Happy New Year!!
As we forge our way into a new decade I am keeping this intro to the Tarotscopes for January 2020 short. We can talk till we’re blue in the face about what we want to do, what we hope for and how we’re excited about what the New Year will bring, but as we are already working with the stars, I think we should, in the words of the Star Trek soundbite, be ready to…….
‘Boldly go where no man has gone before!‘
and let’s do it with the help of the tarot cards…………
Scroll down to find your star/zodiac sign and see what the cards say about how you can start to make changes this year.
If you are looking for a personal comprehensive tarot reading from me CLICK HERE
Happy 2020!
Patricia x

The Knight is advising you to get on your Charger and start making the difference in your own life! The influence with most of these cards is about you gaining Mastery of how you approach things and getting even the smallest tasks ‘absolutely’ right this year. This will give you a head start and set a standard you should maintain all year, with your focus squarely on what you want to happen.
You might need to make some choices, or decisions, about relationships that may be holding you back (Seven of Cups), perhaps, in order to move in the direction you want to, and you might have to have a ‘clear out’ of those people who are hindering your progress. Keep those around you who can, and want to help, because your focus in January should be about getting a grip on your life, and you can only do that with people around you who are ready to help you empower yourself.
The Knight of Pentacles offers you further advice: don’t do things half heartedly. He says start this month by paying massive attention to detail in everything you undertake. Get things right, do not leave things to chance. The King of Wands endorses this too – use your passion, motivation and enthusiasm to make the most of every situation you encounter, and be informed. Overcome your self-doubt – learning to things properly will give you such confidence.
The Hierophant has also appeared to say ‘Arm yourself with knowledge from trusted sources’ – no more guessing and vaguely ‘hoping’ you’ve got it right, but being truly able to make well-informed decisions and choices. Research everything you want, or need, to know and don’t take for granted that what you read, see, or hear, is the absolute truth – check it out.
This strong approach to all aspects of your life will bring an understanding and determination which will boost your zest for life and open new doors for you – because pushing for knowledge, and the truth, will bring you empowerment in your own right, and there’ll be no going back once you’ve tried it!

We have four people appearing in these tarot cards, which indicates that it is your own personal approach, and attitude, which should be your key focus to start this New Year – indeed this new Decade!
The Knight of Cups is likely to be advising that you need to get up, and get out to search for your heart’s desire; whether that is happy relationships, an increase in money, or just adventure in itself, only you will know. Doing this will establish your key goals for your life, and these cards could show you how. The Knight could also indicate that you could be much more focused on what you want – he tends to be a bit dreamy and doesn’t really stay committed to his quest, so this might be something you could change.
The Queen of Pentacles indicates that you do have the skills to make money and/or to provide for those that you love. This Queen is determined and will make wise choices about who, and what, she spends her money on. She is incredibly successful, and she is probably advising that you need to look at your own particular skills and make them work for you. She utilises all of her skills to ensure her security and stability endures, she is telling you that you can do the same!
The Sun assures you that with determination, effort, clarity and self confidence, everything you do will be successful. This month will be a time when even the smallest effort will be rewarded handsomely, so the more things you turn your hand to, the better. This card also nudges you to have gratitude for everything you have already got, and to be grateful for everything you are about to receive. The Sun is a tremendous Ally to have with you this month, but like the Knight suggested earlier, only if you get up and go for it.

Heading into January, it would seem that it is important to be clear headed with regard to your relationships, the ones you are wholly involved in or other ones you are interested in, as depicted by The Lovers card. As this card sits next to the Two of Swords, it could be that there is some conflict that needs to be dealt with, and it could be that taking a new approach, or attitude, could help you with this.
The Ace of Pentacles suggests that the beginnings of a new type of lifestyle is beginning to form and may bring you some much needed stability and security that you might not have thought was possible. These first three cards seem to be asking you to look clearly at your situation, without distractions and temptations, to help you decide what is right for you. There also needs to be some commitment and honesty around current (or even new) relationships. The King of Cups could be appearing to encourage you to speak out loud about your love and, indeed, to commit to a relationship despite the fear of being hurt. Without love – the good and the bad aspects – life might certainly be easier to navigate, but life could also lack meaning and depth. The choice is yours.
It would seem from these cards that the most important thing to approach, with care and consideration, is your current situation in terms of love and relationships. Once the commitment is made, there is every chance of success, and new beginnings are available with wonderful opportunities for a comfortable lifestyle. Be mindful of your decisions this New Year as it could set the foundation for the next wonderful part of your life.

