Welcome to the monthly tarotscopes! Just scroll down to find your star/zodiac sign and read what the tarot wants to tell you about February.
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The Chariot leads the reading with quite a powerful message: it’s time to make a decision about where you want to get to. You might have found, just recently, that there have been too many calls on your time which has stopped you from really achieving what is right for you. It can be so hard to prioritise your own time and needs when other people, or events, demand your attention, but it is also important for you to make some headway in your own life. The Chariot says it’s time. February seems to be the best month to make a start. Once you decide what you want to achieve it will be down to you to stick to your choice, come what may – the alternative is for you to remain wandering in circles doing everyone else’s bidding and getting nowhere. It will need strength to stick to your path but you can do it.
The Eight of Pentacles is quite a high numbered card, in a suit, which indicates that you are doing relatively well in terms of managing your income and providing a comfortable home life for yourself. However, this card also suggests that by gaining some extra experience, or by undertaking a course/qualification (it needn’t be an onerous one), then you will stand a much better chance of reaping rich rewards. So whatever grabs your interest at work – or as a hobby/business idea – learn what you can about it – and gain yourself some extra points, it will be worth it.
The King of Wands endorses the advice from the above cards – in fact this card has appeared to remind you of what you are capable of. This King represents the effort, determination, staying-power and motivation that are all attributes that you have within you to utilise – the King would use every single one. It would be a shame to ignore anything that calls for your attention this month because, with these cards, the potential to make some money from them seems eminently achievable with some effort and application.
Perhaps, to get you started, something just needs to be cleared from your path. The Eight of Swords indicates that there is an issue that you could be avoiding – and, by avoiding it, you are likely to be feeling ‘trapped’ in your situation because there is ‘nothing you can do’. Whatever this issue is – a falling out, or a reluctance to complete a task for example – is partly of your own making; and because of this you are one of the only people who can really sort it out. Get this problem out of your life, and your mind, so that you can clear the way to really start living your life.

It is time for action by the looks of these cards for February! We have two Kings and a Knight. It’s time to make some informed decisions and get on your charger to start getting things done.
The King of Pentacles, firstly, has appeared to say you are ready to acquire so much more in life in terms of income and your material situation/standing (financial security and status). The message of this card is that you have the ability to do really well in terms of managing your money and making your money work for you. This King will advise you to keep yourself informed and knowledgeable in terms of how to do this – it is something you are more than capable of but it does require some effort and application. You might need to be proactive rather than reactive to situations. If you need more money, work hard at improving your current situation by perhaps finding work, or achieving a promotion. It means getting stricter about what you think you really need and what you spend your money on. This King says there is nothing you can’t achieve if you set your mind to it and apply all your efforts accordingly.
The Knight of Wands agrees that you should be more proactive. Improvements/adventures/opportunities will not just fall into your lap, Knights go in search of the next quest and it is the same for you – if you set out to get yourself noticed in whichever way you can and show willingness to learn and to get involved – then this is how you will start to achieve this.
The King of Wands also advises you that to make something work really well, you will need to apply a lot of effort, be passionate, find ways to motivate yourself and dedicate yourself to making life better in whichever way you can. The Kings are all the highest cards in the tarot suits and indicate mastery over their situations and abilities – therefore you are not far off being able to achieve whatever it is you want, or need. Don’t wait for your fortune to appear out of nowhere – it is waiting for you to go and grab it.
The last card, the Ten of Swords, indicates that, once you get moving on your quest, then a painful period of time or a difficult situation is likely to end. The Ten is the number of completion in a cycle/phase of life. However, it seems that, according to the other cards, you are going to have to galvanise yourself into action for this to happen. What would be the alternative? – things to stay exactly as they are now. It is your choice though, and your destiny is in your own hands but, in February, it would seem that the Energies are ready to help you get started.

