Hi! Welcome to the Tarotscopes for February!
One of my goals for the coming year is to try and keep things manageable and simpler, including these Tarotscopes – I hope you will enjoy this slightly different format.
Don’t forget that on the Simply Tarot website we have an automated system, created for you, to choose your OWN card of the day! CLICK HERE to choose yours once a day, every day.
If you like the tarot deck used in these Tarotscopes you can BUY IT HERE – it comes with a gorgeous brocade bag to keep it protected and safe and you can choose which bag colour you like best.
Happy February!
Patricia ❤️

You are likely to find, at the start of February, a renewed sense of purpose and vision. The Eight of Wands indicates that you may have overcome an obstacle which has been holding you back and you are freed from restraint. You are likely to be fired up with creativity and motivation as you head toward your end goal! This renewed vigour and passion is likely to keep you busy for a while – and pretty tired – but you’ll find it is worth it since it will be an amazingly productive time.
In the middle of the month the focus may turn to relationships with the Nine of Cups suggesting a lovely time with loved ones. This card indicates that, although times might have been tough recently, your commitment to the people you love has held steady. This will be a time of celebrating your relationships, whether romantic or platonic, and enjoying, with a sense of pride, the love being returned to you in abundance! Enjoy!
Towards the end of the month The Wheel of Fortune could be whizzing you out of any rut you feel you have been stuck in recently. When the Wheel turns, it should present you with new and, possibly, wonderful opportunities, so be alert to surprising ideas or suggestions, or even just take a closer look at what grabs your attention – this could be The Wheel working for you.

Things might not be clear to you at the start of the coming month – The Moon suggests that, despite what you see, there is more information to come out. This may be because the time is not right for you to make any big decisions about your life just now – when it is, it will be very clear what you need to do. Be patient in the meantime and have faith that things will work out perfectly at the right time.
In the middle of the month you should recognise that you need to have some rest and recuperation – this is the message from the Four of Swords – you may not realise how much energy has been taken from you by recent events. Take some time to pamper and look after yourself because you are just as important as everyone else and it is necessary to recharge your batteries from time to time.
You may find yourself being faced with a decision towards the end of the month regarding either your work or income. Only you know what is important to you, however, the Seven of Pentacles suggests that it will help to weigh up your past experiences with your current priorities to help you understand what might be the best choice going forward. Look to what you have managed with/without in the past and what is important to you right now, by doing so you should feel confident about whatever decision you come to. Maybe the dimmer light of The Moon will have passed and things might be clearer by this stage, but if you have any doubts, follow your instincts.

The Seven of Swords at the beginning of February might suggest you should be alert to truth twisting. This may apply to someone around you, or it could be you that is considering not being totally honest. Once in a while we will feel it is right to tell a little white lie, or to avoid facing the truth, however, early February is not the time to do so according to this tarotscope. If you feel it is someone around you that is manipulating the situation, perhaps it would be wise to take what they say with a pinch of salt or at least try and verify the facts – it might prevent some awkward conflict between you.
The focus in the middle of the month may be on your current relationship (or in fact any important relationship). The Five of Cups is a card which indicates a feeling of being upset about this relationship, however, the answer to the problem might be to shift your mindset from focusing on all the negatives of the relationship to looking for the positive vibe this person brings to your table. You’ll be surprised how much better you will feel about things.
At the end of the month you should get some sort of accolade, or you may achieve something you had set as a goal for yourself, perhaps with regard to a project at work, or in your business. The Six of Wands indicates that you will have something to show for all your hard work – a success which will prove how wrong all those people who doubted your abilities were – and you are likely to feel delighted with yourself and this achievement! Well done!

The Ace of Swords represents a shift in your current perspective of life and, perhaps, looking for a different way to approach it – usually this card refers to a spiritual or religious stance. Sometimes this can make people around you uncomfortable, or not able to understand the things that have ‘changed’ about you. We all have to develop and adapt as we experience new challenges, but being knowledgeable, and honest, about any new ‘beliefs’ should help if you wish to avoid conflict with those around you.
In the middle of the month you will come into your own, however, and whatever you are tasked with will end in success if you put your thought and effort into it as the Queen of Wands would do – it would seem she has appeared to assure you that you have the same ability to try your hand at anything and do it really well.
Towards the end of the month you may have to look at what your money goes on – the Five of Pentacles is a card which advises you to make sure that what you spend it on is really ‘that’ important, and to see whether you can turn things around by using your money in the best way for you. For example, if you feel you should spend your money on things to impress other people, but you are struggling to make ends meet, then try to understand that those things are not really what is ‘best’ for you in your situation. A simple change like that could make a huge difference to your lifestyle.

