Tarotscopes for August 2017 are written by Patricia at Simply Tarot.
I can’t believe I am writing the tarotscopes again! And for August! This year is flying by far too quickly.
I was looking for a focus for the tarotscopes and, since we are well past the half-way mark, I thought it would be interesting to see what successes August would bring; surely the things that we have been working on throughout the year should be getting close to fruition now, and there will be signs that our hard work is paying off? So, whilst pulling the cards for your star/zodiac sign I held the question in my mind ‘What achievements will August 2017 bring?’. Quite a few Major Arcana cards came up which suggests that there is likely to be some manifestation of our hopes, dreams culminating from our efforts. But you will have to read your tarotscope to find out whether yours are on the horizon.
Over the past month or so I have had some evidence of success for myself which has boosted my own self confidence, so I have been adding different reading spreads to our Shop, since I now have a little more time to spend on Simply Tarot. There are quite a few to choose from should you feel you are ready to treat yourself to a little one-to-one tarot reading, and you might want to take a browse through our Shop to choose what will suit you best. There are a couple of real goodies in there!
Our Facebook page is also generating a lot of interest now with over 1,100 followers, and if you’d like to be informed of what Simply Tarot gets up to during the week perhaps you could like our page to keep up to date. There is usually something going on!
Thanks for taking a look at these Tarotscopes (scroll down till you find yours), and feel free to let your friends and family know about them because they are written, and sent, with lots of love from
Patricia x
Simply Tarot

What achievements will August 2017 bring to me?
The Tower, The Chariot, The Moon, Nine of Swords
The Tower would suggest the old way has passed and this means you will get a clean slate to work on, and the chance to produce something much bigger, and better, than before. This is a good thing; all too often we can get embroiled in situations which get muddier and more complicated the more we try to fix them. So when we get a chance to start again, and do it right this time, that’s really good news!
This time round you get to steer your life in the direction you want it to go. But this must be a choice that you make by deliberation and determination (The Chariot). You will be able to pick up the reins, metaphorically speaking, and choose which roads to travel, at your own speed, and whichever way you want. August is the time you will get the opportunity, once and for all, to get control over your life – if you want it.
The Moon in August suggests that, as is often the case, you may not have all the information at hand in clear format and whilst this can be somewhat frustrating, it is also the best time to allow yourself to listen/feel intuitively to what is going on around you, as well as what your inner voice is advising you to do. Don’t make any many decisions just yet, but do allow your instincts to talk and teach you how to trust your own abilities and move forward with confidence.
You should also find that, at last, you are able to stop punishing yourself for perceived mistakes or bad decisions that have been made in the past (Nine of Swords), we do what we do on the information we have at the time, for good or bad ~ that doesn’t mean you are a bad person. That’s all behind you now. There is no need to feel embarrassed, or guilty, you simply need to understand that you have learnt so much from your past actions, and the good thing is that you are never likely to put yourself in that position again. August will be a month of big revelations for you, Aries, so make sure you recognise that you are clearly the architect of your dreams and desires, you call the shots, and you have to work to manifest them every day, if you want the biggest and the best of everything.

What achievements will August 2017 bring to me?
The World, Seven of Cups, Seven of Swords, Two of Swords
You can’t get a better card than The World coming up as a representation of what August will bring to you. At last, you should feel the benefit of an improvement in practically every aspect of your life this coming month. This is tremendous news, mainly because it is through your own efforts that things are going to be so much better for you. This card indicates that you have looked long and hard into your own behaviours and attitudes and have mastered the ways of using all your abilities to achieve your desires.
Now that you are coming into your own, and you feel confident about yourself and your own needs, you could find yourself in a position of having to make some decisions about close relationships (Seven of Cups). Perhaps some relationships need nurturing if you want to keep them, or you might decide some of those relationships have become a one-way street with a dead end. You could sift through these relationships, using the skills of love, truth, honesty and integrity which The World card indicates you possess, and find that life is simpler without some of them. This life is not a rehearsal, and it is important to prioritise those relationships which bring us love, not anxiety.
It is possible that in doing the above you might discover something which is likely to have been muddying the water for you in the past. The Seven of Swords indicates you may well realise that you, or someone around you, may have been telling some small untruths to manipulate a situation . Everybody does this at times for genuine reasons, however, there are times that misleading people is fundamentally wrong, and might, in fact, be causing a lot of the problems. It is always best to be truthful; this way you can avoid get in a tangled mess. If it is someone else who has not been truthful, they need to be made aware that this is not something you will continue to tolerate. Life is just too short.
The Two of Swords could indicate that you may well have conquered the best way to deal with conflict and the people that bring it into your life. There are many different ways you can manage conflict and being firm but fair will sort out those who are willing to listen to you and join you on your journey of growth especially if they care about you, or, if they don’t then they may well just take themselves off without you having to suggest it to them. Either way, both of you will know exactly where you stand.

