Welcome to the Tarotscopes for April!!
Scroll down to find your star sign, and your reading for this coming month. Please feel free to share with your friends and family, it would also be much appreciated by me!
I hope you enjoy the Tarotscopes this month……..it seems a pretty active one for many according to the cards! And there are big changes ahead for lots of you too.
If you are looking for a more personal reading we have lots of Readers at the Simply Tarot Marketplace who have lots of different readings (and costs – including some free readings) in their various Stores – check out their wonderful reviews too!
Take care of yourselves! Have a happy April!
Patricia x

As The Tower is at the beginning of this reading it might suggest that you have already had your ‘Tower’ moment. The Tower card represents a totally unexpected situation which occurs and changes everything! If you find yourself bewildered about the changes around you then you need to know what to do next. The Tower is, for want of a better phrase, a reset button which gives you the chance to starting rebuilding your life the way you want to. As you go forward and start putting things into place you will now know what will work and what won’t – this is the opportunity that The Tower brings – a chance to build a new life with stronger defences, and to make vast improvements, in lots of ways, to what wasn’t good enough previously.
The Two of Swords indicates that you may have a conflict, or issue, regarding someone around you which you have been reluctant to sort out, and probably have been avoiding. It is possible that this is so because you don’t really know enough about the the crux of the problem – once you get to grips with what the problem is, and why it has occurred, the better equipped you will be to face it and bring it to a successful conclusion – avoiding it will only make things worse in the long run.
The Emperor is a powerful card which represents a person who has lots of power and influence and who could possibly help you. Because The Emperor is a dominant ‘ruler’ this person might seem daunting or unnapproachable. Because this card has appeared after both The Tower card and the Two of Swords cards it is possible they could be of real use to you. Don’t be ashamed, or reluctant to approach them about what you need right now – this person might be able to help in ways that would surprise and delight you.
In terms of current projects you are likely to be in the early stages of some sort of venture – this could be a new business, a hobby, planning to move, or to travel. The Two of Wands indicates that this venture is beginning to take form and showing the potential for success – and it may be just the solution to an issue which is causing you some problems – so keep working at it, nurture it and give it the chance to return the favour.
Aries is the birthday sign for this month so read on because you have an extra ‘birthday’ card!
Birthday salutations! Your extra card is:

The Queen of Swords has appeared to represent you. She is much admired for her mental alacrity, intelligence, ready understanding, good communication skills and she is always alert and ready to act when needed. She is clever and articulate, though she hides her emotions well – this is to protect herself from emotional hurt – and sometimes she might seem aloof because of this. Perhaps you need to adopt some of her persona this coming month/year – to pay attention to your head more than your heart and think things out logically before reacting emotionally. Perhaps she feels it is time to protect yourself, and project yourself, more in order to present the clever and articulate being that you are – maybe she knows this will bring the results you are looking for, and she knows full well you really deserve to be noticed.

The Emperor card is one which suggests that someone around you, who is influential or even powerful, could help you out this month. They may, at times, overwhelm you and you could feel daunted about approaching them for their help – but don’t be. Regardless of whether you find it difficult to ask for help, it is the right time to approach this person and doing so could really sort out some of your problems/issues – don’t let this chance to get help just slip by – we all need to ask for help sometimes.
But this coming month is also a month where you are also being asked to work at improving your financial situation. The Knight of Pentacles suggests you try some of his own trusted approach to making things work. He is loyal, reliable, assiduous and completes each task he is given by paying minute attention to detail – this is the secret to his success. He is asking you to approach your job, work, business or finances in the same way. By doing so, and paying attention to all the detail you might surprise yourself by getting yourself a promotion, a new job or by getting your finances in superb order. This will simply be the beginning of an excellent new approach to these aspects of your life. Make it work for you.
Indeed, should you find yourself being offered a new job or promotion, you could find yourself worried about the impact of changing your current position, and maybe feel that it could cause you some financial instability. Change can be very good, even if it means a different way of doing things for you. You may have to let some things go in order to open new doors to new opportunities. You know what you can manage without, and you, of course, know what you need to improve your lifestyle – work with these to help yourself feel more comfortable about whether to accept any new opportunities – you really can make the transition so trust yourself.
The Ace of Wands represents high energies around a new project or venture – and perhaps this is what the Knight of Pentacles is advising you around. If there is a business idea, or a hobby which could earn you extra money then working at it carefully and with determination (ensuring each detail is absolutely right) like the Knight of Pentacles, then it could have the potential to change your financial situation.

