Hello and welcome to the Tarotscopes!
September is upon us already! 😮 I don’t know about you, but I think I am still a month or two behind.
Anyway, September looks set to be an interesting month for some of these star signs so check yours out today.
Don’t forget to also check out your tarot Card of the Day – where you can decide which card to choose and see what punchy message you get to help you through the day. Just CLICK HERE
Wishing the very best for September!!

It will be better to start the coming month with careful attention to communications – whether it is people understanding you, or the other way round. This card, the Page of Swords, is about misunderstandings and misinterpretations of what is being said – perhaps resulting in it blowing up out of all proportion and creating a difficult situation. So make sure people understand what you need and why, and should you not be sure about something that’s been said to you, do ask for clarification. It is better to be embarrassed about clarifying something to avoid conflict, than get wrapped up in unnecessary aggravation.
The Four of Swords suggests that things could already have been pretty difficult for you in recent times, and highlights that, since the issue is likely to have been resolved, that you need to spend time looking after your own needs. This card is about rest and recuperation. You need to give your mind, body and soul the treatment that it needs to heal from this recent difficulty which may have upset you quite badly. This is an important message for you right now, so take the time to treat yourself well and allow yourself all the rest and nurturing you need. Recharge your batteries.
The focus may be on your finances in the last part of September – you might have to adjust your priorities somewhat in terms of money, as things may change slightly. Make sure you buy the things you really need, with your money, and not the things that maintain your ‘status’. This way your money will go further and this will give you a head’s start as you move into November – you’ll be glad you made those adjustments in the long term.

The Eight of Swords is a card which suggests that a conflict around you could be making you feel trapped since you might be avoiding it. The message from this card is that perhaps it is time to try and sort out this situation once and for all, even if you feel it might make things ‘difficult’. It might be even harder to sort out the longer you leave it; it is important to understand that things might not move on, for you, until this issue is fixed. You may find that if you sort it out now it could be easier than you imagined and that will be a huge relief.
In the middle of the month the Ten of Swords seems to confirm that this situation indeed will come to a conclusion should you tackle it – you may feel a bit cringy, or even sad, in some ways but there will also be a lot of relief that it is over, so focus on this aspect of it and keep looking towards the good things that will come to you in the future. Nothing ever stays the same in life – some things have to be closed down for another cycle to begin and often this is a chance to do things differently, and with more success, so be ready to embrace this new opportunity.
The Six of Wands for the end of September indicates that some really good news could come to you around a project, or venture, which should start showing signs of potential and success. This news will surprise everyone, especially those people who doubted you could complete this project successfully, and this will make you very happy indeed. It will feel that, at last, things are moving forward for you, and this success should make you feel capable and confident once again.

To start the month you may get signs that a project or venture you’ve invested in is doing very well indeed, according to the Three of Wands. Whilst it is still early days and a lot more work is needed, you will receive the validation that this project really has the potential you thought it had. Pat yourself on the back and allow yourself to feel the pride and enjoyment of this achievement, but do keep putting in the effort so that it can continue to grow in the way you want it to. This is a celebratory card so well done you!
The High Priestess has appeared to let you know that your new destiny is developing in the background unseen and unfelt by you. Whilst The High Priestess is shrouded in mystery and does not give you the detail you desire, her message is that the energies of the Universe are aligning everything into place for exactly the right time, and the right place, for you. In the meantime your intuition might be heightened, so pay attention to your gut instincts and emotions. Pay attention to what grabs your interest and do some research into it – it may be a clue as to what your new destiny might be.
Towards the end of September you may have to look at the things that could be holding you back and keeping you stagnating in your current situation. Often The Devil represents addictions, or behaviours/habits that you might feel a bit ashamed of, but you find them hard to overcome. It is in your control to free yourself of these, and it is important to understand that The Devil represents your own mindset and is not a real demon that holds you prisoner. You are actually free to make any necessary changes if you wish to move forward, so you are more than able free yourself from this hold.

