Tarotscopes for July 2017 are written by Patricia at Simply Tarot, she is also the artist of The Tarot House Deck. This is what she wants to say about the coming month’s tarotscopes.
Dear Friends
Sadly, the year so far has not brought too much great news to my door. As you probably know already, my Mother became ill, went into care, and died on 26 May.
Needless to say, I was in no frame of mind to write the tarotscopes for June but I am sure you will understand.
Since Mum’s death, and her funeral only last week, I have been grateful for your continued support and I have promised myself I will make extra effort, now, to put more time into my tarot work. I have recently completed a reading for a client, as well as writing these tarotscopes, and you may not know that I also manage the Simply Tarot Facebook account (a page ‘like’ would be warmly welcomed) as well as overseeing the general care and content of the simplytarot.com website……so I have plenty to keep me busy and that’s without helping out with my six grandchildren!
This month’s tarotscopes are made up of four tarot cards. The reading, based on your zodiac/star sign, looks at four aspects 1: Where you are right now 2: The current issue at hand 3: What to do and 4: The outcome. Hopefully, this reading will give you an insight into the coming month and help you hit the ground running on your path to fulfilment.
Don’t forget you can purchase The Tarot House Deck (which I always use) for yourself – it comes with meanings for each card and there is plenty of information on our website to help you read them – or treat yourself to a reading from our Shop.
In the near future I hope to put on a lot of different types of reading spreads for you to consider buying, but for now I leave you with your completely FREE reading for July 2017.
With love
Patricia x

Order of Cards:
Top left: Where you are now – Ten of Swords
Top right: Issue at hand – Five of Wands
Bottom left: What to do – The Empress
Bottom right: Outcome – Two of Wands
The Ten of Swords represents the completion of a cycle, the ending of a situation which might cause pain. This may be something you might have to experience, or it may be something that you fear…..either way, it is important that you recognise that the pain you are suffering does not, and should not, continue. If something is proving difficult for you to handle, it makes sense to move on rather than try to keep it going, you deserve better things for yourself – they will only get better once this situation is over.
The issue at hand seems to be insurmountable obstacles, as represented by the Five of Wands. The question is are you creating them or is someone else putting these problems in your way? It’s an important question because if the problem is of your making, then it is you who should find the way to get out of this situation. If it is someone else then you need to consider whether you need to be under some else’s control to this extent. Your freedom to choose is paramount. Whilst it is important to give and take, it is not necessary for you to subjugate your own needs totally for the fulfilment of someone else’s desires.
The Empress gives you a strong clue as to what is needed right now – the first is The Empress will fiercely protect her children………what would you suggest to any child of yours going through a difficult time? Hopefully, you would want them to get out/rid of the situation…….can you apply this to yourself? The second is that you are in desperate need of nurture and love, and if no-one else can give you that right now, then you must make yourself your own priority. You must look after yourself and make yourself strong again.
Should you make the most of this difficult situation and think carefully about your own needs and care, the Two of Wands indicates that a new direction is forming and taking shape on the horizon. There is real opportunity ahead which, with careful attention and planning, offer a new and exciting future.