What achievements will August 2017 bring to me?
The Fool, Temperance, King of Cups, Three of Pentacles
Some very clear signs of achievement have been indicated in the cards for this coming month starting with The Fool tarot card. This suggests a new start for you in August, and the chance to do things really well this time. Remember to use all your past experience, the things you have learned over the years, to ensure that this new opportunity will be all you want it to be. Whatever this new aspect of your life is, it gives you the chance to create something wonderful and enduring.
Temperance indicates that August is the right time to take a look to see how far you have already come, to wallow in all the successes you have achieved so far, and to focus on getting things absolutely right for you this time. This card is about maturity and balance, having the ability to focus on your true needs and desires and how to set about achieving them. It is a significant ‘time out’ session when you get the chance to look deeply into what needs to be done, and how.
In addition, the King of Cups would represent the ability to handle relationships, and the complications within them. You may even be more confident about opening up, with regard to your own feelings and emotions, which you might have kept hidden till now. But the mastery you have achieved, that which this card represents, should give you the courage and confidence to open up about what you truly feel about love and the relationships you are involved in, in order to take them to greater heights, because you no longer fear the pain of rejection.
As if this isn’t enough, the Three of Pentacles indicates there will be clear signs of success regarding a particular endeavour you are involved with, and this card also suggests that money can be made from this project. You are still in the early stages of it but all the indications are good. This doesn’t mean you can sit back on your heels and the money will come without effort, this card represents the effort put in is likely to pay off in the long term so keep up the good work!

What achievements will August 2017 bring to me?
Page of Swords, Five of Wands, King of Pentacles, Page of Cups
The Page of Swords indicates that you are pretty much able to detect bullshit when you hear it (beg pardon for the language), and for you this is a real treat. You also might be feeling more confident about what you believe, or don’t believe, to be the truth in what you are seeing/hearing from the people around you, or even in the media. Whilst it might be unsettling in some ways, the chances are you are happy to have this clarity at last in your life, because you are more than ready to stop having the wool pulled over your eyes. By the same token you also realise that it is equally important that you need to be really clear in your own communications.
Although you may come across obstacles and hurdles ahead of you, in your journey, the Five of Wands indicates that you are more than capable of finding a way over, through, or under, them because of your ability to see beyond the obvious. You realise that your world is much more three dimensional than it was before, and there is so much information you can peruse to help you make the best choices for yourself and this is a good thing. These obstacles are a thing of the past – you know now they can’t stop you, they will only delay you till you work out a way beyond them.
The King of Pentacles makes an appearance to tell you that you are doing really well, in terms of finances, and that you pretty much can afford any of those things in life that will make you comfortable. This card would suggest, too, that it is not just a transient period, but one that will endure, so perhaps you should go out and give yourself a treat.
You may even have reached a stage in your life when you have taken a close look at yourself and, for the first time ever, you like what you see (Page of Cups). Loving yourself, with all the little imperfections and knowing about all of the things you could have done better, is the one thing in life we should all learn to do. By loving ourselves and letting our inner light shine brightly from deep within, shining out our pride of self, will attract love in return like a moth to a candle. So, shine on you sparkling diamond!

