Tarotscopes for March 2017 are ready!
Hi there!
Well January and February certainly came in and went out with a bang, for me, this year!
I can only apologise for not producing the February tarotscopes. I was laid low by either proper ‘flu or another equally virulent bug which knocked me for six. I still feel like I have still some way to go, after five weeks, to achieve full recovery, and I am still trying to catch up with a lot of the things I couldn’t get round to at that time. I just could not find the wherewithal to write the tarotscopes because I felt I had no connection whatsoever, and it seemed wrong to force myself to write them.
To compensate a little, though, I decided this month to select a spread – the Simply Tarot Spread – a fab SIX card reading, under your star sign, to give you a fuller reading for March .
If you would like to try the Simply Tarot Spread yourself, click HERE – you can try it out interactively if you wish – but it is just for practice or even a bit of fun.
I sincerely hope you are keeping well yourselves, and are keen to find out what might lie ahead throughout March, so without further ado, here are the March 2017 Tarotscopes from Simply Tarot.
Don’t forget you can buy the deck I use HERE
Patricia x
Please do share with your friends 😀 x

Position 1 Situation – Queen of Wands
Position 2 Conflict – King of Swords
Position 3 Concerns – Five of Wands
Position 4 Past – Ten of Swords
Position 5 Arrival – Seven of Wands
Position 6 Future – Queen of Cups
You may be feeling like you are being tasked with many things that are that are pushing you out of your comfort zone; you are normally very able to take on tasks and deal with them admirably as represented by the Queen of Wands (this Queen is very practical and will attempt anything that comes her way). She usually succeeds, but coupled with the King of Swords card, I feel that you are being asked to approach current issues differently. That is, these issues will need brain power more than practical, creative ability. It might be that, normally, you trust your gut instinct whilst making decisions, and you might rely heavily on how you feel about something. However, the issues you are facing now might be calling you deal with them specifically with logical arguments, that you can defend if necessary, and will be justifiable to anyone who challenges your decisions. This might not be something that you are used to doing and, therefore, you could be seeing these issues as insurmountable obstacles (Five of Wands) instead of tasks that, if you approach them with logic, will almost provide the solutions themselves. Write the issues down, if it helps, then bring the issues back to basics and look at them dispassionately/objectively to see how you can resolve them.
The Ten of Swords in the Past position might be indicating that in fact, you are afraid of making hard headed decisions because they have caused pain in the past and as a result you might now go more with your instincts, rather than rationale. Plus, the Seven of Wands might indicate that you just feel downright weary and demotivated right now, in which case, you might need to give yourself a shake and say ‘I can do this….it is time to make a change’.
One of the aspects of the Queen of Cups is a ruthlessness she has, and the ability to use all the qualities she possesses, to get what she wants. Don’t be afraid to live your life to the full, don’t be afraid to open up new aspects of yourself, or to try new ways of dealing with issues, or people, that come into your life. In other words, you have so much more to gain by embracing every aspect of you, by facing your demons, rather than turning away in fear.
Know that you will be alright in the long term no matter what happens and that you are only going to reach those special fruits by stretching a little further, and a little higher.

Position 1 Situation – Ten of Wands
Position 2 Conflict – Ten of Cups
Position 3 Concerns – Four of Wands
Position 4 Past – The World
Position 5 Arrival – The Tower
Position 6 Future – The Hermit
It looks very much like you are putting an awful lot of pressure on yourself in some aspect (Ten of Wands) so much so that you are beginning to struggle and feel overwhelmed, and over-burdened by it all. This may be because you are desperately trying to attain ‘perfection’ in your relationship, perhaps even trying to gain a commitment by pushing yourself to the limit (Ten of Cups) to confirm that this is ‘The One’? The Four of Wands suggests that your relationship is, in fact, showing positive signs of permanency and of becoming established…….but you might be pushing for things to be further on than this?
Like anyone else you want everything to be perfect, and for everything to fall into place so that you can just sit back and say ‘I’ve done it! I’ve arrived!’ (The World) but the truth is that a relationship will only work when both partners are working to make it succeed – See the image in the card > the couple are arm in arm – they work together first, they acquire the skills they need between them – they hold a Sword, Wand, Pentacle and Cup between them. This card indicates that this is not about you doing all the work. If the relationship depends on you doing it all then it is not right. It may be that you feel this is what you need to do to keep it rolling – you don’t. In fact you may be putting it under strain by overdoing things. The Tower in the arrival position indicates that you fear you could lose it all – but that fear is nothing compared to you not being able to live serenely, and lovingly in a relationship with someone who adores you for who and what you are. Fearing loss is as bad as living in a strained relationship – loss is somewhat shorter-lived than an ongoing stressful relationship.
The Hermit card indicates you should take some time out to discover yourself, your own needs and to search for what is really important in your life. You need to just find your own light, to let it shine for you to understand that you don’t need to work this hard just to maintain this relationship. Maybe taking time out will bring out the best side of you and rejuvenate what your relationship was about in the first place. Take some time to just be you and enjoy being in love.

