Welcome to the Tarotscopes for May, written by Patricia using The Tarot House Deck
‘Tis the month of May.
Here’s a quote I saw on wiseoldsayings.com: “The month of May was come, when every lusty heart beginneth to blossom, and to bring forth fruit.” Thomas Malory
I’m hoping these tarotscopes encourage your ‘lusty heart begin to blossom’. Lusty, in this context, is about being strong, and that strength does come from the very core/heart of each, and every one of us; stored deep inside, just like a seed in the dark earth. As the sap is rising, in this month of May, perhaps we can learn from nature how we can use every ounce of energy that is within, around us, or given to us, to bring forth the crop we want to yield to us in abundance……………….and for that we need our ‘lusty heart’ to blossom and to get to work.
On that note, scroll down to find your star sign and read what energies May might be able to offer you, as you plant your crop.
Wishing you the very best of everything,

There are some strong dynamics ahead for Aries, this coming month, according to the three Major Arcana cards that have come out for this reading.
Under the spotlight will be a mother/child dynamic, or relationship, as depicted by The Empress, which will require your attention. As this unfolds, try to remember that The Empress embodies the attributes of approachability, nurturing, fondness and kindness which should be the key requirements needed in this situation. It will also be important to watch your temper, which might flare up, as a result of the other person doing something ‘their way’ rather than yours – allow them to try.
The Moon indicates that there might be some confusion around the issue, because this card suggests that not all the information you require is there to clearly see – and will only be revealed when the time is right. Try to be patient for a while and avoid making major decisions about anything immediately, allow time for more information to be made known to you. It also seems that a particular issue – maybe even a legal one – may come to a conclusion after a fairly long time. This is highlighted by the Justice card. It could be related to the mother/child relationship mentioned earlier and perhaps why The Moon is asking you to wait.
The Six of Wands finishing the spread indicates signs of success, so overall it would seem that an outstanding situation could be resolved to your satisfaction, and may even bring you some vindication. It certainly looks to be an interesting month where you could find yourself able to move forward more positively.

There may be a strong, or masculine, influence coming into effect in May, according to The Emperor. This could be a person of authority in your life, perhaps a father figure, a manager/supervisor or someone you just look up to. It could be that you, yourself, might have to be strong and use your own authority, in a given situation, to help resolve it. Whichever way it is, it will be important to use that authority kindly, and not aggressively, if you wish for a successful outcome. If it turns out to be someone else bringing this influence, remember that you are allowed to make your own decisions and you do not have to do what this person advises necessarily. In fact The Hierophant indicates that there is likely to be some news coming your way which should bring light to a particular situation, so hold fire on any decision making until things are made clear to you through this news/information.
These first two cards might well be related to a situation involving a key relationship. The Seven of Cups seems to indicate that there may be issues there, and that you might have a few options on how you are going to deal with that. Careful consideration is going to be needed heading into this decision, and do wait patiently to see what else emerges before you commit to your decision. But once you decide it will be important to put your all into the path you have chosen, if you wish to succeed.
The Three of Cups, happily, indicates there should be some lovely news around relationships which is cause for celebration. It could be news of a wedding, an engagement, a pregnancy or birth. Whichever it is, enjoy the celebration of love, this May, and spread your joy around!

The Ace of Pentacles could herald a new opportunity in terms of your finances. There is lots of energy around a new idea, or a new career, that has the potential to increase your income. Once you become aware of this opportunity it will be important to grasp it, and research fully into it so that you can make clear headway into growing it. This opportunity might be related to a project you are currently working on, because the Eight of Wands being next to the Ace could be indicating a period of creativity and enthusiasm for something around which you have already had some stumbling blocks. Utilise this passion, enthusiasm and energy to really bring your project to the next stage – it is all building very nicely.
In terms of relationships, you might be feeling some boredom, to the point where you feel it just isn’t worth putting any effort in (Four of Cups) as far as you’re concerned. This could partly be as a result of your own mindset, and your current attitude to the relationship. Relationships only succeed if both people are prepared to nurture it, and put love into it. If you are expecting more than you are willing to give then that might be why it has come to a stand still. A little bit of love and attention, on your part, could remove any blockage and be well worth the effort.
There could also be a big change in your fortunes in May, as The Wheel of Fortune indicates the likelihood of a new trajectory happening for you. When the Wheel turns, it ends one cycle and begins another. Hopefully, this will mean that the hard times you have been struggling with could be over, and a new era beginning, so make the most of this until The Wheel turns again!