Order of Cards:
Top left: Where you are now – Page of Cups
Top right: Issue at hand – Knight of Pentacles
Bottom left: What to do – Six of Pentacles
Bottom right: Outcome – The Fool
The Page of Cups suggests that you may think you are ready for a new relationship, particularly in a romantic sense, but that really there are some things outstanding with regard to past experiences which need to be addressed. Often ‘the one’ we are looking for does not appear until we are ready ourselves. The Page of Cups advises that you look deep within yourself to accept that any hurts of the past are exactly that – over and done with. But the most important thing you need to recognise is that you are worthy of true love, and also that you are happy in, and with, yourself. It is important to love yourself in order to open that channel which will allow your soulmate to find you.
The Knight of Pentacles in the ‘Issue at hand’ position suggests that you might be bogged down in the minutiae of what you think love, or the person you want in your life, should be, as this Knight is known for being pedantic and almost nit-picky down to the last detail. You cannot create the person who is to be your soul mate – they already exist and it is not in your power to determine how they behave or what they are. This card would indicate that your focus is in the wrong place. You shouldn’t be trying to determine who/what your partner should be. You should be focusing on yourself and how to heal the issues that are stopping you from meeting them.
The Six of Pentacles has appeared in the ‘What to do’ position and perhaps this card is indicating that the first thing you need to do is to have faith that the right person is out there for you, in fact they are ready to come into your life because this card indicates someone else bringing something into your life. By accepting that there is someone ready to meet you, and by opening yourself, and being ready to welcome this gift, could be the key to kick starting this opportunity. In other words, don’t try to pre-empt who they are, just accept that they will love you as you are, come what may.
If you can do this, the Major Arcana card The Fool in the ‘outcome’ position, indicates a new start, a whole new journey/adventure ahead of you. Try not to get too carried away in the excitement, and don’t let your common sense go walkies! – make sure you stay alert to signs of assurance, or pitfalls you should be avoiding, because it would be great to get it right this time. Otherwise, have fun.

Order of Cards:
Top left: Where you are now – The Hermit
Top right: Issue at hand – Five of Pentacles
Bottom left: Nine of Wands
Bottom right: Outcome – Nine of Pentacles
You are likely to be searching for a safe and secret place where you can be serene right now. Somewhere you can really find the person that you are, and to find out exactly what it is you want out of life. The Hermit card represents escaping to a quiet place to contemplate your inner self and needs, it is also a place where you can face your demons, make some decisions and find your own light to shine so as to be a beacon to others who may have lost their way. You may be on the path to seeking wisdom.
It may be that you are ready for, or about to make, some big changes in your life which may affect your financial situation, and this may be causing you to worry about the future. You have come this far and have done well, why should it be different this time? The fact that your life may change to a different status may not be a bad thing. Instead of having the appearance of affluence and status, you may find this change brings so much more into your life than material goods. The Five of Pentacles suggests fearing loss of money or financial security, but these things are not bringing you what you need to truly enjoy your life. Have faith that the Universe is opening your eyes and heart to the true joys of living, and the Universe will provide what it is you are seeking.
In the ‘What to do’ position, the Nine of Wands has appeared. This card could indicate that the situation you are currently in is bringing you to your knees. It is getting too much to handle and this is why you know the change ahead is necessary. Do not give up now. Don’t accept the ‘devil you know’ because it is easier. You are nearly there. You are nearly at the place you need to be. Focus on the heavy ties of your present situation, and despite any changes being scary, know that this change is necessary for your well-being and to bring about the best for you and yours, and you will get through.
The Nine of Pentacles in the outcome position suggests that, if you accept and welcome this change, and you recognise that you need more than material status, and objects, to get what you want out of life, you will gain even more, in real terms, than you have now. Whatever it looks like on the outside, your home-life is set to be filled with pleasure and real gain in terms of what you need. Keep the faith and enjoy.

Order of Cards:
Top left: Where you are now – The Lovers
Top right: Issue at hand – Ace of Wands
Bottom left: What to do – Justice
Bottom right: Outcome – Six of Cups
There may be a decision to make in terms of relationships for you this coming month as suggested through The Lovers tarot card, in the ‘Where you are now’ position. This might not be on a romantic level, though of course it could be, but whichever it is, this card indicates having to choose between people. This inevitably could be a painful for someone in the relationship, but nevertheless there are times when it has to be done. The question is whether the choice you make is going to be the right thing for you, and your circumstances.
The Ace of Wands in the ‘Issue at hand’ indicates the possibility of a new start, a new journey, a different project or possibly a move physically to a new place and it is this opportunity which is the cause of the situation. You cannot live your life for, or through, one person simply because it is what they want – you have to live your life doing what you feel you need to do. The chances are you have a tempting offer elsewhere or with someone new and this is the choice you are having to make.
Justice in the ‘What to do’ position would clearly represent the need to weigh up all the pros and cons of the situation, and whilst it is important to treat everyone in your life fairly, you mustn’t exclude your own needs and what you hope to get out of this issue. You shouldn’t really have to ‘justify’ to anyone why you make your decisions, but if you feel you have weighed up everyone’s part in this situation before you make your decision you will, at least, feel like you have made every effort to make sure this decision is the right thing to do for the highest good of all concerned.
The Six of Cups tarot card is one which highlights a longing for relationships to ‘be the way it used to be’. This card would indicate that your decision will take you to a place for which you have nostalgic feelings, or a need to regain something, or someone, you had in the past. This is fine providing you understand that things have moved on, and whilst there is a very good chance it will all work out, it will only work out well if you are clear on how you can build on what you have learnt from the past, and what’s happened in between. If you have then, hopefully, it will be a resounding success this time.