Position 1 Situation – Queen of Pentacles
Position 2 Conflict – Queen of Swords
Position 3 Concerns – Page of Wands
Position 4 Past – Five of Wands
Position 5 Arrival – Three of Wands
Position 6 Future – Three of Swords
Some of your ventures are beginning to form for you this coming month, Gemini, but you are likely to be challenged with how to approach a given situation. You know, yourself, what it is you would like to happen and what you will gain from it (Queen of Pentacles) and you might be very confident that you can achieve it, but you might have to adopt a different, and more cerebral, attitude towards the task at hand – in other words, you might not be making the most of your projects/ventures because of your way of thinking (Queen of Swords).
The Page in the Concerns position, is suggesting not to rush or push your desires just now, but to take time to ensure all is in place to achieve the best outcome to your endeavours. The Five of Wands in the Past position, suggests that previous hurdles or difficulties are now being overcome, and the Three of Wands in the Arrival position represents early success in what you are trying to achieve……….providing you keep your head clear and attend to each hurdle as it arrives.
The Three of Swords is a card of loss and can indicate pain through that loss, but it could just mean that this project which is blossoming, if it manifests, means your current way of life will no longer be the same. There is always an element of loss and pain when we are tasked with something new. Just having to face a new way of doing things, when we have been comfortable in our familiar surroundings, stretches us and can make us feel unhappy and even scared, at times. There is an element of pain in facing an unknown future, and there is always the fear of failure.
Whatever the situation is, the Queen cards, earlier in the reading, indicate that you are more than able to deal with the tensions and challenges this project will bring you, and that, in fact, whilst it may be a slightly painful situation in some ways, you are creating a situation which is, ultimately, what you really desire, even though it takes you out of your comfort zone.

Position 1 Situation – Ten of Cups
Position 2 Conflict – Knight of Pentacles
Position 3 Concerns – Knight of Cups
Position 4 Past – Two of Cups
Position 5 Arrival – Four of Wands
Position 6 Future – The Hanged Man
You are enjoying a period of lovely happiness in a relationship at the moment where the love, commitment, and joy of being with someone, brings the wonderful feelings that come with this partnership ( Ten of Cups) – this card represents the culmination of what everyone, who is searching for a relationship, desires.
The Knight of Pentacles, in the Conflict position, indicates that either your happiness is complete because of the effort and attention you put into this relationship, or it might possibly be that your partner can be a wee bit pedantic in their dealings, which can be irritating, or even a bit tedious, at times. However, you know that this person also brings the loyalty and trustworthiness with them, and that is part of the secret of your success.
You might be wondering where the excitement or romance, however, has gone (Knight of Cups) and perhaps be concerned that the contentment you feel generally might not be enough for either one, or both, of you; that the relationship is a bit one dimensional. The Two of Cups, in the Past position, suggests that it has always been ‘you two’ – that you are soul mates and that you have built a very sturdy base on which to build your future (Four of Wands) and this is worth its weight in gold. The Hanged Man in the Future position suggests that you relax into your situation and do not worry about the ‘what ifs’ and ‘what should be’, because now is the time to surrender yourself to the contentment of being with the one you love; to just enjoy what this relationship is providing you with, right now, without fretting about what could, or should, be happening.
In this fast-paced, and sometimes harsh world, maybe it is necessary for you to get time ‘hanging’ with your loved one, and it might just be the healing that you need.