It looks set to be an interesting May for Cancerians. Starting with a prospective romantic partner – either new or existing – bringing something loving into your life. You may find yourself in a dreamy and love-filled space for a time this coming month.
At the same time, the Queen of Pentacles suggests a period in which you will enjoy having all that you need – in terms of money and love – to nurture those around you, those who you love and love you in return. This opportunity to be the ‘Queen of all you survey’ should make you feel very comfortable and happy with life in general, so enjoy.
The Chariot does indicate there may be a situation in which you don’t feel you are in control. You might be at the beck and call of other people who have different needs, opinions or, indeed, demands which might be affecting you directly. This card advises that you must decide quite clearly what you are happy to do, and what you feel you shouldn’t have to do. In other words, you might have to grab the reins of your life and travel a road of your own choosing, rather than being diverted by other people, or events. These people, pushing and pulling at you, are stopping you from achieving what you want to achieve. So grab the reins, decided which way you want to go and keep on that path regardless.
Additionally, the Ace of Pentacles suggests that there could be a new money-making opportunity about to pop up in May. This may be a business idea, or a job, but, whatever it is, it does have the potential to bring more money to your pocket, so keep your eyes peeled and don’t waste this chance to get your finances into a better place.

The Queen of Cups could suggest a new love interest coming into your life. Or it could be that you should adopt some of this Queen’s attributes whilst dealing with loved ones. The Queen of Cups has no difficulty attracting the love and adoration she craves, she is like a magnet, approachable, loving and kind. Maybe it’s time to truly open your heart to what it is searching for. However, this Queen can, and does, use her attributes quite callously to get what she wants if there is something she desires, which is not necessarily a good thing. Whether this is you, or whether it is someone else, keep alert for signs that the love is true and not being used for a less gallant purpose.
The Ace of Wands indicates that a new idea or project is bubbling to the surface. There is plenty of energy and opportunity to expand this idea, but of course it won’t just fall in your lap. Take time to research and grow this idea whilst the energy is high.
The Seven of Cups does also indicate that, in terms of relationships, there may be some issues which are causing you some concern, and you might be weighing up some options. Whilst it might be down to you to make any decisions, it will be important to think through the ramifications of all the different options before you choose. There should be careful consideration of the feelings of those involved, and you should understand that your commitment to that choice is what will help you move forward. Otherwise you will flounder around endlessly.
If this relationship has caused some pain, or if you have had other issues, work or otherwise, causing you distress, the Four of Swords advises that you take some time out for rest and healing. Taking time to recover from stress and anxiety is the only way to ensure you have the necessary strength needed for times ahead.

You may feel like charging into the fray to fix something in May, and it might be something you can’t fix. The Knight of Swords indicates you have all the energy and fire to go into a situation and sort it out, but this Knight tends to go charging in without finding out what he is fighting for, or whether he should be fighting at all. This means that no matter how feisty you feel, it would make sense to test the waters first. Is it actually a matter that you can fix? Is there actually someone who wants you to fix it? Just find out more about the matter before you go bundling in. The Emperor also indicates that you may be feeling the need to dominate the situation – and the temptation with The Emperor card is to use your strength in a domineering manner, perhaps even aggressively, but this will do no good. If this is not the way you are feeling, then this card might be indicating you need some advice or help from a father figure or person in authority, about the situation you are dealing with.
The Four of Swords suggests that you take some time out for rest and healing after a pretty difficult time. If you are going to be able to keep moving forward on your path, you are going to need to look after yourself first, so that you are in tip-top condition.
Financially, the Eight of Pentacles indicates that this might be a good time to develop a new skill or to undertake some training/learning regarding something you will enjoy. Apart from this training giving you the skills to attract much needed extra income, it will bring you much enjoyment and happiness in the process, so it would be very sensible to consider this option.