What achievements will August 2017 bring to me?
The Chariot, Nine of Swords, King of Cups, The High Priestess
The Chariot represents your life in the guise of a vehicle. The image shows the chariot being pulled by two opposite horses wanting to go in different directions and the Charioteer is at risk of being pulled one way or another against his will, which represents the circumstances, or people, that are having an affect on the way your life is going. The Charioteer needs to get a strong and determined hold on the reins in order for him to steer his vehicle in the direction he wishes to go. So, in August it would seem that you are at the point where you can grab hold of the reins and get control of your life by not allowing external influences to drag you in directions you don’t really want to go. This is an achievement indeed, but as always, the choice is yours.
You may also be ready to stop punishing yourself for past indiscretions or mistakes which could be holding you back or causing you to lack confidence in yourself (Nine of Swords). We all do this, at times, but what has happened in the past can stay in the past, and what you have learned from those experiences is the key issue……to not want to make those mistakes again will surely help in your approach to current situations. Adopting a more positive mindset, and forgiving yourself for those mistakes will allow you to move on to better things.
The King of Cups would indicate you have got to a better level of understanding of relationships, both romantic and platonic, and you may feel you understand what love is all about, however, the importance is more in the actions you take rather than the talk you talk. This is a big step for you, but allowing yourself to open up to love (and sometimes the pain it brings) is the same step which could bring contentment and happiness that you crave. You may find, this month, that it is time to decide whether you want a loving relationship in your life, whether you are happy to roll with the trips and falls, as well as appreciating the excitement, adventure and fulfilment.
You might also find that you have talents coming to the fore that you didn’t know existed. The High Priestess represents the forming of your destiny, which might not be totally clear yet, but you are beginning to blossom in terms of your spirituality and your desire to find your true purpose in life. Your instincts and intuition could be developing too, so, allow yourself to trust your inner voice and feelings.

What achievements will August 2017 bring to me?
The Chariot, Queen of Wands, Ace of Wands, Queen of Pentacles
The cards that have come out for you this month show a definite progression in terms of your abilities and an improvement in your material situation. Things are definitely moving forward.
The Chariot suggests that you have become much more determined to have control over what happens in your life, which direction you wish to travel in and to not let people and circumstances dictate what you can, or cannot, do and this is an achievement indeed. It is a crucial development that will allow you to determine your own way forward.
You will also have reached a stage in your life where you have the ability to turn your hand to most tasks and do them well, as indicated by the Queen of Wands. She would suggest that you have reached a maturity and a mastery over how you approach new situations which result in more successes than previously. Your passion and enthusiasm for these tasks bring many more opportunities to you.
You are likely to be enthused by a new idea for a business, or project, and there will be lots of energy around you for this in August. The Ace of Wands could represent a new opportunity coming your way. It could be a new house, a new journey or an idea of how to make money, and bearing in mind what the cards have indicated so far, it would be good to make the most of this opportunity as it arises……..these things don’t always fall into your lap easily.
So far these cards would indicate that you are on an upward trajectory, and, happily, the Queen of Pentacles could be confirming that you might soon be in the enviable position of being pretty comfortably off in terms of your home, physical, and material situation. So by taking the opportunities presented to you, and turning your capable head and hands to this new task, working hard at growing it could bring you to a very comfortable position. That is good news indeed.

What achievements will August 2017 bring to me?
Seven of Cups, Judgement, Ace of Cups, Six of Cups
A very interesting month of August for you in terms of relationships, dear Libra. The Seven of Cups indicate that certain issues in key relationships might be coming to a resolution, or, at least, that you should be more clear about what it is that you want to happen. This, for you, will be a relief, as things have been troubling you for a while. This card would really indicate that it doesn’t work to be half-in, half-out of a relationship and, really, you now realise that the thing that will make it work is to commit fully, and wholly, to it, if this is what you really want.
The Judgement card which has appeared, suggests that you will be recognised for all you have done recently, which is always nice, but it could also mean you are thinking deeply about your own attitude and how it might affect others ~ this is a really worthwhile exercise because we are often quick to judge others, without taking our own behaviours into account and understanding the effect we are having on the situation, too. This is truly an achievement and the begetting of wisdom which will serve you very well in the future.
The Ace of Cups suggests a brand new surge of love/emotion. It might be a new member coming into the family, or a new person in your life, or maybe a new start in terms of current partners; whichever it is, this tarot card is a really lovely and exciting representation of the beginning of a new, and loving, relationship which is about to manifest.
You may well be thinking/wishing you could get back to a relationship which had a lot going for it, but somehow it went off the rails. Make sure this time that you are both prepared to put a lot more nurture and love into the relationship. You have both moved on and learned that a good relationship doesn’t ‘just happen’, but will only flourish if it is looked after and fed, and to some extent protected. August will see a lot of positive changes in your emotional world, and there is no doubt that many of the clouds will be lifted, so it should be a lovely month for you.