Order of Cards:
Top left: Where you are now – The Hierophant
Top right: Issue at hand – Ace of Swords
Bottom left: What to do – The High Priestess
Bottom right: Outcome – Ace of Wands
You may be seeking a new set of tenets for the way you want to live your life. The Hierophant represents an admirable mentor from whom you would seek advice if you were looking for a different kind of code of conduct as to how you could get the most out of your life, particularly on a spiritual level, but maybe even just out of your day to day existence. Perhaps your previous beliefs just do not sit well with you now, or maybe you have seen other people getting more from life through their beliefs than you do and you feel ready to explore new approaches.
The Ace of Swords represents a completely new attitude of mind starting to dawn on you, and this may be creating spectacular doubt towards everything you have ‘taken as read’ to date. There could be a lot of energy in, and around you, making you question everything, or everyone, you have ever believed in before. Of course, this opens you up to astounding new possibilities but the important thing to remember is to make sure that you fully understand and research any new religion or belief that you are interested in – The Hierophant is highly educated, and experienced, and represents the need for you to make yourself aware of every aspect of what you are seeking. Do not follow blindly just what people tell you – look for yourself.
The High Priestess in the ‘What to do’ position, suggests you should trust that things are unfolding in the background for you, and would confirm that this new way of thinking is the right thing for you right now. The High Priestess would ask you to trust more in your intuition and seek signs of guidance from all things around you as to whether you are on the right path. Trust your gut instinct and your own feelings from the heart.
If you do, then the Ace of Wands suggests you will begin a new journey, a new adventure for which there is great passion and enthusiasm, the energy is all around you to make this new start which will take you down roads you have never been before. This is very likely to be a good thing.

Order of Cards:
Top left: Where you are now – Knight of Cups
Top right: Issue at hand – Six of Pentacles
Bottom left: What to do – The Magician
Bottom right: Outcome – Knight of Wands
The chances are you are looking for love this coming month, because the Knight of Cups would indicate a romantic person appearing in your life, or perhaps it is you who are ready to set of on an adventure to find love. Whether this is an actual person you are looking for, or an improvement to your current romantic situation, only you will know. However, it would seem that you are looking for love, or a better love than you are currently experiencing.
The tarot card appearing in the ‘Issue at hand’, seems to indicate you are looking for someone, or something, to help you improve the way you are living at the moment as represented by the Six of Pentacles. It could be that you feel you cannot do this alone and need some help on a physical, material or financial level and this could be causing you some frustration. But is this really the case?
The Magician would suggest that there could be new opportunities ahead, but he is not giving anything away, he cannot show you which road to take, but what he can do is assure you that you have, in fact, got all the abilities and capabilities within you to make this work with, or without, someone else. What The Magician would be advising you to do is to trust yourself first, believe in your own worth and abilities, and start to make what small changes you can to start the process. This will show the Universe you are willing to try yourself, and not just waiting for that something, or someone, to fall in your lap. You have to make the first move – put yourself out there and get noticed.
In the ‘Outcome’ position the Knight of Wands indicates that you could very soon be off on an exciting adventure, and very possibly with someone who will help you out or, at least, accompany you on your new journey. What the Knight would also point out is that you should never expect other people to sort your life out for you – it is very much down to you to make the things happen, that you want to happen, but it doesn’t mean you won’t get help from time to time along the way. Enjoy the ride.