Taking all of these cards into consideration, it would seem that January might be a good time dive into your cave for a while and truly look into what is important to you – not just for this month but for this whole year – and then to emerge and work to those goals.
The Five of Swords indicates that conflicts could still be hampering your progress. At the same time, these are not necessarily conflicts you need to deal with now, or, in fact, at all. This is one of the decisions you might need to make. This could take some effort, but the King of Wands suggests that you can master this, and there is plenty you could focus on in order to start your new adventures and projects – and this is what is most important for you.
The Hermit is the card which has advised some time for you to delve into your self to find your light again. Meditation, or a retreat of some sort, might help you find your essence and to focus on your needs, and, also, to understand why they are important for you. The Page of Swords seems to be advising that things which have been said, or done, might have been misconstrued, misinterpreted or said during a time of confusion, or under the influence of an approach, or attitude, which was prevalent at the time. Perhaps, that applies to you too. Some things may have been said in a way that weren’t meant to be as hurtful as they came out.
As you step into a new decade, shed all that has passed and forge your new path. Bring your new found light back into the world and let it shine around you, because coming out of The Hermit’s cave you will be a whole lot stronger and much more positive, and confident, than you were before. A beacon, in fact, that will blaze through any darkness!

Heading into the New Year with worries about your work and your income is just pursuing the same path you walked last year, and, whilst you might have a decision to make about your job, there is much more to consider than just the money. Whilst you might feel that income is the most important thing in life, The Empress card suggests this is not necessarily true. She is the embodiment of nurture of love and life, and she believes this is equally important, specifically with regard to relationships especially between a parent and a child. Emotions need to be acknowledged, and respected, to make a happy home and to encourage healthy relationships. The Empress can be quick to lose her temper if things are not done the way she feels they should be done, so it would seem that patience and acceptance of the way other people ‘work’ is an important aspect to embrace.
The Ace of Swords also endorses that perhaps you should take a new approach/attitude to your lifestyle/income and how to achieve it successfully. Obviously, it is important to be level headed about decisions, and facts need to be weighed up, but this card sits next to The Empress which suggests that you need to have balance between your head and your heart, between logic and emotion, whilst deciding which is the best course for you to take.
Should you be able to do this, the Nine of Pentacles indicates that you will have a wonderful situation in which your work, income, home life and lifestyle will bring everything you need. But this card also endorses that happiness at home is not just bought with money, it represents the home being your family’s haven, safe place and comfort zone – and for it to remain as such, needs some tender love, nurturing, and respect.

The cards in this tarotscope indicate the resolution of conflicts and the beginning of an exciting new journey as you start the New Year. They are all very positive cards. The first two indicate current achievements and the next two are the ‘to do’ cards.
Justice is the card which represents the conclusion/outcome of a difficult situation, possibly even a legal one, exonerating you from blame. This is a great relief and a wonderful time to use this validation to move forward in your life. It has been hard but it will be finished and finalised, and you should then feel freer and lighter as your burden has been taken away.
The Nine of Cups can also reassure you, that in terms of relationships, all is well, you have had your hard times but you have weathered the storm and your love and relationships have not only remained intact, they have, in fact, shown just how enduring they are – this is a tremendous validation to you and the people you have in your life.
The Magician is showing you that, now, you are about to take a new path, he doesn’t tell you where it will take you, but he is letting you know that you have all the skills you need to make this journey an amazing one. The Knight of Pentacles has appeared to advise that, whilst you do have all the skills, you must apply them with precision and detail, making sure that nothing you do is half hearted, or left to chance – and it is this attitude which will truly bring the success you desire.
So, there are interesting times ahead, but your approach to this new stage of your life and the things you will be tasked with must be executed with great precision and patience, clarity and knowledge to maximise the promise it brings, and that is down to you.