The Queen of Wands asks if you are ready? This Queen can turn her hand to any issue, any task, and any request for help and do it well. So it seems you are likely to be tasked with something this coming February that perhaps you have never had to tackle before. This Queen has no doubt that you can handle it – whatever it is. But it will take dedication, determination, passion and effort (all the attributes that this Queen has) to get it completed.
The Ten of Swords is a card which indicates painful endings – or the end of a painful situation. Whatever it is you will be tasked with picking yourself up, dusting yourself off and heading off into a bright new day. So, if you have been experiencing something which has been causing you pain or you, yourself, are ready to make a break from something which has been holding you back, keep moving forward – don’t look back (just yet) – you need to get firmly on your new path before you can analyse how things went so wrong. Keep holding the thought that this is a new era for you – to not focus on what has gone or is lost. This is the chance to start anew and, like the Queen of Wands, make it the best time of your life – because you can.
The Five of Swords indicates that there may be still be a conflict which you feel should be sorted out – and you may feel responsible for it – but this card is about deciding which battles you feel you should stand and fight and which ones you should walk away from. Not every issue has to be battled through…….sometimes it is important to conserve your energy and your sanity for something which needs more input. Walk away from unnecessary conflicts and save your energy for those things/times when it will serve your purpose better. That would be a wise choice.
This reading started with the Wands suit and ends with the Wands suit. The Three of Wands represents an important stage of your journey. It is early days yet and there will still be a way to go, but the Three of Wands indicates that so far, so good – there will be signs of significant achievement around you which will fill you with pride and motivate you to keep going. Effort and application will always pay, and the Queen of Wands and the Three of Wands are cheering you on. There is so much you can achieve, though you might have to push yourself a little further than you thought you could go.

Just a reminder from the Queen of Cups about how important love in your life is. Whether it is romantic or platonic it something that life can be very hard without. The Queen of Cups has appeared to let you know that if you love yourself and are confident about yourself (and if you are loving towards others) then love will flow your way with ease. It shouldn’t be complicated and it won’t be hard if you emulate this Queen – she exudes confidence. If love matters go well this coming month it is because you are relaxed and confident. If it doesn’t then it might be time to go deep within yourself to find the Queen of Cups in you – pamper yourself, find ways to take water in, or be around water, love yourself first and remember to be loving to all around you. This is what is needed this month.
You could find yourself at the end of a difficult cycle. The Ten of Swords is a card which indicates the painful end of a situation, or the ending of a situation which you have found painful. Whichever it is there is little you can do other than keep moving forward. Follow the bright sun, the new day – start a new journey without looking back because it is the future – not the past – which now needs your focus. As one cycle ends another will begin and this gives you the opportunity to embrace the next one with knowledge, experience and the chance to make the best of it. Don’t let it go to waste – think of this as the REAL New Year!
However, big changes are going to bring some fallout – and if you are aware of this you can counteract the knock backs. The Seven of Wands suggests that you might find yourself lacking motivation or the energy to keep going – whether this is with regards to work, any projects you are working on or any plans you had been making. This isn’t surprising if we take the ending of a painful cycle into account. However, the choice for you is whether you allow yourself to wallow in self pity and get nowhere fast, or summon up the energy to grab what life can offer you right now. This card suggests you revisit your original plans about what you had hoped to achieve and why – and doing so might well ignite the spark that created so much excitement about life in the first place. You might find this is enough to get you going again.
As ever, there will the question of finances – and you may feel the struggle is too real right now. There are always changes that can be made and sometimes adjustments to what you think you ‘need’ are possible. The Five of Pentacles advises that clinging to what you feel are important or necessary (ie the monetary value of what you have or consume) could be limiting your ability to move forward. Take a look at what you have right now and think completely differently about what you ‘need’ and what you can manage with, or without. There may be viable options, or alternatives, that can help you jump out of your relatively comfortable ‘rut’ and look for something a lot better and a lot more worthwhile. This will help your confidence levels too. It can be so easy to just accept things as they are and not be ready to change them or take chances….but, hey, that’s your choice.

A Queen begins and ends this reading which is pretty interesting. The Queen of Cups leads the way. This Queen could be representing you or the lady/partner in your relationship. Whichever it is, this is going to be the crux of the situation this coming month – someone expecting attention or the need to be ‘noticed’. Perhaps it is time to pay yourself, or your partner, some real affection and attention, perhaps you need to get back to the original and exciting ‘you’ of old – and shine your light. Sensuality and/or jealousy around a particular person could also be a possibility, as this Queen represents a stirring of envy or lust through her natural allure and attraction – perhaps a rival?
The Six of Swords could indicate that despite a situation around you being particularly difficult or stressful, you are managing very well with coping with it. This card represents someone who is able to keep serene and calm regardless of the mayhem and chaos around them – if this isn’t the case for you then this card would advise chilling out over a situation – there is not much you can do about it, right now, so there is no point in losing your poise over it.
Work wise you might be faced with a decision which you consider could affect your security and stability in terms of money and your home life. If you are tasked with such a decision the advice of this card, to enable you to make the best decision, is to revisit previous experiences where things have worked well, or not, for you as well as looking at, and carefully identifying, your priorities. If you do this, you will be able to defend your decision in the future knowing that you made it with sound knowledge and the best of intentions (rather than a knee jerk reaction). This would be a wise thing to do.
The Queen of Pentacles could suggest another influence in your life – perhaps female or someone who helps care for you, or provides the things that make you comfortable in life. This person is likely to be fairly influential in your life but this card also suggests that she only puts the effort in for those who she truly loves and cares for, so make sure you keep this person sweet if you don’t wish to lose what they can offer you.