Order of Cards:
Top left: Where you are now – Five of Wands
Top right: Issue at hand – Knight of Wands
Bottom left: What to do – Eight of Wands
Bottom right: Outcome – The Lovers
You might feel that your way is constantly obstructed in one way or another during the coming month, as suggested by the Five of Wands tarot card in the ‘Where you are right now’ position. This, of course, can be terribly frustrating. But then there is a saying that if you never have any problems then you are already in a graveyard. Life does present us with problems, and issues, and we can either rail at them or we can see them as practical exercises to increase our abilities, wisdom and strength. When we don’t face our issues and deal with them, we don’t move forward, we stagnate in the same position until we do.
The issue creating this frame of mind, according to the Knight of Wands , is that you perhaps feel held back from your adventure by having to stop and start, and think things out, over and over again, instead of being able to jump on your charger and fly headlong into your journey. So, you are looking at a fairly slow ride having to make sure all the necessary steps are in place and adequate, and this is not your idea of adventure at all.
What to do about this is represented by the Eight of Wands in that, this card indicates success after a series of setbacks and obstacles and that your attitude to whatever is thrown at you on this journey is going to be key in gaining the rewards you are searching for. Each problem, each obstacle, along the way should be dealt with methodically and taken in your stride. It is necessary to get each one sorted, and the more you are able to negotiate each hurdle differently the more you will be learning, and this all adds up to the building of future experience, strength, determination and the joys of success after the hard work has been done.
The Outcome of all this is represented by The Lovers card, which may seem unusual in terms of this reading. However, this card might simply mean that by applying yourself carefully to the obstacles in your path , you will gain many more options to choose from than if you don’t. The Lovers card is a positive card on the whole, and should indicate that a valuable union could happen at some point provided you don’t give up, or give in, along the way.

Order of Cards:
Top left: Where you are now – The Moon
Top right: Issue at hand – Nine of Swords
Bottom left: What to do – Temperance
Bottom right: Outcome – Knight of Wands
Things will not be clear to you initially in the coming month. The Moon tarot card indicates a time when the truth of a situation cannot be seen in full perspective. Whilst this might cause some frustration, it is also an ideal time to learn how to trust your intuition and gut instinct. Sometimes the way is darkened for us because the timing of the situation is not quite right and it is as if we are being held at arm’s length, powerless to get things moving. We need to trust that the Universe has everything under control and we need to be careful about making major decisions at this time, since not all things have been brought to light.
The Nine of Swords could be indicating that your current mind-set might be part of the issue at hand. This card represents a mind full of regret and guilt about past decisions and actions, resulting in a lack of confidence, which might even be causing you to feel fear, or for you to feel afraid of what you might need to do in the future. The reality is not as bad as your mind is telling you. The best thing to do is learn from past mistakes, as these things are sent to help us gain wisdom, not to make us afraid of living our life in the future.
In the ‘What to do’ position, the Temperance tarot card would advise you to stop, and give yourself time to think and look carefully at how far you have already come. Acknowledge that some things could have been done better but take it as a lesson learned, and, more importantly, stop and look at how much you have already achieved and what your life has already taught you. You know, in your heart of hearts, that you are a wiser person. Once you have set your mind to a more positive outlook you will be ready to move onward and upwards.
The Knight of Wands card suggests a new energy and desire to get going on your next adventure! The world is your oyster and you can try anything, and everything, that has ever appealed to you, if you wish. Don’t let the past bog you down. The time will come when you are ready to get on your white charger and gallop forward searching for your truest desires; a Knight would never let anything block his path, nor must you. Just take a little time to recognise that this it is ok to forgive yourself from past mistakes in order to be set free.