When The High Priestess appears she generally is heralding a new destiny for you. As yet, there will be nothing tangible for you to see or feel – everything is being aligned and pulled together in the background for when the time is right. It can be frustrating to not know what this exciting new destiny is to be, however you should start to take more interest in your feelings, your intuition. You should look into anything that grabs your interest because these may be little clues to what the future holds. Be receptive to new ideas, and give yourself time to think and prepare yourself. But more importantly believe in yourself!
The next two Wands cards indicate that things are indeed beginning to move. The Two of Wands suggests that something you are already working on is becoming much more than just an ‘idea’ – it should start showing real signs of becoming a solution to a current problem, which is really good news. So, keep your eye on it and continue to work on it – it could shortly become a valuable asset for you.
A new opportunity/venture could also be crystallizing for you. The Ace of Wands represents high energy around a new idea which catches your interest, or it could represent a task you might be given. Whatever it is, this is another chance to get your life moving forward and open up new possibilities both on a personal and a financial level. Both these cards are positive for the immediate future – but it will be down to you to apply yourself to them and help them grow.
The Hermit suggests that you might not feel quite ready to take on new ventures just now – perhaps he is even suggesting that you just want to run and hide. Well, you can (in a manner of speaking). The Hermit suggests that you take some time – in the quiet – to rediscover yourself and more importantly to find your own light again. Some aspect of you might have been lost in the recent past or buried under a weight of other cares, however your light is still shining, maybe dimly, but The Hermit is reminding you that it is there – take some well-earned respite to ask yourself what you now want to achieve and make some moves to get back into a stronger, and more determined, attitude to life. There is much you can do. There are many people who can learn from your strength and your bright shining light, so find it and hold it high for all to see.

Despite what this reading looks like, the coming month is set to be very influential (depending on your attitude) for the future.
The Judgement card represents a situation in which you are in the ‘spotlight’ as it were. Maybe you are being tested in some way, or maybe you are being ‘monitored’ in terms of your attitude and behaviour in the workplace, or in general, with the people around you or even at home. This card indicates that somehow you will be presented with outcome of this judgement. Hopefully, if your approach to work and/or other people has been good then the outcome will please you greatly. Let’s hope that is the case.
The King of Swords is asking you to stay alert and use your wits, intelligence and communication skills this coming month. This might be important for the future as things seem set to change – by using your brain and your abilities to see things clearly you should sail through this change with flying colours. This month you might need to approach things using your head much more than your heart.
The Death card simply represents the end of an era – it could be a job, the end of a relationship, or even a change to your current circumstances for one reason or another. Of course things will be different, if this happens, but Death can never stop a new day from dawning – keep your eyes on the new day, look out for new opportunities and head into the future and making sure this is a really successful new direction for you. You will be surprised how much it could please you.
The King of Pentacles endorses this. Whatever your new direction is, this King suggests that it will be comfortable and pleasurable for you going forward – providing you pay attention to your new work and/or financial situation. This is the chance for you to do extremely well, and the King of Pentacles believes you have the mastery required to be successful – however, he pays careful attention to all that is required of him, he is very knowledgeable about his field of work and so the next phase of your life needs your close attention and effort; and, should you do this, you have every chance of being hugely successful. However, if you just let things stagnate then any fabulous opportunities may just fade away. It is down to you.