In order to maintain the excellent financial position you are in (Ten of Pentacles), and even though this card endorses that it is established, and enduring, you are likely to have to do some more learning of sorts to keep the momentum going. The Page of Pentacles, indicates that there are still areas in which you will need to learn more, or to study for, to reach the heights you are truly capable of. This Page takes every moment of his time to study more – and that’s the secret of his success – his desire to learn seems to make it effortless, but in fact he is pushing himself beyond what is expected of him, the good news is that he enjoys it. Referring back to the Ten of Pentacles, though, it would seem that a lot of the hard work is already done, which is great news, so just topping up your knowledge or experience is probably all that is needed.
The tarot card Judgement could be indicating that in the coming month your actions and/or your behaviour will be under scrutiny. Clearly, if you wish to be judged positively then your actions should be considerate, valuable and diligent, but it is likely you already know that – this card is just reminding you that this month is particularly important with regard to them being under the microscope (so to speak), and could affect the way the whole year progresses, so it’s worth being aware of this scrutiny right from the get-go and, of course, getting it right.
However, the Three of Wands is a lovely card which suggests that you will shortly see some measure of success in terms of any projects or endeavours you have undertaken, which is a great start to the year. This means that any further efforts will help build to make an even better structure for the future. All in all these cards have a very positive feel for you this first month of 2020 – keep putting in the effort to make this a spectacular year in every way!

As you look at these cards you can see three couples, which suggests that the coming month is all about your relationships, current personal ones or ones that are about to begin, and your interactions with the people around you.
The first two cards, The Lovers and The World, show two couples in totally different situations – one tempted away and one totally committed. This suggests that the coming month – to pave the way for the year ahead – might be about committing to a relationship fully, and totally, if you wish it to endure (which it has the capacity to according to The World card which is the most positive card in a tarot deck). Distractions and temptations will muddy the waters, though, according to The Lovers, and perhaps bring unnecessary conflict or at least they could take your eye away from interesting opportunities.
The Ace of Wands is bringing a high energy around a new project or endeavour and perhaps this card is alerting you to an exciting venture, such as a business, a house move or a holiday, which you might not be able to progress if you are immersed in complicated relationships around you. So, this card is alerting you to something you will enjoy but could be easily missed if you are distracted.
The Page of Swords is a card that suggests that words can be misunderstood or said in an unintentional way, which can spark problems between people – there is a couple in this card too. It is likely that this card may be alerting you to communications between you and others could cause issues if things are not said clearly or without consideration or care.
Overall it seems that the tarot feels an uncomplicated approach to relationships, and clarity in communications between you and yours, will simplify life so that you can be ready to explore the exciting projects about to emerge for you.

The first three cards suggest to me that you could very easily carry into the New Year the same issues that have dogged you for a while. The Six of Cups being a card which represents yearning for a past relationship (looking backward), the Nine of Wands being overwhelmed and tired of the same old same old, and the Two of Swords – the feeling that conflict is ever near and you might be trying to avoid it. The fourth card, the Eight of Pentacles, I feel, is a card of advice. The Eight shows a good level of security in terms of home and income, so firstly be aware of this, but the Eight also suggests learning a new skill – perhaps the skill is to work out what you want to carry over to the New Year, and what to leave behind.
Perhaps you could learn to take each day at a time with no expectations other than to do your best, to focus on what your priorities are, rather than what others can, or can’t, bring to your table. Perhaps this new skill is to encourage people to contribute to you and your needs which will help remove some of the burden. With this little adjustment, you might well find that the coming year brings much more fun than previous ones. It could just be a change of perception in your mind which will ease any difficulties, and help develop your expectations to more positive ones. Energy attracts energy so the more positive you are, the more likely it will be that the coming year will bring some very interesting and happy times for you.
CAPRICORN: comes with an extra card as it is the birthday sign