May might bring some sort of partnership or offer which could boost your financial situation (Two of Pentacles). This offer has the potential to sort out any fiscal difficulties you have been experiencing. But the onus will be on you to maximise its impact by using it in the best way possible. It is rare that we are given chances to improve our financial situation and offers of help, with clever management, could make all the difference to your situation, so use it well.
The Three of Cups usually signifies some sort of celebration – this might be an engagement, wedding, pregnancy or birth – which brings delight and happiness. It always makes sense to fully enjoy these occasions when they arise, and it is a wonderful opportunity to share love with those who care for you.
Again, on the financial front, the Four of Pentacles indicates a situation in which you might feel fearful of taking any risk with regards to your income. This card, therefore suggests that a choice might be presented to you to do something different with regard to your income. Whilst it is sensible to avoid taking unnecessary risks to protect your current income, do be open to new opportunities – because the chance to make even more money could pass you by.
The Knight of Swords appearing in the reading suggests that you might want to respond to an issue by charging into it with swords drawn, ready to fight. This card however, advises caution before entering the fray – you will need to know exactly what the issue is, you will need to consider carefully whether it is a battle worth fighting and without knowledge of the matter at hand you could finish up just looking foolish. And that would not please any Libran.

There are some lovely cards in this reading for Scorpio for May. We start with the Knight of Wands, and this could mean someone coming into your life with regard to a project, endeavour or business you are involved with. This Knight could bring some interesting abilities and could easily help you enhance whatever it is you are working on right now – but make the most of their presence because they might well move on quite quickly, especially if they get bored.
The Wheel of Fortune also will bring a whirlwind change to your fortunes and this card advises that if your fortunes change for the better, then make the most of it whilst you can. No-one ever knows when the Wheel will turn again, so hang on to this upsurge with all of your might and, then, as the going is good, make sure you work to get everything you need out of this period of good fortune!
It would seem that one of the changes, that might occur, could be the offer of a partnership, or offer of financial help from someone. This could bring lasting changes if you handle it well. Whether it is an offer of help in practical terms to you – giving you time to work on projects, for example – or whether it is a temporary help of money – make the most of it whilst the opportunity is there, because they don’t happen very often!
Assuming that you do make the most of all these things, then the Nine of Cups indicates great success and happiness coming out of all your efforts! This is one of the most positive cards in a deck, so it looks like May could well bring you some amazing chances, and a lot of love and happiness! Enjoy the ride!

After a period of some difficulty, the Eight of Wands is indicating a renewed enthusiasm, passion and creativity meaning you are about to enter a very busy time, but a very productive one, too. In other words, you may feel that you had come to a standstill and unable to move on, but this card suggests any previous blockages could well be removed this month,
The Queen of Swords is a card which advises you may need to keep your emotions at bay and to wear an aloof exterior, at times, this May, all the while keeping your thoughts logical and clear. This is because showing outward emotion is not going to help much this month, and being ready and alert will stand you in good stead. On the other hand, The Devil suggests that there is something on your mind which is holding you in some sort of mental prison (metaphorically speaking). The thoughts you are holding could be making you feel shameful and unworthy………..but this is only because of your own attitude and beliefs. It is unlikely that anyone else would judge you as harshly as you are doing yourself, so take a deep breath and learn to free yourself from whatever it is that is making yourself feel ashamed of yourself – you are actually holding yourself to ransom, no-one else. Set yourself free, there is nothing actually holding you back.
In terms of relationships, there may be an element of regret about the way things have gone, or come about. Whilst it is easy to look back with fondness on certain times, or particular relationships, it is the pain that is most easily overlooked. There is always a chance of reconciliation, if that is what you are considering, but if nothing has improved, or changed, in recent times then the relationship is still not likely to work. Be honest with yourself and make sure that it is your needs you are considering, first and foremost, nobody else’s, before you make any commitments.