Well, your Knight in Shining Armour might make an appearance in February. This could either be your significant ‘other’ who will step up to the mark for you in surprising ways – and help you with some tricky issues, or it may well be a love interest. Either way a little adventure or romance might be just what you need to divert you from the hum drum issues of life. However, this card might represent someone who could have a significant impact when we take the other cards, which have been drawn, into account.
The Nine of Pentacles is a card which suggests a level of material security and stability which is really enviable to others – in other words your financial situation seems set to start bearing fruit after all your hard work and is well deserved. Your efforts and patience seem to be ready to pay. Whether this is directly linked to the person the Knight of Cups represents only you will know. But whatever you have done in the past is now ready to bear fruit.
Even though, on a financial front, things seem to be on the up, the Seven of Pentacles indicates that a decision to do with your work or income needs to made. This may make you feel this will disrupt your new found security and throw you into a bit of a wobble. Whatever this decision is about, remember to not decide simply on a whim, but to go back over past experiences in your life to keep you steady, in terms of what you know you can, or cannot, manage, what is important to protect and what is not. It will also help to carefully consider your current, and probably new, priorities to ensure that any decision you make is truly informed and sensible.
However, the final card indicates that, should you follow the above advice, then not only will things turn out well but that February could end up being a fantastic month for you. The World card indicates a time of huge achievement – success in love, finance, and life in general – or the end of a particular struggle which has held you back. You should feel less anxious, pained and worried, and hopefully you will see that anything is possible for you! Enjoy!

The Seven of Swords is a card which comes up when it is possible there is manipulation, or dishonesty, around. This might not, necessarily, be someone round you and could indicate that you might, yourself, be tempted to twist the truth for some reason. Everyone can tell a white lie at times – because they feel it can be justified, but when this card comes up this is not the best time to do it. Just be alert to the possibility of being pushed about something, and try not to make things worse by not being honest. If this card refers to someone around you then it would advise, again, to be on the alert for some sort of manipulation.
Interestingly, the King of Swords has appeared next to this card. He would suggest that clarity of mind, finding out the correct information and being straightforward about things is the best policy for you in February. There is no doubt it will be important to be clear headed and realistic about things but just be a little bit careful about being too blunt – sometimes this King is SO straightforward he can offend people.
In terms of work, you might find you have a decision to make. Whatever this decision is, you might find yourself worrying about the outcome with regard to your finances, or your financial security. If this is so, then try to remember that changes to your material situation and standing are not the real values that are important – your happiness and ability to live comfortably are – so don’t tie yourself to status and the way things ‘look’ to other people. The Seven of Pentacles suggests that you carefully look to past experiences to help you see what you can manage with and what you can’t. It will also be important to look at your current priorities to see how they may influence any decisions you have to make.
The Five of Cups could indicate being stuck in a bit of a rut in terms of your relationships. Perhaps you feel something is wrong and that it will never be worked out – you could find this upsetting. However, this card advises a change of mindset – from looking at all the negatives and feeling down about everything, to appreciating the positives and all the wonderful things they bring to your life. It’s not too late by any means, and your effort to improve the way you interpret behaviours is what could make the difference.