Relationships look set to prosper at the beginning of September. The Nine of Cups is a very positive card which suggests that all will be well around all of your current relationships, or that you may feel truly happy in any one particular relationship. You may feel like all your dreams are coming true with your involvement with this person, and hopefully it will continue to flourish. Just remember that a relationship needs nurturing from both partners and should be an equal balance of give and take.
The Ace of Pentacles suggests there will be a lot of energy around a financial opportunity in the middle of the month – this might be the possibility of a new job, or a promotion, or a way to increase your income in some way. Whichever form it takes, this opportunity has potential to make things better for you in terms of your lifestyle, but it will be important to not squander this opportunity if you want to be in a good financial position going forward – you will need to nurture it just as you would a lovely relationship if you want it to grow further.
The Hierophant card indicates that you might need some good advice from an expert, or someone who knows their field particularly well. Sometimes it is hard to seek advice and we can feel incompetent in having to ask for help – but if you wish to learn and grow within yourself it might be necessary to swallow your pride and ask for advice around the situation that’s troubling you. Don’t feel embarrassed – it is probably more silly to try and work around something you have no knowledge of, and fail, than to seek the help you could benefit from.

Whilst it is right to be cautious around finances, and to avoid taking unnecessary risks with your money, the Four of Pentacles suggests that you might be faced with a decision around your income stream at the beginning of September, and perhaps it is time to not dismiss a good opportunity outright. Sometimes it is easier to stay in a position that you feel is manageable, and that is fair enough; however, there are times when an opportunity arises which could really make a huge difference to your lifestyle and is worthy of serious consideration – this might be one of those times.
The Seven of Wands suggests that your motivation and enthusiasm for your current work/projects has worn off and you may feel totally bored with what you are having to work on. The Seven is quite a high numbered card and suggests that you are closer to the conclusion of this project than the start of it – it would be a shame to give up on it now. To remotivate yourself try to remember what excited your interest at the beginning of this project, and how optimistic you were about bringing about its success – this might kickstart your interest in it once again. Don’t just give up on it now.
Whilst you may find obstacles or hurdles in your way as you head towards the end of the coming month, the Five of Wands suggests you are likely to be able to find a way to overcome them if you allow yourself to think clearly about them. You can find the solutions to these issues, you just have to look at the them from all angles to find the right one. Once you do you’ll find yourself forging ahead again in no time.

According to Judgement you might find yourself under some sort of scrutiny from someone around you. This might be something like a work assessment, family or friends weighing up recent reactions around a particular situation, or something of a similar nature. The Judgement card gives you a heads up that, in some way, your behaviours will be commented on, or a decision made around them. Obviously if you always act with honesty, integrity and loyalty the outcome will be very pleasing for you – so bear this in mind as you head into September.
In the middle of the month you might find that you are asked for, or need to be given, some advice. The King of Swords is very knowledgeable and very experienced, so he has a lot of valuable advice to give. The downside to this King is his lack of emotional awareness and he can be very harsh at times – even though he speaks the truth – so just bear this in mind whichever side of the coin you find yourself on and try to find some balance between the head and the heart.
At times we all need some recognition. Perhaps we feel we deserve a promotion or an accolade of some sort. The Strength card has many facets to it including a nod at the old adage ‘pride comes before a fall’. The message of this card is that we may feel deserving, we might feel justified in demanding something we need and we might have the power to fight for it – but power and aggression is not necessarily the way to get what you need right now. Gentle persuasion and an assertive, but kindly, approach is more likely to bring the success you want – whatever that might be. Pushing and demanding will not bring the result you desire.
Read on though, because Virgo is the birthday star sign and you get an extra card this month! And here it is:

The Six of Cups tends to represent a yearning, or a rueful/regretful feeling, for a past love/relationship and the possibility of a reconciliation. But in the context of your birthday I believe it takes on a slightly different meaning. Perhaps this card wants to advise you to not look to the past (in any aspect of your life), it is so easy to think everything was ‘easier’ or ‘better’ in the past, but the problem with time is that it can erase the pain/effort/ strife that was also present at that time and this can make things feel a whole lot simpler and easier – but that is not necessarily the reality. This card is about being realistic and this card has a huge element of hope in it, too. It represents a hope that things can be different, hope that you can enjoy lovely times and lovely people, and this might be the key message for you. If you focus on the hope that special times and lovely people can be in your future then the Universal Energies will work on that focus and perhaps help you make that hope into a reality. So, try not to focus on what has been but what is possible for you ahead – make that your mantra each day, and be aware to the changes (even subtle ones) that will prove you are manifesting your new dreams and desires.