To start the month ahead, the Queen of Cups highlights romance in your life. She may represent someone in your life whom you find sensual and attractive – it may be that you could learn something from her. However, she may represent the need for you to nurture your own emotional approach to your love life; this Queen does not find it hard to give, or to attract, love and this is down to her personal confidence – she may be suggesting that you allow your sensual side to emerge.
You could find yourself wondering whether your efforts are appreciated at all, by anyone, in the middle of the month. The Star is a card which advises, when in these kind of doldrums, to have faith in a brighter future – keeping your eyes on the beautiful Star ahead – and to keep doing what you are doing. Despite the way you might feel, you are a very important part of the bigger picture and it won’t be long before you will see how true this is. So, believe that the repetitive chores of each and every day really are contributing to something bigger, even if you can’t see this or feel they don’t, because in time you will understand.
The Tower card, towards the end of the month, might represent an event which could instigate significant changes to your current situation. Sometimes it is necessary for us to accept surprising changes that come our way because we have to be steered onto the path that is right for us. Nothing ever really stays the same, and it might be that February will bring that change for you – the more ready you are to embrace it, the sooner you will feel its benefits.

The start of February should bring some early signs of success in a project, or in any work you have undertaken. This is a really positive sign shown in the Three of Pentacles and indicates that your work can be built on to make it even more profitable if you continue to work at it the way you have. You should feel really pleased with yourself and the progress you’ve made – well done!
Towards the middle of the month you might find yourself in a bit of an hiatus and things not moving at the pace you want them to. The Hanged Man card appears at a time when, no matter how hard you want to push forward, you are being asked to be patient and wait for all the right things to fall into place in the right time. This can be hard to do – but the more you struggle in this hiatus the more you damage your own personal state. Submit to this quiet time and use your energy on something worthwhile – even if that is giving yourself a bit of pampering and attention. Things will move when the time is right.
The Three of Wands represents an achievement of some sort coming into view at the end of the month. You should find this very pleasing and rewarding especially because of all the hard work you have put into this particular endeavour – it is still early days however, and there is a way to go, but this achievement should motivate you to put your all into this project – because it really seems it has a lot of potential. Well done.

The King of Cups suggests that, at the beginning of February, your focus needs to be on your relationships. The message from this card is really about engaging properly with loved ones rather than just talking the talk. Perhaps there needs to be some real engagement in some way to show your loved ones how much you really do care. Actions speak louder than words as the saying goes.
Love is also central to the situation in the middle of the month. The card Temperance is one which focuses on the need to put mental alacrity, and logic, to one side and to pour some real emotion/love into a situation. In other words, use your heart rather than your head at this particular time – this is what is needed right now. It is one of those times where the logical approach is unlikely to work.
Communication is likely to be important as you head toward the end of February. The Page of Swords is a card which represents words being misunderstood, or being overblown, by someone who does not really have their facts straight. Just remember to be clear and well informed when you are dealing with a potentially tricky situation – don’t be afraid to ask if you have misunderstood something either – clarity of communication is going to be very important.

The Three of Wands suggests that at the start of February you are likely to overcome an initial hurdle in a particular project you have undertaken. It is still early days, of course, with this particular endeavour, however you are likely to see a real achievement come from it and you should be delighted with yourself. If you continue in the same manner it should go very well indeed, so keep up the effort. Well done!
In the middle of the month relationships are likely to come into focus. It is likely that the Queen of Cups represents you – her message would be to give yourself a little time to embrace the Queen within you. This Queen does not have to work hard to attract love – she is confident in her own looks and attitude and uses them to their best advantage – perhaps she expects the same from you. If you don’t love yourself, for what and who you are, why would anyone else?
Interestingly, towards the end of the month, the Two of Cups suggests a new relationship forming. This card represents the development of a fairly casual relationship into one of commitment from both sides. Perhaps the advice from Queen of Cups will work very quickly for you. Even if you are already in a relationship her advice could be sound, and might breath some new life into your current romance.

You might receive some indication of success with regard to a project, or investment, of yours at the beginning of the coming month. The Three of Pentacles is a card which represents early signs of success in a financial capacity. This is very good news and, although it is still early days for this project, it should be obvious, now, that it really does have the potential to make more money in the future, so keep up the good work.
In the middle of February you might find you have an offer of romance if you want it – whether you take that offer is up to you, of course. The Lovers card is all about a romantic relationships and having to make a decision as to whether to go with it or walk away from it. Should you find yourself in this situation it is important to deal with it carefully and in a considerate way – it is not just your heart and emotions at risk of hurt here.
At the end of the month the Ten of Pentacles indicates that you could find yourself in a very good financial situation. You may feel that, at last, after all your efforts you are in a secure and established place in terms of money. Hopefully you will be able to work this to your advantage going forward so that you won’t find yourself having to struggle in the future.