Position 1 Situation – King of Cups
Position 2 Conflict – Five of Swords
Position 3 Concerns – Page of Cups
Position 4 Past – Ace of Cups
Position 5 Arrival – Queen of Cups
Position 6 Future – Six of Cups
March is really bringing some feelings about love and romance for you, Leo. Out of the six tarot cards, five of them are Cups cards which are all about relationships and love.
The King of Cups would represent that part of you which is knowledgeable about love, and relationships, but would indicate that, whilst you can talk about love, and seemingly be an expert in it, in fact you might be pretty wary about experiencing it again……..for fear of being hurt. The Five of Swords in the conflict position would also indicate that you only ever expect confrontation in a relationship, and this is what is holding you back right now. Either that, or you feel that you need to bring up some issues with a current partner, in which case, you might want to think twice, for you will need to consider whether the fall-out will be worth it.
The Page of Cups represents your possible need to be in a relationship, but he would also suggest that you are a little naïve about what you want or expect from a relationship. The Page would suggest that you have a time of deep reflection, in order to recognise what your own needs are, and what your priorities are with regard to another person coming into your life. Without this understanding of yourself, and what a relationship should bring for you, you are unlikely to attract the person that will mirror those needs.
The Ace of Cups in the Past position suggests that you have already met someone who has sparked a romantic interest in you, that this person (represented by the Queen of Cups) is everything you ever really wanted in a partner and you are incredibly drawn to them. The Six of Cups suggests that there are, or have been, complications in this relationship in the past, and really this might be why the King of Cups and the Five of Swords appeared in the first two positions with regard to this person, and this relationship; but the Six of Cups also represents that as you have both moved on, and learned something about yourselves, there is always a chance of forgiveness and reconciliation, if that is, indeed, what you really want.

Position 1 Situation – The Hierophant
Position 2 Conflict – Ace of Swords
Position 3 Concerns – Ten of Cups
Position 4 Past – King of Wands
Position 5 Arrival – Strength
Position 6 Future – The Devil
There appears to be a possible change of attitude or opinion regarding a fundamental doctrine that you have been brought up to believe in, possibly on a spiritual/religious level, but it could also simply be the morals and ethics of how you have always lived your life that you could be questioning right now (The Hierophant). The Ace of Swords in the Conflict position also represents a new attitude, or way of thinking, and this may be manifesting in how you are looking at your current relationships with the people around you, especially family (Ten of Cups). This could be affecting the normal feeling of contentment around your relationships.
The King of Wands would represent your success in how you have got to where you are today, and how you have worked hard and have been passionate in everything you have aspired to in the past; you have been able to master your feelings, and been able to get to where you wanted to be, and to be proud of what you have done. But you are currently struggling with a situation around pride and arrogance, either yours or someone else’s, and it is taking all of your energy to keep your feelings under control (Strength). The big question is whether you can handle this in a dignified manner, and not sacrifice your undoubted superiority by resorting to bullishness or aggression (even though you know you are right). The Devil in the Future position, suggests that should you could easily give in to your strong feelings and crush your opponents with ease, but you are likely to feel really ashamed if you do, because it would go against everything you have ever believed in. It is easy to get inflamed about issues and find yourself tethered to an angry, or unforgiving, attitude because you felt there was no alternative but there is always an alternative. It is your own strength and mental ability which will find it and it will be worth it.

Position 1 Situation – The Tower
Position 2 Conflict – Four of Pentacles
Position 3 Concerns – Page of Wands
Position 4 Past – Knight of Pentacles
Position 5 Arrival – Two of Cups
Position 6 Future – Ten of Cups
Something may have come out of the blue and rocked your confidence in yourself just lately and things may be very different from the way they used to be (The Tower). This, of course, is likely to be a shock to the system and you may feel bereft for a while. It may be to do with your work/finances and you may have to make a choice (Four of Pentacles) around your finances, which you might find difficult, because you have always felt fairly confident that things would stay the same. Now you might be concerned that your income could be at risk in the future. However, the Four of Pentacles also represents the need to occasionally take a chance – you may stand to lose out if you don’t ever take any risks, when some opportunities appear, and they should certainly be considered. The Page of Wands would just suggest to not rush into anything, but as in any other major decisions, work through the pros and cons of the situation and believe in your own ability to make things work well for you.
What has brought your success so far in your journey, is your ability to pay attention to detail, and be almost pedantic in any task you undertake (Knight of Pentacles). Others may find this tedious but the truth is that this is your secret of success – so then, make sure you apply your brain to this teaser in the same way. The Two of Cups also indicates that it is your ability to work well in a relationship, and people respond well to the respect you give them, it would seem that this card, and the Ten of Cups in the Future position, are indicating much success and that happiness will come your way if apply your careful consideration, experience and knowledge to any new ventures you are thinking of embarking on.