Order of Cards:
Top left: Where you are now – Nine of Swords
Top right: Issue at hand – Eight of Wands
Bottom left: What to do – Ten of Wands
Bottom right: Outcome – Five of Cups
There may well be thoughts running through your head of guilt, regret for mistakes made, or strong wishes that you had done things differently, and this could be causing you some distress. This is what the card the Nine of Swords would suggest, in the ‘Where you are now’ position, but this card would also advise you that in reality things are truly not as bad as your mind is telling you.
The Eight of Wands in the ‘Issue at hand’ could indicate that the thoughts running through your head right now might be stopping you from moving forward in the way you should be. This card would normally be saying that, after many and huge obstacles, the way is clear and you are full of creativity, enthusiasm and drive to get on with life. That you could be hugely productive and busy. But you might not be. This, perhaps, is something that really does need to be fixed.
In the ‘What to do’ position we have the Ten of Wands tarot card, which I feel has a two-fold meaning for you to consider. The first is, maybe you need to recognise that a specific period of your life is over which took a great part of your attention – the ten cards in a tarot suit depict the ending of a cycle – and perhaps now is the time to recognise that you need to look for new projects/adventures to turn your mind to. The second aspect of this card is about being overburdened with tasks that not only prevent you doing what you want to do, but the enormity of it all is too overwhelming. In this respect, the card could be suggesting an overhaul in your life where you might need to prioritise who and what gets your time and input, and to concentrate on organising your life in such a way that you offload some responsibilities in order to take on tasks or projects that are more fulfilling for you.
This may well bring you to a point where it may be necessary to focus a little more on your personal relationships to see whether they bring what they should into your life, as represented by Five of Cups. If they don’t, they are going to bring you distress, and maybe you don’t need this any more. On the other hand, there is no reason, with a little bit of nurturing, why they can’t be brought back to something you really appreciate and need in your life, but which ever of these it is, it does seem that this month you need to be making room for the good things in life to come your way.

Order of Cards:
Top left: Where you are now – Nine of Swords
Top right: Issue at hand – King of Pentacles
Bottom left: What to do – Strength
Bottom right: Outcome – Three of Wands
The Nine of Swords suggests that the thoughts whirling round your head this coming month are the kind which mean you are punishing yourself for some reason. Perhaps you think you have done things wrong at some point and you wish you hadn’t, or perhaps you wish you had done something differently which could have brought a better outcome. These thoughts take you on an unnecessary diversion. What’s done is done. The punishment you are giving yourself is probably far worse than anyone else would demand, because it is likely that the crimes are far worse in your own mind than they are to any of the people involved.
The King of Pentacles suggests that it could be with regard to your work (or someone involved therein), or perhaps it is something to do with those involved in your material home life. Either way, the King card suggests that it involves a key, or mature, person in your life, and very possibly someone you admire greatly and you may feel you have made a grave and unforgiveable mistake.
The Strength card in the ‘What to do’ position could be suggesting a couple of different approaches to solving this matter, or at least helping you to feel better about yourself. Strength might be suggesting that your ego may have played a huge part in whatever happened, and that maybe pride tripped you up; this is not something that would normally happen to you, and so you are kicking yourself about it. Therefore a simple apology might be all it takes to rectify the situation. It might be that Strength is suggesting that all these thoughts are creating a strong negativity within you and you need to find a way to discharge it, so that you can move on and leave these feelings behind – in which case you are going to have to be strong enough to acknowledge the mistake, put it down to experience and stop your self-flagellation – it serves no purpose.
If you can do this, the Three of Wands in the ‘Outcome’ position could indicate that there could indeed be a rapprochement and a pretty successful result could come from it. The main thing to take from this is that there is always a way to try and make things right. If things can’t be fixed by your attempts, then you can be happy knowing you tried. On the other hand, if something truly can’t be fixed you need to allow yourself to be pardoned for any mistakes, on the understanding that you have learnt something you can take forward from the experience. But the last thing you should do is beat yourself up about it. It is unlikely anybody else would want to do that either.

