The Tarotscopes are a little late but, hopefully, will still be useful for the weeks ahead.
I hope you enjoy them all the same. Apologies for the delayed publishing.
Merry March to you all! ❤️

Early in March you could be offered some very welcome help in terms of your financial situation (according to the Two of Pentacles). This may come in the form of a gift, or a loan, but it might well emerge as some practical help enabling you to, perhaps, work more hours, or take a part time job or something which helps you increase your financial income. It may only be a small offer, but these opportunities can often be the first rung of an upward trajectory. Money can make money, so use this offer wisely and ensure you benefit to the max with it – this could instigate a significant change to your material situation.
Around the middle of the month the Knight of Cups suggests that a prospective love interest may well appear. Take this relationship easily to start with, since this Knight is always looking for the ideal relationship, and it is an endless quest for him. You should have some fun, and excitement, though, which might be very welcome right now, and could give you a much needed ego boost which should be enjoyed.
However, the next card is the Two of Cups which suggests that this relationship might well develop into something more serious. This card appears when the two parties of a relationship are ready to commit to the next level of a relationship and truly want to stay together. This does suggest that, at least for the foreseeable future, you could find yourself in a happy, fulfilling partnership. If you are not in need of a new romance, then this card could just represent a new and very pleasant relationship with someone who could bring joy and happiness to your table – enjoy.

It looks as though the focus in the first 2-3 weeks of March might be on your financial situation. The first two cards – Seven and Five of Pentacles – are likely to be linked to the same issue. The Seven of Pentacles is a choice card which suggests that you might have to make a decision around your income. This could be referring to any source of money from ‘allowances’ to your work/job/business salary. The decision is likely to be whether you accept any changes to your current situation, or choosing to do something different instead. The message of this card is to reflect on your past, and focus on your current priorities – for example, what you have managed with/without (using past experiences) and what you absolutely need right now – this should help you make the best decision you can.
The Five of Pentacles suggests that any decision could make a change to your financial situation – and it might cause you some concern. The Five of Pentacles, however, is a card which suggests that you can make this work. It will be important for you to prioritise your own needs during this period. In other words, material goods are not as important as the security of having somewhere to live and what you need to get along comfortably. This decision bringing financial change might be the first step to becoming truly established and secure on a financial level if you have the right approach to it.
In the last third of the month you could find that someone is attracted to you and there may be romance in the air. Just take this easily at first and enjoy it step by step. It may develop into something more serious but don’t rush into that just now. If you are not looking for a relationship, the Knight of Cups might represent a young person around you who might need advice on their romance – no matter how flippant they may appear about their love affair their heart might be very sensitive right now, so tread carefully.

Current businesses, projects or work seem to be the focus in March according to the cards for Geminians.
The Two of Wands suggests that an idea, or suggestion, that has been grabbing your attention recently might be worth looking at more closely. The initial energy around this embryo of an ‘idea’ is likely to have manifested into something which is now ‘realistic’. With a bit more attention, and effort, this project/idea could actually provide the solution to a situation which might have been bugging you for a while. It might be possible to build this into a money making project – so keep at it.
In the middle of the month the Seven of Pentacles suggests that you may have to make a decision on a financial/material level. This may be with regard to a change of job, a different approach to a business or even a decision which could impact future income. Whatever choice you are faced with it will help to reflect on the past to know what you want for the future and be sure of what your current priorities are to ensure your basic needs will be covered.
The Six of Wands representing the last third of the month is a celebratory card which suggests that there will be some sort of achievement which will make you happy. This could be related to work, a business, or even a project such as travel plans, or a house move. Whichever it is, this card indicates an achievement will be very pleasing for you and those around you – which is great news. Enjoy.

Early in March, whatever you are tasked with, the Knight of Pentacles advises you to emulate his characteristics which are > paying attention to minute detail, getting things absolutely right, and fulfilling tasks to the best of his ability. He is loyal and dependable, willing, pedantic (with the detail) to the point of seeming boring to some people BUT this is the secret to his financial success. If you are asked to do something then try and do it the way he would – this card suggests you will achieve success too, if you do it well.
As the month progresses the King of Swords advises that using your head (logic and knowledge) over heart (emotions and feelings) is what will help you achieve what you want to. Using your intelligence, like this King would, is probably the best way to approach anything you need to get sorted. Just be aware that this King, though, can offend people easily because he is not careful with his words, nor does he worry about other peoples’ sensitivities, so try not to go that far.
In terms of relationships, at the end of the month you might find yourself feeling bored in any romantic relationship you might be involved in. The message with this card is that you should understand that you have your own part to play in this situation – your own mindset might not be helping – your boredom might engender apathy meaning you, too, might not be contributing to the relationship in the way you once did. Should you find yourself in this situation try to focus on the positive aspects of your relationship and this should help move things to a better place. Relationships are always a two way street and need nurturing from both partners.