Position 1 Situation – The Hanged Man
Position 2 Conflict – Seven of Pentacles
Position 3 Concerns – Six of Cups
Position 4 Past – The Empress
Position 5 Arrival – Five of Swords
Position 6 Future – Nine of Swords
You may have to hang fire this month, dear Scorpio, since you may be put into a situation which leaves you a little helpless (The Hanged Man) and it might be with regard to a decision you have to make regarding your income (Seven of Pentacles). Though this situation might give you real concerns about your family life ( Six of Cups), and how it will be affected, The Hanged Man and the Seven of Pentacles can help with regards to how to manage this situation.
Firstly, it is best not to panic but to understand that you will be required to stop, reflect and think. Railing against the situation will not help, but submitting, and not fighting against this problem, will give you time to gather information, and allow you think out a solution. Furthermore, if you give yourself the chance to think, you will realise that other experiences you have had in the past might give you excellent pointers as to how to deal with this situation, now.
The Empress would indicate that you feel very strongly about your responsibilities and this is really the major issue you are dealing with, that you should be strong and fight with every last breath in your body to the end, but you might need to be a bit more canny right now. The Five of Swords advises, always, to choose which battle to fight – to make sure you don’t respond to every single challenge; that you must consider what you are able to lose or let go of, instead of fighting for everything and facing the risk of losing it all in a massive defeat. Don’t worry about things going wrong, don’t always assume that things won’t work out…….you need to work hard to adopt a more positive and logical mindset, to make sure that you work through the twists and turns (Nine of Swords), and you will emerge the Winner.

Position 1 Situation – The Empress
Position 2 Conflict – Queen of Pentacles
Position 3 Concerns – Nine of Pentacles
Position 4 Past – Six of Wands
Position 5 Arrival – Seven of Pentacles
Position 6 Future – Two of Wands
The month of March will definitely find the focus on the mother/child dynamic (The Empress), with regard to your personal feelings, dear Sagittarian. The Mothering aspect seems to be the most dominant factor and it could be with regard to you mothering your own children, or you being more aware of your own mother.
The Queen of Pentacles, in the Conflict position, suggests to me that you feel a little helpless to do what it is you feel you should be doing right now and you might feel like you are in a kind of dilemma. The Queen of Pentacles represents someone being able to look after those she loves in every aspect and can do so with ease. The Nine of Pentacles in the Concerns position suggests to me that you wish you could be in a position to help everyone out in the way they need to be sorted, but the practicalities of finance and home life are not quite where they need to be for you to feel fully confident in what you can do for those you love.
The success with what you have already achieved goes without saying (Six of Wands), and you should be proud of everything you already do, and all you have done to date, but the Seven of Pentacles appearing in the Arrival position could mean that you are now in a situation where you are seriously considering options that might put your current finances at risk. However, the Two of Wands in the Future position suggests that you might, with continued consideration, come up with an idea which might just suit you, in terms of what you are looking for, and which might ‘have legs’ as the saying goes.

Position 1 Situation – Queen of Wands
Position 2 Conflict – Three of Pentacles
Position 3 Concerns – The Tower
Position 4 Past – Knight of Wands
Position 5 Arrival – King of Wands
Position 6 Future – The Lovers
As ever, the Queen of Wands is letting you know that you have the ability to take any task at hand and do it well, and it may be possible that your next task is how to take your venture to the next level (Three of Pentacles). There may be several options to choose from, some of them pretty ground-breaking, and there is always the danger that you could lose a lot, if things don’t go as planned (The Tower) so it behoves you to take the next step very carefully indeed.
The Knight of Wands could be indicating that your adventurous nature, and insatiable desire to move onwards and upwards, has brought you thus far – it has served you well and you have certainly mastered the art of managing your projects/adventures and exciting new opportunities (King of Wands). The only problem is that the Knight of Wands will opt for adventure more often than thinking through whether it is the right thing to do, just now, or not – in other words he follows his desire for excitement rather choosing to do what is sensible. There is no doubting your ability to deal with any issues that arise, however, as the King of Wands would suggest, but following adventures are more than likely to bring challenges to you which might impact more people than just yourself. You could find yourself consumed by something which has a significant affect on those beyond your own personal situation, and which could put you in a position where you are going to have to make a choice, in terms of a relationship, because your decisions are impacting them too (The Lovers), so try and make serious decisions with all those who love you in mind.