Three Major Arcana cards in this reading suggest significant impact for you this coming month.
Starting with The Lovers, you may find yourself wanting to change your current relationship status – you may want change in any relationship you are in, or you may find yourself introduced to someone new. The Lovers card is one of ‘choice’ – the question of ‘which path should you take?’. As always, with regard to relationships – romantic or platonic – they involve other people. Whatever the situation is for you, this card wants you to remember to consider everyone involved as you make any decisions. Try to be understanding, gentle and kind – emotions will be running high – and it would be better to handle this situation in the nicest possible way.
The Star suggests that you feel somewhat ‘trapped’ in a situation, and that, no matter what you do, your actions do not seem to have any impact on, or affect, anyone or anything. The truth is that you are an important factor, and that your actions really do have an impact on those around you. When this feeling hits, it is important to focus on what you are doing right now – keep on doing it, and have faith that eventually everything will fall into place and you will be able to understand the importance of your own existence and good things will come to you soon.
Try to be aware of your demeanour at times in the coming month – The Emperor is a dominant character who can be daunting, overwhelming and unapproachable to other people – simply because of the power he wields. Remember that you have a lot of influence with those around you – and your choice to be friendly and kind, or stern and forbidding, is wholly down to you – as it is with The Emperor. You might be considered as a assuring ally to other people…………… or as a formidable foe. It would be better if you are seen as kind and approachable – that will engender loyalty to you in the future, and strengthen the bonds of your relationships.
The King of Cups also represents the responsibility for relationships, and the careful handling of the emotions of people around you – it will be important to engage more with your relationships rather than just talking knowledgeably about them – you will need to act out your intentions and engage fully. Once again, you are looked at as the ‘figure of authority’ to those around you, and how you deal with them will be key to their well-being. Listening is just as important as talking, and your input will be key this coming month.

So, we have your financial situation, your projects and your relationships all represented in these cards, finished off with a card which represents your mindset.
Starting with the Six of Pentacles, this card represents a surprise gift, a loan or a bonus from someone else’s generosity which is delightful. Whichever of these it might be, do ensure you make the most of it as it could set you up for the future. This is not just some lovely help in a practical way, but it should restore your faith in humankind also, and give you the boost you need.
The Ace of Wands suggests lot of energy around a new idea or venture. It is always an exciting time when you feel you are ready to set up a project, plan that holiday or looking for something different and interesting. So, with this energy around, the minute something grabs your interest it will be worth looking into it – research it, find out whether it is feasible, what it would cost and whether you have the skills to undertake it – because it might just the thing to bring some joy and happiness into your life.
In terms of relationships, the Six of Cups tends to represent a certain ‘regret’ about a past relationship – a feeling that it could have worked, or that it actually did work and you can’t remember why it ended. It could simply be looking back on a relationship that was dear to you, and wishing things were as they were. With the latter, just allow your heart to remember that pleasure, and allow yourself little daydreams. With the former, try to remember that if it was meant to work it would have. It is possible to give previous relationships another ‘go’, but both parties will have to have grown enough to the understand why it went wrong and what is needed to fix it. Mostly, it is easy to look fondly on past relationships whilst looking at them through ‘rose coloured spectacles’, as they say. They don’t show you a lot of the pain that made it not work, it is important to remember that.
The Devil card represents a mindset in which you might feel ashamed of yourself in some way – perhaps you feel you have often made wrong decisions, or you didn’t do enough of something – it might be referring to a habit, or addiction, that makes you feel inadequate but you believe you can’t stop. The Devil represents holding yourself prisoner to your own thoughts and believing that you are trapped and can’t get away. The reality is that you make your own decisions, not The Devil or anyone else, about what you want to do, and what you think about or even feel. You can make the changes – you are actually free to do so – if you truly want to. Even just learning to forgive yourself for past mistakes could make a huge difference to the way you feel about yourself – and you have so much going for you too!

With the Nine of Cups and the Nine of Pentacles flanking this reading there is no doubt that, in terms of family and home, things are going well. The two cards in the middle are likely to be referring to a couple of minor issues which might just need to sort out for you to feel really happy.
The Nine of Cups is a very positive relationship card. It represents having established a network of family and friends which is now secure and stable, and which bring much happiness and joy – you have worked hard to achieve this and so, now, just sit back for a while and enjoy your relationships. No doubt there have been problems and issues along the way, but this card is a validation of your commitment and effort and it suggests good times are now on their way. Enjoy.
However, the Five of Cups suggests there is a close relationship which you may feel some upset about – you may even feel this relationship can’t be repaired. Because the number of this card is a five, there is a good chance it can be repaired – there is a distance between this card number and the Ten card of ‘completion’ – so there is time to act. It is possible this relationship is not flourishing because of negative mindsets – focusing on all the ‘bad’ or the hurt is what could be stalling the ability to move forward. If you can focus more on the positives – and act on them – there is a good chance things can change for the better.
The Six of Swords indicates that, in some way, you are in a situation which is not ideal and aspects of it could be making you upset. Whatever this situation might be, you are right to stay calm and serene about it just for now. Being angry will not make anything better happen at the moment, and staying calm is better for everyone all round; luckily your ability to ride through this challenge with minimal fuss is not only the right thing to do, but will conserve much energy and emotion which shouldn’t be wasted on this matter.
The final card, the Nine of Pentacles is a very positive card. This card indicates a good level of financial security to live well and comfortably, and provide your loved ones with all they need. You may even find that you are now starting to reap the rewards of all your hard work through various means. Be proud of what you have achieved – this has all come about from your hard work and effort and is very well deserved – well done!!