Order of Cards:
Top left: Where you are now – Eight of Wands
Top right: Issue at hand – Four of wands
Bottom left: What to do – Six of Swords
Bottom right: Outcome – Seven of Cups
This month should see you released from some of the obstacles and problems that have hampered you so far, according to the Eight of Wands, and this means that you will feel the fire and creativity zinging through your veins and productivity streaming through every pore! You will feel you can run freely and swiftly after having your legs tied…….this should be an incredible month for you.
In the ‘Issue at hand’ position we have the Four of Wands, which might be suggesting that the outcomes you desire will not come straight away but you can, at least, believe that every thing you have been turning your hand to has put in place a sound structure which can be built on with confidence. You may just need to allow yourself a little glimpse of what you have achieved so far, and you should be proud of yourself, but it will be necessary to keep moving towards your goals.
What needs to be done in the coming month is represented by the Six of Swords tarot card, which suggests that despite all your hard work, things might not be exactly where you wanted to be, and you might benefit from taking a serene, if not sanguine, attitude to this at the moment. Try to imagine that all you have poured into the pot just takes a little time to meld together to maximise the flavour – so a little patience will be worth its weight in gold. The end product is likely to be better than even you could hope for.
As a result of this, the Seven of Cups card in the ‘Outcome’ position, indicates that relationships will have moved on a notch and you might not know quite where you stand with those around you. It will be necessary for you to fall back on your experience and knowledge to know what are the wisest choices to make in terms of relationships. This may cause you a little confusion but understand that this month, in the main, will be one of great success if handled properly.

Order of Cards:
Top left: Where you are now – Six of Swords
Top right: Issue at hand – Nine of Wands
Bottom left: What to do – Knight of Pentacles
Bottom right: Outcome – Eight of Swords
Despite the difficult situation you find yourself in, you seem to be able to handle yourself with serenity and calm, and the Six of Swords indicates that even though this situation is not ideal for you, you are able to ride the storm because of your understanding of it. Your maturity allows you to go with the flow, for the time being, because somewhere within you, there is the knowledge that it is all for a reason, and you know it won’t last forever. There is great dignity and wisdom in this attitude.
The ‘Issue at hand’, according to the Nine of Wands is that you are exhausted. Perhaps you are accepting the situation in a calm manner because you just don’t have much fight left at all. The Nine of Wands card, though, is encouraging you to hang on in there, because you are almost there, you are almost at the completion of what it is you are working toward, or want. It is usually when we are almost on our knees that we are tested with that one last task, the one that we feel will finish us off but it’s the one that will get us over the finishing line. It is so important to not give up at this stage.
What to do? Well, the Knight of Pentacles is sending a clear message to not only hang in there, but to continue to pay attention to the detail. Whatever the situation is for you, you need to keep a clear head and to be sure you are doing everything you are required to, because this is what this Knight would do on his quest. The reason being, that he really wants to succeed, and he always does. You must do the same. If you need a motivation to just get through this last bit carefully, think about how far you have come, how hard you have worked, how much you have put in to this. You don’t want to waste all that effort and energy to fall at the last hurdle, or to miss that one last key aspect which pre-empts your dream coming true. So keep going and stay alert. It will be worth the effort.
Having fought so long and hard for the outcome of your desire, you will be faced with a decision to make, according to the Eight of Swords, and avoiding this decision will only prolong the agony. This situation was partly created by you, and it is important that you find the strength to take your part in the solution, though you may be afraid of the resulting fall-out. What you have learnt on this long, and arduous, road is that you are strong and capable, and that you haven’t fallen yet……..why should you now? Gird your loins, have faith in yourself and your ability to see this through, you know you can do this.
End of July Tarotscopes.
If you would like to purchase the cards used in these tarotscopes, please click here
I read my sun, rising and moon tarotscopes and found them all to be accurate! Looking forward to July and will keep all these in mind! Thank you.
Thank you for letting me know Judy – it’s great to know my work is not only appreciated but hitting the accurate button! Have a great month! Patricia xx