Position 1 Situation – Six of Cups
Position 2 Conflict – Five of Pentacles
Position 3 Concerns – Ace of Pentacles
Position 4 Past – Ten of Cups
Position 5 Arrival – The Moon
Position 6 Future – Three of Cups
If you are harking back to a relationship that went awry, it will be useful to remember to not look at what happened through ‘rose-coloured’ spectacles. You may, in fact, feel rueful that it is over, and you could be yearning for things to get back to ‘normal’ (Six of Cups) – the big questions will be ‘Have things changed significantly?’ ‘Have we both learned something from our mistakes which will help us succeed in the future?’ if there is any serious consideration of trying again. The Five of Pentacles suggests that maybe you are lacking in confidence about your personal situation, could it be that things are not, nor could ever, be right without that relationship in your life? You may have made a new start alone (Ace of Pentacles) and this card indicates promise of success, but because it is in the Concerns position, you may be wondering whether this situation is going to work out for you.
In the past you wanted a happy and committed relationship and you worked very hard to get it (Ten of Cups) and whilst you gained much from the previous relationship, The Moon suggests that there is so much that is still unclear as to why it didn’t work, or whether, indeed, it was good for you or not, and the past is shrouded in mystery. There are still aspects that you really cannot make any sense of, and this will keep you wondering about the ‘what ifs?’ regarding this particular relationship. The Moon is in the Arrival position which is how you got to this place, but the phase of The Moon may well have past now; if you feel things are beginning to be clearer, you should be able to make informed decisions with the information you are given. If it has not passed as yet, it would be wise to not make any big decisions just yet. However, the Three of Cups in the Future position could be indicating there might well be something for you to celebrate with regard to a partner coming into your life, but as ever, the choice is yours.

Position 1 Situation – Nine of Swords
Position 2 Conflict – The Chariot
Position 3 Concerns – Eight of Wands
Position 4 Past – Three of Pentacles
Position 5 Arrival – Five of Wands
Position 6 Future – Two of Swords
You may well be in a place, mentally, where you are punishing yourself, or feeling guilty, about choices that you have made (Nine of Swords) and this might be an all-consuming mindset for you at the moment. These thoughts are about your decisions, your choices and you hold yourself responsible for the outcome (The Chariot) but it would seem you are not happy with those decisions. Whether you contributed to things going wrong, or not, is something you need to let go of, and move on from. Everyone makes mistakes and perhaps you need to learn how to forgive yourself. The Chariot could also indicate that being is this frame of mind is also a choice, and your life need not be so complicated if you could just adopt a more forgiving and positive mindset toward yourself.
The Eight of Wands in the Concerns position, indicates that you have been through a very tough time and you have had to make some tough decisions in the past which may not have worked out well, but this card indicates creative juices flowing and the desire to take up your venture once more………are you afraid to try again?
The Three of Pentacles in the Past position represents early signs of success in a business venture, or work opportunity, and which is manifesting quite well in terms of finance and stability. However, because of past experiences perhaps all you can see, with regard to any business, project or venture, are obstacles and hurdles (Five of Wands).
If you are going to allow yourself to succeed in life, it might help to adjust the way you look at past mistakes, how you feel now, and perhaps to believe that, this time, things can be dealt with in a better way and be more successful. It might be time to clear your mind of this guilt you are carrying from the past (Two of Swords) and how this could be creating a mental block, it will not go away if you avoid dealing with it. The minute you clear the guilt and stop punishing yourself for what is over and done with, the sooner you can get on with what you are supposed to be doing with your life, and use this opportunity to grab success with both hands.
End of Tarotscopes
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