Earlier in the month the Page of Wands suggests that you listen to some practical advice about a project you’re developing – you may not think you need any advice, and are keen to forge ahead, but it will be more profitable for you, in the long run, if you can sit yourself down and talk to someone who knows about the market your project is concerned with. If you rush ahead without this necessary advice your project is unlikely to prosper the way it should, and that would be a shame.
A big change of circumstance could be heading your way in mid March. The Tower represents an event coming out of the blue which means you might have to find alternatives to the current way you are living. For example, it could be having to move house, or having to finding a new job. The advice with this card is to embrace the changes as positively as you can since this change is likely to set you on a new path which could bring much needed benefits, though you might not feel that it will, just yet. Stay positive about the future.
The Six of Pentacles is a very positive card which suggests you may benefit from someone else’s generosity. You may receive a gift, or a loan, which you are likely find hugely welcome. Not only will this set you on a better financial route (if you are careful with this bonus) but this generous act could restore your faith in human nature. These opportunities only come rarely, and so it is important that you use it to the best of your ability – this could start a whole new and upward financial trajectory for you.

You may feel the pain of missing someone early in March according to the Eight of Cups. This could be a lost love, or maybe someone in a platonic relationship that, for some reason, you could be physically separated from. Whilst you could be feeling really sad, the advice from this card is to help you understand that, the sooner you can accept this situation, the sooner you will be able to get on with the things you need to. It is not good to stagnate in the past, or wallow in pain, because it holds you fast. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and head into your future which should hold wonderful new things to experience and ease your pain.
The Knight of Swords seems to endorse this, as he is always ready for a new challenge. Keep your spirit of adventure and look at life as a chance to explore and discover new treasures. It is very important to keep moving forward and open yourself to the happiness you deserve. It is worth remembering that new interests, new loves and new opportunities are unlikely to just drop into your lap – you need to get up and about, and be ready to embrace and enjoy them.
Towards the end of the month, The Emperor may represent a person in your life who could help you considerably. The Emperor represents a strong, authoritative person – perhaps a father figure, a supervisor or advisor – who has influence and power – someone who has the capability to help you out of a quandary. So, if you are struggling with something, it will be important to get their help (even if it’s just advice) as they may move out of your arena soon. Strong people can sometimes seem unapproachable – and if this is the case for you, focus on the help you might come away with rather than any embarrassment you might feel – it would be a shame to miss out on the help this person might be able to give you.

In terms of any venture, or investment, you are involved with, the Three of Pentacles suggests that early in March you should be given some sign of progress or success. This is certainly worth celebrating because it is quite an achievement even though it is early days. This success, furthermore, suggests that there is a lot more potential in this venture, and so it will be important to continue to nurture it in the way you have so far – who knows what this could bring you on a financial level?
Often The Hermit appears in a reading to ask you to take some time for yourself; to help you find the light within you that may have got buried under all the pressures of everyday life. We are all unique and your particular attributes need to shine again. He would advise you to delve deeply into the way you feel, to ask yourself whether you are on the right path or whether you have lost your way. It should be a time to discover yourself and your needs once again. Once you discover your light you can lift it high and be a beacon to those around you who have lost their way too – and that would be wonderful.
The Eight of Cups is a card which represents missing someone, or being apart from – either physically or emotionally – someone you have really cared about, and that you might be feeling pretty sad about it. Right now, the message from this card is that there is little you can do to change this situation. Your best choice, if you do feel this way, is to choose to move forward – pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get going again. Head into a future that could bring you the wonderful and interesting experiences you deserve. You’ll soon find yourself in a much better and happier place.

You might find a hurdle, or obstacle, blocking your way in early March with regard to one of your projects or your job/business, according to the Five of Wands. Whilst it might seem insurmountable at first, if you look at the obstacle from all different angles, and think out of the box, you are likely to find the solution to overcome it. You’ll be surprised how pleased you will feel about achieving this – and it will be a valuable lesson to take forward into the future, since there usually is a solution to most problems we are faced with if we can learn to solve these kind of riddles with clever thinking.
Following on from this the Ten of Pentacles, a truly positive card, suggests that, financially, you will be in a very stable and secure position for the foreseeable future, which is great news. Whilst it may have taken a considerable time, and a lot of effort, to get to this position, this card suggests that the financial/material situation you may have now achieved is enduring and established which is, perhaps, the better news this card can bring.
The Six of Pentacles is also a very positive card around work and finances. This card generally represents the possibility of a gift, or a loan, which could help you further in terms of your material situation. Apart from the obvious benefit of any financial lift, the joyous surprise that someone cares enough for you to do this will also restore your faith in human nature – a happy notion indeed.