What achievements will August 2017 bring to me?
Seven of Pentacles, The Star, The Moon, Queen of Cups
There is a lot of the element of water in your cards, this coming month, as you can see from The Star and The Moon, and the Queen of Cups, which is from the suit of the element ‘water’ itself. This in itself is interesting beyond the fact that the element associated with Scorpio is water.
The Seven of Pentacles indicates that an opportunity may present itself to you in August. You may be worried that this could affect your current financial situation and, naturally, you may consider it a serious risk. On the other hand you might be hoping it is worth pursuing. Making the decision is the hardest thing. But the Seven of Pentacles also suggests that you look into the past to see whether it will help you decide where you wish to go in the future. Has being too careful held you back too much? Is it time to take a risk? And if so, could you handle any problems that arise?
The Star suggests that you keep your eye on the possibilities ahead, keep the faith, and allow yourself to go with the flow, doing your daily duties because everything you do is building the pathway to your dreams. The Star is a very hopeful card, one that encourages you to believe that things are coming good, even though you can’t see any evidence of it yet. This is also echoed by The Moon card, which indicates that things really are not clear enough for you to say ‘This is it! This is the opportunity I’ve been waiting for! I am ready!’ However, The Moon card would also encourage you to go with the flow, allow a little time to pass, and to allow yourself to trust in your own instincts, and intuition, until everything becomes clear.
The final card we have, the Queen of Cups, suggests you would benefit from some nurturing and nourishing, yourself. Water is necessary for life, and is the essence of your star sign. These cards seem to be suggesting that you take to the water in order to bring your dreams to fruition. Try to get to look at some water, to view its beauty and fluidity and allow it to inspire you, a stream or an ocean will encounter rapids or storms but will still move with the action until it is over. Drink water to hydrate and nourish the ‘Queen of Cups’ within you, this will help you function better physically and mentally. Bathe in water with salts and essences as this will cleanse and heal you. Using your natural element will lead you to the answers you are looking for. But the biggest clue from the water in this reading is that it will flow through, round, under or over obstacles, because that is its nature, and maybe that’s what you need to know about yourself.

What achievements will August 2017 bring to me?
Ace of Swords, Eight of Pentacles, Ace of Cups, Knight of Cups
August is likely to bring you a new way of thinking, perhaps a new way of approaching your life and what you expect from it. The Ace of Swords brings new, and lots of, energy for a new perspective dawning on you. The clarity with which you will be able to view your own situation will be like scales falling off your eyes and you may even be dazzled by the new opportunities you can see before you.
The Eight of Pentacles already suggests that in a material sense you are in a very comfortable position which is quite enviable, and there is no reason to think that this will change should you decide to start doing things differently from now on, in fact the cards suggests that there is no better time than now to focus on this new you. There is also a lot of energy around a new relationship which might develop, this month. The Ace of Cups is one of the loveliest cards in a tarot deck and one which represents a relationship which might develop into something which you truly cherish in every aspect, whether it is a romantic relationship or not. The point is, this new relationship can bring something very special to you.
The Knight of Cups suggests that maybe its time to be a little more adventurous with regard to love, that you might feel it’s time to feel wanted and loved, the fact that it is the Knight rather than Queen suggests that you may need to search for this rather than waiting for it to fall into your lap. The Knight of Cups might just be suggesting that there is someone out their who is waiting to pull you up onto his charger and carry you into the journey of a lifetime. Whichever it is, these cards are suggesting new and exciting opportunities are there for the taking but it is up to you to believe you are worthy of, and ready for, such an adventure.