The first two cards are related to your current financial situation and what you are working on to bring that money in (Two of Pentacles and the Two of Wands). Both are the Two of the suit and indicate that you might be in the early stages of a job/project and that your income and kudos are still building, and need lots of work. But these two cards do have some good news and advice to share. The Two of Pentacles suggests that there could well be a partnership, or financial help, on offer which could really give you the boost you need to get the money flowing. The partnership offer could be actual cash, or it could be some practical help such as expert input, or physical help in terms of getting things done on a practical level. Either way this offer, if used wisely, could just get you onto that first rung of the ladder of success, so don’t waste this rare chance of help. The Two of Wands is telling you that there is real potential in what you are currently working on, and if you give it some close inspection and research you are likely to recognise what its capabilities are and how it can work extremely well for you.
Because it is early days, it is likely you could be feeling a little despair that it has not taken off as quickly as you thought. The Star usually represents a time of frustration and even depression in which you might be struggling to carry on, because you are not seeing any results just yet. The beautiful Star card says ‘keep hope in your heart’ – even though things seem tedious and pointless at the moment, everything you are doing is leading you somewhere. Trust that things will start to happen for you when the time is exactly right, and don’t give in before then.
The Three of Swords suggests that there is certainly an element of pain around you – perhaps with regard to your work – but don’t let that pain drag you into the downward spiral, remind yourself to keep looking upwards – towards The Star – for that is where you are really heading, into the glorious future, to reap the rewards of all your hard work.

So, a new journey is about to start, or maybe a new ‘You’ is coming to the fore this month. It is certainly a fresh start that’s on the cards for you in May. This is apparent from The Fool card which represents new beginnings. As you begin to tread this new road, this card advises you to be alert to the pitfalls and not just succumb fully to the excitement of this new beginning, which could easily distract you.
The two middle cards, the Queen of Wands and the King of Pentacles, could represent two people who could help you on this journey, or two people you could emulate whilst treading your new path. But bearing in mind the first card and the last one, The Fool and the Ace of Pentacles, which flank these cards it is more likely that you need to consider and utilise the attributes of the Queen and King yourself. The Queen suggests that you have all the skills you need to turn your hand to anything and make it work – you can see she stands ready for action. The King suggests you have acquired the knowledge and experience necessary for success – see how he can now sit and be comfortable in his wealth and security. If you utilise your skills, knowledge and what you have learned from mistakes made in the past, then the energy is there, ready and waiting, to make the most of a new, or embryonic, opportunity which could improve your financial situation – represented by the Ace of Pentacles.
The old slate has been wiped clean and there is a clear blank space to set out the plans and dreams for your new goal. This time there’s experience and knowledge in your tool-kit. Go get it.

Are you ready for the last spurt before success begins to unfold? The Queen of Wands stands ready for the next phase of your adventure – she could be representing you as someone who has all the necessary abilities, and skills, to achieve success in anything they are tasked with. So be ready to put all your efforts into what is heading your way this coming month – there is nothing you can’t handle. If this isn’t you, this Queen is indicating that there is someone around you who could help.
Perhaps the Queen, giving you this boost about your abilities, is preparing you for an opportunity which could arise to change your fortunes. The Seven of Pentacles is a card which indicates you may be given an opportunity to change your source of income, or work/career. This could be a tricky decision to make, for you, as you could fear losing your current security, and stability, should you take up on it. The Queen of Wands assures you that you are more than capable of making it work, but that might not help you feel it is a risk worth taking. It is your decision to make; any sensible advice would be that you should look carefully at the pros and cons, at whether you can work out a back-up plan should it fail, or whether your past experiences show this is a challenge you can take on and deal with – and, ultimately, you should be able to forgive yourself in the future should it not work out.
The Nine of Wands clearly shows that you are pretty weary with the way things are at the moment, you are exhausted, clearly, but this card also represents being very close to the finishing line – so don’t give up just yet – you are nearly there.
Happily, the Nine of Cups is a very positive card indicating much happiness and success and, so it seems, that with this last spurt of energy and effort, and utilising every one of your abilities, you are very close to achieving what you set out to do – so keep at it and, more importantly, believe in yourself.
End of Tarotscopes
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