Whilst the Eight of Swords suggests that you may have had a painful end to a situation, there are plenty of positive cards to follow.
The Eight of Swords generally represents a particular situation (possibly a relationship) has come to an end and this is not what you were hoping for. In fact, this card indicates that, despite the hopes you had, there was nothing you could possibly have done to repair the situation – it really was not in your hands to change it or fix it. Once you accept this and look to the future then you will start to heal. There is no point in looking back on this and wondering what you did wrong, or how you could have done things better, it is now in your best interest to look to what lies ahead for you in the future………..
The Three of Wands suggests that you will have some sort of achievement regards a project or business idea you have been working on – this will make you feel wonderful and give you the boost you need. You should be proud of yourself, this will be as a result of all your hard work. It is still early days in terms of this project, so have a little celebration but continue to work on it so that you don’t lose momentum.
There will be lot of energy around a new idea, or opportunity, which might emerge this coming month. This could be the possibility of a new job, a promotion or some sort of boost with regard to your potential income (Ace of Pentacles). If an idea comes to you or a chance for a new job or promotion crops up, then research into it – and make yourself knowledgeable about it – it is quite easy to let these chances slip by without acting on them. So, ensure you use this special April energy.
This is endorsed by the Queen of Pentacles. This Queen is independent, and has her own means of income to provide for the people she loves – she does not rely on anyone else to help her out, she controls her own life and her own income – and to a very good standard too! She is suggesting you can be in the same situation if you apply yourself, right now, to making the most of your income and being open and ready to explore new financial avenues. Obviously, you will need to be alert and ready to act on any new opportunities when they arrive – the Queen of Pentacles is savvy and proactive – be like the Queen of Pentacles.

The Queen of Wands has appeared to remind you of how capable you are. This Queen can turn her hand to anything and successfully achieve the best outcome – it is the same with you. This card might have appeared to inform you that you could be tasked with something you are not experienced in sometime soon, and instead of avoiding it, or ignoring it, she wants to encourage you take it on. She knows you will make a success of it.
This is endorsed by the Three of Pentacles which is a very positive card. This card represents early signs of success regarding a new venture or undertaking. Whilst it is still early days, the message from this card is that further effort and application to this venture will certainly result in more success and perhaps more permanent rewards – so it does really look like it is a task worth pursuing.
The Empress suggests that a mother/child relationship (or dynamic) might need your attention, perhaps your relationship with your own mother, or your own child – it can work either way. Whichever it is, it looks as though you might need to nurture yourself, or someone around you. However, it could be that you might hear news of a pregnancy, or you might suddenly feel the need to embrace a healthier way of life. This card is mostly about nurturing and growing – you may feel the need to get out into nature and enjoy something which doesn’t demand anything in return. Whichever it is for you, embrace it, nurture it and keep yourself serene and composed- it is better to be ‘motherly’ rather than Matriarchal.
The final card, the Nine of Swords, could be representing part of your mindset at the moment. This card represents the feeling, or need, to ‘punish’ yourself for past mistakes or actions – this could make you feel guilty or unworthy of good things. Do not be so hard on yourself. Forgive yourself for mistakes you’ve made in the past – you can’t change things now and maybe it was necessary to happen that way. Everything that happens is worth learning from, and so try to focus on how you have progressed rather than rebuking yourself for the things you did in good faith. In fact, these thoughts are likely to be worse in your head than they are in reality – so it’s best to let them go.