What achievements will August 2017 bring to me?
Ace of Swords, Seven of Swords, Knight of Swords, The Chariot
These cards would indicate that you’ve reached a new level of thinking. One which can cut through what seems, to outward appearances, to be the ‘truth’, to reveal what really lies behind. And it might even be that you really are ready to champion this cause, too.
The Ace of Swords would indicate that a new perspective dawns on you in the month of August which allows you to see, or interpret, things in a totally different way than you did before. There are three Swords cards in this reading, and they all refer to mental clarity, communication or one’s approach to the matters at hand. Clarity of mind is a serious achievement in anyone’s book.
The Seven of Swords would suggest though, that part of this new perspective is the ability to see beyond the obvious. In other words, it would be very hard for someone to pull the wool over your eyes these days. You may even find that you trust hardly a soul, and in some ways that is not a bad thing. You may have been fooled before, but you are determined that you will not be fooled again.
You will find that you are able to enter into situations with knowledge gained beforehand so that you are never caught out and have to retreat in embarrassment (Knight of Swords) and this is important if you are determined to champion the search for truth and honesty. Trust in your mental alacrity, even when you have rushed into a situation and find yourself beleaguered, because the agility of mind that you have gained will find you an honourable way out.
The Chariot, would indicate you also know exactly where you are heading and why, that no-one will be able to divert you from your path. This takes strength and determination, which all of the cards in this reading demonstrate you have in spades. You have strength of mind, strength of conviction, and you are able to trust your own abilities totally. There are really only two ways for you to go, dear Capricorn, onwards and upwards.

What achievements will August 2017 bring to me?
Eight of Wands, The Moon, The Hierophant, Six of Cups
In terms of achievement, the Eight of Wands would indicate that you have jumped over many hurdles, and overcome many obstacles, just recently, which have barred your progression till now. Now that you have passed them, the way is open for you to sprint along the path to your dreams unhindered, at least for a while. But more importantly what you have created, along the way, is stable and secure, and you should be so proud of what you have achieved! Well done.
In other areas the way might not be so clear, but The Moon, being a Major Arcana card, suggests that something big is just under the surface and about to become clear. This card would also suggest you pay attention much more to your instincts and intuition. You have proven you can find the way out of dark places with your perseverance and determination, and a lot of this is down to your innate ability to cut through that which muddies the water. You just need to allow yourself some quiet time to let your inner voice be heard – it needs to speak to you – The Moon might be saying until you do this, what lies beneath the surface may continue to stay a mystery. There is a part of you that needs to be set free.
And so, it may be that you need to turn to someone, or something, possibly on a spiritual level, which can help you find this aspect of yourself (The Hierophant) because, whatever it is, it is something you need as part of your personal growth. Or it could be that you are actually seen as someone people can turn to, because you lead by example. This would truly be a great accolade to you.
In terms of a relationship you might be able to see how a previous relationship didn’t work out, though all the promise was there. In some ways you wish it could have succeeded, and might still think it could possibly work. Remember to take off the rose-tinted spectacles, because you need to be able to see clearly what went wrong and why, and furthermore, you will need to see whether lessons have been learned, and whether both people in it would be able to make a difference, if there were the possibility it could take off again.

What achievements will August 2017 bring to me?
Death, The Empress, Six of Pentacles, Two of Pentacles
The cards for the coming month, for you Pisces, make me think you are about to have a rebirth.
The Death card would indicate that, at last, you have recognised that the past is done with, that you have accepted what you can’t have, or do, and are beginning, without a doubt, to move forwards. This is really something of an achievement, because for too long you have been hoping and praying it would all work out, finding it hard to let go and not being able to move. The hard work is done.
The acceptance of what the Death card represents ~ that is, the ending of something that you loved ~ has allowed you to free yourself to the future. By now looking to the sun and a new day, you can see (as represented by The Empress) a future full of promise, of the creation of new opportunities for you – The Empress is pregnant with new opportunities. This new beginning is a powerful gift which should not be rejected; it is something to be embraced, and nurtured, so it can grow into your strongest desire, whatever that may be. You are on the cusp of something very special.
The two Pentacle cards which follow indicate a rapid and significant increase in your material/financial situation (Six of Pentacles) and possibly a gift of money or bonus, which no doubt you are ready to accept. The Two of Pentacles also suggests an offer on a practical level, in terms of what you are working on business-wise. In both cases, make sure you accept the offers with an open heart and mind. In both cases it will be down to you to use these offers in the most practical way to ensure you get maximum benefit from them – don’t waste them, they are a rare commodity. The Empress might well represent just how capable you are of bringing this wonderful opportunity to success, all you need to do is believe in your abilities, keep your feet firmly on the ground and focus totally on growing what the Universe has given you.
End of Tarotscopes
The tarot deck used for these tarotscopes is The Tarot House Deck available for purchase in our Shop
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