Initially, the Six of Cups might be suggesting that your focus in more on the Past – past relationships, past experiences, and perhaps wishing you could recreate/reconcile them and re-live them. Looking back on past experiences can be misleading because whilst you can remember all the happy, easy, times the pain that was involved at the time can be softened, or even absent, from those memories. It is much better to focus on the now as well as the future. So take the element of hope from the Six of Cups and focus on what lovely things you can create going forward – there is so much more fun and love to be had – and so many more happy memories to make.
The World – the most positive card in a tarot deck – appears to show you that you have already achieved so much, and how you are now well equipped to make the best of every opportunity this coming month. You are likely to feel triumphant (I don’t think this is too strong a word) about your achievements; you may feel you are bursting with joy; you are likely to feel you have pretty much everything you need to make you happy and comfortable, and, in addition, proud of the people around you too. Things should go incredibly well for you in September, so make sure you try and fix any outstanding issues – because this is the best time to do it! Enjoy.
Justice is another important/significant tarot card because it brings news and results. This card often refers to outstanding decisions/rulings – perhaps with regard to a lawsuit or some other official assessment – coming through, usually with very favourable results. So, towards the end of September you should get some news on an issue that has been weighing on your mind. Should this decision fall in your favour, you should feel hugely happy and relieved.

Good news, hopefully, for the start of September, according to the Ten of Pentacles, which suggests that your financial position should be in very good shape. More importantly, this card indicates that the stability and security of your finances should be well established and enduring. You have probably made great efforts to make this so, and you should give yourself a pat on the back! Well done. Hopefully this will allow you to focus on other aspects of your life, knowing that your home, income stream and comfort are pretty secure.
The Seven of Swords in the middle of the month gives you a heads up that there may be someone around you who could manipulating facts, or a situation, for their own purpose – but be aware that it could be you, yourself. If you consider ‘little white lies’ and how easily we can all use them for one reason or another, you will recognise that there are times when it is ok, and that there are times when it is not. This card may have appeared to alert you to a manipulation of the truth in a situation around you. The message with this card is whether that lie is justified or not – and how you should deal with it. It is ok to say ‘this is not ok this time’.
In terms of ventures and projects, you are likely to find that obstacles/hurdles that have kept you static are now removed as you head into the end of the month. The Eight of Wands heralds the time when, at last, you are free to forge forward with your projects the way you wanted to. Whilst this means you will be incredibly busy (and probably very tired) you will be delighted that you are having such a productive time, and you’ll enjoy seeing your project go from strength to strength – it would be sensible to optimise this productive period as much as you can.

At the beginning of September you may feel it necessary for you to charge into a situation and sort it all out. Whether this is on a home, or work, level the message is still the same – the Knight of Swords takes on challenges even when he doesn’t really know what the battle is all about (and that’s not a good thing). This Knight is rash and bold, and he reacts without thinking about the impact his actions might have. He often wastes his energy, and useful resources, by engaging in conflicts he knows nothing about. So, before you decide to take on any challenge this month try to work out whether it is really going to be worth your attention, your efforts or your valuable energy.
The Two of Cups suggests that a casual or ‘early days’ relationship could develop into something a bit more serious. This is lovely if this is want you want at the moment – don’t forget that this relationship will need nurturing from both sides if it is to flourish though. If this isn’t something you want or have, then this card could indicate that a fairly new acquaintance could turn into a very wonderful good friend for you – even though romance is not part of this relationship, this person could really bring a lot of lovely things to your table.
Whilst The Star is a significant Major Arcana card (which means that an issue could be having a real impact on your life) it refers to the tedious daily grind of life. The Star appears in a reading when there is a feeling that, no matter what you do, or how hard you work, your efforts are never recognised or, perhaps, even noticed. This engenders a feeling of sadness, neglect and at times despair. It is important to understand that the drudgery of everyday life is the making of the fabric of life – it is the millions of tiny weaves crossing each other that makes a wondrous and important item. In other words, your work is very important and, whilst you can’t see it yet, you are part of something wonderful being created – so, until you can see the end result, keep your eyes on the beauty of The Star and have faith that soon all your work will clear for all to see and hugely appreciated.