To start the coming month, The Chariot suggests you need to steer yourself, in a determined way, in the direction you want to take. Try to avoid people or situations that demand your attention as they are likely to divert you. As this is a Major Arcana card, it is possible that this message is really quite important for you, so, once you decide which path you want to take you must stick to your decision if you want things to work out for you – otherwise you will not get anywhere.
In the middle of the month another Major Arcana card, Strength, suggests you will need to channel feelings of anger, or pride, into more palatable emotions with regard to a particular situation. At times we all feel we need to be recognised – for what we do for others, our own fantastic achievements, or just to be acknowledged as a human being! We can do this by shouting loudly or using our personal powers in our own favour – however, this month you will achieve what you want by gentle persuasion and by being quietly assertive. We might be able to ‘demand’ what we deserve but this method is unlikely to achieve it.
Another significant card for the end of the coming month is Justice, which suggests that at some point you will be presented with a final decision on something you may have been waiting for. This may be a legal situation, or simply the outcome of a probation period or something similar. Usually, when Justice appears, the result tends to be in your favour, which should please you immensely.

Whilst in terms of your income/work the Eight of Pentacles suggests you are doing really well, this card also bears the message that some extra experience, or a short course, in your field of work will take you much further than you could imagine. It does not need to be extended education, or a grand qualification but something practical that updates your current knowledge or skills. This small amount of effort could have excellent long term results.
In the middle of the month you may well be blessed with a gift, or a loan, which could help you considerably in terms of your finances, too. Not only will this gift help on a practical level, allowing you to get ahead in terms of your income, but your delight in someone else’s generosity is likely to restore your faith in human nature. Make the most of this offer since these opportunities rarely occur.
The message from The Devil card is simply about habits, or behaviours, that could be holding you back. Whether it is something such as an addiction which you feel you can’t kick, or feeling bad about decisions and choices that you’ve made in the past, the message from this card is that it is only your own mindset holding you hostage, nothing else. If you can find the willpower to change your mindset, any debilitating habit/thoughts can be overruled – allowing you to forge ahead with self confidence.

Wow! A lovely set of cards!
You may find the possibility of a romance comes your way in early March. If you are ready for a new relationship just take it easy and enjoy it without getting too involved to start with – just treat it as a bit of fun, for now. If you are not interested in a relationship then the message from this card could be that a young person around you might need some advice about their own relationships or emotions – tread carefully with your advice as they are still tender in years and could be very sensitive and/or idealistic.
In terms of finances the Ten of Pentacles suggests that you will find yourself in a very stable and secure place. This is a very positive card which suggests that, not only will you have all that you need to meet your comforts but your financial situation is likely to be established and enduring – this will give you a grand feeling of security around finances which you have probably worked very hard for and thoroughly deserve.
The card appearing for the last part of the month is The World! This is the most positive card in a tarot deck and indicates that all your abilities, skills, experience and approach are all, finally, achieving everything you’ve hoped for. This card indicates that you are likely to be blessed with feelings of love, contentedness and happiness and, what’s more, that you will start to see that everything is going right at last. This fantastic card’s energies should be surrounding you at the end of March – enjoy – and ensure you make the best use of this energy to achieve your every goal!

Early in the coming month you should get some very positive signs around a project you’ve been working on, according to the Six of Wands – this could be related to your work, or business, but it could also be referencing travel plans, or even something along the lines of a house move. These signs will indicate a level of success within the project suggesting that there is lots of potential for it to achieve exactly what you want which is great news. Naturally, it would make sense to keep working at this if you want this project to succeed further – nevertheless give yourself a hearty pat on the back for how well you’ve done so far!
You may find someone with the attributes of the Queen of Swords within your orbit in the middle of the month. This is likely to be someone, then, who is intelligent, reliable, very capable, logical and perhaps somewhat ‘aloof’ – the Queen of Swords will approach an issue with logic, knowledge and experience without exposing her feelings or emotions – so this person around you, with these characteristics, could just be the right one to help you with a particularly tricky situation.
To finish the month the highly positive card, The Sun, indicates that all will turn out perfectly! This card indicates a time of success, happiness and gratitude for all the good things in your life. This should be a time when The Sun’s energy will be around you, helping you to complete tasks and making things ‘work’ with the greatest of ease – so if you have any outstanding jobs that need sorting out, the end of March will be the best time to tackle them. The Sun’s energy should help you achieve exactly what you want! Enjoy
Read on, Pisceans, because it is your birthday month and you have an extra card as a treat!
Happy Birthday! Your extra card is The Hermit:

If this card has come out to describe you personally, then you are likely to enjoy your quiet time, you might like reflecting on the good and bad in your life through meditation or being contemplative. You are likely to be a deep thinker. This is a good thing since it is easy to lose sight of our aims when we are busy in the humdrum way of life and this means you are likely to be able to stay clear about where you are heading and what you want to achieve.
The Hermit chooses to seek the answers to his questions and doubts, he does this in solitude and rejects the comforts of life to help him be realistic about his own needs. In the wilderness he becomes more than this, though, as he shines a light for other wanderers who have lost their way and helps them find their way back to the path. He is a beacon, someone who cares, someone who seeks to be better.
This card may have come out to suggest you take some time out for YOU – to look for some of the answers to your questions, to revisit your own goals and aims and to learn how to shine brightly as a beacon for those around you. There must be a strong purpose for you to be on this earth, right now, because this card is suggesting that people around you might need you in some way. The Hermit is someone who can be trusted, a guide, a bright shining light to those who are lost – rare gifts these days.

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