At the beginning of February you might be under some sort of spotlight in which you are being scrutinised. Judgement appears when there is a likelihood of you finding out how your particular actions/behaviours have impacted on others. It might be at work, perhaps at home, or even out in the community. If you have behaved with integrity, kindness and honesty then any verdict that comes forth about you should be pleasing.
Towards the middle of the month it is possible that someone around you might appear to be aloof and unapproachable. The Queen of Swords often represents someone who is highly intelligent, very capable and yet someone who hides their emotions to protect them from emotional hurt – this is why she can seem to be uncaring. This person might need your support in some way, though it might be difficult to get them to fully open up about their emotions. If this Queen represents you, she could be suggesting that you may benefit from opening up about your own emotions.
There will be a lot of energy around relationships – romantic or otherwise – at the end of the month. This energy could represent heightened emotions or feelings, with regard to you or someone you care about, so it might be wise to go gently with yourself and others. If you are not currently in a relationship this card could be suggesting that you might meet someone you are attracted to. This card is generally a positive energy card so, whatever the situation, it suggests moving forward in a happy and contented way.

The Death card is mainly about understanding the need to let go of pain and to not hang onto hurt because it can prevent you from moving forward. At the beginning of February perhaps this card calls you to let go of anything that has had a ‘hold’ on you in the recent past. You have reached the end of an era and it is time to face a new future with hope. Try not to look back on what’s gone before – it can’t be changed – but you are likely to have learned from it in some way, so take that forward with you.
In the middle of February mental alacrity and/or logic is likely to play a part in your life. Whether the King of Swords represents you, or someone else, this card’s message is to be very clear in your thought, communications and your application. This King has a lot to offer with his intelligence and experience and he makes the most of every opportunity. You might benefit from emulating his key abilities and approach situations with more logic than emotion. Or you might know someone with these qualities who may be able to help you even if they seem unapproachable – if you don’t ask for their help you could miss out on some valuable information.
There could be a surge of energy around love, emotions or relationships towards the end of the month. The Ace of Cups represents heightened emotions/feelings – like the first throes of attraction on meeting someone so, this card could represent the start of a new relationship. However, be aware that heightened emotions might not be helpful when making important decisions – perhaps that is why the King of Swords sits next to this Ace. Generally though, the Ace of Cups is a delightfully positive card suggesting new people with, or without, love in the mix – and should indicate you may have really happy encounters.
Read on for your extra ‘birthday’ card since the is the month for Aquarians:

Death in the above tarotscope represented letting go of past restrictions. The Eight of Wands represents the passing through and having overcome recent obstacles/hurdles. This means that you can start anew with vigour, and drive, as you are freed to head further into your journey, leaving issues behind. The Eight number of this card suggests that you are drawing nearer to achieving your goals (the Ten number card would be the ‘completion’). Your passion for your journey/projects will now be renewed and you are likely to be full of creativity and the desire for substantial progress. Now that things are ‘moving’ again you are likely to be busy and tired but you’ll be extremely pleased with the progress you make and the amazing productivity of whatever you are working on. Keep at it – you are motoring towards achieving your goals!

At the start of February you might find yourself focusing on relationships – this may not be a romantic one necessarily – you could be physically apart from someone you care about and this might make you feel unhappy. The Eight of Cups could represent a difficult romantic situation, however the message from this card is to try and recognise that, at this point, there is not much you can do about it. Coming to terms with not being with someone you care about is really hard, but in order to not stagnate it will be important to keep putting one foot in front of the other until your feelings ease up. Don’t allow yourself to be held back by a situation that you can’t change – keep moving towards your much brighter future.
The Seven of Cups seems to show that you will come to the middle of the month ready to try and make a decision about your current relationships. You are likely to have a number of options to choose from. Whatever decision you decide to go with be sure to commit to it, otherwise you could find yourself going round in circles and not getting anywhere – your journey is just as important as anyone else’s so commit to what is right for you.
The Ten of Wands in the last part of the month does suggest that you’ll be feeling overwhelmed – probably with all the emotional turmoil – however, should you feel this way, it will be important to prioritise what really needs to be done and let go of what is not important right now. You are right on the cusp of achieving your goals – the Ten numbered cards are ‘completion’ cards – so don’t give up now. You’ll soon be starting a new journey full of expectation, hope and excitement.
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