work at them you may well find your income gets bounced up to a new level.
The Fool also heralds new beginnings for you – all of these cards are asking you to embrace something new – to use your experience and knowledge to enjoy new adventures and experiences to the maximum. The Fool advises you to use past experience and your particular skills to avoid the pitfalls you encountered in the past. Make sure your research into new ventures is thorough and correct, ensure you have the money you need to cover all expenses, and take your knowledge and wisdom into a new unknown. Everything is ready for you to make this happen. The energies represented by these cards is all around you and ready to use. There is only one thing that is needed – you to take up the challenge! Enjoy an exciting September!
End of Tarotscopes.
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