We start off with the lovely Nine of Cups for this reading for February which suggests that in terms of love, and particularly relationships, you are due to have a wonderful time of appreciation and security. This is a time to celebrate the fruit harvested from all your patience, love and effort you have expended on those around you. Often the path of love can be rocky, and maybe it has been tough at times, but this card says your relationships are established, and secure, and you should be proud of your achievement in this. Enjoy this time of celebration of love and bask in the success of all your hard work.
The Two of Wands advises that an idea or a hobby, or even a relatively new enterprise, is really starting to establish itself. Whereas before it might have just been an embryo of possibilities, it is now beginning to look fairly feasible as a project. This could even be something like a plan to travel or even to move house. There’s still a way to go but keep applying yourself to this venture because this card indicates that it could well flourish.
However, you might find that you could lose a bit of interest in it for a time this month and lack the motivation to move it further on. The Seven of Wands indicate a certain ennui with it and, whilst you might not think it’s important, you could lose out by losing focus. This card advises you to go back to the original idea/thought; remember how excited you were about the possibilities and the things you thought you could gain by taking this project on. If you do, you should find the spark needed to ignite your interest and passion which got you going in the first place, and hopefully, with a bit of effort, you will find that, very soon, you’ll start to really see some results.
The Knight of Swords could be indicating that some other issue is a bit of a distraction. This card can often suggest a feeling it is necessary to confront an issue – however because this Knight often acts irrationally, and without the relevant information, he can often look foolish by fighting a battle for no particular reason – he is hasty. If you are tempted to get involved in a conflict make sure you know enough about the situation before you do. In reality you might not need to get involved at all, and nobody will think twice about you walking away from it.

The Ace of Pentacles heralds a lot of energy around a new financial/material situation. As always, it will be up to you to make the most of it, so, stay alert to things at work, or at home, that grab your interest and make you think this is something you would like to do, or have a go at. If you put some research and work into it then it might just develop and take you to new heights. However, if you don’t respond to anything that grabs your interest this opportunity could easily pass you by.
The Eight of Swords suggests that you could be avoiding an issue or problem in the hopes that it will just go away. Unfortunately, this is a stalemate situation which won’t disappear until you try to get it sorted. Worse still, whatever this issue is, because it hangs over you it could be making you feel trapped – and that’s not good. You won’t move forward until it is tackled. It might not be as difficult to handle as you think it is – and what’s more important is you will be at a standstill until it’s gone. This card suggests that you had a part in creating this issue and only you can start to heal it. The sooner it is done the better.
The King of Wands has appeared to let you know that there is no task that can throw you off kilter. The King is the highest card in the suit and indicates that there is not a lot you don’t know about, or can’t learn to do, when it comes to tackling projects or undertaking ventures. So just remember this if you are confronted with a task this coming month, each new effort adds to your armoury of skills and capabilities which could be very relevant in the future.
On the family/relationship front the Ten of Cups suggests that in February all will be plain sailing and there will be much to enjoy and appreciate. In fact this card is a pretty positive lucky card in many aspects, so if there is anything you want to sort out, February is the month to do it. This will be a month to enjoy, and celebrate, your enduring relationships and to have a happy time with your loved ones – enjoy!

So, life is all about tests and challenges thrown in our way to help us grow and this is why the Tarot can be so helpful……..because it helps us to analyse our own behaviours and how they can impact on ourselves, ultimately. With regard to the Five of Swords, this card advises us, wisely, that we don’t have to fight every battle that comes our way – and this is something else we need to learn. Mostly, when we are challenged, the tarot will tell us we need to tackle it. In this case, the card advises us to consider whether confronting the issue is worth the casualties in this coming month. Sometimes, despite how we feel, we need to walk away from the conflict. You don’t need to win every battle in order to win the war – there are times to back off and conserve energy for a more important issue. So, in February think twice about engaging in conflict which would be better, this time, to ignore.
The Death card tends to prompt fear when it comes up in a reading but, actually, it just signifies the ending of a particular situation. The shock is really in the unexpectedness of the ending. In fact, what this card really represents is the ending of a phase or a cycle – sometimes with great relief – and more importantly the opportunity to do something new and eminently more exciting. What you have learned along the way will help you in the next phase – you won’t make the same mistakes, you will be stronger and wiser, and so whatever you encounter on your new journey may not throw you as easily as before and you are likely to make better choices.
And this new chapter of your life is represented by the Ace of Pentacles which indicates a bright new opportunity heading your way. This means, certainly in terms of your home or your income, things could be changing for the better. However, you should stay alert to recognise this opportunity – if anything grabs your interest do some research and work on it, because this might just be the time your life takes a real turn for the better. If you don’t make efforts to see what this opportunity can offer you then it will just fizzle out, so make the most of the massive energy around you in February.
The King of Swords is a very logical, clear minded individual who knows how things work and uses it to his advantage. He doesn’t cloud his decision making with emotion, but takes facts and information as the indicators of what is required of him. He has probably appeared to advise you that in the coming month you should use your head and not your heart for any decisions you need to make. Be informed and educated about anything you get involved in. However, the down side of the King of Swords is that he can be pretty harsh, and blunt, in his communications which can cause upset, so whilst you should work with logic and information don’t forget to be kind too.