You may feel like heading off on a new adventure at the beginning of September. Everyone gets bored of the daily grind of chores from time to time. The Knight of Wands epitomises this experience – the minute he gets bored with a situation he heads off to find something more exciting. This might sound fun in many ways, however, because he never stays in one place very long, he never experiences the pleasure of completing a task, or achieving something really worthwhile. So, if you are getting bored with something in your life try to overcome the feeling to ditch it, but stick with it and see how you feel having completed the task, it really will feel good.
If you have been stuck in a rut, and you feel you will never get out of it, then you might be in for a surprise. The Wheel of Fortune card is one which suggests that things could change unexpectedly. When the Wheel turns it can bring new opportunities to your door – however, it will be up to you to grab those opportunities and make the most of them, so stay alert. If things have been pretty miserable for you, The Wheel of Fortune might bring you some really fun time for you to enjoy. It is certainly likely to be an interesting experience for you.
In terms of relationships, the Ten of Cups suggests that all will be well. This is one of the most positive and happy cards in a deck. You should feel very contented with your network of relationships towards the end of September, as the love you have given out to those around you should be returned in full. It takes a lot of effort to build such a network – and good relationships are key to a happy life – so well done to you. But more importantly, sit back and enjoy the happy and contented time you are likely to have at the end of September.

If you are looking for a particular solution to something at the beginning of September, then you are going to need to be patient. Whilst you may be itching for something to happen, or you are desperate for a decision on something, it is not going to happen in the first week or so. More importantly, it is going to be key that you don’t try to force, or push, for an outcome on this – it will not bring the answers you want. Just submit to the process and the waiting – busy yourself with something else – because any interference from you could achieve the opposite result to the one you want. Just stay as calm and serene as you can for now. You’ll see better results from this approach.
Justice endorses the above. Because in the middle of the month the decision you’ve been waiting for is likely to drop. Generally, the Justice card heralds the results of outstanding issues – it can be a legal dispute, a decision on an application of some sort, or even just validation that the actions you took over something were the right ones. Justice is a card which can validate your behaviours, and take a lot of weight off your shoulders. It can sometimes even bring some sort of compensation – not always in a financial way but in a way that could please.
Judgement is another card which indicates being under some sort of scrutiny. This card can represent some self analysis leading to healing and learning. It can also represent being under some kind of assessment at work, or an interview for example. Whatever the reason for you being in this spotlight it is worth remembering that it is your actions, and behaviours, that are being scrutinised – so, if you wish any Judgement to be favourable, then it is better to act with integrity, honesty and kindness at all times and with all people. Hopefully you will be delighted with the outcome.

Talking about love and relationships is all very well, but the King of Cups may have appeared to ask you this question ‘Are you ready to engage with a real relationship yet?’. If you are wary of relationships because of past hurts it is quite understandable if you say no. However, many relationships can bring immeasurable pleasure, and companionship, and this card asks you to consider embracing any possible new relationship. You may feel it is right to avoid the chance of further pain, but perhaps you are also avoiding the greatest time of your life. The King of Cups would like you to think about this should you get a new opportunity to love.
The Six of Swords represents the middle area of the month when you might feel that a situation you are in is not ideal. This card suggests that your approach to this situation should be one of serenity, calm and patience since there is little you can do to tackle this right now. This approach is the right one to take and it is an admirable attitude to have. When the time is right you will know how to sort it out and your energies will be ready to do what is necessary.
The Page of Wands appears to represent the end of the month in this reading. This card suggests that, in terms of any projects or ventures, there is some advice out there that you could benefit from. The Page of Wands is eager and raring to get on with his idea/project and doesn’t think he needs any help, but this is where his naivety causes his downfall. This card is asking you to seek and listen to advice if there is a project you are dealing with that you are not very knowledgeable about. You might not feel you need anyone telling you what to do but rushing into this without some guidance is not going to help – some expert advice will.
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