The very positive card the Four of Wands, in terms of your endeavours or work, is validating that all your efforts are really starting to show signs of success! Pat yourself on the back; you have worked hard to lay good foundations for this endeavour to build on – they are now steady and set. If you continue to work on this venture the way you have, there is a high likelihood of this project really doing well, so don’t relax just yet – there is still a way to go. But this card represents how well you have done so far.
The Queen of Cups could represent someone around you who needs your attention just now. However, this card could also highlight that you might be ready for some attention or recognition. Either way, it is always good to nurture relationships, including the one you have with yourself. So, perhaps it is time to pamper yourself a little – water will be hugely beneficial if you can drink plenty, or even soak in it for a while. Or be ready to pay some attention to someone close to you who needs you right now. Relationships don’t really ‘look after’ themselves – they need effort and nurturing.
The Nine of Wands could be endorsing a need to rest and recuperate as this is the card of exhaustion – tiredness to the extent of feeling ready to give up. You are so close to achieving your goals – there is only one number up to the finish line (the card number Ten, the card of completion) so don’t give up now. Try and summon up the last of your energy to get there – you will feel amazing if you can just see this through to the end.
Perhaps the Five of Cups also appears to remind you that your relationships are incredibly important, and whilst you strive to provide, you could find yourself feeling like nobody cares, or nobody is bringing much to your table causing you to lose interest or motivation. This can easily bring on a negative mindset – the solution is to actively look for all the positives those relationships bring to you and to appreciate them – soon you’ll find your mojo will return. Things will then improve all round.

It would seem that this reading may be focused on a past relationship – one which still has a strong influence on you. Perhaps, there are thoughts that, in some way, there is still ‘something there’ and that maybe you can still have some influence. The Six of Cups is really a card about whether there could be a reconciliation. The question is what has changed that would make it work this time?
The following two cards may give an indication.
The Five of Swords is a confrontation or challenge of some sort – and this card asks whether the effort to embrace this challenge going to be worth it. Even though you feel it is something you have a strong enough influence to take on, you should really consider that, even if you do win, what will be the consequences to you? What would the fall out be for you? Will it, ultimately, be worth using up your effort and energy? There are times to stand up and fight and times to let it be.
The Ten of Swords seems to think that, no matter how strong an influence, or stance, you have with regard to this relationship issue, and no matter what you feel you can achieve, the reality is you cannot make any difference. The Ten of Swords is the card of completion – it is finished, it is done – perhaps you do not have the influence you think you have. You may not like this outcome but there is little you can do to change anything. Therefore it would seem that you would, indeed, be using resources to fight this challenge to no avail. Perhaps it is time to let go, and to let it go, completely.
The Pentacles card finishing off this reading, could be implying that in some way this relationship is linked to your home life or financial situation. Or perhaps it could be a work relationship that these cards are referring to. However, the Nine of Pentacles is a very, very positive card and suggests that now, perhaps, your financial situation has benefitted, or will benefit, as a result of this relationship – because the Nine of Pentacles suggests you are about to be rewarded for all your hard work. This should help you feel full of self confidence and self worth. Perhaps it is time to really move on and enjoy a secure, established independence of your own making, and that will be something you can be really proud of.

To have the Knight of Pentacles follow the Page of Pentacles must have some sort of significance. These two cards could represent two people in your life – perhaps a child and a ‘youth’ (or perhaps someone who is somewhat immature in approach/attitude). Perhaps they need your attention right now, and play a large part in your life – maybe they can help you with some issues at home – they would certainly be useful. These cards could, together, be advising you to do some training or skills-building, along with adopting an attitude of dedication (and paying attention to minute detail), that will bring the financial success you are looking for. Either way, these two Pentacle cards indicate that some effort needs to be applied to your work, family or income – that you could do with some extra knowledge, or acquire new skills, to help you with your finances – or, at the very least, two people might need your special attention or might prove to be very useful to you (so don’t refuse to help or accept help from these two).
The Ten of Swords beside them is a card of completion – the end of a cycle – and might, perhaps, come with the suggestion that, beyond this month, there will be no further opportunity to have a real affect with regard to the above people/situation represented by the Pentacles cards. In other words, perhaps you need to act now because you won’t have the ability to make it work beyond this point. So, if it is someone who needs your help, it will be important to do it straight away. If you do need to gain some extra skills to help your income you will need to get applying now or you might not find the training you need the most.
The Eight of Wands, however, is a positive card that suggests that you will have overcome recent hurdles, which were holding you back and now you can forge ahead with nothing to impede your progress – it will be a busy but hugely productive time because your zest for work will be unleashed and you’ll be incredibly creative! Make the most of this time – and the obstacle-free path ahead of you – you could really make things happen – you’ll have the ability, the time and the energy, so go for it and utilise all the help you can get!

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