The Hierophant could be signifying a person coming into your life as a guide or a mentor – normally this would be on a religious or spiritual level. However, it is possible it’s someone who can bring value to the situation you are in right now, this is because of the other cards which have appeared in the reading. The information and guidance from this person is likely to be pretty significant, possibly eye opening and worth hearing. It could bring a new perspective to your life.
This is endorsed by the next card – the Ace of Swords – in that your view of life, or opinion, is likely to change from your current ideals. These two cards together suggest that there could be big changes to your attitude and approach to life, as well as new energies to take you forward. However, rather than ‘new’ opportunities blossoming, it is possible that a consolidation or establishment of what you have already built is likely to be the outcome. This is because the next card is the Eight of Wands. This card is about obstacles and hurdles being removed resulting in massive creativity and productivity – this means the hard work continues but, now, your project is gathering speed and becoming more and more established.
The Four of Swords indicates that any trauma could now be over and there is a time of rest and recuperation needed. There should be some time to start to heal from the past but you should make the effort to pay attention to your own needs. Make sure you treat yourself to rest, good food, fun and cleanse yourself of any negative energies. You’ll need to do this if you are to continue work as hard as you have so far. Your will need to recharge your batteries.
But it is your Birthday month and you get an extra card!! Read on……
Happy Birthday to all you Aquarians in this new Age of Aquarius.
Your Birthday card is the Knight of Cups:

The Knight of Cups as a Birthday card could have different things to say.
With regard to you personally he is likely to be reassuring you of your capacity to love and be loved. He is validating your attraction to others. It is a movement card too, since he is on a horse, and all Knights go on quests – not only looking for love, but money and adventure, too. This card could be advising you to take yourself out of your comfort zone and seek something new.
This card could also be indicating a new love interest coming into your life. Perhaps a dreamy soul, who might have a bit of an idealised notion of love, but nevertheless someone who could provide just what you need right now.
Whether the interpretations above apply to you, or not, this card is really speaking of love: to give it and receive it and to thrive on it, regardless of where it comes from. Happy Birthday! Have a happy and spectacularly loving year ahead.

So, we’re starting with a mindset in this reading – because this is what The Devil card is about. It’s about thoughts or actions which keep you tethered to a feeling of unworthiness. Take addictions, for instance, whether alcohol, cigarettes, sex or anything else, which make you feel even slightly ashamed of yourself is the hold on you which could make you feel ‘unworthy’ and that good things cannot happen for you. This is not The Devil but your own mind, and your own actions, which can hold you fast. The message from this card is that you can free yourself from the mindset which is blocking your progress. And it might not just be current things that make you feel ashamed but things that are over and done with – past mistakes or bad decisions are other things that can make you feel inadequate or ‘useless’. The message of this card is that things can change, if you want to change them. If it is actions from the past that haunt you, then you need to forgive yourself for the choices you made – you made those choices back then, but you can do things differently from now. With addictions you can seek help and leave them behind.
On the up-side the next card is the Six of Pentacles which is a card bearing gifts. This cards suggests that in some way you will be the recipient of money, or help in a material/physical way, that can really give you a boost to help you get to grips with your finances. This will restore your faith in humanity and the belief that, truly, anything is possible. Just make sure you use this opportunity to set you up for the future, because it very rarely happens and it is easy to fritter it away!
The third card, The Fool, suggests that perhaps – taking the first two cards into account – if you can make some changes, then a new journey beckons. The Fool is about starting a new phase of life, and fresh beginnings. The message of The Fool is to keep alert as you embark on this new journey – don’t make the same mistakes as last time, watch out for pitfalls. It’s about not getting carried away with excitement but staying realistic and grounded so that you can make the very best of this new opportunity.
Finally, the King of Swords advises you to learn. Research the things you want or need to know – don’t rely on hearsay or ‘take your chances’ on things. He advises you to be fully informed so that your decisions are clear-headed and sensible. He knows that being knowledgeable, and clever, will get you far more than just haphazardly skipping through life. Life is bittersweet – it has its joys and sadness, successes and defeats but being prepared, having knowledge and being careful on this new journey will ensure the difficulties are minimalised and you won’t miss the route to happiness and success.
End of Tarotscopes.
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