The first two cards of this reading are quite significant for you this coming month. The Star and The Hanged Man are both cards which indicate lack of movement for you in terms of what you might want to get started on. Yet the card next to them is a Knight on a horse ready to set off on his next adventure. These cards suggest that your attitude to the coming month could predetermine the way the whole year could go for you. Perhaps you should decide that this month you will not sit back and wait for things to happen, but to do something really proactive – even if it is not on some particular project you really hoped you could work on. The Knight of Pentacles also advises, though, that particular care in the delivery of every task you undertake – ensuring that each detail is exquisitely executed – will help bring about the results you desire.
Sometimes our mindset can stagnate our progress by being in a continuous state of expectation – that we are at the mercy of what the new year or ‘life’ will bring us. We need to change that mindset and understand that we can get the Universal Energy to move to a more positive vibe for us. By making overt effort, and expecting to succeed, it is possible to change that vibration. Attract success by being proactive in your efforts and having clear goals in your mind’s eye for the year ahead!
The Nine of Cups, is one of the most positive cards in a tarot deck, and could be endorsing what’s been previously said – that everything you desire is there to be attained, just keep focused on what you want to achieve. This card could also be suggesting that soon you will be reaping the emotional rewards of all your efforts to make your relationships loving and very welcoming for all the people around you – with the greatest of success. So, the coming month looks set to be a very interesting one.
Read on for your special Birthday tarot card:

The Wheel of Fortune turns when it has to. You cannot choose the time, nor can you determine where it stops. But it can change your fortunes and it can bring opportunities that you can grab if you are ready and waiting. When the Wheel turns hold on tight and be ready to take the chances which will turn your life around. Enjoy the ride!

So, this January, the lovely Sun card is shining on you. The Sun indicates a time where everything you turn your hand to can succeed, so make the best of this very lucky and productive time – use it well – every single task you undertake will have this amazing energy boosting its productivity. Alongside this very positive card, the Six of Pentacles also suggests some prosperity in terms of either a loan or a gift which is wonderful news. Just as it will be important to use the Energy of The Sun whilst it shines on you, it will also be vital that you use any income to boost your current situation and to set solid foundations for the year ahead. These cards indicate a very important time for you, so ensure you maximise their benefit to you in any way you can.
The Devil has appeared simply to tell you to not chain yourself to your thoughts. The mind, in a certain condition, can thrive on false assumptions, make things seem horrendous, and help you drown in self deprecation, which can easily distract you from important things you need to do. It is all too easy to get set into a negative frame of mind, and what is worse is that sometimes we can’t recognise this is happening. Create a little journal this month to remind yourself not to chain yourself to your own disparaging thoughts. This will help you to escape much quicker.
The Page of Wands suggests that things are now speeding up in terms of your endeavour. It might even be that this card represents some news coming your way which could be helpful in your work. This card could be advising to not rush to any conclusions, either, but to consider everything carefully and try to listen to sensible advice even if you think it is irrelevant. Otherwise, things look set to be very productive and enjoyable for you this coming month – and, if you set the right tone, hopefully the whole of this New Year.

The Nine of Wands and the Knight of Cups suggest that you could be at the mercy of bringing in the same old, same old from the previous year into the new one. The Nine of Wands is about being overburdened and overwhelmed, and this is not the ideal way to start the new year. The truth is that you might be able to discard, or delegate, some of the tasks you feel you have to deal with – true, they might not be dealt with to the same standard as yours, if someone else takes them over, but at least it is a start. The Knight of Cups could represent a bit of a dreamy attitude to life and love – in other words you might not be getting to the actuality of what needs to be done to make changes for the better.
The Death card is probably has the best advice of all – let some things go. You cannot carry round things that make you unhappy, or that are overwhelming to you. You must clear out some of the baggage you are constantly carrying. This doesn’t mean get rid of everything, or everyone, it means have a clear think about what is right for you – you are not being selfish, you need to live this life fully as an individual. The things that are holding you back must be cut away – so if you don’t like your job you could make the effort to find a new one. If someone is demanding of you – they are taking, not giving – a relationship is a two way street, and so on – take some time to think through your current situation and decide who and what can be removed and who and what can’t.
If you can do this, then the Ace of Pentacles brings some very exciting Energy around a new opportunity, which could bring more income, or a more stable and secure home life to you and this is an opportunity you can’t afford to miss out on. Perhaps this January is time to end this crisis management and to start forging your own path, with your own choices and your own goals. You know you can do it. Just start with one small adjustment and you’ll soon see how it works and how life can be better for you, and all those concerned about you.
End of Tarotscopes.
Get a PERSONAL READING from Patricia for the New Year
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